Witch's mark - the MYSTICA.ORG

Witch's mark

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Witch’s mark

In the lore of the witch, this is claimed to be an extra teator nipple on a witch’s body from which she or he permitted a familiar or imp tosuckle human blood which these creatures supposedly craved. Although extranipples appear naturally in a small percentage of the population, a factwhich was either not widely known or disregarded in medieval times, theseextra bodily protuberances took on an infernal association during this period.During witch trials virtually any wart, mole, tumor, outstanding swellingor discoloration of the skin was suspect as being a witch’s mark. Aftertheir arrest witches were bodily searched to see if any peculiarities couldbe discovered. Even red spots, or bumps under the tongue and folds in thevagina were considered paps for familiars.

People were employed as "prickers" during the trials to prickthe skin of the accused witches to see if any insensitive portions on theirbodies could be found. This was frequently done before the judge, jury andaudience. The accused was usually naked to the waist, and often had to raiseher skit for the examiner to examine her. The examining tool was usuallya sharp instrument such as a pin or needle,as well as other instruments. An insensitive portion of the body was onewhich did not bleed when pricked, and so designated a witch’s mark.The prickers were often paid to discover witches, so much a witch, and somecheated by using a blunt ended instrument so certain portions of the skinwould not bleed when pricked.

Out of fear people sometimes cut off their warts, moles, and other bumpsin order not to be suspect as a witch. These tactics helped very little,if any, because scars that were left indicated where an incision had beenmade. When discovered the scars were judged to indicate the person had somethingto hide, and the person was suspect of being a witch. Often the terms witch’smark and devil’s mark were used interchangeably, so the person mightalso be thought to be in covenant with the devil.

Currently witch’s marks are described as unusual birthmarks. TheWitch Sybil Leek believed in them and said that she and other members ofher family had them.

Witches’ marks are used in initiation rituals of some traditionsof modern Witchcraft. These marks are symbolic and may take the shapes ofX-crosses made with anointing oil on the body of the candidate. As describedin the Book of Shadows for the Gardnerian tradition, the crossesare traced over the third eye, the heart and the genitals, symbolizing thefreeing of the mind, heart and body.

A witch mark in Appalachia, a rural portion of the southeastern UnitedStates, is a star, similar to the Maltese cross, which is etched or drawnover the doorway of a house or barn, to keep witches away. Also, it canbe cut out of wood and nailed over the door. A.G.H.


Guiley, Rosemary Ellen.The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft.New York: Facts On File.1989. pp. 388-389

Witch's mark

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Witch’s mark

In the lore of the witch, this is claimed to be an extra teator nipple on a witch’s body from which she or he permitted a familiar or imp tosuckle human blood which these creatures supposedly craved. Although extranipples appear naturally in a small percentage of the population, a factwhich was either not widely known or disregarded in medieval times, theseextra bodily protuberances took on an infernal association during this period.During witch trials virtually any wart, mole, tumor, outstanding swellingor discoloration of the skin was suspect as being a witch’s mark. Aftertheir arrest witches were bodily searched to see if any peculiarities couldbe discovered. Even red spots, or bumps under the tongue and folds in thevagina were considered paps for familiars.

People were employed as "prickers" during the trials to prickthe skin of the accused witches to see if any insensitive portions on theirbodies could be found. This was frequently done before the judge, jury andaudience. The accused was usually naked to the waist, and often had to raiseher skit for the examiner to examine her. The examining tool was usuallya sharp instrument such as a pin or needle,as well as other instruments. An insensitive portion of the body was onewhich did not bleed when pricked, and so designated a witch’s mark.The prickers were often paid to discover witches, so much a witch, and somecheated by using a blunt ended instrument so certain portions of the skinwould not bleed when pricked.

Out of fear people sometimes cut off their warts, moles, and other bumpsin order not to be suspect as a witch. These tactics helped very little,if any, because scars that were left indicated where an incision had beenmade. When discovered the scars were judged to indicate the person had somethingto hide, and the person was suspect of being a witch. Often the terms witch’smark and devil’s mark were used interchangeably, so the person mightalso be thought to be in covenant with the devil.

Currently witch’s marks are described as unusual birthmarks. TheWitch Sybil Leek believed in them and said that she and other members ofher family had them.

Witches’ marks are used in initiation rituals of some traditionsof modern Witchcraft. These marks are symbolic and may take the shapes ofX-crosses made with anointing oil on the body of the candidate. As describedin the Book of Shadows for the Gardnerian tradition, the crossesare traced over the third eye, the heart and the genitals, symbolizing thefreeing of the mind, heart and body.

A witch mark in Appalachia, a rural portion of the southeastern UnitedStates, is a star, similar to the Maltese cross, which is etched or drawnover the doorway of a house or barn, to keep witches away. Also, it canbe cut out of wood and nailed over the door. A.G.H.


Guiley, Rosemary Ellen.The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft.New York: Facts On File.1989. pp. 388-389

Witchs mark - the MYSTICA.ORG
In the lore of the witch, this is claimed to be an extra teat or nipple on a witchs body from which she or he permitted a familiar or imp to suckle human blood which

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