Lava Burst - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead

Comment by zombom

okay, well this spell is gonna PWN!

Comment by MeanMachine

Interesting spell. At the moment it seems most cost->damage efficient one for shamans, even disregarding the side effect. It will most certainly be used, trust me on that one.

Which spec benefits from it? Elemental immediately comes to mind, but enhancement will have a good use for it as well, due to Maelstrom Weapon. I did some explanation for how beneficial would it be for enh shamans under Maelstrom Weapon's description, so let's focus on elemental.

What good is this for the elemental shaman?
Well, it recieves buffs from Convection, Concussion and Call of Flame, which will surely cause it to deal formidable damage. And what about the consuming effect? Well, this rotation would be interesting to try out:

  • Flame Shock
  • Lightning Bolt x4
  • Lava Burst

It would take a total of 11.5 seconds, losing Flame Shock's last tick, but ensuring a Lava Burst crit, unless resisted.

I know this will subject to a lot more theorycrafting, but whatever the top damage end result is, I'm sure that this spell will be useful. Besides, it brings some variety to the constant lightning spam, what's not to love?

Comment by Fanae

For enhancement shamans the theory will be to have your Flame Shock up, use an instant Lava Burst (from Maelstrom Weapon) to consume it for an automatic crit, then enjoy the 9% melee crit bonus from Elemental Devastation.

Sweet, sweet synergy.

Comment by Southrncomfortjm

From an enhancement perspective, this ability will be in full use and will probably mean earth shock will get far less use than it does now. Flame shock will probably become the shock of choice simply to get this ability to crit. The use of this ability with a flame shock up guarantees an elemental devastation proc, which means 9% more crit for your melee strikes. Given how high crit chances are currently in TBC, one can hope, and maybe assume, that well geared enchancement shamans will be at at least 30% crit when well geared. That means 39% crit with elemental devastation up, and even higher with the new strength of earth totem in range. Assuming that gets you get near a 43-47% melee crit, that means that with 5/5 maelstrom weapon you should be tossing out instant cast lava bursts and chain lightnings every couple seconds. This all means that shamans should continue to have the best burst in the game and enhancement shamans will be potentially the strongest of all dpsing hybrids.

Looking at the talents and skills today really makes me glad I rolled a shaman recently. The shear amount of ass-kicking shamans should do when the expac patch hits is evident everywhere in the talents and other changes. Honestly, and I don't know where else to state this, I am kind of sad to see shield spec go. Using a shield when being attacked was a great way to get an advantage against another melee enemy. Sure you can still use a shield, but the improved version of the talent from the alpha is gone. I'd trade earth's grasp for it any day.

Comment by Arcadia

The Enhancement shaman that consumes his or her Flame Shock with a Maelstrom-charged Lava Burst should be kicked from the raid.

Read carefully, it doesnt have to be YOUR Flame Shock on the target to trigger the auto-crit effect. Enhancement shamans will be giving their Flame Shocks to Elemental shaman, who will hit MUCH harder with the auto crit than they will. Our Lightening Bolt-spamming cousins will not have to interrupt their rotation for a relatively low-damage dot tick when they can borrow ours.

At least we have our Stormstrike charge... oh wait, Elemental Shaman, Moonkin, and Deadly Poison from the now-raid viable Assassination Rogue.

Comment by Robyn

At least it is in a non-nature damage school... that'll make things a bit easier for my Ele shammy against nature-resist bosses ;)

Comment by pinch999

Elemental Shaman is being pushed towards a PvP spec. All the new high-tier talents are PvP oriented. Seeing them in serious PvE guilds isn't going to be a common sight anymore, since the only thing they can give is a +3% spell crit/hit totem and elemental oath, neither of which are gamebreaking in increasing raid dps. A resto shaman can give everything else that they can that are the most worthwhile (wrath of air, flametongue totem, bloodlust etc)

Besides, +9% crit to the enhance shaman is a much higher dps increase than an elemental shaman's crit flame burst

Comment by Sitrimid

Well to all the Elemental shamans out there, the flame shock can be a rank 1 so u can say free crit at no mana cost ( almost )
and enhancement shaman tactic with maelstrom gonna be chaotic in arenas due to the new wf totem (20% haste with imp wf totem)
imagine wf procs, flurry, crits, damage and when u land stormstrike an instant lighting bolt which will still do damage (not as much as elemental ) and can be like the finish moves rogues use,so 5-charged Maelstrom = the boost of this expansion

(note that i am an elemental shaman myself and i don't tend usually to specc enhancement i am just theorycrafting here)

Comment by Atmosfear

You are a fool if you think that an enhancement shaman won't consume his own Flame Shock debuff with his Lava Burst. Have you never heard of elemental devastation? That 9% extra crit will be more DPS output than the elemental shaman could ever do.

Any Elemental shaman who consumes the enhancement shaman's flame shock without putting up his own flame shock is a greedy person and should be swiftly kicked from the raid.

Comment by bukibuki

Lava Burst / Chain Lightning

Rank 1/1 / Rank 8/8
10% base mana or 655 mana / 26% base mana
30 yd range / 30/33/36 yd range
2/1.5 sec. cast / 2/1.5 sec. cast
8 sec. cd / 6 sec. cd
888-1132 Fire / 973-1111 Nature
crits if FS's on, consuming it / hits up to 3 targets, 30% lower dmg each
---available talent bonuses---
- 2/4/6/8/10 % mana cost / - 2/4/6/8/10 % mana cost
+ 1/2/3/4/5 % dmg & + 2/4/6 % dmg / + 1/2/3/4/5 % dmg & chance to do 50% bonus dmg which may crit
+5% crit / +5% crit & + 1/2/3/4/5 % crit
+100% bonus crit dmg & + 6/12/24 % bonus crit dmg / + 100% bonus crit dmg

Comment by Tylius

The OP had been referring to an Elemental build, thus no Maelstrom

Comment by Crazy1337

Maelstrom Weapon + Flame Shock + Lava Burst = FTW!

Comment by Aragdar

The one downside to what I'm seeing with this is that enhancement shaman are becoming more spell-damage based, and that Spirit Weapons only affects melee, meaning we'll have more threat issues.

