Superpower Lottery - TV Tropes

"With someone like you around the whole situation changes. You can do anything. All I got to offer is a good left hook."
Hollis Mason to Dr. Manhattan, Watchmen
In a setting or team with Stock Superpowers, everyone in the cast has some power which is inevitably useful at least some of the time. Much like the real world, some get luckier than others when it comes time to get a power. On one end, you get people with What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?, move into Heart Is an Awesome Power, then into standard stuff and, finally, there are those who won the Superpower Lottery.Beyond Hard Work Hardly Works, past the inevitable Sidekick Glass Ceiling, someone who won the Superpower Lottery has a overwhelming ability compared to everyone else in the story. There is no Competitive Balance; thus a common Fan Nickname for such a power is "Haxxor", implying it's the kind of power someone who's rewriting "the game" would give themselves. Such characters will invariably end up on the higher levels of Super Weight.This often leads to weaker cast members becoming as irrelevant as mere bystanders, but can outright threaten to remove all conflict to the character, necessitating either Plot-Induced Stupidity, Deus Exit Machina, Poor Communication Kills and other creative ways to keep the story going. And when a villain wins the lottery, it can be an intimidating challenge but can also lead to Only the Author Can Save Them Now and strain Willing Suspension of Disbelief.Especially careless balancing on the part of the author can send a winner of the lottery straight into God-Mode Sue and Story-Breaker Power territory.Ways for this include, but may not be limited to:These heroes and villains are prone to:If some of the "superpowers" involved are downright harmful, it's Superpower Russian Roulette.

