Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca - Pagan - Druid - Witch

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.".. Mahatma Gandhi

Wicca & Paganism & Witchcraft

Wicca is a nature based belief system.  In other words, the natural world (i.e. trees, grass, rocks, mountains, etc.) is seen as a part of the Divine.  Christianity, on the other hand, believes that these things were created by, but separate from, the Divine.

Wiccans believe in a dual male/female divinity.  The God and Goddess are seen as separate but equal deities, each with unique talents and virtues.  Some Wiccan traditions see all of the gods and goddesses of the world as 'faces' of the two true deities.  Other Wiccans worship a trine goddess and god, the nature of the deities changing with the seasons.

Wiccans believe that the natural world, the creatures of the world (including humans) and the Divine are inseparable.  Harm done to any of the aspects reflects on the others, causing pain and suffering needlessly in the spiritual and physical planes.  As a result, many Wiccans are ardent environmentalists.

Are all Those who follow The Path, Witches, No and most Witches are not Wiccan. In real life many faiths practice witchcraft, however TV and Films may portray Wiccans, they are not all practioners of witchcraft.

Wicca is a religious tradition based on the ancient religions of the prehistoric Europe, specifically Western Europe and Great Britain.  The faith is an amalgamation of folklore, archaeological evidence, and translated works from the period.  It is not, in most cases, a religion passed unbroken from prehistory.

Although many pagan and witchcraft traditions can be traced back to pre-historic times, the religion known as Wicca began in the UK in the 1950's from the teachings of Gerald Gardner.  This earliest form of Wicca, known as Gardnerian Wicca, is a system based on individual groups, known as covens, all of which can trace their lineages back to Gardner.  Other forms of traditional Wicca that have evolved from the Gardnerian tradition include Alexandrian and Seax traditions.
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What is a Witch? What is Witchcraft? 

Witchcraft today may be seen as the sum total of all a Witch's practices, including but not limited to: spell casting, divination ("fortune telling"), meditation, herbalism, ritual and ritual drama, singing and dancing to raise energy, healing, clairvoyance and other psychism, creative mythology, and more. 

"Witch" comes from the Anglo-Saxon wicce (meaning wise), which in turn derives from an Indo-European root word meaning to bend or change or do magic/religion (making it related to "wicker," "wiggle," and even "vicar"). It is possibly also related to the Old Norse vitki (meaning wizard), derived from root words meaning "wise one" or "seer." "Warlock" (rarely used, for male Witches) is from the Old Norse var?lokkur, "spirit song" (not "oath-breaker"). Related words are "Pagan," meaning a country dweller, and "Heathen," a dweller on the heath, both of which peoples were the European equivalent of the Native Americans and other indigenous, nature-worshipping people. 

Today, a Witch is a woman or man who practices a life-affirming, Earth- and nature-oriented religion, honoring Divinity in female as well as (or instead of) male aspects, and practicing Magic (which some Witches spell "magick," to distinguish it from stage illusions). There are many different traditions of Witches, encompassing many beliefs in addition to these. Some traditions are practiced by women only, and recognize only the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Others include men and recognize a male god in addition to the Goddess. Some traditions may date back to before the Spanish Inquisition, others have been in existence for only a few years. The strength of the Witches' religion (also called "the Craft") lies in its diversity; it is a living, growing religious tradition.

What Wiccans are not,

Wiccans are not Satan or Devil worshippers, These beings are Judeo-Christian inventions and not part of Wicca. To believe in Satan you must first believe in the monotheistic God and then his fallen angel , therefore Satanists are just another branch of the broad Judeo-Christian faith who choose to follow a dark path.  

Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca - Pagan - Druid - Witch
Wicca & Paganism & Witchcraft. Wicca is a nature based belief system. In other words, the natural world (i.e. trees, grass, rocks, mountains, etc.) is seen as a part

Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca - Pagan - Druid - Witch
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Witches Chat - The Internet's Wiccan & Pagan Chat Place
The internet's pagan chat place "> Witches Chat Network. Home; Though many here are Wiccan, Pagan, or Witches in general, Wicca, A guide for the

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Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca - Pagan - Druid - Witch. PAGE TITLE Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca - Pagan Wicca, Wiccan, Witch, Witches,

Children of Artemis - Official Site
Witchcraft, Witches, and Wicca in the UK - The Children of Artemis the largest Witchcraft organisation in Europe. The largest Wiccan and Pagan Festivals in the world.

The Pagan Federation - Druidry
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Wiccan Chat rooms - Google Groups
Wiccan Chat rooms Showing 1-126 Anyone interested, there is a free and open Wiccan, Pagan, and Witches chat room you Is there anyone here that practices wicca

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Celtic Druid Lore. Shamanism. Welcome to o ne of the oldest and largest Wicca, Witchcraft and Pagan sites on the Internet! Here you Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles.

The Pagan's Path ~ Witchcraft & Shamanism
This is NOT Celtic Wicca. Many interchange the label Wicca with Witchcraft, The Witches Rune: Traditions: Norse These

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