Comment by Myradral

To be honest, my biggest problem as a Enhancement Shammy is aggro control.

These talents are great, don't get me wrong, but as it stands now, I get aggro on bosses all the time - usually ending up in my death. O.o

Unbuffed: 33% Crit
Buffed: 35% Crit
With Totems: 38.5% Crit
Devastation Proc: 47.5% Crit

Add food, a scroll... etc.... it's not hard to hit 52% crit.

These numbers land me close to 1K DPS in a raid setting,... which can get really bad, really fast.

I'd LOVE to have a "Priest Fade" ability to dump aggro really quickly. - it would save my life a ton in raids.

Comment by Itharius

I think they're adding an additional 15% passive threat reduction to enhance through spirit weapons, so yeah.

Comment by Skullz

The end of Stormstrike-> Earthshock spamming?

Maybe,even so, the +20% Nature damage bonus on the target will still have its uses.Improved Stormstrike will lower the cooldown to 4 seconds and increase the debuff charges to 4.And with a 12 second duration on a Stormstrike effect,there are a few other classes that could benefit from the nature increase:

-balance druids using Wrath or even Typhoon
-elemental shamans using Lightning,Chain Lightning or Thunderstorm
-marksmanship hunters using on a target affected by Serpent Sting
-rogues using Envenom

Of course,where on single targets it is efficient to use the flame shock->lava burst combo,but to increase your DPS even more with a limited burst of AOE damage,don`t forget the possibility of using your Maelstrom buildup on a instant Chain Lightning immediately after the Stormstrike.

However,two main problems must be dealt with regarding Enhancement: mana efficiency and aggro control.On paper,melee shamans look like crit machines now,but i get the feeling their damage output could lead to severely high threat.This must be resolved somehow,either by inate threat reduction,itemization or tank threat-generation buffing.

Comment by Mexloh

I'm not sure how this will work, but hopefully a rotation of:

Chain lightning - Lightning bolt - Lightning bolt - Flame shock rank 1 - Lava burst

If flame shock rank 1 does proc the critical effect of lava burst, it will ensure the highest mana efficiency rotation as chain lightning and likely the next few hits will cost 40% less mana.

On the other hand the higher damage would be :

Flame shock - Chain lightning - Lightning bolt - Lightning bolt - Lava burst

Of course, theories, so please don't rank me down or quote me on it :P Happy facepwning

Comment by saintsabbat

Perhaps im the first one to notice this but Lava Burst has a 30 yrd range, and with the Flame Shock glyph it will also have a 30 yrd range, which in essence makes the Storm Reach talent pretty useless unless you count the extra 3 yard radius on Thunderstorm. I personaly have an elemental shaman as my main and have been ever since I can remember, and hes a troll so before BC aswell. But if blizzard wants us to try a new FS/LB/LB/LB/LB/LavaB rotation, their going to have to fix the storm reach talent or were just gona be stuck at 30 yard range. :(

*EDIT*: spelling.

Comment by Picho

there's no downranking in the xpac

Comment by Crustanthrope

Um, no horde trainer?

Comment by Direfen92

Also, accoring to on the 1st of Sept, 08 shammys are supposedly getting a new shock called Wind Shock, which reduces our threat by a certain amount in addition to the interrupt effects that Earth Shock gives us.

BUT this site is only a wiki so chances are it may be something someone has made up, but cool nonetheless if its really true.

Site i got it off was

Comment by yanini

22% of base mana.....
the worst thing that they could do to us... again :(

Comment by supertao

From reading everything here and studying it... I must say, this skill is hot (and not just because its lava).

Comment by bukibuki

Lava Burst / Chain Lightning

Rank 1/1 / Rank 8/8
10% base mana or 655 mana / 26% base mana
30 yd range / 30/33/36 yd range
2/1.5 sec. cast / 2/1.5 sec. cast
8 sec. cd / 6 sec. cd
1082-1328 Fire / 973-1111 Nature
crits if FS's on, consuming it / hits up to 3 targets, 30% lower dmg each
---talent bonuses---
- 2/4/6/8/10 % mana cost / - 2/4/6/8/10 % mana cost
+ 1/2/3/4/5 % dmg & + 2/4/6 % dmg / + 1/2/3/4/5 % dmg & chance to do 50% bonus dmg which may crit
+5% crit / +5% crit & + 1/2/3/4/5 % crit
+100% bonus crit dmg & + 6/12/24 % bonus crit dmg / + 100% bonus crit dmg

Comment by saintsabbat

For some reason my computer is acting up and wont let me post on the auctual beta forums. So could someone do me a favor and post someting in reference to the fact that we will have 36yrd LB/CL and 35yrd FlameShock (Talented ofc) but yet LvB is still at 30 yard range. So it pretty much makes the Storm Reach talent useless. But yeah i really wana get an idea on the direction of this so any help would be appriciated. thanks.

Comment by zolikk

Hmmm now Lava Flows increases Flame Shock's range to 35 yards. Brilliant, now elementals can put FS on target from maximum range, then windup Lava Burst, and win. If the enemy survives those 15 yards of death incarnate and gets in 20 yard range, you'll already have Frost or Earth shock ready if need be. In raids however, Lava Burst has still 30 yard range and that means we have to stand there, way too close to the boss (many boss AoE abilities have 30 yard radius). What I'm thinking of is, that now FS has 35 yard elemental range, either make Lava Burst benefit from Storm Reach (thus making the talent name innapropriate:P) or modify the base range to 35 yards (Fireball is 35 base, so why not?). This way every elemental can feel a lot safer, while only being 4 or 5 yards further away from that ugly guy crushing the main tank.

Comment by Zanisor

As an enhancement shaman, I am sure that this will be at least the enhancement shaman's third highest damage spell, and I think it might even steal Windfury's spot at no. 2 on the list.
With the Concussion talent (elemental) you'll get 5% more damage with Lava Burst.
After that, the talent Call of Flame will increase it's damage done by 6% (6% of 105% = 6.3%) So Lava Burst will then do 111.3% of it's normal damage. With Stormstrike, the damage will be increased by 20% of 111.3% (Which is 22.26%). Lava Burst will now do 133.56% of it's normal damage. With some spelldamage, which with 3/3 Mental Quickness (enhancement) is increased by 30% of your Attack Power, it will deal pretty much damage, even when it not crits. But with Flame Shock applied to the target it WILL crit, and then we've got the lovely elemental talent, Elemental Fury. Spec 5/5 in it, and you'll reach some quite insane numbers with Lava Burst.
I found a perfect spec for this, for a PvE shaman, but sadly I don't know how to link stuff into the forum.

