Spell Tome (Skyrim) - Elder Scrolls - Wikia


Spell tomes from the various schools of magic, as seen on the loading screen.

For other uses, see Spell Tome.

Spell Tomes are spell-containing books in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Upon reading a tome, the specific spell contained within is learned, but the tome is destroyed in the process. Spell Tomes may only be read once.

Spell Merchants, members of the College of Winterhold and Court Wizards, such as Farengar Secret-Fire, typically sell most, but not all, spell tomes. Spell tomes may also be found as randomized dungeon loot, or may be stolen or looted from hostile magic-users. Spell tomes can also be crafted using ruined books at the Atronach Forge.

Skill level determines which spell tomes merchants will have available for sale. Specifically, merchants begin selling apprentice tomes at level 15, adept tomes at level 40 and expert tomes at level 65. Master-level tomes are unlocked through quests that become available at a skill level of 90 or 100. Due to this randomization, it is impossible to provide locations for all tomes.

Spell tomes have a symbol to determine what kind of magic it teaches. For example, Conjuration tomes display an Oht symbol, while Destruction tomes display the image of a hand engulfed in flames.

Unlike in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, it is no longer possible to create new spells; therefore, there is now a finite number of spells. Also unlike Oblivion, there are no Mysticism spells. They have been added to the Illusion, Alteration and Conjuration schools of magic.

Most of the Spell Tomes in the table below may be purchased in one or more of the following locations depending on the Dragonborn's skill level in the desired school of magic:

Spell Tome
School of

Item ID
CandlelightAlterationNovice44Create hovering light that lasts 60 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Found in Fort Snowhawk

0009E2A7Detect DeadAlterationExpert600See nearby dead through wallsPurchase at CW after reaching level 70 Alteration000A26EADetect LifeAlterationAdept332See nearby living through wallsPurchase at CW, MK

Reward for Infiltration quest

000A26E7DragonhideAlterationMaster1389Caster ignores 80% of physical damage for 30 secondsReward for Alteration Ritual Spell quest (Level 90 Alteration)000D2B4EEbonyfleshAlterationExpert650Improves caster's armor by 100 points for 60 secondsPurchase at CW after reaching level 70 Alteration000A26E9EquilibriumAlterationNovice250Convert 20/s Health into 20/s MagickaNot available for purchase

Found in Labyrinthian Chasm

000F4997MagelightAlterationApprentice87Stick a 60-second ball of light where it strikes when castPurchase at CW, MK after reaching level 25 Alteration000A26E2Mass ParalysisAlterationMaster1280All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 secPurchase at CW after Alteration Ritual Spell (Level 90 Alteration)000DD646OakfleshAlterationNovice44Improves caster's armor by 40 points for 60 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK0009E2A8ParalyzeAlterationExpert685Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 secPurchase at CW after reaching level 70 Alteration000A26E8IronfleshAlterationAdept341Improves caster's armor by 80 points for 60 secondsPurchase at CW, MK after reaching level 50 Alteration000A26E4StonefleshAlterationApprentice95Improves caster's armor by 60 points for 60 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A26E3TelekinesisAlterationAdept326Target item and hover it nearer or cast it awayPurchase at CW, MK000A26E5Transmute Mineral OreAlterationAdept200Transmute one piece of unrefined Iron Ore to Silver Ore or Silver Ore to Gold OrePurchase at CW after reaching level 50 Alteration

Found in Ansilvund Burial Chambers, Halted Stream Camp

00109112WaterbreathingAlterationAdept340Breathe under water for 60 secondsPurchase at CW, MK after reaching level 50 Alteration000A26E6Banish DaedraConjurationAdept346Returns weaker daedra to OblivionPurchase at UK, FH, CW

Find in Fort Amol Prison

000A26EEBound SwordConjurationNovice49Creates magic sword for 120 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Fort Greymoor

