Crystals & Semi-Precious Gemstones Meanings, Healing

Healing stones, crystals and semi-precious gemstones come from one unified source - Mother Earth. Created from the magma or Earth's inner core, healing stones have gone through a geologic process of heating, cooling and displacement on their way to their present form.

The energy field of different gemstones is influenced by geometrical form, colour and subtle vibration. Each stone is made up of minute crystals which are in constant motion thus emitting an energy signature or frequency. The gemstone's colour also plays a dynamic role in the stone's healing energy. The play of light and colour can stimulate or calm; purify or heal.

A magical and symbiotic connection has always existed between human beings and gems. Evidence of gemstones used for healing has been found as far back as the fourth millennium before Christ. Ancient civilizations such as the Chinese, Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Romans, or Shamans and Medicine Men have used gemstones for healing in multiple ways - made into powders or elixirs, worn, carried or placed on the body and in ceremonies or rituals. This ancient knowledge has been passed down to our day and with the emerging popularity of holistic health and healing the use of gemstones is again making its way into modern life.

Also evident in human history is our connection to Angels.  These heavenly messengers, in particular the Archangels, have the powerful ability to help each of us simultaneously while offering their protection and guidance to bring about peace on earth. Each of the 15 Archangels resonates with a special gemstone. Working with a particular Archangel's gemstone can help you strengthen your divine connection and relationship with that Archangel.

Since ancient times gemstones and crystals have been used for healing in a variety of different ways and can be found in the following 3 forms:

RainbowRainbows symbolize an arc of energy with the divine. Each light catcher contains a Swarovski prism made of refined lead crystal, which refracts the sunlight into the seven colours of the rainbow which also correlates to the seven traditional colours of the chakras.

All matter from sub-atomic to physical to higher vibrational bodies contains dynamic energy.

manifester crystalCrystal ClustersCrystals are part of the earth itself and of nature. They are comprised of quartz and silica, which are also a major component of the human body. Like colour, crystals also emit a vibrational frequency, which matches the electromagnetic field of both the earth and its human occupants. The most widely used crystal today is clear quartz and it can be found powering watches, computers and radios to name a few. Within the light catchers and jewelry the sympathetic resonance of quartz is used for its healing properties and to amplify the energy of the other stones.

All Feng Shui Bagua Light Catchers Swarovski Swarovskihave a Swarovski faceted prism to disperse and deflect negative chi. The main purpose of faceted crystal balls in Feng Shui is to transmute energy. When hard (negative) energy enters the ball, the facets deflect the energy, breaking it up and turning it into gentle (positive) energy. Faceted crystals can be hung in windows to shift any hard chi entering your home into positive energy. They can also be used in hallways or corridors to slow down fast-moving chi, or to reduce the bad energy transmitted by "poison arrows" such as those from sharp corners.

Gemstones come in multiple forms and colours. Their different colours resonate with the body's energy system and although their energetic effect is more diffuse than crystals, they are extremely useful for harmonizing an environment or wearing on your person as jewelry. As with colour and crystals, gemstones also provide a symbolic and energetic connection to nature. They have also been linked to the Archangels.


AmazoniteA stone of healing which aligns the physical body & energy field, thus producing a balancing, preventive & rejuvenating energy. Eliminates aggravation by dispelling irritating & negative energy. Assists with relationships by enhancing communication concerning love. Can be found in the Turtle Light Catcher.


AmethystA "stone of change, protection & enlightenment". Enhances spiritual awareness, meditation, visualization, serenity & composure. Attracts good luck & love, calms & transforms. Shifts energies to the higher frequencies of both the spiritual & ethereal levels. Can be found in the Bear, Dragonfly, Peace, Feng Shui Spirit, Amethyst Angel, Faery Queen, Faery Princess, Chakra and Kokopeli Light Catchers as well as the Peace & Calm Amplifier and Negativity Protector Car Charms.


AventurineA powerful general healer, it brings balance to the intellect, emotions & physical being. Quells anxiety, helps in making the right decisions & shields energy drain from outside sources. Can be found in Hopi Healing Hand Light Catcher.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace AgateAwakens perceptiveness & awareness, clears the mind and enhances spiritual inspiration. Calms, soothes and uplifts thoughts. Eliminates negativity and anger. Can be found in the Eagle, Owl, Wolf, Peace, Faery Queen and Faery Princess Light Catchers.

Blue Topaz

Blue TopazAssists one in attaining clarity to successfully communicate & manifest desires. Lifts burdens & helps one to see the great overall scheme of life, the "big picture". Attracts abundance & love; relieves tension. Can be found in the Eagle and Whale Light Catchers.


CarnelianStimulates the energy of love & joy. Clears negative energy, allowing light to enter & transformation to occur. Has a stabilizing effect on energy in the home. Awakens inner talents & creativity. Can be found in the Deer, Hummingbird, Feng Shui Fame, Chakra & Kokopeli Light Catchers.