Comment by Cowcatbear

This spell works PERFECTLY with Maelstrom Weapon and Elemental Devastation. If you crit at least an average of once every two seconds, then Maelstrom will let this be an instant cast. With flame shock on the target, you can have this crit every 8-10 seconds also, giving you an effective permanent +9% crit chance, which will in turn, let you crit more so you can get stacks of Maelstrom Weapon more.

And of course don't forget all the lovely stuff that you get that will increase the damage of this if you're enhancement spec, such as Mental Quickness, Stormstrike, and, of course, Concussion, which is on the tier above this.

Nice to see some synergy between elemental and enhancement.

One question that I do have:
Does Mental Quickness lower the mana cost of this spell when you have five stacks of Maelstrom Weapon, and this spell becomes instant?

EDIT: Due to Blizzard nerfing both Malestron Weapon to not proc on crits and Stormstrike to not increase fire damage, this synergy has taken a bit of a hit. Regardless, this is still good with Elemental Devastation, but you won't increase your chance to proc Maelstrom with the +9% crit chance unless you consider more flurries giving you a few more white attacks.

Comment by Blinddudelol

Patch 3.0.2 Lava Burst

Shaman: The tooltip for Maelstrom Weapon is currently incorrect. Lavaburst will no longer gain any benefit from any rank of Maelstrom Weapon.

Lava Burst just got nerfed

Comment by Terraque

And there's the popular trend of Enhancement shammie's going 0/48/13 to get the 3% hit rating talent from Restoration.

Maybe this might give Enhancement/elemental combat shaman's an edge up on enhancement/restoration shamans...

The 3% hitrating talent has been removed and the substitutes are Tidal Force and Improved Water Shield

so the right dps build for enhancement will be 8/63/0 (in WotLK)
or 11/60/0 so you benifit from Elemental Focus

ps: ofcourse you can still put points in resto for cheaper totems or just preference

Comment by Aretes1234

This is my new favorite spell!

You figure you can wait almost the whle time after flame shock then lava burst and with 2500 spell power you will hit 7k crit + like 3k... cause the reg hit will be 1000+2500 = 3500 and crit

Comment by Zanisor

That's right. again, one of the weakest dps classes in the game has gotten it's dps nerfed.. And instead got it's HEALING improved? HEALING for a DPS spec? Seriously GOOD JOB Blizzard! I might stop playing already!

Comment by tbblizzard

Weakest DPS class? Must be kidding. People are always calling shamans OP in raids. Rarely get out dps'd in both elemental and enhance specs.

Comment by Southrncomfortjm

As a guy who's played both a shadow priest and a shaman I can tell you that fade is garbage and would never have saved an enhancement shaman back before the 3.0 changes.

Regardless, we now have Wind Shock ( for lowering threat. However, after 3 weeks of raiding after 3.0 I've never had to use Wind Shock. Of course I do get our prot warrior's Vigilance ( and can always call out for a Hand of Salvation ( Neither of these cause a loss of DPS and are much more effective.

Comment by Crashman

According to today's patch notes, if you have Glyph of Flame Shock, Lava Burst no longer consumes Flame Shock:

Glyph of Flame Shock: Now extends duration by 6 sec and prevents Flame Shock from being consumed by Lava Burst.

Comment by Grmblfx

This spell got buffed with 3.0.3

From the Patch Notes:

Direct buff:
Lava Burst: The base damage has been increased by approx. 10%.

Indirect buffs ( first one is more of a bugfix imho ):
Storm Reach is now called Elemental Reach and now includes Lava Burst.
Glyph of Lava: Glyph of Earth Elemental removed and replaced with this glyph. This glyph increases coefficient on Lava Burst by 0.1.

Comment by Duprass

You're close, but Elemental Fury is better than Reverberation. Elemental fury is one of those "OMG" talents that is an incredible boost to DPS. You can think of it this way, each time you crit with earth shock its like you shocked 3 times with that one shock, or essentially, you're getting 1 extra shock in (Since a crit basically counts as a x2 attack).

Now the other problem with Reverberation is that reducing the shock CD by a seconds isn't really helping you. Right now Enhance is so bound in riding the GCD you're going to be strapped as is to have all your CD's up at once.

In case you are unaware, right now (at 70) the standard SS, ES/FS rotation is out, we use a priority list instead.

The priority list runs as follows:
1. If MS is at 5 stacks LB.
2. If SS is up use it. (It doesn't matter if WF is on CD or not, just push the button)
3. If shocks are off CD, ES.
4. If LL is off CD, use it.

Flame shock is out because we get way more out of ES critting than we do from FS because a lot of the damage there comes from dots, I'm not sure how this will play out at 80 with Lava Burst always critting if there is a FS on the target, also with the glyph that makes it so your FS isn't absorbed by the effect.

Also, for the good of the order, read up before you post like you're an expert. Even some of what I have posted isn't 100% accepted as fact, much like science there's widely accepted theories that may eventually become fact if they hold true for long periods of time. I mean for example right now I can't tell you if you should x2 WF or buff FT on you OH. It really depends on your gear, at 80, the WF/FT combo is probably going to be the way to go. Another example is how we used to be told that you shouldn't SS if WF is up, that was never universally accepted, and now its definitely out the window.

Oh and for the record, if you do use FT on your OH (I do) it does scale better with faster OH, but because of SS and LL, you get more DPS out of the slower weapon every time.

Comment by MaranX

The only disadvantage I found that it has 8s cooldown. It needs as much mana as lightning bolt, deals more damage than chain lightning and active flame shock makes it certain to critically hit. If you also add glyph of flame shock it won't get consumed so, yeah, finally ele shammy will deal some good dps.