0009E2A9Bound BattleaxeConjurationApprentice99Creates a magic battleaxe for 120 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A26EDBound BowConjurationAdept335Creates a magic bow for 120 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, CW

Find in Fort Amol

000A26F1Command DaedraConjurationExpert660Powerful summoned & raised creatures are put under your controlNot available for purchase

Reward for Conjuration Ritual Spell quest

000A26F6Conjure Ash GuardianConjurationExpert1120Creates an Ash Guardian that guards that location until destroyed. Consumes a heart stone from your inventory, without which it will be hostile.Purchase at Tel Mithryn from Talvas Fathryon (new to The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn)0301AABAConjure Dremora LordConjurationExpert730Summons a Dremora Lord to fight for you for 120 secondsPurchase at CW0010FD60Conjure FamiliarConjurationNovice (Breton starting spell)49Summons a familiar for 60 seconds where the caster is pointingPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK0009E2ABConjure Flaming FamiliarConjurationAdept250Summons flaming familiar that attacks then explodes causing flame damageNot available for purchase

Reward for A Scroll For Anska quest

000B45F7Conjure Flame AtronachConjurationApprentice99
(30 at CW)Summons a flame atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointingPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Korvanjund Crypt Craft at Atronach Forge

000A26ECConjure Frost AtronachConjurationAdept347Summons a frost atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointingPurchase at UK, FH, CW

Craft at Atronach Forge

000A26EFConjure Storm AtronachConjurationExpert690Summons a storm atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointingPurchase at CW

Craft at Atronach Forge

000A26f0Dead ThrallConjurationMaster3296Reanimate a dead person permanently to fight for youPurchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest000A26F9Dread ZombieConjurationExpert630Reanimate a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 secPurchase at CW000A26F7Expel DaedraConjurationExpert620Powerful summoned daedra creatures are sent back to OblivionPurchase at CW
(must be level 70 Conjuration)000A26F8Flame ThrallConjurationMaster1260Summons a Flame Atronach permanentlyPurchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest(must be level 90 Conjuration)000A26FAFrost ThrallConjurationMaster3374Summons a Frost Atronach permanentlyPurchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest000A26FBRaise ZombieConjurationNovice49Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for 60 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fort Snowhawk, Halidir's Cairn

0009E2AAReanimate CorpseConjurationApprentice99Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for 60 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A26EBRevenantConjurationAdept340Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for 60 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, CW000A26F2Soul TrapConjurationApprentice100Fills a soul gem if target dies within 60 seconds of castingPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Craft at Atronach Forge

0009CD54Storm ThrallConjurationMaster3504Summons a Storm Atronach permanentlyPurchase at CW after Conjuration Ritual Spell quest000A26FCBlizzardDestructionMaster1350Targets take 20 frost damage + Stamina damage for 10 secondsPurchase at CW after Destruction Ritual Spell quest000A270DChain LightningDestructionAdept390Lightning bolt that shock damages health magicka, then leaps to another targetPurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK000A2708FireboltDestructionApprentice96A blast of fire that does 25 points of damage; targets on fire take extra damagePurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK000A26FDFire RuneDestructionApprentice90Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of fire damage when enemies come nearPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A2700Fire StormDestructionMaster1290When cast it explodes for 150 points of fire damage to nearby enemiesReward for Destruction Ritual Spell quest000A270CFireballDestructionAdept345A fiery explosion for 50 points of damage in 15 foot radius; targets on fire take extra damagePurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK000A2706Flame CloakDestructionAdept325For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8/s fire damage; targets on fire take extra damagePurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK

Find by charred body (likely one of the missing apprentices) east of CW

000A2703FlamesDestructionNovice (starting spell for all)50Shoot flames from one or both hands for 8/s fire damage; targets on fire take extra damagePurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, CW, PK, MK

Find in Labyrinthian Chasm, Forelhost Refectory, Hag's End, Mzulft Aerodrome

0009CD51FrostbiteDestructionNovice47A blast of cold that does 8/s per second to health and staminaPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Labyrinthian Thoroughfare, Mzulft Aedrome, Serpent's Bluff Ruins

