By Konstantinos
Embrace the shadows and explore the dark side of magick with this boxed set of Konstantinos favorites. Nocturnal Witchcraft introduces how to work with lunar powers and spiritual entities that prefer the darkness. Learn to cast a nocturnal magick circle, skry the night, open the gates to the underworld, and use dark symbols in your night rituals. Expand your connection to the dark ether and the unseen world with Gothic Grimoire. This book features techniques and rituals taken directly from Konstantinos personal magickal notebooks, including the Nocturnicon, rites for overcoming obstacles that appear in the life of the nightkind. From astral travel to working with thoughtforms, The Nocturnal Witch Collection will help you connect with the positive side of the dark-ness.
Ceremonies, Spheres and The Witches' Qabalah
By Christopher Penczak
The Craft meets high magick in The Temple of High Witchcraft, the much-anticipated fourth volume in Christopher Penczak's award-winning series of Witchcraft teachings. Penczak invites Witches to continue their spiritual evolution by exploring the ceremonial arts. Learn how these two traditions intersect in history and modern magickal practice. Penczak introduces Qabalah and discusses each sphere of the Tree of Life, in addition to ritual, pathworking, and other important concepts. In twelve lessons, you'll discover how to integrate these ideas and practices into your Craft. Following the traditional year and a day timeframe, this training program culminates with creating your own "reality map" of spiritual experience and truths.
Protection & Reversal Magick:
A Witch's Defense Manual (Beyond 101)
By Jason Miller
You could be the target of a spell or a curse and not even know it! Powerful, invisible spirits may be threatening your health, relationships, or job. With Protection & Reversal Magick, you can fight back - and win the battle. Psychic, magickal, and spiritual attacks happen more often than even most Witches and Magicians realize. The circumstances of attack vary but include: "crossed conditions" brought on by visiting disturbed or haunted places, aggression from spirits in retribution for human actions like pollution, experimental magick gone wrong, accidental attacks by psychics, and intentional curses by Witches and Magicians. All people, Witches or not, are susceptible to these attacks. The difference: Witches and Magicians can do something about it. Now you can too.
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients:
A Wiccan Guide to Spellcasting
By Lexa Rosean
Bringing the art and magick of casting spells to the masses, Lexa Rosean is the new face of Wicca. In The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients she provides beginner and experienced practitioners of spellcasting with a quick, easy, and accurate guide to the magickal powers and properties of herbs, spices, flowers, vegetables, fruits, metals, and colors -- more than 500 ingredients in all. With this info at your fingertips, you can craft spells for specific desires or needs -- whether it's love, luck, fertility, or even next month's rent! Written with passion for the craft and a deep understanding of the needs of modern-day Wiccans, The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients is an indispensable addition to every occult library and an essential reference for all with the gift of magick.
Sexy Witch
By Lasara Firefox
Employing a unique blend of feminism and magick, this refreshing guide to female self-empowerment helps women acknowledge the beauty, strength, and sexiness within themselves. Utterly honest and captivating, LaSara Firefox banishes the damaging misconceptions and shame often associated with female sexuality and sheds light on what it truly means to be a Sexy Witch. Each of the seven lessons - covering issues of body image, menstruation, genital exploration, self-acceptance, mentors, and exercises for nurturing the body and spirit. The second half of the book is devoted to rituals - to be practiced alone or with others - that celebrate one's power as a woman, a sexual being, and a Witch.
A Witch's Grimoire:
Create Your Own Book of Shadows
By Judy Ann Nock
Creating and keeping your own book of shadows is critical to your sacred journey. An instrumental tool, your grimoire is your personal record of your spiritual evolution-an evolution only you can document for posterity. Author and practicing witch Judy Ann Olsen guides you through the history of the grimoire, and provides options for creating and blessing your personal book of shadows. Featuring prayers and invocations for key holidays as well as daily practice, this provides the essential knowledge you need to devise your own magickal tools. You'll learn to keep track of your findings, write your own spells, and explore your magickal intentions-at your own pace. A Witch's Grimoire helps you attain your spiritual goals while creating a chronicle of your journey that will last for generations.
The Wicca Bible:
The Definitive Guide to Magic and the Craft
By Ann-Marie Gallagher
Wicca has many paths to choose from, and you can take a sample walk down all of them in this accessible, balanced, and entertaining study. It's a veritable one-stop shop for information about the fastest-growing religion in the world, with background on Wiccan belief, philosophy, and practice; gods and goddesses; and important herbs and trees. There are instructive glossaries and tables of symbols, too, plus practical exercises in visualization, ritual, and magic and guidance on customs and traditions such as circlework and coven etiquette. Novices will especially appreciate the useful sections on Wiccan divination, which draws from tarot, runes, scrying, and qabbalah.
The Temple Of Shamanic Witchcraft:
Shadows, Spirits, & The Healing Journey
By Christopher Penczak
Is shamanism all that different from modern witchcraft? According to Christopher Penczak, Wiccas roots go back 20,000 years to the Stone Age shamanic traditions of tribal cultures worldwide. A fascinating exploration of the Crafts shamanic origins, The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft offers year-and-a-day training in shamanic witchcraft. Penczaks third volume of witchcraft teachings corresponds to the water element - guiding the reader into this realm of emotion, reflection, and healing. The twelve formal lessons cover shamanic cosmologies, journeying, dreamwork, animal/plant/stone medicine, totems, soul retrieval, and psychic surgery. Each lesson includes exercises (using modern techniques and materials), assignments, and helpful tips. The training ends with a ritual for self-initiation into the art of the shamanic witch - culminating in an act of healing, rebirth, and transformation.
