Eastre - Wiccaweb

Eastre, also spelt Easter, Ostara and Oestre celebrated at the Vernal Equinox (first day of Spring), approx. 21st March.

The Goddess is in her aspect of mother to be. She is Eastre, the Teutonic Goddess of Fertility. Her symbol is the egg, symbolising fertility in nature and rebirth from the long winter months. The seeds are now sown, ready to grow and ripen. The Goddess is fertile, rich with promise and potential life. (It is from the word "oestre" that we get the word "oestrogen" - the female hormone).
To the Saxons she was Ostara, in myth she is said to have amused children by turning her bird into a rabbit, the rabbit then laid coloured eggs much to the delight of the children.

Day and night are in balance, the union of the Goddess and young God brings all life into order. She represents the blossoming of new awareness, joy in the new life springing forth from the Earth.

Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox

Eastre - Wiccaweb
Eastre. Eastre, also spelt Easter, Ostara and Oestre celebrated at the Vernal Equinox (first day of Spring), approx. 21st March. The Goddess is in her aspect of

Happy Eostre! - Appalachian History
Happy Eostre! Posted by Dave Tabler | March 23, 2016. www.wiccaweb.org.uk/eastre.html An Egg at Easter: A Folklore Study By Venetia Newall, Routledge, 1971.

Summer Solstice - Wiccaweb
Summer Solstice. Summer Solstice, also known as Litha and Midsummer's Day. Celebrated approx. 22nd June. The solstice originally fell round about the 25th June, and

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Besides Judaism, what re legions do not celebrate Christmas? http://www.wiccaweb.org.uk/eastre.html. what re legions do not celebrate Christmas?

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Beyond Buffy, Blair Witch, and 'Halloween' - Beliefnet
Easter; Hanukkah; Holi; Lent; Passover; Beyond Buffy, Blair Witch, and 'Halloween' Samhain on WiccaWeb.com; Norse Holidays and Festivals;

Appalachian History - Stories, quotes and anecdotes.
Stories, quotes and anecdotes from Appalachia, with an emphasis on the Depression era. Follow Us www.wiccaweb.org.uk/eastre.html An Egg at Easter:

Festivals involving light - OoCities
Festivals involving light : This term one of the things we're doing is looking at the World Cultures interest http://www.wiccaweb.com/sabbats_overview.php: Easter

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