There are many people throughout the world that practice Wicca. Wicca is the largest neopagan religion practiced in the world. Those who practice Wicca have a great respect for the Earth and for the great Goddess and her partner, the horned God. They have a belief system which includes the Wiccan Rede, which tells them they may not harm people, including themselves, except for situations of self harm. Most Wiccans are sole practitioners but some practice within a group of individuals called a coven or e grove. Within a coven, practitioners of Wicca share information and do some celebrations and rituals on their own.
Wiccans have nothing to do with Satanism, contrary to the beliefs of some Christians. They have a strong belief system that includes nature and the Goddess and God. They simply dont believe in the Christian god or in Jesus.
Wicca is a decentralized form of religion so that those who practice Wicca often come up with their own rituals, practices and beliefs over time. The practices of a practitioner or coven are kept secret from others and are unknown to the general populace. This is all in contrast to the very centralized religions of Christianity, which has the Vatican and other central aspects of the church to answer to.
The origins of Wicca may in fact date to ancient times but the Wicca we practice today has its origins in the teachings of practitioners dating from the mid 1800s. Margaret Murray wrote on some of the practices of Wicca and the Western Central portion of Europe in the early to mid 1990s. Gerald Gardner belonged to a Wicca coven in 1939 and wrote a book about Wicca in 1949 in the form of a novel. Many of the symbols, rituals and elements of Wiccan magic were introduced and used by other covens. There are people that exclusively follow Gardnerian Wicca and those that practice other forms of Wicca.
It is important to recognize that Wicca is a form of religion as well as a form of witchcraft. There are strong beliefs in the Goddess as being supreme and being connected to the Horned God. Some of this dates back to ancient Celtic beliefs. The practitioners of Wicca are also highly connected to nature and revere the elements of nature. It is related to the Essenes, who were early Christians and those who practice the Wiccan ways learn about the ancient spiritual teachings of witches who have come before them, even those who came centuries before them.
The practitioners of Wicca believe in the use of natural remedies including herbs and roots to heal people and to make them feel better. They also do spells that are based on nature and on natural things. They pray to the Goddess for help in solving earthly matters.
Wicca is considered a duotheistic religion, because they worship both the Goddess and the Horned God. The Goddess is also referred to as the Triple Goddess. They are believed to be two facets of a larger Godhead. Some practitioners of Wicca, however, believe in only one God or Goddess, while others believe in no God or Goddess at all. All, however, practice rituals and spells, many of which have originated in ancient times.
The Wiccan Rede refers to the moral code to be practiced and maintained by the followers of the neo-pagan religion of Wicca. The word rede has been derived from Middle age English which means advice or, counsel. Therefore, it is a kind of advice to the followers to conduct their methods of practice in a righteous way. Eight words the Wiccan rede fulfill, An it harm none, do what ye will This is the Rede in its most popular form and was first recorded in public in a speech made by Doreen Valiente. In very simple words, the rede means...
read moreWicca spells are among the most powerful love spells born in Europe. What makes their love spells extremely powerful is the fact that Wicca followers believe that there is no clear difference between the magic and the mundane. As the result, their spells are much more than just simple rituals. While those spells require considerable more than other magical traditions, they are also very, very powerful. Our Free Wiccan Love Spells Wicca Spell to Remove Relationship Problems Wicca Marriage Spell Easy Wiccan Love Spell Wiccan Relationship...
read moreMoon spells and Moon Love Spells are a part of the oldest Wiccan traditions. Moon magic was for a long time a domain of women, sorcery and fertility. It is not surprising that most Moon spells are extremely effective, though they oftentimes take a long time before they can be cast. There are a few things you should know about Moon spells before you cast one or ask a spell caster about performing a Moon ritual. These are: the timing, material components, and the characteristic of the ritual itself. Timing of Moon Spells Moon spells can be cast...