Scottish Witchcraft & Magick:
The Craft of the Picts
By Raymond Buckland
From the ancient misty Highlands of Scotland to modern-day America come the secrets of solitary Witchcraft practice. Scottish Witchcraft explores "PectiWita," or the craft of the Picts, the mysterious early Keltic people. The Scottish PectiWita tradition differs in many ways from the Wicca of England-there is little emphasis on the worship of the gods (though it is there), but more on the living and blending of magick into everyday life.
Holland's Grimoire of Magickal Correspondences: A Ritual Handbook
By Eileen Holland
One of the most thorough, yet comprehensible books on correspondences I've ever seen. -Christopher Penczak. What color candle is appropriate for a justice spell? Which herbs correspond to heart problems? How can you protect your home? When is a good time to empower a healing charm? Because of her exhaustive knowledge of this subject, Eileen Holland is the expert others turn to when they are seeking correspondences for magickal workings. This is the ultimate resource for witches, magicians and shamans, brujas and brujos, Druids, Wiccans, Asatru and Santerians. The most comprehensive book of magickal correspondences that has ever been written, it is for everyone who practices magick or creates rituals. More than 500 separate topics are covered. The correspondences included are drawn from many cultures and traditions, including Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Mayan, African, Afro-Caribbean, Buddhist, Norse, Hindu, Greco-Roman, Chinese, Celtic and Native American.
Element Encyclopedia Of Witchcraft
By Judika Illes
Natural magic is the ancient and powerful art of using material substancesherbs, stones, incenses, oils, and much moreto tap into the hidden magical powers of nature, transforming your surroundings and yourself.
Not just a cookbook of spells, the Encyclopedia of Natural Magic provides an introduction to the philosophy and ways of thought underlying this system. It also gives detailed information on 176 different herbs, trees, stones, metals, oils, incenses, and other substances, and offers countless ways to put them to magical use. With this book and a visit to your local herb store, rock shop, or your backyard garden, youre ready to enter the world of natural magic!
Book Of Shadows
By Migene González-Wippler
A "Book of Shadows" is simply the title used for a witch's journal-the place where each witch chronicles all matters of spiritual relevance over the course of a lifetime. González-Wippler, a witch and devotee of the Gardnerian tradition, uses this idea of the "witch's journal" to introduce readers to the basics of witchcraft, creating an encyclopedia-like book of terms, initiation ceremonies and a glossary of herbs and incenses, all by way of mimicking what is normally detailed in a personal "Book of Shadows." Beginning with a brief history of witchcraft, González-Wippler then describes the witch's coven, major festivals and three initiation ceremonies. Her discussions are certainly knowledgeable and thorough, if not exciting. Those looking for a "how-to" guide for becoming a witch will find this a useful, well-written resource.
Elemental Magick: Meditations, Exercises, Spells And Rituals to Help You Connect With Nature
By D. J. Conway
Alchemists and magicians have always recognized and used the four Elements. Most people who have studied magick know that there are four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, with a nebulous fifth Element, Spirit. But for many, there appears to be no practical purpose in learning much about the Elements, except perhaps as a basic but necessary building block for further knowledge, and so they run through the learning process as quickly as possible. This book demonstrates that these Elements demand further exploration because they are so basic and rudimentary to the world in which we live. It explains in depth the energies and forces that lie behind each of the Elements. It also explains the all-important and powerful Elemental Spirits that belong to each Element and how these Spirits frequently work with humans in workings that interest them.
Advancing The Witches' Craft:
Aligning Your Magical Spirit Through Meditation, Exploration And Initiation Of The Self
By Lord Foxglove
What would you do if one of the most powerful magickal forces imaginable were within your grasp? And how would you feel if you discovered that not only were you its creator, but that it was, in fact, a facet of yourself that you never knew existed? There is an entity that exists on the spirit plane that, in its purest form is an astral projection of your magickal self. And the only boundary it knows is you. This unknown entity is your shadow spirit, your "other." Through a series of exercises, guided meditations, and realignment, the reader will discover how to contact and join with this entity, and obtain a flow of magickal power and balance they never thought possible. This book delves deeply into this great-untapped resource of power that has been available to every Witch to use all along. Advancing the Witches' Craft combines the elements of mystery, adventure, and advanced teachings in Witchcraft, all presented in an intimate and challenging fashion. It is a unique teaching tool that takes readers head-on into uncharted territory in an intense, yet fun and exciting way. The greatest magickal guide imaginable is out there right now, waiting for contact. And it is you. ****Includes a 60 minute audio CD containing guided mediations read by the author
A Witch's Notebook:
9 Lessons In Witchcraft
By Silver Ravenwolf
What if you could peek inside the journal of a skilled and powerful Wiccan and read all about her exciting forays into the Craft? What if that Witch was the ever-popular Silver RavenWolf? Silver's own pearls of wisdom gained along the bumpy road to spiritual enlightenment can be found in A Witch's Notebook. This hands-on guide is designed to work from moon to moon-leading students through five months of spiritual advancement. In discussing cleansing, sacred symbols, renewed spirituality, and magickal ingredients, Silver urges Wiccans to step outside the usual confines of Witchcraft and explore other belief systems. This book also includes exercises, spells, and herbal information to assist in forging one's own unique spiritual path.
