Witchcraft Mystery of the Iniquity


Deep in the heart of Texas!

I live in Arlington Texas. Im a Texan, born and raised. My father was a trucker, so of course we lived in many other places, but this (Texas) is my home.

I remember driving through Arlington when they were first adding to it. It was a sector of Dallas/Fort Worth which was meant for the richand was relatively small. It was definitely not meant for the more than one million people who live here now.

This article came to me out of curiosity. A customer whom I have known for over 10 years mentioned that we had a miniature STONEHEDGE in Arlington. And the site which I now work also had a nearby structure which was supposedly used by pagans too. So, I began my research



A wee bit o Scotland has come to the outskirts of Cowboys Stadium, and with it a foggy auld controversy over whether a Scottish sculpture park is also a pagan shrine that might hex the Dallas Cowboys.  I believe theres a devil and that we tugged on his cape.

Norm Hines was a graduate and tenured professor of art at Pamona College in Claremont, California in 1984 when he was commissioned by Jane Mathes Kelton, CEO and COB of the Kelton Mathes Development Corporation (and an heir to the Scottish-American television magnet, Curtis Mathes), to take on the Caelum Moor project. It was a monumental work of art that would become the signature and focal point of The Highlands Business Park, a 340-acre multi-use business community in Arlington, Texas.

Norm made $1.5 million for the project, a task that would take him over two years to complete. The sculpture would consist of 540 tons of freestanding pink Texas granite 22 pieces in all, ranging from 15 to 34 feet high and was named Caelum after a remote constellation in the Southern skies which comes from a Latin word meaning sculptors tool, and Moor after the windswept, mystical moors of Scotland. The Stonehenge-like work of art, situated on 5.5 acres of a gently rolling park, included a small, winding lake, a fountain, seasonal landscaping, and a 350-seat natural amphitheater. The stones were set into 5 separate groupings, each being given its own Celtic name including Tan Tara, DeDanaan, Morna Linn, Tolmen Barrow and Sarsen Caer. Caelum Moor was one of the largest environmental sculptures in the Western Hemisphere.

CAELUM: is a constellation in the southern skies, introduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. In Latin, the name means Chiseland it was formerly known as Caelum Scalptorium (the engravers chisel); a rare word, unconnected with the far more common Latin caelum, meaning sky, heaven, atmosphere.

Clue that he (Lacaille) was a Freemason? Circinus is another constellation he defined, and its name is Latin for compass, referring to the drafting tool used for drawing circles (it should not be confused with Pyxis, a constellation that represents a mariners compass which points north). Two of the principal symbols always found in a Masonic Lodge are the square and compasses.

Latin caelum means both the heavens (from the same root as celestial), and sculptors chisel, or burin; an engraving tool for metals and stone. It is this instrument that La Caille had in mind when he named this constellation.

The word sky, often used to translate Latin caelum, is a cognate of Latin scutum, shield. Scutum is another constellation. Our word sky comes from an Old Norse word, sky, which means cloud. The word Caelum, on the other hand, is related to German heiter, which is translated clear, shining, cloudless. The word celestial derives from Latin caelum; celestial in English seems to refer to objects above the clouds; celestial beings are heavenly beings, meaning a god or angel, planets and stars are celestial bodies. The Roman counterpart for Greek Uranus is Caelus.

Caelum: n (genitive caeli); second declension

  1. (vault of) heaven
  2. 405, Jerome and others, Vulgate, Genesis 28:12
  3. viditque in somnis scalam stantem super terram et cacumen illius tangens caelum angelos quoque Dei ascendentes et descendentes per eam

And he saw in his sleep a ladder standing upon the earth, and the top thereof touching heaven: the angels also of God ascending and descending by it.


Jacob used a STONE as a pillow. This is obviously a metaphor.

Constructed with 22 pieceswith 22 ton stones is a monumental effort? That number is one utilized by the Freemasons!

22° Prince of Libanus

Libanus is another name for Lebanon and the story of this degree tells of those who cut cedar from the forests of Lebanon in order to build Noahs Ark. The underlying lesson is that labor is honorable and that we should strive to improve the condition of those who labor.


Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus-Mars

In this PDF, it reminds us that not only is Freemasonry a UNIVERSAL religion but that the object ans mission of the whole thing is the worship of the Grand Architect of the Universe: a religion whose god is the devil, the god of this world, who is pronounced by Christ a liar from the beginning, and the father of it.

Americans are not opened by such paltering, is, that the god of this world blinds the mind of those who practice his worship: as the serpent blinds the eyes of charmed animals to all objects but itself. (2 Cor. 3; 14 and 4, 4.)



The whole universal religion stems back from Nimrod. GOD was very angry that Nimrod tried to gain access into the heavens so HE confused the people of the world by separating them by confusion of language. After this Nimrod established a distinction among men, and founded a city, and called it Babylon Tradition says, that the dedication was at the full of the moon. Nimrod was the FIRST MASON.

In 1553, in digging for salt mines, the workmen found the ruins of a triangular edifice 15 cubits deep. In the center of this edifice they found many trophies of antiquity: An urn of agate, and many marble columns with hieroglyphics engraven theron.

So essentially this MONUMENT built is to adorn the Mason as an artist who is likened to their god, Satan.

I have NO DOUBT that The Holy Spirit just revealed that BABYLON is the very entity of FREEMASONRY itself and it will fall!



Are these structures a gateway? A ritual to open gates? A pillar is often utilized in Freemasonry. Obviously this is a sign between them of a secret symbolism.

DeDanaan ? Moor? Tuatha De Danaan

This is translated as people(s)/tribes(s) of the goddess Danu. Its also referenced as Tuath De (tribe of the gods), a supernatural race in Irish mythology.

Lets not beat around the bush here!

Legends were given by mouth as a tradition, a way to carry on the bloodlines. Examples would be Atlantis, Merovingians, etc.

The Aos Si (older form aes sidhe) is the Irish term for the supernatural race. In the Irish language, aos sí means people of the mounds.

