Old World Witchcraft - A Witch Is A Force Of Nature

A Witch Is a Force Of Nature

Old World Witchcraft is more than a practice, it is a comfortable way of life. A way of looking at the physical and spiritual as a collaborative source of manifestation. Witches are in tune with nature, in tune with themselves and in alignment with their all-powerful inner Witch.

When you embrace a sacred relationship with your inner Witch, you awaken within qualities of the elements and forces of nature. This is the discovery and connection to your powerful self. Your inner Witch has the power to transform every area of your life - in just about any manner you please. Effective spellwork becomes second nature. 

Spellwork is a form of creation. Manifesting the invisible and the imaginable into real life verifiable forms, through perfectly natural means. 

Witchcraft allows the practicing Witch to summon into creation circumstances, events, experiences and possessions of the Witchs choosing. 

If you have a deep desire to 

participate in Old World Witchcraft that produces measurable results, then we are your stepping stone to you embracing your own inner Witch and living a more fulfilling, beautiful life. 

Your inner Witch is waiting.  

Are you ready?
Three to four times every year we experience the illusion of the planet Mercury traveling backwards, which we refer to as Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury rules communication, travel, technology and the legal system. When Mercury is in retrograde, these areas of life are at their absolute weakest point. It is the absence of Mercury that is the cause of these problems. 

Sounds pretty horrible, right? Don't worry, 
with a little spellwork you can negate the effects of Mercury Retrograde by energetically moving the influences of the planet forward. By strengthening the temporary weaknesses, you can safely pass through these moments of time without a scratch, an annoyance or a delay!

Personalized 6-Month Astrology Forecast & Your Most Powerful Days For Spellwork

Be prepared for life and be aware of what the planets have in store for you! This personalized 6-month forecast provides specific dates and easy to understand summary for what will be influencing your daily life, along with possible troubles or positive influences. 

Specific astrological influences should be used to amplify and empower spellwork. By knowing your exact "Power Days" for Prosperity Spells, Love Spells, Banishing Spells and Curses, you are able to tap into the energy of the cosmos and accelerate your witchcraft success!

Bonus Features

  • Witch's Moon Calendar: Yes, the Witch's Moons are a bit different from modern moon calendars. 
  • Choose Your Focal Point: If you would like us to focus on a specific area of your life (Love, Money, etc), please let us know in the Notes section at check-out and we will happily accommodate the focal point of the reading. 

This service will be delivered by email in PDF format. Please allow up to 5 business days from time of purchase. 
The year of the Fire Monkey begins the morning of the Aquarius Dark Moon on February 8th, 2016. 

If 2015 was a sluggish year for you, expect many changes throughout 2016 with an overall feeling of excitement and progress. For most, this will be a perfect time to begin a new business or project. The enthusiastic energy of 2016 will bring great rewards IF you stay busy and follow through with your plans!

While this year holds a lot of ambition, please keep in mind that Monkey can be quite the swindler! Re-read every contract you sign, carefully evaluate potential business partners and get a third-party perspective when it comes to large investments - particularly real estate!

Whether you are new to Witchcraft or are an experienced Witch, this private session will illuminate your obstacles and will guide you through the custom spellwork required to reach your goals with measurable success!

Mercury Retrograde Ritual Kit

Old World Witchcraft - A Witch Is A Force Of Nature
Old World Witchcraft is more than a practice, it is a comfortable way of life. A way of looking at the physical and spiritual as a collaborative source of manifestation.

1000+ images about Wtch's Lair X on Pinterest | Witches ...
Explore WhiteRaven Witch's Lair's board "Wtch's Lair X" on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative Witchcraft and Magick.

Old World Witchcraft - Facebook
Old World Witchcraft. 50,639 likes · 2,115 talking about this. a bottle of wine and escape into nature to channel the creativity of the forest.

Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism FAQ
Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism In the old world, Witchcraft is a nature based religion and it has been recognized as such in the United States and Canada.

Encyclopedia Mythica: Witchcraft
a witch keeps as few written Spirits and invisible forces filled their world. Magic caused If a wild beast or a force of nature caused

Blog - Old World Witchcraft
A deep love and understanding of nature is the main calling of the Witch. Spending time in nature to listen to old I crossed the highway Old World Witchcraft

Witchcraft Across the World - Europe
Witchcraft Across the World - Europe spirits of nature, an elemental natural force possessing of the History of Witchcraft. The witch hunt reached

Witch - The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki - Wikia
The Ancient Old World (North America) Ancestors: the nature of a witchs death is A spell that is able to bind the life-force of a person to body of someone

WhiteMagickAlchemyBlog - Witchcraft Supplies
Old World Magick Transcends Old World Magic transcends with elegantly handcrafted witch wares and magical offerings. Gems of nature are the quintessential

WAY of the WITCH - Pinterest
witch candy jar from clay pots More. Halloween Witch, Flower Pot, Gumball Machine, Clay Pot, Claypot, Cotta Can sandylandya@outlook.es Been loving the clay pot

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