Spells for Revenge - Lucky Mojo

Spells for Revenge

a cache of captured internet text filespertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.



compiled from usenet, 1995 - present
Spelling and format editing has occurred within these posts;  some email addresses may be out of date.These posts are copyright by their respective authors as noted, and all rights are reserved. In other words, the contributions of these authors are not to be mirrored to other web sites or copied into print without the express permission of each individual author. ------------------------------------------REVENGE SPELL:Here's a quick, short folk-magic spell for harming someoneyou hate, but only for doing so by sending back to them themean words and pain they gave to you. You need:a black human figure candle or black chinaware human figure    (gender-specific, according to the sex of your enemy)a packet of dried blackberry leavesa piece of black clotha length of black threada hammera shovel or trowel to dig a holeOptional: Goofer Dust or Graveyard Dirt          Crossing Oil or Hot Foot OilStart on a Saturday. Name the figural candle or statue withthe name of your enemy by carving the enemy's name in thewax or writing it on the chinaware with a marker. Wrap thecandle or statuette all over with the dried spiny leaves ofblackberry vines. Lay this mess on the piece of black cloth,wrap it up, and tie the bundle closed with black thread.Now, in your most angry voice, tell the person what it isyou want to send back to them and then hit the packet 3times with a hammer. Hit it really hard, to break it.Each day for 7 days tell the figure what you want to sendback to him or her and hit the packet 3 hammer blows. Bythe end of the 7 days, it should be pretty well pulverized.When you are finished, take the bundle outdoors (to acemetery if you can), dig a deep hole, throw the packet in,and cover it up. Walk away and don't look back.To make the work stronger, you may also dress the candle orstatue first with Crossing Oil or Hotfoot Oil and you mayadd Goofer Dust or Graveyard Dirt to the blackberryleaves, but not too much, because you want that figure feelthe spiny leaves as it is crushed up in them by the hammerblows.Good luck!© 1997 catherine yronwode (cat@luckymojo.com)------------------------------------------MIRROR SPELL FOR SENDING EVIL MAGIC BACK TO A WITCHJackdaw (wildfire@free4all.co.uk) wrote:> "Talesin" (witchboy@psynet.net) wrote:> > > There is a person who is basically wreaking havoc in our local > > Community. [...] It is to the point where magick seems to be the > > only solution. Do any of you have a suggestion or can you refer > > me to an online spell or something? I am not Wiccan so don't > > even suggest a binding spell, and I do have some magickal acumen > > so I am able to do what is needed. Thank you for your time.> I can think of a way around the problem.> Use 5 small mirrors set around a wax poppit made in the "ususual way"> of the woman. This is placed in a box so that all the mirrors in a> ring face inward, reflecting the image of the poppit back to itself.> > The idea being, well, you get the idea. It renders magic casting null> and void and bounces magic back to the sender. All else on the> physical plane gets through. PLEASE Limit this only for a few weeks to> see the effect. When you are finished, smash the mirrors, un-name the> poppit and clear up as usual.> > Cut your spells to suit your path.> > Remember though, YOU are also taking on a Big resposibility if you> take this action.> © 1998 Jackdaw (wildfire@free4all.co.uk)What an elegant solution, Jackdaw! My compliments to the"chef"!I'm not sure what "clear up as usual" means in yourtradition, so i would like to mention that in my line(hoodoo), we would suggest a cleansing bath for thepractitioner, right after he or she has un-named the poppet("voodoo doll") or doll-baby. Hyssop herb tea would besatisfactory for this bath. Standing between two whitecandles and recital of the 51st Psalm ("Cleanse me withhyssop") is optional, of course. Throw a basinful of thedirtied bath-water out at a cross-roads as per the usualcustom (throw it to the East over your left shoulder, walkaway, and don't look back).For another, similar mirror and doll spell, see     http://www.luckymojo.com/uncrossing.html© 1998 catherine yronwode (cat@luckymojo.com)------------------------------------------A COUNTER-CURSE REVENGE SPELL AGINST A ROOT-WORKERIf someone has put roots on you, make a Counter-Curse. Itwill do two things: First, remove thier curse by killingthem or stopping them from harming you. Second, the personwho rooted on you will decide their own fate; no other fateswill be affected unless you desire it through guilt or doubt-- and then the spell may fizzle.Get a paper, a dagger, a white candle, and a black candle(white on your right, black on your left.) Draw a humanfigure on the paper to represent the person who put roots onyou.Invoke Satan in your own way. Invoke the elements.Think of all the problems you have been having, project itinto the paper form, feel the anger fully (this is veryimportant), stomp, humiliate, beat, torture, and vent youranger on it, hate it with a whole heart, hate who put theroots on you, next stab the genitalia and direct thistorture to the tormenter, formed or formless, that they aredestroyed in the name of your body's power and the dark willof the Satan within you, that they will die, they will feelpain, they will suffer, their body will betray them, andtheir sex will rot off, and they will be plunged into thevoid to be driven insane.Offer this "sorceress/sorcerer" to Satan as a "sacrifice" asyou invoke hate into the form. Draw a reverse pentagram inthe air over the paper form. Label this person a sacrifice"through justice and vengance and dominion over the spellsand roots that tormented me that I do not desire."Burn the figure still impaled in the WHITE candle. ThisDISSAPATES him, and makes his energy and power fly away atthe speed of light.This counter curse works well.