People of the mounds are commonly known as giants! Red-headed giants to be specific!

More here: 1 2


Cassiopeia, and Adromeda are but two of the places where these so-called Ascended Masters come from.

Cassiopeia has been variously portrayed throughout her history as a constellation. In Persia, she was drawn by al-Sufi as a queen holding a staff with a crescent moon in her right hand, wearing a crown, as well as a two-humped camel.

The Moors were Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors were initially of Berber and Arab descent, though the term was later applied to Africans, Iberian Christian converts to Islam, and people of mixed ancestry.

CONNECT the Masons to the Ascended Masters?

Moors & Freemasonry: 1



This work given is in full acknowledgement of GOD and directed by Holy Spirit. Any and all use of the facts of the dark side are not an avenue meant to give any credit to them. In fact, all work is directly attributed to GODs Plan and to give HIM all the glory. Amen

Do we really know who our founding fathers really were?
In 1998, during an excavation under Benjamin Franklins former home at 36 Craven Street near Trafalgar Square in London, the remains of ten bodies (six of them children) were discovered. It has been proposed that Franklin and his house mate may have been acquiring bodies for medical research and not for occult purposes.
The Sunday Times | February 11, 1998 Currently archived at TheForbiddenKnowledge.com


More tidbits:
Papers of John Adams Volume 12-reveals pp 480; reveals the name Lemarchand. But, it seems some were omitted. Such as these:
Seems the name LeMarchand is intertwined with John Adams!
How in the world does the Rockefeller fit into all of this? Well, they do, and they are part of the secret societies which founded this nation we call, America. This is but ONE of these wicked boxes under the spotlight!


July 1782
The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad.
The Comte de Virieu, an attendee at the conference, comes away visibly shaken. When questioned about the tragic secrets he brought back with him, he replies: I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. From this time on, according to his biographer, the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror.
Also in attendance were such (il)luminaries as Cagliostro, Comte Saint Germain, Louis Claude De St. Martin, Thomas Paine, Anton Mesmer and Adam Weishaupt. In 1785 they met again at the Paris convention.
Within this Rockefeller document reveals some interesting notes! Quite obvious are the details are they elude to mysterious events which take place surrounding these boxed but upon the inspecting the information given about the extended entry submetted to Dr. Stulak, this is revealed:

kab cube

First Entry-
Paul Arnauld
1. St. Germain-I believe this place was named in honor of St. Germain. The Ascended Master.
2. It is believed that the box which is highlighted within this privately researched project, INNOCENCE, was a giftyes a GIFT from none other than prominent CATHOLIC CLERIC! Possible of power and influence.

london rituals

Look at this!

(UN warns Britain over child voodoo rituals and sex tourists
Were concerned about reports that hundreds of children have been abducted from their families in Africa and trafficked to the UK, especially London, for religious rituals,
http://www.straitstimes.com/news/world/europe/story/un-warns-britain-over-child-voodoo-rituals-and-sex-tourists-20140620 )


Second Entry-
Gilles Simard-Catholic Priest
1. Given to him by the SAME SOURCE! Not only was this Catholic priest defrocked, but the orphanage which he began had ALL of the children come up missing with a three month period!
This reminds me of the current investigations pertaining to the Pope and many others which coincide with children pedophelia rings!
Not only were these disappearances not investigated but they were forbidden. Again, sounds like the current situations. People who are confronting the powers that be, are ending up DEAD!


Third Entry-
Henri Gagnone (Deputy Mayor)
1. He inherited the property of Mr Simard in lieu of back rent, it seems.
2. His son was found dead. It reveals again the dermis totalis was missing. I researched this to find it must be body hair. It states the boy must have solved the box but his death had to do with an eviction of land owned by the family. This seems strange.
3. The box was lost until 1903.


Fourth Entry-
Christophe & Didier Bernier (Brothers)-Toymakers
1. They owned and operated a toy making business, only it seems they incorporated the Innocense puzzle into the main stand of the zoetrope machine.
2. This material suggests they escaped any effects of this configuration, but considering the incorporated it into their designs and also the very existence of the ZOETROPE MACHINE was odd. It is the precursor to the MOTION PICTURE industry and also television.
THIS PROJECT was suspended! Odd, dont you think? The test subject was to place it into a room with a videotape machine and a camera. Then, manipulate the box until progress was achieved.
It states there were concerns raised as to the subjects inclination to participate in the experiment.


Ive came across a picture with Aleister Crowley wearing what I believe to be a black shirt with the design of a box.
Don Jesus Medina, a descendant of the great duke of Armada fame, and one of the highest chiefs of Scottish Rite free-masonry. My cabbalistic knowledge being already profound by current standards, he thought me worthy of the highest initiation in his power to confer; special powers were obtained in view of my limited sojourn, and I was pushed rapidly through and admitted to the thirty-third and last degree before I left the country. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley pp. 202203.

What does the Masonry say about the cube?
Amazing how we see so many connections to the cube. Transformers, Jewish priests wear a cube on their forehead, Saturn, Kabbalah, Muslim Kaaba Cube worship, ancient Japanese/Chinese puzzle boxes, Satans opps..I means Santas presents come in a box! Etc.
More here on ancient Puzzle Boxes: http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/collections/overview/puzzle_docs/early_japanese_puzzles.pdf


It is said that LeMarchands final exit was at the ripe age of 94, when he checked into LHotel DArmais but was never seen checking out. His belongings remained in the room along with his own boxes which sat on the floor with a great deal of blood surrounding it.


The fact that the CUBE is center-point in major religions around the world is mysterious, no doubt.
How does it all tie into the end days?
saturn cube
More on LeMarchands Mysterious Boxes:

(1) http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_whitebrotherhood03.htm
(2) http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/popular-muslim-personality-jesus-christ-is-among-us/

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GODS plan for us is to be able to live abundantly without starving, or worrying about the next billand so on. But, on the other hand HE tells us that we are not to live extravagantly. We are to give to the poor, and think not about tomorrow but only today.

