Witchcraft - Witchcraft

We want you give you a warm welcome here. Maybe you came here through one of our social media channels. Maybe you found us on Googles, Bing or other search engines. Or maybe it was just Karma that you ended up here. What ever brought you here, we are more than happy that you came.

Witchcraft is first and fore most a shop, but having said that it is also quickly growing into a place where good articles find a place so a growing audience can enjoy and read on Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan and a whole array of what a lot of people in the world experience as strange, frightening and in some areas of the world as a dangerous practice. One only has to set on a service like Google Alerts on the keyword Witchcraft and you get more than once a day an article on witchcraft. Most of the time of the violent nature.

The name

We think the name witchcraft talks about the craft that witches Posses. They also speak about the Craft  A close relationship to nature and a deep sensitive spirit. Most of the witches we encounter on a day to day base are very friendly down to earth people. We have a rapid growing Fan page on Facebook and boards on Pinterest which are being feed with pictures, spells and information in general.

The Craft throughout the ages.

Witchcraft Salem - Witchcraft Trials

Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692 /1693

Witchcraft is age old and it supersedes Christianity by centuries. The Craft and Christianity have had a tense relationship and history has grueling stories on the prosecution of witches of people suspected of practicing the craft. Often they were tortured and burned alive to make them confess to being a witch. For the readers in the United States are the Salem Witch Trials a well know dark spot in history.  These trials were a series of prosecutions of suspected witches in Massachusetts in the years 1692 en 1693. These trials costed 2o people, mostly women their lives.

But also in Europe the Church did everything in its power to find and prosecute everybody that could have anything to do with Witchcraft. The prosecution of witches lasted in Europe between 1450 and 1750 and costed tens of thousands of victims. Estimates vary from 30,000 to 60,000 and of those 80% were women mostly elderly (60) poor, alone and powerless. Because of the grueling tortures most of these witches confessed and we strangled and burned to be able to go to heaven after all.

Modern Day Witchcraft

These days we have a clearly different image of Witchcraft. Ever since the mid last century the image of the witch has been changing due to the media that popularized witches and the craft.
One only has to think about musicals like The Wizard of Oz dating back to 1939. Which Witch a Norwegian Play in 1987. And later the tremendous succes of Wicked. And then of course the various tv series out there on the tube. Witches, Vampires and the likes became quite popular. Also the tremendous funny movie the Witches of Eastwick

Harry Potter

Lets not forget mr Potter, the creation of JK Rowling. Harry Potter and his fellow actors in the movies and characters in the books must be among the most famous of witches that ever existed. He and Merlin of course.

And You?

Then there is the growing group of people who consider themselves Witches. And there are more Witches out there then we would imagine at first glance. Most of them lead quit normal lives and for many of them you wouldnt recognize the witch unless she told you she was. And there is an enormous group of people who are just curious about thing related to Witchcraft and are on a expedition to satisfy they hunger for knowledge. For all of you this place is aiming to become a hub of information.

So if you feel like interacting please do so. Agree or dont Agree with us please share your opinion. Just dont spam us or we will spell you :)

Witchcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Witchcraft (also called witchery or spellcraft) broadly means the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that are able to be exercised

Witchcraft - Facebook
Witchcraft. 101,520 likes · 480 talking about this. Fifth studio album Nucleus out worldwide via Nuclear Blast Records. Order:

Witchcraft - A guide to the misunderstood and the maligned
Witchcraft - history, contemporary, Wicca, related beliefs, famous witches, witch trials, terms and tools, popular culture, etc

Children of Artemis - Official Site
Witchcraft, Witches, and Wicca in the UK - The Children of Artemis the largest Witchcraft organisation in Europe

Witchcraft - Witchcraft
Merry Meet at Witchcraft We want you give you a warm welcome here. Maybe you came here through one of our social media channels. Maybe you found us on Googles, Bing

Witchcraft - World of witches, wicca and spells
Wicca witches spells and potions, take a tour and learn about the latest trends for the modern witch. Learn about white and black witchcraft and how it can help you

Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft
Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft Grandad35. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 3,801 3K. Loading Loading Working Add to. Want to watch this again later?

Witchcraft (Video 1988) - IMDb
GET INFORMED. Industry information at your fingertips. GET CONNECTED. Over 200,000 Hollywood insiders. GET DISCOVERED. Enhance your IMDb Page. Go to IMDbPro »

Witchcraft | Define Witchcraft at Dictionary.com
Witchcraft definition, the art or practices of a witch; sorcery; magic. See more.

Witchcraft Free listening, videos, concerts, stats and ...
Watch videos & listen free to Witchcraft: Witchcraft, No Angel Or Demon & more. There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Witchcraft are a doom metal band

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