Heal Your Plantar Fasciitis and Avoid Reinjuring Your

Letters From Our Customers:

Dear MendMeShop,

I have been using the inferno wrap for about 3 weeks now and the results are outstanding. I could feel relief after the first use of the inferno wrap. About 2 years ago the doctor told me I had plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. The heel of my feet hurt so badly, I could hardly walk. Getting out of bed in the mornings was pain beyond belief. I would hold on to the bed railings to take a step. After going to the doctors and getting cortizone injections, ordering custom made insoles, exercises, taping my arch, and therapy, my feet were still hurting. I stopped the doctor visits for lack of relief. I was paying out so much money with no results. Not knowing what else to do, I prayed and asked God to show me what I could do to get releif. I came across the mend me website and read the entire article on foot problems and the products. What it said made so much sense to me. I felt it would be the right thing for me. I love the way it talks about the body and explain how it should work. What really drew me the most and encouraged me to order was: the site said your body was designed to heal itself. I am a firm believer in organic healing and avoiding medication and surgery whenever possible. When I read about the blood flow I was sold on the product. I know that blood is the life of the body. When I wear the inferno wrap I don't want to take it off. It gives relief and warmth right where it hurts. I will be ordering other products for the feet as well. Thanks for the information you give on each part of the body. I have referred your website to several people for different ailments.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Yolanda Oliver

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

Thank you to Paul and to Darren Cole for your follow-up emails after my product purchase of 3-11-13. I followed your suggestion of trying the products for 60 days. I am happy to advise you that I am now able to walk normally again without any pain. I still use the night splint but now only use the freezie or inferno wraps if my foot feels tired or sore.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Pam Smith

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

When we spoke on the phone regarding my husband's improved foot condition a few days ago I mentioned that he thought the size of his heel spur was actually reducing as a result of using the wrap. I didn't want to write to you about that in my last email until I had a chance to actually look at the heel spur myself. Well, I looked at it this morning and my jaw dropped! It has shrunk I would say at least 80%. When it was at its largest size I estimate that it protruded about .75 of an inch. Until he started using the wrap, it was a huge, hard and ugly protrusion that made it difficult to wear shoes. When I looked at his heel this morning it barely was protruding at all, less than .25 of an inch at its highest point. Keep in mind that bone spurs are a hard mass that don't come and go. They are permanent, and the hard mass was something he had been living with for years, but now it has reduced to almost nothing. We are absolutely astounded and my husband is so excited. The $146.00 was well worth it, especially compared to the shoe inserts which cost over $400 and did nothing to reduce the size of the bone spur. And his foot feels great! I told him he should call the two podiatrists he has seen and tell them but I doubt that he will.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Diane Scoccia II

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

More Plantar Facts:

The plantar fascia supports the arch of the foot in carrying the weight of the body.

Approximately 90% of women and 40% of men with plantar fasciitis are overweight.

It frequently affects athletes, people who are on their feet all day and those over 40 years of age.

Among professional athletes, plantar fasciitis is one of the 5 most common foot and ankle injuries.

If left untreated the condition could become chronic and can lead to a host of other issues.

Most sufferers are able to overcome the pain with non-invasive therapy.

Night splints prevent contraction and stretch your plantar fascia while you sleep to help with pain.

Treatment includes avoiding the activity, icing the inflammation, gently stretching and warming the area.

Ultrasound can speed plantar fasciitis recovery significantly.

Dear MendMeShop,

I have plantar fasciitis, which began over 20 years ago and has gotten progressively worse. I stand for prolonged periods of time, often 5-8 hrs a day as a fine arts painter.Spent approximately $1000 for various custom made inserts, tried several types of expensive shoes supposedly designed for plantar fasciitis, had two sessions of physical therapy at different clinics, sought treatment with a podiatrist who mainly wanted to do an expensive surgical procedure and offered no other treatment than more inserts. None really successful.After about 2hrs researching plantar fasciitis on Google, I decided to try MendMeShop. After about two weeks of scrupulous adherence the treatment plan outlined by MendMeShop there was a noticable decrease in pain and I am well pleased with the results so far. If improvement continues at the present rate I should be pain free before years end.

Rating: Five Star Rating

David Farmer

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

I purchased this product recently for my plantar fasciitis. I've been using it about a week, and it has helped a lot with the pain when I first get out of my bed in the morning.I previously tried something else, that was more like a sock, that pulled the toes, and that only caused pain.This [night splint] is very comfortable to wear, and I love how much I'm able to adjust it!I would recommend this to anyone!