Comment by Adm0n

According to, Lava Burst receives 57.14% of your spell power as added damage.

So with 1500 spellpower, Lava Burst will get an extra 857 damage. So, untalented, It will deal about 2049-2375 damage. Not bad.

In addition, a fully talented Lava Burst will do 11% more damage than that. So we're looking at 2274-2636 damage. Non-crit.

The crits are where it gets crazy, though, as this spell (fully talented) will receive an insane 124% damage boost when it crits.

So 2274-2636 becomes 5094-5905 damage.

This is, of course, assuming you have 1500 spellpower at lvl 80. :-)

Comment by Lokradu

I'm sure somebody has considered the application of using Glyph of Flame Shock somewhere? According to the current wording of the glyph it, "Increases the duration of your Flame Shock ability by 6 sec and it is not consumed by casting Lava Burst."

Flame Shock will be a strong choice as an elemental or enhancement shaman's first shock. It'll last for 18 seconds, and *if* you were to get a full 5/5 Maelstrom Weapon stack as enhancement within the first 2 seconds of the flame shock (perhaps you just downed another mob), and another during the 8 second cooldown of Lava Burst, you could potentially get two Lava Bursts in before having to reapply Flame Shock!

Comment by berengar

I'm not so convinced about your 17/54/0 build.

With crit% affecting melee and spell casting, why wouldn't you take Elemental Fury 5/5? You'll be packing in much more damage with a Glyph of Flame Shock and Lava Bursting when it's cooldown is up (not to mention affecting your LB and shock rotation damage). That's a much better improvement to raid DPS than faster shock cooldowns. Stormstrike also now affects all spells, not just nature damage, so Flame Shock and Lava Burst will benefit greatly from the added damage instead of Earth Shock spam.

Comment by TokiLoki

Ive already for the Flame Shock Gylph for my elemental shaman. +6 seconds (50%) to DoT and isnt consumed by lava burst. So you can get off 2 by the time the DoT is up. Elementals are going to be so OP now. just hex, flame shock, lava burst, with a few LBs in between.

Comment by TheHandOfSeth

Whoa, hold on a second. Now that spell power is dedicated to fire totems, does that mean the Call of Flame increases the spell power bonus of Totem of Wrath and Flametongue Totem? Perhaps not since it's noted as a damage bonus. Nonetheless, I will try this theory out, then report back with an edit.

Comment by TheHandOfSeth

This approach seems redundant. Why hex them if you are immediately going to Flame shock them? Additionally, the frost shock would only be of use before "Move in for the kill" if you assume that you are fighting a ranged class. And with that assumption, I still think a better approach would be (please note this is assuming you are dual-wielding):

Frost Shock
Flame Shock
Lava Lash
Lava Burst

If they are a caster, it may be important to squeeze an Earth Shock and/or Grounding totem in that approach based on varying circumstances, preferably after you Flame Shock since you might as well let them burn while you prevent their spells from killing you. And regardless of any circumstances purge-rape them for all their worth.

Almost forgot, use the grounding totem regardless since it nullifies hunters' frost trap.

And now that I'm reading Blinddudelol's post I realize that this whole essay has been for nought, though I suppose even with the nerf it isn't too bad seeing as how you can use a chain lightning for the maelstrom weapon proc instead of the Lava Burst.

Above all it is important to realize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a PvP situation and believing there is one is folly. I simply believe that my approach, with some flexibility, is good for many situations against ranged players. I will now stop editing my reply.

Comment by Paulface

Actually! IMO would be pretty good spec. Even though I havent seen how much dps Static Shock would add, I heard its not very good. A 100% increase in spell crits would also be much better than 1 sec cooldown for shocks. With the Glyph of Flame Shock that makes your lava burst not consume it and would crit everytime if you keep your flame shock up. (which it should be) is what I've made for Elemental. Also with that glyph, Lava burst should crit everytime and keeping flame shock up won't be a problem. With all that scaling from talents, Lava Burst looks like it'll own.

Comment by TheHandOfSeth

I still don't understand why people are saying hex should come before a flame shock. Flame shock has an initial damage meaning that your hex would be instantly broken. I guess if you need to mentally prepare yourself and set up your totems before you waste them, it could be useful, but as part of the actual attack plan, it has no use.

Comment by cocopro

As patch 3.03, if u are about 20 yard away from the target, cast Flame Shock right after Lava Burst will cause it to critical hit with out consuming the Flame Shock dot due to sever lag.
Tested on a enhan shaman, can do the LB-->FS-->LB combo with out glyph. Someone plz test this combo @ 30 yard above plz, where LB might be 2 slow on its way to the target=)

Comment by masacru

Ok this spell SUCKS for an enh shaman because it doesn't benefit from Maelstrom Weapon, so the 1.8 second cast time will stop all your melee attacks and therefore less procs from MSW.

So we'll continue using the same old Chain Lightning /cry

Comment by Evilgopher01

True, with LvB no longer affected by MSW this spell went from super to a pooper. Maybe it would be viable for PvP to have a guaranteed Elemental Devastation before engaging, but in a raid boss perspective, LvB just plain sucks now.

Comment by Veelo

You're close, but Elemental Fury is better than Reverberation. Elemental fury is one of those "OMG" talents that is an incredible boost to DPS. You can think of it this way, each time you crit with earth shock its like you shocked 3 times with that one shock, or essentially, you're getting 1 extra shock in (Since a crit basically counts as a x2 attack).

Now the other problem with Reverberation is that reducing the shock CD by a seconds isn't really helping you. Right now Enhance is so bound in riding the GCD you're going to be strapped as is to have all your CD's up at once.

that spec is horrible, please stop posting

Comment by Xeldin

Don't think Lava Burst is worth it anymore since it can't be consumed with Maelstrom Weapon, an experienced Shammy is going to get off more than 3K Damage in the time it takes to cast Lava Burst =/

Comment by Anoroth

Maelstrom weapon no longer applies to lava burst, sadly.

Comment by ardatr

This spell is great even if you are enhancement, and have invested points into Elemental Fury and Elemental Devastation. I hit around 3k crits with Rank 1 of this spell plus you can keep the Elemental Devastation buff up, almost all the time. The 2 second cast time is worth it.

