33rd degree double eagle



Good Resources on Freemasonry


Subtitle:  Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, answers the Top 25 Questions he receives during his seminars on Illuminati, Witchcraft, and Freemasonry. We reprint these questions for you.

Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and most of them were formerly very, very secret.  We further have taken the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the Holy Bible.  In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."  Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform to Scripture is from a "false prophet".

This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy: "Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles.  Finally, remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry is identical to  the ancient Mysteries ", which means that all their teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient, Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never, ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.

Without any introduction, we reprint Doc Marquis' "25 Top Questions About Freemasonry".  Since Marquis is a former Illuminist Witch, he brings a unique expertise and viewpoint to this entire subject.   We think you will find it highly instructive, and you will have even more reason to understand that Freemasonry is Illuminized Witchcraft at its very core.  Since this entire article is virtually verbatim from Marquis, we shall not put his words in quotes, and shall print them in Black.  Any comment the Cutting Edge makes will be in Blue print; also, since Marquis' passout contained no symbols or pictures, all symbols within the article have been added by the Cutting Edge.  For any of you interested in contacting Doc Marquis directly, we have printed all that information at the end of this article.

Please note that almost all of Marquis' answers are taken verbatim from Masonic author's own writings.  We shall use quotes when quoting a Masonic author.


1)  Is Freemasonry A Christian Organization?

"If Freemasonry were simply a Christian institution, the Jew and the Moslem, the Brahman and Buddhist, could not conscientiously partake of its illumination."  [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry", p. 182, 33rd Degree Mason.]  We find it highly instructive that Mackey boldly admits to Masonic Adepts that Freemasonry is NOT Christian!  Of course, at the time Mackey wrote his book, it was secret, available only to Adept Masons.  Had Mackey ever thought that this book would have become available to the public, he would not have been so bold.

2)  Is Freemasonry Christian?

"Freemasonry is not Christian, nor a substitute for it."  [C.F. McQuaig, My Masonic Friend, p. 1]

Once again, we see that, by their own admission, Freemasonry is NOT Christian!  The only instance where we hear that it is Christian is from the Masonic Propaganda Division, and by those poor Masons who have been deliberately deceived by their own Superiors.

3)  The King James Version of the Bible is on the altars at Masonic Lodges.  Isn't this proof that Masonry is based upon the Bible?

"Masonry has nothing to do with the Bible; it is not founded upon the Bible, for if it were, it would not be Masonry, it would be something else."  [The Digest  of Masonic Law, p. 207-209]  Now we see a Masonic author admitting that Freemasonry is NOT based upon the Bible!  Therefore, not only is Masonry NOT Christian, it is even NOT Judeo-Christian!  These revelations just keep on coming, do they not?

4)  But what about God?

"Humanity, 'in-toto', then, is the only Personal God." [J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry , p. 136, 32nd Degree] As any good occultist, Freemasonry believes the lie Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden, "You shall be as God". We cover this belief in free13 ; if you have not read this article yet, we suggest you do so for background to this article.

5)  So, then, Masonry is not based on the Bible, not its Christian principles; then, the Masonic Lodges are not teaching religion, correct?

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are instruction in religion".  [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 213.  Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction] Pike's revelation here, at the 13th Degree, that Masonry teaches religion, is a perfect example of the deliberate lying policy of Freemasonry.  At the 10th Degree, Pike states that "Masonry is not a religion".  Then, at the 13th Degree, the Mason is told that this statement was false, and that Masonry IS a religion.  Then, whenever a person not a Mason makes the charge that Masonry is a religion, they are then quoted Pike at the 10th Degree denying it, and are never told that Pike reverses himself at the 13th Degree to admit that Masonry IS a religion.  Truly, Freemasonry is a series of long hallways of smoke and mirrors, designed to lead all but a handful of Masons astray, and to deceive 100% of all Non-Masons.  No organization that engages in deliberate lying can call itself Christian.

6)  Since Masonic Lodges are religious temples, what are they searching for since they do not worship Jesus Christ?

"Freemasonry is a search for Light.  That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 741, Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction]

7)  But isn't the Kabalah a religion?

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati ... all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their symbols." [Pike, Morals and DogmaWe wish to warn all our Jewish friends who are caught up in the revival of Kabalah study, they are believing in the very Satanic counterfeit to the Torah and other Old Testament books of the Bible that the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day were practicing.  Did you know that the major reason the Pharisees and Sadducees plotted to murder Jesus, in spite of His obvious supernatural power, was because they were practicing the witchcraft of the Kabalah? You can read the full details in two of the Cutting Edge's former Radio Programs -- CE1077, "Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ" and CE1078, "Secret Societies Originated Unpardonable Sin, and Ramifications".  Once you read these two articles, you will understand why Jesus was so unrelenting in His pronouncements of damnation against the Pharisees, which is totally out of character of His love and compassion for ordinary sinners, even grievous sinners.  Jesus knew the Pharisees and Sadducees were practicing the witchcraft that later was to become known as the Kabalah.

8)  So, then, if the Kabalah is an ancient practice found within the occult world, are the symbols, words, and other Masonic expressions found within the occult?

"In modern witch rites, we find terms and expressions that are also used in Masonry, the Golden Dawn, and other such occult societies." [Arnold and Patricia Crowther, The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft, p. 22]

Once again, we see the instance where Freemasonry is loved by all the wrong people:  Witches, Satanists, Illuminists, demonically possessed New Age authors, and demonically possessed leaders of other secret societies.  Since "Birds of a Feather Flock Together", this fact is one very important and concrete evidence that Freemasonry is just as Satanic as these other organizations admit openly they are! Keep this fact in mind as you read the facts presented, below.

9)  So if Masonry is pushing the occult religions, surely many members must come from occult sources and backgrounds .

