The power of words - The Dynamic Turnaround


    Words Have Power - Words are Energy

    Your Body Believes Every Word You Say


Words are really two - edged swords - they can destroy or empower us.

If you could put what you're thinking on a CD, what would you entitle it? Thought patterns will come out sooner or later in your conversations.

Effects Of (Negative) Words On Our Health

The words we speak are powerful forces of creation. If we could see the energy behind our words and how they command, are responded to and manifest, we would use them very carefully. Yet we use words as a method of communicating with each other and often unaware that we are also communicating on many other levels each time we speak. Every sound we utter sends out an energy wave that aids in creating our world.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". You have no doubt heard this phrase at some time in your life, probably the most often in your childhood. Yet words do have the power to hurt us.  Words are a powerful force and the powerful effects of negative words cannot be underestimated. We all know how horrid and degrading it feels to be called insulting names or be told that we are stupid or deficient in some way. 


It's well known in psychology that descriptive statements, such as "you're lazy, you can't be trusted, you'll never be as smart as your sister, you are a failure, I kill you, it kills me, you are a nail to my coffin, etc., make a much deep and often life long impressions on a persons life. Sometimes a single derogatory sentence from a parent, partner, close friend or doctor can remain stuck in the brain for life, serving, as a toxic seed that grows into a belief that one will never be good enough, smart enough, or beautiful enough. It's much harder to remove these seeds than not to plant them in the first place.


Such words may not leave actual bruises but they certainly leave marks on our psyche, helping to form the picture we hold of ourselves. If you repeatedly hear messages that you are stupid, worthless and ugly and idiotic, your subconscious will begin to believe that it is true. You will hold an image of yourself as worthless, ugly and idiotic and you will begin to see yourself only in a negative way, all because of the words someone uses to describe you. Many times I hear in my practice from my patients how negative statements and harsh words spoken to them in childhood, still haunts them, and are often deep in grated into their souls. It is, of course, unacceptable that anyone should call someone else such names, but name-calling happens so regularly that the effects of those words may be overlooked. 


The same can be said for the words we use to describe ourselves.

Do you ever berate yourself for mistakes you make, calling yourself stupid or useless? Are you your own worst critic, never giving yourself a break? You are certainly not alone if this is the case, but you should be aware of the pervasive effects of the negative words you use against yourself. Every time you call yourself something derogatory or use negative terms such as "nothing good happens to me" or "I will never be a success", you are helping to strengthen those beliefs about yourself. And in the process you are doing yourself a great disservice. You may perhaps never tolerate rude or sarcastic comments said to you by others, but you may not be so determined about the way you speak to yourself day in day out. Because we are constantly giving messages to ourselves, it is more vital than ever to ensure that those words you hear in your mind are as positive as possible.

Each person has beliefs about words. People have positive and negative connotations associated with words layered in many thoughts and feelings. Pick any word. If you cannot think of a word in this moment, some suggestions are hope, sadness, cure, health, healing, death, God, family, friends, and community. Start with only one word to focus on your beliefs for that word alone. What are your thoughts and feelings around that word? Where do your thoughts and feelings for that word come from? Do you like how you relate to the word? If not, what would you prefer to think and feel related to the word?

Another exercise is to explore how you think and feel about the word cancer.

Consider doing an exercise where you write the word cancer in the middle of a blank sheet of paper and then add any language that you associate with cancer. What are your thoughts and feelings around cancer? Where do your thoughts and feelings for the word cancer come from? Do you like how you relate to the word cancer? If not, what would you prefer to think and feel related to cancer? Along with cancer, consider exploring your thoughts and feelings related to the words healing and curing for more information about yourself and perhaps how you are approaching your challenge.


Every negative word you use against yourself is potentially a deadly weapon. It has the power to slowly chip away at your dreams and ambitions, your energy and your health. It is almost like a form of self-hypnosis whereby negative words begin to program your negative behaviour for the future. This effect of negative words can be likened to a heavy, gray cloud that settles over your whole life and refuses to shift. Each negative word makes the cloud heavier and darker until it swamps your whole life zapping away any pleasure or happiness. You stop appreciating the many blessings you do have in your life and once you lack gratitude the negativity becomes even more ingrained.


If you use negative words you owe it to yourself to begin to change that pattern. Surely you deserve to live your life in a more positive way? And surely it is time to become your best friend rather than an enemy and support yourself with positively? You are too important to waste your life due to the use of negative words and you have too much to offer the world to remain under a cloud of negativity. It is worthwhile to connect the dots between how you think and talk and what is unfolding in your life. I am constantly reminded of this in my practice, listening to my patients. By listening to their phrases, words and sentence structures I am able to observe how they orchestrate the play they call their life.