Comment by duckydoug

Can anyone tell us whether this spell has any place in our beloved enhancement specced dps rotation/priority list? or whether its more useful in PvP or PvE? im still 74 cant get these answers myself! Any information is appreciated!

Comment by Abzinthe


Comment by grimholt

Here's my current macro for Lava Burst/LB-rotation.
#showtooltip Lava Burst
/userandom 13
/userandom 14
/castrandom Elemental Mastery
/castsequence reset=180/target Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt

Also, if you're an orc, throw in a «/castrandom Blood Fury» in there. Works like a charm, although it's not perfect. Hoping Wowhead-users can help improve it further.

Comment by mbsaan

lvling made ez for resto shammys :)

Comment by mbsaan

lvling made ez for resto shammys

Comment by drtasty

Maybe I've missed it somewhere, but I would really love to see the math on why I shouldn't spam lava burst as an enhancement shaman. I need my ED and that is final. As well as receiving ED from the critical I also get clearcasting making an emergency heal or chain lightning great for mana. The utility of this makes the critical from Lburst too handy to ignore for 5 mans. I'm currently using a FS-ES-LBurst rotation with LBolt, SS, and LL thrown in the mix. My global cooldowns always make LBurst a priority before a FS can run out. But perhaps my simple logic in the matter is severely flawed and furthermore I'd rather optimize my dps rather than see big pretty yellow numbers.

Comment by godlyhalo

From my experience, this is by far the best elemental shaman skill. Nothing better than opening up in pvp with a 5k crit before the person even gets off there mount =P. PvP, PvE, Raiding, this skill is by far the strongest elemental shaman skill.

From my personal Tests, In groups my average crit is around 5k, highest being 5.6k. While soloing, Average crit is 4k, and highest being 4.7k.

My uber burst combo, Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Elemental Mastery, Chain Lightning. Usually puts out around 9k in a 4 sec time span. At lvl 75, with blue dungeon and quest gear.

Comment by eturtle

You should have compared Rank2 lava burst

Comment by zayd

Don't mean to sound like a paranoid Pete but teh tool tip for Maelstrom Weapon doesn't say anything about Lava Burst.

Guessing that's an oversight.

Comment by Ignognito

Love this spell. Tried it on my friend shaman<33333

Comment by WolvenThrall

Personally, i have 2 Glyphs that really put good use to this

Glyph of Flame Shock

  • Extends The Duration of Your Flame Shock by 6 Seconds
  • When Flame Shock Becomes a 18 Second DoT. This Allows you to cast Lava Burst Twice Without reapplying Flame Shock
  • This Also Frees up your Shock Cooldowns Allowing you to Cast Earth Shock to interrupt spells or simply beef up your DPS
  • It Also works beautifully with Storm, Earth And Fire. A Shaman With About 2200 Spell Power can generate 600+ Dmg Ticks on Flame Shock.

Glyph of Lava

  • Increases The Co-effecient for your Lava Burst by 10%
  • Will more than likely Stack with Shamanism

Also, To Be Noted; The Four Piece Set Bonus of the Earthshatter Garb will make a very hefty dent into enemies.

I Hope This Helps Anyone Playing Shaman. :)

(-Posted January 4th 2oo9-)
(-Edited January 22nd 2oo9-)
(-Edited Febuary 19th 2oo9-)

Comment by sardokar63

Agreed right now at 80 I pull with flame shock (backing up during gcd) then do lava burst to start the fight. On melee mobs they get hit with 4200 damage just as they reach me, in time for stormstrike and the rest of my abilities.

Having it proc clearcasting is just icing (makes the followup earthshock practically free).

Comment by KingAnubis7

This is for the Enhancement shaman.

1. Chain Lightning
2. Stormstrike
3. Lava Lash
4. Flame Shock
5. Lava Burst

  • That is a very deadly combonation but you do need the Glyph of Flame Shock
  • Ok Chain Lightning is gunna be good opening dmg
  • stormstrike will do significant dmg
  • lava lash will crit w/ off hand but still; this also activates 4 buffs
  • flamshock will most likely be a crit and its free cause of the buffs
  • Lava Burst will crit and it wont consume Flame Shock and youll be able to cast this again
  • making another crit

so heres the final assessment

  1. Chain Lightning
  2. Stormstrike with Improved Stormstrike
  3. Lava Lash
  4. Flame Shock w/ the Glyph or not as effective
  5. Lava Burst use this twice to crit twice

Comment by QSPhoenix

Erhm, I wouln't screw my rotations and my windfury procs trying to get Lava Burst in the middle, I will just open with it in solo and in PvP, never in a dungeon or a raid.

Edit: And I will NEVER waste a Major Glyph for an Enhacement Shaman where I can have more damage from other sources. This skill is the bread and butter of Elemental, not Enhacement, maybe if Maelstrom Weapon still had it, then it would be different.

Comment by KingAnubis7

Thats why i said Enhancement i tried not to focus on elemental, that little set of moves really only works in certain places not an ACTUAL rotation for PvPers and another thing that glyph adds 6 seconds to the flame shock plus lava burst crits twice.

before u need to apply flameshock again... u are right when you say that a major glyph is wasted but thats why they give you 3 and 4 if ur an insriptionist.

Elemental is a weak way to go u dont get any new damaging spells except thunderstorm which is decent but you should get more than a totem and some 100% chance to crit things you can get that. If you spec this14-57-0 you get 3 buffs with a melee attack (Lava Lash)

Unleashed rage
Flurry and
Elemental Devastation
Which will most like end up giving you an unlimited chance to crit.

Comment by QSPhoenix

Thats why i said Enhancement i tried not to focus on elemental, that little set of moves really only works in certain places not an ACTUAL rotation for PvPers and another thing that glyph adds 6 seconds to the flame shock plus lava burst crits twice.

before u need to apply flameshock again... u are right when you say that a major glyph is wasted but thats why they give you 3 and 4 if ur an insriptionist.

Elemental is a weak way to go u dont get any new damaging spells except thunderstorm which is decent but you should get more than a totem and some 100% chance to crit things you can get that. If you spec this 14-57-0 you get 3 buffs with a melee attack (Lava Lash)

Unleashed rage
Flurry and
Elemental Devastation
Which will most like end up giving you an unlimited chance to crit.

