List of Telepathic Abilities - Superpower Wiki - Wikia

List of Telepathic Abilities
Heroes mind control
Matt Parkman and Peter Petrelli (Heroes) telepathically commanding two guards to stand down

Telepathic Abilities:

Abilities dealing with telepathy

This page is a list of telepathic abilities. These may be gained separate or they may grow from regular Telepathy.

List of Telepathic Abilities - Superpower Wiki - Wikia
List of Telepathic Abilities Matt Parkman and Peter Petrelli (Heroes) telepathically commanding two guards to stand down: Telepathic Abilities: Abilities dealing with

Telepathy - Superpower Wiki - Wikia
Power/Ability to: Mentally receive and The ability to use telepathy from a long range. Around Wikia's network Random Wiki. Comics. About; Help; Community

List of psychic abilities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of psychic abilities This is a list of alleged psychic Psychokinesis or telekinesis The ability to manipulate objects by the power of thought.

Complete List of Psychic Powers - Heresypedia - Wikia
==Dark Heresy :: Complete Psychic Powers List== Minor Psychic Powers - Biomancy - Divination - Pyromancy - Telekinesis - Telepathy. Ascended Psychic Powers - Daemon

Telepathy - Superpowers Wiki - Wikia
Telepathy is basically the ability to read a person's mind. People with telepathy are called telepaths, mind-readers, or psychics Usage Edit. People with telepathy

Telepathy - Superpower Wiki - Wikia
telepathy is the ability to read peoples minds control them and other abilitys like mind erasing

Telepathy - Marvel Database - Wikia
Telepathy is the ability to read and control the minds and thoughts of animals, Retrieved from "" Categories

Psychic Powers List - Extra Heresy Wiki - Wikia
Biomancy: Power: Threshold: Focus Time: Sustained: Range: Overbleed: Resist: Sources Agony: 13: Full: Yes: 10m: 5 = +1 target: T: Disciples of the Dark Gods p. 29 Bio

List of Powers and Abilities - CharmedFanCharacters Wiki ...
Below is a complete list of Powers and Abilities that can be found on Charmed Fan Characters

List of abilities - Pokémon Essentials Wiki - Wikia
List of abilities Occurs upon this ability does nothing. Sheer Force : The power of the bearer's Retrieved from "

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