Revenge - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead

Comment by Serathis

Does this crit for 500k?

Comment by JyL1

For it's 5 rage cst and it's now moderate damage, Revenge (coupled with improved revenges) is a viable PvP ability for a warrior with points in protection.

Comment by jackbang

Wowhead incorrectly lists this spell as level 14; You don't actually get it until level 16.

Comment by Marrd

Does anyone know if this is affected by any of your stats to increase its damage or is it a flat damage (barring some set bonuses)?

Comment by Fauzzie

Extremely useful skill, use at all times available when tanking. High threat yield with much better damage then before.

Comment by HerrCorrector

Incorrect. You do get this spell at level 14.

Comment by Morelia

Revenge shares its cooldown timer with Overpower. It is only usable after you dodge, block or parry.

Comment by nanometer

If I get a parry while stance dancing to disarm, I will often pop this skill. If you are PvP speced you will probably have improved overpower but not improved revenge, so it really isn't worth it.

Comment by nanometer

If I get a parry while stance dancing to disarm, I will often pop this skill. If you are PvP speced you will probably have improved overpower but not improved revenge, so it really isn't worth it.

Comment by Thrakin

Some things to take into consideration;

I've been testing a bit on my ( low-level ) warrior.

- The initial damage is affected by the -10% damage factor on Defensive Stance. Thus, the Revenge hit itself will always hit slightly lower than the tooltip states ( although the difference is marginal at best )

- Furthermore, Revenge always seems to be followed by a white weapon hit for me. Thus, the effects of revenge is Revnge + Weapon Hit, instead of just the plain revenge. If it is true that a white hit will always follow a Revenge, the damage caused will be slightly higher than the tooltip states.

Just a few thoughts.

Comment by garymce

Since you can use Revenge after a block, dodge or parry it's a good idea to use the same hotkey for Shield Block and Revenge. I find that a useful macro to use with this ability is the following:

#showtooltip Revenge; Shield Block
/cast Shield Block
/cast Revenge

This macro will show Shield Block normally, but if you need to see your Revenge cooldown, just press Control and the tooltip switches to show Revenge.

Comment by MAbans

That's actually a really cool looking screen shot. Good job Miyari

Comment by MashedIdiot

How high is this "high amount of threat"?

Comment by hawciu

high enough to spam it;)

Comment by lordofthedice

I would like to point out that the tooltip no longer says "and causes a high amount of threat". Is this a mistake on the tooltip? Has the extra threat produced by it been removed? And if that's the case, then is the threat produced by it equal to, less than, or greater than before?

Comment by silentjoe

After patch 3.0, this skill absolutely destroys. Given that the damage was increased almost 5 times (from about 200ish to around 1000 in my case) this further increases the viability of a prot warrior in pvp. If you have high enough avoidance you can have this up at least every few seconds.

Comment by Nishika

It's insane at level 80. I did a 4000+ crit with lvl 80 pvp premade gear. Wicked!

Comment by Cannonball

Note: Because of the changes to how Shield Block works the above post is outdated. Shield Block is on a 1 minute timer (40 sec with talents) and 'Increases your chance to block and block value by 100% for 10 sec'. This is probably because mobs below 4 levels higher than player level will no longer cause crushing blows on players.


Comment by Arkaen

A staple skill in the average Prot Warrior threat cycle. Has a talent to increase its damage by 20% and give a 50% chance to stun. Third highest in skill "priority" in terms of threat gen.

Comment by Skullraze

Its also nice to note that his can crit harder than Overpower for Arms warriors as well as do more damage noncrit. An open window for Revenge is easily enough for 2-3 Revenge hits, talented, as it not a single use hit like Overpower.

(great for when YOU dodge, block, parry of course)

Comment by clavarnway

I would think this is second, right after Shield Slam.

Comment by sorsa

Spec 53/5/13 and eat Rets and DKs for breakfast.

