Witchcraft And Wicca Books Collection #1

Witchcraft And Wicca Books Collection #1

On this page you can download #1 part (243) of witchcraft and wicca books in one zip archive or get them on CD.

I have put together a collection of Wicca and Witchcraft books by some of my favorite Wiccan authors. These books are great for someone that wants to learn more about Wicca in the hopes of studying this often misunderstood religion or to understand a Wiccan friend or loved one. Like all religions, Wicca has good points and bad points. It can be used for good or misused for bad. The internet is full of a lot of misinformation on Wicca. I offer these Wicca and Witchcraft books to help you gain accurate information by qualified teachers of the craft. I want you to not only learn the facts but also learn how to use Wicca in a positive way to empower yourself to create the life in which you have always dreamed.

If you've decided you want to learn about Wicca, what should you read? After all, there are literally thousands of books on the subject -- some good, others not so much. This list features books that every Wiccan should have on their shelves. A few are historical, a few more focus on actual Wiccan practice, but they're all worth reading more than once.

Some books in this collection are either rare or hard to find. They are essentially books of powerful magic spells from either unusual or lost sources. Some of these books contain serious spells which should be used carefully and judiciously. The user of these spells assumes all responsibility for the outcomes.

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Witchcraft And Wicca Books Collection #1

Catalog Books List (243 books):

White Magic Spells by Anonymous
The book "White Magic Spells", written by an anonymous author, contains a collection of white magic spells. Any aspiring magician must study it. Despite the fact that they belong to the white magic spells, spells can be used adepts of various magical ways. In magical practice, there are two... more
Witchcraft A Guide to Magic by Anonymous
There are a few techniques that must be utilized for this part of spellworking. Ability to Meditate This is the art of clearing the mind of all mundane thoughts and feelings. It is a state of relaxation and peace, the goal to reach a state of nonthought.This is not easy and I still haven't mastered... more
Pagan Herbs by Use by Al Selden Leif
Herbs are used extensively in doing magick. In this book you'll learn about Using Herbs in Your Magick Making, Herbs properties and Their Magickal Uses.Herbs are used in many religions - such as in Christianity (myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), ague root (Aletris farinosa) and frankincense (Boswellia... more
Pagan Spells Blessings Spells by Al Selden Leif
Spells are not about turning people into frogs or granting wishes. A spell is a set of actions and prayers that you do and say in order to ask for divine help with some particular aspect of your life. Spells are one of many ritual activities that many Wiccans engage in. Not all Wiccans cast spells ... more
Old Witchcraft Secrets by Archmage Bob Andrews
"This book contains rare incantations that belonged only to the pharaohs and their most trusted priests," Andrews said. "These spells were successfully used in those times to make the miracles that our science is still trying to figure out."Among the secret spells revealed in "Old Witchcraft... more
Pagan Potions Brew Magic Formula by Al Selden Leif
Potions are used in Pagan and Wiccan spells and rituals for health and inner magic. Potions act as liquid carriers for magical power. Sometimes you will drink them, but more often they are applied to the skin. Purifying Sage Spray is one example of this type of potion.Potions can charm, heal or... more
Pagan Spells Mix of Spells 1 by Al Selden Leif
Spells are simply rituals used to perform magic. As discussed in Using Magic, the particular ritual is only part of what makes magic work. It can, however, be a very important part. Rituals help to focus your mind on your goals. Certain items can help to focus the mind in particular directions. By... more
Basic Theories on Sex Magic by Greg Wotton
In general I see sex as serving three major purposes or roles in occult work. I label these as Power, Devotion and Personal Development. These major headings fit with the major rays or principles of Fire, Water and Air, or Power, Love and Wisdom. Any given ritual may use one, two or all three of... more
Pagan Spells Bath Spells by Al Selden Leif
Bath spells are the most relaxing way to practice witchcraft, and one of the most popular (after candle spells). They appeal to our senses, and capture the power of the water element. On this page, I've collected the best bath spells from around the site. Hopefully there will be one that suits your... more
Dictionary Of Gods A Small Dictionary Of Pagan Gods And Goddess by DW Owens
Some time ago, for no particular reason, I started spending odd moments in the public library browsing through reference works about ancient religion. I started taking notes, more or less at random, about the gods and gradually accumulated information about some 330 pagan gods and goddesses. Not... more
All About Wicca and Witchcraft by Anonymous
Have you noticed how many witches are featured on TV shows and in movies? It used to be that you heard about witches only in children's stories or fairy tales. But these days it seems like witches are everywhere. Why? Because witches are really intriguing and mysterious. Haven't you always been... more
Pagan Spells Mix of Spells 2 by Al Selden Leif
Spells are simply rituals used to perform magic. As discussed in Using Magic, the particular ritual is only part of what makes magic work. It can, however, be a very important part. Rituals help to focus your mind on your goals. Certain items can help to focus the mind in particular directions. By... more

Witchcraft Dictionary by Anonymous
An extensive guide to terms you'll need to know as you progress along the path of a practicing witch.

