All of us know that trying to destroy another human being is against humanity, moral values and principles. Then what could possibly drive or compel a person to resort to such measures?
Sometimes people face such dangerous situations that they have to take the step of destroying their enemy in order to protect their own life or dignity. If a person tries to sue their enemies then there are very fewer chances of their getting justice, due to rampant corruption. Even if they manage to get justice it will be after a long haul in court trials. Court proceedings also involve a lot of humiliation and suffering and secondly not every body can afford to hire a lawyer and file a case against their enemies.
Through this blog of mine I intend to help those people who have been oppressed and humiliated for long and who are helpless. This blog is meant for those people who have been at the receiving end of torture and torment. I had got moved when I saw the news of the Geo channel of Pakistani in which two young men, apparently innocent, were beaten black and blue. The onlookers were merely standing passively and none of them dared to rescue those two men.
Then there were other times when the Pakistani T.V channels aired programs in which innocent people were pleading for mercy and justice. After watching all these atrocities being perpetuated on innocent people I decided to help them by making this blog. Cruelty and violence has become very common these days. Even if someone dares to raise his voice against it then the perpetrators of crime silence destroy that person, as well.
In this blog of mine I shall show such innocent victims a powerful way of taking revenge, within the purview of Islam, with the help of Quran and the moakkilat. I shall be literally handing over a sort of a spiritual weapon which may be used against the cruel person by the victim himself. I shall be teaching the amal-e-shar or the amal for destroying your enemy at any level-be it wealth, health, success etc or even taking his life, but within the purview of Islam.
There are many instances in which Prophet Mohammad (SAW) showed forgiveness towards those who had hurt him. There is the incidence of the old lady who used to hurl trash towards Prophet Mohammad (SAW) on seeing him pass by. One day she did not do so. Our dear Prophet Mohammad (SAW) enquired about her and he came to know that she was unwell. He went to her house to comfort her. The old lady was so moved that she accepted Islam.
In order to prevent Prophet Mohammad (SAW) from preaching Islam, the people of Taif sent a group of children and vagabonds behind him who pestered him and flung stones at him. Allah sent down on earth the angels of the mountains to help Prophet Mohammad (SAW). The angels said that if you wish I shall bring the two mountains that stand opposite to each other, at the extremities of Makkah, towards each other. This will crush the people of Taif in-between. But Prophet Mohammad (SAW) refused saying that he hoped that Allah will raise from amongst their descendants people who will worship only Allah. These examples show that Mohammad (SAW) has a forgiving nature. So even we can forgive our enemies if we want. However, if a victim of abuse and cruelty wishes to take revenge then the Islamic law says that the revenge should be equivalent and not of a higher degree, i.e. a life for a life an eye for an eye and so on. For example if a cruel person slaps an innocent person once then the latter is entitled to slap the former only once and not ten times in a rage.
Revenge Spells - Free Magic Spells
Revenge Spells - List of Magic Spells. Learn how to cast magic yourself.
Safe Revenge Spell | Magic Spells, Magic Potions, Magic ...
Safe Revenge Spell This is a truly superbly wicked spell, so bad, it's actually good! Taking the Law Of Three into consideration, this is how to make a spell for
Revenge Spells: Are You Willing To Take The Risk?
Revenge Spells: Are You Willing To Take The Risk? We all have our good days and bad days. Some days are filled with people bringing positive energy into our lives and
Revenge Spells: Cast a Free Revenge Spell
Powerful Revenge Spells: Cast a Free Revenge Spell. Choose this spell to punish someone until you or someone else is avenged for free.
Revenge Spells and Revenge Curses - Love Spells, Money ...
Revenge spells and curses to help you get the ultimate revenge!
Spells for Revenge - Lucky Mojo
THE LUCKY MOJO ESOTERIC ARCHIVE. a cache of captured internet text files pertaining to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects. ESOTERIC | OCCULTISM | MAGIC | SPELLS
Real Spells Of Magic Revenge Spells
Ahhh yes, the interesting and always controversial topic of revenge spells! Are revenge spells ethical? Are they part of the darkest black magic and should never be used?
Revenge Spell Cast A Free Black Magic Spell Today
Are you in need of a revenge spell? Do you want the person that has harmed you get what they deserve? Our free black magic revenge spell will do just that.
Revenge spells - Curses & Hexes
Revenge curses spells. Revenge curse spells to cause someone bad luck, punish your enemies, or cause someone harm & voodoo revenge spells to breakup a relationship or
Cast a Revenge Spell Using Black Magic
Revenge Spells . When one thinks of black magic to solve ones personal problems, one can think of various ways and various issues. As anyone might have heard, that
Revenge Spells - List of Magic Spells. Learn how to cast magic yourself.
Safe Revenge Spell | Magic Spells, Magic Potions, Magic ...
Safe Revenge Spell This is a truly superbly wicked spell, so bad, it's actually good! Taking the Law Of Three into consideration, this is how to make a spell for
Revenge Spells: Are You Willing To Take The Risk?
Revenge Spells: Are You Willing To Take The Risk? We all have our good days and bad days. Some days are filled with people bringing positive energy into our lives and
Revenge Spells: Cast a Free Revenge Spell
Powerful Revenge Spells: Cast a Free Revenge Spell. Choose this spell to punish someone until you or someone else is avenged for free.
Revenge Spells and Revenge Curses - Love Spells, Money ...
Revenge spells and curses to help you get the ultimate revenge!
Spells for Revenge - Lucky Mojo
THE LUCKY MOJO ESOTERIC ARCHIVE. a cache of captured internet text files pertaining to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects. ESOTERIC | OCCULTISM | MAGIC | SPELLS
Real Spells Of Magic Revenge Spells
Ahhh yes, the interesting and always controversial topic of revenge spells! Are revenge spells ethical? Are they part of the darkest black magic and should never be used?
Revenge Spell Cast A Free Black Magic Spell Today
Are you in need of a revenge spell? Do you want the person that has harmed you get what they deserve? Our free black magic revenge spell will do just that.
Revenge spells - Curses & Hexes
Revenge curses spells. Revenge curse spells to cause someone bad luck, punish your enemies, or cause someone harm & voodoo revenge spells to breakup a relationship or
Cast a Revenge Spell Using Black Magic
Revenge Spells . When one thinks of black magic to solve ones personal problems, one can think of various ways and various issues. As anyone might have heard, that