Wicca Demystified:
A Guide for Practitioners, Family and Friends
By Bryan Lankford
What is Wicca? How is it practiced? What do Wiccans worship? Wicca is one of the fastest-growing religious movements in the world, yet with its rise has come a torrent of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and untruths about what Wiccans do and believe. Wicca Demystified alleviates all confusion by offering a clear guide for everyone curious about this much talked-about religionwhether you are considering becoming Wiccan or a family member, friend, or colleague of someone who is Wiccan. Wiccan High Priest Bryan Lankford explains the background, beliefs, and practices of Wicca in two accessible sectionsone focusing on a basic understanding and one full of answers to deeper questions. The comprehensive topics he covers include: Why Wiccans worship a Goddess as well as a God - Witch stereotypes and nasty rumors about Wiccans - Wiccan holidays and how they are celebrated - The roles of nature and magick within the Wiccan faith - How Wiccans view birth, death, and the meaning of life - Ethics from a Wiccan perspective. Wicca Demystified goes beyond the simple mechanics of Wiccan worship to provide a glimpse into the heart and soul of the religion.
Sons Of The Goddess:
A Young Man's Guide To Wicca
By Christopher Penczak
Wicca is a spiritual path open to all. Yet young men may have trouble identifying their place in this seemingly female-dominated religion. Without many male role models, how can one become empowered as a son of the Goddess? Christopher Penczak, who learned about Witchcraft and magick in his late teens, offers guidance to all the young men out there who are curious about Wicca. This much-needed masculine perspective on the Craft discusses divine masculinity found in ancient myths, male energies, and rites of passage. Penczak also describes the fundamentals of Wicca, including the rule of three, the Wiccan Rede, spellcraft, rituals, holidays, and Witchcraft ethics.
Exploring the Pagan Path:
Wisdom from the Elders
Edited by Starhawk, various others...
Exploring the Pagan Path offers you the combined wisdom of Pagans who have been around for decades. The authors' background and experience encompass various Pagan traditions including Witchcraft, Druidry, Norse paths, Shamanism, and more. Together, they write for the seeker looking for a mentor along their journey. A teacher who can help them find their path, begin their journey, and provide them with clarity when they've lost their way. The book is divided into three main parts: Explore Your first lessons. Topics covered include a basic understanding of Paganism, what it means to walk the path, and learning how to make your own personal connections. This section also gives guidance on figuring out your tradition and beginning your journey. Learn Workings. Topics covered include the basics of ritual, tools and objects, personal ritual vs. group ritual, and family rites. Live Bringing spirituality into your daily life. Topics include finding ritual in the mundane, sharing your spirituality with others, and building community.
The Book of Shadows:
The Unofficial Charmed Companion
By Ngaire E. Genge
By popular request! The ultimate guide to the hit program Charmed, this is both a book of spells and a key to the mysteries of the show. The Book of Shadows celebrates the best of Charmed, from its roots in the ancient tradition of Wicca to insider information on the show's stars. N.E. Genge not only provides fascinating background details for the show's Wiccan elements, but also guides readers in performing their own magic. Fans with a witchy bent will learn about the tools of magic and divination and the casting of spells. Recipes and rituals -- from those that beckon love or bless a new business venture to those that bequeath strength or bestow fortune -- are all included. The Book of Shadows is a sassy celebration of witches, sisterhood, and magic.
Book of Saxon Witchcraft
By Raymond Buckland
Buckland offers seekers an introductory text on Saxon witchcraft or Seax-Wicca, which can be practiced alone and presents meticulously researched information on the time-honored tradition of Saxon witchcraft. He writes cogently and informatively about the history, mythology, spiritual practices, and witchcraft of Saxon England. Includes everything the solitary witch needs to practice Seax-Wicca, including: Descriptions of the Saxon deities and the primary beliefs - An introduction to the magical runic Saxon alphabet - A selection of Seax-Wiccan recipes for intoxicants - Instructions for initiation ceremonies, the eight Sabbats, marriage, birth, and death rites - The art and practice of Saxon Galdra or magic and the divination and herbal lore used for protection, love potions, and healing - The Rite of Self-Dedication, which allows individuals to form their own covens and initiate themselves into the Craft.
Wicca: A Year & A Day 366 Days Of Spiritual Practice In The Craft Of The Wise
By Timothy Roderick
Experience the traditional year-and-a-day study of the Craft. There are no short-cuts to becoming a Witch. Traditionally, students take a year and a day to prepare for their initiation into the Craft. Based on this age-old custom, Wicca: A Year and a Day is a one-of-a-kind daily guide that introduces Witchcraft over a 366-day cycle. Ideal for solitary students, this intensive study course teaches the core content of Wiccan practice: the tides of time, the wonders of the seasons, the ways of herbs and magic, the mysticism of the Old Ones, and the inner disciplines of seers and sages. Daily lessons include exercises, Wiccan theology and lore, and discussions relating to circle work, magical correspondences, holidays, deities, tools, healing, and divination.
Witch's Box of Magickal Protection
By Gilly Sergiev
This cleverly packaged kit contains a complete introduction to the world of protective magic. The cornerstone element is an easy-to-follow guidebook called A Witch's Apocraphya of Protection Power. It teaches readers how to cast powerful spells to protect their homes, careers loved ones and finances.
In addition to the book, the kit includes several key protection tools: a pouch containing an amulet, a talisman, an enchanted scroll and a black candle. Readers will learn all the essentials about omens, trance, destiny and the third eye. They'll also find out about the importance of love and generosity in the Wiccan way.