0009CD52Frost CloakDestructionAdept340For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8/s frost damage and stamina damagePurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK000A2704Frost RuneDestructionApprentice92Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of frost damage when enemies come nearPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A2701Ice SpikeDestructionApprentice96Throw a spike of ice that does 25 points of frost damage to health and staminaPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A26FEIce StormDestructionAdept360Create a freezing whirlwind that does 40/s frost damage to health and staminaPurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK000A2707Icy SpearDestructionExpert725Throw spear of ice that does 60 points of frost damage to health and staminaPurchase at CW0010F7F3IncinerateDestructionExpert710Create blast of fire that does 60 points of damage; targets on fire take extra damagePurchase at CW0010F7F4Lightning BoltDestructionApprentice95Create a bolt of lightning that does 25 points of shock damage to health and half that to magickaPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A26FFLightning CloakDestructionAdept355For 60 seconds nearby opponents take 8 points shock damage and half magicka damagePurchase at DR, WH, CW, PK000A2705Lightning RuneDestructionApprentice93Cast on a nearby surface, explodes for 50 points of shock damage when enemies come nearPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A2702Lightning StormDestructionMaster1400Target takes 75/s shock damage to Health and 75/2s damage to MagickaPurchase at CW after Destruction Ritual Spell quest000A270ESparksDestructionNovice (Dunmer starting spell)46Create a bolt of lightning that does 10/s shock damage to health and 5/s to magickaPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK0009CD53ThunderboltDestructionExpert750Create a thunderbolt that does 60 points of shock damage to health and half that to magickaPurchase at CW

May be found as random loot

0010F7F5Wall of FlamesDestructionExpert680Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of flames that does 50/s fire damagePurchase at CW

Find in Skuldafn

000A2709Wall of FrostDestructionExpert700Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of frost that does 50/s frost damagePurchase at CW000A270AWall of StormsDestructionExpert725Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of lightning that does 50/s shock damagePurchase at CW000A270BCall to ArmsIllusionMaster1150Improves target combat skills for 10 minutesPurchase at CW after Illusion Ritual Spell quest000A271BCalmIllusionApprentice91Creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 30 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A2711ClairvoyanceIllusionNovice50Shows the path to the current goalPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Embershard Mine

000FF7D1CourageIllusionNovice46Target won't flee for 60 seconds and gains some extra health and staminaPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Treva's Watch


(Altmer starting spell)

80Creatures and people up to level 9 flee from combat for 30 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A2712FrenzyIllusionAdept330Creatures and people up to level 14 will attack anyone nearbyPurchase at BP, CW000A2714FuryIllusionNovice43Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK0009E2ACHarmonyIllusionMaster1220Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won't fight for 60 secondsPurchase at CW after Illusion Ritual Spell quest000A271AHysteriaIllusionMaster1240Creatures and people up to level 25 flee from combat for 60 secondsReward for Illusion Ritual Spell quest000A271CInvisibilityIllusionExpert625Caster is invisible (but can still be heard) for 30 seconds; activating an object or attacking will break the spellPurchase at CW000A2715MayhemIllusionMaster1250Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anyone nearby for 60 secondsPurchase at CW after Illusion Ritual Spell quest000A2719MuffleIllusionApprentice88Allows player to move more quietly for 180 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A270FPacifyIllusionExpert610Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 60 secondsPurchase at CW000A2717RallyIllusionAdept300Targets won't flee for 60 seconds and boosts player's health and staminaPurchase at BP, CW000A2713RoutIllusionExpert653Creatures and people up to level 20 flee from combat for 30 secPurchase at CW
(Must be level 60 Illusion)000A2718Bane of the UndeadRestorationMaster1200Sets undead up to level 30 on fire and makes them flee for 30 secondsRestoration Ritual Spell quest reward000DD647Circle of ProtectionRestorationExpert650Undead up to level 20 entering the circle will fleePurchase at CW000A2728Close WoundsRestorationAdept360Heals caster 100 points of healthPurchase at CW0010F64DFast HealingRestorationApprentice94Instantly heals caster 50 pointsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A271DGrand HealingRestorationExpert680Heals everyone (including enemies) close to caster (up to 300 points)Purchase at CW000DD643Greater WardRestorationAdept341Increases armor rating by 80 points and negates up to 80 points of spell damage or effectsPurchase at CW000A2722Guardian CircleRestorationMaster1220Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee; caster heals 20/sPurchase at CW after Restoration Ritual Spell quest000FDE7BHealingRestorationNovice