They certainly do!  We have listed examples, below, of known Satanists and/or Occultists who were also Freemasons in good standing.  Do not be deceived by any Masonic Propaganda that says these people were "rogue Masons"; on the contrary, they were Masons in good standing throughout their lives.  In fact, what these occultists who were also Masons represent are the very few Illuminated Masons who had gone all the way to the "Light", to discover what the final great secret of Masonry truly is, i.e., dedicated Satanists working to achieve the New World Order of Antichrist.

 a)  Arthur Edward Waite, occult writer and historian -- In free12 and free13 , we quote Waite continuously, noting that his books are always published by a known and established Masonic publishing house.

b)  Dr. Wynn Westcott -- member of the Rosicrucian Society and founding member of the occult Order of the Golden DawnThe Order of the Golden Dawn is one of the most Satanic of secret societies, and is highly active in the establishment of the coming New World Order of Antichrist.  Don't you find it extremely "illuminating" that its founder is also a Mason?

c)  S. L. MacGregor Mathers -- co-founder of the occult Order of the Golden Dawn -- Thus, we see that both founders of this Satanic secret society were Freemasons.

d)  Dr. Gerard Encausse -- member of the Illuminati and leader of the occult group known as 'Martinism'.  According to Albert Mackey, a 33rd Degree Mason, "The degrees of Martinism abounded in the reveries (pleasures) of the Mystics." [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Masonry", p. 552]  The "pleasures" of the Mystics is a euphemism for sex.  We have already noted that Freemasonry utilizes the symbolism of sex in their circle with a dot [free13 for full details].  In free07 , we also note the sexual symbolism inherent in their writings.  Freemasons "worship the creature rather than the Creator" just as much as do any of the pagan groups in world history.  Again, this fact is one of the reasons they insist upon absolute secrecy, rightly fearing public scrutiny.

e)  Aleister Crowley -- infamous Satanist who founded the occult religion of Thelema.  So debased and foul was he, that his contemporaries referred to him as 'Mr. 666', and his mother referred to him as 'The Beast' of the Book of Revelation.
While Crowley did not found the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.], he did control the organization for many years.  The O.T.O. is an extremely Black Magick secret society, very Satanic.

f)  Dr. Theodore Reuss -- Head of the occult order known as the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis).  He was such a prolific occult writer that he gave Aleister Crowley the reigns of authority of the O.T.O. in London.    This is an official logo of the O.T.O., taken off the web.  You are looking into the black abyss of Hell in this drawing.  This apparently is the entrance into Hell, with the Masonic-type columns on each side and the typically Masonic/occultic winged symbol above.  Two All-seeing Eyes oversee all who enter its gates.  Freemasonry is "identical with the Mysteries", says Albert Pike; therefore, this scene of the Gates of Hell IS Freemasonry.

g)  George Pickingill -- renowned master witch of 19th Century England and leader of the 'Pinkingill coven' .

h)  Manly P. Hall -- a Rosicrucian, Masonic author, and founder of the Philosophical Research Society . Hall was world renowned as a Freemason, and one of its most prolific writers.  It was he who said that Fellow Craft Masons can expect to have the "seething energies of Lucifer in your hands" once he understands the deep secrets of the Craft. His books were published by prestigious Masonic Publishing companies.  Since Hall was simultaneously a Rosicrucian and a Freemason, we wish to show you the Rosicrucian Cross , so you can see the terrible blasphemies of Freemasonry.    Please closely observe how they have covered our precious Cross of Calvary with the deepest, most wicked, symbols of Satan!  You can see four (4) upright pentagrams, representing Lucifer and covering each of the four points of the cross; then, you can see a hexagram just below the center, on the downward arm of the cross, probably designed to cast a "HEX" on our Savior's cross!  Folks, this is the true nature of Freemasonry.  Masonry reveres Rosicrucianism so very highly, they have an order dedicated to it, called, "Knight of the Rosy Croix", the 18th Degree!  Once, more the true Satanic nature of Freemasonry becomes more clear.

i) Gerald B. Gardner -- founder of the modern revival of Wicca, who had a style of witchcraft named after him known as the 'Gardnerian Style of Witchcraft'.

j)  Alex Sanders -- known as the "King of all Witches" in London,  he was one of the most influential witches after Gardner.  He also had a style of witchcraft named after him called, "Alexanderian Witchcraft".

k)  Eliphas Levi -- one of the most occult writers of the 19th Century . Doc really understates the case here.  Levi was known as "the foremost occult authority of the 19th century". [Nuit Unlimited Imports, a New Age importer of witchcraft memorabilia]  Levi created the extremely obscene image of Baphomet to represent Satan. "Levi's drawing of Baphomet shows his emphasis on sex, for he made Baphomet as an androgynous [both male-female] figure.  Satan, like Baphomet, is often pictured as a hermaphroditic deity, having a male phallus and the breasts of a woman.  The winged staff between Baphomet represents the phallus ... In a book on witchcraft, The Complete Book of Witchcraft and Demonology, we find a picture of Baphomet.  The caption states that he is the 'horned god of the witches, sex incarnate'.  This picture ... shows Baphomet making the Devil's triad with his right hand." [Dr. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated ]

Levi's Guiding Spirit took him to levels of an understanding of witchcraft that few men in history have ever experienced.  His illustrations are considered unequalled in the occult world, and he was not only contemporary with Albert Pike, he was very influential on Pike. [Arthur Edward Waite, Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism, Kila, Montana, reprinted by Kessinger Freemasonry Publishing Co.]  Arthur Waite said of Levi, "... undoubtedly one of the most distinguished of the Continental exponents of occult science which the 19th Century produced, and his writings attain an important position in the estimation of modern schools of higher magic." [Waite, quoted in Levi's book, The History of Magic, in Kessinger's Catalog, attempting to influence you to buy Levi's book]

Albert Pike (33rd Degree Mason, Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction) was, therefore, undoubtedly influenced by Levi in his views on Lucifer.  We have already quoted Pike in Morals and Dogma (p. 567, 28th Degree) where he identifies Lucifer as the Light-bearer of Freemasonry, the "Light" to whom all Masons pledge to work toward.  Listen to Levi talk about Lucifer. "XXXVIII:  What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil.  The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete [an advocate]; it is the Holy Spirit, where the physical Lucifer is the great angel of universal magnetism." [Eliphas Levi, The Mysteries of Magic, A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi]