Pagan Oils Essential Oil Magic by Al Selden Leif
Learn how to mix essential oils for a magick formula designed to do a host of things such as enhance spirituality and meditation. Find information to learn to use oils for procection formulas, love formulas, and also money and healing formulas spells.Essential oils have been variously described as... more
Pocket Guide to Chaos Magick by Frater FP
There is a syllabus of sorts in Liber Null which is worthwhile pursuing, and the Pact offer other courses, I gather. Don't forget that the Chaos in Chaos Magick refers to a scientific model which maps dynamic systems, such as clouds or water, and is not a reference to disorganisation or anarchy!... more
Pagan Spells Life Spells by Al Selden Leif
Many of these spells involve concepts commonly known and publicly discussed. Therefore they have become integrated into magical and spiritual culture. If I am unaware of the author or creator of a specific work, I have attributed it herein as "Anonymous". If you are aware that a certain work or... more
Dictionary of the Forgotten Ones by Anonymous
Rumour has it that the Forgotten Ones, the Faceless Ones ah la the Titans, breached human consciousness in the twentieth century. Various reasons could get given for this which would include the splitting of the atom, the development of nuclear science, our own evolutionary development or even the... more
Pagan Samhain Recipes by Al Selden Leif
I have mentioned previously several things that you can make for this time of year and now I am going into more depth on a few things. Hope you enjoy them and have fun making some wonderful things for your samhain rituals and celebrations.Halloween is said to be derived from Samhain, pronouced "SOW... more
Full Moon Rite by Anonymous
Full Moon is an opportune time of the month for purging rituals to take place. The light the full moon offers illuminates those things that are interfering with our spiritual advancements. Once we have become enlightened to ways that are blocking us, the easier to let go. The full moon ritual is... more
Satanic Pagan Calendars by Anonymous
Satanic Pagan calendar New Years Eve the 30th April Walpurgis Nacht, the high feast of satanism into May Day May 1st, then onto the next quarter of Old Beltane on May 15th, then to the Summer Solstice, on to the next quarter Lammas on August 1st through to the Autumn Equinox then to the next... more
Primitive African Medical Lore And Witchcraft by Ethel Thompson
This article presents a comprehensive study of the methods, practices, equipment, and paraphernalia of African witch doctors in carrying out primitive medical practices. The chief tribes studied are the Azandes of the Sudan, the Manos of Liberia, the Congo tribes, the Bundas of Angola, and the... more
Pagan Christianity Exploring The Roots Of Our Church Practices by Frank Viola
Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we "dress up" for church? Why does the pastor preach a sermon each week? Why do we have pews, steeples, choirs, and seminaries? This volume reveals the startling truth: most of what Christians do in... more
Basic Technologies of Witchcraft by Anonymous
This is the outline for a collection of four semi-formal training sessions for people interested in starting out in "The Craft" or Neopaganism. It is intended to give enough grounding to effectively participate in ritual, with the expectation that those that are really dedicated, skilled, and/or... more
Witchcraft And Medicine by Jaroslav Nemec
The National Library of Medicine extends thanks to the foNowing persons for their support in the preparation of this exhibit: Copperthwm'te, Derek, Research Director, Dr. Gardner Museum of Witchcraft, San Francisco, California Graubard, Mark. Ph.D., Professor Emen'tus and Chairman, Natural Science... more
Wicca And Magick Beginning Wicca What is Wicca by Anonymous
Wicca is an unending path of light, magic, love, and constant learning. We revere nature and see the true divine beauty of the universe. It's about recognizing that we all have the ability to take our fate into our own hands, and we have the right to choose how we use that power. There is no bible... more
As Above So Below A System of Value Based Ethics for Wiccan Clergy by Ellen Friedman
This work examines the present state of Wiccan ethics and the social reality existing in many Wiccan communities. Mention is made of the high degree of congruence between the roles of clergy and therapist. The literature on professional ethics codes is reviewed for types, roles and effectiveness of... more

Witchcraft Dictionary of Craft Terms by Athena Gardner
Athena Gardner is a High Priestess in the Wiccan Tradition. She has been an active member her entire life. She has been writing on the Wiccan Tradition for 10 years.