Comment by ov3rk11l

Very nice spell, you will probably be using this much more than at lower levels, given that you have a shield too. Paired with it's a great combo that gives decent damage and 100% block, NOT 100% avoidance however, it depends on the mob you're fighting because the amount of damage you absorb is modified by your block value

A nice macro to use whenever cooldown is up
/cast shield block

Hit revenge and you're good to go

A 5 second cooldown means that you only use it twice, but hey, better than nothing.

If you're going prot for leveling gives you a bunch of rage if you use Shield Block while aoe grinding.

When you're done, depending if you use a 1h or 2h wep:

/equip (should be 2h wep)

Edit: Now that it increases sbv by 100%, most likely it will also be a 100% avoidance chance unless fighting an elite/higher level mob

Comment by Cannonball

Revenge is the proper rotation choice to use after Shield Slam for tanking warriors, adding pretty decent damage (even without the improving talents).

Personally I'm using a macro which is trying to benefit from Glyph of Revenge being something like this:

/cast Revenge
/cast Heroic Strike

I can guarantee that this script works as intended, using revenge followed immediately by an HS. Improper clicking on the Revenge macro might cause you to make a non-free Heroic Strike at times (while Revenge is on cooldown), but in my opinion this macro is worth using together with that glyph.

As long as you have plenty of rage to waste Heroic Strike should be used, so making another HS+ability might be coming handy. I have Devastate and Heroic Strike as another macro, which macro I spam always as long as Shield Slam and Revenge are both on cooldown and I got plenty of rage, else I push an individual Devastate button if low rage.

Comment by Arkhirion

Second best skill a Protection Warrior will use to make certain the mob or boss hates him/her more than the Hunter shooting explosives in its eyes or that warlock that applies third degree burns everywhere.

Shield Slam is of course the better choice threatwise.

List of skill priority (to me at least) when all of them are available for use.
Shield Slam > Revenge > Concussion Blow > Shockwave > Devastate

Shield slam is always a priority to Revenge due to its usually higher damage and its high threat multiplier, not to mention it can and probably will crit more often than Revenge will and for amazing amounts of damage.

Though you might prefer to use this if you're grinding out in the open and that would want your head on a plate.

Comment by Wiliusas

number 1 to get threat is devastate, sunder armor.

Comment by Tentaclewarrior

alright PVP arms warriors, I've found that if you are locked in combat for a while on a good melee opponent, make sure you've specced unrelenting assault in MS talent tree. First, disarm you're opponent and you're almost guaranteed one of his next 3 jabs with his fist you can block dodge or parry, causing you the ability to spam revenge to your hearts content. This PVP tactic in arenas has worked time and time again on my original warriors, and I highly recommend it if you're in a bit of a melee match pickle.

"Good fortune, long life."

Comment by Krazycarn

Very fun in low level WSG. I have seen this thing almost one shot clothies.

Comment by pyro93

This ability is very effective after using shield block, you can do quite a big burst especially with the Unrelenting Assault talent since it reduces the cooldown to 1 second.

Comment by prodron

Wouldnt it be better if this skill did instead

Counterattack in AoE for to damage. Revenge is only usable after the warrior blocks, dodges or parries an attack.

or if it stacked and you split the damage/swings among the targets. cap ofc.

Comment by Marrenus

3.3.2 to 3.3.3

Revenge: Damage done by this ability (base and scaling) increased by 50%.

That means revenge is back to our bars after massive devastate buff making it useless. Yay!

Comment by Slavkei

Please refrain from posting on PTR information, as it's subject to change at any time! In the less than two weeks since you've posted, the skill got another change on the PTR. Wait till it's live.

Comment by XKnightofTacosX

This ability is not only extremely rage efficient in terms of threat generation and damage output for the rage cost, but also hits extremely hard.

In patch 3.3.3, this ability is only going to get even more impressive.

Comment by Seriesh

It's live.

With a sketchy 37/2/32 spec, talenting into Unrelenting Assault, 2/3 Armored to the Teeth, and down to 2/2 Improved Defensive Stance in Prot, you can tank most 5-mans and deal insane amounts of damage at the same time. Not a raid spec at all, but it's fun as all getout in Heroics.

