Healing - Superpower Wiki - Wikia

Daniel Linderman (Heroes) healing a withering plant.

Power/Ability to:

Restore biotic organisms to optimal health.

The power to restore biotic organisms to their optimal health. Sub-power of Biological Manipulation and Health Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Cell Regeneration
  • Healing Hands/Power/Touch
  • Mend (Tales of Series)
  • Recovery Power/Touch


User can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.



Levels of Healing

Note that the levels refer to what kind of damage user can heal, not the rate/speed the healing process happens.

Basic Level: User can do anything that normal healing would do, simply accelerated.

  • Can heal minor wounds such as cuts, bruises and light burns.
  • Recovering from minor to moderate blood loss.
  • Critical wounds such as lost of limbs or damaged nerves and internal organs cannot be healed, but wounds can be closed.
  • Cells that are fatally damaged, such as by burning, cannot be healed, resulting in permanent scarring.

Expert Level: User can do anything that normal healing and modern medical knowledge could achieve.

  • Can heal external wounds, including fractured bones and deeper burns, disregarding of severity.
  • Lost limbs can be reattached.
  • Minor damaged internal organs may healed, but more severity may be beyond repair and may take more time to heal.
  • Nerves may remain damaged.

Advanced Level: User can heal things that current medical knowledge cannot do.

  • Lost limbs and internal organs are completely healed.
  • Damaged nerves can be healed to a certain extent.
  • Critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars.

Master Level: User can heal anything as long as the target is alive.



  • May be limited to healing either oneself or others.
  • May only be able to heal non-fatal wounds.
  • May have limited range, including touch only.
    • May need direct body-to-body contact (possibly naked "for better skin contact"), various kinds of blood or power transfers through kissing/licking, a Magic Kiss with healing properties, and so forth or even sexual activities.
  • May be limited to healing only certain types of wounds or diseases.
  • May not work on permanent injuries or abnormal injuries that cannot be treated.
  • May not occur automatically, thus preventing the users from healing injuries by reflex.
  • May be painful for the recipient of the healing.
  • Cant raise the dead, but as long as there's even a hint of life left, healing is possible.
  • Useless against Irreversible Destruction.
  • Certain methods may require delicate control when healing, otherwise it may cause cellular damage.
  • May cause the healer's body to deteriorate.

Known Users

See Also: Healing Hands.


TV Series/Film

Known Objects


Healing - Superpower Wiki - Wikia
Also Called. Cell Regeneration Healing Hands/Power/Touch Mend (Tales of Series) Recovery Power/Touch Capabilities. User can restore biotic organisms to their optimal

Category:Healing Powers - Superpower Wiki - Wikia
All powers that Heals, Restores and Regenerates goes and belongs to this category.

Healing - Supernatural Wiki - Wikia
Healing is the ability (literally, the act) of alleviating or ameliorating injury and wounds. The efficiency of it varies from healer to healer.

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Healer - DC Universe Online Wiki - Wikia
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Healing - Smallville Wiki - Wikia
Before she was aware of her power, it manifested through healing tears, Retrieved from "http://smallville.wikia.com/wiki/Healing?oldid=293375" Categories:

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Healing is an ability to restore an individual to full health or an object to pristine condition. The trigger for this power is love and conversely the trigger for

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