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    Anime and Manga 

  • In Attack on Titan, most of the Titans are deformed and mindless creatures. However, there exist a handful that definitely hit the jackpot, possessing powers far beyond the norm. The Colossal Titan is 4 times the normal size, with the ability to generate pressurized blasts of super-heated steam to ward off attackers. The Armored Titan is, as its name suggests, covered in hardened skin capable of shrugging off cannon fire and possesses incredible physical strength to match. The Female Titan can crystallize her skin to cover its one weak spot, shatter the swords of the human soliders attacking it or to add extra power to its attacks. And finally, the Rogue Titan encountered in Trost possesses Super Strength. This is because all four are really humans with the power to transform into Titans, but their abilities are far beyond those possessed by the others seen so far.
    • Even better than them is the Beast Titan. Not only it can beat the Armored Titan with ease, it can also transform humans into Titans. The only Titan so far that can do so.
  • In Basilisk Gennosuke and Oboro both have completely broken abilities relative to everyone else. Gennosuke can invert hostile intention, causing anyone trying to hurt him to kill themselves while Oboro can shut down anyone's superpowers. And both skills are activated merely via looking into their target's eyes. Oboro ends up sealing her own powers specifically because she doesn't want to be responsible for effecting the story.
  • Bleach: Almost too many to list, notable ones include:
    • Visual contact leaves people permanently vulnerable to Aizen's ability to manipulate all senses. Only the blind are immune. Aizen can affect entire armies and even activate his power in front of people without them realising what's happened. He also has excessive spiritual power and is very skilled in every shinigami fighting art.
    • Gremmy can achieve anything he wants by convincing a person of any truth he establishes. He can shatter bones and kill with a thought. He can double his power by copying himself, open rifts in space and summon asteroids. He cannot be defeated directly; he has to defeat himself by creating a paradox whereby he tries to become something he also believes is impossible.
    • Artificially mixing soul types makes a person more powerful than they can be with one (natural) soul. Ichigo is a naturally-born mixture of all four soul types. As a result, he has phenomenal spiritual power and the abilities of every single race in the story. His power is deeply connected to his willpower and his self-belief. Villains therefore attack his resolve as being his only true weakness. The four souls are Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow and Human. Ichigo accordingly possesses the power of Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow and Fullbringer.
    • Even the weakest abilities of Yamamoto's shikai can turn entire battlefields into an inferno. His greatest power gives him the strength, force and heat of the sun; he rarely uses it because activating it for too long will inevitably, and accidentally, destroy the entire world. Part of the reason for the zanpakutou's great power is the fact that Yamamoto has insane spiritual power and is exceptionally skilled in every single Shinigami fighting art.
    • Yhwach can insert shards of his soul into people by miraculously curing them of any ailment (even missing limbs). When he recalls the shard, it brings all the person's life-force and power, strengthening him and killing his victims. In this way, he can distribute power around anyone he's infected, including himself, empowering, de-powering and killing at whim. He can also see the future, allowing him to develop counters against techniques before they are even used against him. His name comes from the Tetragrammaton; humans interpreted his "miracles" as an act of God, and he plays along with it.
    • Lille Barro was turned into a lottery winner by Yhwach. "The X-Axis" is an Unblockable Attack ordinarily, capable of piercing through anything in Lille's line of sight without question. If you get him to open his left eyes three times, which triggers his Intangibility, he is permitted to keep that eye open and trigger his Vollstandig, becoming a flying, intangible, teleporting Quincy capable of blasting buildings apart casually. On the off-chance you bypass his intangibility and cut his head off, he regenerates his head and transforms into an angel along the lines of the Old Testament. The power of "The X-Axis" increases drastically in this form, carving swathes through a city with beams of light and generating a giant reishi trumpet capable of blasting over half a city clean out of existence. He actually becomes the series equivalent of a God; the only thing capable of taking him out was a weapon designed specifically for the task of scattering divine power.
  • Captain Hiwatari of Busou Renkin. Tokiko gets four bladed arms. Kazuki gets a lance that enables a number of lance-related superattacks. Hiwatari gets a napalm bomb that allows him to generate flame attacks, regenerate from any wound, and fly.
  • A Certain Magical Index: On one end, you have people like Mikoto who worked hard to raise their rank and have intimidating powers. And then you have Accelerator. He can change the velocity vectors of anything he comes into contact with, including physical objects, energy blasts, and even UV radiation. This activates automatically as well, to protect him from any possible threat. When a character can theoretically fly, replicate the effects of a variety of other offensive powers, (theoretically) shrug off a nuclear bomb without even trying, and still have time for an Evil Laugh, you have to wonder if something went wrong somewhere...
    • There are also people like Izzard, Kanzaki, Vento of the Front, Acqua of the Back, Fuse=Kazakiri, Fiamma of the Right. Heck, even Plucky Comic Relief characters such as Kuroko counts. The entire series is filled with people that, anywhere else, would be considered story-breaking.
    • And then there's Touma and his Anti-Magic right hand, which can negate the abilities of everyone above. Later novels have all but outright stated that his power actually comes directly from God. Furthermore, Volume 22 reveals that the Imagine Breaker is actually a Power Limiter. If it's removed, Touma's shoulder will manifest a..thing called "Invisible Thing" which is stronger than God himself.
    • How big are the "lottery jackpots" in this series? When a character that can create and end universes with a thought isn't even the strongest character in the series, you know the lottery is broken.
  • In Code Geass, there are many Geass powers, and most are rather limited, such as temporary paralysis or reading minds. Lelouch's Geass, the ability to force anyone to obey his commands, can be applied in so many different ways that it's arguably much more useful than any other power. Beyond just issuing commands, it can erase memories, create latent suggestions that activate on certain triggers, make people commit suicide (either immediately or after carrying out a primary command), force people to perceive him as someone else, make willing slaves out of anyone, or even work as a Super Mode when being ordered to 'live', like Suzaku. All of these are just creative applications of the basic power of: "Obey my command." The only real drawbacks to his power are that it requires direct eye contact with the target and that It Only Works Once on a particular individual.
    • Arguably his father's power of altering people's memories can be just as big a case: being able to use it lets him read minds (which is Mao's entire power, except Charles can turn his off), could let him have just as much control over people's as Lelouch's power (just alter their memories in such a way that they'll want to obey him), and can be used multiple times.
    • The main character of the spinoff video game Lost Colors has basically the same power as Lelouch, except that it's based on sound instead of sight. Since Lelouch's commands have to be heard anyway after he catches somebody in his Geass, this makes Rai's version clearly superior. Unlike Lelouch, he doesn't need to be looking his victim in the eye. He just needs them to hear his voice. He has the same one-command limit as Lelouch, though the same person can be under separate Geass commands from each of them (which is a plot point of the game; when they conflict, the more recent command overrides the earlier one).
    • In Lelouch's case, and presumably in Rai's too, the person receiving the command has to understand the order, so unless you can speak more than one language like Lelouch can, the language barrier acts as a limitation too.
  • Black Cat's Shiki is this in spades. To put it simply, he has three mastered Tao arts when literally everyone else has one. And one of them lets him do basically anything he can think of.
  • Contractors in Darker Than Black acquire only a single power, and its usefulness varies wildly and almost equally random remuneration, which may include things like narcolepsy, having to break your fingers or drink children's blood. The primary culprit would be Amber, who can control time. She can stop or even reverse it, with whoever she wants to remembering what happened prior to the reversal and being able to act on that information, and her remuneration is to grow younger, granting her potential immortality.
    • Also, Hei, who has a decent electric attack with no remuneration thanks to the means by which he "inherited" his powers. Nice, but not that broken... up until The Reveal that electrons will do for him anything up to substance alteration, so its true potential is unclear. This also leaves an equally open set of synergetic effects, including undesirable ones.
    • In terms of remunerations, the clear winner is probably April, a Hard-Drinking Party Girl with the remuneration of drinking alcohol. Of course, her power is to make it start raining, which is pretty useless on its own. But when your partner is An Ice Person...
      • Her power isn't actually "make it rain", it seems to be more along the line of "condense water vapour" meaning that while yes, she mostly uses it to make it rain, she can also create a water buble around someones head in an attempt to drown them, which is what she attempts to do to Hei in Season 2.
    • Season 2 character August 7 comes pretty close to hitting the superpower-remuneration combo jackpot. His remuneration is giving away the secrets of magic tricks which, as a former Stage Magician, is annoying but harmless. His power? Being able to distort the space around him, which not only means attacks go right through him without causing any damage, he is able to pull anything he wants right out of his body.
  • Dragon Ball
    • The Saiyans. They grow stronger from every battle and near-death experience, are naturally very strong, and with enough training and rage are able to reach a super state that multiples their power fifty times over, and that's just a regular Super Saiyan. Even a normal Saiyan can transform into a Great Ape (if they have their tails and a full moon) that raise their overall power by 10X. They can even become real Physical Gods in an universe filled with physical gods. They are closed to being indestructible even without a healing factor. Outside vaporizing them or destroying vital organs, Saiyans are hard to kill. And the real kicker, their human-hybrids are even more powerful.
      • Goku even for a Saiyan won the lottery. He can learn and copy techniques just from seeing them once or twice and his uncanny adaptability gives him immunity to techniques he'd seen before because he knows how to counter them. On top of that, he's one of the handful of characters in the entire series who can teleport and hits the jackpot after he merges Super Saiyan God with his normal Super Saiyan form, creating a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. In Dragon Ball Super, he can even combine this transformation with the Kaio-Ken, something that was believed to be impossible. He is also a genius when it comes to fighting, able to outsmart people who are many times more intelligent than him.
      • Gohan, his natural gift is so outstanding, even among Saiyan-Hybrids, that he can become the strongest being in the universe. For reference, his power level at four years old with no training was more than double of Goku and Piccolo's who were both the strongest beings on the planet at the time. He's only held back by not loving to fight and push himself like his father.
      • Vegeta finally manages to win the jackpot when he become a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan and did it with just hard work.
    • The Namekians. They are naturally strong, although not as powerful as the Saiyans, can heal as long as their heads are intact, and have mystical powers that allows them to create objects or clothes out of thin air, heal others, and create the titular Dragon Balls. Only the gods themselves rival the Namekians in mystical abilities.
    • Frieza was born extremely powerful. The monster we saw on Namek was a mutant who never had to trained to obtain his power unlike the main characters up to that point. When he does finally trains in Resurrection 'F he's able to surpass Goku in raw might, whose power are almost on par with Beerus, in just four months in-unviserse. He also have extreme survivability. He can live in space without the need to breath and live even if he's sliced into pieces.
    • Cell possessed all the abilities of all the major protagonists and villains up to that point (many of which already had New Powers as the Plot Demands), with the worst being his combo of Freeza's power of extreme survival, Piccolo's regeneration, and Goku's ability to power up after recovering from serious injuries - all of which were amped up considerably. This was a guy who could literally come back From a Single Cell, even in space, and come back even stronger than ever. Not only that, but he had the ability to absorb life energy, which made it extremely easy for him to get stronger quickly, and he was a Mook Maker... though his Cell Juniors were hardly mooks, being individually almost as strong as him.
    • Buu at his weakest was better than Cell at his strongest (Cell was a near match for a Super Saiyan 2 after returning from his near-death experience, Buu laughably outclassed them). Like Cell, Buu could regenerate, and took it Up to Eleven (his individual atoms were sufficient to resurrect him in seconds). He also had the ability to absorb other beings, gaining their abilities, strength, and skills... which he abused the hell out of. On top of that, he was also magical - pretty much a low-level Reality Warper, with the ability to turn just about anyone into just about anything (usually food). Once he'd gotten the ball rolling, the only being in the entire universe able to stand against him was Vegito, a fusion of the two strongest warriors on the planet.
    • Whis and his big sister Vados. They are both Almighty Janitors who are stronger than their respective gods. They are also both Reality Warpers who can create nearly unbreakable shields, create their own atmospheres, hold items in Pocket Dimensions, find almost anyone in the universe, heal wounds, and can travel faster than the speed of light with ease. Whis specifically can rewind time for the entire universe by three minutes.
    • Dragon Ball Super gives us Frost, Frieza's U6's counterpart. He is stronger than Frieza with his normal transformations even after Frieza trains for four months to unlock all his latent power. He only falls behind Frieza because he doesn't have an ultimate form like the tyrant.
    • Also from Super, Botamo with his unique damage absorption ability. He can absorb damage from Goku after he has been enhanced with god powers, including absorbing the Kamehameha. In the manga, it's suggested that Goku could have overwhelmed him if he went Super Saiyan. In the anime, Goku says he would have probably lost in a straight fight, although it was unknown if Goku simply meant that he couldn't win without transforming.
    • Hit is not only powerful, but he has the ability to stop time. It only works for 0.1 seconds, but that is more than enough given that Hit is also super fast. The Time-Leaping technique then becomes even more powerful after Hit improves it to go up to 0.5 seconds and it increases again as Hit improves.
  • In Dreamland, dreamers become Travellers by overcoming their phobia during a nightmare: the power they have in Dreamland is directly linked to that phobia. Some overcome their fear of fire, cold, thunder, blood or Darkness. Others overcome their fear of fish, imperfection, or swings.
  • Midnight from Fairy Tail. His "reflector" magic is basically a carbon copy of Accelerator's esper power with the added twist of letting him bend the light entering a person's eyes to create inescapable illusions just like Aizen. No doubt about it, he's 100% broken. Though, to be fair, it does have two loopholes that make it even remotely possible for someone to defeat him. The first one get's around Accelerator's power set: he can't "reflect" living things (i.e. people's bodies). The other one is that he can't reflect attacks if he's using his powers on something else.
    • Ultear has the ability to control Time allowing her to age and decay anything except people.
    • Rustyrose is a Reality Warper who's limit apparently is his imagination.
    • Freed can write runes that can trap people in forcefields that will only let victims out if they can fulfill a specific condition, and will severely punish them if they "break the rules".
    • Rufus' Memory Make allows him to copy any kind of magic and spells he sees, use them whenever and however he wants, "memorize" an opponent to know their exact location at any time, and cancel his opponent's spells by "forgetting" them. Its only Achilles' Heel is casting spells too fast for him to memorize.
    • Out of the Dragon Slayers, Wendy of all people actually wins the jackpot. Dragon Slayers power up from eating their respective elements, her element is Air which pretty much gives her an unlimited supply of power in most situations. Although her combat experience is lacking, it wouldn't take her more than a few years, tops to reach Natsu's level. And she does pack some serious power. If that's not all, she has Status Buff spells which are extremely useful against sleeping, paralyzing spells, etc. Her God Slayer counterpart, Chelia is pretty much the same, only much more powerful. Wendy demonstrates just how powerful she can really be when she activates Dragon Force for the first time and curbstomps Ezel, one of the Nine Demon Gates of Tartarus.
  • In Freezing, the Pandoras have the ability to summon weapons, all of them being different but usually being some sort of close range combat type. There is nothing to show that the girls get to pick out the weapons for themselves. For some reason, Elizabeth Mayberry lucked out and ended up with Frickin' Laser Beams.
    • Also Charles Bonaparte's Vibrato Hell has the ability to fire Long distance Omnidirectional Shockwaves.
    • Julia Munberk's Division Wave allows her to fire shockwaves at Mach 3 speeds.
    • The Legendary Pandoras are in a class all their own. One of them, Windy May, is a Combat Medic with healing abilities so powerful that she's able to heal a Pandora who blew up her entire upper torso from the waist up in a Heroic Sacrifice. Windy May also wields a huge hammer that she can swing with enough force to defeat an enemy that was curbstomping a bunch of other strong Pandoras with a single blow. The other Legendary Pandoras are just as broken. The reason they sat out most of the series was because they were literally Too Powerful to Live their own power was slowly killing them and they had to be placed in stasis for over a decade until the problem could be fixed.
  • A DVD Commentary for Get Backers had a joke about how Ban kept sneaking ahead of people in the line for super powers. Most of the characters have a basic power and its benefits (Ginji's electricity, Shido's control of animals and ability to mimic them), but Ban has his one-minute illusions, his "Snakebite" grip, and the ability to call on Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine (yeah) who can beat pretty much anyone he comes across. Plus his knowledge of just about anything. He's specifically referred to as a genius when it comes to fighting, but he's very well-read in other subjects that come up, as well.
    • Also, in the manga, he can do magic. Kinda-sorta. We only actually see him do this once though and it involves snogging another bloke.
  • Haruhi Suzumiya series: Mikuru has a Time Travel device that can only be used with permission from her superiors in the future. Plot-important, but lame. Itsuki can enter Closed Space and surround himself in a flying glowing shell to fight giant energy beings. Pretty neat, though he's completely powerless outside of Closed Space. Haruhi is a powerful Reality Warper... but she's Locked Out of the Loop and limited by her common sense only uses her power subconsciously. No, the real winner is the Sufficiently Advanced Alien Yuki, who can tie the fabric of reality in knots, manipulate probability at a whim, make herself an Instant Expert in anything she likes, and in the fourth novel steal Haruhi's power altogether, permanently depowering Haruhi in order to totally rewrite reality to her whim and make herself the female lead. Even without the Reality Warper or Techno Wizard part, she still has inhuman computational abilities just by merit of her creatorher hacking the game played against the Computer Club and micromanaging twenty different fleets in real time involved nothing but Rapid-Fire Typing. But the real kicker? Per Kyon's prior "no cheating" command, she deliberately constrained her typing speed within normal human limitations.
  • Alucard of Hellsing. Vampires in this series are already pretty tough: they can heal themselves, have superhuman strength and senses, and can create ghouls out of non-virgin humans that obey their every command. Alucard, however, is in a class of his own. Instantaneous regeneration, walking through walls, practically invincible because he just doesn't die, even to stuff that kills other vampires outright... and that's when he's sealed. If his powers are unsealed... then we get fun stuff like shapeshifting and summoning hellhounds. And at his full strength? He can summon an undead army made up of everyone and everything he has ever killed. All completely under his command and all with the full powers they possessed in life at their disposal. Good luck fighting that.
    • Alexander Anderon (with Helena's Nail). His power explicitly rivals Alucard at his strongest release state. Can regenerate any wound as quickly as Alucard as long as his heart (and the nail) remain and possess such powerful influence that he near single handedly beats the unholy snot out of Alucard and culminating in him destroying the entirety of Alucard's familiars, splitting the latter in half and nearly frying both him and Seras all at the same time.
  • Hunter × Hunter mostly avoids this by having most nen users be able to pick and choose which powers they have based on what they are best at, with the more powerful abilities having some sort of restriction. But, then there's the Chimera Ant King and his Royal Guard, all of whom were born with the ability to use nen. Of particular note is the King himself who can actually increase his own nen aura by eating other nen users and Neferpitou who was born a specialist nen user which is the rarest and arguably strongest nen type and was able to kill Kite a master nen user, without any real nen training.
  • Bell Cranell from Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? has the "Realis Phrase" ability, which Hestia mentions is a pretty rare skill to have. It lets him to level grind extremely quickly, allowing him to become a Level 2 Adventurer in a month and a half when it would normally take at least a year.
  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, powers are distributed fairly randomly, which leaves some characters leagues above some others:
    • Part 2's Pillar Men possess extreme bodily manipulation to the point of it being a Lovecraftian Superpower and absolute immunity (through both regeneration and shrugging strikes off) to anything that wasn't the Power Of The Sun. And then their boss, Kars, managed to rid himself completely of this weakness and even added the Ripple itself to his own powers, along an Adaptive Ability that let him be immune to anything thrown his way and cause horrific damage through shapeshifting into mutated animals. He was beaten by turning this absolute invincibility against him by blasting him into orbit, where he couldn't find his way back to Earth nor die, left to linger until the isolation shut down his thoughts completely.
    • Dio Brando in Part 3, has the power to stop time, which makes him pretty much immune to any attack he sees coming and lets him kill people before they know it.
    • His minion Vanilla Ice got an even greater power, though. His Stand, Cream, has the power to annihilate anything it touches, swallow its user for protection (without harming him), turn invisible, and fly at great speed. It has one huge weakness, though, that makes it not as strong as The World. Vanilla Ice and his stand can't see while they're inside the void, so he has to pop out occasionally to see where his opponents are.
    • Part 4 has quite a lot of examples, but special mention must go to the Big Bad, which already has a Stand that can make anything it touches into an explosion trigger that will detonate anybody who touches the Stand-touched object (the person touching will explode and not the object). Then, it evolves and he can now invoke time loops.
    • Similarly, the Big Bad of Part 5 has some sort of time-skipping ability, which allows him to see all possibilities in the next tens of seconds or so, and then skip immediately to the results he wishes. The only reason why he is defeated is because The Hero is empowered by the artifact that gives the Stand powers and gains the power to negate anything you do.
    • Fugo from the same Part is Put on a Bus for this very reason. His Stand Purple Haze produced a toxin that destroyed every living organism that came in contact with it. The author eventually decided to bench him because it became too difficult to design fights with Fugo around. This is especially shown in the light novel Purple Haze Feedback, where Fugo's ability evolved and gained more interesting uses.
    • Enrico Pucci in Part 6 zig-zags the trope since he does have to work to win the lottery, but when the power you gain after evolving twice is to speed up time until you are effectively moving and thinking at the speed infinite, as well as accelerate the time of the entire universe and resets it to your image, it's hard to say that it is not this.
    • Funny Valentine, the Big Bad of Part 7, not only won the Superpower lottery, but he also bought all the winning tickets. His powers allowed him to access alternate universes, by which he could use Weaponized Teleportation, trapping people in them, where if alternate selves touched each other, they would simultaneously disintegrate (an effect Valentine himself was conveniently immune to), transfer his consciousness to alternate selves if his current body was killed, summon aforementioned alternate selves to his universe to assist him and, with the help of a MacGuffin, cause all "misfortune" to fall through him and hit another random stranger on the opposite side of the planet.
  • Akashi Seijuurou Kuroko no Basuke is this in spades. Not only does he have the Emperor Eye, which lets him effectively see into the future, rendering both defense and offense used against him directly pointless, but he also has "Perfect Rhythmed Passes", which allows him to draw out his teammates' full potential and put them into a psuedo-Zone state. And he can forcibly enter the Zone himself, just like Aomine! On top of that, his physical skills are very high, even by the standards of the Generation of Miracles. He can dunk from a standing position despite being only 173 cm tall, and is faster than even Kagami; with both of them in the Zone, Kagami can't catch up to Akashi even though Akashi is having to slow down to dribble the ball. He literally only lost because the author made it so.
  • Although the physical abilities Factors are given by their Machina's in Linebarrels of Iron are more or less equal, the actual Machina themselves vary in usefulness. The titular Linebarrel is of mid level power with swords and a beam gun/sword (as well a few hidden supermodes) where as Yajima's Apparition is a rather weak robot with only a non automatic sniper rifle (with regular finite ammo) as it's only weapon. Then you get Masaki's incredibly cheap Glen Nieder, a giant armored battleship that not only has several powerful beam cannons and is totally immune to beam weapons itself, but is also simply an armor unit for the real machine inside, Naked, a super fast robot with a BFS that can teleport. In the manga it's even more powerful as the Nieder form can also turn into a (more giant) giant robotish form as well. When the other Factors fight him it's almost funny how unfair it is.
  • In The Law of Ueki, each participant in the ever-present Tournament Arc has a special power given to them by their heavenly sponsor, usually of the form "turn X into Y"; our hero, for instance, can transform garbage (usually wrappers) into trees (with a degree of Green Thumb). The Big Bad of the first arc's power at first seems to be generating gravity-manipulating bubbles... but, no, that turns out to just be a side effect created by a previous use of his real power: to make anything ideal, which is bordering on (but not quite) Reality Warper territory.
    • Ueki's power is actually stated to be one of the most awesome abilities that could be given as its true nature is allowing him to recycle his creations (use trash to create trees, tear a branch from first created tree to turn it into more trees). This gives him the advantage of literally having an infinite supply of mediums to transmute. Then he acquires his Level 2 power, which can revert his opponent's powers, i.e. "turning Y back to X".
    • Other people in later arcs display incredible powers as well, most notably Marilyn, who can change one second into ten (e.g. perfectly dodge everything) and only loses because of her own Heroic RROD.
  • The artifacts in Mahou Sensei Negima! seem to be like this. Chisame's Magical Girl staff and attendants give her super hacking powers and limited detection abilities; mostly useless to begin with, and totally so after it runs out of battery power when she became lost in a wilderness without any charged electronics around. Nodoka gets a mind reading book, but she has to know her targets' names (not a problem later on) and be recklessly close to them to use it. Yue's book functions as a magic encyclopedia and comes with a handy flying broom. Asuna gets a nice BFS, even if its power is rather redundant. Konoka can heal anything short of death within a 30 second time limit. Chachamaru gets a Kill Sat which is so devastating that even Cosmo Entelechia's uber summon-demon dies with a single shot.
    • The artifact lottery appears to have a winner: Negi's artifact allows him to utilize the artifacts of any of his partners especially broken considering the still-increasing size of his harem. Perhaps it's for the best that this is only a temporary artifact. To be fair, it's insinuated that Negi's artifact literally borrows his partners' artifacts, meaning that while it's great for one-on-one fights, in the massive team battles that keep cropping up, it would be less than useless. Which is exactly what Negi wants, actually.
    • Pactios may not be as random as they seem, as Chamo hints in a recent chapter that the usefulness of an artifact is directly proportional to the partners' compatibility. Nodoka is Negi's first and primary Love Interestnote she was the first to confess to Negi, and her artifact gives her Telepathy, making her mind-reading of the bad guys' unspoken plans more of a headache than Negi himself. Natsume is Kotarou's Love Interest and has an artifact that grants her perfect stealth. Chachamaru is a Robot Girl who has a crush on Negi, and when he gave her a big, long, wet one in the process of negotiating with the rules of magic themselves in order to give her a pactio, she got a Kill Sat.
    • The Thousand Master, Jack Rakan, and Evangeline won the Lottery hard, as their power is basically being completely invincible. They have each been defeated a grand total of once, the former by the Lifemaker, the latter in a flashback that is incredibly improbable to be true, and Rakan when he was essentially removed from existence (and even that wasn't immediate or permanent).