© 1998 Underground Panther / Pwcca (pumacat@erols.com)------------------------------------------BONES OF ANGER REVENGE HEXGather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a fewdays. Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure youare worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred. This willadd to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all thiswhile doing this hex and when it says "With these bones Inow do crush," take a hammer or use your feet to stomp andcrush these bones as if they were your enemy before you!When you are done sweep, them up and place them in a bag. Youwill then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the boneson your enemy's property around his house.If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say...   I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my   bidding I invoke Cuthalu, God of Anger and the creatures of   the underworld hear me now...   Bones of anger, bones to dust   full of fury, revenge is just   I scatter these bones, these bones of rage   take thine enemy, bring him pain   I see thine enemy before me now   I bind him, crush him, bring him down   With these bones I now do crush   Make thine enemy turn to dust   torment, fire, out of control   With this hex I curse your soul      So mote it be!© 1999 Battle_Cry (battle_cry@hotmail.com)------------------------------------------CURSE OF REVENGEThis curse is to be laid upon the victim while burning animage of the victim (wax sigil, photograph, drawing,anything) in the flame of a consecrated black candle Speakaloud the following:   There has been unfairness done to me   I summon the elements   I envoke them   I conjure them to do my bidding     The four watchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds   there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood   there shall be submission and no pity   I point the threefold law against thee   against thee it shall be pointed   threefold, a hundred fold,   is the cost for my anger and pain   Thou shalt be blinded by the fear   blinded by the pain   blinded by me   binded by me   Cursed by me   So mote it be!© 1998 WItchwoman, Mack Elizabeth (witchwoman@home.com) who reminds everyone to be careful with these types of spells.------------------------------------------A "KITCHEN WITCH" REVERSING SPELLYou want to get three red candles, and (if possible) 1 blackcandle. (if you can't get a black candle without raisingeyebrows, go ahead and get a brand new black permanentmarker. Do not use this marker for anything else but thistype of spell if you can help it.) Also, if you have access to any essential oils, get some rueoil or get hold of some bulk rue ... and a small bottle ofolive oil.A small candle holder and a clean piece of paper and a redpen to write with are the next things.(again, a new pen ifpossible, saving it for this type of spell. A good thing todo is to get a variety of colored pens to save for doingspecific spells.)Melt the black wax of the candle in a double boiler and dipthe lower half of the red candles in it, making the blackwax coat the bottom half. Or, if you must, cover the lowerhalf of the red candles with the black magic marker.On a night where you can block everyone out for a while,take a bath with either sea salt or regular salt (1 tsp isenough) and a bit of rue oil or rue (cut or ground, doesn'tmatter). Do not towel dry yourself, go ahead and air dry.(You can wear whatever you normally wear to do spells, butyou definitely want to air dry.)Then, get out the rue oil or, in a small bowl, mix 3tablespoons of ground or cut rue and 1 1/2 tablespoons ofolive oil. Coat one candle with the oil or oil-herb mixture,anointing from the middle out, going counter clockwise. Dothe bottom half first, then the top. You'll be doing thisspell over three consecutive nights, so save the rest of thecandles and the oil in a safe place.On the piece of paper, write down what you'd like to seereversed from you; i.e. bad luck in love, financialproblems, trouble from an anemy, inability to find what youneed in your life, etc. Get thoughtful and make sure it'ssomething you really want to send away.Place the piece of paper under the candle holder (it wouldprobably be smart to put this in a pie plate or some otherfireproof container), charge the candle with your desire tosee these things or trends gone, and light the candle, usinga lighter only (no matches).Do this again for the next two nights, and once you're done,burn the piece of paper, seeing your life as if a weightlifted from it.If there's any leftover wax, collect it in a brown paper bagand bury that someplace far from you, or throw in a trashcan across town! Then forget about it, don't worry over it,just know it worked.You can do this whenever you feel the things in your lifeare not going the direction you'd wish, and different candlecolors can be used for specific reversals. This is forgeneral, overall reversals.© 1998 Chandralyn (Chandralyn@angelfire.com)------------------------------------------SIMPLE REVENGE CHANT AGINST CHEATERSThis is a simple chant that seems to work well against thosewho cheat at games or on tests in school, and is easilychanged to fit your situation.   I cast darkness to chase you, [cheater at games]*   So that you will fall when others would stand.   *[] can either describe the person or name them. This is mild and will go away when you draw it backand won't have any significant backfire.