How To Heal Cervical Dysplasia Naturally Flowing Free

Cervical DysplasiaThe cervix is the lowest part of the uterus which extends down into the vagina. Cervical dysplasia is the appearance of abnormal cells on the lining of the cervix. Abnormal cells are found via pap smear results.

There are usually no symptoms of dysplasia. It is a common condition and mild cases often go away on their own.

Cervical dysplasia is NOT cancer; it is a cell transformation which COULD at one point transform into cancer. There is no need to panic if you have been diagnosed with cervical dysplasia. The progression to cervical cancer is very slow; it can take over ten years for cervical dysplasia to develop into cancer IF it develops into cancer.

Part One: Cervical Dysplasia Classification and Risk Factors

CIN Classification

The classifications of dysplasia are mild, moderate, or severe. In a diagnosis, you may see the abbreviation CIN meaning cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. The CIN classification tells you how much of the cervical lining is affected by the abnormal cells.

  • Mild dysplasia (CIN I) indicates that abnormal cells are found on less than 1/3 of the cervical lining.
  • Moderate to Marked dysplasia (CIN II) means that abnormal cells are found on more than 1/3 but less than 2/3 of the cervical lining.
  • Severe dysplasia (CIN III) abnormal cells are found on more than 2/3 of the cervical lining.

The risk of the lower grades of dysplasia transforming into cancer is very low. There is a higher risk with severe dysplasia transforming but it there is still no need to panic; in most cases, progression into cervical cancer (if it even progresses) is SLOW.

The next stage is called carcinoma in situ. This stage indicates the beginning stages of cancer. This stage is not full blown cancer although the risk of it developing into cancer is much higher.

The last stage is Invasive carcinoma. This is cancer. If this stage if left untreated will take over and may be fatal.

Remember, in any stage of cervical dysplasia, pre-cancer, or cancer there are alternative treatments available. You do not have to resort to surgical methods. However, I would advise, if you have carcinoma in situ or invaisive carcinama, that you seek professional advice in alternative cancer treatment to get adequate support and supervision.

If you are diagnosed with dysplasia, do not let anyone (including your medical doctor) evoke panic in you. The concern is usually genuine, but being around those who are in constant worry or expect a negative outcome can affect you with toxic thinking.

The risks are not as high at the medical system may initially make you believe. A 1999 study from the University of Toronto, Canada showed that it was more likely for mild and moderate cervical dysplasia to return to normal rather than progress into cancer. They found that the chance of mild dysplasia progressing to cancer was only 1% per year. A 1996 Finnish study indicated that 39% and 53% of moderate and mild dysplasia spontaneously regressed to normal.

These results are without any treatment; if one supports themselves using natural methods mentioned below, chances are much better that any stage of dysplasia will regress to normal.

Risk Factors for Cervical Dysplasia

HPV HPV is the human papilloma virus. HPV causes most cases of cervical dysplasia. HPV is a common virus which most women will come into contact with at some point their lives. Most often HPV clears up by itself without causing abnormal changes in the cervix. The body can naturally fight off HPV, and any abnormal cells will return to normal.

When the body does not have adequate immune support and can not fight off HPV, visible changes on the cervix can occur such as dysplasia or warts. There are many different strains of HPV (more than 150 types). HPV affects only certain layers of the skin. The various strains can cause body warts, genital warts, mouth sores, or the development of abnormal cells on the cervix. Very few strains of HPV cause cervical dysplasia; 70% of cervical dysplasia is caused by HPV 16 or 18.

Having multiple sexual partners or having sex with men who have had many partners will put one at greater risk of contracting HPV. If you are in a monogamous relationship you have less chance of becoming reinfected with HPV. As with other viruses, you will not become infected with the same strain twice. If you have a new partner or more than one partner, precautions need to be taken, as you can contract another strain of HPV and be at risk of dysplasia again..

Auto-immune disorders  Suffering from conditions which affect the immune system, such as Chrons disease, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis, will impair the bodys ability to fight off infections.

Exposure to Genital Herpes and Chlamydia Women who have or have had either of these STIs are at a greater risk for developing dysplasia. These STIs are thought to interfere with the bodys ability to destroy abnormal cells.

Dietary factors A poor diet, high in refined or processed foods will lead to nutritional deficiencies and reduce the bodys overall health and immunity. Deficiencies in certain nutrients are shown to have a direct link in cases of cervical dysplasia.