  • Most of the lead roles in the Nanoha series. Nanoha is a normal girl who just happens to have enough power to level pretty much anything. (Which she does.) Subaru is a cyborg designed to kick ass, Caro was exiled as a child for simply being too powerful; able to summon a dragon, and another ancient dragon at the same time. Hayate found a book that not only gave her ridiculous magic power, but 4 unquestioningly loyal and incredibly powerful ancient knights. Touma found a similar book, a gunblade that gives him a beam cannon, and a hot love interest who seems to work as a magical reactor. On the other hand Teana Lanstar got a non-lethal gun and Erio got a spear. ...Thanks for playing, you two!
    • Touma also got a Super-Powered Evil Side, a genetic illness that will kill him slowly unless he kills other people, and a magic tome that will gladly do so for him whether he likes it or not. So it's less jackpot and more 6s all the way.
    • And then there's Precia, who was one of only two mages in the entire series with an SS rank, and unlike Hayate, hers is entirely natural. She was capable of magic powerful enough to disable a spaceship in another dimension. While she was basically on her deathbed.
    • But the absolute queen of this trope in Nanoha is Reinforce, who can use the powers of anyone who has had their linker core drained by the Book of Darkness even more effectively than their original owners, shrugs off everything Fate and Nanoha can throw at her, and is capable of destroying entire planets, which she has actually done, albeit not onscreen. Unfortunately, she was Too Cool to Live.
    • Vivio also hit the jackpot. As a descendent of the Belkan Saint Kings, she possesses an unparalleled automatic defensive ability, can learn new spells just by watching someone else use them, and when empowered by the Saint's Cradle, she was able to outmatch Nanoha's raw power. When she was only six years old. Although she got seriously nerfed in Vivid.
  • Mai Hime:
    • In Mai-Otome, otome special powers are like this, but the fact that they're all Flying Bricks tends to normalize them. The exception appears to be Lena Sayers who can bypass all of the normal limitations that otome face. It wasn't enough that she already had a Flash Step and was one of the physically strongest otome. Stack all that on top of her non-otome powers, and she quickly trivializes everyone else in the meta-series. Her only limitation appeared to be her strong distaste for using those powers, but she overcame that.
    • In Mai-Otome's precursor series, Mai Hime, there are twelve chosen Magical Girls every few hundred years, each given an Element (a magic item) and a Mon, and a destiny to fight each other untill one Mon remains. Both Elements and Mons vary widely in power. Mai drew the winning ticket with the most versatile Element and a Mon that eats Kill Sats for breakfast, while Yukino is better of jumping of a cliff than engage in actual combat. This is acknowledged in the series and several villains try to depower Mai rather than fighting her head on.
  • Ajimu from Medaka Box is probably the most over-the-top example ever. While the series' other characters have one ability each (or two abilities at best), she has twelve quadrillion distinct abilities. Most of them aren't much, but the stronger ones can apparently do things like turn her into God, turn her into Satan, create a planet, create an entire universe, and make her breasts larger. Amusingly, one of her powers is the ability to remember what all her powers are.
    • While slightly less ridiculous than Ajimu (if only because she hasn't seen everything she can do) Medaka is pretty broken as well. Her ability is called "The End", and it's power is to copy and perfect abilities that are used against her. Hit her with mind control? Now she has it, and she's better at it than you. Super reflexes fast enough to dodge bullets? Now she has them, and they are even faster. And this is on top of her already incredible strength, speed, stamina and resiliance. This has been at work ever since she was born, in a flashback she mentions that she had absorbed all the knowledge of academics she currently posses she had memorized by the age of one.
  • Hatou Manabu in Murasakiiro No Qualia is ridiculously overpowered. Initially, her friend gives her a cellphone that's attached to her arm thanks to an accident. Later on, she finds lots of practical use that goes from meeting her alternate selves to become someone else because they're technically her From a Certain Point of View and finally becomes The Narrator of the story. Despite all that however, she still can't save her best friend.
  • The Hyuuga and Uchiha clans from Naruto, the former of whom can see in nearly every direction and use Pressure Point attacks to shut down an enemy physically and cut them off from their power source, and the latter can copy techniques after visualizing them. Chakra is practically "oxygen" in Naruto, so the Hyuga have a way to shut down practically any opponent, and the Uchiha can learn any jutsu that isn't solely available to members of a bloodline. With time, the Sharingan can even become the Rinnegan after gaining Senju genetic material.
    • The Sharingan can, at a price, become the Mangekyo Sharingan, and then be upgraded to the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, basically granting unlimited usage of three of the series's most powerful jutsus. But being specific, there are members of the Uchiha who gain "special powers" like Obito, Itachi, Shisui, and Madara Uchiha that become Game Breaker abilities for nearly all of those particular people.
    • The Rinnegan is another eye technique, allegedly greater than the Sharingan and Byakugan. It has similar sensory ability, lets you master all five elemental forms of nature manipulation plus the non-elemental one (when few can do more than two and nobody else can do all six), and let's the user control six reanimated bodies each given a special power (one of which is bringing dead people/damaged bodies Back from the Dead) and a shared sense of sight between them. The list of people who have claimed it includes a small number of people. The first was the series Physical God, Sage of the Six Paths. The next one after him comes in the form of Nagato (actually it's not his, but it was given by Madara Uchiha, who gained it by means of evolution), a man who had enough raw power to assault a village full of ninjas by himself and almost win. Later, Tobi steal one of Nagato's eyes after he died. Though the trade off for the greater abilities is massive, possibly deadly, chakra usage, and for a few even dipping into life-force; such as the aforementioned raising of the recently dead. But the wielder will be kicking a lot of ass before they go down.
      • Sasuke also gets it; it also ends up that the Sharingan is just a downgraded Rinnegan and that the version that is in only one eye and is red is it's true form.
    • Danzo noticed out the two examples above and grafted the First Hokage's DNA into himself in the form of his right arm, which he has had ten sharingan eyes implanted into. That means he possesses the powers of the Uchiha and Senju allowing him to use a forbidden technique that gives him minor reality warping powers in regards to his own person (and since using that technique permanently blinds a sharingan, Danzo put the eyes of all the dead Uchiha he could find on ice to replace any he expends), as well as the power to control the series Eldritch Abominations.
    • The Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi and the Tsuchikage, Onoki, scored pretty big. The former got to use two unique types of Elemental Powers in addition to the three regular ones they were made from, with their combined forms obviously being more powerful. The latter can fly (a feat that's rather rare in the series), create large objects to smash things with, and carry an turtle the size of a small island with one hand. Not to mention his powerful Cube of Destruction.
    • Being the host of a Tailed Beast gives you massive reserves of energy, a defense against Genjutsu, and an Energy Shield. The main character is host to the strongest one in the series, acting as his Superpowered Evil Side that tears up parts of the landscape once triggered, but at the cost of shortening his lifespan. Once tamed, there is no more Power at a Price aspect though. Naruto won over his fellow Perfect Jinchuriki Killer Bee though: being stronger, faster, and overall more powerful than five Biju. Not only that, he can transfer his power to an entire army to make a Redshirt Army into a Badass Army capable of fighting even the strongest Eldritch Abomination in the universe and two physical gods. AND then he can combine his full power with Sage Mode which gives him the ability to fight even the likes of Ten-Tails Obito!
    • Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage also won the Superpower Lottery: he can tame the Tailed Beasts with just a pat on the forehead, create entire forests to manipulate the battlefield as he sees fit or create giant flowering trees on the same scale that pump out a knock-out pollen, create massive wooden constructs designed to fight the aforementioned Tailed Beasts called 'Mokujin' or 'Mokuryu' (literally Wood Golem/Wood Person and Wood Dragon), and finally he can become one with nature and can enter Sage Mode which gives him the ability to create Senpo: Mokuton: Shinsusenju, the largest construct in the entire series, which makes Kaijus feel like pets. On top of that he also has a Healing Factor on the same level of Tsunade's Byakugo no Jutsu!
    • The resurrected Madara Uchiha has the fake Rinnegan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and the Wood Release of the Senju Clan. His Susano'o makes him Nigh Invulnerable, he can produce Wood Clones equal to himself in strength, can cast meteors and drop them out of the sky, spawn an entire raging forest after his enemies, and bathe the earth in a sea of flames. Oh, and he has an immortal body that wields an unlimited amount of chakra. It gets worse when he take back one of his eyes from Nagato, allowing him to summon a Living Shadow that can kick the ass of all nine the Tailed Beasts combined. What happens when he gets the other eye back? FOUR OF THOSE.
    • The Sage of the Six Paths (and his brother) is all of the above examples combined, having created the list of techniques for which those ones were based on, and he used them to defeat the series' original Eldritch Abomination that gave birth to nine others of its kind.
      • His mother Kaguya had the Byakugan and a Third Eye which is the real Rinnegan. And supposedly has even more charka than the Ten-Tails and even created the beast.
  • NEEDLESS has people called Needless, who control powers such as fire, water, gravity, magnetism and whatnot. It is explicitly stated in the anime multiple times, that each user can only have one "fragment", which is the series' fancy term for "ability". Both the protagonist Adam Blade, and the Big Bad Adam Arclight have the memorization ability which allows them to memorize and use any skill they have encountered. Of course, Adam Blade conveniently forgets his superpower thanks to Plot-Induced Stupidity during his fight with the Bishojo Squad and gets his ass handed to him.
    • Big Bad's power is even more broken - unlike Blade's it gives him not an exact copy, but a more powerful version. In their fight, when using exact same copied skills, Adam was completely stomping Blade.
    • Anime's Gecko Ending also gave same Mega Manning to Saten.
  • In One Piece, while Devil Fruit powers that in other series would be mostly worthless are quite useful, the Logia fruits are still absurdly stronger, and appropriately rarer. They're able to become and reform from their element at will, which gives them extraordinary power, grants some of them Not Quite Flight (especially useful given that falling into the ocean is the most dangerous thing that can happen to anybody with Devil Fruit power) and very fast travel, and makes them Nigh Invulnerable Blobs anytime they're able to see a blow coming (some are even able to over-step this by changing reflexively).
    • Above even the standard Logia fruits are the powers granted to Admiral Kizaru: As a being made of pure light, he is nearly massless, can move at the speed of light, can kick with near-infinite force, and has no clear elemental weakness. It's no wonder he tends to treat combat as an absolute joke and makes small talk with his enemies.
      • Caesar Clown as well. He ate the Gasu Gasu no Mi, which allows him to transform into, generate, and control gasses, including deadly poisonous gas, highly explosive gas, and oxygen. Yes, he can (and has) removed all the oxygen from around himself, easily defeating Luffy, Zoro, and Nico Robin through this by suffocating them.
      • Former Admiral Aokiji is also a clear winner, as his Freeze-Freeze fruit grants him the power to freeze even the ocean, which negates the biggest weakness he has. And in this series, Harmless Freezing is very much NOT in effect.
    • This trope is played quite literally with the Devil's Fruits, as it's entirely possible to LOSE at the Superpower Lottery, since most of the time nobody knows what power is bestowed on the users before they eat it, leaving it up to fate as to whether you're Cursed with Awesome or Blessed with Suck. Blackbeard is a pure example of both, since though he can pretty much neutralise all opposing devil fruit user's abilities and can suck things into pure darkness, he does have one slight problem he can't dodge anything. Since his powers are partly gravity based, he pulls in all attacks, and is unable to avoid them like other logia users. Considering most people in the Grand Line have absurd fighting strength devil fruit or not this is not at all convenient.
      • But then, a very useful ability appears later: A complete Mega Manning of a second Devil's Fruit. To note, he chooses Whitebeard's power below. Though anyone other than Blackbeard, who happens to have a special kind of body independent of the Dark Dark Fruit, would be killed by a second Devil Fruit just the same as anyone else.
    • Meanwhile, Marco is a Phoenix (Mythical Zoan), so he gets the rare flight ability, and regeneration (which works even on wounds inflicted while the power is nullified, as long as he can come out of contact with the Power Nullifier in question), in addition to the 3 zoan forms. Then there's the other reasons he's Whitebeard's First Division Commander.
    • Paramecia fruits are more of a "huge gamble", as that classification means "anything besides Logia or Zoan", and thus range from "useless" to "impossibly broken". While most of the stronger ones are Logia, many that are arguably the strongest are both Paramecia: Whitebeard's (creates shockwaves which can be strong enough to cause earthquake and tidal waves, which is an even bigger threat than in the real world since the One Piece world is made up almost entirely of islands) and Kuma's (paw pads on his hands... which punt anything they touch flying away faster than the eye can see hundreds of miles away, including abstract concepts like strength and pain).
    • The lottery gets better for the Zoan-typer Devil powers. Zoan types were usually used for enhancing ones abilities by transforming ones body into full-animal or half animal, essentially having 3 forms (human, animal or hybrid of both). Those who got lucky got the Carnivorous Models, which were considered more dangerous than models previously shown. Now, if you really hit the lottery, you'll find yourself with an Extinct/Ancient (such as the cases of X Drake who turns into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and Jack the Drought who turns into a Mammoth) or Mythical (Marco, former Fleet Admiral Sengokunote He technically turns into a Buddha, but in practice it's more like a bronze colossus with Power Palms )Zoan power.
    • The real lottery winners are those with "Haoushoku Haki", or "King's Ambition"; only one in a million are born with it, and it's powerful enough to knock out scores of Elite Mooks, such as the Kuja warriors, who are already well-accustomed to the effects of the regular variety. And this was done by somebody who didn't even realize he had any sort of Haki (or even what Haki was). Currently, only eight characters in the series are confirmed to possess this type of Haki, all of whom are leaders in some way: Luffy, Shanks, Boa Hancock, Silvers Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Portgas D. Ace, Donquixote Doflamingo, and Chinjao.
    • If you're looking for a true loser of the lottery it would be Pierre, Gan Fall's riding bird from Skypiea. He ate the Uma Uma no Mi, allowing him to become a horse. The problem: he is already perfectly ridable in his pure bird form. So all he got is a cosmetic change into a pegasus at the cost of being paralyzed in seawater.
      • For the longest time, Brook seemed like an example of one of the lottery losers as well, with his Devil Fruit giving him the power to resurrect himself after being killed one time, meaning that until then, he's just a guy with Super Drowning Skills. The abilities he shows after then are really more just an offshoot of accidentally coming back as a living skeleton than anything having to do with the Devil Fruit itself. However, events after the Time Skip have proved that Heart Is an Awesome Power after all, just with a steeper learning curve than most.
      • Buggy, ironically, is both a winner and a loser of the lottery. He's one of the weakest characters in the series, pretty much a gag villain, with his ability being to split himself into pieces without harm. He's too lazy to truly take care of his power, but as shown when used as a shield by Luffy against Dracule Mihawk, not even the world's best swordsman can injure him with a blade.
      • This trope is later subverted that even the lottery losers can become very strong if they train their Devil Fruit's powers. Luffy himself has a lackluster ability, while still powerful and very useful pales in comparison to other Devil Fruits. He, however, trains his ability effectively allowing him to create stuff like his Gears. Kaku with his Giraffe powers seems to be a loser at first, but he learns quickly and uses his power very effectively by combining it with some Supernatural Martial Arts.
    • Chopper who ate the Human Human Fruit, which would be useless for humans, is a lottery winner with his Rumble Balls (Drugs which give him additional, stronger forms).
    • One Piece as a whole is a subvert of this trope. It is outright stated by Lucci that there is no such a thing as a bad Devil Fruit, just bad users. Anyone who finds a Devil Fruit is seen as a lottery winner in-universe. Even powers that appears worthless on paper like Kuma's Paw Paw Fruit or Doflamingo's string powers can be turn into deadly and broken weapons in the hands of a master. Just as Buggy who has a fairly powerful Devil Fruit is considered weak since he doesn't use it to its maximum potential. Some fruits are more powerful than others, but the true power of a Devil Fruit lies in the imagination of the user.
  • In One-Punch Man, Saitama, the hero of the story, has got this in spades. A moderate strength and stamina training regimen gave him a massive Charles Atlas Superpower: he's virtually invulnerable, is so strong that the shock waves from his punches can destroy mountains, can move so fast that he catches the sword of a fighter who can supposedly move as fast as light, and his senses and perceptions are enhanced to match his physical attributes. There are those in-universe and out that believe he's got some other power that gives Saitama a super physiology and he may simply be unaware of it. But really, it's done intentionally because the series is an Affectionate Parody of the superhero and shonen genre so Saitama is the Invincible Hero (more accurately Comically Invincible Hero) to point out the flaws of being too strong.
    • Tatsumaki the "Terrible Tornado" also won the Superpower Lottery by being the strongest telekinetic in the series and the third strongest person in the Hero Association. In her first scene, she pulls an asteroid down from space to kill a giant monster, and she didn't even seem to be trying. It's a shame that she's a jerk.
  • Kakeru, the main character from Psycho Busters won the lottery by a mile. Some of the most powerful abilities in his world include seeing the future and telekinesis powerful enough to collapse a building or turn pens into deadly weapons. His ability is to edit time around himself. Essentially giving him reality warping in a ten meter radius, as well as the ability to rewind, slow or accelerate time as he desires as long as he activated his Perfect World beforehand. What's more, the power instinctively kicks in and turns back time should Kakeru be killed, meaning that even a surprise attack will be ineffective.
  • Psi abilities in Psyren tend to have this happen. While training plays an important role, you have some game-breakers like Shiner's teleportation, and Nemesis Q's everything. The biggest winner though would have to be Shao, who is a combination mind-reader, power-nullifier, tracker, a Rise user capable of keeping up with Kyle, and capable of controlling and redirecting other people's PSI.
    • Kabuto also got pretty lucky with his powers, even though his role in most major battles was relatively small. His "Vision - Menace" allows him to both feel approaching danger, clearly see attacks before they actually happen and casually redirect them with his mind. He is also excellent in the "Sense" department which is essential for developing Super Speed. If he didn't develop his full potential so late, he would've most likely been an invincible Game Breaker.
    • Everyone who is able to master Nova also got VERY lucky, because it basically enhances the users power by many times.
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica's Magical Girls generally have some sort of magic-enchanced weapon, maybe Super Strength and/or Healing Factor. But some have severely hacked the system in their favor. Akemi Homura has multiple time-manipulation abilities and a Hyperspace Arsenal of conventional weaponswitches are not Immune to Bullets, so this breaks the game quite effectively. Kaname Madoka, meanwhile, is capable of near-omnipotence because of Homura's recursive time-travelling to save her, although she can't actually control such immense power... until she chooses a wish that paradoxes her out of existence.
  • Sieg, from Rave Master gets a toned down version of this. While he's not so powerful that he can easily defeat any of the villains, his being unaligned to any sort of element means he has no real weakness, and can easily use any sort of magic.
  • In Rising X Rydeen any rank A stranger has powers that far surpass the lower ranks.
    • Mikan has electric based powers that lets her move as fast as lightning and lets her shoot power blasts of lightning from her hands capable of incapacitating most of her enemies in one shot. Because of these powers and training she hasn't failed a single mission from the government to capture evil strangers and when she did fail a mission for the first time it was only because one of the targets was able to run away.
  • Phoenix Ikki from Saint Seiya. Not only is he physically stronger than his fellow saints, he has resurrective powers...that double his power every time he comes back. And his armor does that too! Break into pieces and it will reform itself stronger. Which is why this character is often somewhere else and only comes by to beat up the toughest opponents.
    • Also, Virgo Shaka. He can fight 3 gold saints on equal terms..and win.
  • Soul Eater has one. Maka won this for having a special 'grigori-shaped soul' and demonslayer wavelength which allow her to naturally resist magic and insanity. Her soul wavelength control is associated with the former, and all seem to have been a matter of luck. Black Star and Tsubaki's skills are based on the latter's unique inheritance, and Kid is an oddity amongst his human friends because, well, he was made that way.
    • Buttetaki has the strongest soul detection in the entire series, to the point that any stronger and he could see right through a witch's soul protect (which was designed to hide them from detection,) which would let him root out Medusa and even Asura with ease. His soul detection indeed reaches that point, just before he gets a visit from The Plot Reaper.
  • Tenchi Muyo!, arguably has one of the most ridiculous example of this in anime and manga history. It is Tenchi Masaki himself in his true form, where he is so powerful, to the point that the Choushins (by the way, Choushins are the lords of the universe, ruling all dimensions from 1-D to who-knows-how-many-D. The God we call omnipotent? Its just the Choushins servant, ruling the 3-D for them.) are nothing but another of his creations.
    • For characters who aren't deities (yet), there's Ryoko. Her creator rigged the Superpower Lottery by designing Ryoko with every power she could think of. The full Flying Brick power set, plus teleportation, energy beams and swords, regeneration, self-duplication, demon summoning, telekinesis, a Psychic Link with both her creator and her Living Ship, the ability to survive in vacuum without a spacesuit, etc. Oh, and the lower-generation royal trees of Jurai register her as if she's a 1st-generation tree, meaning that the majority of the universe's most powerful spacefleet is incapable of even thinking about attacking her, even if she's blowing up said fleet right before their eyes. For obvious reasons, outside of flashbacks she's restricted to roughly a third of her full power.
  • In Tiger & Bunny, this trope is played with. Jake was lucky enough to have two superpowers, projecting force fields and reading minds. Then there is Kaede who can mimic the abilities of other NEXT and Maverick who can alter, erase and implant memories. But when Kotetsu, Barnaby and Origami Cyclone visit the HERO academy for NEXT, it's made apparent that many NEXT abilities are fairly useless. So out of a few thousand NEXT, only a small percentage become heroes or villains.
  • In Toward the Terra most Mu get relatively strong powers and can live a couple of decades of even centuries longer than normal humans. They pay for this with their fragile bodies. Type Blue Mu, on the other hand, can destroy entire armies with their powers, move in the space without any protection, affect large groups of people on a great distance and even Create Life. It usually takes a few normal Mu to pull off something that the Type Blue would be able to do single-handedly. Jomy in the manga wins the Lottery completly, since he not only has Type Blue powers but also doesn't share physical weakness typical for the other Mu.
  • Turn A Gundam. In the anime, it exhibits super-strong energy shields, teleportation, regeneration, and myriad other powers. And all this is ignoring the version from the novelization by Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino, where the Turn A at full power can destroy everything from Earth out to Jupiter, is nigh on invincible, can teleport itself, weapons, and even attacks (such as teleporting a beam into an enemy's cockpit), and can regenerate itself AND its pilot. The novel even remarks that the TV version used perhaps 5% of its full power; this, taken with the stark power contrast between the Turn A and everything except its Evil Counterpart Turn X, pretty much makes it undeniably the most powerful Gundam, and certainly high up the rankings for all Humongous Mecha.
    • Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The eponymous 00 Gundam is powerful but not quite gamebreaking, but its movie upgrade the 00 Quanta essentially has every single one of its strengths and abilities turned up to eleven. Then THAT comes back in a form that, while never shown in combat, effectively possesses nearly all the same abilities as the Novel!Turn A, becoming a near expy.
  • In the various Yu-Gi-Oh! series, the Big Bads decks tend towards this, but Zone, the Big Bad of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, stands out with his Temporal Machine Gods.
    • For starters all of them have 0 attack and defense, but share the common effect of being completely immune to destruction by any effect, negating battle damage and returning to the deck at the beginning of Zone's next turn. They each have their own effects that occur when they battle. There are eleven of them in all: Camion  Shuffle all monsters your opponent controls into the Deck after damage calculation, and inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each monster shuffled., Gabrion  shuffle all cards your opponent controls into the Deck, after damage calculation., Hairon  If this card battles while you and your opponent have different amounts of Life Points, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the difference, after damage calculation., Metaion  return all other monsters on the field of your choosing to the owner's hand, and inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each monster returned., Michion  Inflict damage to your opponent equal to half their Life Points, after damage calculation., Raphion  Return the monster it battled to the hand and inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK., Razion  Return all monsters your opponent controls and all cards in your opponent's Graveyard to the Deck. When your opponent draw(s) a card during the Draw Phase, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent., Sandaion  Inflict 4000 damage to your opponent at the end of the Battle Phase., Tzaphion  Shuffle all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls into the Deck, after damage calculation (which has the additional effect of drawing five cards when she leaves the field), Zadion  If this card battles while your Life Points are lower than 4000, your Life Points become 4000 after damage calculation. and last but not least, Sephylon  Once per turn, you can Special Summon as many "Timelord" monsters as possible from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and their ATK becomes 4000. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all "Timelord" monsters you control, except "Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord". Negate the effects of any monsters that battle with this card.. This in addition to a series of traps that lets him summon them at will.
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL's Big Bad, Don Thousand, is so laughably overpowered it boggles the mind. For starters there's the field spell Numeron Network, which he can activate straight from his deck and which lets him activate traps also straight from his deck and allows Numeron XYZ monsters to use their effects without having to detach xyz units, which is good for Don Thousand because has the ability to summon them straight to the field without having to worry about composite monsters. His first four monsters had the ability to double each others attack strength each time they battle. After one round of attacks they went from 1000 to 16,000. He then chaos xyzed into a monster that banished every other monster on the field, set to return the next turn and deal damage equal to the combined attack of them all (50,000 total). His nominal ace monster has 10,000 attack and can either A: Destroy every monster the opponent controls, then summon every one of them to Don Thousand's side of the field or B: Destroy just one and then summon a Chaos XYZ monster from the opponent's extra deck (and he had plenty to choose from since he was dueling Yuma and Nasch.) His actual ace monster has 100,000 attack, can't be destroyed and must be attacked because hey, if you don't, you automatically lose the duel. The best part? It has the ability to negate attacks.
  • Lampshaded in YuYu Hakusho anime when Kuwabara complains about Yusuke being able to use a Spirit Gun, while he gets a Spirit Sword. Toguro initially pretends that he had a bad draw in the apparitions' Superpower Lottery, gaining a demonic body and control as a percentage of how much power he puts out. He's being self deprecating- there's a reason he's the Big Bad of that arc.
    • Toguro's brother is worse. While a weaker fighter, he's effectively immortal due to his shapeshifting powers. It ends up backfiring. How do you beat the immortal guy? And I Must Scream him with a Lotus-Eater Machine.
    • The S-class beings in the later parts of the manga. They are explicitly compared to gods, and even the absolute weakest of them can destroy the entire Earth if they so wish. Even more ridiculous is the three Demon Kings, that can keep legions of S-class demons in check.