© 1998 Entari------------------------------------------REVENGE AGAINST THOSE WHO MALIGN THE DEAD(REVENGE FOR THOMAS SEERS)(Editor's note: This spell was posted to usenet in June,2001, by Ed Augusts, because Thomas Seers, a friend his, haddied and two enemies were maligning Seers' name after hisdeath. The spell combines elements of Judeo-Christianceremonial magic and down-hown hoodoo into a potentcombination. It could easily be adapted for any kind ofsituation where one is justified in seeking revenge againstpeople who have made false accusations or are engaged inevil gossip, slander, or back-biting. Simply substitute thename of the one for whom you want revenge for the name"Thomas Seers" throughout the spell and fill in the name ornames of the enemies as instrcted below. -- cat)Obtain the following: * A piece of parchment paper       available at your local magical goods or       occult shop* Some Dragon's Blood ink  * A small package of coffin nails.         Yes, those ARE for sale in occult shops,        as a matter of routine, for just these       purposes; they are nails that were at one        time nailed in wooden coffins.  * A small package of appropriate incense* A black candle (see below)* Some COMMANDING or CONTROLLING or BLACK MAGIC powder        and/or oil, if not the one, then the other! * Some long, wooden matches, if you don't have       any already.* A black quill (feather) pen would also be helpful. The WANING MOON has ALWAYS been associated with wasting,blasting and karmic spells. This is an EXCELLENT TIME INDEEDfor this ritual, which should be performed as the moonwanes, and no later than the night before the New Moon. So,in an hour of the night, preferably as Midnight approaches,do thou bathe or shower to purify thyself, and while doingso, imagine that everything impure is leaving you, thinkthat only justice for your friend, justice for your departedfriend, remains. Emerging into your bedroom or study where you will do thisworking, do light a stick of incense and imagine, while itburns, that the sweet savor of the incense is attracting allmanner of helpful spirits, spirits of every kind, goodspirits and bad... spirits that will do the bidding of you,as you request help from God. After saying a prayer to God, do thou write the name ofTHOMAS SEERS on the parchment paper using the DRAGON'S BLOODINK using the QUILL FEATHER. Write the sigils of thepowerful Planetary Energies and Signs around his Name. Placethis, face up, on the mantle or table you have prepared forthis purpose.Now, do take up the BLACK CANDLE and smooth some of theCOMMANDING or CONTROLLING or BLACK MAGIC oil into thecandle, and do so very consciously and deliberately. Now,using the COFFIN NAIL, write the names of the two people,the two very well known people, who have been abusing anddefaming Tom Seers so often on this NG after his untimelydeath. Write their names either going across, around thecandle, or from top to bottom. Write their names more thanonce, in rings or rows so that the names burn up as thecandle burns down The above proceedure works best with a plain wax candle. Ifyou, however, purchase a black candle encased in glass,obtain the kind where there are spaces where you can scrawlsomeone' name(s) on the candle. Do so! Below, there areoften spaces in which you can write various events andexperiences you wish the two named persons to experience. Do so, with the self-same coffin nail! A so-calledREVERSIBLE CANDLE is also very good for this same purpose, as it REVERSES the negative energy sent out by the 2miscreants and SENDS IT BACK TO THEM, three-fold! (Editor'snote: a black Devil candle could also be used, if one thinksparticularly poorly of the offenders. -- cat)At Midnight, if possible, place the prepared candle upon theface up parchment paper that has Thomas Seers' name andsigils of the planetary energies. As you strike a woodenmatch, turn briefly to all four major compass points,acknowledging them, then do light the black candle andremain facing it. As you do so, make an invocation alongthe following lines:OH, THOU MOST POWERFUL GOD!WE COME HERE TONIGHT TO ASK FOR REVENGEFOR OUR OLD FRIEND, THOMAS SEERS!MAY THE IMPIETY OF ________________ [fill in their names]BE NOW "REWARDED".MAY THE KARMA OF THESE TWO WHO HAVE KEPT OFFENDING HIM, DESPITE HIS DEATH,BE SPEEDED UP! MAY THEY BOTH GET WHAT THEY DESERVETHROUGH KARMIC RETRIBUTION -- IN THIS VERY LIFETIME!WE ASK NO EVIL TO FALL UPON THEM, OH LORD,JUST THAT THEY GET WHAT THEY DESERVE, AND SOON,SOON, SOON, OH GOD! THEREFORE,WE CALL UPON YOUR SPIRITS TO HELP US, GOD!OH! THOU MOST POWERFUL SPIRITS WHO ARE HERE, ATTENDING! LISTEN AND LISTEN WELL!THROUGH GOD AND JESUS CHRIST WE ASK TONIGHTFOR A SWIFT AND KARMIC REVENGE!FOR SWIFT REVENGE FOR OUR OLD FRIEND, THOMAS SEERS!GO, NOW! GO FORTH, THOU SPIRITS,THROUGH THIS BLACK CANDLE'S FLAME,AND PUNISH THOSE WHO HAVEOFFENDED HIS MEMORY AND HIS NAME!SPEED UP THE KARMIC RETRIBUTION OF ____________[fill in their names in your spell]SEEK THEM OUT AND WHERE EVER THEY ARE HIDINGFIND _________ and __________ [fill in their complete names]THE TWO WHOSE NAMES ARE WRITTEN ON THE CANDLE!MAY THEY BE PUNISHED EVEN AS THE WAX MELTS DOWN OVER THEIR NAMES!WE DO NOT ASK FOR EVIL, ONLY FOR JUSTICE.MAY THEY SUFFER AS THOMAS SEERS HAS SUFFERED!MAY THEY COME TO FEEL THY WRATHAND THE CERTAINTY OF GOD'S POWER!AND THE DANGERS OF ABUSING THE DEAD!AMEN -- AMEN -- AMEN!!!If you wish to rewrite any part of this Prayer of Invocationyou may delete or substitute, keeping the same general ideaintact, however!Now, do proceed to stare into the candle flame and imagine,if you will, that all that you have just wished, is comingto pass. You must VIVIDLY IMAGINE spiritual energy, spiritforms, descending on the two evildoers who deserve thisretribution. That an energy of some kind is passing from onerealm into another. That spirits and spiritual energieshave been put into action! Visualize, if you will, some ofthe effects you wish them to have. Think about