ChrysocollaSupports balance & harmony, relationships & self-improvement. Eases emotions bringing renewed strength & balance in love, communication & healing. Helps one to connect with Earth energies, promoting harmony, vitality & endurance during stressful situations. Supports mediation, visualization & reflective insights. Can be found in the Feng Shui Family and Celtic Earth Light Catchers.


CitrineBalances & energizes, dissipates negative energy. Enhances personal power, emotional awareness, creativity & optimism. Stimulates abundance by assisting one to acquire wealth & to maintain a state of wealth. Can be found in the Hummingbird, Lion, Feng Shui Creativity, Feng Shui Wealth and Chakra Light Catchers.



CoralFacilitates intuition, imagination, and visualization & strengthens understanding of mysticism. Alleviates depression, quiets the emotions ands brings peace. Strengthens the connection to the harmonious energies of the universe.


FluoriteKnown as a "stone of discernment". Helps to find truth that has been concealed. Eases change and brings strength and protection during transition. Stabilizes energy and helps to bring order to chaos. Supports relationships - individuals & groups - to flourish towards the greatest good. Can be found in the Butterfly and Dragonfly Light Catchers.


FossilSupports growth & the achievement of goals by releasing limiting beliefs & old programming, encouraging openness to novel & innovative opportunities, which are available. An excellent stone for use in business to increase business accomplishments and to imbue quality & distinction within one's environment.


GarnetEnergizes, revitalizes and balances energy. Inspires love and devotion. Enhances sexuality and as a "stone of health" clears negative energy & enhances personal power for success. Can be found in the Love Lights Passion, Long Life, Feng Shui Fame and Chakra Light Catchers.

Gold Stone (Gold or Blue)

GoldstoneA manmade stone rich in copper. Activates root and sacral chakras enhancing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire and vitality. Encourages faith that love is attainable once all limiting beliefs are released. Acts as a mood stabilizer on either spectrum-excitability or passivity.


HematiteA "stone of mental mastery". Enhances memory, concentration & focus. Deflects negativity. Stimulates the desire for peace and inner happiness, enhancing one's ability to attract love. Can be found in the Turtle, Long Life, Yin/Yang, Feng Shui Career and Circle of Life Light Catchers as well as the Negativity Protector Car Charm.


HowliteA "tranquility stone". Calms communication, enhances emotional expression & eliminates stress, rage and rudeness. Assists with the attainment of goals by encouraging ambition and eliminating hesitation. Can be found in the Yin/Yang Light Catcher as well as the Road Rage Protector Car Charm.

Jade (Nephrite)

JadeConnected with love & virtue, called the "fidelity stone" - balances energies between self/partner & opposing energies in both the internal & external domain of one's reality. Promotes peace & harmony, soothes energy. Assists in finding wisdom for problem solving. Can be found in the Frog and Feng Shui Wealth Light Catchers.

Jadeite (Lavender, White, Yellow)

Yellow JadeiteWhite JadeiteStone of "Magic" brings protection from the spiritual realm. Encourages group cohesiveness, understanding & actualization of purpose. Assists in grounding & accessing limitless resources of the universe. Can be found in the Buffalo, Owl, Whale, Good Luck, Peace, Feng Shui Travel, Faery and Circle of Life Light Catchers.


Known as the "Supreme Nurturer", Jasper reminds us why we are here - to assist others to free themselves from limiting bonds & bring joy & light into the world. Helps to balance & unite the energy of the physical with the spiritual toward the attainment of goals. Can be used when one's energy is "low" and to provide protection against negativity.

Fancy Jasper

Fancy JasperFancy Jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. Each piece brings about tranquility and enhances ones ability to relax. Fancy Jasper aids serenity and helps eliminate stress, worry and depression. With this inward relaxation, the wearer has the chance to free their mind and think clearly.

Picture Jasper

Picture JasperA stone of proportion & harmony, wear any time protection from negativity is desired. A stone of Global Awareness, it stimulates creative visualization. It promotes spiritual affinity between humanity & nature. It can be used to further both the development and continuance of business pursuits.

Red Jasper

Red JasperHelps to rectify unfair situations, helps one to remember previous leanings & to take responsibility for ones life. A stone to help you connect with earth energies, it facilitates the remembering of dreams especially those aspects important to ones life. Can be found in the Dragon Light Catcher.


LabradoriteProtects the Aura and facilitates understanding of ones chosen destiny. Helps to keep the Aura clear, balanced, protected & free from energy leaks. Facilitates the understanding of ones chosen destiny & enhances the connection between physical, ethereal & planetary realms. Supports originality & uniqueness.