If you start to experience turmoils in your own life, take a look at WHAT you are saying and HOW you are saying it. Do not agree with someone just to be polite. Find a polite way to speak your own truth or don't say anything at all. Train yourself to speak your desires fluently in all manners of language, which include your mannerisms, gestures, verbal responses and non-responses.


Fighting Words: Arguments Can Affect Heart Health, Cancer Risk

Avoid fueling verbal fires. A powerful pep zapper is distress over troubled relationships! Worrying about them can quickly siphon off needed energy. So why not try a more effective way to resolve these problems?

When someone starts to blow up all over you, be careful about your response. Why burn your relationship house down with your own mouth? Try spraying water on an argument with calm words instead of using a flame-thrower.


How many marriages have been destroyed when in a fit of anger people spew out hurtful accusations to one another that are never forgotten. You might as well punch a hole in a feather pillow and let the feathers fly all over the place and then try to collect them one by one! You can't get back the damaging effects of those hurtful words either. While no doubt looks could kill, the ability to lash out verbally was often strong enough to tear into the depths of one's soul. Verbal attacks have the potential to inflict wounds that often result in a lifetime of pain and suffering.

Pennsylvania State University researchers have found a "physiological marker" showing that words can have a significant impact on a person's health.

Scientists have known for at least a decade that stress can cause a rise in proteins that have been linked to cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.

But psychologist Jennifer Graham at Penn State reports that choosing words that reflect thoughtfulness, or rationality, or perhaps just caring, can reduce the increase in proteins, called cytokines, such as Interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. During stress, those proteins normally go up, thus impairing the immune system.


Graham and her colleagues searched through transcripts of the sessions for particular words "linked with cognitive processing" that would suggest the person was giving the conflict a little serious thought. The blood tests revealed people who used words that reflect thoughtfulness limited the rise in the damaging proteins, so there was added health protection for participants who choose the right words in conversing with their partner.

Graham suggested that carefully expressing one's thoughts during an argument might have a lasting effect, because there is some benefit in simply stating one's case clearly. The research shows that if you keep your cool, don't use inflammatory language, and run your comments through a bit of cognitive processing - in other words, think about the words you use - you can emerge from a fight with your lover better equipped to deal with some really serious health issues.


What about the power of words used by health care providers and by yourself?

One of the most powerful healing tools we have are the everyday words we use. Although there is considerable research in this area, many in the medical health field know very little about the healing power of words. Positive words result in positive effects and negative words result in negative effects. How words are used can encourage health or advance illness.

There are over 700 papers in the medical literature emphasizing that the words we choose have a direct effect on our patients health. Positive words give hope and promote the healing process. Negative words extinguish hope and can create despair.


"Words can kill you, commented Bernie Siegel, MD as he showed an entire screen of words/swords running into each other during a presentation to a group of individuals at a Cancer Patients retreat.

Even in the absence of anger or threat, words can seal our fate. When a doctor announces, "you have three months to live," life suddenly comes to a grinding halt. Yet you have a choice. If you accept the prognosis without reservation, your fate is sealed. Your body will not argue. Such words become the substance of your beliefs which in turn significantly impact your biology and your will to live. However, if you challenge those words, your body stands at least a fighting chance to beat the odds or create new ones.


What makes words so powerful that they can change molecular structures? The body and the mind are not separable, as the research in the field of psychoneuroimmunolgy has powerfully demonstrated. Because thoughts themselves are electrochemical events, capable of initiating physical effects, this response is not only real but also powerful.  It plays a part in 'miracle cures,' control of pain and other symptoms, spontaneous remissions from disease, and the effect we get from drugs.

When a doctor announces, you have three months to live, life suddenly comes to a grinding halt. Such words become the substance of your beliefs which in turn significantly impact your biology and your will to live. However, if you challenge those words, your body stands at least a fighting chance to beat the odds or create new ones.

And here is an another powerful example of the effect words can have on ones health:

A woman had developed a serious disease of the eyes.     She was quickly going blind. Her physicians said there was nothing they could do. Being very determined and not liking what she heard, she turned to alternative therapies for a possible cure something she never would have done had she not been in this desperate situation. During the consultation, I asked her to describe herself, her life, etc. She talked for about 10 minutes as I stopped her and said: Did you know that in the last 10 minutes you said the words I hate to see 15 times? The woman was shocked. She used the words I hate to see before many things. I hate to see the way the world is going. I hate to see how they are treating the children in schools. On and on she made reference to I hate to see this or that. This was literally an eye opening experience. She switched her words and with the support of other complimentary therapies, now years later have perfect vision.

Over the past few decades, pioneering work in this area demonstrated that words not only impact health but also the vibration quality of words can influence the shape of life-giving water itself.

