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Performingrevenge spells on other people is a spiritually immature act
and onlyserves to prove that you are on the same low emotional
and spirituallevel as the person who you believe cheated on you.
Learn whyhe/she may have cheated on you in the first place
and whatyou can do in the future to prevent that from happening again.
Remember,curses are only used when you have been
wrongedand cannot come up with a fix!!
Donot curse people for the fun of it or the rule of three will

Items needed:
1 lemon
1 blackcandle
9 nails
Pictureof person (to be cursed)
Black bowl
Light the candle!
Cut a slit into the lemon.
Place the picture of the personinside the slit.
Take one if the nails and feelyour anger rise. Visualize your anger.
Pierce the nail into the lemon.
Do the same for the remainingnails.
With each nail your anger shouldrise for this person getting blacker and
When you reach the last nail,place the lemon in the bowl.
Pour cursing oil onto the lemonfilling the bowl until the lemon is half
covered (with oil.)
Let the lemon rot in this bowlon your alter.
As the lemon rots, so too willthe life and luck of the person!!

Spellto make someone realize they've done wrong

To have someone see his errors.
This is a three times three spellto use on people who were corrupt in their ways.
It has no negative consequenceunless you think ill of the person while casting the spell.
"Wind inthe north, run through the trees
Three timesthree, let them see, let them see
Sands ofthe east, rich soils beneath
Three timesthree, set them free, set them free
Fires inthe south, awaken from sleep
Three timesthree, let them see, let them see
Water ofthe west, flow to the seas
Three timesthree, set them free, set them free
It works best if you have somethingrepresenting that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail.
The spell may not work instantaneously,you may have to repeat it for the person to see error in their ways.

TangledWeb Revenge Spell
To compel not only one targetto tell the truth, but all said targets allies as well.

* Drawnpicture of spider web, however large you like.
* Blueor White candle, 6 or 12-inch taper.
* TruthOil (several recipes below).
* Linkto target (picture, signature, name/birthdate, whatever you feel necessary)

1. Place link to target at centerof the spider web and say:

"Little spider, Queen/King ofLies,
Pulling the wool over peopleseyes.
Oh what a tangled web you weave
When you practice to deceive."

2. Envision the web as the targetsweb of lies,
and all the people who have beenpulled into it,
whether as knowing accomplicesor innocent victims
(you need not know who thesepeople actually are). Say:

"Other spiders that came to youraid
With you this sordid web havemade.
So many caught like helplessflies,
Victim to your vicious lies."

3. Anoint candle however you prefer.

4. Light candle and say:

"As this light shines thoughtyour deceit,
Your lies the Truth will nowdefeat.
No matter how hard you all strive,
Your treachery will not survive."

5. Take a few moments to chargethe candle with energy.
6. When ready, take the candleand carefully drip wax around
the spiral of the web (not the"anchor lines"),
starting at the center. Say:

"With thiswax your lies are stayed.
Confessionsof truth will be made.
The lightof Truth sets your victims free.
This ismy desire, so it will be."

7. Let candle burn down.

8. Once candle is burned down,dispose of web.


3 dropsClary Sage
3 dropsLavender
2 dropsPine
3 dropscalamus roots (or use marigold leaves)

3 DropsPatchouli 3 Drops Honeysuckle
1 DropSage
1 DropBalm of Gilead

1 teaspoonSandalwood oil
5 dropsCinnamon oil
5 dropsHibiscus oil

Add to:
2 ouncessweet almond oil or grapeseed oil
1/2 VitaminE capsule (just the powder or liquid,
discardthe gel cap)

Add theoils to a glass jar along with the Vitamin E.
Securelyfasten the lid, shake vigorously and let sit in bright, warm place.
Shake vigorously2 times a day for 14 days. Strain through cheese cloth if needed and bottle.
Store ina cool dark place.

*Please use the utmost cautionwhen performing a revenge spell. Remember,
if the person you are castingthis spell on does not truly deserve it,
YOU could be the who gets hurt.
Think longand carefully before doing any spells that may harm another human being.
Take a piece of paper and writethe name of the person that is to be bound on a 3"x3" piece of paper,
using a black ink pen or a pencil.

While you do this visualize theface of the person on your mind.
When you have written the namecross it with an inverted pentacle
(5 pointed star within a circle).

Fold the paper twice and takea rubber band and tie the paper with it.
Raise it to your temple and chantthree times the following...
"To beprotected from you,
This magiccharm i will do,
With thiswords i bind thee,
For youto let me be,
To be protectedfrom your harm,
I now sealthis charm".

