Simple Wiccan Magick Spells Easy Witchcraft Spell

Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon SpellsThe May 2016 full moon is called Flower Moon or Merry Moon. This full moon is unusual because it happens on the cusp of sun signs Taurus and Gemini.

It will occur on May 21st at 5:14 p.m. in Eastern North America (Toronto and New York City), two or three hours earlier further west and 5 or 6 hours later further east (United Kingdom).

Sun in Taurus ~ April 21 May 21 ~ Full Water Moon in Scorpio

A full moon in Taurus dictates a full water moon in Scorpio. Wiccan traditions state that this is an ideal time for spells and rituals to increase your personal power. If needed, my Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook shows how to create a personal power talisman using a favourite piece of your own jewellery. If youve already created one, you may cleanse and charge it tonight.

Sun in Gemini ~ May 22 June 21 ~ Full Fire Moon in Sagittarius

Further east however, the moon becomes full early in the morning on May 22nd (5:14 a.m. in Hong Kong and Perth; 7:14 a.m. in Sydney), during the sun sign Gemini. Wiccans and Neo-Pagans in those places may want to perform the Pendulum Ritual for New Beginnings, for a full fire moon in Sagittarius, also available in my Full Moon Spells eBook.

May Correspondences

Flowers: lily of the valley and foxglove

Stones: Emerald and amber.

Suggested Menu

Simple Green Salad

Pasta with Clam Sauce

Lavender & Almond Butter Cookies

Recipes for this full moon and other Wiccan celebrations can be found in the Witches Cook Book.

Blessed be!


© 2016, Holly Zurich. All rights reserved.

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