Love Spells Just Wicca

There are spells below dealing with every category of love magic from break up spells, love spell to get your ex back, love spells to find a boyfriend and more. Always be wise about the spells that you are going to cast and use your own best judgement. Love spells are fun but they really arent something to play do just for fun. If true love is what you are seeking then keep in mind that spells for a specific person to fall in love with you are not what you want and with that being said, only you know what spell will be best for your situation and desired outcome. No matter what is that you want your situation or love life to be, you must be wise enough to know the difference from your wants and your needs.

love spells 2


  1. I added summaries for all the love spells to make it easier to pick the right one for your situation.
  2. I split the love spells into categories for easy reference.
  3. I updated the layout and the abilities to add and read the comments.

Attraction Spells

witch spellsAttraction love spells work by drawing the person you love to you. You could find yourself working alone, meet a new person while running errands, reconnect with an old friend or many other circumstances and situations to help you attract your true love. The spells listed below are all very popular. I would suggest reading the comments below each spell for more information and spell results. All of these spells have had positive spell results from other readers of this website. Try adding another love spell chant to enhance the spell. I have other witch spells on the website so feel free to stay and browse.

This simple true love witch spell works fast. Try this spell if you are single and wanting to attract a true relationship. This spell works best when done on a Friday, three weeks before the night of the full moon. You will need lavender, rose and salt. This spell has over 42 comments, has been shared over 10 times and this article has been updated for 2015.

Sugar love spells are wonderful and powerful ways to attract a lover. These spells contain easy ingredients available in most homes and can be easily modified. I love sugar in love spells as they are said to sweeten the heart of the other person as well as sweeten their love for you. Try this powerful spell if you are looking for a nice relationship and want to find a passionate love.

Hands down, the most popular witch spell on our website is our Spell to Make Someone Love You. This spell has over 600 comments and has been shared almost 100 times. The comments will show you how other people changed the spells, the results of the spell and how to make the spell more powerful. This article also includes alternative chants to tailor the spell further.

If you have a person in mind and would like for them to desire you, then this is the spell to try. With strong elements of passion and lust, this free love spell is perfect to make the object of your affection want you fiercely. This love spell requires simple ingredients and supplies. This spell is known for its power and romance. If you are one for intense love affairs then check this one out!

The full moon is considered to be a very powerful magical energy. When you combine the Goddess energy of the full moon with other elements for that represent love then you have the makings of a very potent and powerful love spell. This love spell is perfect for beginners who need to rely a little bit more on the power of the elements while building their abilities to focus, raise energy and meditate.

wiccan love spells

When you are curious to know if someone likes you. This free love spell will make it obvious if someone likes you.  This spell has over 30 comments and has been said to work instantly. This spell works really well but it does require some items that may not be the easiest to find. Read over the spell beforehand and make any modifications required to tailor it to your needs. This spell can be done during any phase of the moon but is said to work best if done on a Friday.

For new witches it can be hard to gather ingredients, items and tools required to create a potent love spell. This article will serve as a primer on magickal energy and the intention behind spell casting.

Love perfume is said to attract the love of your life through romance, passion and pleasure. This is a very fun love spell that will bring you tons fun romance and tons of dates. I wore this scent often while I was in high school and plenty of fun date nights with some cool people. Try not to go on too many dates! This spell will give you such a surplus that you will have to turn down plenty of dates!

The items for this spell are so affordable! I think in total I spent around $6 to cast it. This spell needs to be started on the Friday night of a waxing moon or if possible on the night of a full moon. This spell includes a red paper heart, love oil and candles. Release all things holding you back and open your heart to love. The happier you are the faster your new love will come to you.

Talk about a potent spell! This spell worked for me every time I cast it. This powerful spell will bring whoever you want to you fast. The person will reach out to you whether via email or text message. This spell has been shared over 90 times because it works! If you are a new witch this spell will work for you eventually but if you already meditate daily then watch for almost instant results!

This lovely Beauty spell was submitted by Holly. She walks you through the process of making seduction oil and casting the spell. This spell does include wine so it is gear towards those who are of legal drinking age.