I know its hard because the flesh tells us we never have enough, but to answer its call is not right.


True, we must live in a society where it now takes two incomes to pay the bills. Those of us who only have one income are finding it very hard to make ends meet. But, we see so many people who say they are called by GOD to give a prophecy, or message but they want you to pay for it! Send in $19.99 for the book, CD or whatever

Its just wrong.


But the worse case scenario is thiswhich I am witnessing more and more of!

Someone is being afflicted by demonic attachment and a person who is to help them CHARGES MONEY.


Ive been asked to publish my workbut I cant seem to do it. Ive been asked to put up a DONATE button, but I cant seem to do it. Ive been asked if I would except money for helping someone who was afflicted with evil spirits, but I refuse!

No. Im not perfect. I dont profess to be, either.


The world calls out to people to be like Dick & Jane next door, but we are called for a different purpose.

I firmly believe that trials and tribulations are meant to teach us. I firmly believe that to live abundantly is NOT what people think it meansit means spiritually.

Grace means so many things.


Grace strikes us when we are in great discomfort, and even tragedy. It strikes us when we walk through the valley of evilwhen dispair seems to destroy our joy and courage. Its meant to pull us out of this world and into the next.

Justification by GRACE through FAITH.


Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

Matthew 21 is a perfect example of this situation.

And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,

2 Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

3 And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.

10 And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?

11 And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.

12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.



19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.

20 And when the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away!

21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.


On our last day on this wicked world, we will be called before Jesus Christ. He will cast His eyes upon us for the final judgment, He will NOT look for diplomas, awards, or honorsbut for scars.



Do you life excessively? Do you seek earthly riches?


Do you help others? Do you feel the need to do more?



The Jewish Pharisees rejected Jesus Christ. They practiced a naturalist religion, the same which the Bible speaks of. Man is god, rules the universe, and defines reality. The Kaballah reverses the roles of GOD and Lucifer and embraces occult symbols, rituals, and blood sacrifices (this is where Vampireism originates). This all originated from the fallen angels and Nephilim and even though the people called out to GOD to rid the earth of these horrendous creatures, the Great Deluge only accomplished ridding the earth of many of the offspring/bloodlines of these demons. Not only do we have their offspring but we also have Satans due to the fact that he beguiled Eve and Cains bloodline remains as well.

The real gospel is so radical, powerful, and simple. But you probably wont hear it preached much these days. Most preachers are led astray by the cares of this world, and the love of power and money. You will have to rely on your Bible alone to ascertain the will of GOD.

Yes, they go by many names, theyve been called many things. The demons and fallen angels names around the world depended upon the contact. Considering there was little travels from one country to another, names were inclusive of each culture.

Every American nation had its order of priesthood; one of the principal cities of the Zapotecs, Topaa, was ruled like Rome by a sovereign pontiff. The people of the Mosquito Coast had their pantheon as well as the Greeks. The Mexicans had their ceremonial calendar, and prayers and offerings were everywhere. The Chinese had their Confucius, the Christians and Mohammedans their respective originators, and the Aztecs their Quetzalcoatl, as well as their Nameless Ones, their Supreme Creator, their only living and true god. All of which had their monasteries and religious festivals.

GOD commanded they be cast underground and into the second heaven.

Before the demons and fallen angels were cast out, they mated with women and animals. Genesis is said to mean, not only beginning but also GENETICS.

The offspring of these sinister unions filled the earth with many kinds of creatures. The fairies, elves, sprites are but some of the lasting impressions upon this earth.

Myths of all kinds have some truths to themtruth is stranger than fiction.


Its no wonder that the Tarot card 22 is called The Nameless One. Its Hebrew letter: TAU represents faith.

Freemasonry reveres the number 22, as they also do the Tau. Tau was derived from the Phoenician letter X. And the esoteric X also parallels the false Messiah of the past as it related to Chi Rho. Supposedly representing the pagan Christians, it was one of the earliest forms of a christogram. It is formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters chi and rho () of the Greek word = Kristos = Christ in such a way to produce the monogram. The exact same ancient symbol, otherwise referred to as a Labarum, represents the early Roman Catholic Priory of Sion.


Chi-Rho was used by Constantine which definitely brings up questions regarding its validity
IHS is also a Jesuit used symbol and false as well. These slogans and initials based on false traditions.

Written by a Catholic:


Here we have the Chi-Rho under the Pope in this picture

Tau is usually considered as the symbol of Franciscan orders due to St. Francis love for it, symbol of the redemption and of the Cross. Almost all Franciscan churches have painted a tau with two crossing arms, both with stigmata, the one of Jesus and the other of Francis; usually members of the Secular Franciscan Order wear a wooden in a string with three knots around the neck.

Yet, another way to mock the Cross, therefore mocking Jesus Christ.

Interestingly, the chi-rho is also the staff of Osiris who was the Egyptian savior. It also represents the pirate of the sea. This parallels the legends of those who came from Atlantis

prioryjesuitpi·rate (prt)
a. One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.
b. A ship used for this purpose.
2. One who preys on others; a plunderer.
3. One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization.
4. One that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio station.
v. pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing, pi·rates
1. To attack and rob (a ship at sea).
2. To take (something) by piracy.
3. To make use of or reproduce (anothers work) without authorization.
To act as a pirate; practice piracy.

The emblem? Its a skull and crossbones. The same exact emblem used by the Jesuits/Freemasonry. I find it ironic that the world has embraced the character of the pirate in recent times.
Chi Rho, looks a lot like the design of Skull and Bonessame Xyou see. They all do relate.

I Corinthians 1 (KJV)

27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day.

J.R.R. Tolken

Among authors, those who mock Jesus Christ was C.S. Lewis, but Tolken did too. It is interesting that Tolkien was a friend of C.S. Lewis, who was instrumental in introducing the idea that one can mix pagan ideas with Christian ideas. Witchcraft seems to seep into everything.