Smoking Smoking weakens the immune system and depletes the body of B vitamins and vitamin C.

Stress Stress and stress-related disorders also lower immunity and deplete the body of vital nutrients.

Family history of cervical cancer or dysplasia A history of dysplasia in the family can indicate a greater risk of developing dysplasia. But this becomes redundant if a women takes good care of herself and maintains health on all levels.

Hormonal methods of birth control Oral contraceptives increase cell division rates of cervical cells. The risk of developing dysplasia increases by at least 50% in those using oral contraceptives. Birth control pills also decrease levels of vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, and zinc. Research has shown a direct link between low folate levels and abnormal pap smears as well as an increase in the incidence of HPV infection.

Intra Uterine Devices This form of birth control can irritate the lining of the cervix. The IUD strings hang outside of the uterus where they curl around the opening of the cervix. This can cause inflammation that mimics abnormal cancer cells.

Multiple pregnancies or pregnancy at a young age Each time a woman becomes pregnant the cervix becomes weaker, making it more susceptible to cellular abnormalities.

Regular use of tampons The mucous membranes inside the vagina are delicate, if you wear tampons for days at a time you are causing irritation to the lining of the vagina and cervix. If you use tampons regularly each month, the irritation will lead to an overgrowth of cells in that area. This thickening of the skin is a protective mechanism and is reversible once you stop using tampons.

Limit your use of tampons as much as possible. If you need to use one occasionally choose a brand that uses all natural unbleached cotton. Regular tampons and pads contain synthetic fibers, chlorine bleach, and dioxin; there is no need to expose your genitals to these known carcinogens. Alternatively, try a menstrual cup such as Diva cup, LENA cup, or the Blossom cup.

Excessive vaginal douching Excessive douching changes the environment of the cervix, which can cause it to be more vulnerable to the attack of pathogens. It was found that douching four or more times per week increased a womans chances of developing dysplasia. It is best not to douche unnecessarily. There is no need to douche on a regular basis, douche only when you have and infection or imbalance in the vagina.

Exposure to excess estrogen and xenoestrogens One role of estrogen in the body is cell multiplication. Excess estrogen will cause more cells to multiply, often resulting in abnormal cell growth and gynecological cancers. Estrogen should be in a natural balance with progesterone, but often a woman becomes estrogen dominant, increasing the risk for dysplasia.

Excess estrogen also throws off the bodys balance of the trace minerals copper and zinc. Excess estrogen can cause a tendency to accumulate copper. Copper and zinc ratios are closely related, so if copper is high, zinc is low. Low zinc levels are linked to lowered immunity and more susceptibility to infections from viruses, fungus, and yeast.

Drinking alcohol affects the secretion of estrogen and slows its metabolism. When a woman has even one drink, her estrogen levels increase significantly. Alcohol also lowers immunity and zinc levels in the body.

Xenoestrogens are synthetic compounds that mimic the role of estrogen in the body. Xenoestrogens are found in pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, industrial chemicals, petroleum products, car fumes, paint, lunch wrap, PVC, laundry detergents, body lotions, sunscreens, preservatives, food colorings, hormones from non-organic meats, eggs and dairy, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and birth control pills.

Part Two: Medical Treatments for Cervical Dysplasia

If you have an abnormal pap smear, a doctor may send you for further diagnosis or treatment. Treatment varies depending on the severity of dysplasia. Mild and moderate cases usually require no treatment, but a pap smear or colposcopy every six months is recommended to check if the dysplasia is regressing on its own or progressing into a more severe state.

Typical procedures for diagnosis and treatment are:

Colposcopy A solution of iodine or vinegar is applied to the cervix to turn abnormal cells yellow or white so they can be seen more easily. A small microscope is then used to get a close look at the cells lining the cervix. Often the microscope is connected to a camera so the woman can see her cervix on a monitor. A colposcopy shows more and has a greater reliability than a pap smear. The colposcopy alone is safe and no more invasive than a pap smear; however, most of the time the doctor will ask to take a biopsy along with the colposcopy. You can always request to have only the colposcopy.