Words can heal or they can destroy. Dr. Masaru Emoto, an alternative medicine physician in Japan, has conducted years of research on the affect of words and music on the quality of water. The implications of his research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our own personal health by the words that we speak. 


Masaru Emoto Ph.D., has given humanity the scientific proof that has incredible potential to change the way we use our words. He has shown that positive words, like love and wisdom, literally spoken to liquid water then frozen cause the formation beautiful ice crystals.

Negative phrases like you fool or youre an idiot result in poorly organized ice crystals. Interestingly, the ice crystals formed from the word wisdom in English, German and Japanese all look very similar. I think it is vitally important for people to recognize the effects their words and thoughts have on their health. Dr. Masaru Emotos visual perspective is all you need to get the idea of what we do to our cells when we feed them the wrong thoughts. 


 Dr. Emoto also did studies on the effect of words and music on cooked rice. He found that un-refrigerated rice that was prayed over and sent thoughts of love and healing stayed sweet and fresh for weeks longer than rice that was either left alone or was sent thoughts of hate and disrespect.

We know in our everyday life how important our thoughts are and the words we either use to describe ourselves or the words that we use in conversation with others can be. Which situation do you feel more healing:

Someone who puts you down all the time and criticizes you; or,  someone who tells you how wonderful you are and how much they love you? If you are like me, you will choose the second scenario every time over the first.

It is important to choose your words carefully. Thanks to the work of Dr.Emoto many people on the planet are aware of how words affect water and because our bodies consist of so much water, words also affect our bodies.


Considering that adults are 72% water and, depending on age, children can be up to 95% water, maybe the words we use affect our actual physical structures and ultimately our health. Whether or not you can swallow Emoto's water research, the metaphor is clear: If a sample of water becomes polluted from an unspoken curse, what happens when we are cursed or curse ourselves?

Based on these findings, it would seem that positive words improve not only your health but also the health of all of those around you. So, try using ten positive words when talking with family, friends and co-workersevery day. Do it for your health and the health of those you care about.


Imagine how your words affect your own body.
When you say, Im a failure, or Im hopeless, or I wont get well, imagine how these words weaken your health. Make a choice to say the best words out there. Say often, Im wonderful, and Im Gods child, and God has a great plan for my life!

I encourage you to speak words of truth. Dethrone the lies in your mind. Say, I have a great future. Say, Im anointed. Im strong. Im blessed.

With every sentence we speak we are improving or destroying our health, relationships, finances, etc.


 Be conscious of the people you are socializing with.

It is not only personal insults from other people that can be damaging. Being in the company of people who frequently complain or see the bad in everything can be just as dispiriting. Such people give across a negative energy that soon infiltrates everything and everyone around them. Socializing with such people can be very trying, it is especially difficult to be in the company of anyone who actively enjoys wasting time complaining and uses negative words frequently. You probably know people like that! They cannot see the bright side or joy in any situation, even happy events.


They do not realise the insidious effect of negative words and how self-defeating their behaviour is. These people are usually very angry and feel trapped and cheated in life, keen to blame others or situations for their misfortune. This constant griping means they are no longer contributing positively to the world. Usually they are so wrapped up in complaining that they fail to realise life is passing them by. They become cynical and sometimes depressed, much of which is perpetuated by the negative words they use - in their private thoughts as well as verbally. It is no surprise when negative people become ill with some stress-related ailment or other - the mental stress they have caused themselves manifests in other parts of the body, damaging the immune system, raising blood pressure and accelerating the aging process.


Words need not be directed at a particular person in order to do damage. They can do damage even when overheard by someone outside the circle of conversation. Ugly words stick in the mind  - which is one reason why we must be especially careful of the words we use within the hearing of children. But fine words also stick in the mind, and every time we say something worthwhile, it could have unexpected and lasting benefit in the life of someone who is listening.

How the words we call our children effect their lives and health.

Many parents are overly concerned about the food that their children eat, and rightly so, because proper nutrition cannot be overemphasized. But few of them are aware that the words they speak and the way they say them actually has tremendous impact on a childs overall health. Sure, most people would agree that words can have an impact on a childs emotional heath, but how can it affect the physical health? It may be indirect, but the effects have repercussions that you certainly would not want your child to suffer from.


Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This is one of the most well intentioned lie perpetrated against children/youths by their well intentioned parents, relatives and guardians in the aim to motivate them to rise above negative name calling/verbal bashing. But lets face it, Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, is a lie, its just simply... a BIG, OLD, lie. Nonetheless well intentioned or not, it was and still is a LIE.

Work with me here, let me ask you this, how many of you carry the wounds of the past delivered in words like; you are stupid, you worthless.., stupid , stinking , youre nothing/will be nothing and will amount to nothing, or you are unfairly compared to a sibling or some other supposed ideal with words like, why cant you be more like, etc., words wound, they may not break your bones but they very well can break your psyche.