Most Freemasons are shocked to disbelief when they are told that women can become full-fledged Freemasons, as they have been led to believe that only men can become Masons.  However, a dirty little secret is that women can become Co-Masons, joining as full-fledged members, usually along with their husbands.  You can see the two symbols for Co-Masonry I have discovered, along with Elizabeth Aldworth and a general picture of women in their Masonic regalia.  Co-Masonry has produced some really important leaders in the New World Order movement.  Listen as Doc Marquis explains:

Contrary to popular belief, females can, and have, become members of the Masons.  In Albert Mackey's book, Encyclopedia of Masonry, (p. 307) there is a law of Masonry that is known as The Law of Salique .  It states that females cannot become Masons; but there were, nevertheless, female members in the past.  Some examples are:

a) The honorable Mrs. Aldsworth -- [pictured above] -- around 1735, she received the first and second degree in Lodge #44 at Doneraile, Ireland.

b)  Mrs.. Beaton -- she was a resident who received her initiation in Norfolk, England.

c)  Madam de Xaintrailles -- initiated into a French Lodge during the end of the last century

d)  Elizabeth St. Leger -- initiated in 1710 at the age of 17.

e)  Countess Barkoczy of Hungary , was initiated into the Hungarian Lodge of Freemasonry

11.  Like many of the male members, are there any examples in which female occultists were also Masons?  Yes!

a)  Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky , founder of the occult Theosophical Society, was initiated into the Masons during the early part of last century.  Once again, Marquis underplays the significance of the facts.  Blavatsky was the founder of one of the most deeply Satanic secret society on earth!  People who learned Satanism from her included Adolf Hitler and some of his men, and Lenin with some of his Communist leaders.  Hitler, particularly, found Blavatsky's teachings to be crucial to his Satanic doctrines, especially her treatise, Secret Doctrine.  Hitler's Holocaust occurred in large part because of Blavatsky's teachings!  Yet, here we see that she was a member of the Freemasons.

b)  Annie Besant -- leader of this deeply Satanic Theosophical Society.

c)  Alice A. Bailey -- Succeeding Besant as the leader of the House of Theosophy, Alice and her husband Foster [32 Degree Mason] were members of Co-Masonry.  Alice founded the publishing company, Lucifer Trust, for the express purpose of printing the flood of New Age books about to come into being.  After learning that too many people were objecting to the bold name of Lucifer, Alice changed the name to Lucis Trust

12)  Assuming, then, that many Masonic members are interested in, or into, the occult, what are the true religious doctrines of the Masons?

"That which we must say to the crowd is:  'We worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition.'  To you , Sovereign Grand Instructors General [a 33rd Degree Mason], we say this ... you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th Degrees ... The Masonic religion should be, by all of the initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine ... Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay [God of the Holy Bible] is also God ... the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light, God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." [Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy , p. 220-221, quoting a letter from Albert Pike to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World on July 14, 1889]

 Freemasonry has counter-attacked this letter, claiming it is bogus.  However, they must answer the fact that this worship of Lucifer is also written in Pike's two monumental books, Morals and Dogma, and Magnum Opus.  Every thing contained in this letter is also contained in these two books, and we have them at this office.

Finally, history does not record that Freemasonry ever sued Lady Queenborough for libel and slander.  Surely, since the letter is so damning, Freemasonry would have gone to all lengths to clear their name, even to the point of suing.  Their absolute lack of such action speaks volumes as to the truth of Lady Queenborough's claim that this letter from Pike is genuine.

13)  Now wait a minute!  Are you saying that the 'light', for which Masonry is looking, is found with Lucifer?

"LUCIFER, the Light-Bearer .. Is it he who bears the Light?  Doubt it not!" [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 321.; Emphasis in the original]

14)  Hold it!  Isn't Lucifer, or Satan, the black god?  The evil one?

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is Yahweh (GOD) reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but a negation of God.  For Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force ..." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 102]  Pike's statement in the letter, quoted in paragraph 12, above, defines pure Satanism.  They believe God and Lucifer are equal Gods, were competitors in the Garden of Eden, with Adonay God of the Holy Bible getting "temporary" victory.  But, occultists believe that, at the Battle of Armageddon, God Lucifer will overthrow God Adonay and claim his rightful throne in Heaven.  All Luciferians, including the Illuminati, believe this with their whole heart.  God Adonay is the cruel God, as demonstrated by all the times He ordered the Israelites in the Old Testament to slaughter entire populations of people for the only sin of worshipping Lucifer, His adversary; Lucifer, on the other hand, has no such slaughter on His record, and is considered to be the Good God.

Furthermore, calling Lucifer or Satan, a Force instead of a Person, Pike fulfills Biblical prophecy for Antichrist.  In Daniel 11:38, God gives this prophecy.  "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:"  Neither Albert Pike, nor any other Luciferian, will ever know they just fulfilled Bible prophecy for the forces of Antichrist.  However, as we point out in free01, "Teachings About Jesus Christ", their doctrine of Jesus also fulfills the Biblical definition of Antichrist exactly.

15)  Is Satan, then, perceived to be God, the source of Light?

"To conceive of God ... the Kabala imagined Him to be a 'most occult light'." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 740]

16)  Since the Masonic religion is a "front" for the religion of the Illuminati, is the Masonic "light" the "light" of the Illuminati ?

"The result is light or illumination.  Such are the Illuminati."  [J.D. Buck, 32nd Degree Mason, Mystic Masonry , Introduction, p. xl.]  Once again, we see Freemasonry convicted of being Luciferian by the words of their own authors.  It is really too bad that over 95% of all Freemasons do not take the time to read the very books we, and other Christian authors, have read.  Such doubting Masons have not done one iota as much research as we, and yet, they choose to believe their lying Superiors.

17)  Isn't the Masonic candidate told the full truth of Freemasonry's religion and god when they enter the Blue Lodge, where they receive their first three degrees?

"The Blue Degrees (the Blue Lodge degrees) are but the outer court or portico of the Temple.  Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally mislead by false interpretations.  It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understand them ."  [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 819; Emphasis added]

All Freemasons need to read and re-read this very illuminating paragraph.  Pike has just boldly told his 30th Degree Adepts that they are to be free to intentionally mislead lower ranking Masons.  Such poor slobs are to imagine that they understand the symbols of Freemasonry!  Such bold-face lying comes from the Evil One, Satan, not the Holy God of the Bible!