Nameless Things were creatures that are said to have dwelled in the depths of Arda (though they are only known to have lived under the Misty Mountains). They tunnelled deeper than any dwarf would ever go. They were described by Gandolf as very ancient, but their actual origin is unknown.

The Watcher in the Water was a mysterious and horrific beast that lurked in a lake caused by the damming of the Sirannon river, beneath the western walls of Moria.The full shape of the creature is unknown; its visible parts were its tentacles, which were long, sinuous, pale-green, and luminous, with a fingered end. There is very little known about the creature. Even Gandolf did not know what the Watcher was, or whether there were many of its kind.



When he came to the coast, Ce Acatl disappeared for four days. Quetzalcoatl vanished into the earths breast, like a momentary return to the original matter. Just like his fall into the earthly pleasures, his descent to hell was necessary in order to be reborn into another life. But Quetzalcoatl descended now with the appearance of yet another double: the dog Xólotl. Xólotl: the Precious Twin, which is the other meaning of the words quetzal-coati.

Xólotl-Quetzalcoatl returned victorious from the underworld. It was then that the god turned into Venus, the Lord of the Aurora. Xólotl was the one who could bring together the heavens with the earth and the underworld, and his abysmal fall meant the union of matter with spirit: the Feathered (Plumed) Serpent. At sunset on the fifth day, Quetzalcoatl reappeared near a pyre on the beach and set himself on fire. His ashes rose very high and then all kinds of precious birds appeared, ascending toward the sky with him. Up into the heights, they say, rose his heart, which turned into Venus or Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, the Morning Star.


As you see, many of these legends will rival the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ and His arrival but it is only meant to confuse the masses which Satan is so good as doing.

Another one of the oldest documented civilizations, credited with having the first writing, schools, courts, and many other firsts were the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. The ancient Sumerians thought that blue eyes were a sign of the gods. The Sumerian nobility were blue eyed and fair haired, as most of their busts show.

Two thousand years ago a mysterious and little known civilization, with a blue-eyed elite, ruled the northern coast of Peru. Its people were called the Moche.

The Lord of Sipáns tomb is held by some archaeologists to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries in this region of the world in the last 30 years, as the main tomb was found intact and untouched by thieves. He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and in some cases his men were described as being tall, bearded, with white skin, and beautiful emerald blue eyes.

Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor
All blue-eyed people can be traced back to one ancestor who lived 10,000 years ago near the Black Sea

This article about the proto-Indo-European Aryans seems to support my hypothesis
The Origin of the Blue Eyes: The Ancient Gods and Their Royal Descendants

The Origin of the Blue Eyes: The Ancient Gods and Their Royal Descendants By Monte Aldone


Thoth, the wicked blue birdy-he is one of the blue giants (blue avians) of old who live underground, as many of them still do. If you Google Tiamat, you will find Nibiru Tiamat, which is connected to the Church of Lucifer! The seven-headed dragon Lotan is associated closely with him and he is often described as the serpent.. He is the Canaanite equivalent of the Sumerian Tiamat, the primordial mother goddesswhich connects to the Greek demi-gods and BAAL!

Of course, you cant forget the New Age/Old Age Movement:

Shiva has blue skin-Krishna has blue skin, Rama has blue skindo you know why Satan loves blue? Because it represents GOD!

Similarities between Kama and Cupid, Vishwakarma and Vulcan and Indra and Zeus do lead many to hastily conclude that Hindu mythology is similar to Greek mythology. Why? Because false religions were inclusive of fallen angels religions.

Tuor Reaches the Hidden City of Gondolin, by Ted Nasmith

Tuor Reaches the Hidden City of Gondolin, by Ted Nasmith

The band, Volbeat has a song called The Nameless Ones. Dont think for a second that theyre not discussing these same figures. The music is horrendous and Satan uses music to capture his victims. Embrace the Darknessis no doubt a summoning of these demonsan invocation to be exact.

More to come

Isaiah 34 (KJV)

11 But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness.


Isaiah 5 (KJV)

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Before I begin this article I want to make it perfectly clear that these people can make the decision to turn to GOD. We, as warriors of GOD need to pray. Prayer works miracles and can break down the barriers between this world and The Throne of GOD.

We are told to have compassion and love for others. This is an example of that. Some of these people are used as a puppet. For instance, one woman who came forward admitted that she was used as an oracle. She moved between worlds relatively smoothly, and was able to channel the fallen angels, used tarot cards and generally was mobilized as a medium/psychic.

Ive been seeing it for years now.in fact many others point out the same issues. Whats happening is they are so revered by their choice of idols that they must exploit it whatever chance they get.

Women who wear some of these gowns at the yearly award shows reveal so much that its downright disgraceful. Its sickening but they are made to wear them.


Matthew 6 (KJV)

22 The eye is the lamp of the body. If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.
23 But if your vision is poor, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!


Their sinister motives place puppets around the world as team leaders to convince people to come to the New World Order and New Age philosophy.
They colors are vibrant, and even inspiring but the designs are satanic. The faces within these costumes are demonic. Darkness is their light.


Luke 11 (KJV)

35 Be careful, then, that the light within you is not darkness.

Sometimes you might even see the guys wearing this kind of stuff but they seem to go for the cars and tattoes. Many of them will reveal their agenda in their own clothing lines.

Job (KJV)

12 They make night into day, saying, The light is near, in the presence of darkness.

Illumination is something the Freemasonry takes to heart. They transverse the spotlight making the youth of our generations want to be like them, to wear clothing like themdisguised as light but only seeking darkness.


Seriously, the Illuminati even have their own clothing line.


Proverbs 17 (KJV)
15 He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

Most of these suicides/drug over-doses are simply putmurders, because some of these puppets get tired of the rat race and want out. Most people die before this happens.
Isaiah 24 (KJV)
9 They do not drink wine with song; Strong drink is bitter to those who drink it.