(Quoting if yer delete it.): Posted by KingAnubis7 on 26/01/08

3 words. That build sucks.

Scribes (not Inscriptionitsts) don't get an extra Glyph... and neither Unleashed Rage, nor Flurry give a extra chance to crit to make it permanent. I was trying to be nice, but hell, you can't understand that Lava Burst doesn't fit the Enhacement Shaman in the damage rotations, you are just a stupid smartass that doesn't even know what he's talking about.

Don't be an idiot, you waste 2 seconds casting this, resetting your swing and not even doing a good amout of damage as you don't have Spellpower exept from Mental Quickness.

Saying elementalist is a bad way to go it's just stupid, THIS spell, it's a new spell for Elementalist Shamans, not Enhacement ones. Instead of trying to be a smartass proposing the most idiot theories that anyone can come up, experiment and try with addons and numbers, not based in idiocy. Lava Lash it's a different spell from Lava Burst. This doens't have ANYTHING to do with Lava Lash, and THIS, won't proc neither Flurry, nor Unleashed Rage.

Edit: As a side note... Lava Lash doesn't proc Elemental Devastation. (Also fixed a typo)
Edit 2: Thanks for the upratings.

Comment by KingAnubis7

ha ha is all i have to say cause u dont get what I mean... i wont even bother explaining so f off.

Also Lava burst is learned by everyone and i meant that when you SPEC elemantal you dont get anything good other than a Wrath totem. Which isnt even an attacking totem, all im trying to say is that there are no power moves... there should be sum for this tree

my Enhancement build is decent and you only say that because your a elemental shaman

please tell me if this build is good cause i must test the waters with you

Comment by KingAnubis7

O and another thing i was just randomly going through combo specs and i found that both Elemental and Enhancement are a great combo like this... 39-32-0

i know exactly what your gunna say and thats ok with me its just that a dual wielding shaman with elemental spec would be quite the spectical... but, but, you dont get a 60th point so it is almost pointless

Comment by QSPhoenix

Who the hell said I'm an elemental shaman? Not my problem if you don't know how to play, and test the waters all you want. Doesn't take away the fact that you suck at shaman. Wait... Make that World of Warcraft. I bet you dont 'bother' explaning because you don't know what you are talking about.

Edit: I will stop replying to you also, this is just nonsense spamming to wowhead. This is for crititizing the skill, not to be replying to idiots.

Comment by KingAnubis7

hahahaahah i wanted to see how mad u got; that is what i meant by saying i want to test the waters.

also if you dont have a shaman y r u so angry towards me i was using no intelligence in these forums i just had to look creative

Edit: I have lvl 30 Enhancement Shaman
Also i would personally never use my creative method in an situation unless that person i was againt was not intellectually there and stood there

Comment by Booooooooooomkin

Then you must be the stupidiest shaman ever. Cheers.

Comment by KingAnubis7

I wouldnt say im stupid if you check my account page you can see how many purged pages i have and i just like to mess with people yuo just happen to be less perceptive to my funny posts and i find it fun to play an enhancement sham.

ooooooooooooo i didnt see that your a diffrent person ha awesome i was hoping for QSphoenix

Comment by Swarogh

got a crit for 7k on my 467 resi, this is a sick imbalanced s h i t, NERF

Comment by Torri

damn I'm going to make a shaman

Comment by draygourn

if, I cast Lava Burst first before applying Flame Shock,
what range should I be looking to, so that by the time my LvB hit, my Flame Shock is already on the target?

I wonder if it will work anyway. any thought?

Comment by Shamtastic

Confirmed that you will not get the 100% crit chance if the lava burst has been cast before the flame shock, reguardless of which one hits the target first

Btw, i love this spell :D the burst dmg of a 9k LvB, followed by a 5k CL crit and a thunderstorm 2-4k depending on crits. If im lucky, that priest will be dead before he realises hes been purged :)

Comment by Lassy

For freshly dinged shamans going elemental it's extremely important that you properly manage and time FS and LvB. Doing so will result in very respectable DPS.

Why? Because LvB, with FS applied is a guaranteed crit. Literally, it ignores the possibility of a miss. So while you're still at 0 Hit Rating, your LvBs are kicking out just as much dps of a hitcapped raider with an equal amount of spellpower, resulting in higher DPS than expected.

HR remains an important stat though, if nothing else than to make sure you don't have to leave LvB on cooldown because your FS missed.

Comment by purtip31

You corrected yourself in your own post.

hit / miss is the FIRST thing calculated before a spell lands. if it hits, the the game checks if it is a crit.

In this case, the Lava Burst must hit the target, which is calculated first. Then, if the Lava Burst hits, the game engine checks if there is a Flame Shock on the target, and if there is, the spell will critically hit. If there is not, it uses your own critical strike chance, just like a normal spell. No where in the tooltip does it actually guarantee a critical strike, it is saying that if your Lava Burst hits the target and there is a Flame Shock on it (not assuming glyph), it will consume the flame shock, causing your Lava Burst to critically strike. The Lava Burst can not consume the Flame Shock if it does not hit the target.

Proof of this comes from personal experience. I am not hitcapped on my shaman, and whenever I am in a boss fight I keep Flame Shock up 100% of the time. My Lava Burst misses approximately 8% of the time, depending on raid composition

Edit for bad wording.
Edit again - In hindsight, I probably should have quoted the entire post, now I'm just making myself look like dumb.

