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by Karen Clark With the approach of the Winter Solstice, Sarah Ashby, a rising, young financial executive, has an emotional meltdown that unleashes an overpowering hunger for some essential, lost part of herself connected to her inner power and beauty, and the mysteries of the sacred feminine. Following her instincts and the dream directives of a raven, Sarah propels herself on a spiritual adventure that lands her on a remote, rugged island on the Canadian West Coast and into the alternative, pagan world of magic, ritual and the Dark Goddess. But how can Sarah navigate these strange waters without unraveling her existing world and sacrificing the things she most deeply cherishes? 5.0 out of 5 stars Truly Magical and Inspiring! Captivatingly brilliant is the only way to describe the story that unfolds between the pages in Karen Clarks, Tale of the Lost Daughter. A story steeped in magic and ritual, clever characters and exquisitely vivid attention to detail, this one won't disappoint! Many times while reading I felt as though I was standing there experiencing the events right alongside Sarah, the stories primary protagonist. The story is compelling and will literally take you through a wide range of emotions; in one chapter your heart beating in suspense with anticipation, and in the next, sobbing with compassion and in honest despair for the situations Sarah finds herself in, and giggling in the next! While this may well be Karen Clark's breakthrough novel, it is clear as you read on that she is expert when it comes to her craft. She is a remarkably gifted writer, who has managed to bridge the gap between a magical and mundane world. Her natural storytelling ability shines with an authenticity enabling anyone who isn't familiar with Paganism to step easily into this tradition, providing both a clear understanding of what is unfolding before them, as well as offering the reader accurate insight into the magical on-going's of realistic pagan adventure. For those who are already rooted in the Pagan tradition, this book will likely become essential reading material. It provides a way forward for those seeking a deeper more meaningful relationship with the Dark Goddess, while showing the transformative nature in the ability of transitioning past experience into useful personal gain. Countless times I found myself jotting down sacred little morsels that resonated so personally within me. This book will be a valuable resource for many, page after page containing words of wisdom and magic, everywhere! I can see myself reading this one over, many times. I believe we can look forward to seeing much more from Karen Clark, and I have a feeling that this Author may well be this generations, "Starhawk." Ms. Clark's contributions are significant, and sure to be seen as equally comparable to the more prevalent modern day authors, having a profound effect on the Reclaiming Tradition, being exceedingly relevant to The Goddess Movement, and paramount to the Divine/Sacred Feminine Communities, as well as being most complimentary and worthy of attention to any of the various Pagan Traditions remaining. Tale of the Lost Daughter, leaves me excited knowing that we finally have a fascinating work of fiction that actually depicts reality. Buy from Amazon |
by Silver Ravenwolf Does your current relationship need a spicy boost? Try an herbal aphrodisiac incense. Want to secure a great relationship? The Seven-Knot Love Spell can help. From igniting passion with candle magick to ending a relationship gone sour with a lemon spell, Silver's Spells for Love will show you over 100 ways to get, keep, or even dispel love! Learn how to: Prepare incenses, oils, and powders for love ...Use a magick mirror for love divination ...Attract romance and lasting love ...Bring a loving pet into your life with magick ...Find out what an old lover is up to ...· ...and discover how powders and poppets, potions and notions can make your love life magickal! This delightful spellbook offers charms and chants and all manner of magick for banishing loneliness, infusing existing relationships with new passion, and attracting an abundance of love. Whether you want to keep, find, or even toss love, just consult your little pink book! Buy from Amazon |
by Silver Ravenwolf One of the most famous Witches in the world today shows how to get the upper hand on one's cash flow with techniques personally designed and tested by the author herself. Buy from Amazon
by Silver Ravenwolf Silver's back again, this time with a great little book full of spells on how to keep you, your family, home and just about anything else, safe. A great book, highly recommended. Buy from Amazon |