Magic and Witchcraft by George Moir
This book of the worthy Church-Coimsellor is rather a singular one : it is not a history of Magic, but a sort of spiiitual periodical, or magazine of infernal science, supported in a great measure by contributions from persons of a ghostly turn of mind, who, although they affect occasionally to... more
Understand the Secret Language of Trees by Anonymous
Sounds fantastic, but primal people the world over venerate trees as a living symbol of their dreams and aspirations and, of Life itself. For not only in its abundant generosity towards humanity, but also in its universal symbolism of metaphysical principles, every tree is an offshoot of the "World... more
Esoteric Orders And Their Work by Dion Fortune
Examines how and why esoteric schools have restricted admission to their secret societies and orders, and shrouded their practices in mystery. The knowledge guarded by these schools passed down through the ages, and revised from time to time by great teachers is a secret science that studies the... more
Magick and Hypnosis by Carroll Runyon
In this article the author takes the position that hypnosis is the operative technique of Ceremonial Magick. Visions of Spirits appearing in the Triangle of Art are actually archetypes evoked from the deep-mind via hypnotic induction. As a practicing magician specializing in these methods, he gives... more
The Malleus Maleficarum Or The Witch Hammer by Heinrich Kramer
The Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer), first published in 1486, is arguably one of the most infamous books ever written, due primarily to its position and regard during the Middle Ages. It served as a guidebook forInquisitors during the Inquisition, and was designed to aid them in the... more
Magical Medicine In Viking Scandinavia by David Robertson
We have very little information at all about Viking medical practices. It is thought that women were probably the primary medical practicioners (Foote and Wilson, The Viking Achievement, p. 93). Since women in general are so much in the background in most sagas, you don't see them operating in this... more
Beyond Wicca Journey To The One The Elements by Anonymous
The Elements are one of the most important things we study in Wicca and they're no less important as we move on in the Journey to the One. This is presented here as a study for those who do not have too much experience with the Elements and as a review for those who do.First of all, what are the... more
Wicca Beliefs and Practices by Anonymous
There are a wide variety of beliefs and practices in modern day Wicca. However, despite the pluralism and diversity, distinct principles derived from Gardnerian Wicca are common to most modern witches.Beliefs will often be mixed with a combination of mystical traditions, Celtic or Norse paganism,... more
European Witchcraft by Anonymous
European Witchcraft is witchcraft and magic that is practised primarily in the locality of Europe. The old liberal view of European Witchcraft holds that witchcraft never existed at all, but was invented by the Catholic Church and other authorities to gain power and prestige.Margaret Murray claimed... more
Pocket Guide To Witchcraft by Frater FP
Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism you'll need to decide what aspect to follow. In my view, Paganism encompasses all aspects of a pagan lifestyle, and suits those with a view to bringing their entire life, family and career into a pagan (country-dwelling) perspective. Witchcraft is the magical... more
Welcome to the Secrets of the Root Witch by Anonymous
CREDITS: In fact, as notified Lady Diavanii, De Lady-Root of the Circle Vitches, the author of this book is known, this is Wizard Luxas.Part 1 of a 4 part book that explores the power and truth of the "Rooting" magic(k) image of witchcraft and Cultures about...A coven journey of the secrets and... more
Magic Witchcraft Animal Magnetism And Electro Biology by James Braid
James Braid (19 June 1795 - 25 March 1860) was born at Ryelaw House, in the parish of Portmoak, Kinross, Scotland, and was the son of James Braid and Anne Suttie. He married Margaret Mason (or Meason) on 17 November 1813. They had two children, James (born 1822), and a daughter.A Scottish... more
The Asuri Kalpa A Witchcraft Practice of the Atharva Veda by Herbert William Magoun
The ritual literature of the Atharva-Veda, like that of the other Vedas, has attached to itself certain parifistas, or supplements. Of these, the thirty-fifth, according to the best accessible MS, is the Asurl-Kalpa, an abhicara, or witchcraft practice, containing rites to be used in connection... more
Pentagram Meaning and History by Anonymous
The pentagram has long been associated with mystery and magic. It is the simplest form of star shape that can be drawn unicursally - with a single line - hence it is sometimes called the Endless Knot. Other names are the Goblin's Cross, the Pentalpha, the Witch's Foot, the Devil's Star and the Seal... more
Basic Principles Of The Craft by Anonymous
The Craft (Witchcraft - NOT to be confused with Satanism. A true Witch has nothing to do with this, even though there are some Satanists who (unrightfully) call themselves "Witch".) contains a large number of groups with bonds to each other, for the most part, which are looser than those you will... more
Pagan Incense Information Pages by Al Selden Leif
Incense calms the nerves, brings a mystical feel to any room, and is often used in Pagan ritual. Our high quality incense come in sticks, cone, and granular form. All are quite effective and suit a wide range of purposes. Incense often used in Neopagan rituals to represent the element of air,... more
After Life in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont
1922. Lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation. The author was invited to lecture at New Haven during the month of March 1921 on a subject relating to religious history. He chose the ideas current in Roman paganism concerning the lot of the soul after death. Lectures... more
Pagan Stones And Gems by Anonymous
You find yourself in a store staring at a container filled with one particular stone. Which one do you purchase? The biggest one? The one with the shape you like the best? How do you know?When I go to a store to buy gems, I take some things into consideration. Many stones have a variety of... more
Delving into the Faery Kindreds by Cypress Knee
We have come to realize that life manifests itself as a mighty rainbow into which many different beings and creatures are added as the array of different colors and spectral shades highlight the afternoon sky after a refreshing rain. While all these manifestations of life are descendants and... more
An Open Letter to Selena Fox by Isaac Bonewits
From:THE DRUIDS PROGRESS, Report #7. The DRUIDS PROGRESS is published seminannually (Gods Willing) and is sent primarily to the subscribing members of ADF. For Further information write: ADF, PO Box 9420, Newark, DE, USA 19714 (include a SASE). All Items acredited to "the Archdruid" have been... more
Hypnotism Mesmerism And The New Witchcraft by Ernest Abraham Hart
The papers here brought together have recently appeared in the 'Nineteenth Century' and the 'British Medical Journal' and are reprinted by permission. They are published to meet the wishes of some who have suggested to me that it might prove useful and acceptable that they should be collected into... more
Uncle Setnakt Sez Practice Divinity in Your Own Life by Don Webb
Don Webb.1960 is an Austin science fiction and mystery writer, and former High Priest of the Temple of Set. He is best known for weird, experimental, and offbeat fiction, as well as works inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. He is a member of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop.This Dom Webb's articles serie... more
A collection Of Rare And Curious Tracts On Witchcraft And The Second Sight by David Webster
This volume according to John Ferguson in his "Bibliographical Notes on the Witchcraft Literature of Scotland" (Edinburgh, 1896-97) "is one of the best of the reprints of rare witchcraft tracts." (See Lea, note p.1331).Contains: - An Original essay on witchcraft - News from Scotland declaring the... more
Controlled by the Calendar The Pagan Origins of Our Major Holidays by David Allen Rivera
The definitive book on the pagan origins of our major holidays, and how theobservance of them may be robbing you of spiritual fulfillment.Contents of Book: - How It All Started - Valentine's Day- Is It A Christian Observance Or A Pagan Celebration? - Easter- What Do Bunnies and Eggs Have To Do With... more
A Historical Account Of The Belief In Witchcraft in Scotland by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe
1884. Found in this volume is a historical account of witchcraft in Scotland, with chapters delineating various time periods up to AD 1465 through AD 1724. It is an introduction tracing the legends of wizardry and spectral appearances to the earliest periods of Scottish history. It is the best... more
Uncle Setnakt Sez Become Evil and Rule the World by Don Webb
Don Webb.1960 is an Austin science fiction and mystery writer, and former High Priest of the Temple of Set. He is best known for weird, experimental, and offbeat fiction, as well as works inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. He is a member of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop.This Dom Webb's articles serie... more
Full Moon Ritual Group by Anonymous
The Esbat takes place on the nights of the New Moon and the nights of the Full Moon. On these nights, the Coven usually does any kind of magical work and business they need to. It is enacted, hopefully every Full Moon. Set up: Place a candle in each of the four cardinal directions.Lay the rest of... more
The Occult Sciences by Edward Smedley
Sketches of the traditions and superstitions of the past times and the marvels of the present day. This work contains a brief but comprehensive account of the occult sciences, and other matters of superstition or religious belief associated with them. It was the aim to combine as much historical... more
The Apprehension and Confession of Three Notorious Witches by Anonymous
If we would call to remembrance the manifolde mercies and innumerable benefites which the almightie hath and daily bestoweth upon us, in consideration thereof, we are bound to with-draw our filthy affections and naughty dispostions, from the use of such detestable dealinges, as both are detested of... more
Why I am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell
The lecture that is here presented was delivered at the Battersea Town Hall under the auspices of the South London Branch of the National Secular Society, England. It should be added that the editor is willing to share full responsibility with the Hon. Bertrand Russell in that he is in accord with... more
Pagan Holidays by Anonymous
Christian Holidays are ancient pagan feasts that were ushered in by the Roman Catholic Church during the rule of Emperor Constantine. Constantine was a pagan sun-worshipper who desperately sought to unite his fallen empire through the merge of Christian and pagan practices. He achieved this by... more
Correlian Wicca by Anonymous
WHAT WILL YOU GET FROM THESE LESSONSWhat is all this witchcraft stuff, anyway? Does being a witch mean you can point your finger and make things happen? Does it mean you can learn to fly on a broom and turn people into toads? Well, not quite. Witchcraft, or WICCA, is a religion. Wicca is not... more
History of Witchcraft vol 1 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
A System of Magic by Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe is english author, born in the parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, in the latter part of 1659 or early in 1660, of a nonconformist family. His grandfather, Daniel Foe, lived at Etton, Northamptonshire, apparently in comfortable circumstances, for he is said to have kept a pack of... more
Pagan Manners Or Are There Any Dead Animals in The Soup by Grey Cat
I can hear the outraged screams already. there are people out there who believe that the very idea of "Pagan Manners" is a conflict in terms that "manners" are outdated, dishonest and hypocritical. Well, think again. Manners constitute the only successful technique ever discovered by humankind... more

Fallacy of Ghosts Dreams and Omens With Stories of Witchcraft Life in death and Monomania by Charles Ollier
Publisher: C. Ollier Publication date: 1848 Subjects: Occultism Supernatural Ghosts Dreams Hallucinations and illusions History / General Juvenile Fiction / Horror

Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 1 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
A Detection of Damnable Driftes Practized by Three Witches Arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex by Arthur Edward Waite
A Detection of damnable driftes, practized by three Witches arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex, at the laste Assises there holden, whiche were executed in Aprill. 1579. Set forthe to discouer the Ambushementes of Sathan, whereby he would surprise vs lulled in securitie, and hardened with contempte... more
Atheism in Pagan Antiquity by Anders Bjorn Drachmann
Anders Bjorn Drachmann (1860-1935) was a Danish classical philologist, son of the physician Andreas Georg Drachmann and half brother of the poet Holger Drachmann. In 1887 A. B. Drachmann studied classical philology and won a competition for a professorship at the University of Kristiania. In 1892... more
Survival of The Pagan Gods by Jean Seznec
The gods of Olympus died with the advent of Christianity--or so we have been taught to believe. But how are we to account for their tremendous popularity during the Renaissance? This illustrated book, now reprinted in a new, larger paperback format, offers the general reader first a discussion of... more
The Secret History Of Modern Witchcraft by Allen Greenfield
This monograph has a long history. The earliest published draft appeared in a small, independent radical journal during my sojourn in Florida in the middle 1980s. I was at that time closely associated with the OTO, but was not then an initiate member. I had been in close contact with Wiccan and... more
Drugs Alcohol and The Pagan Community by Anna Moonowl
Making Choices, Taking Chances: Drug and Alcohol Use in Ritual. The issue of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the Pagan Community has not been addressed often and is probably controversial. Despite all the current media coverage of these subjects, I've only seen them addressed once by Pagans - at... more
Beltane Pagan Ritual of Interest to Neo Pagans by Anonymous
This a Pagan Ritual file, of interest to Neo-Pagans, specifically Wiccan based religions.The Beltane ritual, performed on or around May 1st, has one element that almost everyone used to be familiar with: the Maypole. Years ago, good girls at Vassar, the local woman's college (now coed), used to... more
Unicorn Tradition Of Wicca by Bylaws
The Unicorn Tradition is an eclectic one, rooted in a family tradition through which our founders, Lady Galadriel and Lord Athanor, received their training and Initiations.Goddess and God are honored as essential to the sacred dance we call life, and as emanations of the One Source from which the... more
Bealtaine Circle Of The Dark Moon by Anonymous
A Dark moon circle is an emotional sustaining practice. This is the time once a month when you sit with your women, openly, honestly. Its as much about being there for them as it is about being there for yourself. Without comparison or competition, women supporting women. Can you imagine the... more

The Laws For Witches by Anonymous
I don't know who the author of this piece is. Please note that NeoPaganism is a decidedly pluralistic group of religions. Many witches/NeoPagans do not agree with these rules. I see it mostly as a deterring example.

Native American Tribe Unknown The Totem and His or Her Partner by Al Selden Leif
A totem is any supposed entity that watches over or assists a group of people, such as a family, clan, or tribe. Totems support larger groups than the individual person. In kinship and descent, if the apical ancestor of a clan is nonhuman, it is called a totem. Normally this belief is accompanied... more
Issue 23 July 2008 vol 2 Power Animals and Totems by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
History of Witchcraft vol 7 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
The Magical Library of Harry Price by Anonymous
An Exhibition of Books, Archives and Artefacts from the Collection of a Psychic Investigator and Ghost Hunter.This exhibition celebrates the treasures in the Harry Price Library of Magical Literature, one of the largest, most well-known and diverse collections in the University of London Library.... more
Mesmerism Spiritualism Witchcraft And Miracle by Allen Putnam
Mesmerism is a bit of medical quackery developed in the 1806 Sibly18th century by the German physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). In 1766, he published his doctoral dissertation on how the planets affect health: De planetarum influxu in corpus humanum (On the Influence of the Planets on the... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 3A by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 5 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
Witchcraft a Study in Bias Prejudice and Discrimination in South Africa by Damon Leff
When discussing Witchcraft in polite company, one discovers that although not everyone permits their personal bias to evolve into open discrimination, those with bias against Witches carry their prejudice like a moral compass. In less than civil society, bias against Witchcraft is often overtly... more
Revelation Witchcraft and the Danger of Knowing God Secrets by Elizabeth Reis
This essay explores the practical or lived dimensions of Puritanism in New England. Building on the work of David D. Hall and other scholars, I examine the ways in which actual religious belief and practice often departed from the theological ideal. I am particularly attuned to the ways that gender... more
Pagan Germany by Anonymous
It is a well-known fact that Heathens and Pagans face considerable difficulties in Germany. Everything even remotely connected with Paganism in general and any reference to Teutonic culture or history in particular is instantly identified with an ultra-right-wing political attitude or even... more
The Magic of Spain by Aubrey Bell
HE MAGIC OF SPAIN i SPANISH CHARACTER I.-Stray Opinions TO collect a mass of isolated and contradictory opinions concerning the Spanish is a comparatively simple task, although it is difficult or impossible to derive from them a consistent picture of Spanish character. To Wellington they are " this... more
A True History of Witchcraft by Allen Greenfield
To arrive at some perspective on what the modern mythos called, variously, "Wicca", the "Old Religion", "Witchcraft" and "Neopaganism" is, we must firstly make a firm distinction "witchcraft" in the popular informally defined sense may have little to do with the modern religion that goes by the... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 7A by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
History of Witchcraft vol 2 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
Pagan Scriptures by Charles Baize
We would like to take this opportunity to make available to all who wish a copy of Pagan Scriptures. Nolan and I have spent three years writing and researching this book, we have copyrighted it and are making it available free of charge to anyone who requests a copy. You may read it onscreen or... more
History of Witchcraft vol 6 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
Pricticing The Craft Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca by Anonymous
This article first appeared in the Effective Evangelism column of the Christian Research Journal, volume 30, number 5 (2007). For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to: http://www.equip.org In April of this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs approved the... more
Pagan Holidays or Gods Holy Days Which by Herbert Armstrong
Does it make any difference which days we observe--or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such... more
Firefly Wiccan Advancement by Iris Firemoon
This book is for those who are just beginning, or interested in studying Wicca. It contains an introductory look at Wicca and magick, as well as how to do spell work, construct rituals, and the basic practices. Seventeen sample rituals are included, as well as instructions on how to make several of... more
History of Witchcraft vol 3 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