Now place the paper on your rightshoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times
(doesn't have to be so loud thateveryone hears it)
As you slam it the ninth timesay...
"So mote it be!"

If you have been betrayed/cheatedon by a man,
find a cucumber that most closelyresembles the size and shape of his penis.
Carve his first and last nameand his birth date into the cucumber,
concentrating on him staying"soft". Place the cucumber into the freezer
(I put it in a Ziploc bag first)and say:

You hurtme when you chose to stray
It wasour love that you betrayed
Until youadmit that you were wrong
your peniswill stay soft, not strong
By thepower of Three times Three,
As I will,So Mote it Be

As the cucumber freezes and softensin the freezer
(which is why I put it in a Ziplocbaggie,
who wants to clean cucumber gutsfrom inside their freezer?)
your man will not be able toperform until you remove
the cucumber and bury it undera full moon.

Spellto Curse an Enemy
In the dark of the moon, spreada table with some cloth of a dark color, ragged and dusty.
At the four corners, set blackcandles unlit. In the center of the table, set a open wooden box.
On a small flat stone, inscribeyour enemy's name reversed.
Spit upon it and set it withinthe box. Light the four candles with a burning straw or taper.
Cast into the box a handful ofbitter weeds: chicory, dandelion, etc. Fix the curse with these words.
That thoushalt be turned into a stone,
And thatall thy wits shall be turned front to back,
And thatover thy face the loathsomeness shall creep,
And thatas in a coffin thy limbs shall be bound,
And thatlight shall be withheld from thine eyes,
And thatthy house and lands shall be impoverished and spoiled,
And thatall the nourishment shall taste to thy tongue as wormwood,
And thatthou shalt be held alien from thy fellow man,
And thatthese things shall be so until I release thee,
I spreadthis table and mark this stone
And spitupon it and conceal it,
And lightthese candles and apply these poisons,
And fixthis curse upon thee
In thenames of the Four Fires
Whose namesare RIL, YUT, SAR, and LOD,
Who shallconsume thee as they are consumed
Remain watching by the candlesuntil the are burnt out.
These things may be taken awaybut the stone must be buried
near you house until the spellis withdrawn.

PreparatorySpell Before Performing Black Magick
"Expugno Lumen, Nillus Lux,
Vis Levis, Luciens Nux"
"We Extinguish the Light,
We Render it's Death,
Violent Light, Light is Dead"
Said 3x with a bell dipped infresh blood and rung 3x over the Gate or summoning sigil.

There hasbeen unfairness done to me
I summonthe elements
I invokethem
I conjurethem to do my bidding
The fourwatchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds
there shallbe fear and guilt and bad blood
there shallbe submission and no pity
I pointthe threefold law against thee
againstthee it shall be pointed
threefold,a hundred fold is the cost for my anger and pain
Thee shallbe blinded by the fear
blindedby the pain
blindedby me
bindedby me
Cursedby me
So moteit be!
This curse shall be laid uponthe victim while burning am image of the victim
(wax sigil, photograph, drawing,anything)
in the flame of a consecratedblack candle.

Hexto Bring Discord and Darkness
Here is a great Hex to bringtotal chaos to your enemies or someone you hate.
Perfect for someone who has doneyou wrong in a bad way.
You will need:
a pieceof thick string or yarn about 9 or 10 inches long.
You will tie 3 separate knotsa couple inches apart as you recite the following...
"With thisknot I seal this hex
you willnot sleep, you will not rest
Knots ofanger, knots of hate
Discordbrings you to your fate
I tie thissecond knot makes two
Bringingdarkness over you
Slander,discord, evil too
Bringingdarkness straight to you
With thisthird knot, I do bind
Weavingchaos in your mind
Hex ofanger, hex of hate
Bring himdown, I will not wait
So moteit be!"
As you do this spell be thinkingof all the chaos that it is going
to bring to your enemy and makesure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell.
This will make it all the moreeffective!
When you are done see if youcan hide this string (with the knots now tied)
around you enemies home! Thiswill make it more potent!
If not then save it in a specialplace until you decide to untie the knots
and give your enemy a secondchance.

Bonesof Anger Hex
An EvilCurse
Gather bones of chickens anddry them in the sun for a few days.
Then when you are ready to dothis hex make sure you are
worked up into a frenzy of angerand hatred.
This will add to the potencyof your hex!
Be thinking of all this whiledoing this hex and when it says
'With thesebones I now do crush"
take a hammer or use your feetto stomp and crush these bones as if
they were your enemy before you!
When you are done sweep themup and place them in a bag.
You will then want to sprinklethe dust and remains of the
bones on your enemies propertyaround his house.