New Generation Witchcraft by Silver RavenWolf Silver RavenWolf is one of the most widely recognized names in circles of witchcraft, and with good reason; she has written some of the best guides to contemporary Witchcraft available. To Ride a Silver Broomstick is a handbook aimed at the beginner, and doesn't get bogged down in history, dogma, or gender roles. It is a workbook for the individual, whether one is a solitary practitioner or part of a coven, that covers the basics of the craft--from useful vocabulary to setting up an altar--and briefly delves into more advanced concepts such as astral projection and telepathy. To Ride a Silver Broomstick may not be the most comprehensive single volume on the subject of witchcraft, but RavenWolf focuses on the aspects most important to a beginner, and keeps her introduction to the craft approachable and easy to follow. --Brian Patterson Buy from Amazon |
A Witch's Guide to Casting and Conjuring by Silver Ravenwolf In her sequel to To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Silver RavenWolf leads us to the next step in craft practice, focusing on intermediate-level magical practices, such as the proper mechanics of circle casting and 10 ways to raise power. However, To Stir a Magick Cauldron is not just a rule book, it is also a candid companion on the road to discovery. Sure, RavenWolf delves into the nitty-gritty of conjuration, but she also encourages us to see the craft as more than a dusty curiosity and reveals how to incorporate our newfound power into our 20th-century lifestyles. --Brian Patterson Buy from Amazon |
by Silver Ravenwolf Teen Witch offers an easy-to-grasp introduction to the Craft that answers the basic questions about what being a witch is really all about, and RavenWolf provides a long list of follow-up material for anyone who feels that witchcraft might be the path he or she wants to follow. Writing a book for teenagers about any religion is a tricky prospect, but Mama Silver tackles the problem of discussing an ancient path that has suffered a long history of persecution and negative stereotypes in a way that doesn't step on anyone's toes and shouldn't offend the religious sensibilities of anyone with a mind open to the truth. --Brian Patterson Buy from Amazon |
Natural Magick for Teens by Ellen Dugan This book has everything to begin witchcraft, a natural path, or Wicca. It has sections on the elements, organizing magickal spaces, making tools, the god and goddess, the sabbats, rituals, and meditations. It has real life examples of spells working (and flopping) and will start anyone (not just teens) new to the craft off on the right foot. It is a very grounded and down to earth book and is not fluffy and sweet like most Wicca 101 books. It is well-written and has simple spells to help anyone with their lives. It has detailed sections about the threefold rule, Magickal beings, how to be an inconspicuous witch, and the Witch's Pyramid. --Phoenix Buy from Amazon |
by Scott Cunningham Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner is the essential primer from one of the best known authors on Wicca. Focusing on the importance of individualism in your spiritual path, Cunningham explains the very basics of Sabbats (holy days), ceremonies, altars, and other nuts and bolts of Wicca that a solitary practitioner may have trouble finding elsewhere. While Wicca shouldn't be your sole point of reference when considering Wicca as your way of life, it is one of the best starting points. --Brian Patterson Buy from Amazon |
A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham Living Wicca is the perfect companion to Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, containing the same concise and comprehendible style that makes the first book so enjoyable. With Living Wicca, Cunningham goes beyond the mechanics of the faith and emphasizes the importance of making Wicca a part of your everyday life. Focusing on the solitary practitioner, Cunningham encourages you to make your own path within the Wiccan tradition, and offers simple suggestions, from recycling to visiting the park, that heighten your spiritual awareness of the mundane world. --Brian Patterson Buy from Amazon |
by Scott Cunningham This 1986 classic is not only an excellent introduction to the Wiccan religion and earth-based religions in general, it's also a workbook that can take the serious student to the equivalent level of third-degree Gardnerian. Though Raymond Buckland was a student of the late great Gerald Gardner, this manual does not adhere to a specific branch or denomination of witchcraft, but rather seeks to teach the elements and philosophies common to all, whether Celtic, Saxon, Finnish, or what have you. Buckland is credited with bringing the "old religion" to the U.S., and covens and solitary witches practicing the craft in the U.S. today have him to thank for getting it out of the closet. While Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft is a must-have for any serious Wiccan practitioner, it is full of down-to-earth spiritual wisdom, which makes it a wonderful addition to the library of any broadminded seeker on the path toward the One. --P. Randall Cohan Buy from Amazon |
