SYMBOLS - Magic Love Spells, Witchcraft, Spell Books and

Celtic Symbols of love and strength, the Ancient Symbols there is a secret language that most of us recognize, but in which few are fluent the language of symbols. Symbols surround us in many formats, shapes, sizes, and appearances, forming an inextricable part of our daily lives, yet unlike our spoken languages, a schooling in symbolism is left to the individual initiative. Even in religious teaching, symbols are presented as emblems of belonging and on a deeper level represent much more than mere historical artifacts one wears to identify with one's faith. Celtic Symbols and Meanings of Ancient Irish and Norse based signs, sigils and love symbols, witchcraft symbols, and symbols of love are ancient symbols of magic and the zodiac, often used as symbols of strength, power and family unity.

Symbols - Representations - Correspondences

Animal Symbols, Astrology Symbols, Celtic Symbols, Zodiac and Horoscope, Love Signs, and other Magic Symbols, Emblems, Glyphs, and Tattoo designs we take for granted today as static signs of religious or secular life were created long ago and through modern Iconography have been revealed as representations of our world our universe the movements of earth and heaven, symbols of the seasons, and representations of cosmic and earthly deities. Over time, these ancient symbols have acquired layers of increasingly complex meaning, and this evolution of meaning tells us much about how we developed our ideas about the nature of life and the universe. Signs used in modern magick and Western religious traditions such as the Celtic symbols, zodiac symbols, Egyptian symbols, tattoo symbols, dream symbols, kanji symbols, religious symbols, love symbols, ancient symbols, mystic signs and symbols, Greek symbols, Irish symbols and their symbol meanings, share a common ancestry that dates before the creation of writing. These symbols are powerful because they are archetypal as even cultures that do not share language share an innate understanding of symbols just as the ancient Celts did.

Rare Old Celtic SymbolWe've just opened up an exciting new archive of ancient and rare Celtic symbols and meanings from the mysteries of the Druids. Great new full-color images of Celtic signs, symbols and sigils:

Symbols of Magick and Astrology

Ancient Symbols of Magic, Astrology, the Horoscope, Zodiac, and Alchemy are based on a common symbolic 'alphabet,' composites created from smaller symbols. Knowing how to recognize these smaller units will allow you to decipher many of the larger symbols whenever you encounter them. Knowing the secret system behind these symbols can provide an incredible amount of insight into even the most inscrutable signs.

The following magic symbols are the ones most widely used during the European revival of the "Old Religion," witchcraft or Wicca, in the spells of that era. There have been numerous additions to and subtractions from the list over the years, but for the sake of authenticity, the following symbols are a fair representation.

The Sigil, Sigils, Siglia, or Sigla

Magic symbols are often referred to as sigils. The word sigil stems from the Latin sigilum meaning seal. Sigils or Siglia or sigla are symbols that have been created for a specific magickal purpose and are used to form a glyph, composed of a variety of symbols or concepts which carry intent and inherent iconic meaning. Through iconography, emblems, symbols, and the symbolism of tattoos, the ankh, glyphs, and the Sigilia common in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalistic magic have been, for the most part, successfully decoded.

The Goat of Mendes

First associated erroneously with Satanism in the 1960's, the Goat of Mendes, Mendes Pentacle, or Sabbatic Goat symbol was inaccurately attributed to the 19th century occultist, Elipas Levi. The Goat of Mendes symbol is often confused with Levi's depiction of the Templar icon Baphomet, which was never presented as a symbol of evil, but of harmony, redemption, and union with the divine. Nevertheless, the two are confused so often it is almost impossible to separate them. The name Goat of Mendes comes from a connection Levi made between the Templar Baphomet, the Goat of the witch's Sabbat (as depicted in popular art), and the Egyptian god Ammon of Mendes, Egypt, which Levi believed had been an emblem of fertility and sexual freedom. Later, it was determined that Levi's connection was wrong Ammon was represented by a ram, not a goat but the confusion remains to this day.

In 1966, a simplified version of the Goat of Mendes symbol was adopted as the icon of Anton Lavey's Church of Satan and the emblem is now often referred to a the Judas Goat by modern Satanists.