If you have a bell ring it 3 timesand say...
I callupon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss
to do mybidding
I invokeCuthalu, God of Anger and the
creaturesof the underworld hear me now.
"Bonesof anger, bones to dust
full offury, revenge is just
I scatterthese bones, these bones of rage
take thineenemy, bring him pain
I see thineenemy before me now
I bindhim, crush him, bring him down
With thesebones I now do crush
Make thineenemy turn to dust
torment,fire, out of control
With thishex I curse your soul"
So moteit be!

Marriageto Hell Hex
This hex is for those who wishto break up a marriage by causing extreme chaos in the victims relationship.
This will bring about the mostchaotic vibrations in their household of Hell to be.
For Hell is exactly what youwill be bringing them.
This will bring each of themto a boiling point where they would be tempted to kill one another.
This hex is not for those whojust want to break up a couple.
For that you can use one of myother less harming spells.
This is for someone you reallyhate with a passion... someone who you wish to see
suffer intensely with the endresult being a broken heart and broken mind for them.
A total collapse of their littlewhite picket fence dream.
An end to their happy littleworld of love and harmony.
If you truly have the evil seed,this spells for you to cast indeed.
You will need:
four blackcandles for this hex,
a pictureof the intended victim and some anointing oil.
You onlyneed a picture of one person whose marriage you wish to dissolve.
If youhave a picture that contains the couple together
that isfine but you will focus mainly on one of the two.
You willalso need a red marker, a hammer,
two nailsand a block of wood that is around 1'x1' square.
First you will want to anointthe candles with the oil and while doing so thinking
of the all the chaos this hexwill be causing.
Visualizing in your mind thevictims mental hell they will be going through
and visualize them fighting withwords of extreme hate and violence.
Visualize them finally splittingup and divorcing.
Visualize this divorce beingbitter to the end!
Part 1.
Place the picture of the victimto be on the block of wood.
With the red marker, draw a redheart on the forehead and on the chest of the victim in the picture.
Take your hammer and drive thenail into the heart drawn on the head of the victim on the picture.
While doing so, say the followingwords.
With thisnail I stab your heart
Soon yourlove so near will part.
Take your hammer and drive thenail into the heart drawn on the chest of the victim on the picture.
While doing so, say the followingwords.
With thisnail I stab your mind
insanityyou now shall find.
Part 2.
Place the black candles on fourpoints around the picture of the victim.
Place them North, South, Eastand West. During all this you should be facing East.
Light all four candles and meditateon the hex once again.
Allow for the black wax fromthe candle to drip down onto the picture.
Thus symbolizing him being surroundedby darkness, negativity and chaos.
Then when you are ready, recitethe following words with the utmost sincerity.
Lords ofDarkness, Lords of Night
bring thishex now to flight.
take thisman I see before me now
speed uphis karma, bring him down.
take hismarriage and break it apart
bring itchaos and hate, now to start.
tear theirlove to shreds so fine
what wasis gone, now is the time.
no longershall they be together
his closeknit family shall now be severed.
when togetherthey start to smother
each doestwant to kill the other.
no longershall ye be as one
your marriageis over
what'sdone is done!
Lords ofDarkness, Lords of Night
bring thishex now to flight.
So it be!
Remember that the word his maybe changed to her and so forth.
When you are done, extinguishthe candles and leave everything set up
as it is and you may repeat thesecond part of the spell for three nights,
starting with lighting the candles,meditating, and reciting the incantation.
At the end of three nights
you may want to leave everythingstill set up for awhile
to keep that vibration goingout there to do its work.
Then when you feel it is may dispose of everything.
If you are like me, you willeven make throwing it in the trash a ritual.
What I mean is I will think ofthrowing it into the trash as symbolizing
the victims life of happinessgoing to the trash to be gone forever.

Bindingby Fear Ritual
This isthe image of my would be victim
It I hangfrom a single thread
In a placeno one shall see
It willbring fear in the heart of him who shall harm me
He willbe binded by fear from harming me further
he willbe binded by fear from harming me at all
I willtie a knot in the thread when I wish to secure the fear until I break it
So moteit be!