History of Witchcraft vol 5 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 6 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
The Salem Witchcraft The Planchette Mystery and Modern Spiritualism by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe has contributed to The Salem Witchcraft The Planchette Mystery And Modern Spiritualism as an author. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) published her first book, The Mayflower, in 1843. In 1852 she published her bestselling classic, Uncle Toma (TM)s Cabin, the first... more
Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies by Hesketh Bell
Obeah (sometimes spelled Obi, Obea or Obia) is a term used in the West Indies to refer to folk magic, sorcery, and religious practices derived from West African, and specifically Igbo origin. Obeah is similar to other African derived religions including Palo, Voodoo, Santeria, rootwork, and most of... more
The Devil The Body and The Feminine Soul in Puritan New England by Elizabeth Reis
This essay examines the cultural construction of gender in early America in order to understand the intersection of Puritan theology, Puritan evaluations of womanhood, and the seventeenth-century witchcraft episodes, in which 78 percent of the accused wee women. The Puritans' earthly perception of... more
Observations On Trance or Human Hybernation by James Braid
Records of several well-attested earlier cases of living burials were published in a brief book, Observations on Trance: Or, Human Hibernation, by James Braid, in 1850. Braid traces the idea of these demonstrations to the following passage in the Dabistan, a learned Persian work on the religious... more
Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart Essex by Alan Macfarlane
This paper will assume a knowledge of the historical background to witchcraft prosecutions in sixteenth- and seventeenth - century England. (The best general studies of English witchcraft are Ewen, 1929, and Notestein, 1911.) It will also assume a general knowledge of current anthropological... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 2 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
The Trinity Is It Christian Or Pagan by Anonymous
Almost ten years ago I overheard two men talking to eachother about 'the nonsense of 'believing in a God'. According to this men the trinity-doctrine already existed long before the Roman-catholics started to write about the Holy Trinity. And of course 'the Mother-Son-Gods' already existed... more
A Pagan Witches TouchStone Witchcraft and Witch Hunts in South Africa by Damon Leff
A Pagan Witches TouchStone is an important publication for a number of reasons. Certainly one of the most important is that for the first time, self-defining Pagan Witches bring into open debate their own perspectives and experiences that result from the negative consequences brought about by the... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 7 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 8 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
Uncle Setnakt Sez Perform a Ritual Toasting by Don Webb
Don Webb.1960 is an Austin science fiction and mystery writer, and former High Priest of the Temple of Set. He is best known for weird, experimental, and offbeat fiction, as well as works inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. He is a member of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop.This Dom Webb's articles serie... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 3 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
The Witch by Alfred Elton van Vogt
This is one of a handful of fantasy stories by van Vogt by his own admission, he found fantasy particularly difficult to write, and always found the genre "weird." Indeed, he even attributes the demise of Unknown Worlds to his inability to write enough fantasy tales to satisfy John W. Campbell... more
Theoretical Foundations of Witchcraft and Demonological Development by Bjarke Folner
This essay deals with a discussion of the historical background for the common belief in witchcraft among intellectuals and ecclesiastics in the last part of the 16th century. It aims at shedding light on the following question:What provided the basis for the consensus among most ecclesiastics and... more
The Enemies Of Our Enemies by Isaac Bonewits
From:THE DRUIDS PROGRESS, Report #7. The DRUIDS PROGRESS is published seminannually (Gods Willing) and is sent primarily to the subscribing members of ADF. For Further information write: ADF, PO Box 9420, Newark, DE, USA 19714 (include a SASE). All Items acredited to "the Archdruid" have been... more
Possibly The Odest Religion in the World Why is it Not a Religion in the Eyes of the Law by Adam Pickering
Take a large pot of mainstream religious arrogance, add a pinch of two thousand year old stereotyping, add a hint of government indifference and finish it off with a cup of modern media cliches. And what have you got? The average persons view on Wicca, witchcraft and paganism. Many Christians see... more
Examination Of Material Of Starhawk Book The Spiral Dance by Anonymous
The point of this test is not to see if you can copy the answers from the text, but for you to present the answers in your own words, to demonstrate your grasp of the material presented. Take all the time you need to do this test and feel free to re-read the material as much as necessary to answer... more
Pagan And Christian Creeds Their Origin And Meaning by Edward Carpenter
This book provides a systematic and logical approach to the origins of religion. Many common themes are shown to exist between Christianity and earlier Pagan religions that go back in time centuries before Christianity itself. Carpenter makes an effort to get to the very roots of religion in this... more
History of Witchcraft vol 4 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... more
Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 4 by Anonymous
These lessons have circulated throughout the BBS and Internet community for many years. I remember first seeing them on a local BBS in the late 1980s. They are in outline form and may have served as a detailed lesson plan for a coven or other group. Legend says they originated in Southern... more
Salem Witchcraft With an Account of Salem Village by Charles Wentworth Upham
This work was originally constructed, and in previous editions appeared, in the form of Lectures. The only vestiges of that form, in its present shape, are certain modes of expression. The language retains the character of an address by a speaker to his hearers being more familiar, direct, and... more
Uncle Setnakt Sez The Heroic Society by Don Webb
Don Webb.1960 is an Austin science fiction and mystery writer, and former High Priest of the Temple of Set. He is best known for weird, experimental, and offbeat fiction, as well as works inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. He is a member of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop.This Dom Webb's articles serie... more
History of Western Magic by Borce Gjorgjievski
This short account (since a longer one would take many volumes) of the western traditions of Magic and Spirituality is intended to show a continuous development line of an uninterrupted magical thought in the Western World. We start five thousand years in the past when our ancestors just started to... more
Uncle Setnakt Sez Why We Bother to Deal with Society by Don Webb
Don Webb.1960 is an Austin science fiction and mystery writer, and former High Priest of the Temple of Set. He is best known for weird, experimental, and offbeat fiction, as well as works inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. He is a member of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop.This Dom Webb's articles serie... more
6 Questions On Wicca And Paganism by Al Selden Leif
Contemporary Paganism is the restoration of indigenous religion, especially that of ancient Europe. Paganism has grown in popularity greatly during the last hundred years. The growth coincides with a decline in Christianity in Europe, and the increase in knowledge of past and distant cultures.WICCA... more