18)  Who, then, is allowed to know the truth, and what is really going on in Masonry?

"We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree (30th and above), whom we shall select.  With regards to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy.  Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful, because its direction will be unknown." [Letter, dated 1/22/1870, from Pike to the Head of the Order of the Illuminati, Guiseppe Mazzini] 

19) Are you saying that the "outside" of Masonry is only for "show", and that there is something else behind it?

"It is this which has served as the basis for our organisation of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE ... CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE SHOW ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS ... masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place,remains for the whole people an unknown mystery."  [Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, capitalization in the original, but color emphasis added]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the most blatantly Satanic document in world history!  They systematically list all the steps that are necessary to establish their New World Order and its superman, Antichrist.  For the Protocols to boldly state that Freemasonry is a blind screen for the Illuminati, is damning.  Once again, we see their belief, stated by Pike above, that a super rite that is totally unknown, will promote the interests of the Illuminati powerfully. Freemasonry itself is being used as a "blind screen" by the Illuminati, to bring in the New World Order.

20)  Then if Masonry is only "Show" on the outside, what are they trying to "screen" on the inside?

"SECRET SOCIETIES -- Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free Masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges ... will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program ... The most secret plots will be known to us and will fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception." [Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion , capitalization in the original]

21)  Hasn't anyone ever tried to warn people about the Masonic/Illuminati connection and their activities before?

Yes!  Many people have tried, but few people were ever listening.  All of the following warnings came from individuals who were high ranking political figures, scholars, writers, and religious leaders.  These people were not "sensationalists", nor were they "doomsday" people.  They were all highly qualified, and praised, individuals of their fields.

a)  President George Washington , 1785, in a letter written to the Reverend G. W. Snyder:  "Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati -- the principles of Jacobinism -- had not spread in the United States.  On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."  Shortly before he died, President Washington was well aware that the Adam Weishaupt radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to America.

b) In 1797, Professor John Robison warned Masonic leaders that the Illuminati had infiltrated their lodges.

c)  Reverend Jebediah Morse (father of Samuel Morse) preached in 1798: "The Order (of the Illuminati) has its branches established and its emissaries at work in America."

d)  Dr. David Pappen, President of Harvard University , on July 19, 1798, issued a warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence the Illuminati was having on American politics and religion.

e)  John Quincy Adams , in 1800, opposed Thomas Jefferson for the presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive Illuminati purposes.  The information contained in those letters is credited with winning Adams the election.  The letters were held in the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.

f) Dr. Joseph Willard, President of Harvard University , said on July 4, 1812, to the graduating class:  "There is sufficient evidence that a number of societies of the Illuminati have been established in this land.  They are doubtless striving to secretly undermine all our ancient institutions, civil and sacred.  These societies are clearly leagued with those of the same order in Europe ... We live in an alarming period.  The Enemies of all order are seeking our ruin.  Should infidelity generally prevail, our independence would fall, of course.  Our republican government would be annihilated."

We live in the final time Harvard President Willard feared; the enemies of our freedoms are perilously close to achieving their plan.  When qualified people like this could see the conspiracy to destroy our country and our freedoms, why do so many Americans now disbelieve?

g)  The Prime Minister of England, Sir Winston Churchill, said in 1920, three years after the Bolsheviks seized Russia:  "From the days of Spartacus/Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky ... this world-wide conspiracy ... has been steadily growing.  This conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution .  It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

In Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History", we spend a lot of time demonstrating that the Illuminati created Communism; further, we show the theory under which the Plan for the New World Order is operating that would necessitate the deliberate creation of Communism.  However, we are shocked to hear this quote, for Winston Churchill told the world that Illuminati created Communism all the way back in 1920!

h)  Famous historian, English author Nesta Webster, in her book, World Revolution, published in the 1920's, [p. 78], said: "Whilst these events (early stages of the French Revolution of 1789) were taking place in Europe, the New World (America) had been Illuminized.  As early as 1786, a Lodge of the Order (Illuminati) had been started in Virginia, and this was followed by fourteen others in different cities."

i)  The Report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on Education , stated in 1953: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the Secret Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Federal Constitution."

This statement is unbelievable, not for its content, but for its source -- the California Senate on Education!  I am constantly amazed at how the knowledge of one generation can be buried by succeeding generations.  Truly, every generation must earn its own freedoms.

22)  When did the Masons become a part of the Illuminati?

"On July 16, 1782, at the infamous Congress of Wilhelmsbad, near the city of Hanau in Hesse-Cassel.  It was initiated by Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of the Order of Strict Observance." [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 1006.

23) What happened at this meeting?

Dr. Adam Weishaupt, and his right-hand man, Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), attended the Congress of Wilhelmsbad; they had met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7-part Plan to the Creation of a New World Order.

24) How did they do this? 

At the end of the 30 council meetings, the representatives of the Masonic world signed a blood contract, vowing that they would follow the Illuminati's 7-part Plan to the Creation of a New World Order.

25) Don't Any of the Masons know about these facts?

For the most part, no.  About 95% of all Masons haven't a clue as to what is really going on in their own lodges.  Only 30th Degree Masons and above may be allowed to know these secrets.  Of those Masons who are 30th and above, only 5% of them know the full truth, because they have already been initiated into the Illuminati.  Most of the time, an Illuminist will enter into the ranks of Masonry simply to continue the infiltration process.  Eventually, this Illuminist will become one of the high ranking Masons and will, therefore, be able to better control the Masonic world because of his degree and power.

If you are part of the 95+ of all Freemasons who are doomed to remain in the dark as to the true nature of your Lodge, you now have been exposed to the truth. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

If you would like to contact Doc Marquis directly, you may reach him at:  Christians Exposing The Occult, P.O. Box 632436, Nacogdoches, TX, 75963-2436, 409-552-7313.

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Good Resources on Freemasonry


Subtitle:  Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, answers the Top 25 Questions he receives during his seminars on Illuminati, Witchcraft, and Freemasonry. We reprint these questions for you.

Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and most of them were formerly very, very secret.  We further have taken the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the Holy Bible.  In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."  Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform to Scripture is from a "false prophet".

This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy: "Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles.  Finally, remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry is identical to  the ancient Mysteries ", which means that all their teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient, Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never, ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.

Without any introduction, we reprint Doc Marquis' "25 Top Questions About Freemasonry".  Since Marquis is a former Illuminist Witch, he brings a unique expertise and viewpoint to this entire subject.   We think you will find it highly instructive, and you will have even more reason to understand that Freemasonry is Illuminized Witchcraft at its very core.  Since this entire article is virtually verbatim from Marquis, we shall not put his words in quotes, and shall print them in Black.  Any comment the Cutting Edge makes will be in Blue print; also, since Marquis' passout contained no symbols or pictures, all symbols within the article have been added by the Cutting Edge.  For any of you interested in contacting Doc Marquis directly, we have printed all that information at the end of this article.

Please note that almost all of Marquis' answers are taken verbatim from Masonic author's own writings.  We shall use quotes when quoting a Masonic author.


1)  Is Freemasonry A Christian Organization?

"If Freemasonry were simply a Christian institution, the Jew and the Moslem, the Brahman and Buddhist, could not conscientiously partake of its illumination."  [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry", p. 182, 33rd Degree Mason.]  We find it highly instructive that Mackey boldly admits to Masonic Adepts that Freemasonry is NOT Christian!  Of course, at the time Mackey wrote his book, it was secret, available only to Adept Masons.  Had Mackey ever thought that this book would have become available to the public, he would not have been so bold.

2)  Is Freemasonry Christian?

"Freemasonry is not Christian, nor a substitute for it."  [C.F. McQuaig, My Masonic Friend, p. 1]

Once again, we see that, by their own admission, Freemasonry is NOT Christian!  The only instance where we hear that it is Christian is from the Masonic Propaganda Division, and by those poor Masons who have been deliberately deceived by their own Superiors.

3)  The King James Version of the Bible is on the altars at Masonic Lodges.  Isn't this proof that Masonry is based upon the Bible?

"Masonry has nothing to do with the Bible; it is not founded upon the Bible, for if it were, it would not be Masonry, it would be something else."  [The Digest  of Masonic Law, p. 207-209]  Now we see a Masonic author admitting that Freemasonry is NOT based upon the Bible!  Therefore, not only is Masonry NOT Christian, it is even NOT Judeo-Christian!  These revelations just keep on coming, do they not?

4)  But what about God?

"Humanity, 'in-toto', then, is the only Personal God." [J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry , p. 136, 32nd Degree] As any good occultist, Freemasonry believes the lie Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden, "You shall be as God". We cover this belief in free13 ; if you have not read this article yet, we suggest you do so for background to this article.

5)  So, then, Masonry is not based on the Bible, not its Christian principles; then, the Masonic Lodges are not teaching religion, correct?

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are instruction in religion".  [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 213.  Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction] Pike's revelation here, at the 13th Degree, that Masonry teaches religion, is a perfect example of the deliberate lying policy of Freemasonry.  At the 10th Degree, Pike states that "Masonry is not a religion".  Then, at the 13th Degree, the Mason is told that this statement was false, and that Masonry IS a religion.  Then, whenever a person not a Mason makes the charge that Masonry is a religion, they are then quoted Pike at the 10th Degree denying it, and are never told that Pike reverses himself at the 13th Degree to admit that Masonry IS a religion.  Truly, Freemasonry is a series of long hallways of smoke and mirrors, designed to lead all but a handful of Masons astray, and to deceive 100% of all Non-Masons.  No organization that engages in deliberate lying can call itself Christian.

6)  Since Masonic Lodges are religious temples, what are they searching for since they do not worship Jesus Christ?

"Freemasonry is a search for Light.  That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 741, Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction]

7)  But isn't the Kabalah a religion?

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati ... all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their symbols." [Pike, Morals and DogmaWe wish to warn all our Jewish friends who are caught up in the revival of Kabalah study, they are believing in the very Satanic counterfeit to the Torah and other Old Testament books of the Bible that the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day were practicing.  Did you know that the major reason the Pharisees and Sadducees plotted to murder Jesus, in spite of His obvious supernatural power, was because they were practicing the witchcraft of the Kabalah? You can read the full details in two of the Cutting Edge's former Radio Programs -- CE1077, "Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ" and CE1078, "Secret Societies Originated Unpardonable Sin, and Ramifications".  Once you read these two articles, you will understand why Jesus was so unrelenting in His pronouncements of damnation against the Pharisees, which is totally out of character of His love and compassion for ordinary sinners, even grievous sinners.  Jesus knew the Pharisees and Sadducees were practicing the witchcraft that later was to become known as the Kabalah.

8)  So, then, if the Kabalah is an ancient practice found within the occult world, are the symbols, words, and other Masonic expressions found within the occult?

"In modern witch rites, we find terms and expressions that are also used in Masonry, the Golden Dawn, and other such occult societies." [Arnold and Patricia Crowther, The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft, p. 22]

Once again, we see the instance where Freemasonry is loved by all the wrong people:  Witches, Satanists, Illuminists, demonically possessed New Age authors, and demonically possessed leaders of other secret societies.  Since "Birds of a Feather Flock Together", this fact is one very important and concrete evidence that Freemasonry is just as Satanic as these other organizations admit openly they are! Keep this fact in mind as you read the facts presented, below.

9)  So if Masonry is pushing the occult religions, surely many members must come from occult sources and backgrounds .