Common Symbols of Magic

The following symbols are commonly used in the practice of magic. At the end of the images there are additional links to other pages of symbols.


crossCross A universal symbol from the most remote times, it is a cosmic symbol par excellence. The cross traces its origin to a sun-symbol, a Babylonian sun-symbol, an astrological Babylonian-Assyrian and heathen sun-symbol, also in the form of an encircled cross referred to as a solar wheel, and many other varieties of crosses. Also, the cross represents the Tree of Life, the age-old fertility symbol, combining the vertical male and horizontal female principles, especially in Egypt, either as an ordinary cross, or better known in the form of the crus ansata, the Egyptian ankh sometimes called the Tau cross which had been carried over as our modern-day biological symbol of the female.


cupCup In divination, the cup represents rebirth, mystery, magic, divination, fertility, sexuality, new beginning, and prophecy. In magick, the cup is used in spells and rituals concerning fertility, easing childbirth, to aid in divination and magic, and enhancing psychic abilities.

Elven Star

elvenstarElven Star There is much meaning behind the septagram, or seven-pointed star, also known as the Elven Star or Faerie Star. Each point of the star has a meaning, and stories about the meanings vary depending on the storyteller. Seven has long been a magical or lucky number, so many like the elven star for it's seven points. There are seven wonders of the ancient world, seven visible colors in a rainbow, seven notes to a musical scale (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti), and seven levels of heaven. Additionally, there are seven chakras, or energy centers in the body, and seven days of the week. Seven represents universal balance. This is illustrated by the symbol for earth, a square with four sides, combined with the trinity, representing heaven. These are bound together in harmony, forming a seven-pointed star. In an elven star, this balance is symbolized by three over four, or heaven over earth. For some, the points represent the seven directions: north, south, east, west, above, below, and within. For others, it's the seven magical elements: earth, air, fire, water, life, light, and magic. Still others say it's inner and outer elements: earth, air, fire, water, heaven, earth and self.

Gardnerian Pentagram

gardnerian pentagramGardnerian Pentagram There are different thoughts in Wicca regarding the Elements. Some hold to the earlier Greek conception of the classical elements of air, fire, water, and earth, while others recognize five elements: earth, air, water, fire, and spirit (akasha). It has been claimed that the points of the frequently worn pentagram symbol, the five pointed star, symbolise five elements. The pentacle, a five-pointed star inside a circle, is most often shown with its point facing upward. Many Wiccans believe that the upper point represents spirit, and the four remaining points symbolise earth, air, fire, and water, but others deny that the points of the pentagram or pentacle represent anything at all.

Mano Cornuto

mano cornutoMano Cornuto In modern Italy the horns are deviously placed behind someone's head or pointed at a person with the conveyed meaning being that this person is being cheated on by his wife or her husband. The Italian cornuto translates literally to having horns, but figuratively means the person is a cuckold, literally, "a man whose wife has sexual relations with someone else". The gesture is also common in Spain, Colombia, Portugal, Brazil, Albania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Greece and has the same meaning in all of these countries.

Triple Moon Goddess

triple moon goddessTriple Moon Goddess The Triple Moon Goddess symbol represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone as the waxing, full, and waning moon. This symbol is also associated with feminine energy, mystery, and psychic abilities. There exists a cross association and transformation within this symbol as the triple goddess is a maiden during the waxing moon, mother during the full moon, and crone during the waning moon. The maiden is innocent and young, the mother fertile and loving, yet a fierce protector of her young and the crone is old and wise, but also the gateway to death.

Triquetra - Triqueta

triquetra-triquetaTriquetra - Triqueta The triqueta symbolizes the triple aspected goddess as maid, mother, and crone. While Christians have protested the Wiccan "appropriation" of this symbol, ironically, the original Christian fish symbol was derived from an early symbol of venus, one representing female generative organs, which makes the triquetra a perfect symbol for a Goddess revival. The triquetra is also considered to represnt the triplicities of mind, body, and soul, as well as the three domains of earth according to Celtic legend: earth, sea, and sky.

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