Cone Biopsy The removal of a piece of cervical tissue. A biopsy is performed to determine if the abnormal cells have affected deeper layers of cervical tissue. Many women experience pain, cramping, and bleeding from this procedure. A biopsy is a very disturbing intrusion in the mucosal lining which can actually cause a starting point for the malign transformation. After a biopsy, it may take up to six weeks for the biopsy site to heal completely. The risk of any infection in the vagina is much higher after this procedure.

This procedure is also used to remove all of the abnormal tissue. It is standard to remove some of the healthy tissue as well to ensure all abnormal cells are gone. Scarring of the cervix will occur, resulting in less elasticity and pain in the area. In some cases too much tissue is removed, increasing the risk of premature labor or miscarriages.

Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) An electric wire loop is used to remove abnormal cells on the cervix. This procedure results in pain and discomfort usually felt as cramping. Bleeding of the cervix can occur, and brown discharge may be present for about four weeks afterward. LEEP can result in long-term scarring of the cervical lining.

Cryosurgery Abnormal cells are destroyed by freezing via metal probes and liquid nitrogen. Cramping is usually felt with this procedure. One may experience a watery discharge for the first few weeks after cryosurgery.

Laser surgery A laser is used to burn off the abnormal cells on the cervix. Cramping is commonly felt for a few days post surgery. A watery, blood-tinged, or brown discharge may be present for a few weeks after the procedure.

Total hysterectomy A hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus and the cervix. This method is used in more severe cases of dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, or invasive cervical cancer. Hysterectomies are very traumatic surgeries and can lead to sexual dysfunction and hormonal imbalance. A hysterectomy affects the nerves and blood supply to the pelvic region, as well as the function of nearby organs such as the bladder and bowels.

Most of the surgeries do not have a guaranteed success rate. In many cases, they do remove the abnormal tissue and women will recover without dysplasia returning, but sometimes there is a need for repeat treatment. The surgery cause multiple traumas to a womans body and takes weeks to heal. Depending on the severity of dysplasia and the amount of tissue removed, precautions need to be taken for 3-6 weeks afterward. One needs to abstain from sex, high impact sports, douching, tampon use, swimming, or using a bath tub for this duration. Some woman may take up to six months to heal completely.

If your doctor recommends surgery, make sure you are well informed on what stage of dysplasia you have. Often surgeries are too readily prescribed for women with mild or moderate cases of dysplasia, that most of the time will improve on their own. Surgeries are sometimes completely unnecessary and subject women to invasive procedures that can have long-term side effects.

When a woman decides to go ahead with surgery at any stage of dysplasia, underlying causes are never addressed. This results in an increased chance of recurrence. Factors such as overall health, the state of the immune system, and the invasion of viruses are not taken into consideration, even though they are the most important factors affecting the healing process. One cannot think that simply cutting off a piece of abnormal tissue will cure them of a condition that has deep physical, mental, and emotional roots.

Part Three: Natural Therapies for Cervical Dysplasia

There are a variety of ways in which a woman can support her healing process. It is best to use a combination of methods in which you have the most faith. Below are recommendations for dietary factors and supplementation, herbal healing, vaginal douching, suppositories, yoga, and meditation as well as other considerations for alternative healing.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and the trace mineral selenium protect the bodys healthy molecules while neutralizing free radicals and preventing cellular damage. Along with folic acid and B vitamins, antioxidants enhance immune function; increasing the bodys ability to fight viruses and HPV. It has been found that the lower the levels of these nutrients in the body, the greater the risk of cervical dysplasia.

Vitamin A A powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from becoming abnormal and may even aid in reversing dysplasia. The body uses vitamin A to promote healthy epithelial cells. Vitamin A increases immune system response to invaders. Vitamin A is fat soluble and therefore is not flushed out of the body. Excess (over 25,000 IU) of vitamin A daily can result in toxicity.

Beta-carotene Is converted to Vitamin A in the body and has similar effects. High levels of carotenoids are linked with a faster clearance time of HPV. Beta-carotene is water soluble and will not become toxic to the body. It is best to use both Vitamin A and Beta-carotene for the treatment of cervical dysplasia.

Vitamin B Complex Low levels of the B vitamins are strongly related to cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. B vitamins play an essential role in the livers ability to metabolize estrogen. Low levels of B vitamins can result in excess estrogen levels. B vitamins are also needed for general health and disease resistance.

Along with B Complex, extra B6 is helpful to assist in cancer immunity and so is B12, which is important in proper cell formation and aids in the absorption of folic acid.