Bewitched And Bothered by Edward Hare
Unclean Spirits: Possession and Exorcism in France and England in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries. D P Walker. (Pp 116.) Scolar Press. 1981. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 282.

The Celtic Magazine Vol XI ORC Version by Alexander Mackenzie
A monthly periodical devoted to the literature, history, antiquities, folk lore, traditions, and the social and material interests of the Celt at home and abroad

Starting a New Coven Looking At Yourself by Anonymous
Before you go a step further, take a good long look at your desires, motivation and skills. What role do you see yourself playing in this new group? "Ordinary" member? Democratic facilitator? High Priestess? And if the last -- why do you want the job?The title of High Priestess and Priestess are... more
What Is Wicca Article 1 by Anonymous
"Wicca" is the name of a contemporary Neo-Pagan religion, largely promulgated and popularized by the efforts of a retired British civil servant named Gerald Gardner [late 1940's]. In the last few decades, Wicca has spread in part due to its popularity among feminists and others seeking a more... more

The Celtic Magazine Vol XI by Alexander Mackenzie
A monthly periodical devoted to the literature, history, antiquities, folk lore, traditions, and the social and material interests of the Celt at home and abroad

The Witch And Other Stories by Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books constitute a twelve-book series of fairy tale collections. Although Andrew Lang did not collect the stories himself from the oral tradition, the extent of his sources, who had collected them originally (with the notable exception of... more
Something Wicked This Way Comes Constructing The Witch by Catherine Armetta Shufelt
What is a Witch? Traditional mainstream media images of Witches tell us they are evil "devil worshipping baby killers," green-skinned hags who fly on brooms, or flaky tree huggers who dance naked in the woods. A variety of mainstream media has worked to support these notions as well as develop new... more
A Treatise Of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
I find the idea of rating an historical publication like Alexandr Roberts' A Treatise of Witchcraft difficult, so I have opted not to do so. However, the content itself is very interesting. In his 1620 writing Roberts moves through a series of topics related to witchcraft: he begins by insisting... more
Reaching Out to Wiccans by Anonymous
Begin your time together by asking your students to name as many TV shows, books, movies and video games as they can that deal with witches, the supernatural world and the occult. As they name them, list each one on a chalkboard, whiteboard or large sheet of paper. Say something like this:... more
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database Documentation and Description by Anonymous
The following document is a description and guide to the layout and design of the 'Survey of Scottish Witchcraft' database. It is divided into two sections. In the first section appropriate terms and concepts are defined in order to afford accuracy and precision in the discussion of complicated... more
The Superstitions of Witchcraft by Howard Williams
People all over the world have grown up cowering under the false representation of the witch. Belinda Smith, High Priestess to the Silver Serpent Coven, and known as Becca to her coven kin, presents a description of what most people think of when they hear the word "witch": "Parents were telling...... more
Impossibility Of Witchcraft by Anonymous
Jane Wenham was the last person prosecuted for witchcraft in England. She quarreled with her neighbors and then unwisely brought suit against the one who had called her "a witch and a bitch." Things went from bad to worse and she found herself charged, tried, and convicted of witchcraft. The judge... more
The Lawes Against Witches by Anonymous
The LAWES against WITCHES, AND CONJURATION AND Some brief Notes and Observations for the Discovery of WITCHES. Being very usefull for these Times, wherein the DEVIL reignes and prevailes over the soules of poor Creatures, in drawing them to that crying Sin of WITCH-CRAFT.Be it enacted by the King... more
Witchcraft and Wicca FAQ by Anonymous
Frequently asked questions, or FAQs are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be frequently asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. Since the acronym FAQ originated in textual media, its pronunciation varies "fack," "fax," "facts," and "F.A.Q." are commonly heard.... more
Issue 03 November 2006 vol 3 Crystal Fire Faery by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
A Mystery of the Pentalpha by Greg Wotton
This purification is not easy and any who have started this path realizes that this is very true. It is as a descent into Hell, a Hell which is within each of us, a Hell we need to conquer. The battle within is a battle with Self. Christ's descent into Hell can be seen as this descent into self.... more

Spirit Works Real But Not Miraculous by Allen Putnam
A Lecture Read At The City Hall In Roxbury, Massachusetts (1853) Also Contains: Mesmerism, Spiritualism, Witchcraft And Miracle.

Histoire De La Magie In French Ver 2 by Eliphas Levi
L'Histoire de la Magie est l'aeuvre essentielle d'Eliphas Levi. Cet ouvrage publie en 1860 fait partie des tresors de la litterature esoterique. Il ete constamment reedite depuis sa parution. Il est divise en sept livres contenant chacun seps chapitres. Dans cet ouvrage incontournable, l'auteur... more
Magical Revival Occultism and the Culture of Regeneration in Britain 1880 to 1929 by Jennifer Walters
This thesis is a cultural study of the Magical Revival that occurred in Britain, 1880-1929. Magical Revival denotes a period in the history of occultism, and the cultural history of Britain, during which an upsurge in interest in occult and magical ideas is marked by the emergence of newly-formed... more
Is Wicca the Right Spiritual Path for Me by Frances Billinghurst
Australian High Priestess Frances Billinghurst is a regular contributor to The Magickal Light ezine.She has been exploring the occult since early adulthood and came to the realisation that the more she discovers, the less she knows and that this will be a life long learning journey. She describes... more
A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcraftes by George Gifford
To the Right Worshipfull Maister Robert Clarke, one of her Majesties Barons of her Highnes Court of Eschequer.Certaine yeares now past, right Worshipfull, I published a small Treatise concerning Witches, to lay open some of Sathans sleightes, and subtill practices, least the ignoranter sort should... more
The Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft Excitement of 1692 by George Miller Beard
The psychology underlying the Salem witch trials in New England during the late 1600s stems from various Puritan and religious beliefs. Men like Cotton Mather and other clergy of New England believed that the spiritual and earthly realms intermingled. As such, many believed that Satan sent his... more
Witchcraft And The Law In Zimbabwe by Gordon Chavunduka
WITCHCRAFT is an emotive subject and has been very difficult to deal with legally. This difficulty has allowed a number of people, who have had others commit crimes, escape punishment.The problem, legally, arises from the fact that there is no scientific or legal proof that performing an act of... more
FAQ On Wicca And Witchcraft And More by Gordon Ireland
This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is designed as an introduction to Wicca and to this newsgroup as well as a reference for those investigating the religion of Wicca for the first time.This FAQ was first composed in March 1995 as a composite of three drafts by different authors: Lleu,... more
Remanifestation The Process Explained by James Lewis
It is by necessity of the initiation that each Magus set forth the principles of his Word and those aspects of it which exist with both contemporary life and the Words previous to it. A Word, whether of the primary or Bon-enhancing kind, must have relevance to the chemistry of life. It is the duty... more
Paganism Surviving in Christianity Ver 1 by Abram Herbert Lewis
This book presents a suggestive rather than an exhaustive treatment of these influences, and of their effect on historic Christianity. The author has aimed to make a volume which busy men may read, rather than one whose bulk would relegate it to the comparative silence of library shelves. The... more
So My Kid Is A Witch by Anonymous
How to deal with your teen's new faith. Book's Topics:

- Introduction

- Brief Witchcraft Overview

- Strongly Opposed?

- References

- Closing

The Witch in History Early Modern and Twentieth Century Representations by Diane Purkiss
A symbol of everything that is dark about the past and woman, the witch continues to fascinate us in the late twentieth century. The Witch in History explores thatfascination and its manifold forms through court records, early modern dramas and the modern histories and fictions that draw upon... more

You Know You Are a Chaote When by Everfool
Here is a small pagan humor article, written by Everfool.

Magic And Mystery A Popular History by Alfred Thompson
Superstition in a nation depends very much upon climate, temperament, religion, and occupation. Notions entertained of supernatural beings or things, though generally based upon one broad feature common to all countries, differ so essentially respecting the form, character, habits, and powers of... more
Notes on Witchcraft by George Lyman Kittredge
George Lyman Kittredge (February 28, 1860-July 23, 1941) was a scholar of English literature and a professor at Harvard University. Between his position at Harvard and his editions of major literary figures, notably William Shakespeare, he was one of the most influential American literary critics... more
A True Relation Of The Araignment Of Thirty Witches by Anonymous
At Chensford in Essex, before Iudge Coniers, fourteene whereof were hanged on Friday last, Iuly 25. 1645. there being at this time a hundred more in severall prisons in Suffolke and Essex. Setting forth the Confessions of the principall of them. Also shewing how the Divell had carnall copulation... more
The Two Babylons Or The Papal Worship by Alexander Hislop
The Two Babylons was an anti-Catholic religious pamphlet produced initially by the Scottish theologian and Protestant Presbyterian Alexander Hislop in 1853. It was later expanded in 1858 and finally published as a book in 1919. Its central theme is its allegation that the Roman Catholic Church is a... more
The Pagans by Arlo Bates
To those who would be Pagans, did any such organization exist, I take pleasure in offering this attempt to picture a phase of life which they know.