Rating: Five Star Rating

Bonnie Barber

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

The cool wrap (Plantar Freezie) and the heat wrap (Plantar Inferno) is working. I am much better and thanks so much.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Gaylon Parnell

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Medical Treatments Once Reserved For Pro Athletes Are Now Available To The Public... Now You Can Heal Yourself At Home!

It Is Now Possible To:

  • Heal your Plantar Ligament Faster
  • Quickly Relieve the Pain of your injury (so you can walk again)!
  • Heal More Completely without internal scar tissue
  • Avoid Reinjury of your foot in the future.

       ...but only if you treat your injury correctly!

For chronic Plantar Fasciitis sufferers there are effective options with the MendMeShop Complete Plantar Therapy System - a true breakthrough in foot and tendon rehabilitation treatment! Are you looking for a vastly improved level of treatment for plantar injuries or chronic tendon pain? With these incredible products, you can heal your injured body twice as fast and significantly reduce the pain associated with your injury.

Dear MendMeShop.com,

...I did it all, stretching my achilles tendon 12 times a day, exercises with marbles and golf balls five times a day, wearing the boot at night, ice several times a day--all to no avail. All day, every day, I have felt like knives were going through my heels.

Then I found MendMeShop on the web... I bought the ultimate plantar fasciitis kit... Even just using it one day a week has helped. ... if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.

Rating: Five Star Rating[5 of 5 Stars!]

Ruth McClellan, Georgia USA

Plantar Fasciitis is a common injury that can persist for years unless treatment is properly addressed. Plantar Fasciitis is an acute form of inflammation of the band of tissue running across the bottom of your foot.

Every time you flex your foot, those tendons, ligaments, and tissue move and when they are inflamed, every movement hurts. Once this tissue is injured it becomes very difficult to recover 100%.

It is almost impossible to keep from re-straining the area because even when the pain is gone you still aren't fully healed. But, when the pain disappears, that's when we start acting normally again even though your foot isn't fully healed. It's just not possible to stop everything and rest the injury properly. Everyone has demands that make them keep going and when we are active we prevent the plantar from healing completely. We continually reinjure the area through our daily activities.

Constant Re-injury Must be Avoided at All Costs

Constant reinjury (you know when it's happening, you can feel the pain) needs to be avoided at all costs. Obviously, it delays the healing process, but what's worse is that every reinjury and additional healing cycle increases the amount of scar tissue that builds up in your foot. Scar tissue is hard, inflexible, and tough to get rid of. The more scar tissue that develops, the more you lose the range of motion for that foot. The more scar tissue that develops, the more likely you are to have chronic pain or arthritis. Scar tissue means that your leg doesn't perform as well as it once did and it makes it much more prone to injury again later on.

If you have inflammation in your heel or plantar, it's very important to heal it quickly and completely. You must avoid the build up of scar tissue. If you don't, a plantar fasciitis injury may plague you forever. This is where pro athletes have the advantage. They use therapeutic tools to speed their healing so that they are 100% healed before they resume their sport. Even once they return to the sport, they use these tools constantly to heal any recurring small plantar or heel damage before it can build into something big. For professional athletes, having the right tools means all the difference. For the rest of us having the right tools should be just as important

What You Need To Heal Plantar Fasciitis:

  • A Deep Tissue Therapeutic Inferno Wrap to increase Bloodflow to the injured area.
  • A Professional Cold Compression Plantar Wrap to reduce inflammation.
  • High Quality Therapeutic Ultrasound to break down scar tissue and clear away damaged tissue and toxins from the injured area.

At the AidMyPlantar Store you will find the tools necessary to relieve the pain of foot tendon and ligament inflammation and dramatically speed the healing. A plantar injury is a race against time. The faster and stronger you heal your plantar, the less chance there is for reinjury. As well, untreated plantar fasciitis leads to the development of bone spurs and that is something you want to avoid at all cost.

The plantar is tough dense tissue that normally receives very little blood flow. During normal use, activity promotes blood flow through our body sending oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and surrounding tissue. This is blood flow that your feet don't receive when at rest. This is largely why plantar injuries take so long to heal. As one of the most active parts in your body, the constant motion is what keeps the blood flowing through that area. When you rest, like you have to, the lack of activity and the edema (swelling) restricts your blood flow when you need it the most. You need to reduce the swelling and stimulate the blood flow so your feet get the nutrition and oxygen they need to properly heal.

An Inferno Wrap is the most effective way of promoting blood flow when your body is at rest. A Cold Compression Wrap reduces inflammation and soothes the damaged tissue. Therapeutic Ultrasound clears away damaged tissue and reduces the build up of scar tissue. A proper Plantar Inferno Wrap treatment in the morning as soon as you get out of bed will increase the elasticity and length of the fascia to help prevent further injury during your active day. When used in combination, these modalities provide all the necessary treatments to reduce the pain of your injury and promote fast and complete healing of your plantar fasciitis.