A Witch's Box of Magick
By Gilly Sergiev
The central item in this unique boxed collection is a book of traditional witchcraft lorealso known as a Grymoirewhich summarizes basic knowledge that all witches should be familiar with. These details include magical days on the calendar and charmed places in the natural world, mysteries understood by witches, methods of astral travel, correct use of the powerful symbol of the pentacle, and ways to employ chants and dances that invoke mystical powers and banish evil. This operating manual for witches comes boxed with incense sticks, a candle, a black altar cloth, and a magic wand, all of these items intended to help the user perform the rituals and cast the spells presented in the Grymoire. Twenty ancient spells and their ingredients are described. They deal with love, fortune, beauty, health, banishing, binding, talismans, charms, amulets, and much more. A Witch's Box of Magick will empower faithful users, helping them to perform benevolent magic, which is also known as following the White Path. This beautifully packaged kit prepares its user to explore the world of witchcraft. It also makes a fine gift for a friend who is interested in an introduction to this esoteric art.
Soliltary Wiccan's Bible
By Gavin Frost, Yvonne Frost
The key to all Wiccan practice is ultimately solitary because developing real growth and awareness begins inside each individual. The Solitary Wiccan's Bible is for any reader wanting to go deeper into his or her understanding and experience of Wiccaalone. There are many reasons people seek a solitary path: fear of charlatans, concern about co-workers finding out or being misunderstood by others, or lack of family or social support for Wiccan practice. The Solitary Wiccan's Bible uses the metaphor of a solitary pilgrim walking a path and discovering natural and spiritual truths along the way. This pilgrimage is based on the ancient symbology of the Pentagram enclosed in the triple circle. The Solitary Wiccan's Bible leads the pilgrim to cross the circles, moving from the Wilderness through the Home and Astral realms, to achieve the central Spiritual realm. Always down-to-earth and easy to understand, The Solitary Wiccan's Bible clearly lays out the Wiccan paths so any reader can follow.
The Solitary Wiccan's Bible provides background and practice in clear, accessible, and often humorous prose, making the book immediately useful to first-time seekers and long-time practitioners alike.
Wicca For One:
The Path Of Solitary Witchcraft
By Raymond Buckland
Known as the Father of American Wicca, Raymond Buckland has authored numerous books on all aspects of the Craft. Now he has written his most important work to date--a comprehensive guide to the solitary practice of Wicca through every season of life. From becoming a Witch to improving your life through magic to mastering spells, rites, traditions, and celebrations, this thoroughly modern handbook includes information on: The advantages and drawbacks of practicing solitary Wicca - Constructing the tools and sacred space needed to create magic every day - Using dreamwork, tarot cards, crystal balls, astrology, and other divinations - Maintaining ethics without the guidance of a coven - Developing the power to heal and to ward off negativity.
Earth Path:
Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature
By Starhawk
Fans and followers of Starhawk (The Spiral Dance; etc.), a founding member of the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft, will welcome her latest offering. Well organized, each chapter contains reminiscences of personal and group experiences, exercises and suggestions for prayer and ritual. Many of her tenets apply not only to those interested in the practice of Wicca but to readers seeking a better understanding of the world around them: "Once we have learned to hear, then we can begin to understand. And only after we understand do we begin to speak, to intervene." Yet she astutely cautions: "To change a drum rhythm in a group of drummers, you first have to match it and join with it. But when you are within a system, part of the whole, that system is also changing you. It is difficult to maintain your own rhythm and not simply become part of what you are trying to change." Starhawk presents an array of exercises and practices for sharpening observation and listening skills. She engages readers' spirits and minds through her illustrative storytelling, offering ways to communicate more fully with the world and suggesting ways to act.
Spells for the Solitary Witch
By Eileen Holland
This is a book of spells for beginning and intermediate Witches who practice the Craft alone. "Solitary Witches," writes Holland, "are those who practice the Craft without a coven or other group. Some Witches are solitary because of circumstances, but the rest of us are solitary by choice... we feel no need to join a formal group. We like our independence and prefer the freedom to do things our own way. This book's spells are all designed to be cast by a single Witch, working alone." Clear and easy to follow, it explains how to prepare and cast spells, lists the materials needed for each spell, and provides the incantations to say that will ensure the best results. Holland suggests alternatives to hard-to-find ingredients as well as directions about where to find specific ingredients crucial to a spell's success. Also included is an index of spells to make it easy to find the spell you need. The book offers spells for every need, including love, money, wishes, uncrossing, protection, and problem-solving.
Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition
By Raven Grimassi
Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition provides a cultural and mythical context that helps readers gain insight into these Mystery themes. Drawing upon the long-standing traditional European Witchcraft and occult concepts and tenets, Grimassi constructs a cohesive mythos that supports and unifies the Sabbats and their associated deities. Also provided are techniques for aligning with the momentum of the past, a powerful current of knowledge and energy available to all Witches.
Evolutionary Witchcraft
By T. Thorn Coyle
A learned and serious guide to Witchcraft for the mature practitioner, by one of the craft's leading teachers. Using tools from the potent and secretive Feri Tradition of Witchcraft, author T. Thorn Coyle issues an invitation to our wild, magical core-the source of change and connection. In changing ourselves, we sow the seeds that also change the world. In seeking to connect us to our deepest selves, Evolutionary Witchcraft presents tools mastered by few, but in a manner that is accessible to both the seasoned practitioner and the newcomer. One needs only a strong wish for change and a willingness to work. Following the ritual of creating sacred space, Evolutionary Witchcraft is designed to be read through once, and then used as a ten-month training program. Its many exercises-involving movement, spells, right intention, and occult ceremony-invite the reader to bring the work into daily interactions, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, alienation into wholeness.