Thomas SeersHIMSELF rising up from his grave and speeding forth toextract some vengeance and justice for himself from thosewho speak evilly of him after his death.Do not blow out or snuff out this candle under anycircumstances! It must burn down to the bottom, so makesure you have put it in an aluminum plate or some other verysafe place, far from curtains or anything that couldpossibly catch on fire. Make sure something will protectthe mantle, table, etc., from hot candle wax as it dripsslowly down. If using a glass candle, make your safeguardssuch that even if it cracks or breaks in burning, it willnot harm anything or cause a hazardous condition. Watch the candle as it turns. A good, clean, large flame isbest. A small blue flame shows the spell's energy is beingblocked. If a glass-encased candle goes out or cracks, it isa sign the spell was cast incorrectly and must be attemptedall over again another night. If you have used aglass-encased candle, look at the forms the soot and waxhave made in the glass, for these will indicate how powerfuland how successful your magic was. Some results from yourmagical efforts should manifest within A FEW DAYS' TIME, andmore, over a period of weeks, at least until the Moon turnsto a new cycle, in which case, the same or modified ritualmay be repeated during the next waning Moon.REVENGE FOR THOMAS SEERS! IN JESUS' NAME, AMEN!  If you are not Christian, then substitute whatever name(s)of power seem best to you, including such as SATURN,JUPITER, MARS, PLUTO, etc., etc. These names will alsomatch the symbols or sigils which are on the parchmentpaper, and are very powerful!If you don't have ALL the ritual objects, do not fear. Themagic comes as much from what YOU put into it, as thespecific ritual object. As long as you have a BLACK CANDLEand you can write the NAMES of the offenders on the candleitself, and DEDICATE the candle to its purpose, and LIGHTthe candle as you make your invocation, the Magic will work!THEREFORE, you don't even have to visit an Occult Shop, youcan perform this ritual... tomorrow night... as I plan todo! The waning Moon will be in PISCES, what a wonderfulsign to do magic in! Why don't YOU do your ritual while I domine! Let's synchronize this for the best results. Are youwith me?    --e.a.©2001 Ed Augusts (mysticbooks@icnetco.com)------------------------------------------INGREDIOENTS FOR REVENGE POWDERS, OILS, and SPELL-CRAFT"Dr. Jake" (sumbebekos@aol.com) posted this query in usenet:> > This is sort of an awkward topic to bring up, but I find > > myself in the position of having to provide a revenge spell > > for a particularly glaring and unsavory act of injustice. > > This is rather out of my usual line (I am best at healing> > spells), so I am interested in suggestions.> >> > A well placed sprinkle of Damnation Powder as the moon wanes> > ought to do something. Any further thoughts or recommendations?Revenge is an interesting sort of spell. It is different than cursing,because it is justified, and different than reversing, because you arenot just sending back the bad stuff, you are adding a quotient ofpunitive magic. In my experience, working these spells is a bit morecomplex than putting down "a well-placed sprinkle" of powder.As far as formulas go, i think that anything made with red pepper,black pepper, salt, sulphur, and/or graveyard dirt is on the right track. Optional, but quite amazing in their effects, are asafoetida powder, vandal root, black dog hair, and rusty nails.Have fun but play safe. Make it at night, and pray over it.© 2003 cat yronwode (cat@luckymojo.com)Along with the above i would add bear, wolf, or other predatory, earth bound animal parts, skin, fur, bones. Dragon's blood resin, scammony (convulvus scammonia), indigofera, any red stones such as ruby, red marble or the mineral cinnabar, the pentagram (5-mars), XVIth Tarot Trump (The Tower) various shades of red, scarlet, crimson, but not the pink hues to be used in constructing the pantacle.  Razor blades, sharp shards of glass or mirror.  All of these are to be gathered together and assembled by theperpetrator of the spell at the appropriate time and place (either atthe altar and/or place of invocation) with the appropriate prayers,incantations, petitions to the appropriate deities, the sword or daggerbeing the appropriate ritual implement to invoke with.Of course the above is predicated an a few important assumptions.1.  The person doing the "spell" can work up the necessary energy oremotion for someone else's problem.2.  The person doing the "spell" has some image or at least name of theperson the "spell" is directed against.  And personal belongings evenwriting of the intended target is always very good to have, as well asphotographic imagery.3.  The target of the "spell" is genuinely guilty of an injustice, andthe person desiring the work is not merely upset with an out come thatdid not favour them. If this is not the case there may be a subtleprotection afforded the intended target by its own innocence, also it issaid that a widely loved person, a celebrity, even in a narrow socialcircle, may be protected by the affection of those around them.4.  Last but not least it has been my personal experience that in a caseof injustice an evocation of "the white light" a positive invocation ofloving energies is more effective against a tyrant or negative influencethan a hostile current of will, as a truly evil person will tend to feedoff the negativity directed against them and have no defence against thepositive energies symbolized as "white light".© 2003 Joseph (beginning to think i should write a book) Count de Money.(josfeph@pacbell.net)

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Spells for Revenge

a cache of captured internet text filespertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.