read moreIn order to answer the question What is Wicca? it is essential to understand the roots of Wicca and what the belief is all about. The practice of Wicca was popularized by Gerald Gardener in the mid twentieth century. Wicca and witchcraft are two terms which go together when it comes to casting spells in order to spread peace, harmony, and good. Wicca and Witchcraft Spells are an important part of Wicca and are performed for healing, love, fertility, success, and protection. The Wiccan God and Goddess Wicca believes in gods and...
read moreNo relationship is without its problems. You can use this Wiccan spell to remove problems from your own relationship, or you can cast this spell on behalf of a friend or loved one whose relationship is at a low point. Like all Wiccan spells, this one will only work if both partners truly want their relationship to work and if their is still love left between the partners. This spell does not manipulate or coerce an unwilling person into doing or feeling something that he or she does not desire. The problem removal spell works with a...
read moreIn todays economy, there are millions of people that either cannot find jobs, or dont have a job that offers enough money. Needless to say, as this problem remains unsolved, many find themselves wondering if some sort of spiritual intervention will be of use. If you are interested in job spells, you are sure to find many that can be used for various situations. This Get a Job spell is an old Wiccan based job spell that involves giving a wish to an oak tree. The oak tree is the seat of wisdom in the forest. The tree symbolizes financial...
read moreThis is an ancient Celtic and Wicca spell to attract the man who will marry you to your door. Peas are sacred to fertility, love and heart goddesses. The fresh green color of the pods symbolizes a love that is pure and true. The shape of the empty pods alludes to both the shape of male and female sex organs and the pod itself symbolizes a home for future children. If you wish to strengthen your commitment with an existing partner or create a meaningful commitment and marriage with someone new, use this Wicca marriage spell to bring about...
read moreThis is a white Wiccan spell to bless your union with a partner. Note that you do need to have your partner present when you do this spell. It works best with relationships that are older and where there is a commitment to stay together on both sides. Bread is symbolic of gifts from heaven, fertility, prosperity and peace. Butter is symbolic of kindness, prosperity and sex. Honey is symbolic of true love. Cinnamon is symbolic of clear communication. Do this relationship blessing on the night of a full moon when it is rising. Ingredients...
read moreYou can use this Wicca love spell to find true love if you are willing and open to unleashing your own innate mental abilities in your search for true love. This spell will work by tapping into the elemental powers of Nature and removing any mental blocks or negativity that you may be experiencing in your quest for true love. It is very likely that these blocks are what is preventing you from finding the love that you desire, and once they are gone you will be amazed at the love that you are able to draw into your life. Ingredients needed for...
read moreThis weight loss spell uses a thread that is you shorten by tying in nine knots. Each tying of the knot symbolizes a notch in a belt. You are to think, while you are doing this, that you are tightening the belt around your waist as you do each step of the weight loss program. This is based on the usual nine knot spell that is used in Wiccan Magic to achieve a result. With each knot that is tied you state and intention and mark it as are reality that will manifest in the future. Yellow ribbon is used because it looks like measuring tape....
read moreAfter searching for many days and weeks, after many nights of reading and chatting with numerous people all over the world, you finally found what you were searching for, a coven that is absolutely perfect for you in every way. The members are amazingly friendly and just plain awesome, the coven itself is exactly what you are interested in and the location is convenient. The best part about it is they asked you to join! Well no matter how perfect and awesome the coven seems to be, there are a few things that you need to consider. The...
read moreThe Book of Shadows is an important book in witchcraft. It contains magical spells and magical lore from witchcraft and is used in Wicca and in other types of witchcraft. The Book of Shadows teaches us basic rituals, magical practices and traditions, magical ethics and magical philosophic thought. It contains spells that are specific to a given witch or used by many witches in the practice of witchcraft. Interestingly, in traditional British Wicca, the hand copying of the Book of Shadows is part of the initiation one goes through in order to...