On my Warrior, I was pulling 4.5k non-crits on each target with Revenge (Improved now also adds a 100% cleave effect to one target at two talent points, instead of the stun) and with the ability to spam it with Unrelenting Assault, gimmick specs have become slightly more fun for Warriors.

Comment by tazz2203

This is the winning arguement of why u should choose Shield and a Arms talent tree for leveling!
I am currently using this spec with my warrior:
With the Unrelenting Assault (
Right now my max crit is on 5,9k on a lvl 75 Warrior, having only 2,1k AP and a few lvl 70 PvP epics!

Comment by BroMontana

Even with their ups and downs, a well played warrior has always been an amazing arena partner.

Concerning the Revenge nerf: they are changing it by removing the 'window of time' effect that Revenge has. Once the nerf goes live, you will only be able to Revenge at a maximum of a 1:1 ratio with your successful blocks, dodges and/or parries.

Comment by fooshards

This hits like a DAMN TRUCK at low levels.
Anyone still leveling up as arms/fury is missing out on complete ezmode.

At lvl ~15, it was literally oneshotting normal hits
At lvl ~25, it easily was half an enemies hp normal hits
At lvl 44, it's still taking about 40% of the health off enemies.

And dont forget, it cleaves now. Pull about 8 enemies at a time, tclap, cleave, revenge spam while shield blocking, loot, mount to the next group

Comment by greeneye7

Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but it appears to have a cleaving effect as well, a new addition to the recent buff or has this always been there? Currently farming Bloodsail rep, and this will swipe 2 at a time for about 4-5k ish damage.

Comment by tracker3k

At level 55 last night, I revenge crit a BRD boss for 3034. The revenge changes are AMAZING :) Doing 3k+ at 55 is crazy. Easily still half shot instance elites with this.

Comment by kainazzzo

I just dinged 14 last night and only learned demoralizing shout. Is there a prerequisite for this? I haven't done the level 10 warrior quest yet for taunt/sunder armor/defensive stance

Comment by abishua

You need defensive stance to use the ability, I'm sure you also need that to learn it.

Comment by Ganbantein

with the talent Unrelenting Assault, this makes this skill have a 1 second cd
but the revenge use is practically useless against most casters.
a useful trick against priests and druids is that if they summon the shadow fiend or the triple treants, pop shield block and revenge spam the priest or druid. But you have to be in front of the druid/priest AND the summons to get the charges.

but you dont need to be arms for this trick. prot does this trick pretty well with the new talent Imp. Revenge increasing its damage more than Unrelenting Assault and attacking both the caster and the summon.

you can also do this trick in arenas if they have 1 caster and 1 melee dps. just pop shield block, face in front of the melee dps and revenge spam the caster.

Comment by thefered

confirmed you need def stance to lern it

Comment by Darkmood123

With the recent nerf (4.0.1), this ability is now a waste of GCD without the talent which improves it.

Comment by SoooWhoCares

Using Shield Block will sometimes force procs.
Does double damage on crits as all other of your melee hits.

Glyph of Revenge
Talent: Improved Revenge

Formulas for damage:
Pure unbuffed ability: ( MinDmg to MaxDmg ) + 31,0% * AP -> 31,0% AP scaling, 1 target
Glyph + Improved Revenge: ( MinDmg to MaxDmg ) + 31,0% * 1,76 * AP -> 54,56% AP scaling, 2 targets

Edit: Aww... Old dumbass mistake. My bad, thanks. Fixed now.

Comment by McLockhart

Even in The Shattering (4.0.3a) this skill seems to outperform Shield Slam, at least at lower levels.

With 2/2 your Revenge will hit harder than Shield Slam and also hit another target. With 3/3 (which you did remember to spec into as protection, right?) your Shield Block will have a 30 second cooldown and a 20 sec downtime, giving you an almost guarantee to use Revenge.