compiled from usenet, 1995 - present
Spelling and format editing has occurred within these posts;  some email addresses may be out of date.These posts are copyright by their respective authors as noted, and all rights are reserved. In other words, the contributions of these authors are not to be mirrored to other web sites or copied into print without the express permission of each individual author. ------------------------------------------REVENGE SPELL:Here's a quick, short folk-magic spell for harming someoneyou hate, but only for doing so by sending back to them themean words and pain they gave to you. You need:a black human figure candle or black chinaware human figure    (gender-specific, according to the sex of your enemy)a packet of dried blackberry leavesa piece of black clotha length of black threada hammera shovel or trowel to dig a holeOptional: Goofer Dust or Graveyard Dirt          Crossing Oil or Hot Foot OilStart on a Saturday. Name the figural candle or statue withthe name of your enemy by carving the enemy's name in thewax or writing it on the chinaware with a marker. Wrap thecandle or statuette all over with the dried spiny leaves ofblackberry vines. Lay this mess on the piece of black cloth,wrap it up, and tie the bundle closed with black thread.Now, in your most angry voice, tell the person what it isyou want to send back to them and then hit the packet 3times with a hammer. Hit it really hard, to break it.Each day for 7 days tell the figure what you want to sendback to him or her and hit the packet 3 hammer blows. Bythe end of the 7 days, it should be pretty well pulverized.When you are finished, take the bundle outdoors (to acemetery if you can), dig a deep hole, throw the packet in,and cover it up. Walk away and don't look back.To make the work stronger, you may also dress the candle orstatue first with Crossing Oil or Hotfoot Oil and you mayadd Goofer Dust or Graveyard Dirt to the blackberryleaves, but not too much, because you want that figure feelthe spiny leaves as it is crushed up in them by the hammerblows.Good luck!© 1997 catherine yronwode (cat@luckymojo.com)------------------------------------------MIRROR SPELL FOR SENDING EVIL MAGIC BACK TO A WITCHJackdaw (wildfire@free4all.co.uk) wrote:> "Talesin" (witchboy@psynet.net) wrote:> > > There is a person who is basically wreaking havoc in our local > > Community. [...] It is to the point where magick seems to be the > > only solution. Do any of you have a suggestion or can you refer > > me to an online spell or something? I am not Wiccan so don't > > even suggest a binding spell, and I do have some magickal acumen > > so I am able to do what is needed. Thank you for your time.> I can think of a way around the problem.> Use 5 small mirrors set around a wax poppit made in the "ususual way"> of the woman. This is placed in a box so that all the mirrors in a> ring face inward, reflecting the image of the poppit back to itself.> > The idea being, well, you get the idea. It renders magic casting null> and void and bounces magic back to the sender. All else on the> physical plane gets through. PLEASE Limit this only for a few weeks to> see the effect. When you are finished, smash the mirrors, un-name the> poppit and clear up as usual.> > Cut your spells to suit your path.> > Remember though, YOU are also taking on a Big resposibility if you> take this action.> © 1998 Jackdaw (wildfire@free4all.co.uk)What an elegant solution, Jackdaw! My compliments to the"chef"!I'm not sure what "clear up as usual" means in yourtradition, so i would like to mention that in my line(hoodoo), we would suggest a cleansing bath for thepractitioner, right after he or she has un-named the poppet("voodoo doll") or doll-baby. Hyssop herb tea would besatisfactory for this bath. Standing between two whitecandles and recital of the 51st Psalm ("Cleanse me withhyssop") is optional, of course. Throw a basinful of thedirtied bath-water out at a cross-roads as per the usualcustom (throw it to the East over your left shoulder, walkaway, and don't look back).For another, similar mirror and doll spell, see     http://www.luckymojo.com/uncrossing.html© 1998 catherine yronwode (cat@luckymojo.com)------------------------------------------A COUNTER-CURSE REVENGE SPELL AGINST A ROOT-WORKERIf someone has put roots on you, make a Counter-Curse. Itwill do two things: First, remove thier curse by killingthem or stopping them from harming you. Second, the personwho rooted on you will decide their own fate; no other fateswill be affected unless you desire it through guilt or doubt-- and then the spell may fizzle.Get a paper, a dagger, a white candle, and a black candle(white on your right, black on your left.) Draw a humanfigure on the paper to represent the person who put roots onyou.Invoke Satan in your own way. Invoke the elements.Think of all the problems you have been having, project itinto the paper form, feel the anger fully (this is veryimportant), stomp, humiliate, beat, torture, and vent youranger on it, hate it with a whole heart, hate who put theroots on you, next stab the genitalia and direct thistorture to the tormenter, formed or formless, that they aredestroyed in the name of your body's power and the dark willof the Satan within you, that they will die, they will feelpain, they will suffer, their body will betray them, andtheir sex will rot off, and they will be plunged into thevoid to be driven insane.Offer this "sorceress/sorcerer" to Satan as a "sacrifice" asyou invoke hate into the form. Draw a reverse pentagram inthe air over the paper form. Label this person a sacrifice"through justice and vengance and dominion over the spellsand roots that tormented me that I do not desire."Burn the figure still impaled in the WHITE candle. ThisDISSAPATES him, and makes his energy and power fly away atthe speed of light.This counter curse works well.