Comment by Xeropvp
on 2015-11-20T19:01:54-06:00;o Nice
Comment by Dartail
on 2015-11-20T19:13:45-06:00I see all this stuff, and I think "Holy crap, they're removing everything - this SUCKS."
But then I scroll down and see more new abilities then things they've removed, so I still have hope.
Comment by Drozee
on 2015-11-20T19:15:56-06:00Arcane Blast 121% spell power > 250% spell power seems legit :D
Comment by Andmyaxe
on 2015-11-20T19:16:57-06:00What's going on with raid buffs like Mark of the Wild, Blessing of Might, Arcane Brilliance? Why are they being removed?
Comment by Rankkor
on 2015-11-20T19:17:47-06:00=O
Comment by BuliwyfZRage
on 2015-11-20T19:22:17-06:00Feral Lunge: Lunge at your enemy, striking them and dealing 450% Physical damage with your main-hand and 450% Physical damage with your off-hand.
Only usable within Ghost Wolf.
Mother of God
Comment by SilentStorm
on 2015-11-20T19:25:33-06:00What's going on with Mark of the Wild ! They're turning it into a cd. This Druid is sad....
Comment by shwarzkopf
on 2015-11-20T19:52:31-06:00What's going on with raid buffs like Mark of the Wild, Blessing of Might, Arcane Brilliance? Why are they being removed?
Because they were always there anyway, so there was no real point. All they did is add 5 minutes to the raid leader's job working out where to fill in each of the 9 slots.
Comment by Sounalius
on 2015-11-20T19:55:54-06:00Paladin damage nerfs... great.
I expect Holy damage to do equal or more than physical with the downgraded abilities. Though chances are my hopes are pointless.
Comment by Nathiest
on 2015-11-20T19:57:35-06:00Holy ^&*! are they forcing Paladins to spec into either Holy, or Tank when Legion drops? Ret got Rekt!
Comment by Colossos
on 2015-11-20T20:05:18-06:00"Surrender to Madness: Surrender to the Old Gods, sacrificing your soul for ultimate power.
All your Insanity-generating abilities generate 300% more Insanity, until you exit Voidform, then you die. Requires Voidform." Alright boys, here we go!
Comment by StellarLeader
on 2015-11-20T20:08:09-06:00I have no idea about the numbers because I'm too tired to do math (and not all numbers are there anyways), but flavor-wise at least, Enhancement looks awesome!
Comment by StellarLeader
on 2015-11-20T20:11:26-06:00This is the very first look we have at the numbers.. for the Beta. These numbers are not final and, as always have been the case, they will constantly be changing until the game goes live. There's no need to freak out yet.
Comment by scapemaster
on 2015-11-20T20:21:36-06:00My guess? To removed the NEED for specific classes and comps. Although I disagree with that direction, I suppose its to make assembling a raid easier.
I'm sure they will scale the content / abilities of players to compensate.
Comment by schnizol
on 2015-11-20T20:33:38-06:00One second cooldown for disengage... WTF?
Comment by Chripallo
on 2015-11-20T20:38:06-06:00Since these are being released, are we going to be seeing some informative posts on each class/spec in a more readable format? Also, I hope the beta version of a talent calculator is made after all the required info is released :D
Comment by CreationsDK
on 2015-11-20T20:41:07-06:00Major Glyphs are removed? :o
Comment by JStryker47
on 2015-11-20T20:46:14-06:00Why are you taking away our abilities to remove enrage and magic effects from the enemy, and our curse dispels? And the glyph of stampeding roar? Why? What could you POSSIBLY have against the idea of druids being able to use that without automatically turning into an animal? And the stun from fists of fury? Wha... seriously, WHY?
You guys used to be cool. You used to be all about ensuring that your fans had FUN playing the game. Now, you're just a bunch of jerks! Treating your fans like crap and taking away all the fun things they used to love about the game. You SUCK, Blizzard!
Comment by Kookiebiskit
on 2015-11-20T20:51:51-06:00Wow. Those warrior changes look amazing.
Comment by kammo12
on 2015-11-20T21:07:49-06:00I know it's still only very early beta and things are subject to change, but as of this moment reading these tooltips, it seems like we might be getting to choose specs when we make a new character. I'm looking at Ice Lance and Kill Command and they're spec-specific abilities that we get below level 10.
I'd be absolutely down for that and I really hope it doesn't change!
This post encompasses all of the known class changes in Legion Beta--new talents, specialization abilities, and core abilities. We will be tidying the post up and
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remember these are pve abilities. in legion, Legion Beta: Build 20740 Class Spell Changes; including: Threats of violence
Legion beta build class changes - Forums - World of Warcraft Remind you I don't know what I will play in Legion. Some changes I including
legion-beta-build priest spell changes - Forums - World of ...
legion-beta-build priest spell changes; but may include ideas that we tried
Legion Beta: Build 20740 Class Spell Changes -
Legion Beta: Build 20740 Class Spell Changes poi leggi sotto e te la ritrovi fra le spell nuove. Speriamo sia di buon auspicio per Legion.
Legion Spell Changes - Forums - World of Warcraft
It begins. It's happening. (250% of Spell power) Everyone,including mages,
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Legion Live. Class Guides. View All Class Changes; Class Halls; Demon Hunters; UI Improvements; Updated Models; Zone Spotlights; Latest Build Updates; View
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor News - Wowhead
Legion Live. Legion Information. Artifact Calculator; Class Changes; Class Halls; Demon Hunters; Latest Build Updates; Legendary Items; Legion Armor Sets; Transmog
Legion: Protection Warrior | Vengeance Tanking
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Legion Beta: Build 20740 Legion Beta Datamined Class Changes; Looks like we'll be getting lots of awesome new battle pets in Legion, including what appears