Vitamin C Has antioxidant properties, helps to strengthen and boost epithelial cell integrity, and prevents the development of cancer.

Vitamin E Has antioxidant properties, increases the availability of oxygen to the cells, prevents excess cell proliferation due to its role is the regulation of cell replication.

Folic Acid Is critical in the synthesis and repair of DNA. Cells on the cervical lining replace themselves every 7-14 days; the cells are continuously forming DNA. If folate levels are low, DNA abnormalities occur and will affect the cervical cells. Folic acid has been shown to reverse the cellular changes that occur with cervical dysplasia. It may also keep the HPV virus from integrating into the DNA.

Folic acid is also sometimes called Vitamin B9 and has a close link with the other B vitamins. Folic Acid works best when taken with Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C.

Folate levels are found to be very low in women with cervical dysplasia. It is easily destroyed in the cooking process, and can be depleted by alcohol, smoking, oral contraceptives, and other prescription drugs.

Selenium An antioxidant with claims to aid in the prevention of and the healing of cancer. Low levels of selenium can be related to abnormal pap smears and decreased immune function. Selenium increases the effects of other antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E. Selenium should not be taken in excess (over 400mcg per day).

Zinc Important for healthy immune function and balancing excess copper levels in the body. Copper levels are often high in women with cervical abnormalities due to its relationship with high estrogen levels.

Recommended Daily Intake

for Women with Cervical Dysplasia:

Vitamin A10,000-25,000 IU
Beta-carotene25,000 IU
B complex100 mg
Vitamin B625-50 mg
Vitamin B12800-1,000 mcg
Vitamin C1,000-1,500 mg
Vitamin E400-800 IU
Folic Acid5 mg
Selenium200 mcg
Zinc30 mg

If you plan to take everything that is recommended, the cost of the supplements may add up. I have found that purchasing them online has saved a lot on the cost. The best site I have found for nutritional supplements is You can save even more on if you enter the coupon code EME036.

Other supplements

Protease A high-quality protease enzyme will help support the immune system. Protease enzymes clean up cellular debris such as dead or damaged cells as well as toxins in the blood. These enzymes will break down any protein that does not belong to the body; this includes viruses and other invaders. The required dose is 3-4 capsules per day for three months. After three months take one month off and get tested. If you need to, repeat the same dosage for an additional three months. The best option for a protease supplement is PRX by Theramedix; the next best is Virastop by Enzymedica.

Beta-mannan A supplement formulated by Dr. Glickman. It is made from concentrated extracts of aloe. Aloe vera has antioxidant, anti-fungal, and antibacterial qualities. Beta-Mannan helps to support normal immune function and has claims for reversing dysplasia and getting rid of HPV. It seems like many women have tried Beta-mannan for cervical dysplasia and the reviews are mixed. I would not rely on this product alone, but it may be a good addition to your healing regime.  In my opinion, drinking aloe vera juice daily would have just as good of an effect.

I3C (Indole-3-carbinol) Indole-3-carbinol is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Studies have shown that 200-400mg of I3C taken daily can treat cervical dysplasia. Participants were recorded to have reduced severity of cervical dysplasia and in some cases a complete regression when I3C was taken for 12 weeks.

DIM (Diindolymethane) is a metabolite of I3C and is often taken for cancer prevention. There is some debate over which is better, I3C or DIM. I3C is the better choice as DIM is but only one product formed in the breakdown of I3C. Other phytochemicals in I3C also have important actions against cancer.

Any isolated ingredient works better when taken with the other compounds which with it is natually found. Nature has a synergy we dont understand. Of course, eating the whole plant is best, but no one can eat the amount of broccoli in a day that would equal 200mg of I3C, the minimum recommended therapeutic dose.

Eating a Healthy Diet

Eat a well-balanced diet; concentrate on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Significantly reduce or eliminate the intake of refined sugars, processed foods, coffee, and alcohol, which all deplete your system of B vitamins. Limit dairy products and avoid all non-organic dairy as it contains synthetic hormones. If you eat meat, reduce the intake of red meat and switch to hormone-free poultry and fish.