Arlo Bates (December 16, 1850 - August 25, 1918) was an American author, educator and newspaperman.

Poganuc People Their Loves and Lives by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Among the writers of fiction there is no single name that stands higher than that of Mrs. Stowe, as one whose style is always fresh, attractive, and charming, whose wit and humor are genuine, whose depiction of human nattire is apt and true, and the atmosphere of whose writings is invariably... more
Historical And Literary Studies Pagan Jewish And Christian by Adolph von Menzel
Bruce M Metzger is one of the best and brightest stars in biblical scholarship. Why hasn't someone reissued all his books?This one is especially valuable for the chapter titled "When Did Scribes Begin To Use Writing Desks?" No, I am not kidding. This is actually chock full of important information,... more
Witchcraft of New England Explained By Modern Spiritualism by Allen Putnam
MOST history of New England witchcraft written since 1760 has dishonored the dead by lavish imputations of imposture, fraud, malice, credulity, and infatuation has been sacrificing past acts, motives, and character to skepticism regarding the sagacity and manliness of the fathers, the... more
What Is Wicca Article 2 by Anonymous
"Wicca" is the name of a contemporary Neo-Pagan religion, largely promulgated and popularized by the efforts of a retired British civil servant named Gerald Gardner [late 1940's]. In the last few decades, Wicca has spread in part due to its popularity among feminists and others seeking a more... more
The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer by Alexander Mackenzie
"Kenneth Mackenzie, also known as Coinneach Odhar or the Brahan Seer, was a legendary Scottish clairvoyant. Tradition dates his birth to the early 17th century in Uig, on the island of Lewis. This is the northernmost island of the Outer Hebrides, a chain of islands to the west of Scotland's... more
REP Insight The Witches Resource Pack by Anonymous
Welcome to 'The Witches' resource pack. The activities included in this pack are intended for use within Key Stage 2, although they can be adapted for use with any age.The pack has been divided into curriculum areas Literacy, Drama and Art and Design. Each section has suggested teaching... more
The Legal Basis For Wicca by Anonymous
The following are four court rulings regarding the legal legitimacy of the Wiccan religion and other cases that support religious freedom. The text from this page was graciously reprinted with permission by ShadowStorm at Pagans Unlimited. For original versions of this page, please visit Pagan's... more
Histoire De La Magie In French Ver 1 by Eliphas Levi
L'Histoire de la Magie est l'aeuvre essentielle d'Eliphas Levi. Cet ouvrage publie en 1860 fait partie des tresors de la litterature esoterique. Il ete constamment reedite depuis sa parution. Il est divise en sept livres contenant chacun seps chapitres. Dans cet ouvrage incontournable, l'auteur... more

Confess Or Deny What A Witch To Do by Elizabeth Reis
Elizabeth Reis is Associate Professor of Women's and Gender History at the University of Oregon. I teach classes in Women's History, History of Sexuality, and Sex and Medical Ethics.