Witches All Volume 2
By Elizabeth Pepper
There is no end to magic. Egyptian divinities, the stars above, Celtic customs, standing stones, the lore and wisdom of ancient Greece, sacred jewels beneath the earth and the drama of medieval festivals are featured in the companion volume to the first Witches All. We proudly present yet another cycle, a collection of articles appearing in The Witches' Almanac during the last decade. Mystic secrets of the past will always light the path for today's seekers. Arcane art and symbols stir the imagination in a wonderfully -curious way. Witches All serves as an introduction. Witches All Volume Two displays the depth and breadth of a fascinating subject.
Pop! Goes The Witch:
The Disinformation Guide to 21st Century Witchcraft
By Fiona Horne
Fiona Horne, best selling author and popular media personality, has compiled the ultimate insight into modern Witchcraft. Continuing the successful, oversize Disinformation anthology format, an all-star cast of Witches and Wiccans cover an amazing array of topics, including: Which Witch Is Witch? Introduction to witchcraft in the 21st century - Professional Witch: Interviews and contributions from some of the most influential Witches - Can Guys Be Witches Too? Male Witches speak out - Teen Witches - Witches Around the World - Gay and Lesbian Witchcraft - Spelling It Out: Tried-and-tested enchantments - Beds Knobs and Broomsticks: The important role that positive body image and healthy sexuality play in Witchcraft - Contributions from Christians who are pro-Wicca - Witchcraft and the Law: Legalization of Witchcraft and its current status as a recognized religion in the USA - Pop Goes the Witch: Witches in popular culture - Cyber Sorcery: Witches on the Web.
The Witch's Shield:
Protection Magick and Psychic Self-Defense
By Christopher Penczak
Penczak fills a niche need with this balanced daily approach to psychic wellness. This is a clear, accessible, and useful manual for those who wish to align their Will regularly with nature's processes and elements for healthy living. Beginning with the premise that "90% of all psychic attacks are not attacks, but self-created illusions," Penczak goes on to delineate the genuine need for protection from such forces as physical harm; harmful energy, judgments and projections; evil eyes; time traps; psychic vampires (drainers of energy, vitality and emotion); unenlightened gurus; past life energies and last but not least, oneself. Subsequent chapters discuss the symptoms of a person in need of psychic protection, then describe methods of diagnosis and physical, emotional and spiritual self-purification. Penczak identifies graphic protection symbols (designs, stones, etc.), as well as tools to evoke protective spirits. The book's real philosophical beauty is in the final chapter that addresses the dilemma of competitive magick.
Rituals of the Dark Moon
By Gail Wood
Everyone is familiar with the image of Witches performing rituals under a Full Moon. Mysterious but not frightening, the Dark Moon (the night before the New Moon) is lesser known but equally powerful. This guidebook reveals the hidden wisdom of the Dark Moon Path. It presents the thirteen Dark Moons of the year by the zodiac sign in which they fall, along with rituals designed to help you experience and learn from their energies.
The Second Circle:
Tools for the Advancing Pagan
By Venecia Rauls
There's a world of knowledge out there for the advancing Pagan. You just have to know where to find it. Are you an experienced Pagan who is still hungry for more knowledge... no longer a novice, but unsure of where to find the tools you need to learn more? Written by a fellow searcher who has spent nearly two decades studying and practicing Paganism, The Second Circle was written especially with the journeyman (or -woman) in mindmoving past basic principles, and guiding you through the next phase of your spiritual adventure. An important resource for finding the books, tools, and teachers you need, this warm, user-friendly book will show you how to build upon what you have already learned as you:
* Increase your wisdom through a four-step process: reading, thinking, questioning, and doing * Make sense of the advanced texts you'll need to become a Master Pagan * Release yourself from the unhelpful thought patterns that are ingrained in you * Establish your own personaland ethicalbrand of witchcraft * Discover how your strengths and weaknesses can help you choose what kind of Master Witch or Pagan you would like to become * Effectively use your newfound knowledge in the natural world.
Self-Initiation for the Solitary Witch:
Attaining Higher Spirituality Through a Five-Degree System
By Shanddaramon
Within modern Wicca, the urge still exists to find a particular school. Covens are an option for some, but they can be hard to find. Even when you find one, it may not satisfy your particular quest. Other practitioners live in areas where it is not as easy to "come out of the broom closet," so they have little access to groups. Additionally, many people who desire more direct access to their god or goddess choose to practice alone. Self-Initiation for the Solitary Witch is the solution for all of these dilemmas. This much-needed text leads practitioners through five-degree studies, from beginning concepts all the way through more advanced and integrative practices: First Degree: Path of Intellect, Second Degree: Path of the Heart, Third Degree: Path of the Soul, Fourth Degree: Path of the Physical, and Fifth Degree: Path of the Mysterious. Each Degree is a complete course of study. If you are looking for a path to further spiritual development that you can do in your own time and on your own terms, this is the one book you need.
When I See the Wild God:
Encountering Urban Celtic Witchcraft
By Ly De Angeles
Deepen your knowledge of the sacred mysteries . . . enter the space where nothing begins and nothing ends . . . reclaim your pagan heritage. A unique blend of witchcraft instruction, Celtic mythology, and urban fantasy, this work goes beyond ordinary witchcraft manuals. Ly de Angeles provides insight into the Celtic perspective of sacredness, and presents invocations, visualizations, and urban magic rituals for the equinoxes, solstices, and the four Fire Festivals. Other magical theory and practice explored in this handbook: Law of Three logos and mythos animism pantheism the Four Worlds death and timelessness the Elements shapeshifting Tuatha dé Danann the Quicken Tree Literary, eclectic, and infused with a masculine sensibility, When I See the Wild God is your guide to the Déithe and draíocht-the gods and magic that exist within and around you.