A high intake of fruits and vegetables has a protective effect against the development of cervical dysplasia into more severe forms. Cruciferous vegetables such as bok choy, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower contain an anti-cancer substance called indol-3-carbinol (I3C). Leafy Greens, as well as red and orange fruits and vegetables, are rich sources of beta-carotene and other carotenoids which reduce the development of cervical dysplasia. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables making sure to include tomatoes, papaya, tangerines, peaches, carrots, pumpkin and leafy greens such as kale, raw spinach, and parsley. Be sure to incorporate a lot of garlic in your diet to help support the immune system.

Eating whole grains will help regulate hormone levels due to their high levels of the B vitamins and Vitamin E. Foods high in folate should also be eaten whenever possible, these include brown rice, wheat germ, legumes, and brewers yeast. If you eat meat, choose chicken and organ meats because the folate content is higher than other meats.

Regular Douching

How to douche: Using a bulb syringe or a douche kit lay on your back in an empty bathtub. Insert the douche and retain for 10 minutes. You may find it easier to retain the liquid if the pelvis is tilted upward, you can always use your fingers to close the opening of the vagina to aid in retention.

It is best to douche before bed, so the ingredients can continue working overnight to support the integrity of the reproductive organs.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) Has an astringent action on mucosal tissue; it eliminates abnormal cells and heals inflamed cells. It is also a potent immune stimulator. Use 1.5 tsp of goldenseal root powder in 3 cups of boiling water, steep for 15 minutes, strain and use when lukewarm. Goldenseal will leave a yellow stain if it comes into contact with clothing, sheets, or towels so you may want to use a panty liner after douching with Goldenseal.

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) Calendula is anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti fungal, and beneficial against yeast infections. Pour 3 cups of boiling water over fresh or dried flowers, let steep and cool to a suitable temperature. Strain before using.

Pau d arco (Tabebuia Impetiginosa) Another immune stimulator with antiviral and antifungal properties. Pau d arco  has anti-cancer claims and is also found by the names taheebo and lapacho. Use 2 tsp of the bark in 3 cups of water. Boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and cool before using.

The above douches are best used three times a week for three months.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Use 1/4 cup of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 2 cups of warm water. Hydrogen peroxide can be used once every other week as a douche.

Vaginal suppositories

Vagistatin A Combination of Chinese herbs which helps to normalize imbalances in the vagina due to viruses, yeast, fungus, bacteria, and other microbes. The recommended administration for dysplasia is to use the capsules as a vaginal suppository for 1-3 months duration. Do not use Vagistatin and douches, choose either and stick with it. I have only seen Vagistatin sold online; if you are interested click here.

Vitamin A Can be found as a suppository, or you can break open a capsule and apply the oil onto the cervix. It can be difficult to purchaseVitamin A suppositories through retailers since most will only sell directly to medical or naturopathic physicians.  This is because supervision is advised while using this treatment. Bezwecken Transdermal Systems Inc. and Wise Woman Herbals are two companies sell the suppositories. You can also consider making your own instructions for making and using Vitamin A suppositories can be found in this article. Treatment length may vary depending on the type of suppository you use, but it is usually advised to cycle their use by using the suppositories every other week.

Acidophilus Used daily will help to establish a healthy balance of flora in the vagina and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast, and fungus which disturb the environment in the vagina.

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Apply an oil made from St. Johns Wort every other night inside the vagina. On the other nights, apply it to the area outside of the vagina. According to macrobiotic principles St. Johns Wort produces yang effects; cancer thrives in a yin environment.

You can purchase St. Johns Wort oil or make it yourself. To make the oil, place the plant and the root of St. Johns Wort in olive oil for 21 days or longer. The oil will take a red color when ready.

Another way to make a more yang environment is to give the genitals mild exposure to sunlight.


Herbs should be taken internally to stimulate a healing response in the body. An average dose is ½ 1 tsp of powdered herb, or 15 drops of tincture 2-3x day on an empty stomach. Alternatively, you can make tea and drink it throughout the day. Most herbal medicines can be taken for three weeks continuously, then take one week off. Make sure you purchase good quality organic herbs.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Is a powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial herb that is known to protect the body from developing cancer. Turmerics active ingredient is curcumin which has shown to prevent cell damage and reverse cancer. Take a minimum of 1 tsp a day, and use liberally in cooking.

Pau darco (Tabebuia impetiginosia) Also known as taheebo, pau d arco has anti-cancer properties. It is also an antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial herb. When drinking as a tea be sure to steep it for 20 minutes beforehand to allow the active ingredients to be released.