     Comic Books 

  • Doctor Manhattan of Watchmen (pictured above, in center), who is basically a nascent Energy Being who is just discovering that he is more or less a Physical God. This in a setting completely devoid of superpowers above Badass Normal. He is however also hamstrung by being omniscient along his own personal timeline, meaning he always knows the events of his past and future with perfect clarity and thus has no free will. Every action he takes is utterly deterministic because he views his future actions as having already happened. Furthermore, his mere existence has significantly altered the course of history - and with the exception of some new power sources and the early adoption of electric cars, not for the better.
    • Similarly, Captain Allen Adam from the post-52 Earth-4 of DC's multiverse is a Reality Warper in a world where everyone else is a Badass Normal. (Doctor Manhattan was based on the original Charlton Comics Captain Atom; Captain Adam, in turn, is a combination of Manhattan and Captain Atom.)
  • Jenny Quantum and the Doctor in The Authority, as their powers seem to be defined as "anything they can think of". They've occasionally been shown defeating the other members of the team at their own specialties. Suspense usually comes along because the Doctor's powers rely heavily on 'thinking'. Scare the bejeebers out of him (or attack when he's snookered on heroin) and you can slide past his defenses.
    • The Military Industrial Complex put a psychotic pedophile hillbilly through a 6 billion dollar cybernetics program to give him over 1,000 super powers to kill the Authority. These included X-Ray strength and Psychic Defacation.
  • Franklin Richards, son of Fantastic Four heroes Susan and Reed Richards, suffers from intermittent omnipotence, including at one point creating a universe in his hands out of boredom. In the many times Franklin has been given a temporary Plot-Relevant Age-Up, he for whatever reason always gets weaker after growing up. Supposedly, he's more powerful as a child because he doesn't know that half the things he does are supposed to be impossible. Or that they're probably bad ideas.
    • In at least one Alternate Timeline, he marries the X-Men's Rachel Summers, another major winner of the lottery, and has a son. His son, Jonathan/Hyperstorm, of course far eclipses both his parents.
    • In another, Franklin becomes the next universe's Galactus.
  • Galactus, Silver Surfer, and any of G-diddy's other Heralds. The Power Cosmic lets them accomplish basically anything he wants, up to and including massive scale reality manipulation. Since Galactus is the primary holder he can bestow or revoke the PC as he pleases.
  • The Flash has a tendency to fall into this, Depending on the Writer. While Super Speed sounds simple enough on paper, it's more like a Green Lantern Ring in the hands of an author who knows how to use his Techno Babble. He's used his superspeed to time travel, travel between dimensions, become intangible (and make other people or things intangible), become invisible, cure himself of detrimental conditions, increase or decrease the speed of other people and objects (including turning someone into, effectively, a living statue), create whirlwinds strong enough to lift others aloft (sometimes just by spinning his arms), extinguish fires, melt large amounts of snow and ice, fly, and power large machinery, among other things. At one point he started fabricating items from pure speed, whatever the heck that means. One of his famous tricks? Infinite Mass Punch. It's exactly what it sounds like. And it should be able to oneshot anybody that has a physical form, even Superman. Flash eventually taught Supes the same move.
  • Justice League villain Amazo, by virtue of his All Your Powers Combined. The DCAU version became something similar through a variant of Mega Manning, and eventually becomes a virtual god.
  • Superman: so many powers that an entire title's worth of X-Men could be fielded with them. They also tend to be at the highest end of the power spectrum for each, rendering him immensely powerful even among other equally strong and widely powered individuals. While quite a few writers have managed to sort it out and write engaging stories with him in defiance of his closeness to being a Deus ex Machina, even other characters in the setting comment on (or become envious of) his many powers. The short form: With Superman around, what are all the other guys in the Justice League supposed to do? (The best JLA writers have a good answer for this question.)
    • Based on the evidence, it seems that the other superheroes make themselves useful by filling the pretty-glaring-once-you-think-about-it gap in Superman's powers his inability to be in multiple places at once. If shit is going down all over the city/world/solar system simultaneously, Superman may be able to deal with a huge, devastating catastrophe that would crush other superheroes, but can still only deal with one of them at a time.
    • The Silver Age Superman was far worse. Writers gave him basically anything you could stick the word "super" in front of as a power, including super-hypnotism and super-ventriloquism. And in addition to the array of powers he had during the Silver Age, their power level was also through the roof. Post-Crisis Superman can juggle battleships; pre-Crisis Superman could juggle planets.
    • Power Girl seemingly gets Superman's full combo platter, except her Kryptonite Factor only exists in an alternate universe. She routinely ends up on the wrong end of The Worf Effect. Maybe she traded the Popularity Power for something else?
    • Superboy-Prime isn't the only Superboy to win the lottery. Time travel and an Overnight Age-Up have revealed Kon-El will develop all of Superman's Kryptonian abilities, plus his tactile telekinesis will develop into full-blown telekinesis with which he can affect entire city blocksand block magical attacks, one of Superman's few weaknesses. If he only had telepathy, he'd be a hybrid of Superman and Phoenix, but without Phoenix's issues.
    • There is also Kal Kent, the 853rd century Superman from DC One Million. "Faster than a speeding Tachyon, more powerful than a collapsing star, and able to leap between planets in a single bound". Full kryptonian powers "evolved into the far future" with a bunch of add-ons like telekinesis, telepathy, and ten additional senses.
    • The end of DC One Million features the triumphant return of the original Superman, still alive and, after centuries of development, even more powerful than his descendant.
    • Maxima, a Superman rogue, sometimes, abuses this nearly as badly as Martian Manhunter. On top of being near Kryptonians in all physical stats, she is able to teleport herself or others, create force fields, control over metals, manipulate inorganic matter (usually to change her clothes on a whim), Eye Beams, multiple forms of mental power, illusion projection, and telekinesis. Though this may be explained because she is a product of selective gene manipulation to produce powerful offspring.
    • Superman villain Hank Henshaw, alias the Cyborg-Superman. Originally an Energy Being who could infest and control all forms of technology, Henshaw upgraded his act by using Superman's birthing matrix to create a cyborg body that incorporated Kryptonian alloys and organic parts cloned from Superman. Then he upgraded again by adding Apokoliptian technology, again when he became Grandmaster of the Manhunters, and again when he joined the Sinestro Corps. The ends result is a killing machine possessed of all Superman's powers, plus technopathic control over an army of robots, the ability to instantly manufacture any Kryptonian or Apokoliptian weapon, a Green Lantern Ring, and a complete inability to die.
    • Then you have Ultra-Boy of Legion of Super Heroes who is Superman, except he can only use one power at a time. Fortunately, those Flight Rings are standard issue so he can at least be a Flying Brick when necessary.
  • Wonder Woman isn't much better. Not only does she have strength, speed, and impact resistance within a hair of Superman, but she has a huge array of gear and minor abilities. Most people know about the block-anything bracers and the lasso that's unbreakable and made of truth (which is a "downgrade" from its old 'compel the target to do anything' powers, though recent writers have revealed it works by reaching down and grabbing someone's soul, which is fun), but did you know her tiara can cut anything? That she can speak with animals, and heals at an accelerated rate due to her connection to Gaia? That she's immune to fire? That thanks to the goddess Athena sharing her visions that she can see through illusions? That's not a complete list.
  • X-Men has a few of these, just from the nature of the shared origin story.
    • Scarlet Witch is pretty much all-powerful at this point, thanks to her initial Power Of Probability being redefined into a Reality Warper by writers apparently haunted by Laplace's demon.
    • Jean Grey/Phoenix gets this, but she went mad with power. Now Jean didn't actually have that much power after she fused with the Phoenix Force, but then she suddenly is more powerful than ever before, and more dangerous: Jean Grey alone can lift upwards of twenty tons with her brain. With limited Phoenix power, she can use external objects as a sense of touch and recompose matter at a molecular level. Unhinged, she can teleport anywhere in the universe at will and devour stars. Then it turns out she has one more level beyond that where she can exist outside of reality proper and has total control over space and time itself. On top of all that, if you kill her she comes back basically whenever she feels like it. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
    • Wolverine, through the effects of power inflation, has reached this point. In older stories, an injured Wolverine actually required medical treatment when his healing factor could not regenerate fast enough. Modern stories feature him being burned down to a skeleton and healing, or regenerating an entire body from a drop of blood. One storyline brought his regenerative abilities back to a more believable level, hand-waving all its previous exaggerated exploits with magic.
    • Iceman at his full potential is not just An Ice Person, but has full control over moisture itself. This includes absorbing bodies of water to increase his size, teleportation (not quite, but close enough) by traveling through water vapor, and he's physically immortal, since he can reconstitute his body from any source of moisture, and even killed a villain by drawing the water from her body.
    • Similar to Franklin Richards - both were nabbed as living batteries by Onslaught - is Nate Grey, the Age of Apocalypse's Laser Guided Tyke Bomb answer to Cable, with all the power that Cable should have and then some. Even as a teenager, with some serious Power Incontinence, he was considered to be the equal of the Dark Phoenix. This generally inspired pants crapping levels of terror in anyone who crossed him and led to any number of people trying to recruit him or kill him. Feats during this time include beating seven kinds of crap out of AoA!Apocalypse, setting him up on a silver platter for Magneto, treating Holocaust (Apocalypse's son) like a passing annoyance, accidentally resurrecting Madelyn Pryor and, later AoA!Gwen Stacy (the latter didn't last), both times with a stray thought, taking on one of the Thanosi in psionic armour and soloing the entire Excalibur squad (at this point including Meggan, Brian Braddock (both winners of the lottery themselves), Colossus, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Wolfsbane and Peter Wisdom). Then he managed to fix the intentional defect in his powers and promptly started treating the multiverse as his personal step ladder, taking on beings that wiped out universes and destroying an evil Jean Grey, before Ascending to a Higher Plane of Existence. Then he descended again, went toe to toe with the Dark X-Men and Dark Avengers at once, kicked their asses, then threw the fight in order to pull a Xanatos Gambit on Norman Osborn. If it were not for his misjudgement of the Green Goblin persona, he'd have ended Dark Reign by himself. He's lost almost all of his powers since, but he'll get them back soon enough.
    • A more recent addition is Darwin, whose power is to grow new abilities based on the situation at hand. His powers were initially supposed to be purely defensive, but apparently the situation then grew out of hand, and writers started adding offensive to overpowered. For instance, when fighting the Hulk, his powers merely teleported him into the next state for his protection... but that same fight saw one of the first offensive uses of his powers, when Darwin sucks the Gamma radiations out of the Hulk.
    • Sage started as just a secretary with photographic memory, but experienced Power Creep, Power Seep until now she's telepathic, super-intelligent, more Badass than Wolverine, able to control minds, and even able to enhance other mutants' powers.
    • Occasional Big Bad Apocalypse's mutant powers have never been quite clearly defined. He's generally portrayed with immortality, super-strength, laser beams, shape-changing, regeneration (when he doesn't have Nigh-Invulnerability), telekinesis, technopathy, and super-intelligencenote  He once used technology to capture Loki, a rare instance of that character facing Science > Magic (though he eventually broke out...with difficulty); also, that thing about Hulk resisting Mind Control? Well guess who managed to make the Hulk his bitch? and he once demonstrated minor intangibility. Essentially he has every single physical superpower, most of which ultimately could be derived just from his high-level shape-shifting. Most of his higher-end powers though come from taking advantage of Celestial technology that he discovered long ago. As a result he owes the Celestials a favor, and they actually rescued Apocalypse from certain death once just to make sure he couldn't escape the deal. His default powers are immortality, super-intelligence and his bizarre skin colour; he also still had superhuman strength, speed, durability, endurance and healing, not to mention he was something like 12 feet tall, but they were no-where near as nerfed as he is nowadays.
    • Depending on the Writer, Magneto really lucked out where superpowers are concerned. He went from menacing the X-Men with girders to controlling the entire electromagnetic spectrum, which should make him pretty much unbeatable (after all, he controls one of the four fundamental forces of the universe). And at times he was virtually unbeatable.
    • In general, any Omega-level mutant falls to this, with the possible exception of Mr. Immortal (depending on whether being absolutely incapable of dying by any means is winning or losing). Essentially, an Omega-level mutant has no upper limit to whatever specific thing their powers control. Note that many famously ultra-powerful mutants like Magneto and Apocalypse are not classified as Omega-level (though Magneto probably should be). Let's not think about Squirrel Girl.
    • Then of course, there's Mimic, who is basically All Your Powers Combined personified. He can copy up to five other mutants at a time, but only gets half their power. Sounds kind of weak, until you realize that the different powers interact. In his first appearance, he'd mimicked Wolverine, Beast, and Colossus, among others. Yes, his claws were bone, and only half as long as Wolvie's. Yes, he was only half as strong as Beast. But when he turned himself into living metal, those claws became much deadlier, and his animalistic strength got taken Up to Eleven. This is a guy who can rig the Superpower Lottery.
    • The "normal" Marvel Universe version of Mimic also gets this to some degree. He has permanently taken on the abilities of the original five X-Men, and can take also on the powers of anyone else he's around. He returned after a long absence by proving to be comatose... until Wolverine stands too close. It hasn't happened yet, but he could easily hit god level if he has their full potential instead of being stuck at the level the powers were when he got them. Unfortunately, unlike Exiles Mimic, he is not entirely stable. note No, really, think of what each X-Man's greatest feat has been, and imagine him or her being able to operate at that level all the time easily. If Mimic's powers are as expandable for them as they proved to be for the original wielders, even Jean's full non-Phoenix potential could move mountains and control matter at a molecular level, as well as giving him influence over every mind within (an ever bigger) range. Scott's eyebeams can amp up to "stagger the Juggernaut or disintegrate a Sentinel" class. The full physical ability of the Beast could make him Spidey-class agile and nigh-Colossus class strong, Iceman's full ability, as an Omega, would be unlimited control of both water and temperature as well as turning to ice rendering him Made of Air (think a colder Hydro-Man), and even Angel's maneuverability at its maximum could make him all of the above... and impossible to hit. Death from above. If this happened when he was on the 'evil' side of the HeelFace Revolving Door, he could become worse than all the Big Bads combined if the writers didn't have this unfortunate tendency to forget he exists for decades at a time.
    • Legion. Oy, Legion. At last count, he had a thousand powers, with more developing. Thing is, each power is under the control of a separate personality, and they're the only ones who can use it (although there are ways around even that). A sane and functional Legion would be a reality warper of terrifying scale. As it is, he still caused the Age of Apocalypse and the Age of X.
    • Meggan Puceanu a.k.a. Gloriana won pretty big: she's got standard flying brick powers up to class 50, she's an extremely powerful shapeshifter who can take on the abilities of whatever she changes into (as shown when she turned into a female version of the Silver Surfer) and might be The Ageless because of it, a powerful empath who could sway demons in the Hell Realms (they ended up becoming her Badass Army in her conquest of and escape from Hell) and an elemental who can touch off volcanoes. The only two caveats are, 1) she's powered by magic, making her rather less powerful outside of Britain, 2) until recently, her shapeshifting was at least partially dictated by the perceptions of others, and it was implied that this extended to her emotional state - for example, her husband Brian was worried when she came on to him one time because he thought that she might not be making the choice of her own free will (as it turned out, she was), 3) equally until recently, she was something of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, making it a little difficult to get her to focus.
    • How about Rogue? Her mutant power is using her touch to absorb memories and abilities - and that includes powers, be they mutant or not. This, for instance, is how she was a Flying Brick in The '90s: she had absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers while she was a member of the Brotherhood. Throughout the years, this has brought plenty of trauma to her, putting quite a damper on her relationship with Gambit (at least until Xavier helps bring her powers under control). Though her Mega Manning abilities are usually balanced out by Power Incontinence and the psychological trauma that sometimes comes along with absorbing other people's powers, there have been times where she has had complete control over her abilities, and even briefly having the ability to use any power of anyone she had EVER touched. Simultaneously. That list of people includes nearly the entire roster of the X-Men and the Avengers just for starters.
  • Speaking of the Hulk, he has unlimited strength, accelerated healing, the ability to breathe underwater, dynamic durability, and the ability to leap as high as Superman, and unlike Supes he has a high resistance to Mind Control. Also, as a bonus, Bruce Banner is one of the smartest men in the Marvel Universe, to the point where Norman Osborn decided he preferred fighting the Hulk.
  • Doctor Strange, Depending on the Writer, can go from "merely" one of the stronger Earth bound heroes to perhaps the most powerful superhero in mainstream comics. His powers enable him to do almost anything at his best/worst, he is the Wizard who does it as he has learnt to command the most primal eldritch energies permeating the universe and is backed up by a host of otherdimensional magical patrons. But in his own titles he needs that level of power, because his Rogues Gallery is also one of the most powerful in mainstream superhero comics, consisting of multiple Evil Sorcerors, The Legions of Hell, at least one nigh-omnipotent Omnicidal Maniac, and demonic Dimension Lords whose mere presence in our reality constitutes a doomsday event, amongst other diabolical horrors and cosmic menaces. Strange has collected and inherited artifacts that amplify his powers even further or protect him from numerous mystical dangers, and on top of all that he is a trained martial artist and a retired world-class surgeon. Put simply, there's a reason he's called the Sorceror Supreme.
  • The original Legion of Super-Heroes had a character in the Heroes of Lallor named Duplicate Boy. His power? To have any power he wanted. Fortunately, he was only a supporting character and rarely appeared.
    • In a similar boat: Nemesis Kid, who had the power to give himself whatever power was needed to defeat a single opponent. (Didn't stop him from getting his neck snapped by Projectra, proving that all the power in the world can't beat awesome.)
      • Then there is Earth-Man (formerly Absorbancy Boy), who has the ability to temporarily absorb as many powers as he wants, turning him, in his words, into a "one-man Legion". Unfortunately for the Legion, he's a sociopathic xenophobe who wants to wipe out all species except humans.
  • The Martian Manhunter. His full list of Post-Crisis demonstrated powers covers half the Stock Superpowers page, and his Silver Age version was even more arbitrarily powerful. And yet he is still always a victim of The Worf Effect. "Oh my gosh if he defeated Martian Manhunter how can Superman defeat him?" Apparently the answer to this question is always "Easily".
    • The mind boggles at how he has heat vision while being weak to fire. It makes as much sense as Superman having kryptonite Eye Beams.
    • The big downgrade, both post-Crisis and in the DCAU, was dropping an aspect of his shapeshifting namely, the ability to gain the powers of whatever form he changed into! He would lose his standard set (except for the ability to shapeshift), but who cares? Used sensibly (which it generally wasn't), this gives J'Onn the winning ticket in the Superpower Lottery all by itself.
  • The Spectre, whose powers are whatever the authors feel he should have. Sort of justified in that the Spectre is more or less an extension of God (as in, the actual God, not some Sufficiently Advanced Alien pretending to be God).
  • Shade, the Changing Man, Peter Milligan's version. He could create hallucinations, he could create physical objects, he could change himself, he could change others, he could bring himself back from the dead, teleport, make and grow interdimensional spaces, and even travel through time itself! A few reasons why this worked:
    • Non-heroic comic book. That means all other characters get no gimmicks, so their character development have to be focused on character. And so you had purely normal, believable personalities who were at least as interesting as the guy with the powers, or moreso.
    • Shade's powers were just as often the plaything of his own issue-riddled subconscious. And the more adept Shade got at using his powers, the more colossally his fucked up mind could fashion a Mind Screw.
  • The Fantastic Four villain, the Super-Skrull, has all the powers of the F4, the Skrulls' natural ability to shapeshift and his own hypnosis based powers.
    • Xavin, the Super-Skrull in-training from Runaways. He has all the powers of the Fantastic Four, but can't use the powers simultaneously.
  • On Runaways, Nico's Staff of One lets her do anything (with the apparent limit of resurrection being off-limits)...but only once per effect. Lately, she's gained some measure of magic ability on her own, at least enough to fly around on her own power.
    • She also found out that, in a cross over with the Young Avengers, she can recast a spell if she says it in a different language. Go count how many languages there are out there, and then look at that "weakness".
    • Though at times the staff is surprisingly literal, and if she casts a spell from a word with multiple meanings, there's no guarantee which one will take effect.
    • Avengers Arena has basically confirmed that nothing is off limits for the Staff of One, provided the blood sacrifice is big enough. For example, when Nico is bleeding out, she's able to cast one last spell... that brings her Back from the Dead.
  • Green Lanterns have variously been shown to use their rings to control time, teleport, create sentient life, duplicate, become intangible, turn themselves into Kryptonians, temporarily recreate the entire rest of the GLC and pretty much anything you can imagine. Hal Jordan once survived being killed by pulling his own soul back into his body. In order to write workable stories they've slowly been depowered to "making any object they can imagine" which is still pretty awesome.
    • Sodam Yat. Take Superman, give him a Green Lantern ring, then merge him with the Ion symbiote which makes its host practically nigh-omnipotent and you've got Sodam.
    • As Kyle Rayner pointed out during the Nero arc, a GL ring can split atoms. Now imagine that power in the hands of a lunatic...
    • The Blue Lanterns are explicitly more powerful then the Green Lanterns, and can bring other bring users up to their level temporarily. It helps that they have a crippling Weaksauce Weakness, though.
    • And then there's the Orange Lanterns. They have all the powers of a Green Lantern, are a Hive Mind Virus, and can absorb other energy constructs with ease, something even Sodam Yat has trouble with. Thankfully there's (technically) only one of them.
    • The Black Lantern rings offer their reanimated hosts the benefits of the standard power aura and energy constructs that most of the other rings can generate, a Healing Factor that makes Wolverine's seem reasonable by comparison, and immunity to magic. This is on top of any superpowers the host might have had in life. Then again, since the ring also turns its host into a flesh-eating murderous zombie that has to (and worse, wants to) rip out hearts filled with emotion and considering the host's soul isn't brought back either and that you have to be dead in the first place, getting one of these rings isn't really a case of "winning" the lottery.
    • The wielders of the Indigo Light (compassion) can absorb and redirect the powers of other Lanterns of the rest of the emotion spectrum. What really sets them apart: by redirecting the power of a Green Lantern they can remove Black Lantern rings, destroying the zombie Lanterns.
    • And then there's the White Light, which was the original source of the other seven colors, and can not only override any and all of them, but can bring people back to life. Not that that means much.
  • Vartox, an alien superhero and rival of Superman in the pre-Crisis days, who once admitted to Superman that he periodically discovered powers he didn't even realize he had.
  • The final Big Bad of the DC Comics series H.E.R.O. was a serial killer who found the power dial, which turns its user into a random superhero when used, gained the power to have any super-power he could think of. Robby points the trope out, saying that while your average dialed hero is pretty good, every now and then the dial hands out what he calls a "jackpot" and the bad guy in question won bigger than anyone before or since.

