It all started with this pin on Pinterest:
I thought, WOW! How easy would it be to do this run down every time we read a book? Then I can easily hit summarizing over and over and over and over and over. You get the idea.
So, I decided to make my own version because I have an obsessive need to coordinate. Duh. Then, while writing this post, I decide to check out where the original came from. And it's a blog I already follow! Guess I started following after this post. The blog is Runde's Room, and it's awesome. She even has a whole fictional narrative unit to go with it in her TPT store. (FYI-I checked with her before I shared my copycat version.)
Anywho, here's my version. Click on the post to download it. I would actually like to stack 10 or 15 post-its on each square in the poster. Maybe we could do something with them after we write on them? Like a mini summarizing board? I don't know. I'll let you know how that goes.

Then I can easily hit summarizing over and over and over and over and over. You get the idea. Megan @ I Teach. What's Your Super Power? Monday, December 23, 2013.
I Teach What's Your Superpower - Megan Favre Teaching ...
By I Teach What's Your Superpower - Megan Favre. This cheerful set includes:
I teach. What's Your Superpower? Personalized ... -
I teach. What's Your Superpower? whats your; your superpower; Listed on May 13, Get top trends and fresh editors' picks in your inbox with Etsy Finds.
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100% customizable I Teach Middle School What's Your Superpower? I teach middle school, what's your superpower? Because teachers are super heroes. More
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main idea bags - I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
Main Idea and Supporting Details + Surviving the End of the Year Megan @ I Teach. What's Your SuperPower? I am a wife, mother, Summarizing. Snazzy title,
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DIY I Teach Superpower Hat from Ucreate via Skip to My Lou [] Skip To My Lou is a place to fulfill the passion for sharing the best in life.
Summarization Techniques
Summarization Techniques . Teachers who start a lesson by summarizing the big points in the day's lesson and end by having students summarize their Teach 21
Summarizing | Reading Rockets
Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text, Your Skin Holds You In by Becky Baines (National Geographic 2008)
ReadingQuest Strategies | Summarizing
How Can I Teach My Students to Summarize? Please be warned: teaching summarizing is no small undertaking. It's one of the hardest strategies for students to grasp,