Now open SEVEN days a week till Samhain - see HOURS page for details
TAROT READINGS now by email consultation only!
£70 FREE goodie bag with Basic OR Advanced Practical Magic course! BOOK NOW!
Herbal Supplies - largest range in Europe - quality raw herbs, ESSENTIAL OILS and Tinctures.
DRUM PAINTING COMMISSIONS now being taken - see the musical instrument section for details!
BOOKS - Ghost books, Mint, signed Sci-Fi 1st Eds. and the best range of top class occult books and periodicals in Glastonbury - email for a stock list!
UK-made pagan items, artwork, clothing. Keeping it real, local, and sustainable - including pyrographed and painted wooden plaques, runes, wands, and turned bowls & chalices. Also a full range of athames.
CLOTHES - Robes & cloaks in many styles and colours, and made to order!
An ever-increasing range of taxidermy, antiques, curios and bygones which tend not to make it on to the website as I never find time - Email for current list!
HANDFASTING SERVICE - a complete Pagan Wedding Planning service - from simply conducting the ceremony to full event managment - contact us for details.
Be ye Wiccan, Solitary, Ceremonial, Druid, Shaman, Healer, Vodoun, Eclectic -
whatever your path - HAIL & WELCOME!
Beltaine is fast approaching, and the grass grows thick and lush.....
Please note we do NOT have a phone number because we are generally in the shop alone, and thus dealing direct with customers.
We offer a limited wholesale service for our herbs and a few of our in-house product ranges. Email for details.
For ALL business matters, retail or wholesale contact us on -
Witchcraft Shop was established in 2004, and maintains a vibrant retail shop at the Cat & Cauldron, in the centre of Glastonbury, the heart of magical Avalon.
Magical practitioners/occultists ourselves, we are dedicated to supplying only the highest quality goods, old and new, to the Pagan & esoteric community.
Who ARE Witchcraft? - meet Trevor Jones & Liz Williams
Our new dedicated Art & Craft Studio/Workshop is coming on stream as of January 2016 - big changes in the range of in-house designs and products - watch this space.
WITCHCRAFT ON THE ROAD - also see events page -
Further 2016 plans tba
PLEASE REMEMBER -no business enquiries via social media - we can't and WON'T keep track of it!
PERSONAL VISITS - you are always welcome, but please WARN US IN ADVANCE! Liz can generally no longer do readings in person as she is working full time away from town, and Trevor is currently only available a couple of weekdays as well. Neither of us will be around most weekends unless we know you are coming.
Witchcraft Shop was established in 2004, and maintains a vibrant retail shop at the Cat & Cauldron, in the centre of Glastonbury, the heart of magical Avalon.
Witchcraft Shop - Facebook
Witchcraft Shop, Glastonbury, United Kingdom. 4,048 likes · 36 talking about this · 93 were here. Purveyors of fine esoteric goods to discerning witches
Witchcraft Shop - Glastonbury offers witchcraft supplies direct through our easy to use online store.
Pagan Wiccan Occult and Witchcraft tools & by ... - Etsy
Hail and welcome to The Witch Chandlery, the perfect place for all your witchcraft, spellcraft, occult, ritual magic, Wiccan and pagan supplies!
witchcraft - Shopping - 10 St Benedict St - Glastonbury ...
Witchcraft Ltd is a lovely shop tucked in St Benedict St. It is definitely a must-see when you come to Glastonbury. It is all part of a very satisfying retail experience.
Witchcraft shops - Glastonbury Forum - TripAdvisor
Glastonbury is fairly small. In terms of hotels, it depends on your budget. The George and Pilgrim and Kings Arms are both central. If you are on a budget
Witchcraft shops - Glastonbury Message Board - TripAdvisor
Answer 1 of 5: Hello, I may be going to Glastonbury in June from London then i'm going to stop at Castle Cary and get a taxi to Glastonburyhowever i have a few
Witches Shop - Witchcraft & Wicca - Witchcraft & Wicca
Witches Shop Witchcraft & Wicca WITCHES SHOP For Witchcraft, Wiccan, and Pagan gifts and supplies. The Witches shop is the best place to find Wiccan
TESTING.... Witchcraft Shop - Glastonbury
Witchcraft Shop was established in 2004, and maintains a vibrant retail shop at the Cat & Cauldron, in the centre of Glastonbury, the heart of magical Avalon.
The Wonky Broomstick
We are a family run business specialising in handmade and unique goodies sold direct from our shop in Glastonbury aka witch course is The Wonky Broomstick