    Robby Reed: Most of the time, the dial gives you one power, or maybe a couple of related powers. This guy's going to hit the superpower lottery. We're talking Superman levels of power. Nightmare levels.

  • Black Bolt, the King of The Inhumans, is probably the ultimate example of this in the Marvel Universe. If he hadn't been created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, he'd probably get called a God-Mode Sue a lot more often. A basic listing of his powers include a supersonic voice that, at max power, can destroy a planet (and, amplified by technology, has split open reality itself twice); telekinesis; superhuman strength; matter and energy manipulation; transmutation; and flight. In nearly 50 years of existence, he's never lost a real fight, at worst being stalemated (or limited by circumstances). The only significant class of superpower he doesn't possess is telepathy, and that's because he's The Voiceless.
  • The Plutonian, star of Mark Waid's Irredeemable, used to be Earth's most prominent superhero. When he goes rogue, he makes it very clear who won the lottery - it's all his former allies can do to stop him from slaughtering them all in moments. Hell, they can't even protect themselves from his wrath; he lets them get away several times for his own sadistic pleasure.
    • Then when Charybdis/Survivor got a power boost, it seemed like he and Tony were on equal terms, except Survivor had the edge in actual combat technique. Then it's revealed that Tony is really a godlike Reality Warper and all of his powers stem from him subconsciously altering the laws of physics around him.
  • Jackie Estacado in The Darkness. The full extent of his power has yet to be explored, but the ones we've seen are impressive indeed. He has enhanced strength, agility, speed, stamina, and what-have-you. Second, he can make just about anything out of darkness. Things like BFGs, Combat Tentacles, and the infamous Darklings. The only limitation on this power seems to be that these creations crumble in direct sunlight. Finally, he has an in-universe form of Contractual Immortality: the Darkness refuses to let him stay dead until he has produced a male heir. After being blown to atoms by a bomb he merely had to wait in Hell while the Darkness built him a new body.
    • An example of Jackie's "enhanced strength" would be that he made Superman's lip bleed by punching him.
  • Black Alice from DC Comics has the ability to instantly steal anybody's magical powers. And we do mean anybody. From Felix Faust to the freaking Spectre.
  • The Eternals, created by Jack Kirby, are an entire race of people who each won the Superpower Lottery at birth. Each and every one of them is born with their own innate Green Lantern Ring, in the form of cosmic energy that suffuses them. Basic Eternal powers include: Complete Immortality, invulnerability to most forms of harm (including disease, poison, and extremes of heat and cold), a Healing Factor (for anything they're not invulnerable to), the ability to breathe underwater, Super Strength, flight, Telepathy, casting illusions, Mind Control, teleportation, and, last but not least, transmutation. And that's just the base power set. Some Eternals have trained themselves to use cosmic energy in different ways.
  • The Mighty Thor, whose list of powers is pretty long even without including Mjolnir. Also, the majority of other name Asgardians; even the weaker name ones tend to have a wide variety of physical powers, a magical weapon or two, and at least one schtick power.
  • Aquaman. That's right, Aquaman. The Butt Monkey of The DCU for decades, the Trope Namer for This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman and requiring one Plot Tailored to the Party after another to be at all relevant, he is absolutely not as weak as common opinion believes. A combination of Required Secondary Powers (he can swim like a fish and punch people while under 500+ atmospheres of pressure, which is Superman level asskickery) and Fridge Horror (he commands everything that lives in the ocean; guess where Godzilla, Cthulhu, and the Leviathan live?) have had many writers portray him as horrifically powerful and outright feared by heroes and villains alike, and for very good reasons. And that is before considering that he is also the king of a lost civilization with its own military force full of super-technological weaponry.
    "He could control every creature that lives in the sea. But I don't think either of you know what that really means. Do you know, do you understand, do you have any idea how much life there is in just one single square mile of sea? I don't think you do... and if you multiply that by lots of miles in every direction... I'd never seen anything like it in my whole life... and God as my witness, I hope to never see it again."
  • In All Fall Down, as Siphon, Sophie Mitchell has this in spades but at a terrible cost.
  • Captain Marvel and his Evil Counterpart Black Adam. In addition to the standard Flying Brick power set, which enables them to go toe-to-toe with Superman or race The Flash, they're also The Needless and The Ageless in their superpowered forms (Black Adam is 5,000 years old), have powerful Healing Factors, are invulnerable (or at least incredibly resistant) to Mind Manipulation, and possess vast mental capabilities that include Super Intelligence, a Photographic Memory, and the ability to speak basically every language on Earth. Oh, and unlike Superman, they have no Kryptonite Factor and are not vulnerable to magic.
  • Animal Man started off with the ability to copy the abilities of any animal near him, but after an epiphany that he was connected to all life in the universe, he could take on the traits of any animal at any time from any planet.
  • Thanos the Mad Titan is one of Marvel's archvillains for a reason. He's one of the Eternals mentioned above, and while he's from a weaker offshoot of the Eternal population, he's also a mutant with a Deviant-like appearance which granted him even more super strength and toughness. These are just his natural powers. He's also got a fiendishly cunning mind, access to advanced technology, and he has a tendency to seek out powerful cosmic artifacts like Cosmic Cubes and the Infinity Gems. The only weaknesses he has are purely psychological ones: his obsession with Death and his subconscious self-defeatism.
  • Thanos' son Thane may be even more powerful than his father. He has two powers: he can warp reality with his left hand, and trap people in a state of "living death" with his right. To put things in perspective, he was able to easily defeat his father Thanos with the second power without any practice. His only weakness is that he can't fully control his powers. Yet.
  • Milestone Comics' Dakota-verse had the Big Bang, which literally was a superpower lottery in which everyone present got a random superpower from it. Unfortunately, it took place in the middle of a gang war.
  • In Ãœber, the "battleship"-class superhumans are virtually indestructible, strong enough to casually fling tanks around and can wipe out whole armies with their incinerating Eye Beams. The more common "tank"-class supers can barely slow them down.
  • The Homelander, a Superman Expy in Garth Ennis' The Boys, is a nigh-invincible Flying Brick who can easily slaughter his way through ordinary humans, and pretty much any other superhumans too. Until his even stronger clone, Black Noir, turns against him.
  • Done literally in the Power & Glory holiday special, where the organization responsible for giving A-Pex his powers raffles off an opportunity for a regular person to become a similar superhero for a week.
  • William "Billy" Kaplan (Wiccan) of the Young Avengers takes after his mother, who happens to be the Scarlet Witch. He has both magic and the ability to warp reality at will. Although he's only in his teens, his power is so immense that it's pretty much just his inexperience and human squishiness holding him back from being a Physical God. Thus far, he's managed to access his full power (or close to it) exactly once. He proceeded to use said power to instantly destroy an Eldritch Abomination and then step outside of his own universe to make adjustments at will, and he did it all with about as much effort as most people use to edit a text file. He's also going to form Utopian dimensions from scratch at some point in the future, so not only can he warp reality, he will one day be able to create it.

    Fan Works 

  • In Luminosity, some people have absolutely no notable powers at allor are like Esme, who (maybe) has compassion. Then there are people like Edward, who can read anyone's mind for a radius measured in miles. Then there are people like Bella, who can block out mental attacks and also almost anything else, with warning. The Volturi tends to (intentionally) have a concentration of these people, like Addy, who can copy any power.
  • Averted in With Strings Attached; the C'hovite gods (actually Jeft) deliberately make sure the four have a good mix of powers with minimal overlap and maximum utility so that none of them are left in the dust by the others.
    • Though their idea of utility isn't Paul's by any means....
    • Although no one had anything to do with Ringo's magic, the others were deliberately maneuvered into specific artifacts, or (in Paul's case) built up, to make sure they could all do different things and be useful in different situations.
  • All over the place in The Emiya Clan. Some of the kids got their parents' skills equally, some got very watered-down versions, some hit the jackpot.
  • In The Masks We Wear Zuko gains the ability to wield blue fire after he rejects his uncle's influence, and later on Azula teaches him how to successfully generate lightning and how to fully utilize the properties of blue fire. He later secretly teaches her and their father lightning redirection.
    • While Zuko still lags behind Azula when it comes to lightning generation, he outclasses her in redirection; to make up for this and to simultaneously take advantage of this difference in ability between them, they perfect a tactic that resembles a game of catch - wherein Azula generates lightning at Zuko, he redirects it back to her, she redirects it back to him, and so on, allowing them to catch any foes between them in a literal crossfire of lightning. They intend to reserve its use for when they settle the score with the Avatar, but Ozai is still pleased nonetheless by the very nature of the tactic.
    • Zuko later learns how to use fire beams, aka the Combustion Man's laser-like firebending.
  • Played straight and Averted in the Naruto/Star Wars story The Good Left Undone''. Naruto teaches his jedi companions shinobi skills but it's later revealed that force ability and the ability to wield chakra are completely independent of each other. Palpatine and Vader are completely incapable of wielding chakra and Naruto can only (barely) use the force in Sage Mode.
  • The aforementioned Sosuke Aizen from Bleach. In fanfics, he often gets Reality Warper powers in Bankai, which given his powers that we've already seen makes perfect sense; making his illusions very real.
  • Discussed in The Games We Play. Jaune notes that the Kingdoms could awaken the Aura of far more people than they normally do, but they don't want to risk the possibility that someone might gain a Story-Breaker Power and decide to use it to upend the existing system.
  • The Last Daughter turns Taylor Hebert into a Kryptonian and gives her the powers that come with. So Far, the only thing that has managed to challenge her is Behemoth.

    Films Animated 

  • Jack-Jack in The Incredibles. Previously he was assumed to be a Muggle Born of Mages, but turns out to be a Goo Goo Godlike. Considering how like the Fantastic Four their family is, it's not surprising he has Shapeshifting abilities that mimic not just forms but spontaneously generates superpowers. In the DVD Commentary the writers said that Jack Jack's superpower lottery represents the fact that being a baby he can potentially develop in many different way and, in their minds, his powers will probably stabilise and become more defined as he grows.
    • In the DVD special features, this is parodied with Meta-Man, who had basically every superpower imaginable and yet died by getting his neck snapped when his cape snagged in an elevator shaft.
  • Bolt is about a dog who thinks he's a superhero when in fact he's simply an actor surrounded by special effects designed to trick him. One of his powers in his show is a super powerful bark that can destroy... like 100 mooks, helicopters and cars all at once. To be fair, they seem to work largely in city settings, meaning that the Super Bark isn't an applicable ability unless they want to cause massive scale destruction... Though the laser vision, superstrength, and intelligence are more than enough.

    Films Live-Action 

  • Our Man Flint is a parody of James Bond with way too much Power Creep, Power Seep. Marty Stu doesn't even begin to describe it. Flint doesn't just seduce a beautiful woman or two. He starts the film with a harem that would make Hugh Hefner jealous. Flint is able to go through a battalion of Green Berets with karate chops. He waltzes through the plot with so much ease there isn't even any tension. And he knows not just something, but a lot about everything. Flint glances at a soldier in passing and recognizes that the man wears a ribbon for the Battle of the Bulge but there is no ribbon for that battle, so the guy's an impostor. He has everything James Bond has, but he has it at superhuman levels. In gamer terms, he's a 20th level character taking on 2nd level challenges.
  • In Queen of the Damned, Queen Akasha is by far the most powerful of the vampires, explained by being the progenitor of the race, absorbing her husband's powers (who was the second vampire) and their power increasing with age. In the movie she demonstrates Super Strength, Super Speed, Offscreen Teleportation, Flight, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, telepathy throught blood contact, the ability to know the location of every vampire on Earth due to being their creator and being able to walk in the sunlight unharmed by drinking enough people to death (and passing this on to other vampires by drinking her blood). She wipes out whole groups of vampires without even touching them, so it's little wonder that they call her a living god. It takes a Zerg Rush by most of the other Ancient vampires still alive to even hurt her.
  • X-Men: First Class:
    • Pretty much all of Sebastian Shaw's mutants are winners.
    • With the exception of "Phoenix" (a.k.a. Jean Grey), Shaw himself is by far the most powerful mutant ever encountered by the X-Men. His base ability of Energy Absorption is set so high and is so versatile that not even Erik can hold him once he's absorbed the power of a nuclear reactor. He cannot be punched or shot as he nullifies kinetic energy, and he's Genre Savvy enough to have crafted a helmet that completely blocks Charles' telepathy.