Similar to the very popular spell to make someone love you, this spell makes someone love you. It will awaken romantic feelings within the person. This spell only require a red candle, two silver pins and attraction oil. This spell works very quickly, so if you are having second thoughts I wouldnt cast this spell just yet.

If you make this charm bag during the waxing moon you will attract love to you. This spell is perfect for newer witches because they almost always work. When I was younger I did a charm bag almost every month because of their awesome and potent power. Charm bags are great for enhancing general energies like luck or happiness.

One of the most popular love spells on the site. Cast this spell if you want the admiration of a specific person. This spell will help you clear blocks and negative spaces that may be preventing you from obtaining the love of the person you are attracted to. Cast this spell on a Friday during the night of the waning moon. It does require unblock oil which you can buy or make.

Perfect spell for those looking for love. This simple and effective spell for those who want to bring romance into their lives. This spell isnt for use on a specific person. Try the spell above for this one. You will need rose quartz, rosemary and a few more items to make this love spell more potent. Attraction oil can be substituted with lovers oil, rose oil or vanilla.

Sometimes we have been hurt in previous relationships and really are desiring a pure, mature and joyful relationship that is going to last. This spell is best suited for those of us who have been hurt in a previous relationship and done some true soul searching about the kind of love you want to manifest.

If you are looking for a new relationship then try this love spell to attract a new love. This is a simple spell that works fast. Those who are new to casting witch spells should try this one. Simple and easy to modify, try this spell to attract a new love if you want a new relationship.

Looking for a passionate love affair? This spell works best if done on a Friday night during the waxing moon. Your passionate lover will come forth and your life will be filled with a passionate love.  This is a wonderful spell and can be modified in many different ways. This spell is more advanced than the other spells on this website and really wouldnt be suggested as a spell for a beginner.

Ever been in a situation where you are interested in a guy or gal but wasnt sure how they felt about you? Do this spell! This spell will promote a romantic vibration out into the universe. If the person is interested then the spell will make the person notice you more. It will clear any obstacles preventing a potential relationship but wont force someone to fall in love with you.

 Getting Your Ex Back

love spell

This article will tell you what you need to know to get your ex back. This isnt a bunch of rules written by a group of bored journalist but my own advice. Read this article and get your ex back. I decide to add this information to the website after many requests.

I get the most emails and questions on love spells and on how to bring back a lover. I have posted a ton of free and very effective love spell on the love spells page. This spell was sent to me by someone on twitter.

Talk about a potent spell! This spell worked for me every time I cast it. This powerful spell will bring whoever you want to you fast. The person will reach out to you whether via email or text message. This spell has been shared over 90 times because it works! If you are a new witch this spell will work for you eventually but if you already meditate daily then watch for almost instant results!

One of the most popular love spells on the site. Cast this spell if you want the admiration of a specific person. This spell will help you clear blocks and negative spaces that may be preventing you from obtaining the love of the person you are attracted to. Cast this spell on a Friday during the night of the waning moon. It does require unblock oil which you can buy or make.

Sometimes relationships may become stale or we think that our boyfriend or girlfriends might be losing interest in us. This happens overtime and is natural but here is one of the many things you can do to regain your lovers interest. Try this spell to regain your lovers focus. You can do this spell on the night of the new moon or the night of the full moon. You should try to perform this love spell on a Friday because it is the day dedicated to the Goddess of Love, Venus.

This is a kitchen witchs recipe that was given to me recently. Chocolate is romantic and very sensual. This recipe is perfect for Valentines days or the Wednesday or Friday before the holiday. Chocolate makes people happy, eases depression and is calming. A lot of times witches use chocolate in their potions or treats to give to the object of their obsession

If your lover has been separated from you for reasons beyond your control then cast this spell to reunite you. This spell works best if done on the night of the waxing moon and doesnt require many items. After the spell has been cast you will reunite very soon.