Those who have been recipients of name calling, verbal words of undermining and disrespecting the child or worse, verbal abuse, in the past that have not been resolved unfortunately carry it through to adulthood impacting their present and informing their future. It resonates and poisons the self-worth and esteem. It can dictate how we treat others and how we view the world.

Each nasty destructive word is carved in the insides of a person, its weaves itself into ones thoughts, breath, hopes and dreams. its toxic remnants seep insidiously through the veins and melds with ones DNA. Words wielded destructively can deconstruct and negatively reconstruct the human psyche with dire consequences.

Why is it that its an acceptable practice to call our young ones Brats, Rascals, Little Buggers, Monsters or simply Nuisances? Why is it that we would be furious if someone called us one of these, yet we use this terminology for our own children? Why is it that we are outraged if they are called names on the schoolyard, but from the time they are in the womb its common practice to call them everything from munchkins to Little Turnip.

How is this affecting our children and what is the message of self worth we are sending out to them?

We as parents need to be aware. Aware of the little nuances that make our children more than just a child but, rather, an individual with their own experience as they grow. We need to tap into our maternal and paternal instincts to be able to feel who our children REALLY are, rather than seeing them as children aka, Pains in the neck!

Can you imagine the blow to the tummy you would receive if on a daily basis, you thought you were doing alright and then be told dont be stupid or thats silly all the time? To think you had a good idea and then  told you werent the right age to begin to understand? To have it implied continually that your thoughts didnt matter, that you were only being good if you did exactly as you were told?


A toddler exploring wouldnt be as frustrating and cause us to categorize him as being in the terrible twos for looking curiously at the electrical outlets, rather he would be seen as trying to form an opinion about something, given a safer thing to explore and encouraged by being called a good boy. A 4 year old asking constant questions wouldnt be called nosey and get on our nerves as we try to do other things, rather she would be told that we love her questions, but would like to give the answers our undivided attention, so therefore after we were finished what we were doing we would sit and chat.

A 7 year olds bossiness, wouldnt be given the title bossy boots or told to just shut up and remember who was boss, but be told they he was doing exceptionally well making what he likes known clearly, but everyone is different and what is good for one, may not be for another.


 Parenting is not about control and our use of words to keep children in their place has to be changed. Our words could be used to build up our children and provide life long tools for them. Our encouraging and liberating speech could mean they would never doubt themselves or take a double check in the mirror to ponder whether they like what they find there.


Fuel For The Fire

Immeasurable damage can be done through a trivial piece of gossip. For lack of wood the fire goes out; and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases. Something might begin as idle talk, but through the addition of personal comments, half-truths and exaggerations it finishes up doing great damage. A great forest can be set ablaze by a small fire.


One problem with gossip is that we always think the problem applies to others, not to us. Some people might admit to being too talkative, and others might admit to being sharp-tongued, but it is difficult to find anyone who would admit to being a gossip. We have even learnt how to gossip by using a spiritual tone of voice. The truth is, according to the wise man, that those who belittle others lack sense, whereas those who keep quiet have understanding. While talebearers reveal secrets, the trustworthy keep a matter hidden.


If not checked, gossip can become a habit; worse still, an enjoyable habit. The words of the gossip are like delicious pieces of food; they go down into the inner parts of the body. They give people a satisfaction that arises only because they consider themselves to be free of the failures they report in others. But such self-confidence leads to self-deception. To feel superior is a sign not of wisdom, but of folly.


One of the most powerful weapons to enhance your life is your own tongue!

  • Practice speaking encouraging words to others and to              yourself instead of negative ones.

  • Concentrate on the qualities in other people, including to yourself that you can affirm and dwell on those things             instead of on faults. This alone should do wonders in            relieving stress in your relationships an in your life.

  • What we say can have a permanent effect for good or for        evil. Think back in your own life when someone encouraged you. You still remember what they said, don't you?

  • We store in our minds in a kind of mental art gallery what others have said to us. What words of yours would you like   to have permanently installed in someone else's mind?

  • Want to free yourself from an entrapping verbal situation? Practice waiting a while before answering someone when you're angry. Then carefully choose what you are going to   say. Your reply could well be remembered for the rest of the other person's life!


Being honest doesn't mean being brutal. In the name of telling the truth, we've all heard -- and said -- things we're sorry were ever uttered. It's worth remembering that every cell in your body is eavesdropping on the brain, and when you feel hurt or shocked by what you hear, the same shock is occurring to hundreds of billions of cells.

If you could put what you're thinking on a CD, what would you entitle it? Thought patterns will come out sooner or later in your conversations.

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