Given the damage output of this ability you should prioritize using Revenge over Shield Slam, atleast untill you can spec into 2/2 and even then you will probably still use Revenge when fighting more than one target.

Shield Slam should still be used if you wish to dispel a buff from an enemy though

Comment by McLockhart

Even in The Shattering (4.0.3a) this skill seems to outperform Shield Slam, at least at lower levels.

With 2/2 your Revenge will hit harder than Shield Slam and also hit another target. With 3/3 (which you did remember to spec into as protection, right?) your Shield Block will have a 30 second cooldown and a 20 sec downtime, giving you an almost guarantee to use Revenge.

Given the damage output of this ability you should prioritize using Revenge over Shield Slam, atleast untill you can spec into 2/2 and even then you will probably still use Revenge when fighting more than one target.

Shield Slam should still be used if you wish to dispel a buff from an enemy though

Comment by milex84

Not working in PvP anymore since 4.3.2

Vengeance is no longer triggered by receiving damage from other players.

Comment by Nivrax

Revenge cleave damage follows same rules as , primary target is hit for listed damage, secondary for 50%, and third for 25%.

Comment by HarlWindwolf

From my experience, it is hard to "control" which additional targets Revenge would hit.
With facing more than 5 opponents, it would sometimes hit the wrong ones and seem like it ignored others.

What I figured is that often my Revenge seems to only hit opponents (in a more reliable fashion) that have been damaged already (and consequently aren't at full health anymore) even if it's just 1 hit point they've lost. Opponents at full health would often stand right next to my main target* and not get hit by my Revenge. On the other hand, it did hit entities that weren't even in combat with me (or anyone else), so the cleaving aspect seems a little inconsistent to me, uncontrollable at least.
It hasn't always been like this.

I think it would alleviate using Revenge if it preferred to hit targets with a higher health percentage, including those with full health, with the exception of my main target* of course which should always get hit by it, and as long as either of them are valid targets and in front of me.

*In these cases, when I say "my main target", I really refer to the main target of Revenge which is often the mouseover target of my Revenge macro.

Comment by SlamdatMurloc

Revenge scales off of your spell power.
That was something new.

Revenge - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Comment by jackbang Wowhead incorrectly lists this spell as level 14; You don't actually get it until level 16.

Revenge - Spell - World of Warcraft -
Swing in a wide arc, dealing strong damage to all enemies in front of you. Generates 4 Rage. Your successful dodges and parries reset the cooldown of Revenge (cannot

Revanche - Feitiço - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
With 2/2 your Revanche will hit harder than Escudada and also hit another target. WORLD OF WARCRAFT PATCH 4.3.2 Revenge scales off of your spell power.

Spells - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
List of all existing spells in World of Warcraft. Featured Sites; Gaming News & Info; Wowhead; Hearthhead; LolKing; OverKing; DayZDB; DestinyDB; Join the world's

Soul Tap - Spell - World of Warcraft -
Spell Details. Duration: n/a: School: Shadow: Wowhead Forums; Torhead Forums; Tankspot; Join the world's largest MMO gaming network.

- - World of Warcraft
WORLD OF WARCRAFT PATCH 4.3.2 CLASSES: GENERAL Vengeance is no longer triggered by receiving damage from other players. Revenge scales off of your spell power.

Revancha - Hechizo - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
se reinicia el tiempo de reutilización de Revancha. Wowhead incorrectly lists this spell as the Revenge hit itself will always hit slightly

Spell - WoWWiki - Wikia
Spells are magic incantations or effects conjured up by A spell is the caster's stock-in-trade. (World of Warcraft vs. other Warcraft games) one is playing.

Priority to spell macro - Forums - World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft; Forums; 29 Human Warrior IN. 240. Is it possible to make a macro that lists 3 spells and gives priority to Lets say you have Revenge,

World of Warcraft Spells - Free Witchcraft Spells
World of Warcraft Spells. I will admit right off the bat that World of Warcraft spells are a mystery to me as I have never played the game. I just wanted to provide a