Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in

A man accused of beheading a five-year-old boy as part of a witchcraft ritual has been thrashed and set on fire by enraged locals.

Tirumala Rao, 35, allegedly seized the child from a nursery inside a health centre and carried him to his house.

According to reports, he then performed a prayer ritual before cutting off the helpless boy's head, collecting his blood in a vessel and sprinkling it all over his house.

Read more : Triple murder of mum and sons 'was witchcraft ritual connected with blue moon'

The incident was discovered when the victim's mother, named L Adilakshmi, went to collect her son from the nursery in Pokuru in Andhra Pradesh in south east India and found he had disappeared.

Seized: The child was snatched from his home in Andhra Pradesh and murdered

A family friend told her she had seen Rao take the child and the distraught woman was then said to have gone to Raos house with a group of villagers.

She found the beheaded body of her son in the corner of one room and his head in the other corner, next to the vessel of his blood.

Police: The suspect was lynched by villagers

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According to the Indian Express, they then tracked down the accused, who had fled, tied him to a pole, doused him in kerosene and set him alight. As they lynched him the suspect was heard to have said he could bring the boy back to life.

He was found by police and taken to hospital for treatment, where he is in a critical condition.

According to The Hindu, the accused's brother, Venkata Rao, revealed Rao had tried to attack him with a sickle in the past, and had parted ways with his wife as she could not put up with his odd behaviour.

Questioned: Police will cross-examine the suspect when he recovers

Superintendent of police Ch. Srikanth said, ''This is a first-of-its-kind incident in Prakasam district.'' He added that the accused had a reputation in the village of keeping ties with practitioners of tantric rituals, and had on Tuesday night made an unsuccessful attempt to abduct an 18-month-old girl.

''Once he recovers, he will be subjected to questioning after an examination of his mental condition by a psychiatrist."

Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in ...
Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft ritual

Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in ...
Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft ritual A man accused of beheading a five-year-old boy as part of a witchcraft

Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in ...
Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft ritual. Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft

5 Year Old Boy Snatched From Nursery And Beheaded In ...
A man accused of beheading a five-year-old boy as part of a Snatched From Nursery And Beheaded In Occult news/five-year-old-boy-snatched

Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in ...
FIVE-YEAR-OLD BOY SNATCHED FROM NURSERY AND BEHEADED IN SADISTIC WITCHCRAFT RITUAL Tirumala Rao, 35, allegedly seized the child from a nursery inside a health centre

5yr old boy snatched from nursery & beheaded witchcraft ...
5yr old boy snatched from nursery & beheaded witchcraft ritu. 5yr old boy snatched from nursery & beheaded Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and

Five-Year-Old Boy Snatched From Nursery And Beheaded In ...
Five-Year-Old Boy Snatched From Nursery And Beheaded In Sadistic Witchcraft Ritual. by Galleria News · October 2, 2015

Five-Year-Old Boy Kidnapped From Nursery, Beheaded In ...
Brutally Beheaded In Witchcraft Ritual: Suspect From Nursery, Brutally Beheaded In Witchcraft Boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic

Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in ...
boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft ritual. Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft ritual

Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in ...
Five-year-old boy snatched from nursery and beheaded in sadistic witchcraft ritual. inside a health centre and carry him to his house where he beheaded him

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