by Scott Cunningham This book contains at least two or three hundred magical herb listings shown with illustrations of the herb, deity correspondences, elemental correspondences, folk names of herbs, ritual use, and other historical information designed to give clues as to how these herbs are best used towards magical purposes (Devil's Shoestring, for example, is best carried in the pocket to bring luck in employment matters, so from reading this book you would know not to make an incense with the herb but to carry it). The detailed appendices full of correspondence tables are great time-savers. However, this is not a recipe book, in fact it doesn't contain a single recipe. Also, Cunningham doesn't really comment on which herbs are known to be MOST powerful in workings towards certain ends, so some additional self-research is required. This book pre-assumes a basic knowledge of herbs and doesn't offer anything in the way of general instruction, so this should be considered a reference book and not an instrument of instruction. In any case, I have found it a valuable reference, and recommend it. --NYC Webwitch Buy from Amazon |
The Complete Witches' Handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats; Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle; The Complete Book of Shadows; The Great Rite; Initiation Rites; Consecration Rites; Spells; Witches' Tools; Witchcraft & Sex; Running a Coven; Clairvoyance; Astral Projection. This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft. Buy from Amazon |
by Scott Cunningham There is probably no other book in the market that can fully explain the truth about witchcraft as briefly as this book. Scott Cunningham is a wonderful author and Wiccan. In this book he explains why witches aren't 'satanic' and don't gather in covens for ritual 'orgies'. He explains the true nature of folk magic and witchcraft, and is highly-detailed when talking about the religion of Wicca. He says that witchcraft is not used for harm, but for the good of one's self and others. I was also impressed how well he explained the Sabbats (the holy days of Wicca) - about what happens on these days and why witches celebrate them. You may also find it interesting how he explains the Wiccan holiday Yule, the idea of the rebirth of the God, and how Christians adapted this holiday into their religion to make it Christmas. Buy from Amazon |
A Witch's Book of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison The first thing Dorothy Morrison hopes to establish in The Craft is what the Craft is not. "It has nothing to do with canned magic, or flying through the air, or snapping lightning from your fingertips," she explains. And no matter how practiced you are, Morrison assures readers it won't give you the power to "turn your enemies into toads so you can set them on the highway." Explaining what the Craft actually is takes more time and thought--both of which Morrison offers in her typically warm, humorous, and concise style throughout this all-inclusive handbook. Buy from Amazon |
to Wicca and Witchcraft by Denise Zimmermann, Katherine Gleason When I saw this on the shelf the first time, I must admit that I rolled my eyes. I thought, "Just what the community needs, an Idiot's Guide to religion." I was sorely mistaken. This book was much more than meets the eye. I find myself recommending this to friends who are just starting out as often as I do books such as "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. This book starts the reader at the very beginning and presents the information in one of the most easy to understand formats I've found in a long time. The authors will take you on a journey through various facets of Wicca such as history, deities, magickal jargon, the basics of ritual as well as subjects like dream interpretation. What I really loved about this book was the authors ability to take complex ideas and theology and break it down piece by piece for people who haven't been practicing for years. However, there are some omissions as well. The so called "darker" side of the Craft is not discussed. Some of the activities of covens (such as bindings, secret initiations) and such were not discussed and I feel that everyone needs to know these things before jumping right in. This tended to be a more of a "why" you would practice book rather than a comprehensive of "how" you practice. The ethics section left much to be desired in my opinion as well. But overall I was very impressed with this book. I would definitely recommend this book to someone who wants a very general and basic overview of the facets of Wicca. I would suggest this as a starting point to finding out where your interests are beyond the basics. It's also a great refresher in the basics for those of us who get a little forgetful from time to time. --RhiannonSolana Buy from Amazon |
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Page One | Page Two | Spiritual Books. Tale of the Lost Daughter (Path of She Series Book 1) by Karen Clark. With the approach of the Winter Solstice, Sarah Ashby, a
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