Chelmsford Witches by Frank Luttmer
The Examination and Confession of Certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex, before the Queen Majesty's Judges, the 26th day of July Anno 1566 (London, 1566)The examination of them with their confession before Doctor Cole and Master Foscue at the same Assize verbatum as near as could be... more
Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies OCR Version by Hesketh Bell
Obeah (sometimes spelled Obi, Obea or Obia) is a term used in the West Indies to refer to folk magic, sorcery, and religious practices derived from West African, and specifically Igbo origin. Obeah is similar to other African derived religions including Palo, Voodoo, Santeria, rootwork, and most of... more
Issue 14 October 2007 vol 1 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Witchcraft Weather and Economic Growth in Renaissance Europe by Emily Oster
This paper explores the possibility that the witchcraft trials are a large-scale example of violence and scapegoating prompted by a deterioration in economic conditions. In this case, the downturn was brought on by a decrease in temperature and resulting food shortages. The most active period of... more
Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts by Abner Cheney Goodell
Salem Witchcraft Comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World by Cotton Mather
we are told in Wonders of the Inviftble Worlds "that the devils were walking about our ftreets with lengthened chains, making a dreadful noife in our ears and brimftone (even without a metaphor) was making a horrid and helliih flench in our noftrils " and, " that the devil, exhibiting... more
Witchcraft in History of the English Speaking Peoples by Alan Macfarlane
Witchcraft, in various historical, anthropological, religious and mythological contexts, is the alleged use of supernatural or magical powers, usually to inflict harm or damage upon members of a community or their property. Other uses of the term distinguish between bad witchcraft and good... more
Trial of Manningtree Witches in Chelmsford 1645 by Anonymous
Of the severall Informations, Examinations, and Confessions of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex. Who were arraigned and condemned at the late Sessions, holden at Chelmesford before the Right Honorable ROBERT,Earle of Warwicke, and severall of his Majesties Justices of... more
Issue 02 November 2006 vol 2 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
The Physician And Witchcraft In Restoration England by Garfield Tourney
Witchcraft persecutions really began in England in 1563 with the statute of Elizabeth I, much later than elsewhere in Europe, but did not really become fully developed until the reign of James I. Various estimates have been given of the number of persons hanged as witches in England during the... more
History of Salem Witchcraft A Review of Charles Upham Great Work by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Charles Wentworth Upham (May 4, 1802 - June 15, 1875) was a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. Upham was also a member, and President of the Massachusetts State Senate, the 7th Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, and twice a member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives. Upham was the... more
The Ethics of a Dual Relationship Psychotherapist and Wiccan Clergy by Ellen Friedman
Wiccan clergy psychotherapists encounter complex ethical dilemmas due to dual roles. In an attempt to understand the extreme complexity of the multiple roles, this discourse begins with examination of current ethical codes of the professional societies. Recent literature related to dual... more
Paganism Surviving In Christianity Ver 2 by Abram Herbert Lewis
This book presents a suggestive rather than an exhaustive treatment of these influences, and of their effect on historic Christianity. The author has aimed to make a volume which busy men may read, rather than one whose bulk would relegate it to the comparative silence of library shelves. The... more
Issue 09 May 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Lectures on Witchcraft Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem in 1692 by Charles Wentworth Upham
The following Lectures were originally prepared for delivery in the Salem Lyceum. They have been repeated before similar associations in Marblehead, in Beverly, in South Danvers, in North Danvers, in Waltham, in Gloucester, in Haverhill, in Lynn, and in Topsfield. A large part of what appears in... more
Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases by George Lincoln Burr
1914. A volume in the Original Narratives of Early American History series. These narratives of witchcraft are no fairy tales. Weird as they seem to us, they were the most intense of realities to thousands of men and women in 17th century America. They were the bulletins of a war more actual, more... more
The Pagan Madonna by Harold MacGrath
Harold MacGrath (1871-1932) was a bestselling American novelist, short story writer, and screenwriter. As a young man, he worked as a reporter and columnist on the Syracuse Herald newspaper until the late 1890s when he published his first novel, a romance titled Arms and the Woman (1899). According... more
Lakes Area Pagan Fall 2008 Vol 2 No 2 by Anarchistbanjo
The Lakes Area Pagan is published as a service to the local pagan and Wiccan community. Contributors have been asked to use pen names or Craft names for security reasons. No profit is made on the publication of this magazine other than the small profit the bookstore makes for distributing it. There... more
Nocturne City Book 4 Witch Craft by Caitlin Kittredge
Someone, or something, is setting fire to the homes of the city's most infamous non-humans, racking up a body count that's growing by the day. And strange, otherworldly creatures no one has seen before--selkies trolls and harpies--are causing chaos throughout the city. Racing to stop the carnage,... more
Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail OCR Version by Caroline Upham
The author of the present volume claims to be neither a brilliant essayist nor an historian, but having been urged to prepare a sketch of the History, now offers it to the public as one would the photograph of a notable scene, not a great original painting. And if, as it must be, the rich coloring... more
Old Naumkeag An Historical Sketch of The City of Salem by Charles Webber
"Old Naumkeag" appears to be a work which will greatly interest the readers of the present day. The researches of Felt, Bentley, and others, embody much of what is known of the topography and ancient history of Salem and vicinity but the compilers of this work appear not only to have adduced... more
Woman Witchcraft or The Curse of Coquetry A Dramatic Romance by Corine Lestrange
WOMAN'S witchcraft: THE CUESE OF COQUETRY a Dramatic Romance by CORINNE LESTRANGE.Although historical accuracy is not pretended to in this if in anysimilar composition, it may be mentioned that, according to the chronicles of Spain, King Philip V. lost his queen, Maria Louisa, by death, in 1714 ... more
Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply by Charles Wentworth Upham
Charles Wentworth Upham (1802-1875) was a member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives in the 19th century. He was the cousin of George Baxter Upham and Jabez Upham. A classmate and former friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Upham was an opponent of the burgeoning Transcendentalism... more
Issue 01 November 2006 vol 1 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 39 NOVEMBER 2009 Thanksgiving Blessings To You And Yours by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 43 MARCH 2010 Merry Spring Equinox by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail by Caroline Upham
The author of the present volume claims to be neither a brilliant essayist nor an historian, but having been urged to prepare a sketch of the History, now offers it to the public as one would the photograph of a notable scene, not a great original painting. And if, as it must be, the rich coloring... more
Issue 49 SEPTEMBER 2010 In Memory ofIsaac Bonewits by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 13 September 2007 The Autumn Equinox by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 38 OCTOBER 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 42 FEBRUARY 2010 Blessed Imbolc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Witches Wicca And Revitalization Reconsiderations by Amber Lynne Ault
This paper considers the anthropological conception of witch, presents an ethnographic description of some modern witches practicing their religion in the American Midwest, and considers this witchcraft or Wicca as we shall come to call it, in light of the cultural revitalization movement model... more
Issue 08 April 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 10 June 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 12 July 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 41 JANUARY 2010 Happy New Year by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Witchcraft Farther Displayd by Fransis Bragge
The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions... more
Imagining a Virtual Religious Community Neo Pagans on the Internet by Gregory Price Grieve
Anyone who has spent time exploring the Internet cannot help but notice the prevalence of Neo-Paganism. This paper answers the seeming paradox of why neo-Paganism, a self-proclaimed nature religion, pervades cyberspace. What defines the social space opened up by the Internet is lack of 'presence,'... more
Issue 05 November 2006 vol 5 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts ORC Version by Abner Cheney Goodell
Issue 44 APRIL 2010 What A Beautiful World by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 48 AUGUST 2010 Blessed Oimelc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 14 October 2007 vol 2 SAMHAIN CORRESPONDENCES by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 33 MAY 2009 Happy Beltane Samhain by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 47 JULY 2010 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 06 February 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Witchcraft And The Suspicion Of Witchery by Hippolyte Taine
If one restricts one's horizon to the Danvers village near present-day Salem town, one can be led to the belief that what went wrong in the "Salem witchcraft" frenzy of 1692 had to do with traumatized little girls, acting out their traumas, or had to do with an ergot poisoning of the stomachs, and... more
Issue 07 March 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 19 March 2008 Blessed Ostara by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
The Witchcraft Trial in Moscow by Friedrich Adler
I predict that Behind the Moscow Trial will stand not only as a brilliant attempt to clarify the conftirm status of this particular trial, but also as a land in intelligent political pamphleteering in the American labor and revolutionary movement. I know of no other such w^ork w^ritten by an... more
Issue 30 February 2009 Blessed Imbolc Lughnassadh by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 40 DECEMBER 2009 Blessed Yule Blessed Litha by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
New England Place in the History of Witchcraft by George Lincoln Burr
George Lincoln Burr (January 30, 1857 - 1938) was a U.S. historian, diplomat, author, and educator, best known as a Professor of History and Librarian at Cornell University, and as the closest collaborator of Andrew Dickson White, the first President of Cornell.Burr was born in Albany, New York and... more
Some Observations On Witchcraft The Case Of The Aivilik Eskimos by Arthur Hippler
Cultural and psychological theories of witchcraft are related in order to develop a more comprehensive theory. The proposed integrative schema is applied to witchcraft among the Aivilik Eskimos. Using a theoretical approach, continuities in pre-with post-contact witchcraft are related to Eskimo... more
Issue 11 August 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 25 September 2008 Happy Mabon Autumn Equinox by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Notes on Witchcraft OCR Version by George Lyman Kittredge
George Lyman Kittredge (February 28, 1860-July 23, 1941) was a scholar of English literature and a professor at Harvard University. Between his position at Harvard and his editions of major literary figures, notably William Shakespeare, he was one of the most influential American literary critics... more
Issue 04 November 2006 vol 4 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 23 July 2008 vol 1 Happy Independence Day by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 24 August 2008 Blessed Lughnasadh by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 28 December 2008 Blessed Yule by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 35 JULY 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 17 January 2008 Happy New Year by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 18 February 2008 Blessed Imbolc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 21 May 2008 Blessed Beltane by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 26 October 2008 vol 1 Blessed Samhain by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 26 October 2008 vol 2 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 31 MARCH 2009 Blessed Ostara Mabon by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 32 APRIL 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 45 MAY 2010 Samhain Blessings by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 46 June 2010 Happy Summer by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 15 November 2007 Happy Thanksgiving by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 16 December 2007 Happy Yule by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 20 April 2008 Blessed Spring by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 22 June 2008 Blessed Midsummer Solstice by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 27 November 2008 Happy Thanksgiving by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 29 January 2009 Happy 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 34 JUNE 2009 Happy Litha Yule by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 36 AUGUST 2009 Blessed Lugnasadh Imbolc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more
Issue 37 SEPTEMBER 2009 Happy Mabon Ostara by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... more

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