The Jesuits offer the world at large a system of theology by which every law, Divine and human, may be broken with impunity, and by which the very Bulls of Popes may be defied. It is a ghastly religion; it is a religion to be abhorred by all honest and honorable men, said M. F. Cusack, Converted Nun of Kenmare, The Black Pope.
Isaiah 30 (KJV)
10 Who say to the seers, You must not see visions; And to the prophets, You must not prophesy to us what is right, Speak to us pleasant words, Prophesy illusions.

Satan doesnt want to let any of his soldiers go. Although we are in a battle and are set to expose this agenda, these people need help. Please pray for them.

Amos 5 (KJV)
7 For those who turn justice into wormwood And cast righteousness down to the earth.


The rattlesnake is coiled at our feet, climbing to strike us in the heart,

Habakkuk 1 (KJV)
4 Therefore the law is ignored And justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore justice comes out perverted.


No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vaticans part in it. And no significant world situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit or implicit role, said Avro Manhattan, Protestant Knight of Malta and English historian in a 1960 book, The Vatican And World Politics.

The final war will be about religion! Wake up


Long ago man believed that rain came from the godsyes plural. The same can be said for fire


The subject of Baal has been in the news, and unless youve been oblivious to the agenda, then you know the Temple of Baal is being constructed in 1000 places in the next several months. One of these was to be in New York but they chickened out and went for the London location first. The current news is that it will go to Dubai and then onto New York next.

Are these the Thousand Points of Light which the elite have been awaiting?



passing through the firethis one is a rip-off of The Holy Spirit dwelling in the Believerpassing through was directly tied to Canaanite worship of Molech/Baal. In current events, one example would be The Burning Man festival in Nevada, to witch coven rites where fire represents Satan.

April 19-May 1 Blood sacrifice to the Beast.  Fire sacrifice required on April 19.

All occult practices are deceptive and have been practiced for thousands of years and they stem from the fallen angels.

The Mighty Ones spoken of in The Bible are the Greek demigods of Olympus/Atlantis.

Feeling sorry for mans weakened state, Prometheus raided the workshop of Hephaistos and Athenaon Mt. Olympus and stole fire, another story says; As he was walking by the shore of the sea he found a reed, or, as some say, a tall stalk of fennel, growing; and when he had broken it off he saw that its hollow center was filled with a dry, soft pith which would burn slowly and keep on fire a long time. He took the long stalk in his hands, and started with it towards the dwelling of the sun in the far east.

Mankind shall have fire in spite of the tyrant who sits on the mountain top, he said.

Another story; He reached the place of the sun in the early morning just as the glowing, golden orb was rising from the earth and beginning his daily journey through the sky. He touched the end of the long reed to the flames, and the dry pith caught on fire and burned slowly. Then he turned and hastened back to his own land, carrying with him the precious spark hidden in the hollow center of the plant.

After that, Prometheus taught them, little by little, a thousand things. He showed them how to build houses of wood and stone, and how to tame sheep and cattle and make them useful, and how to plow and sow and reap, and how to protect themselves from the storms of winter and the beasts of the woods. Then he showed them how to dig in the earth for copper and iron, and how to melt the ore, and how to hammer it into shape and fashion from it the tools and weapons which they needed in peace and war; and when he saw how happy the world was becoming he cried out:

A new Golden Age shall come, brighter and better by far than the old!


Did you get that? GOLDEN AGEwhatever does that mean?

The term Golden Age originates with the so-called guardians.

It is said that Hesiods version, the Golden Age ended when the Titan Prometheus conferred on mankind the gift of fire and other arts.

The idea popular in the New Age movement that we are already in the Golden Age, but if we look at the idea of these demigods living on Earth, then was it not the Golden Age? A rebirthing of this age and a new race of man and the marriage of super-physical powers with immortalitysharing the life of gods and these heroes mingled in society.

This prophecy mixed with the preface of North America as its consumed by fire, with a new continent arising.

This is the alchemy of the work spoken of in Freemasonry. But, truly its just a replay of Nimrod as he began the New World Order.


From Prometheus to Nimrodto the elite of today connecting the pieces of the puzzle.

Outside Windsor Castle, Britains Queen Elizabeth lights the first of 1,000 beacons that will burn worldwide to mark the 90th birthday of the worlds oldest monarch.

To coincide with the Queens beacon-lighting ceremony, local authorities will host similar events across the country, making a network of beacons.

The beacons or bonfires are specially built gas-fueled structures, traditional bonfires or braziers on top of a tall wooden post.

Then, we have the 1000 Baal Temples being constructedis this all just a coincidence? NO.


I kept getting shown Elijah over a period of several days! At first I didnt know what to make of itbut GOD always reveals the revelation to me sometimes in stages.

The prominence of Baalism is key to discerning the events of Canaan and Phoenicia and especially important to understanding the religious culture today.

Of all the prophets of the New Testament, GOD mentions Elijah more than any other. A mysterious man who appears from out of nowhere, and whos exit from this world is just as mysterious.

According to the Books of Kings, Elijah defended GOD over that of the Canaanite idol Baal. GOD also performed many miracles through him, which included raising the dead, bringing fire down from the sky, and taking him up to heaven by a whirlwind. In the Book of Malachi, Elijahs return is prophesied before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord, making him a harbinger of the Messiah and the eschaton in various faiths that revere the Hebrew Bible.



Reigning Miracles

In any sacred ladder, the first step upward presides over the transition between the lower ground and the way to heaven. The first step makes us confront the borderline between the material and divine dimensions of life.

GOD places it upon Elijahs heart to test the people.

Withholding rain for 3½ years was the first miracle GOD did through the prophet, Elijah. The purpose of this punishment was to bring the nation to repentance of its idolatry.

Then GOD commands Elijah to hide! Hide until the drought upon the land is acknowledged.