Deep Tissue Therapeutic Inferno Wraps
= Innovative Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy

During normal use, activity promotes blood flow through our body. Our body responds to the activity by sending oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and surrounding tissue. When we are at rest, the blood flow to that area is greatly reduced. But, when your body is injured, it really needs the blood flow to promote the healing process.

Since you can't work the area without danger of further injury, you need to stimulate the blood flow another way. Our innovative Inferno Wraps give you the best Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy available. The Inferno Wrap creates special energy waves that stimulate blood flow by penetrating through the outer layers of your skin. The energy waves reach deep into your muscles, ligaments, tendons and cartilage, reducing your pain as they heal the inner tissue.

The Inferno Wrap for Plantar Fasciitis is revolutionary. Its soft flexible design molds itself to the contours of your body, providing you with a perfectly fitted, easy-to-use Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy tool.

You have to try one to appreciate the ease and comfort. The Inferno Wrap is made of durable, medical-grade neoprene. It stays in place, is flexible and contours to the shape of your foot. The strategically placed pocket holds the Energy Web component across the bottom of your foot and up the back of the heel while focusing the soothing and healing energy waves where you need them, at your damaged tissue. An Inferno Wrap gives you unparalleled blood flow stimulation energy. You simply won't find a comparable product on the market. Other therapy products can not come close to offering the comfortable, contoured fit and targeted energy treatment an Inferno Wrap provides.

You will feel the soothing, deep penetrating warmth as it works to stimulate your blood flow, we guarantee it. Now you can reduce your pain and heal your Plantar Fasciitis anywhere with the comfortable, light weight Inferno Wrap.

Dear MendMeShop,

I have had terrible foot and heel pain for over two years now, I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis and underwent several weeks of physical therapy, this got me back on my feet but the pain never went away.

Almost two months ago I ordered several of your products hoping I could get some relief for this pain. Wow did it work! After activities I use the Freezie wrap, several times a day the Inferno wrap and at least three times a day Ultrasound.

I am no longer afraid to step out of bed in the morning and am able to once again exercise normally. Thank you for these great products!

Guy C, Fort Lauderdale FL

Rating: Five Star Rating[5 of 5 Stars!]

Inferno Wraps are perfectly safe, natural, and very effective. In fact, when there are concerns over safety that may restrict the use of other treatment options, an Inferno Wrap is often still a viable solution.

While the active Energy Web stimulates blood flow, the snug, formed neoprene wrap provides gentle pressure to control inflammation while supporting your injured sole. The area feels warm and comfortable throughout the treatment. The unit is light weight and portable with a plug in adapter that you can use at home, at work, or anywhere.

(Click here for more details on how Inferno Wraps work)

Cold Pack Pressure Braces =
The GOLD Standard For Relieving Plantar Fasciitis Pain

The first thing doctors and therapists learn in school is the RICE formula for treating inflammation and pain. R - Rest, I - Ice, C - Compression, E - Elevation. In fact, this formula is the gold standard - it is even recommended by leading hospitals and clinics including the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. Find out what these medical specialists already know - use our outstanding cold compression wraps to feel the benefits of this tried and true method. Our wraps are the best combination brace and cold pack for athletic injuries like strained plantars and heel spurs. They offer compression, support and cold therapy all at the same time. There simply is no better form of RICE therapy available anywhere.

Our cold pack pressure wraps fit perfectly and are extremely durable. They support the foot muscles and apply gentle pressure to your injury at the same time. The unique design with a properly shaped non-migrating gel pack keep the cold delivering gel over the entire injured area. Simply pop them into the fridge or freezer when not in use and you can re-use them time and again. There's nothing magic about RICE; your doctor and therapist will tell you RICE works. And our cold pack pressure wraps give you the best I & C on the planet.

Our cold compression wraps are made of the highest quality materials available. They fit perfectly, stay in place, are extremely durable, and are filled with a special non-migrating gel pack.

What is non-migrating gel? All other cold packs simply use a plastic bag partially filled with soft cold gel which moves under pressure. What is sure to happen with those cheap designs is that the gel pools in the low spots or in pockets where there is no pressure. Fill a plastic bag with water and put it on your arm and watch what happens - all the water sits in two pools on either side of your arm. You need to apply the pressure to the injured area and you need the cold gel to stay in place in spite of the pressure. You need the compression and you need to keep the gel in place. Our non-migrating cold packs ensure that is what happens. We have the only products on the market that can make this claim.