  • Xanth comes to mind where every human has a special, unique talent, and people with particularly powerful magical talents are Magicians and are able to serve as king (or Sorceress, the female equivalent). There are weak but useful abilities, for example determining the direction of anything (including 'Source of Magic', but limited by the fact that it only provides a straight-line direction with no indication of obstacles that need to be avoided to get there), or speak any language. The relatively few useless talents are called 'Spot on the Wall' powers (named after some poor schlump whose talent was Exactly What It Says on the Tin). Magician levels are Illusion (at a range, that you can see through, that encompass all five senses), the ability to turn anyone but yourself into any other living creature, controlling all plants, the ability to turn yourself into any other living creature, making things true by agreeing with them (only barely avoiding Story-Breaker Power status by the fact that the thing agreed with has to come from someone unaware of her talent), knowing damn near everything, enhancement (of anything, without apparent limit, and including "enhancement" of negative traits), nullification of magic (no matter how powerful), and being immune to magical harm. That last talent hides itself as well, so that people don't wise up and try to hurt him by mundane means either. Not there are very many entirely mundane means available; Xanth is so thoroughly infused with magic that even the simplest objects are probably at least a little bit magical. The talent also indirect magical harm in its protections, so something like magically hiding the edge of a cliff from him and trying to get him to fall off wouldn't work either. It's even theorized in-universe that when the omnipotent demon that's the source of all magic in Xanth left, shutting all the magic down, it came back very shortly afterward solely because of this talent, as putting him in danger by removing magic could be considered indirect magical harm. That's right, it's so powerful that it can even affect its own omnipotent source.
    • One of them even (without trying to) makes winning the Superpower Lottery a hereditary trait; he impressed the above-mentioned omnipotent demon, who decided that all of the character's descendants would also be Magicians/Sorceresses. The demon never told him about this reward, though.
    • Another one, perhaps the ultimate winner of the Superpower Lottery, is a character who has the talent of having whatever talent she wants. Each talent can only be used once but eventually regenerates. However, using minor variations can easily overcome that flaw, and a little creativity can produce an almost infinite number of variations on any given talent. Unaddressed is what would happen if she simply picked "omnipotence" as her current talent and never switched to a different one.
  • In an obscure children's book called Samantha Stone and the Mermaid's Quest, Samantha spends much of the book trying to learn how to teleport both herself and objects. She gradually becomes better at it, able to teleport herself and others, but often not exactly where she intends. But by the end, Samantha is teleporting behind enemies to knock them out, teleporting out of ropes when tied up, and teleporting captured prisoners out of a cell. The villain only undoes this power by binding and gagging her, thus preventing her from casting the spell. However, the story ends shortly after a big rescue and fight scene which involves use of the teleportation power, but on a cliffhanger implying a sequel. So basically, if Samantha keeps her teleportation powers for the sequel (should it get made), then she could easily "break" the whole story by warping out of danger at all times, unless the villains are prepared to bind and gag her over and over unless something appears to Deus ex Machina her ability down to uselessness.
  • The Twilight vampires: In addition to super strength, super speed, durability, beauty, and immortality, each one gets a special power based on what kind of latent abilities they had in their previous "human" life. It's pretty clear who's won though. Losers get even more strength, or stubbornness. Winners are mind readers, can see the future, can cause you unbelievable pain at will, control ALL FOUR classical elements, or in Bella's case, immunity to other powers, which can be shared. The only way to kill them? Burn them after tearing them to pieces (to keep them, obviously, from just running around while on fire).
  • Circle of Magic has Tris. Even living among other powerful mages, Tris comes off as a lottery winner. A powerful storm mage, she has enough power to level a city if necessary. By exercising tight control she can also achieve feats such as using winds to fly, create solid structures out of the rocks in the ground, divert the paths of storms, and scry on the wind, an incredibly rare achievement. Her power makes many of the other mages frightened and jealous, which bothers Tris to no end, and was directly responsible for her lousy childhood. In The Will of the Empress, she actually has to be taken out of action temporarily near the end so the others can get some of the spotlight.
  • In Those Who Walk In Darkness by John Ridley, this applies to telepaths. Not just because of the mindreading, but because they can use an apparently unlimited number of People Puppets and have an effective range of miles. They do have a handicap: they're not necessarily all that bright ...
  • Vanyel Ashkevron, the hero of the Last Herald-Mage trilogy of the Heralds of Valdemar series, wins the lottery and then some. In an accident involving the creation of a Gate, he receives just about every one of the Heralds' Psychic Powers plus enough magical power to level a city. Unfortunately, the price of his lottery ticket was watching his lover go insane and commit suicide. And even worse, it's his ultimate fate to die in a Heroic Sacrifice after losing nearly everything he cares about.
  • Somewhat subverted in the Mistborn books in allomancy (the basic magic system), most people have one of the basic powers (superstrength, super-senses, limited telekinetic control of metal, etc.) while the eponymous Mistborn have all of them. This may seem like (and in many circumstances is) a complete advantage over the lesser "Mistings", but as Vin discovers, having only one power means you get a whole lot more practice with it in other words, in some ways you're better than any Mistborn, and can be just as useful. Of course, Vin herself in some ways wins the lottery over other Mistborn, as she has some powers they don't have thanks to a nasty bit of Hemalurgy performed by her mother, and being a proto-god.
    • The Inquisitors from the same series win the Lottery by cheating. They practice the art of Hemalurgy, which lets them steal powers from others and apply them to themselves (by having someone pound giant metal spikes through the still-living victim's body and into their own!). As a result, your basic Inquisitor is basically a Mistborn with even stronger abilities. Later on they even find out that it's possible to steal Feruchemical powers with Hemalurgy, as well, which is even more powerful; by itself, Feruchemy is pretty dangerous, but when you combine it with Allomantic power in a single body, the interaction between the two lets you break several of the basic rules of both types of power.
    • The real winner of the lottery is the Lord Ruler, who Was born a feruchemist, and then found a metal called Lerasium that gives whoever burns it the powers of a Mistborn. This combination makes him essentially a Physical God - By storing attributes using Feruchemy, and then burning the Metalminds, you can get back more of an attribute than you stored. You can then store this, and so on. Combine that with the regular powers of Allomancy, and you have someone who you need to channel a Shard to stop. That is why the Lord Ruler, although we don't see much of his powers, can slaughter armies without difficulty
    • In the Alloy of Law, we find that there are no Mistborn or Feruchemists any more - instead, you have Mistings (who have one Allomantic power) and Ferings (who have one Feruchemical power) and the rare Twinborn, who have one of each. Most Twinborn win the lottery (at least withing the setting), doubly so for someone who has the same metal for both powers (allowing them to store the power in a Metalmind, then burn it for a greater return, which they can then store and so on) but their are varying levels of Twinborn.
    • Some Twinborn combinations are useful, but nothing special - the ability to store warmth (Brass) combined with the power to conceal Allomantic power use (Copper). Others have combinations of powers that are very useful in certain areas - someone who can store wakefulness (Bronze) and has super-senses (Tin) makes a great sentry, while one of the characters, Wayne, can create a bubble of sped up time around them (Bendalloy), while also storing health (Gold) - this makes him a brilliant one on one combatant.
    • And then you have the protagonist, Wax, and the antagonist, Miles, who have some of the best combinations available. Wax can store his weight (Iron) and telekinetically push metals (Steel). Since when you push on something, the overall motion is determined by your relative weights, then Wax can level city blocks and chuck train carriages at people, not to mention he can push on things to leap great distances, while storing his weight to travel further and survive the huge falls. Miles is a double Gold Twinborn - while the allomantic Gold power (which allows an Allomancer to see what they might have been if they had made different choices in the past) is not particularly useful, by compounding Gold he can give himself a healing factor that puts Wolverine to shame, and he has suffered so many injuries in the past he doesn't feel pain any more - both of which he illustrates when he blasts himself in the face with a shotgun to prove his power to his men.
  • Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords gives each of the twelve eponymous swords a superpower. One provides uncanny luck, another instills loyalty, and a third creates illusions. Several tend to kill their wielders. And then there is Shieldbreaker, which instantly detonates any weapon used against it (spells and demons count as weapons), including other Swords, and makes the wielder immune to other Swords' effects like the aforementioned luck and illusions. Its weaknesses are small enough to be the surprise conclusion to both Swords series. Doomgiver also qualifies, as it gives the wielder a virtually impenetrable Attack Reflector that can be used against the other Swords, and its only weakness is Shieldbreaker.
  • In the Gaea Trilogy, the eponymous Physical God subjects some characters to a weak sort that tends to involve Translator Microbes.
  • In a more technological vein, the Lazy Guns from Iain M. Banks's Against a Dark Background novel. Lost Technology from a previous iteration of the book's civilization (which wiped itself out, probably using Lazy Guns), a Lazy Gun kills its target. For small, soft things (like you) this is done in a darkly humorous manner, such as materialising a set of great white shark jaws around your throat. For big targets, like cities, it simply materialises a nuclear blast. It may be assumed that sufficient energy is applied to kill any target regardless of its protection.
  • Used twice in the Wild Cards series. The premise is that an alien virus, known as "Wild Card", is released over New York City. It kills 90% of the affected population out right (known as "drawing the Black Queen"), turns 9% into deformed "jokers," and turns the remaining 1% into superheroes ("Aces"). Among said Aces, the usefulness and potency of powers are varied (some with particularly useless powers are known derisively as "Deuces." So you have to win one Superpower Lottery just to get the powers, and a second to get something useful.
    • And then there's the Sleeper, who wins the Superpower Lottery fairly frequently - and lives in fear of the day that he'll lose, because given the math, if he loses, it'll be death in an instant.
  • Cassie from Animorphs is revealed to be this in the fourth Megamorphs book, Back to Before. She is a 'temporal anomaly', an exceedingly rare creature with a spatial awareness so superhuman that her very presence undoes the timeline-meddling of resident Reality Warper the Drode. Amusingly, the Drode proceeds to throw a hissy-fit, angrily accusing the Ellimist of 'stacking the deck' by including a game breaker like her on the team.
  • In Maximum Ride, while most of the flock have some sort of minor superpower as a result of their mutations, Angel can read (and control) minds, speak with fish, and change her appearance. Plus she is the Voice in Max's head. Angel is only seven at the end of the series.
  • In the Moontide Quartet this is the case for magi and children of magi, depending on how their bloodline goes. Each level of power is the square of the previous, and blood ranks go from Ascendant (source) to pure-blood (children of Ascendants), half-blood, quarter-blood, eighth-blood and then sixteenth-blood. This means that using a quarter-blood as the baseline, a half-blood would be twice as powerful, a pure-blood four times as powerful, and an Ascendant sixteen times as powerful.
    • However, this pales before a very rare phenomenon, when a magi fathers twins (or more at once) on a mother. While rare at best because of the near-sterility of magi, the mother can, during the pregnancy, manifest power on par with ranks much higher than those her children - a given example is a quarter-blood father of eighth-blood children, yet the mother manifested (only during pregnancy) power on par with a pure-blood, sixteen times more powerful than her children.
    • The above is deliberately exploited by one character, the Ascendant mage Antonin Meiros. Although it is extraordinarily difficult to father children (or become pregnant) for an Ascendant, he succeeds. And a little-known fact is that when an Ascendant sires a child on another, the mother gains power permanently rather than temporarily. To this, when his wife is bearing twins, because her children would be pure-blood, her own permanently granted power is much, much higher. To the scale where, at her full potential, she is four times as powerful as an Ascendant mage, who are themselves near-godlike in ability (and going through the procedure to become one is not only impossibly rare, but carries a more than 50% chance of failure, where failure means death). This would make the mother sixteen times as powerful as a pure-blood, two hundred and fifty-six times as powerful as a half-blood, and sixty-five thousand, five hundred and thirty-six times as powerful as a quarter-blood, and the difference only becomes greater from there. Superpower lottery indeed.
  • The Mortal Instruments:
    • Basically anytime somebody needs something that is not explicitly covered by another character's power set, all eyes turn to Magnus Bane. As a very old, powerful and knowledgeable warlock, if he doesn't know the specific spell needed, he usually knows where to get it.
    • Sebastian a.k.a Jonathan Morgenstern basically has all the capabilities of a Shadowhunter dialed Up to Eleven. Rather than being slightly stronger, faster, more agile and more durable than mundanes like regular Nephilim, he has actual Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Reflexes and Healing Factor, plus Jump Physics, Flash Step, Super Senses and the ability to use various forms of Geometric Magic (including demonic runes). Even vampire Simon is surprised by how strong and fast Sebastian is. He can deliver a Curb-Stomp Battle on Jace, who is otherwise one of the best Shadowhunter warriors around!
  • Monstrous example in The Iron Teeth: the City Killer is a drake (already one of the strongest monsters in the setting) that's also a powerful crystal host, sporting enhanced size, deadly ice breath and possibly even an intellect. The combination allowed it to casually tear apart Coroulis, a major city.

    Live-Action TV 

  • Sylar and Peter Petrelli from Heroes, and Eden to a lesser extent. Sylar and Peter both have power absorbing powers, while Eden can control anyone's mind. The former two had power loss and Laser-Guided Amnesia, respectively, for most of Season Two as a Deus Exit Machina, while Eden was killed early on (by the Lottery winner Sylar, of course).
    • Also, Hiro Nakamura. With time travel, teleportation, and the ability to slow or stop time, it would be up for grabs whether he or Peter displayed more Plot-Induced Stupidity were it not for the fact, of course, that Peter now also has these abilities (and almost everyone else's). Somewhat balanced by the fact Hiro's powers are abnormally difficult to master, which would explain why Peter doesn't take full advantage of them outside of his Future Badass version, but when that balance was removed and Hiro gained at least near-complete control over his power, it's shown to be just as powerful as it should be. Even to the point that he could take down Sylar and Elle within seconds, with no visible effort.
    • All the four characters mentioned above have had at some point in the series their powers neutralized and blocked by the Haitian. The Haitian is able to directly manipulate the neurons of the brain to remove specific memories, and can block the powers of most supers (though possibly not passive powers like regeneration) just by standing near them. The Haitian might not have won the Superpower Lottery, but he's the guy with the hand on the lottery machine.
    • And Matt Parkman. He started off with the power to read minds, but then he could control someone's mind simply by planting thoughts into their head, an even more powerful form of Eden's power that doesn't require voice activation, and can trap people in a nightmare world that he controls, with them being unable to escape unless they posses the same power. And, if that's not enough, he may gain more abilities, as another character has told him that, "Anything the brain controls, you control."
    • Subverted in the online graphic novels with another character who can gain other people's powers, Linda. The other two characters with that ability, Peter and Sylar, are essentially the two most important and powerful main characters in the series but Linda is viewed as Blessed with Suck because anything she touches dies (leading to her parents locking her in her room and pushing food through the bottom of the door), she only ever gets one ability, and it's pretty lame (she can "see" "ghosts"), and when she tries to take Linderman's power, he kills her rather anticlimactically. (Oh, and her story is told Back to Front for some reason, so you know that even though she's potentially at least as much as a threat as Sylar, she's already taken out).
    • Hiro and Peter were later adjusted, Peter only capable of absorbing powers by touching someone and only has one power at a time, and Hiro lost his power thanks to Arthur Petrelli but regained the power to stop time thanks to Baby Touch and Go Parkman, but still couldn't teleport.
  • Castiel from Supernatural. Being an angel, his abilities include: super strength, invulnerability, the ability to travel through time, telepathy, telekinesis, dream-walking, teleportation, Touch of Death, a gigantic, winged, eye-searing true form, and immortality (he can only be killed by another angel's sword, but Castiel ramps this up by having what seems like a God-sanctioned get-out-of-death-free card). This was all well and good when he was supposed to be last only the first half of Season 4, but his promotion to regular character forced writers to write in that angel-banishing sigil to make an episode fight last the entire hour. He level-up in Season 6 and become a seraph, and exhibited the ability to literally change the past (prevented the sinking of the Titanic and thus "created" 50,000 souls - the descendants of the people that were originally killed, twice ( then re-sink it after one of the Sisters of Fate convinced him what he did was wrong), and managed to imprint the events as dreams in the main characters' minds (he wanted them to remember). By Season 7 and 8, he also shows that he can manipulate memory and has limited reality warping powers.
  • Angel Summoner and the BMX Bandit. Click here.
  • Delvin a.k.a. Excelsor, the world's most famous superhero in the British live-action series No Heroics (starts September 18th, 2008). His card lists his powers as "Basically Everything". Excelsor's the bane of the B-list protagonists' lives (especially of Alex, a.k.a. The Hotness, a shy 30-year-old office worker with heat-based powers, who desperately but unsuccessfully tries to become famous). Excelsor is also an arrogant Jerkass. Go figure.
  • Kamen Rider Ryuki features up to 13 of these warriors, whose powers depend entirely on what cards were in their decks when they got them so we've got one who can call up a Macross Missile Massacre, one who gets up to 3 monsters under his thumb, and a few who don't even have serviceable hand weapons to start with.
  • Lyta Alexander of Babylon 5 describes herself as the telepathic equivalent of a doomsday weapon. She's pretty much right. It doesn't, however, stop Sheridan from pulling a No Sell on her when she gets in her A God Am I mood and psychically takes over everyone else in the room, as both were Touched by Vorlons.
  • In the Doctor Who episode "The End of Time", the Master, of all people, wins the Superpower Lottery, due to coming back wrong and Lucy throwing a Spanner in the Works. He can fly, shoot lightning, has Super Strength, and oh yeah, gains energy by eating people.
    • Ofcourse this is alleviated by the fact that he Casts From Hit Points, and must constantly feed to just stay alive, and is driven even further to insanity by his insatiable hunger.
  • Dr. Shinkuro Isaka from Kamen Rider Double wasn't content with just the base powers granted by his Gaia he did a few "upgrades". The Weather Memory gives Isaka effectively every Elemental Power; at times he's demonstrated intense sunlight, rain, lightning, tornadoes, and Snow. And that's still not enough, as he keeps giving people overclocked Gaia Memories that eventually kill him and allows him to add that Memory's powers to his own. This also results in his Karmic Death when the Gaia Memory connector ports all over his body consume him after the Weather Memory is finally destroyed.
  • While this does not apply to the main cast of Sanctuary, it works for the Five, who all took the same Super Serum made from vampire blood. Of all of them, Nikola Tesla is the only one who became an actual vampire. Plus, he also got electrical powers. John Druitt gained the power of space-time teleportation. James Watson became a super-genius. Nigel Griffin gained the power of invisibility. Helen Magnus got... longevity, something Tesla got as part of the whole package. These powers, though, are inherited by their children. Notably, Griffin's granddaughter had his power. Also, Ashley Magnus, being the daughter of Helen and Druitt, did not originally manifest any powers. Those had to be activated by the Cabal and were, basically, a combination of Tesla's vampirism and Druitt's teleportation.
  • In Misfits most powers are fairly unhelpful or useless, but some are just pathetic, while others are incredibly powerful. One girl had the power to turn people bald, and one man could caffeinate drinks. Other characters could travel through time, control the future by drawing it or move objects with their minds.
    • After Nathan foolishly sells his Game Breaker power of immortality for a pithy sum, he decides to buy a new power and wins yet again, becoming a Reality Warper. Unfortunately, much like before he apparently fails to realise the true extent of the ability he's been given, so when he's arrested for cheating in a Vegas casino, (rolling a seven on a six-sided die will do that), he's carted of to jail, apparently unaware that his ability could allow him to easily escape at any time.
  • In The Secret Circle all of the witch and warlock characters have various strong powers and abilities. The powers vary among the witches and warlocks. Some of the common powers include:
    • Spellcasting: The ability to cast spells.
    • Conjurgation: The ability to call or summon an object, person, element or spirit.
    • Elemental Control: The ability to control different elements such as water, air, fire, ice, etc.
    • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the use of the mind.
  • Charmed: This is Zig-zagged. The Charmed Ones are destined to possess Telekinesis (Prue), Freezing (Piper) and Premonition (Phoebe), respectively (After Prue died, Paige received a mix between Telekinesis and Orbing - as well as the vanilla version of Orbing), yet they also develop the powers of Astral Projection (Prue), Combustion (Piper), Levitation (Phoebe) and Empathy (Prue, via Curse, Phoebe naturally). Other witches and warlocks seem to receive powers at random:
    • Patty (the girls' mother) could freeze things like Piper.
    • Penny (Grams) had telekinesis.
    • Wyatt has telekinesis, orbing, forcefield generation and the ability to will things into existence. Oh and he is the rightful heir to Excalibur, for whatever reason.
    • The witch from the pilot, by contrast, could generate tiny flames from her finger tips, akin to using a lighter (however it is reasonable to assume she can make bigger fires, she just had it under control).
    • There are also many sub-species of demons with various powers (although most seem to possess teleportation and the ability to throw energy balls by default).

     Tabletop Games 

  • Exalted: The Abyssal splats out of all place lampshades this, mainly to contrast the nature of Abyssal exaltation to the other kind of exaltations (except Sidereal).

    While other Exalted receive their power more or less by winning a cosmic lottery, however, Abyssals receive theirs for a reason.

    • More specifically, "Terrestrial" exalts inherit their chance at winning the superpower lottery through bloodlines. Unlike the Terrestrials, there are only a limited number of "Celestial" exaltations available at any given time. So Solars and Lunars earn their exaltations by being spectacularly awesome when an exaltation is available.
  • In the new World of Darkness, there isn't a lottery winner so much as a clear loser: Changelings have extremely context-limited magical abilities much narrower than vampires or mages, have a much harsher morality system and power acquisition downside that causes them to go completely schizophrenic (most other splats only impose some social reaction penalties to declining morality), have automatic racial enemies that are basically and sometimes literally gods just by virtue of existing, and possess twisted appearances that make blending in completely impossible if their magic ever falters even temporarily. And even when used to their fullest effect their powers are often less useful than simply training a corresponding mundane skill. They are also considered one of the most fun splats to play, and the splatbook was one of the unexpected breakout successes of the system, possibly because of this.
    • The Old World of Darkness, by contrast, had no clear loser but a winner by orders of magnitude. Mages were squishy humans for all of the first hour of play, but with even minimal experience point investment almost instantly became reality warpers capable of matching and countering the feats of any other supernatural creature in the setting. From across the planet. While asleep. And there was a mechanic which actually forbade mortals from learning about them outside of firsthand observation (the arcane merit), in a game where mundane humans discovering you was the primary danger to be avoided.
  • In the Marvel Super Heroes RPG, character creation is/was essentially completely random and entirely based on a series of d100 rolls. Here is a list of examples; the point is that any team of characters constructed in this fashion is likely to have a few members with better or stronger powers than the others. Hero A might have a Typical rating in the Hyper Speed power, which is made redundant by Hero B's Remarkable Hyper Speed.
  • Averted in Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K: Those who find favor with the Chaos Gods (or not) can be rewarded with various mutations and powers. Get too many of them, and your mind breaks under the strain, turning you into a gibbering Chaos Spawn, the single most useless unit in the game. This doesn't stop their followers from trying, since the other possibility is becoming an immortal Daemon Prince.