Comment by originalname


i want to find my damage with lavaburst and i am speced ele, the boss is debuffed with Ebon Plague, and my clear-casting is active. with out casting I could find out about how much damage it should do! heres how....
warning Algebra/other maths approaching!
variables: X=spell power (for me that would be 2225), Y = base damage (Y1 minimum, Y2maximum)
Spell power coeficciant = (base cast-time x 2) / 7 = 0.5714 = 57.14% add shamanism and glyph =87.14%
87.14% x 2225 = ~1939
1939+ (Y1+Y2)/2 = 1939+1355 = 3294
Talents+debuffs tiem!
3294x1.05(concussion)x1.06(CoF)x1.1(clearcast)x1.13(ebon plague) = 4557
note you multiply the talents not add them.
but wait 4557 would be the non-crit damage, but i have flameshock up therefore it has to crit. not only that i have 4/5 peices of t7 heres how my fellow ele shamans can get their crit damage (note i am using my own raid buffed stats)
4557x(200% x 1.24 x1.1) =4557x(2.48x1.1)=4557x(2.73) = 12440!
(note i did this because i was bored and wanted to do mathz)
ele>all other hybrid dps (except for awesome boomkins, unholyDKs and SPriests, then they would be about = in win)
enh=lose, ele=win ; thats how things are, thats how they should be and thats how things will forever be get over it.

Comment by enjoyspite

Judging by your choice of "spelling", you liek mudkipz and are t3h leet.

Comment by originalname

FYI I does liek teh kipz of teh mud because they R teh win

Comment by peeweesweden

Actually, it was Maelstrom Weapon that got nerfed. Regardless, I don't see how Lava Burst has any application in an enhancement shaman's rotation now, other than smacking in an extra pow before a mob you've pulled with Flame Shock reaches you.

I don't really see any 2-second gap in an enhancement shaman's DPS rotation you'd spend casting this that you wouldn't rather be using for something else.

Comment by daowninshamy

Flame Sock + Lava Burst with a good gear = Destruction and a 9+k crit with this not cow poo

Comment by Madd

i've heard a few people talk about "enhancement insta-lava burst" with maelstrom weapon. Just want to clarify that maelstrom weapon does not effect the cast time of lava burst, only your nature spells.

Comment by Pinochet

Don't overlook this ability as as a pvp enchance shaman. This still hits pretty hard even with your gimp spellpower and no supporting talents/glyphs.

Consider putting up a flame shock proactively when setting up your burst, then you have the option of using it in conjuction with earth shock or a 4/5 maelstrom.

Not something to do often, but it can be good for a killing blow when you're being kited and out of melee range.

Situational spell is useful in some situations.

Comment by KiteHack

Consider putting up a flame shock proactively when setting up your burst, then you have the option of using it in conjuction with earth shock or a 4/5 maelstrom.

Lava Burst is not one of the spells MW helps.

Two second cast is still good nonetheless, you can use it if you're rooted and not in melee range. While raiding it could also help out if you find yourself out of your rotation, cast LB while you wait for your key ability to finish it's cool down and start with your rotation again.

Comment by Altheaas

Now.. let me get this right. With Glyph of Flame Shock... couldn't your Lava Burst ALWAYS crit? Flame Shock has a 6 second cool down.. with the glyph, it has a 18 second length. Lava Burst has a 2 second cast and a 8 second cool down. Couldn't you crit twice with Lava Burst before reapplying Flame Shock, and then reapply Flame Shock before the cooldown on Lava Burst has finished.. = 100% crit with Lava Burst?

Comment by Altheaas

Now.. let me get this right. With Glyph of Flame Shock... couldn't your Lava Burst ALWAYS crit? Flame Shock has a 6 second cool down.. with the glyph, it has a 18 second length. Lava Burst has a 2 second cast and a 8 second cool down. Couldn't you crit twice with Lava Burst before reapplying Flame Shock, and then reapply Flame Shock before the cooldown on Lava Burst has finished.. = 100% crit with Lava Burst?

Comment by Greatness

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Shift-click this to place a link into a chat message: \124cff71d5ff\124Hspell:60043\124h\124h\124r");

Comment by Havok77

T9 four piece bonus - Increases the damage dealt by Lava Burst by 20%


Comment by Headache

This one time, in Naxx 25, I got a 11,2k lava burst while being fully raidbuffed and all, but my sp wasnt that good, about 1900 with totem.

I want to see the damage on LvB with 4 pieces of T9 though. O.o

Comment by dooshbag12

Lol i hit 15k with lava burst with totem down totem glyph and 2.4k spell power buffer and when trinkets pop i get around 3.9k Sp meaning big lava burst crits although hitting 44k on hodir in ulduar was fun :)

Comment by GinjaNinja

Doing some maths in my head:
Lava Burst Damage
57% of SP, 87% with glyph and talents.
11% Extra Damage
124% Crit bonus.

Level 75 - 1200SP (probably)
1200x0.87 = 1044.

1012-1290 damage, adding SP
2056-2334 Damage, now add the 11% damage bonus.
2056x1.11 - 2334x1.11
2282 - 2591. Non Crit.
Crit bonus of 124%
2282x2.24 - 2591x2.24
5112 - 5804 Crit Damage.

I'm 73 at the moment, but if I'm correct (I usually miss a few numbers) I will probably jizz my pants when I first use it.

Comment by shrik33

As of Patch 3.2 PTR Build 10433,Lava Burst no longer consumes Flame Shock. Shamen rejoice!

Comment by Noromis

Do not doubt the power of LAVA!

Comment by TheWonderingSoul
might be good to have also

Comment by mcweb90

Except no more Lava Flows spellcasting speed increases

Comment by tazz2203

I really think that Lava Burst should be a lvl 80 spell... One of my friends is running around 3 shotting every mob in Northrend and he is lvl 76 now, with that i mean Flame Shock, Lava Burst and Lightning Bolt when the mob have around 1k hp left... It seems to be a bit too easy to kill mobs when he crits 5-7k oO

Comment by zolikk

I was going to ask 'if you spell reflect a lava burst when you have flame shock applied to you, will it reflect the bonus crit as well.' But it seems you confirm that. (unless you just got lucky and spell reflected a crit)

It will be a 100% crit if Flame Shock is applied to you (unless the Shaman is protected from being critically hit). Any reflected spell acts as if it were cast on the original target. It didn't use to, but it does so now.

Comment by Aronkoma

I am saddened by the fact that Blizzard made all pvp shamans absolutely identical with this spell. When I meet a shaman, I can be sure his/her move will be Flame Shock -> Lava burst. It's kinda sad.

Comment by ir0npanda

this is my favourite spell to reflect on my warrior (tied with chaos bolt)

Comment by Sabator

This spell is the reason i can easily pawn ele shamys with my prot warriors its like the hit a mirror

Comment by RokkitRetBoom

Burst is just written all over this spell...