Eastern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) Otherwise known as thuja, this herb has shown to be successful in clearing up abnormal growths and degenerated epithelial tissue caused by viruses and fungus. Thuja should be used in small doses (less than 40ml per week) as it can become toxic.

Chaparral (Larrea mexicana)  Chaparral is said to help against the development of cancer. Chaparral also has antioxidant properties meaning it protects against cellular damage which leads to cancer. Chaparral is also a good blood and lymph purifier and is useful against viruses, fungus, and bacteria.

Propolis Propolis is a resin-like bee product with strong antimicrobial effects. Propolis inhibits cell division and is shown to have regenerative properties helpful in healing cervical inflammations. 

Take propolis in a capsule because the tincture form is very sticky and will adhere to your teeth and throat. It does eventually come off, but no one wants to deal with that.

Other Herbs For additional help in boosting the immune system, drink echinacea tea and tea from rose hips and acerola which are both very high in Vitamin C.

Essential Oils

Lemon Essential Oil (Therapeutic Grade) Lemon essential oil is a strong anti-microbial and immune booster. Use three drops of essential oil in a full glass of water 3-4x day. This oil can also be used in a diffuser to spread throughout the house.

Do not use just any brand of essential oils internally, make sure they are of therapeutic grade. Good brands for therapeutic grade essential oils are Young Living and doTERRA.

Topical Application

Progesterone Cream Many women with cervical dysplasia have estrogen dominance, meaning that there is too much estrogen in the body compared with progesterone. Usually, these hormones maintain a balance, but exposure to excess estrogens and xenoestrogens in the environment cause these hormones to shift out of balance. Since it is the role of estrogen to tell your cells to proliferate, excess estrogen is a risk factor for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. Use of a natural progesterone cream can help to counteract the effects of excess estrogen.

Make sure the cream has only natural progesterone from plant sources and follow the directions for use.

Before playing with your hormones, you may want to speak with a Naturopath to make sure using progesterone cream is right for your situation.


Seraphinite Is known as a powerful healing stone. Seraphinite helps purify the body and eliminate toxins. It is believed to allow old patterns of imbalance or disease to fall away, leaving space for new patterns of health and well-being to form.

Chrysocolla Is known by Native North Americans as a stone to strengthen the immune system. Chrysocolla is also a very calming stone, allowing one to heal in a state of peace and tranquility.

Yoga and Meditation

Healing Meditation Perform a daily meditation where you simply concentrate on pouring healing energy into yourself. Envision your cervix surrounded by a pure white light, and then extend this white light throughout your entire being.

Asanas If you have a regular yoga practice concentrate on purifying svadhistana chakra, the second chakra which is located in the area of the genitals. Be sure to include the following asanas in your practice as they have effects on svadhisthana chakra: Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose), Shalabhasana (locust pose), Yoni Asana (pose of the vulva), Matsyasana (fish pose), Utthita Dhanurasana (standing bow pose), and Sukhasana (easy pose).

Shitali Pranayama (cooling pranayama)  This is a very healing pranayama with beneficial effects on svadhistana. Breathe in through your mouth, with your tongue rolled, for 4 seconds and out through your nose for 8 seconds.

Perform shitali pranayama for at least 30 minutes a day. You can envision that you are bringing in a shining white light with each breath to increase the effectiveness and purification.

Love Making Essentials

If you are taking precautions to prevent the spread of HPV,  there is no need to avoid sex if you have cervical dysplasia (unless you have just had surgery for it). Having deep orgasms which stimulate the cervix and uterus is very beneficial. Also, making love with propolis cream will help increase immunity and the regeneration of cells.

There are healing benefits to making love, but, do not have sex if you dont really want to. A woman needs to want to have sex and needs to enjoy making love!

The right attitude during sex is important; assess your relationship with your partner and decide whether it is supportive to your healing or detrimental. Sex should never be un-friendly or violent towards a woman or her body. A woman should never make love unless she truly wants to; making love without adequate desire can be traumatizing to a womans body, especially the cervix.

Dr. Christiane Northrup states that problems with a womans sexual organs are often related to her inability to say no to penetration when she wants to but does not think that she should. If this resonates with you, work on your ability to refuse or talk to your partner about ways you can resolve the problem.

