Wicca Love spells and Advice on How to Cast Them

Wicca Love Spells

Wicca spells are among the most powerful love spells born in Europe. What makes their love spells extremely powerful is the fact that Wicca followers believe that there is no clear difference between the magic and the mundane.

As the result, their spells are much more than just simple rituals.

While those spells require considerable more than other magical traditions, they are also very, very powerful.

Our Free Wiccan Love Spells

After Wicca love spells are cast, the subject has to follow four rules he must never break if the true love is to be found and, even more importantly, kept. They are thought to be the true secret of Wiccan love spells effectiveness, as they prevent people from unwillingly breaking the spell.

These rules are:

#1. Embrace the Love as a Possibility

All too often Wiccan love spells are thought to fizzle only because the spell subjects decide to ignore the love of others. Even the most powerful Wicca spells will not work if the person decides to ignore their effects. You have to remain open for all signs of love if the spell is going to work.

#2. Accept the Love if it Comes

Surprisingly often people who asked fellow Wiccans and coven for some love spell, decide to fight the love when it finally appears. Sometimes it is done out of fear, sometimes out of surprise and sometimes out of plain stupidity. Whatever the cause, if you fight the love, there is always a chance that you thwart it. After that you will have no one but you to blame.

#3. Accept the Loved Person as it is

Wiccan love spells are not intended to change anyones personality to fit in your life plans. What they give you is the mutual love and respect. What they cant give you is someone who would just nicely fit under your heel. If you only want someone to fit in nicely in your plans with only little regard to his or her own needs, the chances are that you will kill your perfect love in under a year. By trying to make your loved one as close to YOUR ideals as possible, you may easily hurt him or her and effectively destroy the effects of Wicca love spells just as surely as by breaking the ritual in the middle.

#4. The Wiccan Love Spells

The most powerful Wiccan spells may be cast only by the High Priests and High Priestesses of the coven, usually during the covens Esbats and Sabbats. While the try-it-at-home versions of love spells that dwell on Wicca traditions are widely available throughout the Net, they are not always extremely effective if you lack the proper knowledge of Wicca and witchcraft. If you need something really strong, try to find a real spell caster rather than cast some low-level spell yourself. It will make everything a lot easier and your love will come much, much faster than if you try to do things yourself.

Wicca Love spells and Advice on How to Cast Them
After Wicca Love Spells have been Cast. After Wicca love spells are cast, the subject has to follow four rules he must never break if the true love is to be found and

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