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli A "stone of protection and enlightenment". Assists with spiritual growth, intuitive perception and objectivity. Mentally calming, supports clarity & helps one to organize day to day activities. Enhances serenity, acceptance and dreams. Can be found in the Bear, Serenity, Feng Shui Career and Chakra Light Catchers.


MalachiteA "stone of transformation". Assists in coping with setbacks, challenges & changing situations. Aids in releasing negative emotional experiences. Helps to intuit answers, to create an unobstructed path & to identify the steps needed to attain desired result. Brings loyalty in love, friendships and partnerships. Can be found in the Butterfly, Feng Shui Family and Chakra Light Catchers.


MoonstoneA stone of changes & wishes. Helps to clear obstacles on the path of destiny. Supports wellbeing & enhances awareness of body rhythms allowing for a better balance of the body's natural energy. Can be found in the Dolphin, Owl, Wolf, Feng Shui Travel, Goddess and Triskele Light Catchers as well as the Travelers Protector Car Charm.


PeridotA "stone of rebirth & renewal". Promotes peace & happiness; attracts success & good luck. Protects against negativity & nightmares. Healing to damaged relationships. Attracts comfort & builds vitality. Can be found in the Buffalo Light Catcher.


QuartzQuartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy. Stores, releases and regulates energy; Facilitates growth and awareness, alleviates anger & opens the spirit for meditation and spiritual development. Can be found in the Peace & Calm Amplifier, Road Rage Protector and Travelers Protector Car Charms.

Rose Quartz

Rose QuartzKnown as the "Stone of Love". Rose Quartz soothes, comforts & reassures, bringing about deep inner healing. Gently removes negativity & attracts the energy of love bringing peacefulness & calm to relationships. Can be found in the Deer, Frog, Love Lights Romance, Feng Shui Relationship and Archangel Ariel - Rose Quartz Light Catchers.


RhodoniteHas been called "the stone of love". This love embodies care for humanity and spiritual wellbeing. Brings order to chaos. Supportive emotionally, balances and eases anxiety through clear vision. Can be found in the Celtic Heart and Feng Shui Relationship Light Catchers.


SodaliteUnites logic and intuition, enhances mediation & inner wisdom. Excellent stone for group work - mentally calming, it eliminates confusion and supports increased efficiency & organization. Helps to define clarity of purpose & direction, & to resolve issues with logic. Can be found in the Lion and Wolf Light Catchers.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's EyeHelps to gain insight, to concentrate, to perceive & think more clearly, and to organize scattered details. Calms turmoil, eliminates the "blues" & encourages optimism & enthusiasm for life. Stimulates wealth & enhances the ability to maintain wealth. Can be found in the Feng Shui Wisdom Light Catcher.

Tree Agate

Tree AgateHas a cleansing, balancing & stabilizing effect to wellbeing. Enhances self-esteem, clarity, perceptiveness & awakens inner talents & abilities. Helps to see the world through a broader point of view. It fosters abundance, wealth, Love & connection with nature. Can be found in the Good Luck and Feng Shui Wealth Light Catchers.


TurquoiseAn "anti-negativity stone" & general healer. Dispels negative energy & protects. Encourages self-realization and creative problem solving. Strengthens the body and energy field. Heals the spirit; soothes and brings peace of mind. Attracts love. Can be found in the Dolphin, Chakra and Circle of Life Light Catchers.


UnakiteHelps to bring attention into the 'present'. Provides gentle release of limiting blocks & conditions to personal growth. Balances emotions and strengthens spiritual connection.


ZoisiteSupports individuality, creativity and uniqueness while maintaining connectedness with humanity. It is considered an excellent healer and energizer of the life force. Can be used to dispel laziness and idleness and is thought to improve health after long periods of illness or stress. Helps amplify the whole energy field of a person, to release inner talents of the mind.

Crystal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microscopically, a single crystal has atoms in a near-perfect periodic arrangement; a polycrystal is composed of many microscopic crystals (called "crystallites" or . Crystals and Minerals at carries the worlds largest selection of crystals and minerals from around the world.

The Crystals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Crystals are an American vocal group based in New York, considered one of the defining acts of the girl group era in the first half of the 1960s. Crystals
Product Features case is included to admire the crystals once they are fully grown.

Crystals | Article about Crystals by The Free Dictionary
Crystals (religion, spiritualism, and occult) Few items were as popular or as controversial within the New Age movement of the 1980s as were crystals. New Age leaders

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Crystals | An Open Access Crystallography Journal from MDPI
Crystals Open Access Crystallography Journal Crystals (ISSN 2073-4352; CODEN: CRYSBC) is a new international, open access journal of crystallography.

The Crystals
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Crystals, Healing Crystals, Healing Properties of Crystals ...
Crystal and Gemstone Therapy. Healing Crystals and Gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound "energy medicine" tools, which have been used for

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