I Kings 17 (KJV)

4 And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.

Raven-(black). The Hebrew oreb is applied to the several species of the crow family, a number of which are found in Palestine. The raven belongs to the order Insessores , family Corvidae . (It resembles the crow, but is larger weighing three pounds; its black color is more iridescent, and it is gifted with greater sagacity. There is something weird and shrewd in the expression of the ravens countenance, a union of cunning and malignity which may have contributed to give it among widely-revered nations a reputation for preternatural knowledge. One writer says that the smell of death is so grateful to them that when in passing over sheep a tainted smell is perceptible, they cry and croak vehemently. It may be that in passing over a human habitation, if a sickly or cadaverous smell arises, they should make it known by their cries, and so has arisen the idea that the croaking of a raven is the premonition of death.

The ravens carnivorous habits, and especially his readiness to attack the eye, are alluded to in Proverbs 30:17. To the fact of the raven being a common bird in Palestine, and to its habit of flying restlessly about in constant search for food to satisfy its voracious appetite, may perhaps be traced the reason for its being selected by our Lord for I believe it is a symbol of the fallen angels and their same traits.

It is said that the raven always attacks the eye of an animal first; seeming to prefer that to every other part. This certainly is a connection to the All-Seeing Eye in current secret societies.such as the Freemasons/Illuminati. Nevertheless, GOD utilizes all necessary means to care for HIS children.


Is this raven a clean bird? No, it is an unclean scavenger.

And at Zarephath he is fed, not by ravens, but by human agency by a pagan woman.

This is a perfect example of how we are to trust and obey GOD. The purpose of hiding actually deepens Elijahs faith. GOD provided the needs of Elijah day by day (even by the strangest means) and this is true for our current social trends. We dont know if the economy is going to collapse from day to day but we must put our faith in GOD to provide for us.

Though it is very remarkable that such creatures should be employed in this way, which are birds of prey, seize on anything they can, live on carrion, and neglect their own young, and yet feed a prophet of the Lord; which shows the power and providence of GOD in it.

By showing our faith, we are accepting the fact that the fulfillment of the promises of GOD for HIS people will come, and that they are not meant for this life, but in the next.

This subject not only applied to what was happening in Israel at the time, but is also prophetic regarding future events relating to the coming of Jesus Christ.

In our present-day culture, we have a religious sphere where everything that touches the life of the natural man becomes contaminated-unclean and dead. Jesus Christ describes people like this to whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside while rotten and corrupt on the inside.

GOD always determines the magnitude and duration of punishment that HE brings; and in this case, HE moved Elijah to pray for an end of the rain and later for it to begin again. I believe this prophetic message is very important to the current times we live in. We are witnessing unprecedented events, but some actually parallel those of the times of The Bible.

What do I mean by this?


The heavens were shut up for three years and six months in accordance to the word he delivered, but it relates to Revelation and its terms.

This is expressed in several forms, including the expression a time, times, and half a time which appears twice in Daniel (Daniel 7:25 Daniel 12:7) and once more in Revelation (Revelation 12:14).

So, we have

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

Time equalsbad. Then, we have timesdouble troubleand then half a time. Sounds like it keeps increasing and intensifying.

Dew and rain represent The Word!

The mighty King Nebuchadnezzar was cast out of the palace. He lived out in the wilderness, away from other people. He ate grass like the goats and cows. The Bible says his nails grew like the claws of a bird, and his hair was like the feathers of an eagle (Daniel 4:33). Close your eyes and try to imagine the King with torn clothes and matted hair. He was wet from the rain, and muddy from crawling on the ground.

Without GOD, Nebuchadnezzar could do NOTHING! In time, the former King lost his mind; he went crazy.

Is this not a perfect example of the world today?


Before Jesus Christ comes, Elias must first come and restore all things and the context of his coming is seen as the statutes and judgments of the law in Malachi. Jesus Christ said it would be in effect till heaven and earth pass.

Malachi 4 tells us;

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

Another parallel is this:

1 Kings 22 (KJV)

This chapter is about how The Lord is angry about the lying spirits in the mouth of prophets.

This is a clear parallel in todays society as well.

The elite also worship Baal, and sacrifice the dead from false flag catastrophes to Baal.

Many people wonder why their prayers are not being heard, and even with numerous and repetitious prayer meetings. But the problem is this many prayer meetings today have more in common with the prophets of Baal!


Carnal Christianity

We have grand preachers who preach that if you follow their message, you will receive the best of this world all the while, heaven awaits your journey.

We have numerous people worshiping GOD and the god of worldly prosperity (Baal) at the same time. They seek their own pleasure while trying to keep GOD happy at the same time. This mirrors the situation which took place with Elijah and King Ahab.

Remember that not one day of rain/dew had fallen in years. Likened to this is the church of today as it languishes in a spiritual drought. Many people have invented their own doctrines and likewise surround themselves with a church/cult which practice the same gospel of prosperity.

We are at a crossroad a turning point. GOD is bringing about a change, and for some it may take time to see it but we are witnessing a remnant to stand and confront the present corruption. This remnant includes many of us.

I dont think the end will be about a war of race, color or creed but about RELIGION. Thats why we see the rise in gay/gender issues.

The religious factor will be about to to take Christianity out of this world. Taking all religions and putting it into one nice big box.

Baal worship is going to be that combination rolled into one. This is why we see making its way into the mainstream media!

Since 9/11 we have seen many attempts to keep out potential terrorists, but looking at this from a spiritual point of view, weve already been invaded by demonic enemies.The situation is far gone, and we are spending huge sums of money on security and defense in the natural realm while our spiritual defenses are almost completely breached.

What good is the fire of the conviction of the Spirit of GOD if HE doesnt reign in your life?


So, its no coincidence that we have a culture who not only understands what these are but are so confused they try to convince you that the entities which come in them are good. This couldnt be further from the truth.

Many people know the doctrine they preach as a New Age Movement, but this doctrine has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. In fact I believe this is the doctrines which Nimrod taught in his secret religion.


Disney was first conceived and operated by Walt Disney, a Satanist. He was a Freemason and Freemasonry is the exact doctrine of the Muslim and vise-versa.

So, Disneylets get into some of the similarities!