read moreMagic has always fascinated people for centuries, being practiced by different faiths and beliefs that have passed down spells from one generation to the next. Wicca is one such faith that is based on nature. To Wiccans, who are followers of the faith, everything in the universe is sacred, which is why they only indulge in benevolent magic. Wicca spells are an integral part of their religious belief system. Often, Wiccans use the word magick instead of magic to distinguish themselves from common stage-performed illusionary tricks. Pure...
read moreThe pentagram is a rather infamous symbol. Due to its use by Satanists (although they use an adapted version with a goats head and the five pointed star turned upside down), it has accrued a horrendous reputation as a symbol for black magic and evil. This is grossly misattributed as the pentagram is not intrinsically linked to the darker kind of magic, but is in fact simply a powerful structure for those who practice magic in general, regardless of whether they use black magic or white magic. The Meaning of the Pentagram In the usual...
read moreThe relationship between Wicca and Paganism has been compared to certain branches of Christianity such as how Catholics are Christian yet not all Christians are Catholics, or how denominations such as Baptism is a type of Christianity. Wicca is a type of Paganism. It is one of the groups of Paganism which is most recognizable. It is like Baptism to Christianity, Wicca is its own type of Paganism. One of which that has its own practices, rituals and beliefs that are different, setting it apart from all other Pagan subgroups. What is Paganism?...
read moreBasically, many types of magic are based off of the threefold law. This law states that the power that is used through ones internal power and energy, will be resent to them three times as strong as it was originally sent out. This could make certain people and spells extremely powerful as the power is tripled when it is returned. Magic works in cycles which is always increased by three. When spell casters and witches cast spells, they must be extremely careful not to miscast a spell as the results could be extremely detrimental due to...
read moreThe neo-pagan religion of Wicca has so many different traditions that it becomes difficult to list them all in the same compilation. Although the basic philosophy and principles of these traditions are similar, there are vital points in which they differ. Alexandrian, Celtic, Circle, Dianic, Eclectic, Gardnerian, Georgian, Erisian, Sacred Wheel and so on are all forms of Wiccan traditions. Wicca can be practices individually or as part of a coven. Many Wiccans are drawn to a specific tradition and I want to outline the more well-known...
read moreIn Wicca certain ceremonies and rituals are done according to the Wiccan Calendar, which is also called the Wheel of the Year. The eight holidays represent the two solstices Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice and the two equinoxes that are known as the Autumnal Equinox and the Vernal Equinox. In between these four pagan holidays fall the four pastoral or agricultural festivals. The Wiccan Holidays are the following: Imbolc The festival of light. It is being celebrated on February 2nd. We Wiccans celebrate the Goddess recovery from...
read moreMany people do not understand what a witch is and have the wrong impression about the kind of lifestyle a witch actually lives. They believe that witches are the product of the devil and that they practice Satanism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Witches have certain beliefs that vary depending on the type of witchcraft they believe in. Most witches believe in the existence of a god and goddess that together make up the Godhead. The god and goddess represent parts of the earth. For example, the god represents elements of hunting and...
read moreThere is a lot of misconception about Wicca and Witchcraft. You may be under the impression that a Wiccan that practices Wicca and a Witch that practices Witchcraft is the same thing. The truth is theyre not. That being said, Wiccans can and are considered Witches due to the fact that they cast witchcraft spells. Confused yet? Dont worry; once you understand the difference between the two it will become clearer. What is a Wiccan? A Wiccan is someone who is apart of the pagan religion Wicca. Just to clarify, Paganism consists of a number of...
read moreNo matter if you are a solitary Wiccan or belong to a coven there is much to learn about Wicca Witchcraft and its Magic. Dive into the realm of Wicca today!
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The Wiccan Threefold Law states that whatever energy one puts forth, whether it is negative or positive, will be returned to the spell caster three times. More
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There is a lot of misconception about Wicca and Witchcraft. You may be under the impression that a Wiccan that practices Wicca and a Witch that practices Witchcraft
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Witches, Pagans And Wiccans. Children Of The God And Goddess. 442 likes. This is a page for all Witches, Pagans And Wiccans. It is about time we educate
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