Relationship Spells

These relationships are wonderful tools. Whether you are seeking relationship clarity, wanting to reignite the spark between you and your beloved or even if you want to break up a couple, these spells can be used or modified to suit any spell crafting occasion. These spells can help in difficult times and situations but are no cure for a failing relationship alone.

spells for love  

The art of braiding is one which can be used in spell making to represent many  things. In this particular spell it is used to signify the coming together of three people and in the unbraiding an amicable resolution. In the use of color the spell is focused either on the outcome or on the people concerned.

Sometimes relationships may become stale or we think that our boyfriend or girlfriends might be losing interest in us. This happens overtime and is natural but here is one of the many things you can do to regain your lovers interest. Try this spell to regain your lovers focus. You can do this spell on the night of the new moon or the night of the full moon. You should try to perform this love spell on a Friday because it is the day dedicated to the Goddess of Love, Venus.

Worried about a wandering eye? Cast the spell to act as your lovers conscious. This spell will work on your lovers heart to keep you there in times of weakness. This love spell is very powerful but if your lover has already decided to cheat on you then it might be to late to stop him. This spell will help keep your partner faithful. You can do this spell at any time during the moons cycle. The most appropriate time to do this spell is if you sense vulnerability within your partner.

 Casual Dating Spells

Ever been in a situation where you are interested in a guy or gal but wasnt sure how they felt about you? Do this love spell! This spell will promote a romantic vibration out into the universe. If the person is interested then the spell will make the person notice you more. It will clear any obstacles preventing a potential relationship but wont force someone to fall in love with you.

 Other/ Misc Love Spells

love spells

Looking to put an end to a love spell cast by you or another? This spell should be done on a Saturday during the waning moon and only requires three items. Cast this spell if you want to end a love spell like the one to make someone fall in love with you. If you dont know how to charge a candle then read about it first. Find the myrrh oil on amazon for the fastest shipping.

If you need a boost in confidence and new found belief in yourself then cast the spell on the night of the full moon. We all have times where we feel low or dont feel confident but we need that optimism in order to create the life we deserve. You are beautiful, you are attractive and you must hold this thought in your heart at all times.

 Tips and Information

Read over this article for interesting kissing tips and techniques that will make you a better kisser. Great for those who havent shared a kiss or those who havent shared many.

Many people email me after the spell has worked wanting to end the spell. You may want to break a spell because someone has cast one on your lover, because you no longer wish to encourage them to love you or because of personal reasons. This is the most powerful way to break a love spell.

free love spell

Over time I will add spells for breaking up, getting married spells, cheating love spells, making up spells, and relationships spells. As well as links to Gypsy Love Magic, Italian Love Rituals, Celtic and Pagan Love Rituals, African & African American Love Rituals, Irish Love Lore and Magic and other interesting Pages.


p style=text-align: justify;>These wiccan love spells are free for all to use, and very effective. If you are curious about doing a love spell or have some questions as to if these spells are safe and wise to do, my only advice to you is to take the time to really concentrate on what it is that you want, and also try not to do a spell to manipulate someone who has made it clear they arent in love with you. I never recommend doing spells out of haste, especially love spells. You have to be careful what you wish for.

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Welcome to Just Wicca! Come and sit beside me near the fire and we'll speak of the age-old truths of magic that still live today. You're curi

Love Spells | Just Wicca
There are spells below dealing with every category of love magic from break up spells, love spell to get your ex back, love spells to find a boyfriend and more.

Wiccan Love Spells, White and all Free
Free Wiccan and WitchCraft Love Spells, Wicca for the Beginner, Free magic spells white, WitchCraft spells

Wicca Love spells and Advice on How to Cast Them
Wicca love spells are much more than just simple rituals. While those spells require much more than other magical traditions, they are also very powerful.

Love Spells Archives - Wiccan Spells
Home Love Spells Love Spells. For this Tarot Soulmate Love Spell, Wiccan Spells The Essence of Magick. The Essence of Magick is a guide for those of you

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: Powerful Wiccan Love Spell to help you find true love and happiness. Open your heart to the Universe full of Magic and love.

Best Wiccan Love Spells *
Written Love Spell . Most people are looking for Wiccan love spells that will make a very specific person fall in love with them. This is dangerous, and usually won't

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