© 1998 Underground Panther / Pwcca (pumacat@erols.com)------------------------------------------BONES OF ANGER REVENGE HEXGather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a fewdays. Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure youare worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred. This willadd to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all thiswhile doing this hex and when it says "With these bones Inow do crush," take a hammer or use your feet to stomp andcrush these bones as if they were your enemy before you!When you are done sweep, them up and place them in a bag. Youwill then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the boneson your enemy's property around his house.If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say...   I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my   bidding I invoke Cuthalu, God of Anger and the creatures of   the underworld hear me now...   Bones of anger, bones to dust   full of fury, revenge is just   I scatter these bones, these bones of rage   take thine enemy, bring him pain   I see thine enemy before me now   I bind him, crush him, bring him down   With these bones I now do crush   Make thine enemy turn to dust   torment, fire, out of control   With this hex I curse your soul      So mote it be!© 1999 Battle_Cry (battle_cry@hotmail.com)------------------------------------------CURSE OF REVENGEThis curse is to be laid upon the victim while burning animage of the victim (wax sigil, photograph, drawing,anything) in the flame of a consecrated black candle Speakaloud the following:   There has been unfairness done to me   I summon the elements   I envoke them   I conjure them to do my bidding     The four watchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds   there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood   there shall be submission and no pity   I point the threefold law against thee   against thee it shall be pointed   threefold, a hundred fold,   is the cost for my anger and pain   Thou shalt be blinded by the fear   blinded by the pain   blinded by me   binded by me   Cursed by me   So mote it be!© 1998 WItchwoman, Mack Elizabeth (witchwoman@home.com) who reminds everyone to be careful with these types of spells.------------------------------------------A "KITCHEN WITCH" REVERSING SPELLYou want to get three red candles, and (if possible) 1 blackcandle. (if you can't get a black candle without raisingeyebrows, go ahead and get a brand new black permanentmarker. Do not use this marker for anything else but thistype of spell if you can help it.) Also, if you have access to any essential oils, get some rueoil or get hold of some bulk rue ... and a small bottle ofolive oil.A small candle holder and a clean piece of paper and a redpen to write with are the next things.(again, a new pen ifpossible, saving it for this type of spell. A good thing todo is to get a variety of colored pens to save for doingspecific spells.)Melt the black wax of the candle in a double boiler and dipthe lower half of the red candles in it, making the blackwax coat the bottom half. Or, if you must, cover the lowerhalf of the red candles with the black magic marker.On a night where you can block everyone out for a while,take a bath with either sea salt or regular salt (1 tsp isenough) and a bit of rue oil or rue (cut or ground, doesn'tmatter). Do not towel dry yourself, go ahead and air dry.(You can wear whatever you normally wear to do spells, butyou definitely want to air dry.)Then, get out the rue oil or, in a small bowl, mix 3tablespoons of ground or cut rue and 1 1/2 tablespoons ofolive oil. Coat one candle with the oil or oil-herb mixture,anointing from the middle out, going counter clockwise. Dothe bottom half first, then the top. You'll be doing thisspell over three consecutive nights, so save the rest of thecandles and the oil in a safe place.On the piece of paper, write down what you'd like to seereversed from you; i.e. bad luck in love, financialproblems, trouble from an anemy, inability to find what youneed in your life, etc. Get thoughtful and make sure it'ssomething you really want to send away.Place the piece of paper under the candle holder (it wouldprobably be smart to put this in a pie plate or some otherfireproof container), charge the candle with your desire tosee these things or trends gone, and light the candle, usinga lighter only (no matches).Do this again for the next two nights, and once you're done,burn the piece of paper, seeing your life as if a weightlifted from it.If there's any leftover wax, collect it in a brown paper bagand bury that someplace far from you, or throw in a trashcan across town! Then forget about it, don't worry over it,just know it worked.You can do this whenever you feel the things in your lifeare not going the direction you'd wish, and different candlecolors can be used for specific reversals. This is forgeneral, overall reversals.© 1998 Chandralyn (Chandralyn@angelfire.com)------------------------------------------SIMPLE REVENGE CHANT AGINST CHEATERSThis is a simple chant that seems to work well against thosewho cheat at games or on tests in school, and is easilychanged to fit your situation.   I cast darkness to chase you, [cheater at games]*   So that you will fall when others would stand.   *[] can either describe the person or name them. This is mild and will go away when you draw it backand won't have any significant backfire.