Who Originated the Art of Extreme Spell Casting

Dear CAA,

I ordered an Extreme Attraction spell. It really works!

Thank you thank you thank you! Your spellcaster is truly gifted.

Melissa D.

Dear Calastrology,

Right after I ordered the Extreme Surprise Spell I started getting unexpected gifts from work and friends.

It was a great feeling as I'm always trying to make others feel good or help them in a crisis. Maybe my good deeds are now being returned to me.


St. Petersburg, Florida

Dear CAA,

I asked for an Extreme Return To Me love spell...

Then two days later I received several messages from my ex-lover saying he wanted to meet with me. He also rang me later that night to confirm.

Thank you so much!


Extreme Spells

Your Choice of 22 Potent Spells Cast By the Master Psychic
Who Originated the Art of Extreme Spell Casting

Few psychics are qualified to cast an Extreme spell as preparation time for each spell is time consuming, and the spell casting itself is very intense and often emotionally draining. However, the extra time and effort is worth it due to the spectacular results that often occur.

Although the cost of an Extreme spell can be prohibitive, the Master Psychic who created these powerful spells has agreed to work for our clients at a fraction of his normal fee.

Extreme spells are just what they imply: Spells intended to help those who feel they are on the edge and have nowhere else to turn. They are cast specifically for those who have tried everything else to no avail.

Twenty-two Spells to Serve Your Every Need

  • Extreme Change Your Lover's Mind - Now your lover may look at you with fresh eyes, and that's all you've ever asked for: A fresh start.
  • Extreme Passion - To elevate a relationship from the ordinary to extraordinary.
  • Extreme Happiness - Bringing joy and pleasure back in your life.
  • Extreme Luxury - Go for it! Why not reach for the stars?
  • Extreme Sorcery - A remarkable spell that could bring back a love, even the score with a nemesis, or thicken your pocket book.
  • Extreme Breakup - If a relationship is doomed to fail, this spell could speed it up.
  • Extreme Return My Love - If your life is off-kilter, this spell plants the seeds in their mind to remember what drew them to you in the beginning.
  • Extreme Luck - Change your luck from bad to good.
  • Extreme Success - Return to your true path to fulfill your rightful destiny.
  • Extreme Fresh Start - You've experienced failure. Now you can start anew.
  • Extreme Wealth - The seeds will be planted to lead you to the pot of gold.
  • Extreme Acceleration - Will Rogers said even if youre on the right track, youll be run over if you just sit there. This spell will get you going.
  • Extreme Protection - This spell casts a protective shield around you, protecting you from negative influences.
  • Extreme Attraction - Dramatically improve your "curb" appeal by bringing your inner beauty to the surface.
  • Extreme Respect - Gain respect from loved ones, acquaintances, peers...
  • Extreme Telepathy - Once the psychic paths to your mind are open, you could hone in on the thoughts, motivations, and secrets of others.
  • Extreme End Drought - Tired of being on the Losing end? This spell dissipates the black cloud hanging over you, freeing you to enjoy the good life.
  • Extreme Comeback - It's time to take matters into your own hands. This spell points you in the right direction.
  • Extreme Justice - If you've been wrongly accused, this spell allows others to see the real facts, the truth, and to set matters straight.
  • Extreme Surprise - If you are tired of giving, giving giving... this spell puts you on the receiving end so you can be reciprocated for all the good deeds you have done.
  • Extreme Torment an Enemy - Turn the negative energy of a nemesis back towards them and witness their comeuppance.
If you are at a point in life where you urgently need someone to stand by your side and give you support, look no further. This is your opportunity to have a gifted psychic work in your behalf. And with California Astrology Associations famous money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

Take a look at the wide selection of Extreme spells and see which works best for you:

Extreme Change Your Lover's Mind Spell
If you feel you've run up against a brick wall in trying to convince your lover that the two of you are meant to be together, this is the spell for you. Unless you penetrate the depths of your lover's mind (and the Master Psychic will attempt to do that), you will have great difficulty getting this person to change. But once the seeds are planted, your lover may look at you with fresh eyes, and that's all you've ever asked for: A fresh start.