Dear MendMeShop,

At the end of the school year, (I'm a teacher) I developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot. I remember literally being in agony the last day of school and calling my orthopedic surgeon for an emergency appointment. He saw me, prescribed ice, supportive shoes, and offered to give me a shot of corticosteroid. He informed me that the shot might help but it also might make it worse! Needless to say, with that comment, I passed on the shot.

I was really having a hard time with the pain. I began to search on the internet to find out all I could about plantar facsciitis and possible regimens to follow to aleviate my problem. One site led to another and I finally found MendMeShop. MendMeShop offered a foot wrap that sounded like the perfect way to ice my foot. The plantar Freezie gel pack didn't freeze solid and the wrap molded perfectly to my foot. It certainly beat a tub full of hard ice! After that, I began researching the little ultrasound machine offered at MendMeShop. I was a little afraid of the price, but decided, after reading many testimonials, to invest in something many said worked well for them.

I used the ultrasound regularly with great success along with the plantar Freezie. Following the directions in the ultrasound box, (I also got a phone call from MendMeShop to help me with the machine) I felt a great deal of difference in the level of pain in my foot after just a couple of days treatment.

The condition is now gone from my right foot. I routinely exercise fairly vigorously including jogging on the treadmill. I would never have been able to do that last summer! My husband and I continue to use the ultrasound on sore tendons and muscle spasms. The ultrasound was a bit of an investment, but who can put a price on freedom from pain?

Rating: Five Star Rating[5 of 5 Stars!]

Caroline, Fayetteville North Carolina

Cold compression wraps work because they interrupt and slow nerve and cell function in the damaged area. Once blood vessels are damaged they can no longer carry oxygenated blood to the damaged tissue and therefore cells begin to break-down. The deep cold provided by cold compression wraps slow cell function thereby reducing cellular break-down. Furthermore, because the cold wraps serve to numb the nerves the wraps also reduce pain! In the early days or weeks of your injury the inflammation is partly your body's reaction to try to immobilize the injured area. Unfortunately this inflammation also strains the surrounding tissue and causes pain. Cold compression braces provide the support and reduce the inflammation giving your body the support it needs without the usual pain. And like the review above mentions, they just feel sooo good!

Like all of our products, our cold compression wraps are the best quality product you will find anywhere. We have them for every part of the body, not just your foot. And like all our products, we guarantee our wraps with our 60 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you're not happy with any product you purchase in our shop, you can send it back for a full refund.

Therapeutic Ultrasound =
Plantar Fasciitis Therapy Beyond The Gold Standard

MendMeShop Therapeutic Ultrasound Unit

There's no questioning the importance of compression cold braces and Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy as the two most important modalities for treating plantar injuries. Before you get anything, you want to get those 2 therapies first. Want to go over the top? If you're looking to heal as fast as you possibly can; our medicated ultrasound kit combined with our other two therapies are what you need.

Doctors routinely prescribe ultrasonic massage treatments as a primary treatment for all forms of soft tissue inflammation. It is also a supplementary treatment for plantar fasciitis. Typically these treatments are twice per week to save you the inconvenience of frequent trips to a clinic. Really though, you would get maximum benefit from getting ultrasound treatments 3 times each day and every day. Treatments at a clinic every day are too inconvenient. Besides, no government or private medical plan could afford the costs of sending you for treatments 3 times per day every day. So, even though your injured body can be treated, you won't get even a fraction of the therapy you really need. With our ultrasound kit you can get all the ultrasound therapy you need in your own home saving you time and money.

As we discussed above, many physical injuries take longer to heal because we can't stop moving to let ourselves heal. We have to go to work, take care of family, or we just plain want to get out and do things. Staying in bed for 2 weeks just isn't an option. Besides prolonging your suffering, constant re-injury leads to the build up of scar tissue on the injured body part and non-uniform healing. Then, even when you're healed, your body part doesn't work as well as it used to. You end up with reduced flexibility, less strength, and potentially life long problems. Ultrasound treatments can reduce the amount of scarring around the injured area. In fact, ultrasound treatments are regularly used by doctors and physical therapists to break down existing scar tissue. With a home ultrasound kit from MendMeShop, you heal more quickly and more completely. With our ultrasound kit you heal with less scaring and that is a critical goal.