Do you think its by chance that these jinn or genies were blue? NO!


The Sorcerers Apprentice is all about magicand magic is the opposite of anything GODLY! Its the work of the devil. It was about a warlocka male witch.

Then you haveAladdin! Jafar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah attempt to retrieve a magical lamp containing a genie from the Cave of Wonders. In the cave, Aladdin rubs the lamp, inadvertantly unleashing the Genie, who who reveals he will grant Aladdin three wishes with the exception of murder, romance, revival of the dead or additional wishes. Aladdin tricks the genie into magically freeing himself, Abu, and the carpet from the cave without actually using a wish; thereafter, the Genie states that Aladdin will not receive anymore magic help unless he explicitly states I wish.


To wish is not of GOD!

Aladdin finds a magic carpet.


So, WHY IS THE GENIE BLUE? Answer: Ascended Masters (aka: Demons)

Nicola Tesla was a brilliant man, but like many others he was pulled into their web of lies.who? Who do I mean? The entities which came in these flying carpetsotherwise known as vimanas. Nicola was enamored by these entities and fell into their trap and false doctrines.

Jinn is the same presence as the Christian demons!


Could there have been a single power source for overwhelming evidence of flying vehicles in the rich accounts of ancient India? Vimanas were real aircraft featured in stories that go back before the Bible. If we could physically find the power source in (lets say New Delhi) India, then, possibly the fabulous tales of air travel and hi-tech warfare might be historically accurate.

If a type of anomaly or oddity, far removed from anything seen previously, were discovered directly in the middle of the land of legendary Flying Carpets

We might conclude: Here was what powered vimana airships meticulously described in prehistoric books such as the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas and many more very old reports from India. (What was thought of as only poetry or fanciful tales of ancient times were actually, like the Bible, true events in History). We might conclude or confirm that East Indians FLEW and fought in the air with high technology and modern warfare long ago.

[Detailed accounts of what could only be atomic warfare approximately 8000 years ago in India might also be considered real events from our distant past].

Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. While its assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps governmental military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India & AtlantisThere is no doubt that most of these texts are authenticwell-known ancient Indian Epics and there are literally hundreds of them. David Hatcher Childress


What could the strange, ancient Power Source for flying vehicles (theorized at a New Delhi location) be?

Before that is answered, lets explore a few colorful descriptions of AIRCRAFTS and SPACESHIPS from one more fantastic, first Empire that was early India: An Empire that transported huge monoliths, constructed great statues and buildings that surely rivalled accomplishments of Incas and Egyptians

Vimana is a word with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machines used in warfare described in ancient Sanskrit epics. High towers of Hindu temples are also called vimanas.

Traveling by air using flying vehicles (sky-abode) was popular in ancient India and for that matter in Medieval and modern India much before the Wright brothersused mechanical, spiritual and tantric power to flyIn ancient literature of Hindus, we have detailed descriptions of flying machines that could carry people from one place to another or one planet to another.

Vimana also means space vehicle or a flying object that can help us overcome our ordinary limitations of time and space.

Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University of Chandrigarh translated a Chinese discovery of Sanskrit documents found in Lhasa, Tibet. The documents contained directions for building interstellar spaceships! She said the method of propulsion was anti-gravitational, based on an unknown power of the ego or a centrifugal force strong enough to counter all gravitational pull.

These (ships) are comparable to several aspects to the spaceships of Hollywood sci-fi movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars

Vimanas were also described in ancient East Indian texts as double-deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer.

The Pushpaka Vimana was a gigantic plane the size of a large city entirely capable of holding unlimited numbers of people



Three flying-cities were made for and were used by the DemonsOne was in a stationary orbit in the sky, another moving in the sky and one was permanently stationed in the ground. These were docked like modern spaceships in the skyand at a fixed latitude/longitude. Sivas arrow obviously referred to a blazing missile fired from a satellite specially built for the purposeVestiges of onetime prosperous civilization destroyed in battles flicker through these legends Prof. D.K. Kanjilals observations of the Matsyapurana

The Mahabharata mentions the use of flying chariots powered by lightning capable of long distances into the solar system and beyond. Lord Krishna fought and destroyed demon King Salvas flying machine. King Citaketu was traveling in outer space on a brilliantly effulgent airplane given to him by Lord Vishnuarrows released by Lord Siva appeared like fiery beams (lasers) emanating from the sun

Lets return to the question and provide a good answer to the riddle of what powered the ancient airships of India? How about a total oddity among prehistoric enigmas? We should search for a type of Transceiver that received energy, focused the energy, amplified the energy and TRANSMITTED the power outward in all directions such as a Tesla-radio tower, limited to a certain range. [Study New Delhi Iron Pillar, thousands of years old, and you will be amazed!]

Could the secret POWER SOURCE of prehistoric vimanas, recorded sky and space vehicles, commonly called East Indian flying carpets, have been the bizarre, anomalous and quasi-ALIEN, magnetic, rustless (misnamed) Ashoka [prime one of many] IRON PILLAR that just happens to be located in New Delhi? The only large, magnetic, Iron Pillar? Some clues are the utter peculiarity of a METAL (magnetite) from antiquity, its size, its shape, and its unique PURITY that has never been duplicated. Only a very modern refinery could have constructed such magnetic metal in one large piece. But not even the ultimate factory could have reproduced the Delhi Pillars purity of metal. Another clue is the Power Pole is located on the exact opposite side of the Earth as another magnetic anomaly: Easter Island~


Tourists flock to the prehistoric Pole of purified magnetite nearly 24 feet high and are astounded. We are baffled at the sacred and rustless Pillar as it towers in the center of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid, the first Moslem mosque in Delhi. Its age is unknown and highly debated between 1600 years and many thousands of years old. Its builders are unknown as well as its precise function. Possibly, until now

Ever hear of a Tesla Coil or the enormous Magnifying Transmitter at New York, circa 1905?

