WICCAN FERTILITY MAGIC: Wiccan Fertility Spells are high-potency magic spells aimed at increasing fertility for both women and men. Fertility spells have long been used by humans for improving their chances for pregnancy. Wicca magic has supplanted long-existing spells and rituals with additional rites and ceremonies that have served to increase the available base of spells for improving fertility. Hence, we have received a full body of Wiccan Fertility Spells.

The Wiccan Fertility Spells:

Fertility Enhancer

On the night of a waning moon, place two fresh eggs in a small brown paper sack. Tie the top of the sack closed with a piece of cotton twine.

Repeat aloud the following words:

"Eggs to earth as moon mourns dust,
A sack of two, a pack of lust.
Mother Earth shall hold them warm,
And on my union place her charm."

Bury the sack before the sun rises in a secret place. Take care not to break the eggs. If the eggs crack, even the slightest, before they have been completely covered, the spell will be broken and it must be performed again.

Wiccan Pregnancy Ritual

This spell must be performed in a dark room with only one beeswax candle burning for light.

Spread a clean, white sheet on the floor of any room in your home. Lay flat on your back on the sheet. Close your eyes and picture yourself as a parent, holding your new child, and caressing the child's head.

Once you have a clear image of your nurturing in your mind, open your eyes and speak the following words aloud three times:

"Infant born of my flesh, in my arms I keep you safe,
Keeper, bearer of my blood, for generations more to make.
In our hearts and in our minds, there lives but only kind in kinds,
To bring the fruit of fresh tomorrows, spread the joys, endure the sorrows."

Once you have repeated the words aloud three times, get up and fold the sheet in quarters. Extinguish the candle.

Carry the sheet to your bed, unfold it, and spread it over your bed. Leave it there overnight, undisturbed. Do not sleep in your bed that night. On the following evening, remove the sheet from the top of your bed, fold it again in quarters, and place it under your mattress. Leave it there until pregnancy has been achieved.

Problems Getting Pregnant

Problems getting pregnant can occur for a number of reasons. Of course, the first and correct course of action in any situation that involves fertility problems is to seek proper medical advice, counsel, and treatment, if necessary. Unfortunately however, not all fertility problems or other problems getting pregnant can be resolved through traditional medical treatment. In these cases, Wiccan Fertility Spells may be of benefit.

Real Magic Spells

Real magic spells, love spells, Wiccan spells and rituals, wish spells, and fertility charms can all be useful in achieving pregnancy. Fertility spells and rituals that enhance the fertile nature in both men and women have been used for thousands of years with great success. Of course, unlike science, which is a data-based discipline, the practice of magic, especially witchcraft, and particularly Wicca are not nearly so neat and so easily-definable when it comes to capturing results. Therefore, science and much of the world are often inclined to cast dispersions toward less structured arts, but even their attempts at disparagement cannot be properly reconciled.

Wiccan Fertility Spells can be cast to address a variety of pregnancy problems that cannot be cured through traditional scientific and/or medical means. Many women and men facing fertility or pregnancy problems find it hard to imagine that they will ever get pregnant. Their dreams of conceiving a child through traditional means seem nearly impossible. Conception is an elusive wish for many that have lost hope that they will conceive. In many of these cases, just the hope and encouragement that come from using fertility spells can be sufficient to increase their chances at getting pregnant and having a happy, healthy baby.

Love Spells for Fertility Enhancement

Love Spells by themselves are powerful enhancers and enrichment tools when it comes to increasing a person's chance at conceiving a child. Love is a powerful force in the universe and can cause truly miraculous results. Increasing the amount of love in a relationship can supercharge the viability of a union for the purpose of conception and greatly improve fertility.

In Summary...

When faced with infertility, difficulty conceiving, getting pregnant, for reasons other than those that can be addressed by medical professionals, consider Wiccan Fertility Spells and the following relevant subjects:

  • Fertility Wish Spells
  • Fertility Amulets
  • Love Spells
  • Fertility Charms
  • Conception Spells
  • Healthy Baby Spells and Rituals
  • Wiccan Pregnancy Spells

Yes, Wiccan Fertility Spells can help, but often it takes time and a lot of research to find just the right solution for your unique situation.

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