Our ultrasound is actually better than any other ultrasound unit.
MendMeShop Medicated Ultrasound Gel

All ultrasound therapy kits from MendMeShop come with a specially formulated gel which contains naturally based pain relieving and anti-inflammatory ingredients. A MendMeShop ultrasound unit actually drives the pain relieving ingredients deep into tissue (a process known medically as phonophoresis) giving you the pain relief where you need it. It's impossible to simply rub a lotion by hand deep enough to penetrate into your body. It takes MendMeShop Ultrasound to drive the medication in our gel that deep. Oral medication affects your entire body and doses are often restricted to not harm your sensitive organs even though the affected area could benefit from additional medication. Medicated ultrasound gives you maximum relief and maximum therapy, where you need it.

This is the only ultrasound system that comes with this special MendMeShop Lavender Infusion Ultrasound Gel. Ultrasound without medicated gel is like a cup of tea without a tea bag - it's nothing but hot water. Now, with our home ultrasound kits, the tremendous benefits of therapeutic ultrasound and phonophoresis are available to you.

Its Proven To Work

Podiatrists and Therapists are also AidMyPlantar Customers

Professional athletes are prone to injury because of the intensity of their sports. When they are injured, they don't go for therapy twice per week, they get therapy for their injuries 3 times per day. You deserve that too. In fact, many professional athletes use BFST therapy along with ultrasound before competitions and training as a means of avoiding injury and improving performance. Afterwards cold compression wraps help relieve overworked and fatigue muscles shortening recovery time and further preventing injury. In many cases, using the proper therapy means the difference between going through surgery or not. If you want to get professional athletic care then you have to get the right equipment.

Our products really are that good. People are using them for Sciatica, Arthritis, Headaches, Bursitis and other debilitating diseases as well. And they are getting amazing results. It's incredible how many times we've heard, ¨I used my wrap or therapy kit for the first time, and I could tell the difference right away.¨

All the treatment methods presented here have been scientifically and medically tested to relieve pain and promote healing. Our products are Chiropractor and Doctor recommended for patients who require treatment for all kinds of tendon, ligament, and nerve injuries including Carpal Tunnel, Tarsal Tunnel, Plantar Fasciitis, ACL Injuries and MCL Injuries.

Not sure what to buy? For Plantar Fasciitis, the most fundamental tool (and luckily the least expensive) is the cold compression wrap. This product will go miles towards giving your sole the compressive treatment for healing and the incredible power of cold pain relief. Cold compression wraps reduce inflammation and pain which is your number 1 priority. And, they just feel soooo good!

Second on your plantar treatment list needs to be an Inferno Wrap. BFST is the ultimate natural therapy for severe plantar fascia inflammation. Whatever you choose, the products at our MendMeShop store are all effective treatment devices that are the best of the best and come with 60 day money back guarantees.

The Plantar Inferno Wrap® is essential for stretching out the plantar in the morning. While you sleep, the plantar typically contracts due to lack of use, so an Inferno Wrap® treatment in the morning will increase elasticity (and length) which will help prevent further injury - a key step in getting on track to recovery. Regular use of the Inferno Wrap® in the morning will help prevent the undoing of your progress while you sleep.

For persistent recurring bone spurs, or if you simply want to take your foot therapy to the next level, use our therapeutic ultrasound kit with naturally medicated gel. It is effective, easy to use and like the cold compression wraps the pain relieving element is outstanding.

Check Out Customer Reviews and Our Facebook Page!

To hear what our customers have been saying about our products, check out our product reviews at the AidMyPlantar online store.

These reviews are success stories that are typical of our customers - these are not the exceptions. These reviews have been left by real users without any compensation for doing so. They are just so happy with what our products have done for them, they want to share it with you. In fact, every day we get calls from people who just want to say how happy they are with our products and service. These products don't just work for a few people; they work like magic for almost all of the people who buy them.

If you have questions of your own about your situation with a plantar related injury, post a question on our Forums. Our Forums are reviewed regularly and we will post answers to your questions. Want to know if something will work for you? Just ask!

Every Single Day We Receive Calls From Customers Who Simply Want To Thank Us For Introducing Them To Our Amazing Products!

The Best Products For My Plantar Fasciitis

I was suffering from the beginning stage of plantar fasciitis and the freezie ice compression and the inferno wrap were a great help to me!

The pain and inflammation is gone and if it creeps back up, I use the products for about 30 min each and it takes care of it!

I have already recommended it to family members that also have plantar fasciitis.

Sincerely, Lara

Rating: Five Star Rating

Lara, Alabama USA

We will never claim our products will work for everyone. That is simply impossible to achieve. Everyone has a different capacity for healing and different circumstances behind their pain and discomfort.

But what I can say is this...we have processed over many thousands of orders in the past six years. During this time, our refund rate has held steady at an astonishingly low 6%.