     Video Games 

  • Advent Rising's Gideon Wyeth, has, once he unlocks all his powers, Super Strength, a Healing Factor, Bullet Time when using his improbable dodging skills, telekinesis, various forcefiedls (which are impenetrable and harm any enemy that touches them), electromagnetic bolts, massive, devastating radial energy explosions, gravimetric teleportation, inertial damping, dozens of exploding ice-missiles, and cryokinesis. He's also skilled at piloting, marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. And, for his last trick, he can create controlled singularity that can kill a Physical God.
  • In LEGO's BIONICLE line, powers are so common and plentiful, only the most egregious cases can be mentioned here:
    • First and foremost, the Makuta. They all have 42 standard powers from the get-go, plus the Elemental Power of shadow and their own unique masks that are GameBreakers in and of themselves. By banishing their inner light, they gained an even bigger control over these shadow powers. Being Energy Beings, they can possess soulless bodies and robots, which was a major plot point. Let's throw in that they're also shapeshifters, provided they're in their own bodies. The only reason the main cast survived as long as they did was because several of them suffered some form of a Drama-Preserving Handicap and most of them wanted Mata Nui to be awakened and just put up enough resistance to make them think otherwise. The moment one of them stopped doing that because he wanted to do things his own way? Would have killed all of them had his teammates not stopped him.
    • Skakdi are a violent race of savages that have access to one of the Elemental Powers (though only when working together), one specific vision-power (laser vision, telescopic vision, etc), and have yet another, random power unique to the specimen like Adaptive Ability or being able to conjure cages made out of literally anything at will. One Skakdi, Zaktan, became a mass of microscopic insects due to an accident, and could thus fly, shape-shift, seep through holes, and attack in the form of an angry swarm. Their toys also came with multi-functional weapons and the BIONICLE equivalent of guns! Fans complained so much that the following year's villains had to be vastly de-powered, though no less threatening thanks to intelligence.
    • Tahu, besides possessing the elemental power of fire and the Mask of Shielding, gained most (if not all) of the 42 Makuta powers as well, and has Adaptive Armor. This is somewhat balanced out by him having lost his other five masks and being downgraded to his pre-Mid-Season Upgrade self, although technically there's nothing stopping him from picking up some more masks as long as someone builds a mask-storing shrine for him.
    • Brutaka of the Order of Mata Nui. When he went rogue, he was considered the most dangerous being on Voya Nui, more so than all six of the Piraka (members of the previously-mentioned Skadi) combined. He possessed enough physical strength to match his old comrade Axonn, who is as strong as a Makuta, a mask that allowed him to rip open portals through dimensions and send his enemies anywhere he wanted, a sword that shoots lightning and energy beams, and could increase his strength by absorbing Antidermis (actually the energy of Makuta) which usually enslaves those exposed. His best claim to fame? When he destroyed all the members of the Toa Nuva and the Voya Nui Matoran resistance with a single strike. And all of this was before he fell into a pool of Antidermis and apparently gained most, if not all, of the Makuta powers along with most of the knowledge about the Matoran universe, though he was a good guy again when that happened.
  • In Touhou, Everyone Is a Super, and powers range from stopping time to manipulating fate to creating black holes. Then we have Yukari Yakumo. Her ability is to manipulate boundaries. Any boundary. Including abstract ones like life and death, day and night, reality and illusion, and fictional and actual. In other words, her ability is whatever the hell she wants; she once opened a portal to the moon by looking at its reflection in a lake and manipulating the boundary between Truth and Lies. All she has to do is think of how whatever she wants to do can be defined in terms of boundaries. Word Of God mentions that she has no weaknesses, is as powerful as the gods, and can annihilate Gensoukyou, the setting of Touhou, at a whim. But since Gensoukyou is her creation, she'd never want to. And she's lazy, so she doesn't do anything at all unless she really has to. She's also notable for having a nine-tailed fox as her shikigami, who is powerful enough to be an EX Boss in her own right and in turn has a shikigami of her own.
    • The description of main heroine Reimu Hakurei's "last word" ultimate spellcard in Imperishable Night, "Fantasy Heaven," is literally "With Reimu's ability to float, she floats away from physical reality and becomes invincible. If it wasn't just for play (with a time limit), no one could beat her with any method." The attack is modified in the fighting Gaiden Games, which don't have countdowns (kinda); there it's just a One-Hit KO, which lasts five seconds, only one of which is actually needed. There's a reason fans joke that she has a spellcard of "Hax Sign You Just Plain Fucking Lose."
    • Yuyuko Saigyouji is a ghost that can manipulate death itself, meaning she can kill anything that isn't already dead or immortal with a mere thought. It also lets her control dead spirits, and the only truly immortal characters we've seen are weaker than her. Even more than that, because Yuyuko's body is sealing the Saigyou Ayakashi she can't be exorcised, and because she's already dead she can't even really be hurt. Actually getting rid of her would entail unsealing the most dangerous being in the setting, and she's also close personal friends with Yukari Yakumo.
    • Utsuho Reiuji was originally just a dumb bird with no special abilities beyond what she got by virtue of being a hell raven youkai. Then she was offered the corpse of a sun god to snack on and gained the power to control nuclear fusion. This instantly turned her into a living, breathing star and easily one of the most powerful individuals in Gensoukyou. If she weren't still a rather dumb bird (albeit one capable of operating a fusion reactor) she could easily obliterate Gensoukyou and then the planet with a thought and rampage across entire galaxies with ease.
    • Flandre Scarlet's power is literally defined as "the destruction of anything and everything." What this translates into is a One-Hit Kill even more broken than Yuyuko's, since she's not killing so much as annihilating, meaning you don't actually have to be alive for it to affect you, nor do you have to be an actual person as objects are just as destroyable as people. Given Touhou logic, this power likely extends to concepts as well. It's not limited to a small scale either, as she considered destroying what amounted to a meteor storm to be not very impressive. She's also a several hundred year-old vampire who's immune to anything holy and has immense physical strength, as well as the ability to shapeshift into a bat, make copies of herself to attack, turn invisible, and wield a Flaming BFS. She's also more powerful than her older sister, who's power is to manipulate fate.
    • Sagume Kishin, one of the superpower lottery's losers is also one of its most overpowered winners. First of all there's the fact that she's a Lunarian Half-Goddess Half-Amanojaku. Lunarians are, as a rule, leagues stronger than Earthlings and, as one of the Heavenly Gods residing on the Moon, she's also leagues more powerful than any gods of the Earth. Then her Half-Amanojaku nature kicks in... Amanojaku are Commander Contrarians and Consummate Liars who live to be hated. What this translates to is that she's a Goddess that the universe itself hates so much that it conspires to make everything she says a lie by reversing any situation or event that she talks about... Sagume herself acknowledges that the power to reverse any situation with but a few words is horrifically dangerous and, consequently, speaks as little as possible, carefully thinks through what she wants to say before she says it and even covers her mouth at all times.
  • In Wild ARMs 3, Maya Schroedinger, The Rival to the heroine, has the power to adopt any power depicted by a character in the book she last touched. She is never a party member, though. She uses this to be a martial artist, a mage, and The Gunslinger, among other things.
  • The main character of Final Fantasy IX gets this. He's spent sixteen years becoming a master thief and then founds out that he is actually the Angel of Death for his adopted world, complete with Badass powers. Unfortunately, presumably due to his lack of training in use of these powers he can only use them in Trance
  • In the Choice of Games-sponsored Heroes Rise, most of humanity has acquired Powers of some type thanks to evolution. The ones who get really awesome powers are usually Infini-Powered, and amongst them are individuals considered so gifted, The Meek call them an "Unholy Trinity" of humans:
  • The Main Characters of Persona 3 and Persona 4. Whereas the other party members gain the ability to summon a Persona that grants them special powers, the Main Characters can potentially summon any Persona (and can switch between them freely). However, the Persona 3 lead paid one hell of a price for it (specifically, one 'die at age 16 and your soul used as a padlock on the jail for the life-eradicating Eldritch Abomination for all eternity' price), and the reason why the Persona 4 protagonist didn't have the Persona 3 protagonist's problems is due to being literally touched by a Japanese goddess.
    • It's worth noting that in Persona and Persona 2, every party member could do this. However, they couldn't hold as many at the same time as the characters mentioned above, and were less effective with Persona that had less affinity with their arcana, to the point where complete incompatibility meant they couldn't use that Persona, period (the P3 and P4 protagonists avoid the latter issue presumably because their arcana is The Fool).
    • Minato may actually take it a step further, since not only can he potentially summon any Persona ever and freely switch between them, but he also can summon two Personas at once for a Combination Attack, with effects ranging from 50% healing and evasion increase... to throwing the freaking Apocalypse at his enemies.
  • Digital Devil Saga had the Ground Zero Incident. In a barren wasteland populated only by thousands of warring military units, a mysterious egg hatched, releasing streams of light that transformed anyone they touched into demons. Any kind of demons, mind you - from small, pathetic amorphous blobs to the highest seraph of Heaven. The big drawback? They're all Cannibalism Superpowers. Horror Hunger and I'm a Humanitarian become two realities you cannot avoid, ever. And then there's the case of having your mind overwritten by the demon's...
  • League of Legends features a very diverse cast. Although competitive balance equalises their relative power level, the characters range from a dude with a sword to an ice elemental phoenix, from a pirate with a regular flintlock pistol to a desert god from outer space, and from a fat drunkard with a beer keg and no other powers to an armoured angel of war.
  • Conduits from inFAMOUS, especially the second game, Cole and his partners Nix and Kuo got off with easily controlled and amazing powers, the second game's big bad, Bertrand, wasn't so lucky, his power involves turning into a fifty foot beserk monster and transforming other people into smaller monsters. An NPC pointed this out in a dead drop.
    • Delsin from inFAMOUS: Second Son definitely won the lottery with his ability to copy other Conduit powers ala Rogue. Over the course of the game, he gains Hank's Super Smoke, Fetch's Neon lasers, Eugene's hard light constructs and Augustine's concrete abilities. All of his powers are abundant in an urban environment, and he can also absorb core relays and blast shards to improve his powers. Granted, his powers do come with some drawbacks. He can only use one powerset at a time, he needs to absorb core relays in order master new powers, and he can't switch until he's absorbed enough core relays. Augustine exploits these weaknesses as the Final Boss by giving him her powers, locking him in a powerset he has no experience with, and leaving him near helpless against her One-Winged Angel form.
  • Mass Effect. Commander Shepard can potentially obtain a ton of totally-not-super biotic powers, in addition to impressive weaponry. Other biotics, many of whom qualify as Super Soldiers in their own right, only have a few abilities. Among the abilities a high level biotic Shepard can have: Super Speed, Telekinesis, Energy Balls, psychokinetic explosions, Life Drain, force fields, Teleport Spam, and the ability to spawn a miniature black hole. And while most non-biotic classes rely more on skill, cool gadgets, and powerful weaponry, all classes, including the biotic ones, get Super Strength (though only Captain America level), regeneration, and immunity to poisons.
    • Although Shepard isn't TOO overpowered. They can't have all those biotic abilities at once, even if you can have a lot. Want the black hole? You can't have teleport ramming. And if you want biotic and tech abilities you can only have the basic attacks of either. Meanwhile the bonus abilities are all very powerful, but you can only have one of them. Life Drain, more shields, holographic decoy? You only get one.
    • Of all the enemies, Banshees from the third game are the only ones who really fit. While other husks made by the Reapers get some simple ability or weapon (Marauders have guns and Deflector Shields, Ravagers spit acid and have cannons mounted on them, and Brutes are just really strong), Banshees for some reason get an impressive repertoire of abilities, namely: Energy Balls that double as Life Drain, rapidly regenerating force fields, levitation, teleportation, Super Strength (they can pick up and impale a thousand pound krogan in full armor with one hand), and ridiculous durability.
    • Some of the elite N7 classes in multiplayer are noticeably stronger than normal solders. The N7 Fury, for example, can project force fields, use Life Drain, surround herself by a damaging field of energy, spam incredibly powerful explosions, release energy in a huge area around herself (a one hit kill to normal foot soldiers), and augment her already Super Strength with biotic Megaton Punches. Oh, teleporting. Lots of and lots of teleporting.
  • Asura from Asura's Wrath, who is basically The Hulk on steroids, and post Karma Fortress Mantra Reactor surgery no longer has the bad side effect of destroying himself with his anger. He can also Become the size of the planet and travel across the cosmos at extreme speeds, destroy volleys of planets being thrown at him casually with energy blasts, and punch straight through a planet several hundreds of times bigger than his planet sized self with ease. It's noted that even after shrinking back to human size, he keeps all the above powers, and just gets more and more powerful as the finale goes on, even after reverting to his base form.
  • In [PROTOTYPE] and [PROTOTYPE 2] you get the ability to run faster than cars, jump 10 stories high and a block across, glide, transform, create blades, take on an entire army without breaking a sweat. Let's just say in this game you hit the Jackpot!.
  • Mario, of Super Mario Bros. fame. And why not? Sure other platformers have power ups, but Mario is the only case where, upon acquiring or injesting certain objects, he actually gets super powers. First it was growing taller, but that was subject to a retcon later that makes the taller "Super Mario" form his normal one. Which means he can survive a lethal hit by sacrificing height, and normally has Super Strength required to break bricks and smash metal with his head/hands/feet, further supported by being able to lift up giant foes such as King Bob-Omb and even bowser himself. His jumping height is only beaten by that of his brother Luigi, and has shown on several occasions that he doesn't actually need the Fire Flower to shoot fire balls and it's an inherent ability. But with power-ups, be they items or suits, he can fly and hover, turn into an indestructible statue that kills anything it lands on, inflate a cape and fly indefinitely (thought at fixed altitude) and dive to the floor to create a shockwave that kills everything a short distance away, fly using his hat, just fly, overcome death with 1-up mushrooms (and he DOES actually die upon defeat, unlike other kiddy platformers), shoot balls of ice and create frozen platforms along Ice and LAVA, become literally invincible for a short while, become invincible and metallic for a short while, become invincible and giant for a short while, turn invisible an intangible, become a ghost, throw instant kill hammers, lethal balls, Inflate like a baloon for a short while (a power exclusive to him), create clones of himself, turn tiny, become a bee, throw hammers and boomerangs, create cloud platforms, turn into a boulder, turn enemies and objects into cash and finally *whew* gain flying squirrel capabilities like gliding and clinging to walls. In short, the ? block is a super power lottery and Mario's constantly the winner.
  • The eponymous character of the Kirby series is clearly the big winner of the Superpower Lottery in his universe. Right of the bat, the little pink cream puff boasts incredible Super Strength and Super Toughness which allows him to shatter a planet or survive an explosion big enough to eclipse one. And thanks to being able harness the power of the stars themselves, he's able to create/summon the Warpstar which allows him to travel zoom through galaxies at speeds faster than light. There is also of course his iconic Vacuum Mouth ability which allows him to inhale things even bigger than himself. This combined with the fact that his stomach is more or less a Pocket Dimension means Kirby is not only able to safely eat virtually anything, but can rebound attacks enemies toss his way and also use his stomach as a massive Stomach of Holding like he does in Kirby Squeak Squad. What really wins the Superpower Lottery for him though his is equally iconic Power Copying ability which lets him absorb his opponent and copy their powers. It's effectively made him a Master of All. With the right Copy Ability, he can become as skilled a Master Swordsman as Meta Knight, wield a spear as well as Bandana Dee, or Drop the Hammer as hard as King Dedede. With this power, Kirby has been able to win the Superpower Lottery in a manner similar to Mario above, only more so. While the ? block does offer a menagerie of powers, it still has an element of chance to it. With the Copy Ability, Kirby not only has a technically unlimited array of potential abilities to use, but he also knows what he'll get in advance. In short, Kirby's Copy Ability has let him cut the middleman by allowing him to effectively become the Superpower Lottery with the enemies he eats being his unfortunate lottery tickets.
  • Zeroth, in Legacy Of Heroes can travel through time, talk to machines, he has many other powers and the ultimate artillery support: a rain of titanium rods ... FROM SPACE !
  • In The Legend of Spyro any given dragon has power over one element, be it fire, ice, wind, or lightning. Purple Dragons (and Cynder), however, have access to all the elements. All of them. And Godlike power levels to boot, meaning they don't trade any strength for their versatility. In-universe each of them is considered a Chosen One and his or her birth is a cause for celebration (and fear after the first one went a little crazy).
  • In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Dragonborn definitely has this, due to being able to master new Words of Power instantly without the years or even decades of intensive study that it takes a normal individual to learn them, if they even can at all. The only thing limiting their ability with the Thu'um is that the Greybeards refuse to teach them everything at once, instead sending them to seek out Word Walls as part of their training. The fact these places tend to be usually guarded by Dragons is less of an obstacle than it seems, since the Dragonborn also has the ability to devour the souls of fallen Dragons, preventing them from being resurrected again.
    • In addition to the shouts the Dragonborn happens to be the listener to the Dark Brotherhood, and the chosen savor of the College of Winterhold. The Dragonborn eventually becomes the leader of both along with The Companions, and The Thieves' Guild. The Dragonborn can also be a thane in all of the holds, be a war hero for one of the two Civil War factions, and be in possession of several rare Daedra artifacts.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails and Rouge can fly. Knuckles can punch through certain walls and glide for long distances. Amy has a hammer she can use for great attack range and to jump to incredible heights. Cream can fly and has a Chao partner who can attack from a distance. Blaze can control fire. And finally, Shadow can skate incredibly fast, can teleport, and can fire Ki Attacks. Considering that all of Sonic's friends can run almost as fast as him, Sonic's ability to run really fast doesn't seem all that impressive in practice.
    • Sonic however does gain a rather expansive array of vital abilities in later games, such as the homing attack and light dash. Then again, much of these abilities are later shared with other characters, rendering that moot.
  • Spirits who have obtained Ghost Tricks can acquire a combination of some, but not all, of the following powers: manipulating inanimate objects; time travelling to four minutes before a recently deceased person's death; travelling long distances via telephone lines, swapping similarly-shaped objects, and manipulating living beings. Which abilities a spirit acquires upon death is seemingly random. Sissel is considered by several other characters to have won the superpower lottery, because he received the specific combination of powersthe first three in the list that allow him to solve most the game's crises.
  • World of Warcraft has Thrall. Born as a seemingly normal orc baby, raised as a slave, never having seen magic outside of the Light, when he finds the tribe of orcs his family is from, their leader basically tells him he's the most powerful shaman he's ever seen, and Thrall hasn't even trained yet. This gets taken Up to Eleven when DRAGON GODS admit that they need his powers to fill in for a missing member of their team. This guy has power on par with a Physical God. No wonder he's given the fan nickname Green Jesus.
  • The main character of Baldur's Gate eventually gains the ability to transform into the Slayer, the avatar of the late Lord of Murder Bhaal, with insanely-high stats and attack power and immunities to a lot of high power status effects like Charm, Confusion and even Imprisonment. Out of all the Bhaalspawn seen in the game, only the player character possesses this power.
    • Some members of The Five in Throne of Bhaal are no pushovers in this department, though. Yaga-Shura is a fire giant who's Healing Factor is so great that he's functionally immortal unless someone destroys the source of his power, which he smartly keeps miles away in a heavily-guarded stronghold. There's also Abazigal, who's a freaking dragon.