They certainly do!  We have listed examples, below, of known Satanists and/or Occultists who were also Freemasons in good standing.  Do not be deceived by any Masonic Propaganda that says these people were "rogue Masons"; on the contrary, they were Masons in good standing throughout their lives.  In fact, what these occultists who were also Masons represent are the very few Illuminated Masons who had gone all the way to the "Light", to discover what the final great secret of Masonry truly is, i.e., dedicated Satanists working to achieve the New World Order of Antichrist.

 a)  Arthur Edward Waite, occult writer and historian -- In free12 and free13 , we quote Waite continuously, noting that his books are always published by a known and established Masonic publishing house.

b)  Dr. Wynn Westcott -- member of the Rosicrucian Society and founding member of the occult Order of the Golden DawnThe Order of the Golden Dawn is one of the most Satanic of secret societies, and is highly active in the establishment of the coming New World Order of Antichrist.  Don't you find it extremely "illuminating" that its founder is also a Mason?

c)  S. L. MacGregor Mathers -- co-founder of the occult Order of the Golden Dawn -- Thus, we see that both founders of this Satanic secret society were Freemasons.

d)  Dr. Gerard Encausse -- member of the Illuminati and leader of the occult group known as 'Martinism'.  According to Albert Mackey, a 33rd Degree Mason, "The degrees of Martinism abounded in the reveries (pleasures) of the Mystics." [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Masonry", p. 552]  The "pleasures" of the Mystics is a euphemism for sex.  We have already noted that Freemasonry utilizes the symbolism of sex in their circle with a dot [free13 for full details].  In free07 , we also note the sexual symbolism inherent in their writings.  Freemasons "worship the creature rather than the Creator" just as much as do any of the pagan groups in world history.  Again, this fact is one of the reasons they insist upon absolute secrecy, rightly fearing public scrutiny.

e)  Aleister Crowley -- infamous Satanist who founded the occult religion of Thelema.  So debased and foul was he, that his contemporaries referred to him as 'Mr. 666', and his mother referred to him as 'The Beast' of the Book of Revelation.
While Crowley did not found the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.], he did control the organization for many years.  The O.T.O. is an extremely Black Magick secret society, very Satanic.

f)  Dr. Theodore Reuss -- Head of the occult order known as the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis).  He was such a prolific occult writer that he gave Aleister Crowley the reigns of authority of the O.T.O. in London.    This is an official logo of the O.T.O., taken off the web.  You are looking into the black abyss of Hell in this drawing.  This apparently is the entrance into Hell, with the Masonic-type columns on each side and the typically Masonic/occultic winged symbol above.  Two All-seeing Eyes oversee all who enter its gates.  Freemasonry is "identical with the Mysteries", says Albert Pike; therefore, this scene of the Gates of Hell IS Freemasonry.

g)  George Pickingill -- renowned master witch of 19th Century England and leader of the 'Pinkingill coven' .

h)  Manly P. Hall -- a Rosicrucian, Masonic author, and founder of the Philosophical Research Society . Hall was world renowned as a Freemason, and one of its most prolific writers.  It was he who said that Fellow Craft Masons can expect to have the "seething energies of Lucifer in your hands" once he understands the deep secrets of the Craft. His books were published by prestigious Masonic Publishing companies.  Since Hall was simultaneously a Rosicrucian and a Freemason, we wish to show you the Rosicrucian Cross , so you can see the terrible blasphemies of Freemasonry.    Please closely observe how they have covered our precious Cross of Calvary with the deepest, most wicked, symbols of Satan!  You can see four (4) upright pentagrams, representing Lucifer and covering each of the four points of the cross; then, you can see a hexagram just below the center, on the downward arm of the cross, probably designed to cast a "HEX" on our Savior's cross!  Folks, this is the true nature of Freemasonry.  Masonry reveres Rosicrucianism so very highly, they have an order dedicated to it, called, "Knight of the Rosy Croix", the 18th Degree!  Once, more the true Satanic nature of Freemasonry becomes more clear.

i) Gerald B. Gardner -- founder of the modern revival of Wicca, who had a style of witchcraft named after him known as the 'Gardnerian Style of Witchcraft'.

j)  Alex Sanders -- known as the "King of all Witches" in London,  he was one of the most influential witches after Gardner.  He also had a style of witchcraft named after him called, "Alexanderian Witchcraft".

k)  Eliphas Levi -- one of the most occult writers of the 19th Century . Doc really understates the case here.  Levi was known as "the foremost occult authority of the 19th century". [Nuit Unlimited Imports, a New Age importer of witchcraft memorabilia]  Levi created the extremely obscene image of Baphomet to represent Satan. "Levi's drawing of Baphomet shows his emphasis on sex, for he made Baphomet as an androgynous [both male-female] figure.  Satan, like Baphomet, is often pictured as a hermaphroditic deity, having a male phallus and the breasts of a woman.  The winged staff between Baphomet represents the phallus ... In a book on witchcraft, The Complete Book of Witchcraft and Demonology, we find a picture of Baphomet.  The caption states that he is the 'horned god of the witches, sex incarnate'.  This picture ... shows Baphomet making the Devil's triad with his right hand." [Dr. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated ]

Levi's Guiding Spirit took him to levels of an understanding of witchcraft that few men in history have ever experienced.  His illustrations are considered unequalled in the occult world, and he was not only contemporary with Albert Pike, he was very influential on Pike. [Arthur Edward Waite, Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism, Kila, Montana, reprinted by Kessinger Freemasonry Publishing Co.]  Arthur Waite said of Levi, "... undoubtedly one of the most distinguished of the Continental exponents of occult science which the 19th Century produced, and his writings attain an important position in the estimation of modern schools of higher magic." [Waite, quoted in Levi's book, The History of Magic, in Kessinger's Catalog, attempting to influence you to buy Levi's book]

Albert Pike (33rd Degree Mason, Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction) was, therefore, undoubtedly influenced by Levi in his views on Lucifer.  We have already quoted Pike in Morals and Dogma (p. 567, 28th Degree) where he identifies Lucifer as the Light-bearer of Freemasonry, the "Light" to whom all Masons pledge to work toward.  Listen to Levi talk about Lucifer. "XXXVIII:  What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil.  The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete [an advocate]; it is the Holy Spirit, where the physical Lucifer is the great angel of universal magnetism." [Eliphas Levi, The Mysteries of Magic, A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi]