Extreme Passion Spell
Friendship is fine, laughter and good conversation are welcome, family ties are precious... BUT passion stirs the blood, puts fire in your eyes, and offers wild images in your mind. This remarkable spell could make your skin tingle again, and what's more, make your partner look at you with lust, fire, and excited anticipation. If you want to elevate your relationship from the ordinary to the extraordinary, the Extreme Passion spell is for you.

Extreme Happiness Spell
Bring back the good times, the joy, the gusto, the pleasure back into your life. This spell puts you in position to enjoy life to the fullest. Whether its more money to buy the extra things, or the return of that lover who has gone astray, the Extreme Happiness spell is designed to dramatically increase your level of happiness and pleasure.

Extreme Luxury Spell
Go for it! Why not reach for the stars? This potent spell places you in position to reap rewards only the rich and famous enjoy. What do you have to lose? If this spell doesnt bring all the rewards and prizes you seek, our unconditional guarantee assures you well refund your money in full. What more could you ask for?

Extreme Sorcery Spell
Is there something you want done? Is someone out there refusing to hear your words of forgiveness and you wish their return? Do you want to soften their heart, to have their anger dissipate, and to have them remember you in the best light? Or perhaps someone is out there who has been hounding you. This spell could turn the tables on them. Or maybe you prefer to make a lot of money, or crave to bring new friends into your life, or want to be able to travel extensively or perhaps you want the love of your life to suddenly appear... The Extreme Sorcery spell is remarkable in that it can be applied to so many areas of your life.

Extreme Breakup Spell
Is this you?... Do you know someone who is in a relationship that is destined to fail? And this person would be far better off with you if only they would open up their mind and eyes? Normally, you wouldnt want to wish negative vibrations on another person or couple. But in this instance, you are certain they should not be together. This powerful spell casts a negative pall over this couple, bringing their more undesirable traits to the surface. Before long, they may be squabbling and the cracks could begin to appear. And this would be the beginning of the end of this relationship which simply was not meant to be. It was going to happen anyway. All you are doing is speeding up the process.

Extreme Return My Love Spell
For whatever reason, the two of you are currently separated and life for you has been miserable. Everything seems to be off-kilter. This potent spell implants the message that they should reconsider and end whatever anger and hostility still lingering toward you. Only then can they refocus and rediscover your appealing characteristics they had originally been drawn to in the beginning. Life will be very trying unless you give it one more chance to be reunited. An Extreme spell could dramatically improve the odds for their return.

Extreme Luck Spell
Have this spell cast in your behalf if you seek to change your luck from bad to good, from always being in the wrong place at the wrong time to being in exactly the right place to have good things happen to you, and to instill in you the feeling that the rest of your life is going to be so much better and easier and successful than it has been up to now.

Extreme Success Spell
This spectacular spell could finally set you on the right path to fulfill your true destiny a destiny filled with laughter, material possessions, and being surrounded with friends and loved ones. If you have often felt that your fate was to finish on top, with all the rewards and perks of success, this spell must be cast in your behalf. If you feel it is only a matter of time before your wishes come true, the Extreme Success spell is for you.

Extreme Fresh Start Spell
Who hasn't experienced failure? Some of the most famous, richest, most successful people in history had periods in their lives where they reached the depths of failure. And most of them relate how depressed they felt and how they lacked confidence in themselves. If you are at a low point, don't despair; you have only one place to go, and that's up. Let a Master Psychic speed up the process and cast a Fresh Start spell for you. Sooner than you think, the goals that now seem so distant could begin to appear on the horizon. Don't give up. Life can be beautiful and positive and exciting again.

Extreme Wealth Spell
Of course, everyone wants to be wealthy. Who doesn't? Certainly, it's everyone's goal to have money to burn, possessions galore, and the leisure time to enjoy them. And you are no different. Perhaps this is the time to place yourself in the hands of a gifted Master Psychic who can cast a spell that could bring you rewards you never thought possible. And remember, just about every successful person will point to his head when asked what was the most important ingredient for his success. Meaning you have to have the right mindset, the self-confidence, the positive outlook that will eventually lead you to the pot of gold.