     Visual Novel 

  • Nasuverse has so many examples it would be enough to fit its own page. From Tsukihime to Fate/stay night and its various spinoffs.
    • First off, anyone who got the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. To clarify, it's only obtained by surviving a Near-Death Experience, and even then it's not a guarantee to get it. If you do get it, however, it allows you to see the point of death of anything, and then cut them to erase that thing from existence. Like People. Or Table. Walls. Buildings. Air. Or, Earth.
    • Ciel of Tsukihime was born to an entirely ordinary family, yet she also possessed enough magic circuits of high enough quality that her magic power is considered to be on the same level as Servants. Unfortunately this verges into Blessed with Suck territory for her since her incredibly potent magical power made her a prime target as Roa's next host.
      • In the same vein, Satsuki, the former Trope Namer of Demoted to Extra, has so much magical potential despite coming from a normal bloodline that she leapfrogs several stages of vampirism all the way to Dead Apostle status, something that normally happens only through artifical means or centuries of consuming human flesh. Not only this but that a year after during the events of Melty Blood, she gains a Reality Marble called Depletion Garden that makes her a Magic Eater. Then she also has the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment.
    • Anyone who wields any of the True Magic. To obtain it, one must have a connection to Akasha, although it isn't properly explained. Divided into Five Domains, The First Magic has the power to deny nothingness. The Second Magic manipulates Alternate Universes. The Third Magic materializes soul. The Fifth Magic {seemingly) governs Time Travel.
    • Most of the Servants from Fate/stay night are required to win the lottery just to be chosen by the Holy Grail as Servants. The Noble Phantasm they have can even be said to represent this trope (Noble Phantasms are a hero's most distinctive skill or weapon), and are pretty much determined by their legends. Lancer has a spear that will pierce your heart by reversing causality to ensure One-Hit Kill. Berserker can only be hurt by fatal attacks and possesses 12 lives that must be killed differently each. Saber has Excalibur that can fire Sword Beams comparable to nukes and Avalon, which grants almost Complete Immortality. Archer can copy any and all weapons that a human ever creates, including weaponry Noble Phantasms. Rider can petrify people with her Mystic Eyes of Petrification, and summon powerful legendary beasts such as Pegasus. Gilgamesh possesses innummerable amount of legendary weapons including god-binding chains and Anti-World Noble Phantasm, while most Noble Phantasm tops at Anti-Country at the very best. And neither the chains nor the Anti-World weapon can be copied by anyone.
    • Fate/Zero is only marginally better. Rider possesses a Reality Marble (which he shouldn't even have, since he is not a mage) that allows him to summon entire army of Servants. Caster possesses a book that can produce prana perpetually and summon Cthulhu. Berserker is unaffected by any skill-hindering status, can make anything he touches into weapons (including an F-15 Jet Fighter), and possesses a sword that jacks up his stats by a ridiculous margin, to the point that it drains his master's prana to the point of death.
    • Servants of Fate/Apocrypha, anyone? With 14 Servants instead of the usual 7, at least 4 of them are ridiculous, even by Servant standards. Siegfried takes attacks (that are not aimed at his back, of course) that would kill most Servants several times over as nothing more than mosquito bites and can fire Sword Beams strong enough to kill a dragon. Vlad has Home Field Advantage that allows him to summon spikes and thorns anywhere within the field, including inside opponent's body. Then there is Achilles himself, who possesses a grand total of five Noble Phantasms, which includes his famous Nigh-Invulnerability, among other things. But the greatest example would be Karna, who, while nerfed due to lack of enough prana to fight at full power, can still laughingly beat the crap out of Siegfried and Vlad.
    • But none of the above can compare to Ado Edem from Angel Notes. In a world where everyone is a walking nuke, he can effortlessly destroy Eldritch Abominations powerful enough to create copies of celestial bodies as large as the Moon and DROP them on Earth, warp reality around them just by existing, and literally has no concept of death. Heck, he regularly one-shots them whenever they descend to Earth!

     Web Comics 

  • Grace in El Goonish Shive was this early on. Depending on her current form. she can do anything from fly, project force fields, use telekinesis, be superhumanly fast to the point of being a blur at times, be resistant to fire, and have sharp claws that reduce an opponent's ability to heal. However, it could be said that she lost her status as a lottery winner as time went on. Nanase, already one of the most powerful characters, gained access to her Angel Form (a Heroic Resolve activated Super Mode of sorts) during the Sister II arc, and Elliot gained the ability to turn into Cheerleadra, a Flying Brick superheroine. When inevitably asked about who would win among the three, creator Dan Shive said that it was up for debate, but that he would put his bets on Nanase in her Angel form.
  • The outsiders in Project 0 are definitely winners. Especially as there's no handicap to Modding.
  • Man-Man is about non-powered fool Man-Man, but parodies this with Powers Guy, who has all kinds of awesome powers and does the actually useful stuff.
  • In Sidekicks anyone that possesses the First Prana is capable of imbuing themselves (and other objects) with a superpower, basically allowing them to control the lottery itself. Subverted in that what power is given tends to be random unless the other two Prana are nearby.
    • Supublics are all born with a single superpower and what power they receive tends to play a large part in how powerful a supublic tends to be. This is averted by the Big Bad who uses the Third Prana to grant himself and other villains multiple superpowers.
  • In Zodiac Libra can have every power he can think of, but he is limited by energy & effort, and the fact he's a bit of a ditz.
  • Errant Story:
    • The time monks, in a subversion. In a fantasy setting with fairly normal levels of magic and with firearms tech up to revolvers, they have bullet time. Despite that, they seem prone to the Worf Effect. And the Elves can handily counter the super-speed, once they know to expect it; they taught them the trick hundreds of years ago, after all, and haven't used it themselves since, because it's too easy to counter.
    • Ian, on the other hand, basically gets phenomenal cosmic power, that seems to keep growing and growing. Unfortunately, With Great Power Comes Great Insanity.
  • In The Last Days Of FOXHOUND, the take on the team is: Raven, who has precognition (we're told) and a big gun; Liquid, whose Charles Atlas Superpower lets him survive anything and beat people up pretty well; Wolf, the world's greatest sniper; Ocelot, the world's greatest pistoleer and liar (enough that it counts as a power, damnit); and Octopus, who can shapeshift into someone if he drinks their blood. And then there's Mantis, who can read and control minds, light anything on fire, zap people into unconsciousness and use telekinesis.
  • Chris of Sonichu has this in spades. He doesn't go through an episode without showing off some spiffy new ability. Of course, seeing as he's an Author Avatar God-Mode Sue...
  • As of the end of Act 5 of Homestuck, Jade has won all the Superpower Lotteries. All of them. Among her friends who have achieved mastery of the wind, control of time and dominance over the arcane, she has gained the power to control space itself (as in miniaturizing entire planets), the ability to fire massive, planet-busting energy beams, and whatever else comes with the power of a First Guardian. All of this, and the cutest costume ever worn by someone with the title of "The Witch of Space".
    • Teleport anything from anywhere to anywhere, change the size of anything, awareness of anything that exists in her universe at the current moment, speed things up to the speed of light or slow them down to a complete stop, immortal except under two specific conditions, fly without using any of the above powers, speak without a chat client or being in a flash animation. That is what she gets from one of her three power sources.
    • Lately, however, a huge weakness has been brought to light. Namely, that thanks to being combined with Bec, Jade counts as an animal when it comes to the kind of "command animal" psionics that Tavros possesses. The Condesence is revealed to have developed this power as well, resulting in her seizing control of Jade as soon as the Beta kids arrived in the Alpha kid's session and turning her godlike powers against her allies.
    • The primary villain, of course, won the Lottery even harder: first off, as a cherub, he naturally has powers strong enough to affect entire worlds. Then he gains the single most powerful class in Sburb: the Lord of Time, one of only two "Master"-level classes. This gives him time-travel powers. Then he goes god-tier, making him mostly immortal and giving him total mastery over the aspect of Time. From there the details are unclear, but his powers increased even further, giving him Absolute Retroactive Immortality (he cannot undergo a Ret Gone because time itself ensures his survival) and he has raw power that surpasses the First Guardians by a long shot. We still don't know the limits of his powers, but he is powerful enough to kill souls and mass-slaughter Eldritch Abominations with impunity.
    • John eventually acquires the most broken power of all, though he can't fully control it yet. After touching Lord English's artifact, John can travel in time. Unlike other forms of time travel in the setting, John's version allows him to make changes to the Alpha Timeline.
    • Similarly, Roxy Lalonde eventually gains the ability to physically materialize anything. Anything, whenever she wants. While not as useful as John's Super Mode status, her powers as the Rogue of Void are so great that even a Big Bad wants them.
  • Mishap of the stalled webcomic Mis- has the super power lottery every day. Most of the powers are useless.
  • Magick Chicks: Faith is an abnormally powerful high-level esper, who's said to be the strongest in the academy's history. Plus, she has so many abilities that no one can really keep track of them all. The only power that she's confirmed to not have is mind reading. The scary part being, that her power is still growing, as she has yet to reach her peak.

    Web Original 

  • In Worm, The powers granted by Trigger Events and Super Serums vary in usefulness. Some characters became incredibly powerful, for example becoming a Flying Brick (Alexandria) or even getting the ability to chose any three or four powers to have (Eidolon), while others have to be more creative when using their powers, like the main character's bug control, but some like Leet get very bad powers, as he's an incompetent Gadgeteer Genius who is less likely to succeed the more he tries to builds something. However, the early Super Serums cross into Superpower Russian Roulette in terms of their negative transformative effects.
    • The most extreme example is Contessa. She has the power to "see the path to victory", i.e. always win no matter what, basically doing a Tool Assisted Speedrun of real life.
  • In the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions there was The Queue (omnipotent power when they stand in a straight line), Soyburger Patricia (sorceress nicknamed Dues Ex Patricia after one such incident), q (a junior member of Star Trek's Q continuum), although Adon & the Observer tended toward the overpowered side as well.
  • In The RPG Fanatic the Student Sword claims to be the sword used in all computer roleplaying games until the protagonist becomes a true hero. So far the Student Sword has demonstrated the ability to summon zombies, perform Kingdom Hearts Keyblade-style "unlocking", perform the Soul Shooter attack from Azure Dreams, transform books into dvds and switch the Fanatic's "job" using magic.
  • In the Whateley Universe, there is Tennyo. She is one of the main characters at the Whateley Academy, and is so massively powered that in several stories, she essentially couldn't find a way to use her powers without damage so massive it would have been life-threatening to people nearby, or without other dire consequences. Also, it seems that serious use of her powers gives off lethal doses of radiation and may cause mind-shattering rips in our reality. And there's the whole "antimatter within her cells" thing that nobody understands. Deconstructed in that she has severe difficulties with using normal techniques. (She can't beat your average 'brick', because the only strength-boost she could use kills people's souls...)
    • Here's a list of her known powers: Superhuman strength and speed. Flight, both fast and agile. Energy blasts. Energy sword like a light saber that can breach most shields. Insane regeneration (highest known regen rating). IR and UV vision. Total life support (space, etc.). Power over gravity. Produces antimatter. Has survived a nuclear blast. Death Blow, which can rip apart souls. Can warp reality around her, causing massive destruction and insanity. Teleportation with an interplanetary range. Various other warper powers she is still discovering and has poor control over. Eats demons. Partial immunity to power nullification.
    • Basically the entirety of Team Kimba is this, with even the less powerful members having some aspect that can blow away most competition.
  • On this forum thread, this is the whole idea. By trying your luck you may get powers like a Chuck Norris Kick to the facenote Yes that's a power, or omnipotence. Then again others get the short end of the stick and get the power to know when you're asleep, or God forbid, the power that turns you into a voodoo doll.

    Western Animation 

  • In Avatar: The Last Airbender, there are regular people. Then there are people who can control the element associated with where they grew up (Earth, Air, Fire, Water). And then there's the Avatar, who controls all four of them. And then some.
    • Three bending disciplines are known to have related sub-disciplines. Fire has Lightning, which can be redirected. Earth has Metalbending and Sandbending. Water has Healing and, when there is a full moon, Bloodbending, enabling them to take control of any living thing. In The Legend of Korra, a family of Waterbenders can Bloodbend in broad daylight, which Amon uses to permanently block other benders from using their powers, as well as dodge or divert any attack that would hit him, without the tell-all motions that would let someone know he was bending. In Season 3, Lavabending is added to Earth's roster.
  • South Park parodies this with its Affectionate Parody of Anime, "Good Times With Weapons." Cartman gives himself New Powers as the Plot Demands until Kyle calls him out on it & makes him choose only one. He chooses the power to have any power he wants. Stan takes all his powers away. When the others need him to have powers again, he chooses the power to turn Kyle into a chicken.
  • In Static Shock, Edwin Alva's son, Edwin Alva Jr., learned to control the Big Bang gas that gave every other metahuman in Dakota their powers, essentially rigging the Superpower Lottery. He was doing pretty well with it, too, up until he took on too many powers at once and Power Incontinence turned him into stone.
  • The Venture Bros. has the occasional lottery winner. As Phantom Limb put it while convincing some un-powered senior villains to do his bidding:
    • Doctor Orpheus also counts: He can teleport, astral project, shoot energy from his hand, remove souls, set things on fire with his mind, mind wipe people, raise the dead (as long as he has a body and the soul is willing to come back), fly, detect ghosts, create a force of purple lightning that shut down a large robot and liquefied a group of Nazis, remove someone's arms (and not by cutting them off: they actually disappear), telekinesis, and predict when someone will die. And that's probably not all of it.
    • Professor Impossible, while still defeatable, got stretch powers while the rest of his family got invisible skin, skin that burns when oxygen hits it, and turned into basically one giant callous, so he got off pretty good.
    • Captain Sunshine can do anything Superman can and shoot beams of intense sunlight out of his chest. It's made up for by his Weaksauce Weakness though: He needs sunlight to use his powers and unlike Superman does not get constant power from it.
  • Of the Teen Titans, Raven basically has a lot of powers. New Powers as the Plot Demands and Deus ex Machina, for example. The Teen Titans Wiki lists her as having the following: Considerable arcane and mystic lore of both Azarath and Earth, telekinesis, astral projection ("Soul-Self"), levitation, empathy, telepathy, umbrakinetic dark energy manipulation (into energy blasts, a variety of constructs ranging from walls to claws to shields to flying platforms and effective telekinesis), biological manipulation (generally of herself), teleportation (across relatively short distances on the same planet or into other adjacent dimensions), time manipulation (uncontrolled and rare), physical healing (limited) of both herself and others, limited precognition, able to summon all her emotional forms and merge with them as White Raven in the multi-dimensional realm of her mind, ability to transfer power to others and cause them to lose consciousness, control over Trigon's lesser demons and ability to banish them (at least after acceptance of personal destiny), ability to rapidly age self back to normal age (in "white" form). She's by far the most frequent target for depowering or The Worf Effect, but when she's not either, the result is epic.
    • Season 3 Big Bad Brother Blood is up there, with documented abilities being: Mind Control, illusion crafting, telekinesis, projecting energy beams, teleporting, superhuman martial-arts skills, armor plating, built in weaponry, and the ability to interface with machinery acquired after becoming a Cyborg, and a photographic memory.
      • Not to the extent of the first two, but Jinx's powers of bad luck are shown to be very versatile.
  • In Wakfu, followers of the god Xelor (who are also called Xelors) have the ability to manipulate time. The Hero, as well, can bend space by creating portals.
  • Justice League has the android AMAZO. His ability, to copy those of others, gave him the full set of the Original Seven's powers by his first appearance. Then he went into space for a while, and when he came back, he had enough power to teleport an entire planet. Because it was in his way. The entire extended League and Green Lantern Corps failed to even scratch him. At the end of it all, the person to defeat him was Lex Luthor.
  • Generator Rex has this to an extreme extent. The main cast is as follows: A Bad Ass, but still entirely human MIB, a brilliant scientist, a talking monkey who is the Butt Monkey of the Worf Effect, an Unfazed Everyman Action Survivor...And Person of Mass Destruction whose current power set includes Depowering, Super Strength, Made of Iron, flight, technopathy, mid level mechanical shapeshifiting which gives him a wide array of weapons, and more.
    • not to forget becoming a God over all creation
  • In My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, a unicorn's magical powers are typically restricted to one specialty, usually associated with their Cutie Mark. Since Twilight Sparkle's specialty is magic, she doesn't have this restriction.
    • Not only does Twilight have the ability to effectively use any sort of magic, she also has the sheer magical might to back it up. Princess Celestia, resident sun-goddess and half of the Equestrian Diarchy, mentioned she hasn't seen such immense power from one unicorn in centuries.
    • Although the fans love to overestimate their abilities quite a bit, alicorns are this compared to the other kinds of ponies. While earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns have increased endurance and are in touch with nature, flight, and magic respectively, alicorns possess all three.
    • In the last episode of season 3, Twilight becomes an alicorn princess, adding Flight to her list of powers.
    • Discord is a Reality Warper with nigh-omnipotence. He can create a World-Wrecking Wave and a World-Healing Wave, brainwash main characters and others, turn pegasi and unicorns into earth ponies, and can even take the very objects that are needed to defeat him. When he was reformed in Season 3 the elements were tweaked by Celestia so he could no longer touch them, but come Season 4 the elements were permanently lost shoving him violently back into unstoppable territory.
    • The season 4 finale villain, Lord Tirek might be the single most powerful entity to show up in the show. His power? Magic absorption. Up to and including the ability to drain not only the alicorns mentioned above, but Discord as well. The only reason he was defeated is because...
    • The mane cast possesses the ultimate power in the setting: The Power of Friendship. The show's title is "Friendship is Magic", after all. It functions as essentially an "I win" button, effortlessly depowering Tirek even after he absorbed the power of hundreds of ponies, all four alicorns, and Discord. The only point in the show where it failed was because the ponies trying to invoke it were brainwashed into not actually being friends.
    • In the season 4 finale, Twilight gets this to an even greater extent than normal. She becomes the vessel for the combined powers of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance to keep Tirek from absorbing their magic. By the time Tirek reaches the princesses, he has the power of just about all Equestriawhich they considered enough to defeat them. He later finishes off Ponyville and drains Discord dry of magic as well. But Twilight, even though the show devoted time to showing how incredibly clumsy she is with the insane amount of power at her hooves, matches Tirek blow for blow. Considering that she would only get better control of her borrowed magic with time, it becomes clear that the only reason Tirek was able to drain her was because he pulled out hostages. Holy shit.
    • In Season 5, we're introduced to Starlight Glimmer, who is also extremely talented in magic. While she comes up short on the Power Copying front (it took her years to master a spell that Twilight copied instantly), she proves more dangerous in terms of innovation. She knows a unique spell that removes cutie marks, and used it to take control over a village of ponies. When she returns in the Season Five finale, she can time travel freely, mastered self-levitation and to top it off, her magical might is powerful enough to match Twilight Sparkle in combat. Twilight was only able to defeat Starlight by befriending her and convincing her to stop her plan, which had dire consequences Starlight never realized. Afterwards, Twilight recognized Starlight's exceptional talent and decided to take Starlight in as her very own pupil.
  • In Young Justice, Miss Martian's abilities were changed from the comics so as not to have too many heroes with Super Strength. So in place of her strength is telekinesis, which is strong enough to collide two drones together and redirect missiles if she concentrates. The rest of her powers are the same, but they include being 'the most powerful untrained telepath' (according to Martian Manhunter), shape shifting (which can be used to become near invisible), and Flight as a result of the previously mentioned telekinesis.
  • Captain Planet pretty much has New Powers as the Plot Demands only balanced out by the fact that his Kryptonite Factor is the very thing he is meant to fight against.
  • Superfriends was made of this. You had Superman with Silver Age power levels doing things like fly his way out of a black hole and then you had everyone else. Wonder Woman really took it up the ass, since this was before her massive power-up to demi-god levels. Outside of occasionally wrapping people up with her lasso and giving others a ride in her invisible jet, her main role was to get grabbed around the waist by the episode's big hulking male enemy, even circus animals got in on this. This show is also where Aquaman got most of his bad rep in the minds of an entire generation. In stark contrast to how his powers have developed in the comic books, in the cartoons his Aquatic Telepathy was iffy at best. Half the time it had no effect on particularly exotic marine life or could be easily blocked or overridden by enemies and he would sometimes even wonder out loud if his powers would work!

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