© 1998 Entari------------------------------------------REVENGE AGAINST THOSE WHO MALIGN THE DEAD(REVENGE FOR THOMAS SEERS)(Editor's note: This spell was posted to usenet in June,2001, by Ed Augusts, because Thomas Seers, a friend his, haddied and two enemies were maligning Seers' name after hisdeath. The spell combines elements of Judeo-Christianceremonial magic and down-hown hoodoo into a potentcombination. It could easily be adapted for any kind ofsituation where one is justified in seeking revenge againstpeople who have made false accusations or are engaged inevil gossip, slander, or back-biting. Simply substitute thename of the one for whom you want revenge for the name"Thomas Seers" throughout the spell and fill in the name ornames of the enemies as instrcted below. -- cat)Obtain the following: * A piece of parchment paper       available at your local magical goods or       occult shop* Some Dragon's Blood ink  * A small package of coffin nails.         Yes, those ARE for sale in occult shops,        as a matter of routine, for just these       purposes; they are nails that were at one        time nailed in wooden coffins.  * A small package of appropriate incense* A black candle (see below)* Some COMMANDING or CONTROLLING or BLACK MAGIC powder        and/or oil, if not the one, then the other! * Some long, wooden matches, if you don't have       any already.* A black quill (feather) pen would also be helpful. The WANING MOON has ALWAYS been associated with wasting,blasting and karmic spells. This is an EXCELLENT TIME INDEEDfor this ritual, which should be performed as the moonwanes, and no later than the night before the New Moon. So,in an hour of the night, preferably as Midnight approaches,do thou bathe or shower to purify thyself, and while doingso, imagine that everything impure is leaving you, thinkthat only justice for your friend, justice for your departedfriend, remains. Emerging into your bedroom or study where you will do thisworking, do light a stick of incense and imagine, while itburns, that the sweet savor of the incense is attracting allmanner of helpful spirits, spirits of every kind, goodspirits and bad... spirits that will do the bidding of you,as you request help from God. After saying a prayer to God, do thou write the name ofTHOMAS SEERS on the parchment paper using the DRAGON'S BLOODINK using the QUILL FEATHER. Write the sigils of thepowerful Planetary Energies and Signs around his Name. Placethis, face up, on the mantle or table you have prepared forthis purpose.Now, do take up the BLACK CANDLE and smooth some of theCOMMANDING or CONTROLLING or BLACK MAGIC oil into thecandle, and do so very consciously and deliberately. Now,using the COFFIN NAIL, write the names of the two people,the two very well known people, who have been abusing anddefaming Tom Seers so often on this NG after his untimelydeath. Write their names either going across, around thecandle, or from top to bottom. Write their names more thanonce, in rings or rows so that the names burn up as thecandle burns down The above proceedure works best with a plain wax candle. Ifyou, however, purchase a black candle encased in glass,obtain the kind where there are spaces where you can scrawlsomeone' name(s) on the candle. Do so! Below, there areoften spaces in which you can write various events andexperiences you wish the two named persons to experience. Do so, with the self-same coffin nail! A so-calledREVERSIBLE CANDLE is also very good for this same purpose, as it REVERSES the negative energy sent out by the 2miscreants and SENDS IT BACK TO THEM, three-fold! (Editor'snote: a black Devil candle could also be used, if one thinksparticularly poorly of the offenders. -- cat)At Midnight, if possible, place the prepared candle upon theface up parchment paper that has Thomas Seers' name andsigils of the planetary energies. As you strike a woodenmatch, turn briefly to all four major compass points,acknowledging them, then do light the black candle andremain facing it. As you do so, make an invocation alongthe following lines:OH, THOU MOST POWERFUL GOD!WE COME HERE TONIGHT TO ASK FOR REVENGEFOR OUR OLD FRIEND, THOMAS SEERS!MAY THE IMPIETY OF ________________ [fill in their names]BE NOW "REWARDED".MAY THE KARMA OF THESE TWO WHO HAVE KEPT OFFENDING HIM, DESPITE HIS DEATH,BE SPEEDED UP! MAY THEY BOTH GET WHAT THEY DESERVETHROUGH KARMIC RETRIBUTION -- IN THIS VERY LIFETIME!WE ASK NO EVIL TO FALL UPON THEM, OH LORD,JUST THAT THEY GET WHAT THEY DESERVE, AND SOON,SOON, SOON, OH GOD! THEREFORE,WE CALL UPON YOUR SPIRITS TO HELP US, GOD!OH! THOU MOST POWERFUL SPIRITS WHO ARE HERE, ATTENDING! LISTEN AND LISTEN WELL!THROUGH GOD AND JESUS CHRIST WE ASK TONIGHTFOR A SWIFT AND KARMIC REVENGE!FOR SWIFT REVENGE FOR OUR OLD FRIEND, THOMAS SEERS!GO, NOW! GO FORTH, THOU SPIRITS,THROUGH THIS BLACK CANDLE'S FLAME,AND PUNISH THOSE WHO HAVEOFFENDED HIS MEMORY AND HIS NAME!SPEED UP THE KARMIC RETRIBUTION OF ____________[fill in their names in your spell]SEEK THEM OUT AND WHERE EVER THEY ARE HIDINGFIND _________ and __________ [fill in their complete names]THE TWO WHOSE NAMES ARE WRITTEN ON THE CANDLE!MAY THEY BE PUNISHED EVEN AS THE WAX MELTS DOWN OVER THEIR NAMES!WE DO NOT ASK FOR EVIL, ONLY FOR JUSTICE.MAY THEY SUFFER AS THOMAS SEERS HAS SUFFERED!MAY THEY COME TO FEEL THY WRATHAND THE CERTAINTY OF GOD'S POWER!AND THE DANGERS OF ABUSING THE DEAD!AMEN -- AMEN -- AMEN!!!If you wish to rewrite any part of this Prayer of Invocationyou may delete or substitute, keeping the same general ideaintact, however!Now, do proceed to stare into the candle flame and imagine,if you will, that all that you have just wished, is comingto pass. You must VIVIDLY IMAGINE spiritual energy, spiritforms, descending on the two evildoers who deserve thisretribution. That an energy of some kind is passing from onerealm into another. That spirits and spiritual energieshave been put into action! Visualize, if you will, some