Extreme Acceleration Spell
If you have too many things on your agenda that have been sitting there for months, perhaps it's time to shift to another gear. Move up to a higher level when this spell boosts your energy, your creativity, your motivation to get things done. If you are like most people, once you get going there's no stopping you. This remarkable spell could give you the boost, the energizer to get you going and keep you going.

Extreme Protection Spell
Everyone seeks security, protection, a feeling of well being. And you are no exception. This potent spell casts a protective shield around you, insulating you from the negative forces that could penetrate a more vulnerable soul. Let a Master Psychic cast this Extreme Protection spell in your behalf so you can enjoy a more pleasurable life in peace and serenity. Remember, most ailments are a result of tension, anxiety, and worry. Once you feel you are encased in a protective shell, you will relax and find your mind open to new possibilities, new enjoyments.

Extreme Attraction Spell
Dramatically improve your "curb" appeal. This spell brings your inner beauty to the surface, allowing others to see your sex appeal, your intriguing personality, your beautiful qualities. Not only could you feel better about yourself, but when stares and compliments come your way, your self-confidence will soar, and you will feel on top of the world. And well you should be because you are a very special person.

Extreme Respect Spell
One of our most desirable goals in life is to gain respect from loved ones, acquaintances, our peers, etc. This potent spell is designed to open the eyes of people around you so they can recognize your unique and often subtle contributions. You are one of a kind and have so much to offer. It's time others recognized it.

Extreme Telepathy Spell
This spell is designed to open the psychic paths to your brain, allowing you to "sense" what's going on in the minds of others. Once your mind is open and relaxed, you could benefit greatly by being more aware of what a person is thinking, what his motivations are, what his true opinions of you are. The positive contributions of having increased psychic powers are endless.

Extreme End Drought Spell
Are you tired of so often being on the losing end? Are you demoralized when you see others who are so much less deserving than you come out on top, have more money than you, or being just plain lucky? This very specific spell penetrates the black cloud hanging over you, allowing you to bask in the sunlight and have good things start to break your way. You don't have to endure the humiliation of defeat any longer. This could be the start of a marvelous winning streak.

Extreme Comeback Spell
If you are heartsick because you seem to be on the wrong track in life, this spell delves into your mind, instilling the confidence to make the right choices from here on out. It's time for you to take matters into your own hands, and you can do it because you are an extremely capable person. You merely need a little guidance, a little help in getting your life back on track. You are destined to do better; it is your fate, your karma. And once the seeds of success are implanted in your mind, there will be no stopping you. It will only be a matter of time before you begin to experience the joys, the perks of success. Some may even begin to call you the Comeback Kid.

Extreme Justice Spell
Do you feel you've been wronged? Perhaps accused of something you didn't do, or if you did, you certainly didn't do it on purpose. This spell is designed to bring the true facts to light, to convince others you are an honest person of integrity. For those who have misjudged you, they will see you in a different light, and they will begin to see you as a person of quality, of substance. Clarity and truth are your bywords, and the Extreme Justice spell will set matters straight. Life can be sweet once again when you know the people around you are seeing the real you, are being drawn to you and liking what they see.

Extreme Surprise Spell
When was the last time you were presented with a surprise that caught you completely off guard? And isn't it just the best when you are given something that was totally unexpected? This unique spell implants the seeds of love and affection and giving in those closest to you, and once these seeds begin to blossom, you can expect to be reciprocated for many of the wonderful deeds you have performed in the past. If you are tired of giving, giving, giving... this spell could put you in the position of being on the receiving end for quite some time.

Extreme Torment an Enemy Spell
Is someone out there trying to sabotage you? Is this person mean-spirited, and do you sometimes lie awake at night wondering what they're up to? Perhaps this is the time to turn the tables and redirect their negative energy back at them. The Torment an Enemy spell, if cast by a Master Psychic, could put your mind at ease when you neutralize this nemesis and witness the comeuppance of this disgruntled individual. After all, there are few greater pleasures in life than seeing someone undeserving get his just desert?

Important - Please Read!

Casting a spell or creating a good luck piece is more art than science, and even the most gifted psychic will not be successful every time. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not being honest. This is why the California Astrology Association offers a one-year unconditional guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.





© 2003-2016 California Astrology Association/Dassi Inc. All rights reserved.

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