The Pagan's Path ~ Witchcraft & Shamanism

Here you will find information to learn about the basics of the religion of Witchcraft, a few of it's traditions, and general magik. What you need, and how to get started, and what you need to consider as you practice this spiritual path. Learn a little history of Ireland, magik and witchcraft. Get an understanding of the basic principles, beliefs and practices of pagans through ritual, ceremony and a spiritual way of life.
I'd like to make it clear that this site is not Wiccan and nor am I. This site is dedicated to pagan beliefs as a whole, which includes many traditions of Witchcraft and Shamanism, Wicca being only one of the many.
"I maintain that cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest incitement to scientific research."
- Albert Einstein
General Paganism
 Frequently Ask Questions
- about Witchcraft/Shamanism
 Glossary of Terms  
 What is The Meaning Of Pagan
 What Is Witchcraft?   
 Is Witchcraft A Religion?
Witchcraft Traditions
 The Creation of Modern Witchcraft
 An Evolution of WitchCraft (Timeline)
 Which Witch is Which? - Labels & Titles
 The Sabbats 
 Sabbats - Southern Hemisphere Calendar
 Esbats: Working By The Moon
 What is God/Goddess?
 Some Important Figures In Witchcraft:
Aleister Crowley
Gerald Gardner
 What is a Coven, Grove and Alike
Group Circle Gatherings
 Starting your own Coven, Group, Grove and Alike.
 Solitary vs. Coven Practices
 Dedication vs. Initiation
Grand Mother Moon:
 Moon Phase Calendar 
Moon Calendar Archives
 Other Workings With The Moon   
 The Monthly Full Moon / Moon Names
 Lunar Calendars - A Short History
 Schedule Of Retrogrades
Retrograde Calendar Archives

 Religious Similarities:
 We're more alike than you think.
A View Of Christianity

General Magik
 The Law Of Accountability
(The 3, 9 and 10 Fold Laws)  
 The Witches Credo   
 Your Book Of Shadows
 Magik, Spells and Casting
 Magikal Names
Your Magik Name Ceremony
 Magikal Tools 
Divination Tools
Tool Symbology
Candle Magik Basics
Using Color In Magik
Tools: Incense
- A History Of Incense
- Creating Your Own Incense
- Incense Symbology
Tools: Magikal Staff
Tools: Pentacles & Pentagrams
Tools: Runes
Tools: A Magikal Sigil 
Tools: Trees & Their Energies
Tools: The Wand
Chakra Meditation For Workings
Creating Your Magik Circle
Creating Your Personal Altar
Creating Your Sacred Space
Setting A Circle
 Raising Energy For Workings
 Spell Construction 
Clearing and Cleansing an object or space
 - A Consecration Ritual
 An all purpose Ritual or Ceremony Outline
Candle Magik Ritual &Ceremony
 The Great Horned God
 The Great Rite
 Hexes & Curses
 Sex and Magik
 Widdershins / Deasil; Moving Clockwise/Counter
 The Correspondence of Elements & Directions
The Alchemy Of Life  
The Wheel Of Life  
The Elements & Their Cardinal Directions
 The History Of:
The History Of The Broom
The History Of Samhain / Halloween
Fantasy & Folklore of Hallows Eve
      - Library Of Congress
The History Of Santa Claus
The History of Yule
 Magik Symbology
Mushroom/Fairy Ring
History Of The Pentagram
King Solomon's Seal
The Triquetra
 Harvesting Techniques
Rain Water For Rituals
 New Religious Movements (
Salem Witch Trials

Traditions: Celtic
These sections are categorized in 2 parts. The spiritual, or religious knowledge shared by Celtic pagan practioners (on the left), and the academic view of historical information (on the right). Science, anthropology and archeology of today is constantly growing and breaking new ground that supports or even proves the information passed down through spiritual lineage. Because there is much debate between these 2 schools of thought, it is important to research both. Please note - This is NOT Celtic Wicca.

I'm not well versed on Druids or Druidism so I have enlisted help for this section. I would like to make a special dedication and huge Thank you to my friend Curtis (ThunderWolf) and especially his friend Mark (SeniorDruid) for all their help with this section.

Traditions: Wicca
Wicca is a sect or denomination of the religion of Witchcraft. It was established by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s and is based on a combination of traditions experienced and learned by Gardner. Wicca is a very structured practice of Witchcraft, incorporating initiations into it's advancement or hierarchy of leadership. Many interchange the label Wicca with Witchcraft, but that is not an accurate substitution. There are many traditions within the religion of Witchcraft, Wicca is just one of the many.

Traditions: Norse
These sections are categorized in 2 parts. The spiritual, or religious knowledge shared by Celtic pagan practioners (on the left), and the academic view of historical information (on the right). Science, anthropology and archeology of today is constantly growing and breaking new ground that supports or even proves the information passed down through spiritual lineage. Because there is much debate between these 2 schools of thought, it is important to research both.
I would like to make a special dedication and huge Thank you to my friend Curtis (ThunderWolf) for all his help with this section.

Traditions: Egyptian
These sections are categorized in 2 parts. The spiritual, or religious knowledge shared by Celtic pagan practioners (on the left), and the academic view of historical information (on the right). Science, anthropology and archeology of today is constantly growing and breaking new ground that supports or even proves the information passed down through spiritual lineage. Because there is much debate between these 2 schools of thought, it is important to research both.
I would like to make a special dedication and huge Thank you to my friends at Midnight Dessert Moon and Curtis (ThunderWolf) for all their help with this section.

Just a little disclaimer, for those who might mis-interpret the information beyond this page.
I am from a Celtic and Cherokee heritage. The articles here are my thoughts, opinions and beliefs that combine those two paths. They are in no way meant to be a representation of 'The Celtic' or 'The Cherokee' traditional beliefs. Rather the information contained here in the General Section and the Pagan's Path Grimoire are a combination of family teachings, Metaphysical Study, Indo-European Shamanistic, Celtic lore, Cherokee philosophy and many years of personal study, experience, practice and personal growth.
I believe information, especially spiritual information should be shared freely. It is up to you to decided what you believe. No one way is right or wrong. Simply take what "feels" right to you, and discard the rest. Examine all information you receive carefully. Do your own research and look for your truth within yourself. That is the true nature of the divine spirit within us all.

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