Witchcraft Today
By Gerald B. Gardner, Margaret Murray
Commemorating its 50th anniversary, an expanded edition of the first Wicca book, by the father of the Pagan renaissance. Written shortly after the repeal of the English Witch laws in 1954, WITCHCRAFT TODAY offered the world a new religion, Wicca, and captured the imaginations of spiritual seekers everywhere. The author, Gerald Gardner, was writing about a small, secret coven of hereditary Witches, brave people who had hidden their faith for centuries to avoid persecution. His descriptions of their practices and history, their working tools and festivals, impelled a rediscovery of indigenous British religion and, globally, fueled a movement now boasting between 3 and 5 million members, making Wicca one of the fastest growing religions. To celebrate the anniversary, Citadel Press is proud to be republishing Gardner's book in an expanded edition with contributions from today's Wiccan elders on the religion's past, present, and future. From Picts and pixies to Knights Templars and persecution; from Celtic cauldrons to Kabbalitic magic, Witchcraft Today also includes important biographical information on Gardner and his historical context.
Meaning of Witchcraft
By Gerald B. Gardner
A sourcebook for all witches and pagans, this much sought-after volume is finally available again. First published in 1959, not long after laws punishing witches were repealed, it was the first sympathetic book written from the point of view of a practising witch. Gardners book opened the door for the modern revival of Wicca and neo-paganism. It was the first sympathetic book written from the point of view of a practicing witch. "The meaning of witchcraft is to be found, not in strange religious theories about God and Satan, but in the deepest levels of the human mind, the collective unconscious, and the earliest developments of human society. It is the deepness of the roots that has preserved the tree." The Meaning of Witchcraft is an invaluable source book for witches today. Chapters include: Witch's Memories and Beliefs * The Stone Age Origins of Witchcraft * Druidism and the Aryan Celts * Magic Thinking * Curious Beliefs about Witches * Signs and Symbols * The Black Mass * Some Allegations Examined
By Erica Jong, Joseph A. Smith
This witch's brew of a book is back in all its tantalizing glory to enchant a new generation of readers. Bestselling author Erica Jong here turns her attention to the fantastical and factual world of witchcraft. In beguiling poetry and prose, she looks at the figure of the witch both as historical reality and as archetype- as evil crone and full-breasted seductress, as a lingering vestige of a primeval religion and a projection of fear of the unknown.
Joseph A. Smith's powerful, haunting illustrations enliven each page, as Jong investigates the witch as a survivor of the age of sorcery, as a scapegoat for male-dominated church-state politics, as a remarkable natural healer, and as a hexer without peer. Real recipes for love potions and flying lotions, along with formulas for spells and incantations, make this book a rich journey of mystery and delight. Available in paperback for the first time, Witches has been a favorite since it was published more than 20 years ago- a testament to the enduring fascination with the myths and truths about these intriguing figures.
A Complete Guide to Night Magic
By Cassandra Eason
Access the transformative power of darkness. The night has enormous potential. While society has been taught to fear the dark, it actually provides restorative and nurturing powers. This book shows readers how to embrace the darkness and develop intuition, insight and psychic awareness. Using rituals, spells and meditation, learn how to work with gods and goddesses; psychic protection at night and how to use shamanic rituals to connect with the animals and spirits of the night. Discover how to use sleep to unlock the messages of the unconscious and how to meditate effectively by looking into a midnight pool, a darkened garden and stargazing.
Advanced Wiccan Spirituality:
Revitalising the Roots and Foundations
By Kevin Saunders
Advanced Wiccan Spirituality provides information drawn from the many spiritual and esoteric traditions that helped to inspire the original founders of Wicca. It shows that this modern form of witchcraft is not just about spells and potions, but has a great spiritual depth, based on a strong ethical foundation. This incomparable resource utilises models such as the Tree of Life and The Tarot, along with many practical exercises, to guide the reader through a journey of self-discovery and development.
Included is information on the relevance of Jungian psychology, the seven planes, healing methods, sexual energy, advanced circle casting techniques and a radical revision of the Pagan Wheel of the Year. Written by a Wiccan High Priest living in and working from Glastonbury, England.
Progressive Witchcraft:
Spirituality, Mysteries, and Training in Modern Wicca
By Janet Farrar, Gavin Bone
This is the most radical work to date by Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone, arguably the world's leading experts on the subject of Modern Witchcraft and the Neo-Pagan movement. It is nothing less than their detailed analysis of the way Witchcraft has evolved into the worldwide religion that it is today...and their vision of its future. The authors do not create or endorse a specific Witchcraft tradition, but rather identify a system that is at the root of all of the existing paths within Witchcraft. They show how Wicca is a modern, non-dogmatic dynamic tradition still in a state of evolution-a Priesthood based on connection with the Divine and service to humanity. Here is a book for anyone interested in Wicca, from seekers just beginning on the path of the Old Ways to those thirsting for more knowledge about its inner practices.