(starting spell for all)

50Heals caster 10/sPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK0009E2AFHealing HandsRestorationApprentice89Heals target 10/s, but not undead, atronachs, or machinesPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Rewarded by Marise Aravel after doing her quest

00A271EHeal OtherRestorationAdept300Heals the target 75 points of health, but not undead, atronachs, or machinesPurchase at CW

Find in Shalidor's Maze

000A2727Lesser WardRestorationNovice45Increases armor rating by 40 points and negates up to 40 points of spell damage or effectsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, RT, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Alftand Animonculory

0009E2AERepel Lesser UndeadRestorationAdept333Affected undead to level 8 flee for 30 secondsPurchase at CW000A2725Repel UndeadRestorationExpert655Affected undead to level 16 flee for 30 secondsPurchase at CW000A2726Steadfast WardRestorationApprentice92Increases armor rating 60 / negates up to 60 points spell damage or effectsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK

Find in Labyrinthian

000A2720Turn Lesser UndeadRestorationApprentice89Undead to level 6 flee for 30 secondsPurchase at UK, FH, DR, WH, FH, BP, CW, PK, MK000A271FTurn Greater UndeadRestorationExpert664Undead to level 21 flee for 30 secondsPurchase at CW000A2729Turn UndeadRestorationAdept323Undead to level 13 flee for 30 secondsPurchase at CW000A2721

Skill descriptions in this table are abbreviated. For a more detailed description, follow the link for the spell

Spell Tome (Skyrim) - Elder Scrolls - Wikia
Illusion Spell Tome Conjuration Spell Tome Destruction Spell Tome Restoration Spell Tome Alteration Spell Tome

Spell Tomes - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wiki Guide - IGN
Spell Tomes - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: The various Spell Tomes in Skyrim. Spell Description Candlelight Creates a hover light that lasts for 60 seconds Magelight

Spell Tome: Conjure Kyrkrim - The Elder Scrolls Mods Wiki ...
Spell Tome: Conjure Kyrkrim is a spell tome added to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim by Apocalypse

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an action role-playing open world video game using potions or regenerative spells. by finding spell tomes.

Spell Tome: Bloodseeker - The Elder Scrolls Mods Wiki - Wikia
Spell Tome: Bloodseeker is a spell tome added to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim by Apocalypse

Spell Tome - Elder Scrolls - Wikia
Spell Tome may refer to: Spell Tomes (Oblivion), the Downloadable Content update for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; Spell Tome (Skyrim)

Spell Tome: Magelight - Skyrim Wiki
Spell Tome: Magelight. From Skyrim Wiki. Skyrim mods; Elder Scrolls Online wiki; Gamepedia. Gamepedia Forums; About Skyrim Wiki; Disclaimers;

Spell Tomes - The Elder Scrolls Wiki - Neoseeker
[w.skyrim:The Elder Scrolls V: The Spell Tomes Nearly all of the original spells from the vanilla version of Oblivion are covered as well as

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Historipedia Official Wiki ...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a single-player role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Spell Tome (Skyrim) and Spells

Skyrim:Spells - UESPWiki
Your source for The Elder Scrolls since inclined characters in Skyrim. Most spells spell tomes that can not be found

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