That means that for every 100 people who try our products, 94 of these individuals should be experiencing moderate to significant relief. The odds are certainly in your favor that you too will achieve relief from much of the pain and inflammation that is currently burdening your lifestyle. This fact alone speaks volumes to the effectiveness of our solutions.

Based on feedback we do receive, the reason for the low return rate comes down to two factors...

High quality components & strict manufacturing standards

Our line of products were designed in-house and we have full control over the production process. This gives us the ability to source higher-end components and to implement design enhancements fairly quickly. Our customers are always providing feedback to us and we work hard to meet many of their suggestions. This is how our company has grown to be so successful.

Help is Available from Trained MendMeShop Advisors
7 days a Week by Toll Free Phone or Email

You are never alone when making a purchase from us. When we say we stand behind our products, we truly mean it! AidMyPlantar employs a well trained Product Specialist team. They are here to help you develop a personalized plan to overcome your pain and discomfort. All it takes is a 5 minute call or a quick email.

Product specialists are available every day of the week - 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. If a question or concern arises, they are available to help.

North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608
Outside North America 1-705-445-7826

After making a purchase from us, I would encourage you to take advantage of this added benefit as we have seen firsthand the thousands of people that have been helped. There is no cost for this service, so you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Support Available During Treatment and Beyond

Would you like to see an example of how we go the
extra mile in helping customers?

Read these upbeat letters we received from Stephen and Marti, two of our past customers with very diffent needs. One has spent over years dealing with persistent plantar fasciitis pain while the other has just recently contracted a plantar fasciitis injury. AidMyPlantar has helped when all other avenues seemingly failed.

Noticeable Decrease in Plantar Fasciitis Pain After 2 Weeks

Dear Mend Me Shop,
I have plantar fasciitis, which began over 20 years ago and has gotten progressively worse. I stand for prolonged periods of time, often 5-8 hrs a day as a fine arts painter.

Spent approximately $1000 for various custom made inserts, tried several types of expensive shoes supposedly designed for plantar fasciitis, had two sessions of physical therapy at different clinics, sought treatment with a podiatrist who mainly wanted to do an expensive surgical procedure and offered no other treatment than more inserts. None really successful.

After about 2hrs researching plantar fasciitis on Google, I decided to try MendMeShop. After about two weeks of scrupulous adherence the treatment plan outlined by MendMeShop there was a noticable decrease in pain and I am well pleased with the results so far. If improvement continues at the present rate I should be pain free before years end.

David F., Painter, Kentucky, USA

After a Month of Plantar Fasciitis..

I am writing to let everyone know how wonderfully the Inferno Wrap works! I'd been suffering with plantar fascitis for a month, I tried a splint, shoe inserts, rest, ice, stretching. It was improving, oh so slowly. However, once I got my Inferno Wrap, everything changed and within two days I was walking on my foot!

I still get pain after being on my feet all night at work, and reapply the Wrap when I go home and am good to go again. It's a miracle!

The fact that you have a money back guarantee makes it so safe to purchase.

Thank you again,

Loretta, Missouri USA

Right after you place an order, call or email us and we will have a plan developed immediately so you will be able to get started upon arrival of your parcel. We can't promise you will experience the same stunning results as David or Loretta... however, we do promise to do everything we can to make it happen.

We Stand Behind All of Our Promises
with an Iron-Clad Guarantee

Everything you have read up to now has hopefully given you some hope.

However, words are meaningless unless a company stands strongly behind the products they sell. This is what sets us apart from others...we offer people a comprehensive, 60 day, full 100% money back guarantee. We take on all of the risk because we know our products work well for the overwhelming majority of people who purchase them.

  • Guarantee #1

    Use your products diligently for up to 60 days and you will experience a significant reduction in pain. If not, I encourage you to send back the items for a no-hassle 100% refund.

  • Guarantee #2

    You will not be left in the dark after purchasing any product form us. AidMyPlantar Advisors and Product Specialists are available 7 days a week by toll free phone or email to answer your questions or concerns.

  • Guarantee #3

    Your order is guaranteed to be shipped within 24 hours on every business day.

  • Guarantee #4

    All purchases receive a one year, full replacement warranty with guaranteed, prompt service.

  • Guarantee #5

    You will save hundreds of dollars, possibly even more, by utilizing our products in comparison to attending treatments at a physical therapy clinic.

You will likely agree that our products sounds encouraging at this point, however, you may be thinking the solutions we provide are going to cost a small fortune.

Well, I am here to say nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you can get started for less than the cost of a few physical therapy treatments.