Power of the Moon:
Using Wiccan Rituals, Magick, and Moon Signs in Your Life
By Teresa Moorey
Power of the Moon shows how to become more attuned to lunar phases and how to channel the moon's energies for personal well-being and happiness. The book outlines spells and rituals, myths and meditations, and includes an explanation of moon signs and the meaning of the moon's phase at the reader's birth. For those who would like to bring more balance and creativity into their lives, this book provides ways to align with the cycles of the moon through cooking, crafts, lunar festivals, gardening, herbs, and natural remedies. Power of the Moon also describes the relationship between the moon and the goddess, and includes detailed illustrations, a calendar of festivals, and a complete moon sign computation chart from 1950 to 2010.
Everyday Moon Magic:
Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living
By Dorothy Morrison
That magical, mystical, glorious Moon-invite Her power into your life every day, from fixing your computer to blessing your pets. You'll learn how each Moon phase affects your spellwork, including the seldom-discussed energies of the true Blue Moon, the Black Moon, the void-of-course moon, and the lunar eclipse. Follow the Moon as She traverses each sign of the zodiac, and discover how each astrological phase affects magic, mundane events, and gardening-and how your personal Moon sign affects your magical work. Includes more than 140 modernized spells, chants, and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations for the Full Moon.
Witch Hunts in Europe and America:
An Encyclopedia
By William E. Burns
From early sorcery trials of the 14th century--associated primarily with French and Papal courts--to the witch executions of the late 18th century, this book's entries cover witch-hunting in individual countries, major witch trials from Chelmsford, England, to Salem, Massachusetts, and significant individuals from famous witches to the devout persecutors.
The Magickal Life:
A Wiccan Priestess Share Her Secrets
By Vivianne Crowley
In this comprehensive guide, Vivianne Crowley shows that we can tap the mysterious power of the natural world and the creativity of the human mind by practicing true magic. With down-to-earth advice and detailed exercises that teach you how to perform magic such as rituals for health, prosperity, and love, she illustrates simple techniques for enhancing your life. She also shares her own inspiring journey, shedding new light on the connection between the ancient spiritual wisdom of magic and contemporary self-help techniques such as meditation, yoga, and positive thinking. Perfect for novices and seasoned practitioners alike, The Magickal Life illustrates how magic can help you lead a more successful and satisfying life and see the world as full of endless possibilities.
Witchcraft Medicine:
Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants
By Claudia Muller-Ebeling
An in-depth investigation of traditional European folk medicine and the healing arts of witches. Explores the outlawed "alternative" medicine of witches suppressed by the state and the Church and how these plants can be used today. The authors take the reader on a journey that examines the women who mix the potions and become the healers; the legacy of Hecate; the demonization of nature's healing powers and sensuousness; the sorceress as shaman; and the plants associated with witches and devils. They explore important seasonal festivals and the plants associated with them, such as wolf's claw and calendula as herbs of the solstice and alder as an herb of the time of the dead-Samhain or Halloween. They also look at the history of forbidden medicine from the Inquisition to current drug laws, with an eye toward how the sacred plants of our forebears can be used once again.
The Pagan's Muse:
Words of Ritual, Invocation, and Inspiration
By Jane Raeburn
Words have extraordinary power, connecting us not only to each other but to history, human expression, and worship of the divine. The first book of its kind for Pagan and Wiccan ritual writers, The Pagan's Muse contains a wealth of vividly descriptive verse to help practitioners craft their own personal celebrations of spirit. Written by poets from all times, and including ancient poems translated into English and verse written specifically for this collection by contemporary practitioners, The Pagan's Muse includes inspiring sections on: Ritual and Devotion; Nature; Passion; Magic; Laughter; Grief and Remembrance; and Chants and Songs; as well as an introduction to Pagan poetry for ritual creators.
The Witch's Book of Wisdom
By Patricia J. Telesco
In this earthy, practical and wise volume, Telesco offers sound advice on magick and spirituality as they coincide with everyday life. With the lessons and insights she has gained over the last eighteen years, she explores a variety of issues that are key to every witch's growth, while also demystifying many modern myths about witches.
Grimoire for the Green Witch:
A Complete Book of Shadows
By Ann Moura
The author of the popular Green Witchcraft series presents her personal Book of Shadows, designed for you to use just as she uses it-as a working guide to ritual, spells, and divination. This ready-made, authentic grimoire is based on family tradition and actual magical experience, and is easily adaptable to any tradition of Witchcraft. It offers a treasury of magical information- rituals for Esbats and Sabbats, correspondences, circle-casting techniques, sigils, symbols, recitations, spells, teas, oils, baths, and divinations. Every aspect of Craft practice is addressed, from the purely magical to the personally spiritual. It is a distillation of Green practice, with room for growth and new inspiration.
Magical Meditations:
Guided Imagery for the Pagan Path
By Yasmine Galenorn
NEW EDITION! An excellent introduction to the modern practices and beliefs of the revived Craft. Wicca - the ancient religion of Witchcraft - is said to be the oldest religion in the world. Today, growing numbers of people are becoming attracted to 'the old way', with the connection it offers to the natural world and the magical force of the universe. Vivianne Crowley's bestselling book explains the way of the Witch and shows the relevance of modern Wicca in today's world. Full of practical information and diagrams, this thought-provoking book provides an in-depth guide to the Old Religion. Includes: The origins and history of Wicca, Wicca today, The misunderstood aspects of black and white magic, The God and Goddess within us, The future of Witchcraft and more.
