Real Magic Spells for the Dark Moon: Breaking an Addiction

1. Meditate for a while on your addiction. Think about indulging in it, and focus on the pain it causes you. Think about all the things you miss out on because of your addiction-- all the productive things you could have been doing. Think about what you've lost because of this addiction-- money? Time? Friends? Lovers? Think about the guilt you feel, the shame, the remorse, etc., after you've indulged. It's important to mentally bring yourself into your darkest moments with this addiction.

2. When you're ready, grab the egg. As you sit there wallowing in these miserable thoughts, work yourself up to a good cry or scream or moan. Hold the egg against your tears, or against your mouth or throat. Let out some of that emotion, and let the egg absorb it. Say something like:

I exercise you, addictive urges and feelings; I don't want you anymore!

I exercise you and transfer you to this egg; This egg will absorb you and contain you within in this shell, So Mote It Be!

3. Take the marker and write on the egg. Make banishing symbols or just write your feelings. Write "I hate you!" to your addiction. Tell it to F--- off! Tell it you're done with it and won't have it dwelling within you anymore. Just sit there writing for as long as you feel you need to. Heck, color the whole egg black if you want. All the time, imagine that addiction pouring out of you and into the egg.

4. Gather yourself together when you're finished letting out your emotion. Grab the egg and put it someplace safe and cushioned, such as wrapping it in a towel and putting it in a bag.

Do NOT let the egg break just yet!

5. Take your wrapped up egg and head to the crossroads. As you walk there, keep your anger at your addiction in your mind. Walk with purpose until you arrive at the center of the crossroad (it can be dirt or paved).

6. Take the egg out of your pocket and throw it on the ground as hard as you can in the center of the crossroad. Throw it far enough so you don't get any on yourself.

7. Immediately turn your back on it and walk away. Walk away quickly, without turning around to look at it. Just keep moving away from it. As you walk home, think happy thoughts. Visualize your life, free of your addiction. Think of all the other things you want to do.

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