3Nights of Hell Candle Spell
This spell will inflict seriouspain and sores on thine enemy for a period of 3 strange days.
After which the spell is liftedhe is made well again.
Take a black candle and placea picture of thine enemy
in front of you and tilt thecandle so the wax drips upon the would be victim in the picture.
Visualize the wax burning soresinto the body of thine enemy.
While doing so, recite the following3 times:
"As I dothis candle spell
Bring thineenemy 3 nights of hell
Candleblack, black as night
Bring himpains of flesh tonight!
lesionson his skin will grow
Afflicthim with a painful blow
Sores andpain afflict him now
for 3 nightshe'll wonder how
Dukes ofdarkness, Kings of hell
Smite thineenemy, bring him hell
when 3nights of pain have past
Make himwell, well at last".
After sitting and thinking aboutthe sores that will inflict your enemy and the pain
he will suffer you may then extinguishthe candle.
When 3 nights have passed, tearup the photo and say the following.
"When 3nights of pain endured,
I liftthis curse rest assured
Darknessleave him, go away,
the curseis lifted now, today!"

GooferDust Spell
Take the graveyard dirt and mixwith a little
mullein,patchouli and a touch of brimspell (sulphur).
This powder will burn.
Shape into a human figure andignite.
As it burns it is supposed tohex whoever the figure represented
with the result that the individualallegedly became ill.
Another common usage is to sprinkleit on the doorstep of the one to be conjured,
or to place some in a bag thatis hidden on the intended victim's property or hidden in the dwelling.

BlackArt Spell
To Stopan Enemy from Bringing Harm
To stop an enemy from bringingharm, here is what you must do,
Procurea special oil, of Dragon's blood and Rue.
Add toit a pinch of poppy, nightshade and some thyme,
add tothat three tiny drops, of some bitter wine.
Anoint a black candle with yourvictim's name and seal it with an "X",
then chant these words most carefully,to send forth this darksome hex:
Darksomepowers of the night,
gatherround my candle's flame,
send myenemy in shaded flight,
send myenemy away in shame.
Say this chant 13 times, on thedarkest moon,
The Old Ones then will hear yourplight and will grant your boon.

DoMy Bidding!
Take threepieces of ribbon,
thread, or yarn - one red, oneyellow, and one black Take them up.
Tie in each one three knots,
repeating the name of the oneyou wish to do your bidding as you tie each one.
Then bind all three pieces togetherand carry them or wear them on your person.
The person you have bound inthis manner will not be able to resist your wishes or commands.
Add to your daily bath a spoonfulor two of High John Conquering or Success Bath,
and see what a difference therewill be in your life in just five to seven days!
After the bath, rub some ControllingPowder on the arms and around the shoulders.
If there is a certain personyou wish to dominate, the puppet spell has many advantages.
Choose a Thursday when the moonis waxing, and at 8:00 AM, 3:00 PM, or 10:00 PM,
and only after securing yourprivacy so that no one will see or hear you,
take an image and label it withthe name of the person you wish to sway to your will.
You can use a doll, a photograph,or even a blank piece of paper cut to resemble a human figure.
If you have a possession of theperson you are attempting to influence,
so much the better -attach hairsnips with glue, rub in nail clippings,
tie or sew on a sock, handkerchief,or anything belonging to the one for whom the image is made.
Hold the doll or image in yourtwo hands in front of you, concentrate on the person involved,
and chant, at least seven times-
"Damballah,may I (mention your own name)
come outvictorious in my dealing with (mention the person's name)."
Work with the doll each day atthe same hour for nine days.
After the image is named andtagged, this should never change.
No dollshould be used for more than one person.
If you wish to influence severalpersons, use a different doll for each one.

Spellto Bring Nightmares
Perform this spell on the nightof a waning moon.
Preparation-thirteen black candles.
Put one candle in each cornerof the altar, one one each side,
and one on each corner of yourpentagram.
Anoint each candle with a non-purifyingoil, working base to tip.
Cast a circle.
Visualization-Imagine the persons dream in perfect detail,
replay it over and over in yourmind until the dream is completely clear in your head.
Once it is visualize your thoughtstraveling to the person,
see the persons face and thedream seeping into their brain.
Invocation-invoke a dark deity or a deity of dreams and nightmares into your circle,
(I chose Incubus-the god of nightmaresand dream rape,
and The White Lady- The CelticGoddess of Terror and the underworlds,) by saying,
" I invokethee, dark god, call thee by name.
Incubus,enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds.
I invokethee dark goddess, call thee by name.
White Lady,enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds."
Incantation-Now state your purpose by saying,
"Enchantingdeities of the underworld, I call upon thee to help me perform my evildeeds.
Come atonce, aid this dream of terror, come at once to bring them horror.
Crawl insidehis/her head deep in the night,
Bring him/herthe dream I see so clear,
Bring him/hermy dream of fright.
He/sheshall never forget this dream I made,
let itstay with him/her until her/his grave.
Now go at once, travel the night,bring (persons name) dreams of fright."
Meditate-Now sit comfortably and meditate.
First see the dream travelingto the person again, and then clear your mind of all negative thoughts.
Now close the circle and allowthe candles to burn themselves out.
Warning-Protectyourself when performing this spell.
By calling upon the deities ofDarkness you are putting yourself at risk.
After performing this spell itwould be wise to perform a cleansing and purifying ritual on your house.
You may also want to performa spell for pleasant dreams.
But then why spoil it!