Witches' All
By Elizabeth Pepper
Magical secrets of the past help predict the future and enrich the present. A book about witchcraft, its theory and practice, derived from past issues of The Witches' Almanac. Witches' All will fill you in on more occult -secrets than you can wave a wand at. This magical collection features a glossary of witches' terms, a collection of original spells from a 19th--century book of shadows, an occult alphabet, festival recipes, astrological lore and much more. A perfect introduction to witchcraft and a valuable addition to any witch's library.
Spirit of the Witch:
Religion & Spirituality in Contemporary Witchcraft
By Raven Grimassi
In this one-of-a-kind guidebook, award-winning Wiccan author and scholar Raven Grimassi presents an insightful portrait of the spirit of the Witch. He explores the spiritual element of the rituals, practices, and beliefs of Witchcraft, and how these elements apply not only to the seasons of nature, but also to the mystical seasons of the soul. Literate and positive, Spirit of the Witch examines the oral tradition of Witches, as well as the cultural, literary, anthropological, and historical roots of Witchcraft. Revealed within these pages is the fascinating secret life of the Witch-guardian of the sacred mysteries, channel of magical forces, and keeper of the doorway between worlds.
A Wiccan Bible:
Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland
By A. J. Drew
If you have ever wondered if there is more to religion than ancient rituals, then this book is for you. If you have already come to the realization that Wicca is the religion for you, then this book will help fill in those many blanks that have been left by other books. Making no attempt to dictate religious dogma or routine, the author illustrates the many issues a person's religion should address and shows how he has found answers to those issues through the practice of a modern religion, which has, in part, been structured on some of the oldest principles of the ancient world. He examines the four stages of life from this perspective. Maiden and Master - Birth, Wiccaning, and Self-Dedication. - Mother and Father - Initiation, Mating Customs, and Pregnancy. - Crone and Sage - Grandchildren, Suicide, and Death. - Middle Ground - Reincarnation, Summerland, and Winterland.
The Witch's Guide to Life
By Kala Trobe
It's not always easy to practice the Craft in a nine-to-five world. This comprehensive guide to magickal living spans the intellectual, physical, magickal, and philosophical aspects of being a witch, including spellcasting, the development of the Craft, divination, ethics, and more. Kala has been rigorously trained in magick and occult symbology, working to explore the inner planes and affect the outer in a positive and healing manner. She comes from a long line of religious visionaries, a recent example being Alice A. Bailey, the prolific Victorian advocate of the 'New Age', author of The Great Invocation and founder of the Lucis Trust. Kala has worked as a professional tarot reader and psychic medium. She is interested in using the Cosmic Energy she perceives all around us for healing, and particularly for balancing out psychological problems and their ensuing physical ailments. It is her aim to promote the metaphysical awareness which enables life to be lived magickally and in ever-increasing spiritual consciousness.
The Veil's Edge:
Exploring the Boundaries of Magic
By Willow Polson
Where are the books for the experienced Witch? Not simply a "Wicca 201" book, The Veil's Edge discusses more unfamiliar and abstract concepts of magic and Witchcraft, including: The Veil between the worlds and how it works, Direct contact with the Divine and how to handle it, Ecstatic worship techniques and shamanism, Fae magic techniques, including the use of glamourie, Group dynamics and working with different kinds of energy flows, Intuitive magic: Allowing yourself to sense and believe. Readers are introduced to these topics through the author's personal experiences and interviews with others that have been practicing for many years. Anyone who considers themselves an experienced magic worker will appreciate this essential book which fills a genuine need within the maturing Pagan community.
Wicca 333:
Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief
By Kaatryn MacMorgan
Divided into 12 topics, Wicca 333 tries to provide the level of insight and depth of material found in many "101" books without repeating the same tired introductory information that is irrelevant to today's advanced student. Touching on topics ranging from the overlooked history of Wicca to creationism, Wicca 333 provides serious information and commentary while often remaining light-hearted and fun. As always, well-documented fact mixes with anecdote and humor! Author of All One Wicca, Kaatryn MacMorgan once again relies on a text-with-tools format and a supporting website where readers can ask questions about the material and participate in in-depth discussions. Opinionated, experienced and unashamedly Pagan, Wicca 333 takes the discussion of the Wiccan Religion to the next level.
The Encyclopedia of Modern Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism
By Shelley Rabinovitch
Whether you're looking for information on blessings, the Green Man, divination, ritual components, or spellwork, you can find it all in this volume. The ultimate source on all things Wicca and Neo-Pagan, an indispensable tool for anyone wanting to learn about the history, traditions and major figures of modern non-traditional religions. Organized alphabetically and designed to be both clear and comprehensive, this book provides definitions and detailed entries on a wide range of subjects. Discover a wealth of information on such topics as: Tools of the Art, Goddess Worship, Ritual sex and sex magic, The Ritual Year and more.
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft:
Magick, Meditation & Psychic Development
By Christopher Penczak
A thorough course of education, introspection, meditation, and the development of the magickal and psychic abilities that are the birthright of the witch. Four introductory chapters present the history, traditions, and principles of witchcraft, followed by thirteen lessons that start with basic meditation techniques and culminate in a self-initiation ceremony equivalent to the first-degree level of traditional coven-based witchcraft.
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These books cover the specific areas of Wicca and Witchcraft within the general realm of Paganism. Use these books for intent study in Wiccan traditions and the
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Wicca. One can be very confused with the modern ideas present today. In fact, a lot of individuals are so involved in their own lives that they do not even bother to
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Explore carms's board "witchcraft" on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas | See more about Book Of Shadows, Wicca and
Wicca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wicca (English pronunciation: / w k /), also termed Pagan Witchcraft, is a contemporary Pagan new religious movement. It was developed in England during the