Magickal Wicca Wonderland

moonlit ocean

Wicca and tonights Supermoon Even without tonight being a Supermoon, its a good night for spell work.  The fact that its closer to earth does give a tad more power, but doesnt  necessarily mean all results will be any better. However, why not go out into the night sky and enjoy it! Like any full Moon in Wicca, its a wonderful time to create a spell. Tonight will be [Read More...]

Yes, today is Pagan coming out day.  Although I know it's not for everyone, there's a wonderful story about a very brave woman who chose to come out at a time when she had so much to lose.  You can find her story here: Whether you choose to come out or not, it is a very personal decision. Benefits of Coming Out Eliminating the worry of what will happen [Read More...]

Solar Eclispe

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun,  totally or partially obscuring the sight of the Sun for viewing from Earth.  An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon appears smaller than the Sun, causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring), blocking most of the Sun's light. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region thousands of kilometers [Read More...]

Im often asked what made me decide for certain that the Wicca way, or becoming Wiccan was for me. I actually have so many answers and reasons, that I could go on and on. There are however a few things that are foremost in the front and center of my mind. The first one is freedom. As Wiccans we are free to accept, admire, celebrate, share feelings, ask questions, etc. Theres never a [Read More...]

Energy Just the sound of the word and many amazing images come to mind!  The entire universe is a continuously moving, changing existence of energies, not a gathering of things that are stationery and still, which have been carefully placed. All things affect other things in one way or another.  All in life is intertwined in some way.  Its like saying Every action has a reaction [Read More...]

Solitary Witches become more commonplace as the beauty of witchcraft is enjoyed for everyday practice, and people everywhere learn of the innocence and goodness that surrounds it!  Since there are no hard-fast rules, Wiccans everywhere are free to read and pull whatever information they choose to enjoy from within the craft, without ridicule, providing it is all done with good intent. Solitary [Read More...]

Magickal Wicca Wonderland
Welcome to Wicca! Never before has a religion become the fastest growing in the United States without ever utilizing a church, temple or gathering place of any

Magick | Wicca Wonderland
How Wicca is perceived by other religions has always been peculiar to me. However, I do become tired of side-stepping the fact that Wicca is continuously ridiculed

Wiccan Wonderland - Bringing Magick to your life.
Wiccan Supplies. Here at Wiccan Wonderland, we hope to share with you the whimsical magick we find in our daily lives through the practice of Wicca.

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland! | Witches Of The Craft®
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland! by Alexander and Aarcher. Pagans sing, are you listenin Alters set, candles glisten, Its a magical night, were having tonight

Walking in a Wiccan Wonderland Witches Of The Craft®
Walking in a Wiccan Wonderland Author: Janice Van Cleve The market is full of all kinds of books on Wicca. They speak of Sabbats and spells, recipes and charms, and a

Wiccan Wonderland - OoCities
Wiccan Wonderland. Pagans sing, are you listenin', Altar's set,candles glisten, It's a Magickal night, we're having tonight, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland

Wiccan Wonderland
Wiccan Wonderland Tuesday, December 8, 2015. Merlin's Magickal Mistress: You might be a Redneck Pagan. Merlin's Magickal I have always "labeled" myself as Wiccan

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland | The Coven of the Standing ...
Pagans sing, are you listenin Altars set, candles glisten, Its a magickal night were having tonight Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Blades held high

Dancing In A Wiccan Wonderland - The Pagan Library
Pagans sing, are you listenin', Altar's set, candles glisten, It's a Magickal night, we're having tonight, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Blades held high, censer

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland - Coven of Midnight
Pagans sing, are you listenin', Altar's set, candles glisten, It's a Magickal night, we're having tonight, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Blades held high, censer

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