A principle via spun copper coils around a metal rod not only produces a high magnetic charge and bolts of electricity but MORE power is transmitted (amplified) OUT than the small, initial spark on the other end. Consider the appearance and function of a Tesla Coil as far as wireless INDUCTION. If you held a florescent tube light fixture near the metal apex (ball) of a Tesla Coil, the long tube LIGHTS UP in your hand without wires! This was the principle (small scale) which Power Towers (or stone monoliths) could excite natural electro-magnetic energy in the ground, utilize it, beam out the energyas homes, cities, factories, buildings and vehicles were topped with a receiving antenna.

Tesla Coils are used today on a micro scale inside many devices as a way to boost energy or electricity. But the Tesla Coil itself demonstrates how whole cities could be powered, just as the light tube brightly lit in your hand only a foot away from the Coil. Imagine that on a gigantic, even global scale without need for wires!

Compare the metal ball on the top of the classic Tesla Coil with the odd capital at the apex of the Iron Pillar. Could the function of each be and have been basically the same?

Did the magnetic Pillar transmit EM frequencies that were received through wireless antennae on everything and converted to electricity? Was not only Delhi flying machines powered, but the entire East Indian Empire? [India was part of Atlantis see Yurcheys World Grid of 13]. Was the Pillar the Stonehenge, Easter Island and the Great Pyramid of India?


Now see the following illustrations of Vimanas, taken from various Holy Books:

Notice these are schematics and graphic designs. We view inside or see different Vimana components labeled. The ships shapes are not always round. They do tend to, invariably, contain a centrally positioned power pole similar to radio antennae. One drawing designates the antenna top as a magnetic pole. UFO, saucer crafts also tend to have the identical center-antenna, which probably RECEIVED universal frequencies in space for propulsion or Tesla-type EM waves from a tower-station or world grid system.

Imagine flying disks, fully charged and functional, but only within the range of the power tower. As a particular radio station fades the farther from the broadcast tower, so does the wireless energy many miles from the Power Pole or giant (charged) statue, monolith, obelisk or pyramid. Another great EM source or Grid Station would be needed to expand the range of power and the area the vehicles traversed in the network.

Look again at the relationship between major sites, Cradles of Civilization, globally. Delhi perfectly fits into the geo-pattern in Yurcheys Grid of 13 Atlantis power stations. Indian Pillar is the same distance from the Great Pyramid as Stonehenge, Zimbabwe and Tassili. Note special latitude New Delhi shares with the Great Pyramid and Bermuda Triangle or main power Station.

STONE, like metal, can be charged and can carry an electrical charge. These sites are all magnetic vortexes or electrical LEY LINES. Ayers Rock or Uluru in Australia is a prime example of a Magnetic Rod with prehistoric relics, petroglyphs and structures at Alice Springs.

Understand that layouts of ancient Indians (also West Indians) pyramids, monoliths, great statues, stele, obelisks and totems all had special, scientific purposes that had to do with the transmission of vast amounts of electricity or energy. Stonework of the Incas, Egyptians, East Indians, Maya and other cycles of early Indian Empiresfunctioned basically like Utility Poles or giant Tuning-Forks that vibrated, excited with usable energy: power originally transmitted by 13 culture centers (tower Stations, essentially) to a large number of surrounding substations.

What surrounds Stonehenge for many square miles (even northern France)? Smaller stone circles. What usually surrounds a big, aligned pyramid? Smaller, aligned pyramids. Same can be said for standing stones, stele, totems and statues. PATTERN to their placement has to do with the distribution of wireless (Tesla) energy over long distances.


As mentioned earlier, on the exact opposite end of the Earth from New Delhi, India, is the enigma of isolated Easter Island, thousands of miles from the mainland. Ancient flyers, pilots, spaceships and air-wars were a part of India and also an essential part of Easter Island. Memories of a bird cult remain that could be long-lost echoes from an ancient air corp.

The very same language in the form of a hieroglyphic alphabet was discovered in the Indus Valley and on Easter Island. That strange fact is one more connection from two locations that could not be farther away. The mystery only intensifies and supports the idea of modern flight.

A MAGNETIC POLE AT EITHER END OF EARTH. Ships compasses are known to turn toward the magnetic island that should not have sustained a prehistoric civilization, but did.

[In Yurcheys scenario, the remote island only had one powerful moai statue [receiving Pillar]. With the collapse (sinking) of main Power Station, Transmitter was gone and the one Statue was rendered useless/powerless. Islanders could not leave and built more and more receiver-statues until they realized the problem was at the Source and not with the receivers].

Examine the PURITY of the Delhi Pillar. The entire anomaly is almost an impossibility. This type of metal, a rustless magnetite exists nowhere else. Could the reason be

Thousands of years of powerful discharges of electricity have purified the metal?

Its a good bet that the Delhi Pillar functioned as an early (Tesla) Magnifying Transmitter or giant Coil which wirelessly energized everything around itespecially air forces and saucer-type ships detailed in the holy texts. There are reasons the Eastern lands of India were known for their sky cities and flying carpets in the common language. The answer has to do with accounts of spaceflights, air travel, great weapons, atomic warfare and other hi-tech things told to us in the form of old stories.

I would like to present the YouTube video: Doug Yurchey, Delhi Pillar, World Grid. After more than four years to track downout of complete obscurity is my part in the Italian documentary with SPECIAL EFFECTS! National Geographic filmmaker Diego DInnocenzo read what I wrote about the Iron Pillar. He flew from Rome to LA just to film my small part for his documentary. I asked for the entire shoot, which was edited. Please excuse repeat-information; a new bit of info comes out in the repetitions and is worth watching. Nice to hear I was given credit in an Italian book. Diego liked my idea that the Pillar was a grid-point for India and could have wirelessly powered flying disks like a TESLA COIL can turn on lights through induction at a distance~


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Witchcraft Deliverance (The Mystery of Iniquity) - Kindle edition by Pat Holliday. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use

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Witchcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Witchcraft (also called witchery or spellcraft) broadly means the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that are able to be exercised

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