Spellfor Revenge

13 blackcandles, a belonging of the person you wish to seek revenge on, cauldron,and pepper.
Cast acircle and set up the 13 candles in a crown on your altar.
Now sprinklesome pepper around the circle while chanting,
" To lockin hate, to lock out love, rage I must create, revenge I must think of."
Light thefirst candle and say,
" I lightthee with only hate in my heart. Only with revenge in mind.
I givethee light to aid my rage into the direction of he/she I hate."
Light theother candles one by one and repeat this.
Now hold the object tightly inboth of your hands and visualize
the persons face, and think ofall the things he/she has done to you.
Gather all of the hate and rageyou have toward this person and
force the energy into the object,when you felt you have succeeded in doing this,
open your eyes and chant threetimes,
"Make (fillin name) see the hurt he/she brings me, make him/her feel the pain I feel.
Removethe hate from my heart, and all the pain he/she brought me,
move ittowards the more deserving.
All shehas done she shall now see, I will seek my revenge times three."
Now run the object through all13 candles, and then drop it into the cauldron,
stare into the smoke as you chant,
"As thisburns, your pain shall begin, and all you brought me, now shall end."
When the object has burnt outclose the circle.

Curseto Cause a Headache

Say:This person _____ has made me angry!
Lucifer bring forth the painof madness known upon his head!
ardrelamastro, martarastar, frocuss!

Spellto Punish a Person

You'll need:
black candle
9 nails
white plate
Carve the persons name in thecandle...put the candle
on the white plate then at differentlocations push the nails in.... put the oil around the plate.
That should stay for about 1moon phase.....when done... remove the nails,
and using a warm knife or metalspatula, smooth the pierced/carved areas,
so the candle looks unblemished....wrapit in vervain and sweet basil
and then dump in a rubbish bin...thatwill take care of both.

Spellto Nehellania

Perform this during the Dark Moonif possible,
and when casting Circle movecounter clockwise from the East.
Items needed:
Stand before the altar with armsraised and say:
"Dark Mother, let your powerflow through the body of your daughter/son and out again
to repel and destroy all negativethoughts and deeds that are directed against me."
Stand in silence as you drawdown the power, then face East, raise your sword in greeting and say:
"Hail Chichiri,great One of the East, Whose airy eyes see all in the Element of Air!
I do summonyou here to protect and defend me."
Move tothe North and say:
"Hail Tamahome,great One of the North, Whose green eyes see all in the Element of Earth!
I do summonyou here to protect and defend me."
Go to theWest and say:
"Hail Hotohori,great One of the West, Whose liquid eyes see all in the Element of Water!
I do summonyou here to protect and defend me."
Finallyat the South say:
"Hail Tasuki,great One of the South Whose bright eyes see all in the Element of Fire!
I do summonyou here to protect and defend me."
Place your hands on the swordand say:
"GreatDark Mother, I call on You to build up this protection,
To sendback all the wrong that has been done to me."
Raise your sword high and say:
"Dark Mother,Queen of the Night, there is one who stands against me.
Let his/herefforts fail.
Let him/hergo down in the darkness.
May Youjudge his/her wrongfulness and lies as he/she stands before
You inthe courts of Hell.
May his/herefforts be lost in the darkness with no light to guide him/her.
I am Yourchild, protect me, Dark Mother!"
Rest the sword with the pointon the ground between your feet. Say:
"Dark Mother,help me to reach my goals, to live my life to the fullest, to walk a pathof balance.
Sweep awayall barriers built by those who want me to fail.
Crush theevil sent against me!
Sweep itsremains back into the body and brain of the one who sent it!
The evilis dead!
My attackertastes his/her just rewards!
His/hermouth is full of ashes, his/her thoughts of nightmares, his/her life ofunfulfillment.
Only oncehe/she ends his/her attacks and hatred shall he/she know peace again!
I standunder the sword and the hand of the Goddess! So mote it be!"
Draw a pentagram on the floorbetween your feet with the sword and say:
"It isdone!"
Replace sword on the altar (orif too large like mine, simply lean it against the altar) and say:
"Your handsprotect me from Dark Moon to Dark Moon.
Your swordcovers me from Dark Moon to Dark Moon.
Your careshelters me from Dark Moon to Dark Moon.
All loveand honor to the Dark Mother Nehellania!"
This is the time for any furtherspell working or to finish other ritual matters.
When finished take your swordto the east and raise it in greeting, and say:
"FarewellChichiri! My thanks for your protection and defense. Depart in peace, blessedbe!"
At theNorth say:
"FarewellTamahome! My thanks for your protection and defense. Depart in peace, blessedbe!"
At theWest say:
"FarewellHotohori! My thanks for your protection and defense. Depart in peace, blessedbe!"
At theSouth say:
"FarewellTasuki! My thanks for your protection and defense. Depart in peace, blessedbe!"
Stand beforealtar with arms raised and say:
"My thanksto the Dark Goddess Nehellania and to all who have helped here this night.
Departin peace, blessed be!"
Bless and eat the Simple Feast,and finish closing the Circle.
Nehellania is another name forthe Norse Hel.
Her name means Nether Moon, adirect linking
with her underworld kingdom Niflheim,Nef-hel, or Nifl.
She is the Queen of the Deadand rules
over dark magick and revenge.

