Bringing Witchcraft of the Ancients, into the Information Age!

How doyou learn aboutWitchcraft?  What comes after you've read the books? What ifyou don't really understand what the books tried to explain? Whatisthe right way?

Invoking The Egyptian Gods By Judith Page and Ken BilesWith over 20 years of experience as a Priest, and co-author of Invoking The Egyptian Gods, I can help you find what it is you are seeking.

The Traditional way to become a Witch has always been to join a Coven.  The Coven taught you everything you needed to know about Witchcraft, or simply The Craft, as it's often called, in a safe friendly environment.

 With the explosive growth of Wicca and Witchcraft, finding a group of people to learn from and work with, people you can trust, has become difficult, if not impossible.

It's not like you can go to the phone book, and look up Witches.  If you don't know how to find them, Witches can be nearly impossible to track down, even though they are probably all around you.  

So those who seek to become Witches have come to rely on books. Now dont get me wrong, when I started out over twenty years ago, I started with books. I bought and voraciously read Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft, and Starhawks Spiral Dance, as well as many others.

When I started in the late 1980's, there were only a few books available.  That meant that while there wasn't a lot out there, most everyone write with a single voice.  Now there are so many authors and even more books, each showing a completely different version of Witchcraft.  

It can be very confusing.

What's New?

  • My first book comes out in December! Invoking The Egyptian Gods is a book I co-wrote with Judith Page, and is available for pre-order now!
  • Check out our monthly newsletter, Witch Way. It may be small, but it's packed full of useful information every month.
Asalways, our RSS feed keeps you up to date onthe latest news!

The problem with books is that if you have questions, theres no one to ask.  A book can't answer your questions, but it can be just as hard to find a teacher who can give you the answers you seek. 

Now you have a way to ask questions, and get answers.  I have been asked questions by many people over the years.  Questions that seem simple enough to answer.  Yet I keep getting asked the same questions over and over.

How do you get answers to your questions?  Use the buttons on the left, to explore this website.  CyberWitchcraft contains articles by Witches with over a century of combined experience and knowledge.  You may have questions that aren't covered yet, so ask everyone here. 

Get answers to your questions, and give answers to others' questions.

Become a member of the CyberWitchcraft Community.  Everyone has some knowledge they can share, and questions they need answers for. Find exactly what you're looking for here.  

Those who seriously want to learn Witchcraft are confused because they cant seem to find simple answers to complex questions. What is the correct way to cast Circle, or create a spell? The questions seem simple enough, but you find that everyone has a different answer.

Now you have a way to get the answers.  Find the answers that suit you best, and use them!  

Ridiculous claims by ridiculous people

So you've looked on the web for more information. Unfortunately really good Witchcraft sites are few, and far between. Most sites claiming to have information on Witchcraft are just looking for a quick buck. Theyre easy to spot. They want to sell you an ancient Grimoire that has just been unearthed. (Yours for only $19.95! But wait! Theres more...)

Beltain - Painted by Ken Biles

Sites that really are about Wicca or Witchcraft just seem to regurgitate the same information as each other. Its as if they copied each other word for word. 

Most of these are of the Fluff Bunny type. You know, those who read one or two books (After all if you've read one book, you know it all, don't you?) and have decided they are now a High Priest(ess).

Other websites are quite willing to cast a spell for you, for only $29.95, and claim perfect results.  Usually these sites state that the Witch has 20 years or more experience, and can give you anything you want...for a price.  

I have over 20 years experience, and I don't know any Priest or Priestess worth the title, who would put up such a website.  They know, just as I do, that the best person to create and cast a spell, is the person who needs it.

On this site, you wont find any spells for sale. I will not perform spells for you (for only $29.95 each, on my antique birch wood altar handed down for generations) as some other sites claim to do.

You wont be able to buy any ancient Grimoires, of which new ones seem to pop up every month. I will not make you promises of great wealth and power, nor will I try to scare you with some non-existent Elders Council that "...wants to keep your Magick from working". If you want Faerie Tales, Im sure Bogdan & Giancarlo, or a hundred other Witches will gladly take your money.

What you will find is unique, original thoughts and ideas written by myself and others, that you normally can't get outside a Coven environment. We will teach you the how, and more importantly, the why of Witchcraft.  


witch kraft do - The Way of the Witch. Bringing the mind, body, and soul into union.

If you are new to Witchcraft, start with Beginning Witchcraft. It will take you through the background of what Witchcraft is, and how it is done. From basic information, to instruction on everything needed to do ritual. You can even ask questions, and get answers.

If you have been on your Path for a while, you may still want to start with Beginning Witchcraft. You may find something there that you didnt know, or that could help you better understand concepts you think you know.

The section on Advanced Witchcraft is more of an independent study. It goes into the theory and practice of the Craft.  There you will find more advanced rituals and techniques to enhance your basic Craft skills.

There are other sections of the site that you may find informative.  Be sure to sign up for the monthly newsletter, Witch Way.  It contains useful tips and ideas that don't appear on the website.  

I am continually adding new things to the site.   The Blog of Shadows will keep you up to date on everything happening here.

Blessed Be, 

Graphic Signature

Rev. Ken Biles

P.S. This is a large site with a massive amount of information. Don't try to learn it in a single visit. Take your time, and try to understand what you find here. That is how you discover the real power of Witchcraft.

If you think you're up to the challenge, it's time to start your lessons...

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History of Witchcraft
Witchcraft has been around since the dawn of time. What follows is a short history.
Beginning Witchcraft
Everyone has to start somewhere. Beginning Witchcraft allows you to crawl before you try to walk.
Advanced Witchcraft
Advanced Witchcraft - You've learned to crawl, then to walk. Now run!
What is ritual? How do you create a ritual, and should you use someone else's?
There are many forms of Divination. Learning the basics of any form is essential to looking into the future.
Have you ever wanted to learn about astrology, but just found it confusing? Find out what's what in plain english.
Pagan Community
The Pagan Community is alive and well. What is it? How do you find it? What events happen there? Take a look and find out.
Everyone would like to talk to their favorite author, or other famous Witches. With the Interviews section, I ask famous Witches the questions you want to know.
Witch Way Newsletter
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Witchcraft Book Reviews
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Common Thread
Common thread is a series of content rich videos about Witchcraft and Paganism. Each video is an hour or more in length, and full of valuable information.
Witchcraft Videos
There are many people putting Witchcraft videos up on the net. The problem isn't finding videos, it's finding quality videos. To that end, I'm putting up this page to collect the better quality pieces for others to watch without needing to spend hours searching.
CyberWitchcraft Video Blog
The CyberWitchcraft Video Blog is a collection of thoughts and ideas that I've put on video through YouTube. Feel free to embed any interesting videos on your website.
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Bringing witchcraft of the ancients, into the Information Age!
Tired of searching the web for Witchcraft, only to find site after site of the same old, tired clichés? Get knowledge that you can't get from any book or website.

Bringing Witchcraft of the Ancients, into the Information Age!
Get answers to your questions, and give answers to others' questions. Become a member of the CyberWitchcraft Community. Everyone has some knowledge they can share - Bringing Witchcraft of the Ancients
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In the United Kingdom, is ranked 2,667,163, Bringing Witchcraft of the Ancients, into the Information Age!

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