White Magic Spells Chants - Free Witchcraft Spells

white magic spells chants

When it comes to white magic spells, chants can often be an important part of the ritual. Your own personal words are powerful and help you focus your concentration on the intent of your spell.

Most spells that you find have a chant or set of words associated with them. But what about when you get a bit more adept at your witchcraft and start creating your own spells. You might have to start writing your own white magic spell chants.

Love Spell Chant
I used this one for the Star of Love spell, could adapt it for any other type of love spell. Change the word "star" to "flame", and it could be used in a candle spell, for instance. I also have another full page of love spell chants for a few more examples.

Star of love, burn so bright
Aid me in my spell tonight
Unite my true love to me
As I will it, so mote it be.

Sleep and Dream Chant
Another one from a spell here, and can be used for any spells involving sleep or dream magick.

Bring me quiet
Bring me peace
Ease my dreams
Nightmares cease

Money Spell Chant
Here is a good all-purpose magic chant for money or financial abundance:

One coin here, one coin there
Prosperity is everywhere
I need some wealth,
Financial health
I just need my share

Health Chant
If you are casting a spell to help fight an illness or to just stay healthy, here are some words you could use:

Bring health to my body
Heal mind and soul too
Strength and well-being
Make it all new.
These are just examples that I wrote. As I'm sure you can see, I'm partial to rhyming verse with just a few lines. This is just how I write, and does not mean that all white magic spell chants have to be written out in this format. You can use these for your own spells, or add them to any of the other white magick spells on the site.

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White Magic Spells Chants - Free Witchcraft Spells
White Magic Spell Chants. When it comes to white magic spells, chants can often be an important part of the ritual. Your own personal words are powerful and help you

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