ofthe effects you wish them to have. Think about Thomas SeersHIMSELF rising up from his grave and speeding forth toextract some vengeance and justice for himself from thosewho speak evilly of him after his death.Do not blow out or snuff out this candle under anycircumstances! It must burn down to the bottom, so makesure you have put it in an aluminum plate or some other verysafe place, far from curtains or anything that couldpossibly catch on fire. Make sure something will protectthe mantle, table, etc., from hot candle wax as it dripsslowly down. If using a glass candle, make your safeguardssuch that even if it cracks or breaks in burning, it willnot harm anything or cause a hazardous condition. Watch the candle as it turns. A good, clean, large flame isbest. A small blue flame shows the spell's energy is beingblocked. If a glass-encased candle goes out or cracks, it isa sign the spell was cast incorrectly and must be attemptedall over again another night. If you have used aglass-encased candle, look at the forms the soot and waxhave made in the glass, for these will indicate how powerfuland how successful your magic was. Some results from yourmagical efforts should manifest within A FEW DAYS' TIME, andmore, over a period of weeks, at least until the Moon turnsto a new cycle, in which case, the same or modified ritualmay be repeated during the next waning Moon.REVENGE FOR THOMAS SEERS! IN JESUS' NAME, AMEN!  If you are not Christian, then substitute whatever name(s)of power seem best to you, including such as SATURN,JUPITER, MARS, PLUTO, etc., etc. These names will alsomatch the symbols or sigils which are on the parchmentpaper, and are very powerful!If you don't have ALL the ritual objects, do not fear. Themagic comes as much from what YOU put into it, as thespecific ritual object. As long as you have a BLACK CANDLEand you can write the NAMES of the offenders on the candleitself, and DEDICATE the candle to its purpose, and LIGHTthe candle as you make your invocation, the Magic will work!THEREFORE, you don't even have to visit an Occult Shop, youcan perform this ritual... tomorrow night... as I plan todo! The waning Moon will be in PISCES, what a wonderfulsign to do magic in! Why don't YOU do your ritual while I domine! Let's synchronize this for the best results. Are youwith me?    --e.a.©2001 Ed Augusts (mysticbooks@icnetco.com)------------------------------------------INGREDIOENTS FOR REVENGE POWDERS, OILS, and SPELL-CRAFT"Dr. Jake" (sumbebekos@aol.com) posted this query in usenet:> > This is sort of an awkward topic to bring up, but I find > > myself in the position of having to provide a revenge spell > > for a particularly glaring and unsavory act of injustice. > > This is rather out of my usual line (I am best at healing> > spells), so I am interested in suggestions.> >> > A well placed sprinkle of Damnation Powder as the moon wanes> > ought to do something. Any further thoughts or recommendations?Revenge is an interesting sort of spell. It is different than cursing,because it is justified, and different than reversing, because you arenot just sending back the bad stuff, you are adding a quotient ofpunitive magic. In my experience, working these spells is a bit morecomplex than putting down "a well-placed sprinkle" of powder.As far as formulas go, i think that anything made with red pepper,black pepper, salt, sulphur, and/or graveyard dirt is on the right track. Optional, but quite amazing in their effects, are asafoetida powder, vandal root, black dog hair, and rusty nails.Have fun but play safe. Make it at night, and pray over it.© 2003 cat yronwode (cat@luckymojo.com)Along with the above i would add bear, wolf, or other predatory, earth bound animal parts, skin, fur, bones. Dragon's blood resin, scammony (convulvus scammonia), indigofera, any red stones such as ruby, red marble or the mineral cinnabar, the pentagram (5-mars), XVIth Tarot Trump (The Tower) various shades of red, scarlet, crimson, but not the pink hues to be used in constructing the pantacle.  Razor blades, sharp shards of glass or mirror.  All of these are to be gathered together and assembled by theperpetrator of the spell at the appropriate time and place (either atthe altar and/or place of invocation) with the appropriate prayers,incantations, petitions to the appropriate deities, the sword or daggerbeing the appropriate ritual implement to invoke with.Of course the above is predicated an a few important assumptions.1.  The person doing the "spell" can work up the necessary energy oremotion for someone else's problem.2.  The person doing the "spell" has some image or at least name of theperson the "spell" is directed against.  And personal belongings evenwriting of the intended target is always very good to have, as well asphotographic imagery.3.  The target of the "spell" is genuinely guilty of an injustice, andthe person desiring the work is not merely upset with an out come thatdid not favour them. If this is not the case there may be a subtleprotection afforded the intended target by its own innocence, also it issaid that a widely loved person, a celebrity, even in a narrow socialcircle, may be protected by the affection of those around them.4.  Last but not least it has been my personal experience that in a caseof injustice an evocation of "the white light" a positive invocation ofloving energies is more effective against a tyrant or negative influencethan a hostile current of will, as a truly evil person will tend to feedoff the negativity directed against them and have no defence against thepositive energies symbolized as "white light".© 2003 Joseph (beginning to think i should write a book) Count de Money.(josfeph@pacbell.net)

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