As an example, older style ultrasound devices can cost around one thousand dollars. Now with technical advances over the past five years, we can provide you with a home ultrasound for just a fraction of the price. Our MendMeShop® Ultrasound is based on the same technology as clinical ultrasound, has multiple treatment settings and options, and best of all, operates on a pulsed wave which allows for more frequent treatments in a safe & effective manner.

The same concept applies to the Inferno wrap, which is based on an electromagnetic energy; something we are on the forefront of developing and introducing to the home user.

Overall, we are able to be cost effective and value oriented due to two major reasons:

  1. Word is spreading and as a result, our sales are increasing. With this increase, we can achieve economies of scale...meaning we receive the best component pricing because our volume is high.

  2. We keep our overhead costs low by selling only online versus setting up costly distribution channels offline.

Think about it you can now have the ability to treat your Plantar Fasciitis pain from the comfort of your own home while saving money in the process.

Best of all, you are fully protected when making a purchase from us as we offer a no-hassle 60 day, full money back guarantee.

By Now, You Must Be Wondering How to Take Advantage
of Our Advanced Therapies to Treat Plantar Fasciitis Pain

There are two options you have to get our products into your hands as soon as possible:

1. You may place your order online through our ultra-secure website by clicking the image below

order Plantar Fasciitis pain products securely online

2. Our office is open 7 days a week to allow you place an order over the phone. Simply call toll free 1-866-237-9608 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisors. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need.

Product Advisors are available every day of the week - 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608
Outside North America 1-705-445-7826

AidMyPlantar Takes Online Security Very Seriously

I can understand that some people are hesitant to use their credit card online. This is why we give people an option to order over the phone by calling toll free 1-866-237-9608. However, to help ease fears of ordering online, there are a few points that should be noted.

First, AidMyPlantar has extensive security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access and alteration of customer information. In fact, we have invested around $200,000 over the past 4 years in hardware, software, and programming to ensure that online transaction are kept safe and secure.

Our online shop is located on a very secure server and we conduct security testing every day of the week to ensure all facets of our security system are fully optimized.

Furthermore, we have gone the extra step of hiring a specialized online security company (McAfee) to test the security of our shop on a daily basis. This double testing ensures customers that protection of their information is given the highest priority.

Now for the most comforting news of all...we keep no credit card data on file. Once the transaction is completed, the credit information disappears from our internal systems.

As you can see, ordering from us is a very easy and safe process, no matter if choosing to order online or over the phone.

The Next Step Is Up To You!

Living with pain is never easy as it affects your entire lifestyle. Nothing is more important than making the proper decision when it comes to treating your Plantar Fasciitis Injury. Most methods only mask the problems or provide temporary relief; they do not treat the pain at its source.

AidMyPlantar stands out in this regard as our goal is to help you heal for the longer-term.

The bottom line is, you are welcome to try our products for a full 2 months. If you do not receive the benefits that others have experienced, simply return your purchase back to us and we will issue a prompt & full refund. There will be no hassle and no hard feelings.

Once again, to take advantage of our generous offer, simply click on the image below or call the office toll free 1-866-237-9608 (from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays).

order Plantar Fasciitis pain products risk free

If you are still uncertain which route to go or if you would like to discuss issues affecting your Plantar, then do not hesitate to contact a AidMyPlantar Advisor immediately by phone or email.

North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608
Outside North America 1-705-445-7826

Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 10:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)

Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am to 6:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)


Please note that the AidMyPlantar advisors do not work on commission, so please be assured you will only receive fair and objective information.


Plantar Fasciitis Facts:

Plantar Fasciitis is the inflammation of the ligament that runs along the arch of the foot.

This condition affects over 2 million Americans.

Sufferers experience an intense stabbing pain in the heel.

Heel spurs can be caused by plantar fasciitis.

50% of people with plantar fasciitis have heel spurs.

The pain is most severe in the morning after the tissue has contracted during sleep.

Dear MendMeShop,

I came across the MendMeShop while searching online for remedies for Plantar Faciitis. The Inferno Wrap that I purchased has been well worth the price. First it fits very well and is easy to put on and take off and it puts out the right amount of heat with its adjustable temperatures. Also I found this firm very easy to work with as I did have some product questions and they were very responsive. I would recommend them to anyone.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Dennis Ensor