SlaveMaker Potion

10ml unscentedbody lotion 2 drops lemon
1 dropgeranium 1 drop sandalwood 20 drops of pre-diluted rose oil
Blend well and massage into yourhands.
Now, if you shake somebody'shand they'll do anything for you.

ToChange Someone's Behavior
If there is a person who is yourfriend/enemy/whatever and they are
treating you badly you can changetheir personality so it suits you i.e.
they act how you want them todo.
There are two different methodsto this spell depending on whether the person
is with you or not.
If they are with you, concentrateon them and whilst staring at them say the following...
"Twisttheir bones and bend their back, Hypnotic and mystic and magick and mystery."
Now carry on like that but changethe first line each time you do it
saying what you want them tobe like and after every line say
"hypnoticand mystic and magick and mystery".
When you have finished (it canbe as long or short as you want)
you need to raise your left hand
to their left hand side and say
then raise your right hand totheir right hand side and say
then you bring your hands togetherand draw them down the
person's body and when they meetsay "this."
By theway you don't touch them you just look at them and do it!
If they are not with you needto get a spoon (the bigger the better)
and then you need to visualizethem floating above you.
As you are saying the exact samespell as above
hold the spoon by the end andhold it vertically.
As you are saying the spell visualizeits power building
in the cupped bit of the spoon.
When you have finished the mainpart of the spell,
you pull the spoon backwardssaying
then throw it forward whilstsaying
and as you visualize the powerof the spell hitting the person say "this."

This one is a good substitutefor a hex, when your fear or anger tempts you in that direction:
"Bloodturn black and flesh turn blue,
I willcurse if you force me to.
By theleft hand and the unclean food,
I'll curseyour eyes, I'll curse your lies,
I'll calldown a plague of flies.
Blood goblack and flesh go blue,
Evil fromme and back to you
My soulclean and yours on fire,
You messwith a witch you get burned, liar! "

Liar,Liar, Pants on Fire Spell
You willneed:
a pairof underpants with the name of the offending party wrote on the crotchwith black marker
a bottleof the hottest Tabasco sauce you can find
a bitof thistle and nettles
a longmatch
an oldcauldron or outside grill.
Pour the Tabasco sauce on thecrotch of the underwear. Let dry.
Sprinkle with herbs and blackpepper. Sprinkle with a bit of alcohol. Use a long match to light.
Burn in an old cauldron/outsidegrill. As the underwear burns say-
(Name),I've had enough, I rise above you,
I've gottentough, the wagging tongues of flame bite back
I refuseto take your hateful flack
Your liesbecome a conflagration
Bringingyou to degradation
Your deceitrecedes it's clinging grasp
And I amfree - the truth at last!
Scatter the ashes off your property.

Curseto Cause Bad Luck
Oh timelessspirits in heaven and earth,
I havebeen wronged and seek restitution.
Bear downon my enemy causing misfortune
And failurein every endeavor.