Part Four: The Healing Mentality

Dont let the attitude of concerned individuals contaminate your mind. Concern from doctors and loved ones is genuine, but feelings of fear and worry will become toxic and affect your healing process. There is no room for any negativity!

Dr. Christiane Northrup says Remember, through the Law of Attraction, we create the state of our body by the thoughts we think. Young women should be encouraged to see themselves as strong, resilient, happy, and healthy. This is particularly true of any woman contracting HPV it is a virus, not a death sentence! Most healthy women will clear the virus successfully from their bodies within two years and never have any cervical abnormalities.

Surround yourself with loving supportive people and loving thoughts toward yourself. Believe that you have all the power within yourself to heal. The other methods are only there for support.

If you need inspiration for shifting your mentality here are some inspirational writers and speakers on healing through the power of belief and changing thought patterns.



Other considerations are NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and hypnosis. Both are powerful methods for shifting thought patterns. You can see a qualified practitioner or there are numerous books and audio CDs available that allow one to practice these techniques on their own.

While working on your mental sphere, take the time to analyze your expectations about yourself and determine your capabilities with a realistic attitude. You may be pushing yourself too much in life and need to slow down and take care of yourself. Christiane Northrup writes that cervical dysplasia results when a woman is conflicted about wanting to be all things to all people, such as the woman who is a mother, works full time and is worried that she does neither of these jobs well enough. She explains that disorders of the female organs are the way in which our body speaks to us. Often they are telling us that we need to heal from a deeper, often unconscious wounding the ingrained belief that we are never enough and we are somehow tainted.

Women need to love themselves. Feelings of low self-worth or unrealistic expectations are extremely detrimental to our physical, mental, and emotional health. Explore different ways in which you can open up, love yourself, and accept and respect your sexuality and your sexual organs.

Monitoring Dysplasia

While you are healing cervical dysplasia, it is important to get a pap smear every six months to one year depending on the severity. You want to keep an eye on the condition to gauge your progress. But bear in mind, the more you see the doctor, the more they will suggest medical treatment. Do not let anyone convince you of going through with surgery if you do not feel that it is right.

You may also want to consider testing for other infections such as candida, yeast, chlamydia, and herpes. These can alter pap smear results. Wait at least three months after infections are cleared up before going in for another pap smear.

If you are on Oral Contraception, Depo-Provera or have and IUD, switch to another method of Birth Control. If you are using one of these methods, it is probably your strongest risk factor in the development of cervical dysplasia. Wait 3-6 months after you have stopped the use of these birth control methods to ensure an accurate pap smear.

To ensure the most reliable pap smear results, wait until the second half of your menstrual cycle at least five days after the last day of your menstruation. Also, for 48 hours before you pap smear do not have sex, use tampons, or put anything into the vagina this includes vaginal creams, spermicides, lubricants, and vaginal douches.

Decide What is Right For You

If you believe you have the power within you to heal yourself with natural methods as a support, then by all means, stick with it! Remember, in most individuals it takes a long time for abnormal cells to progress You have time to improve your immune system and take the necessary steps to get rid of this condition in a natural, non-traumatic way.

If you are not confident in the efficacy of alternative methods, or you tend to worry a lot about the cellular changes, then make your decisions accordingly. Maybe a natural approach is not for you. You need to be comfortable with your chosen method of treatment. In our society, there are very strong opinions surrounding anything that has to do with cancer. It takes will and determination to break free of these collective beliefs. Assess where you are at and choose a treatment that is right for you.

This is the method I have chosen for myself, and what other women around me are doing and have done to heal themselves. It may not be the route for every woman. Only you know what is right for you, and no one should convince you otherwise.

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How To Heal Cervical Dysplasia Naturally | Flowing Free
The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus which extends down into the vagina. Cervical dysplasia is the appearance of abnormal cells on the lining of the cervix.

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I Have Cervical Dysplasia. especially natural ways to treat cervical dysplasia and fight cancer. my own inner flow as a woman.

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is theHow to heal cervical dysplasia naturally flowing Reversing Cervical Dysplasia Naturally Incredible Cervical Dysplasia Naturally

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How Jill healed cervical cancer naturally nearly 40 years ago!
How Jill healed cervical cancer naturally nearly 40 I had 4 or 5 Cervical dysplasia. cervical cancer that went untreated which she tried to heal naturally