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

I have been using the inferno wrap for about 3 weeks now and the results are outstanding. I could feel relief after the first use of the inferno wrap. About 2 years ago the doctor told me I had plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. The heel of my feet hurt so badly, I could hardly walk. Getting out of bed in the mornings was pain beyond belief. I would hold on to the bed railings to take a step. After going to the doctors and getting cortizone injections, ordering custom made insoles, exercises, taping my arch, and therapy, my feet were still hurting. I stopped the doctor visits for lack of relief. I was paying out so much money with no results. Not knowing what else to do, I prayed and asked God to show me what I could do to get releif. I came across the mend me website and read the entire article on foot problems and the products. What it said made so much sense to me. I felt it would be the right thing for me. I love the way it talks about the body and explain how it should work. What really drew me the most and encouraged me to order was: the site said your body was designed to heal itself. I am a firm believer in organic healing and avoiding medication and surgery whenever possible. When I read about the blood flow I was sold on the product. I know that blood is the life of the body. When I wear the inferno wrap I don't want to take it off. It gives relief and warmth right where it hurts. I will be ordering other products for the feet as well. Thanks for the information you give on each part of the body. I have referred your website to several people for different ailments.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Yolanda Oliver

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

Dear Sir,I am writing to let everyone know how wonderfully the Inferno Wrap works! I'd been suffering with plantar fascitis for a month, I tried a splint, shoe inserts, rest, ice, stretching. It was improving, oh so slowly. However, once I got my Inferno Wrap, everything changed and within two days I was walking on my foot! I still get pain after being on my feet all night at work, and reapply the Wrap when I go home and am good to go again. It's a miracle! The fact that you have a money back guarantee makes it so safe to purchase. Thank you again, Loretta

Rating: Five Star Rating

Loretta Argue

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

I had a very painful torn plantar fascia where it inserts into the heal. Basically I twisted my foot coming down the steps and then had to downsize from a larger house to a smaller house. I was on my feet everyday after work for a month to move which made the tear worse. Then I got misdiagnosed by my doctor who ordered no testing.. I was in agony until I found the mend me shop website. I ordered the plantar inferno wrap and have used it religiously every morning and evening and noticed a gradual improvement immediately. It also feels nice and toasty on my foot. I did finally go to the podiatrist and was in a CAM Boot for 10 weeks, along with my inferno wrap use. I know that the inferno wrap works because I felt no improvement until I started using it. I highly recommend this product for anyone suffering from plantar fascia pain or injury. I would say I am about 80% healed and continue to use this great product--and my physical therapist approves and has encouraged me to continue to use the product.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Mary Wood

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

I, Judy Byrne bought this (Inferno Plantar Wrap) for my son Chris. I have one and just love it! He loves his too. He says he can really tell the difference after refereeing 2 ball games. I haven't been to the foot doctor for almost 2 years, I owe it all to the inferno wrap!

Rating: Five Star Rating

Judy Ann Byrne

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

Dear MendMeShop,

I sustained a re-injury to the lateral right knee in a hiking incident on a wet path. Initially, I treated with anti-inflammatory medication, ice, elevation and knee brace. This injury was very similar to the previous knee injury, so I thought my knee would heal without seeking orthopedic evaluation. I started using a heating pad with a massage feature to relieve pain and found that the heat helped tremendously, but did not radiate deep enough into my knee. Since I am a Certified Rehabilitation RN, I started researching the Internet looking for a product that would provide radiant heat. I was happy to discover your Inferno Knee Wrap. I have been using it several times a day for several weeks and I am now pain free and functionally able to resume all activities. I still continue using the Inferno Knee Wrap on a daily basis in hopes that I can prevent another knee injury.Thank you for such a wonderful product.

Rating: Five Star Rating

Ann Block

Results may vary. Remember to include your physician in choosing the best treatment option for you. To discuss your particular situation and how our products can help, call toll-free at 1-866-237-9608.

pain relief and injury treatment with ultrasound therapy

An effective treatment alternative to plantar fasciitis surgery

Relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis with a cold compress

Advanced Therapy for torn achilles, ruptured achilles, sprained ankle or other ankle injury

Ankle sprain treatment and pulled achilles treatment without surgery

This universal leg wrap can increase healing rate of a shin, calf, groin, thigh, or hamstring

Freezie Leg wrap for cold compression of the shin, calf, groin, thigh, or hamstring

Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy with an Inferno Back wrap for the ultimate in sore back healing

Freeze Wrap Back - reduce back pain and swelling in sore, strained or overused muscles, especially in the lower back and trapezius muscles

Contact one of our Mendmeshop Customer Service Advisors for any questions help with ordering and recommended treatment directions

Heal Your Plantar Fasciitis and Avoid Reinjuring Your ...
Dear MendMeShop, I purchased this product recently for my plantar fasciitis. I've been using it about a week, and it has helped a lot with the pain when I first get

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Heal Your Plantar Fasciitis and Avoid Reinjuring Your Plantar Fascia with AidMyPlantar.com.

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