A Spell to Cause Insomnia
Oh sleepless spirits,
Cast on thee, my enemy,
Many restless and sleepless nights,
Make the bed bugs bite,
For thee hast wronged me.

VoodooSpell to Drive Someone Crazy
A way to drive someone crazyis to write the victim's name backwards on an egg.
No ordinary egg will do -- ithas to be an egg from a black hen.
Then it is required that theegg be tossed over the roof of the intended victim.
As an alternative, the egg couldbe buried near the victim's front door.

TheVexation Box Spell
This spell is for dealing withsomeone who is more of an annoyance than a threat,
someone who really gets on yournerves or stresses you out
by intruding in your life orviolating your space.
It is for someone you have alreadyasked to stop but who persists in bothering you.
It is not a spell to use on someonewhose actions you object to within their own life or space.
You need:
a box
herbsfor protection
two headsof garlic (or more, if you are using a big box or dealing with a groupof people)
a photographof the person, or their name written on a piece of paper
Put everything in the box.
Cover the box and give it a goodhard shake,
mentally yelling at the personto modify the behavior that annoys you.
Put the box away, in a draweror up on a shelf.
Take it out and give it a hardshake, yelling at them, every time they annoy you.
After the first week or so youshould seldom need to shake the box.
Throw the box away in a few months,when the garlic begins to spoil.

Spellto Make a Man Impotent
If a man has sexual relationswith a woman and then treats her rather badly
or breaks his word, she can veryeasily get even with him.
According to ancient Voodoo practices,
all she must do is keep the clothused for cleansing both parties after their relations.
This towel, washcloth, or ragis first tied in seven knots.
It is then weighted down anddropped into a river.
The man is said to lose his sexualvirility until amends are made or until th
girl forgives him and retrievesthe cloth.
Only she can break the spellby untying the seven knots.
If the knotted wiping rag islost, he will never again regain his ability to perform sexually.

TheRealization Spell
Spell toMake Someone Realize and Feel the Hurt They Caused You

Write the person's name and whatthey have done to you on a small piece of paper.
Light it from an alter candleand drop it to burn away in the cauldron.
Stand before the alter, the ashesin your right hand, and say:
Wolf andhorse, old signs of might.
Lend yourstrength to me this night.
The painand grief they so easily give,
Must bereturned so they may live,
To knowand feel what they have done,
And changetheir ways, with harm to none.
Send backthe pain, teach them this night,
And helpthem to do what they know is right.
Go outside,
and throw the ashes to the winds,
knowing that they will realizewhat they have done to you.

Ritualto Cause Pain to One Who Has Made You Suffer
This ritual is designed to getrevenge on someone who has caused you emotional pain,
for example if the person youlove abandons you and it transpires that they were merely using
you, then this would be perfect.
The amount of suffering thiscauses the victim is largely
proportional to the amount ofpain and hurt they gave you. It involves re-living all the sadness
that your victim has caused youand magickally returning it to them.
The usualriders apply to this ritual.
Don't tryit on anyone who you still love in any way,
otherwise you might end up witha load of guilt and backlash on top of everything else.
Performing the ritual is alsoquite a traumatic experience for yourself.
Now, onto the ritual.
Gather a few small object linksto your victim.
A photograph, something theywritten, a copy
of their signature or personalsigil, etc.
You then have to visualize andre-live the pain your victim has caused you.
The sadness you felt at beingabandoned.
The sense of betrayal.
Feel it welling up inside you,then project it at the links.
You can then culminate the ritualin a way you that you think would send it to you're victim.
Some people would destroy thecharged links, some people would just visualize the negative
energy extending to the victimvia the links and keep them somewhere where they are unlikely
to run across them, while otherswould plant them in the victim's home. I favor planting the
charged links at the back thevictim's drawers of personal or magickal items, myself.

A PowerfulEvil Hex
Light 3 black candles at midnight
and repeat the following threetimes.
If you have a bell you shouldring it three times at the beginning of this ritual.
I call to the mighty bringerof light, Lucifer...
"Spiritsof the abyss, hear my call
all mostpowerful, one and all
Lucifermy thoughts do sing
throughthe universe they now ring
Take thineenemy, take him smite
Break him,scorn him in the night
From themighty depths of hell
cast yourdarkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer,oh shining star
Touch him,burn him from afar
Revengenow will have its day
for thineenemy starts to fray"
So moteit be!
During the time spent doing thishex, you should be worked up
into a frenzy of anger and thinkingof the darkness about to descend upon your enemy.
When you are done, extinguishthe candles.