Most Freemasons are shocked to disbelief when they are told that women can become full-fledged Freemasons, as they have been led to believe that only men can become Masons.  However, a dirty little secret is that women can become Co-Masons, joining as full-fledged members, usually along with their husbands.  You can see the two symbols for Co-Masonry I have discovered, along with Elizabeth Aldworth and a general picture of women in their Masonic regalia.  Co-Masonry has produced some really important leaders in the New World Order movement.  Listen as Doc Marquis explains:

Contrary to popular belief, females can, and have, become members of the Masons.  In Albert Mackey's book, Encyclopedia of Masonry, (p. 307) there is a law of Masonry that is known as The Law of Salique .  It states that females cannot become Masons; but there were, nevertheless, female members in the past.  Some examples are:

a) The honorable Mrs. Aldsworth -- [pictured above] -- around 1735, she received the first and second degree in Lodge #44 at Doneraile, Ireland.

b)  Mrs.. Beaton -- she was a resident who received her initiation in Norfolk, England.

c)  Madam de Xaintrailles -- initiated into a French Lodge during the end of the last century

d)  Elizabeth St. Leger -- initiated in 1710 at the age of 17.

e)  Countess Barkoczy of Hungary , was initiated into the Hungarian Lodge of Freemasonry

11.  Like many of the male members, are there any examples in which female occultists were also Masons?  Yes!

a)  Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky , founder of the occult Theosophical Society, was initiated into the Masons during the early part of last century.  Once again, Marquis underplays the significance of the facts.  Blavatsky was the founder of one of the most deeply Satanic secret society on earth!  People who learned Satanism from her included Adolf Hitler and some of his men, and Lenin with some of his Communist leaders.  Hitler, particularly, found Blavatsky's teachings to be crucial to his Satanic doctrines, especially her treatise, Secret Doctrine.  Hitler's Holocaust occurred in large part because of Blavatsky's teachings!  Yet, here we see that she was a member of the Freemasons.

b)  Annie Besant -- leader of this deeply Satanic Theosophical Society.

c)  Alice A. Bailey -- Succeeding Besant as the leader of the House of Theosophy, Alice and her husband Foster [32 Degree Mason] were members of Co-Masonry.  Alice founded the publishing company, Lucifer Trust, for the express purpose of printing the flood of New Age books about to come into being.  After learning that too many people were objecting to the bold name of Lucifer, Alice changed the name to Lucis Trust

12)  Assuming, then, that many Masonic members are interested in, or into, the occult, what are the true religious doctrines of the Masons?

"That which we must say to the crowd is:  'We worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition.'  To you , Sovereign Grand Instructors General [a 33rd Degree Mason], we say this ... you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th Degrees ... The Masonic religion should be, by all of the initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine ... Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay [God of the Holy Bible] is also God ... the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light, God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." [Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy , p. 220-221, quoting a letter from Albert Pike to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World on July 14, 1889]

 Freemasonry has counter-attacked this letter, claiming it is bogus.  However, they must answer the fact that this worship of Lucifer is also written in Pike's two monumental books, Morals and Dogma, and Magnum Opus.  Every thing contained in this letter is also contained in these two books, and we have them at this office.

Finally, history does not record that Freemasonry ever sued Lady Queenborough for libel and slander.  Surely, since the letter is so damning, Freemasonry would have gone to all lengths to clear their name, even to the point of suing.  Their absolute lack of such action speaks volumes as to the truth of Lady Queenborough's claim that this letter from Pike is genuine.

13)  Now wait a minute!  Are you saying that the 'light', for which Masonry is looking, is found with Lucifer?

"LUCIFER, the Light-Bearer .. Is it he who bears the Light?  Doubt it not!" [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 321.; Emphasis in the original]

14)  Hold it!  Isn't Lucifer, or Satan, the black god?  The evil one?

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is Yahweh (GOD) reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but a negation of God.  For Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force ..." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma , p. 102]  Pike's statement in the letter, quoted in paragraph 12, above, defines pure Satanism.  They believe God and Lucifer are equal Gods, were competitors in the Garden of Eden, with Adonay God of the Holy Bible getting "temporary" victory.  But, occultists believe that, at the Battle of Armageddon, God Lucifer will overthrow God Adonay and claim his rightful throne in Heaven.  All Luciferians, including the Illuminati, believe this with their whole heart.  God Adonay is the cruel God, as demonstrated by all the times He ordered the Israelites in the Old Testament to slaughter entire populations of people for the only sin of worshipping Lucifer, His adversary; Lucifer, on the other hand, has no such slaughter on His record, and is considered to be the Good God.

Furthermore, calling Lucifer or Satan, a Force instead of a Person, Pike fulfills Biblical prophecy for Antichrist.  In Daniel 11:38, God gives this prophecy.  "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:"  Neither Albert Pike, nor any other Luciferian, will ever know they just fulfilled Bible prophecy for the forces of Antichrist.  However, as we point out in free01, "Teachings About Jesus Christ", their doctrine of Jesus also fulfills the Biblical definition of Antichrist exactly.

15)  Is Satan, then, perceived to be God, the source of Light?

"To conceive of God ... the Kabala imagined Him to be a 'most occult light'." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 740]

16)  Since the Masonic religion is a "front" for the religion of the Illuminati, is the Masonic "light" the "light" of the Illuminati ?

"The result is light or illumination.  Such are the Illuminati."  [J.D. Buck, 32nd Degree Mason, Mystic Masonry , Introduction, p. xl.]  Once again, we see Freemasonry convicted of being Luciferian by the words of their own authors.  It is really too bad that over 95% of all Freemasons do not take the time to read the very books we, and other Christian authors, have read.  Such doubting Masons have not done one iota as much research as we, and yet, they choose to believe their lying Superiors.

17)  Isn't the Masonic candidate told the full truth of Freemasonry's religion and god when they enter the Blue Lodge, where they receive their first three degrees?

"The Blue Degrees (the Blue Lodge degrees) are but the outer court or portico of the Temple.  Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally mislead by false interpretations.  It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understand them ."  [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 819; Emphasis added]

All Freemasons need to read and re-read this very illuminating paragraph.  Pike has just boldly told his 30th Degree Adepts that they are to be free to intentionally mislead lower ranking Masons.  Such poor slobs are to imagine that they understand the symbols of Freemasonry!  Such bold-face lying comes from the Evil One, Satan, not the Holy God of the Bible!