Comment by Blackdash

I get Crits 5.000 - 11.000 with 2500 of spell power, and I Have this \124h\124r");] , who grants the bonus Damage, combined with Chain Lighting, is a Hit Kill.

Comment by kogledk

Jus got critted for slightly over 12k by a shaman with 2610 spellpower. The damage output of this spell seems extreme.

Comment by mouseno4

The comments were 100% correct at the time they were posted. MW did in fact affect the cast time of lava burst. But blizzard considered lava burst to be an elemental shaman only spell, so it was removed from the MW effect.

Comment by Lasmettus

PLEASE NOTE: Holy Priests CAN prevent this spell from dealing a critical hit. It is about pure luck for the talent to occur. Blessed Resilience. After from being critically hit the caster has a 60% chance to be immunized against critical strikes for 6 seconds. And therefor, shall the priest have this talent active on them, Lava Burst CAN'T critically hit(Flame Shock causes no difference). To check the talent:

Comment by Ghazter

I heard that MW is going to work for Lava Burst aswell in Cataclysm.

Comment by mdagis

I got critted by 17K+ in Wintergrasp. That's way too much for 1 spell

Comment by Gnobiwan

Correct, this will be back on MW proc in cataclysm provided it does not change.

Comment by Deathnotez

It has Hadoken written all over it for me.

Comment by modicumofrespite

Used as an opener, cast LvB from longest possible (talented) range and immediately cast FS. One would expect a crit, since LvB takes a long time to arrive at the target and one can see the FS dot on the target long before LvB hits. However, this is not the case. My opening LvB's are not critting 100% as advertised.

Any thoughts?

Comment by Lehx

To clear things out, will i have any use of this as an enhancement shammy? Either pve or pvp-wise? This post may be stupid but i just couldn't find any post that would aswer my question properly.

Comment by Gweryan

In Cata, this spell is said to be effected by Maelstrom Weapon, making it an instant cast. So it probably will be in Cata, but not now.

Comment by crusader666

As of patch 4.0.1 Lava Burst is trainable at level 34

Comment by Arraya

I LOVE this spell...and more of it all ima big fan of shamans
The most thing i love about this spell its The trail of lava it leaves and its sound when it hits.

Comment by Kino2

This spell is awesome, sadly Elemental shamans sucks so hard in pvp and i don't get to use it as often as i want.
I always pvp with my Enhancement spec cause Elemental has no survivability at all.

Comment by cabose12

Is there any reason why this spell seems to be the most random thing ever? I can be popping 40k crits unbuffed one day, then 20k crits the next day buffed... Am I the only one with this problem?

Comment by johnnykook

As of now, what is the highest Crit for Lava Burst? I've seen around 48k maybe 50k. Is there anyway to go higher?

Comment by Harisrox

with T9 Lava burst get more than 10k crit if Flame shock is activated on target!

Comment by Mig64

Lava Burst + Troll Casting Animation = Ryu's "Fire Hadouken" from Street Fighter II?

Comment by perculia

Ghostcrawler on Patch 5.2 changes:
There was no nerf. Sorry if my explanation was unclear. Lava Burst with Flame Shock should do exactly the same damage it does on live. Lava Burst without Flame Shock will do more damage than it does on live. It is a buff to unfavorable situations.

Now all that said, Elemental's damage is still low. I didn't want that message to distract players from the Lava Burst change. I also didn't want players to campaign for just buffing the heck out of Lava Burst, because that would have done damage to the rotation and PvP. Instead, we want to buff Elemental evenly. Imagine a Shamanism buff if you must until we decide the actual change.


Comment by Mph1019

What's funnier than throwing balls of molten rock at gnomes?

Comment by Redneckmilitia

With the talent "Echo of the Elements" this one can deal SOO much damage.

Comment by Arnastrasz

Nerfed to pieces.

Comment by Rashro

Do not get confused by its description.
Having Flame Shock on tha target will increase the actual damage by 50%.
A Lava Burst that would deal 10.000 dmg will hit for 15.000 if Flame Shock is on the target.
However, Flame Shock has to be on the target before Lava Burst is cast.

Comment by tonydizzle

"Hurl molten lava at the target, dealing strong Fire damage. If your Flame Shock is on the target, Lava Burst will deal 50% additional damage. Generates 15 Maelstom(sic)."

Hmmm, seems it's no longer going to be a guaranteed crit? Time will tell I suppose!

Lava Burst - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing (118.976% of Spell power) Fire damage. Lava Burst will always deal a critical strike. If your Flame Shock is on the target

Lava Burst - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
The caster hurls a massive glob of lava at a random target for 50875 to 59125 Fire damage.

Lava Burst Overload - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Comment by lolomghax This is the Lava Burst overloaded added in Cataclysm. It's easier to apply a new spell to Lava Burst that will shoot an instant Lava Burst and be

Mastery: Elemental Overload - Spell - World of Warcraft
Your Lightning Bolt,Elemental BlastElemental BlastIcefuryIcefury Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst casts have a 16% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target

Lava burst spam macro? - Forums - World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft; Forums; /cast Lava Burst -Always if possible /cast Lightning Bolt -If If you spam the macro, it has about 0.1 sec delay between every spell.

Lava Burst - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King Database
Open Wow: World of Warcraft Database You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing 3956 - 5044 Fire damage. If Flame Shock is on the target, Lava Burst will consume

Lava Burst - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of ...
You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing (118.98% of spell power) and Lava Burst spells by 10 World of Warcraft content and materials are trademarks and

Estouro de Lava - Feitiço - World of Warcraft
Lava Lash it's a different spell from Lava Burst. This doens't have ANYTHING to do with Lava Lash, and THIS, Make that World of Warcraft.

Explosion de lave - Sort - World of Warcraft
Explosion de lave est toujours un coup critique. Lava Lash it's a different spell from Lava Burst. Make that World of Warcraft.

- - World of Warcraft
Fanae For enhancement shamans the theory will be to have your Flame Shock up, use an instant Lava Burst (from Maelstrom Weapon) to consume it

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