DarkGoddess Invocation
I am theDarkness behind and beneath the shadows.
I am theabsence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath.
I am theEnding before Life begins again,
the Decaythat fertilizes the Living.
I am theBottomless Pit,
the never-endingstruggle to reclaim that which is denied.
I am theKey that unlocks every Door.
I am theGlory of Discovery,
for I amthat which is hidden, secluded and forbidden.
Come tome at the Dark Moon and see that which can not be seen,
face theterror that is yours alone.
Swim tome through the blackest oceans
to thecenter of your greatest fears--
the DarkGod and I will keep you safe.
Screamto us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear.
Think ofme when you feel pleasure, and I will intensify it,
until thetime when I may have the greatest pleasure
of meetingyou at the Crossroads Between the Worlds.

Invocationof the Dark Goddess
A blackmetal or brass censer
Mugwort,Dragonsblood, and/or Wormwood incense
Charcoalincense burner
A whitecandle
Wine(the darker the better)
Surround yourself in a circleof black candles, no less than three
(the number should be 13 or amultiple of three).
On the ground, set up your materials,and set all items facing west.
Work this rite during the bewitchinghour if possible, or any time after dark.
Prepare the atmosphere by castingthe incense into the burner.
If you do not feel safe in thecircle of candles, place 3, 5, or 9 protective talismans
around your circle and wear oneon your body.
Visualize the darkness enteringyour ritual area, enveloping it in a dark veil.
Surround yourself in the darkness,drink in the night, feel it pulsate within your body.
With every breath, draw moreand more night into you, until you are filled with the dark energy.
If at any time you hear a dog,a raven, or a crows call, then you may move freely into the next part.
If not, invoke spirit Raven intoyour circle,
and ask his blessing on yourjourney into the abyss.
Next, look upwards to the moon
(this should be done outdoorswhen the moon is full, if possible.)
Let its silvery light shine intoyour body, going through you like glass.
Invoke Hecate, holding your armsinto the air saying this or something similar:
Great Hecate!
You whoare the night,
You whoare the darkness, the moon above.
Triplegoddess, come unto me!
Grand Hecate,I call ye!
Be hereof Queen of Heaven
Unto meof Queen of Hell!
You whocommand all things!
You fromwhom all magic flows!
Great Mystery,oh Shadow of Darkness,
Hecate,I invoke Thee!
You should feel yourself becominglighter, feel a surge of power,
or some tingling, or maybe afeeling of safety,
or that you are not alone suddenly.If you experience no change whatsoever,
repeat the chant, and if afterthree times you still feel no change,
end the rite and try anothertime.
When you feel Hecates power,either do your other magick workings,
some divination, or try and communicate.
If you wish you may ask for herblessing or simply her guidance,
but whatever you ask of Her,do so with the utmost respect.
If you wish to further channelHer, continue, otherwise give her license to depart.
To continue, hold up the chalicewith the wine to the moon and say:
Moon, shiningbright above me!
Goddess,let thine blood run down! Feed me with thine darkness!
Make methine Kindred!
Drink the wine, and continueto channel the Goddess until you are satisfied.
Dismiss Her politely, and useyour strongest banishment to rid
any malevolent creature fromyou (make sure you thank Raven if you invoked him).
Be careful with this spell, havesomeone to observe you
(in a triple circle of protection)and also, it might be a
good idea to have designateddriver/magician should you
become tipsy or begin to hallucinateor lose your sanity or whatnot.

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Copyright- Fred Batt - Darkforce Limited - 2008/09

As seen on Most Haunted Live - Demonologist and Master of the Dark Arts

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Fred Batt (born 2 September 1955) is a former businessman, nightclub owner, singer, actor and self-styled demonologist and historian known for his regular appearances

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Fred Batt Demonologist & Master of the Dark Arts. Living TV - Virgin Media - SKY TV Most Haunted-----"AT HOME WITH YVETTE & KARL" Living TV - SKY TV

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Click on Fred to be directed to his site. Fred Batt is a successful buisness man, and from a young age he has been studing demonology and he has worked along side

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Fred Batt, Self: Most Haunted. Fred Batt was born on September 2, 1955 in London, England. He is an actor, known for Most Haunted (2002), Killer Bitch (2010) and The

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Sooo gutted that this series of Most Haunted is over I love listening to Fred Batt @demonologist666! So interesting. 1 retweet 5 likes. Reply. Retweet. 1. Retweeted

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