18)  Who, then, is allowed to know the truth, and what is really going on in Masonry?

"We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree (30th and above), whom we shall select.  With regards to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy.  Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful, because its direction will be unknown." [Letter, dated 1/22/1870, from Pike to the Head of the Order of the Illuminati, Guiseppe Mazzini] 

19) Are you saying that the "outside" of Masonry is only for "show", and that there is something else behind it?

"It is this which has served as the basis for our organisation of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE ... CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE SHOW ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS ... masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place,remains for the whole people an unknown mystery."  [Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, capitalization in the original, but color emphasis added]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the most blatantly Satanic document in world history!  They systematically list all the steps that are necessary to establish their New World Order and its superman, Antichrist.  For the Protocols to boldly state that Freemasonry is a blind screen for the Illuminati, is damning.  Once again, we see their belief, stated by Pike above, that a super rite that is totally unknown, will promote the interests of the Illuminati powerfully. Freemasonry itself is being used as a "blind screen" by the Illuminati, to bring in the New World Order.

20)  Then if Masonry is only "Show" on the outside, what are they trying to "screen" on the inside?

"SECRET SOCIETIES -- Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free Masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges ... will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program ... The most secret plots will be known to us and will fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception." [Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion , capitalization in the original]

21)  Hasn't anyone ever tried to warn people about the Masonic/Illuminati connection and their activities before?

Yes!  Many people have tried, but few people were ever listening.  All of the following warnings came from individuals who were high ranking political figures, scholars, writers, and religious leaders.  These people were not "sensationalists", nor were they "doomsday" people.  They were all highly qualified, and praised, individuals of their fields.

a)  President George Washington , 1785, in a letter written to the Reverend G. W. Snyder:  "Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati -- the principles of Jacobinism -- had not spread in the United States.  On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."  Shortly before he died, President Washington was well aware that the Adam Weishaupt radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to America.

b) In 1797, Professor John Robison warned Masonic leaders that the Illuminati had infiltrated their lodges.

c)  Reverend Jebediah Morse (father of Samuel Morse) preached in 1798: "The Order (of the Illuminati) has its branches established and its emissaries at work in America."

d)  Dr. David Pappen, President of Harvard University , on July 19, 1798, issued a warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence the Illuminati was having on American politics and religion.

e)  John Quincy Adams , in 1800, opposed Thomas Jefferson for the presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive Illuminati purposes.  The information contained in those letters is credited with winning Adams the election.  The letters were held in the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.

f) Dr. Joseph Willard, President of Harvard University , said on July 4, 1812, to the graduating class:  "There is sufficient evidence that a number of societies of the Illuminati have been established in this land.  They are doubtless striving to secretly undermine all our ancient institutions, civil and sacred.  These societies are clearly leagued with those of the same order in Europe ... We live in an alarming period.  The Enemies of all order are seeking our ruin.  Should infidelity generally prevail, our independence would fall, of course.  Our republican government would be annihilated."

We live in the final time Harvard President Willard feared; the enemies of our freedoms are perilously close to achieving their plan.  When qualified people like this could see the conspiracy to destroy our country and our freedoms, why do so many Americans now disbelieve?

g)  The Prime Minister of England, Sir Winston Churchill, said in 1920, three years after the Bolsheviks seized Russia:  "From the days of Spartacus/Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky ... this world-wide conspiracy ... has been steadily growing.  This conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution .  It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

In Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History", we spend a lot of time demonstrating that the Illuminati created Communism; further, we show the theory under which the Plan for the New World Order is operating that would necessitate the deliberate creation of Communism.  However, we are shocked to hear this quote, for Winston Churchill told the world that Illuminati created Communism all the way back in 1920!

h)  Famous historian, English author Nesta Webster, in her book, World Revolution, published in the 1920's, [p. 78], said: "Whilst these events (early stages of the French Revolution of 1789) were taking place in Europe, the New World (America) had been Illuminized.  As early as 1786, a Lodge of the Order (Illuminati) had been started in Virginia, and this was followed by fourteen others in different cities."

i)  The Report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on Education , stated in 1953: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the Secret Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Federal Constitution."

This statement is unbelievable, not for its content, but for its source -- the California Senate on Education!  I am constantly amazed at how the knowledge of one generation can be buried by succeeding generations.  Truly, every generation must earn its own freedoms.

22)  When did the Masons become a part of the Illuminati?

"On July 16, 1782, at the infamous Congress of Wilhelmsbad, near the city of Hanau in Hesse-Cassel.  It was initiated by Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of the Order of Strict Observance." [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 1006.

23) What happened at this meeting?

Dr. Adam Weishaupt, and his right-hand man, Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), attended the Congress of Wilhelmsbad; they had met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7-part Plan to the Creation of a New World Order.

24) How did they do this? 

At the end of the 30 council meetings, the representatives of the Masonic world signed a blood contract, vowing that they would follow the Illuminati's 7-part Plan to the Creation of a New World Order.

25) Don't Any of the Masons know about these facts?

For the most part, no.  About 95% of all Masons haven't a clue as to what is really going on in their own lodges.  Only 30th Degree Masons and above may be allowed to know these secrets.  Of those Masons who are 30th and above, only 5% of them know the full truth, because they have already been initiated into the Illuminati.  Most of the time, an Illuminist will enter into the ranks of Masonry simply to continue the infiltration process.  Eventually, this Illuminist will become one of the high ranking Masons and will, therefore, be able to better control the Masonic world because of his degree and power.

If you are part of the 95+ of all Freemasons who are doomed to remain in the dark as to the true nature of your Lodge, you now have been exposed to the truth. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

If you would like to contact Doc Marquis directly, you may reach him at:  Christians Exposing The Occult, P.O. Box 632436, Nacogdoches, TX, 75963-2436, 409-552-7313.

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Copyright 1998 Cutting Edge Ministries

Subtitle: Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, answers the Top 25 Questions he receives during his seminars on Illuminati, Witchcraft, and Freemasonry.


April | 2015 | ovadosepeace

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