White Mojo - Hoodoo - Rootwork- Folk Magic Nashville TN

whitemojoabout-smABOUT WHITE MOJO White Mojo is the home of the reader and rootworker, Papa Gee, and all the potions he creates by hand bear the White Mojo name. Papa Gee and his husband Doctor Bastian own THE GNOSIS EMPORIUM Nashvilles source for hoodoo oils, potions, powders, candles, and select metaphysical supplies. They carry oil burners, spell candles, figural candles, spell kits, herbs, and more in theirNashville, TN store. store address here

aboutpapageecatABOUT PAPA GEE is a rootworker, potion master, spiritual healer, and card reader in Nashville, TN. Born with psychic ability and intuition, he offers Lenormand card in divination readings for clients in Tennessee and the surrounding states. read complete bio here

etsy-vintageCheck out Papa Gees White Mojo products on Etsy. Hoodoo and Conjure oils, sachet powders, custom mojo bags and more. Whimsically titled, Papa Gees Emporium of Practical Folk Magic. If you cant make it to our Nashville shop and prefer not to shop on a private website, my Etsy store is a good choice for picking up my handmade potions and notions. Check out the Emporium here.

luckymojo-orangeLUCKY MOJO CURIO CO. PRODUCTS I am also proud to become an authorized reseller of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. products which can be purchased in our Nashville retail store and soon to be here on the website. Between the potions I concoct and the new Lucky Mojo products, I feel like all of our magical bases are covered thats a lot of good mojo! Papa Gee.

phonereadings-vintage-smCARD READINGS A 15-minute reading will give you some pretty good information about a single topic. A 30-minute reading can take a topic into great depth (such as using both types of cards) or more than one question could be covered. A 60-minute reading is called a Divination Session where more than one question is covered while using both decks of cards, the pendulum, and possibly other forms of divination. read more here
15-minute reading $25.00
30-minute reading $40.00
60-minute Divination Session $65.00
Quick, 5-minute, yes or no reading $10.00

candlealtarCANDLE ALTAR SERVICES A candle altar service is also known as the setting of lights. Setting Lights is a simple form of spellwork to aid in helping achieve a desired goal. It is sometimes called a candle vigil. Basically, the client lets me know what they want or need and this is written down on a piece of paper called a petition. There are a number of reasons why people turn to another for candle work. Many times there are other people in the house that do not approve of any type of magical workings and could possible blow out or destroy a vigil candle. Others simply dont want to leave a candle burning for that many days in their home unattended. Sometimes, the request a person has needs to remain a private matter and out of the sight of others. But, many times, clients say they prefer to having an experienced practitioner of magic dress and light their candle for them. read more about candle altar services here

blogwhitemojoBLOG articles, pictures, and feedback about everything we consider to be interesting, spiritual, uplifting, and even weird. Here you will find: spells, readings, bible passages, special information, and announcements. read our blog here

face-crumpled-paper-icon-soFIND US ON FACEBOOK come like us on facebook for last minute updates, pictures, and news that somehow didnt make it onto the website. Theres just no telling what youll find on the White Mojo Facebook page. come find us here

hoodoo-oilsWHITE MOJO CONDITION OILS Condition oils are known by many names: dressing oils, anointing oils, conjure oil, hoodoo oil. I prefer the use to term condition oil because I create each one for a specific condition or experience that you are facing in life. The are most often used to dress candles, to anoint the body, for dressing mojo bags or applied to magical tools and everyday objects. For example, I take a few drops of the money drawing oil and rub it into my hands before rubbing it onto my leather wallet and checkbook. Papa Gee. For the list of condition oils, look at the top of every page here on our site under Botanica Shop condition oils or read more about how our oils are made here.

soaps-magicalMAGICAL SOAPS besides being a rootworker, Papa Gee also own a successful soap company, has written a book about soap making, and has been a master soap maker since 1999. It only made sense to create a line of soaps infused with good intentions, fragrant herbs and essential oils and a healthy dose of hoodoo.check out our magical soaps here

powders-sachetSACHET POWDERS Sachet powders are most often used when you want to hide the magical work you are working. They are perfect for using on paperwork. For example, the money drawing powder is sprinkled on business cards, checks, bank statements all forms of paperwork that deal with money and finances to draw more to you. The Hot Foot powder is another story. Primarily for foot track magic, it is best mixed with regional dirt and laid out where an enemy will walk. Sometimes used to make an annoying neighbor want to move away. We use a base of arrowroot powder and cornstarch and blend in essential oils and herbs that have been crushed and powdered. From there the powders are placed on the altar where they are prayed over and blessed before being packaged into individual packets. Read more about or buy our white mojo sachet powders here

rootworkROOTWORK SPELL WORK A major part of being a conjure doctor is performing rootwork and spell casting for clients. Before I decide to take on your case, you will need to schedule a consultation and reading session with me. During this session we will discuss the matter at hand, do some divination work (usually consulting the cards) and decide together how to proceed with your work. Honesty is something I value and will always be truthful with you about your situation; many say I am bluntly honest. I dont beat around the bush and tell you only what you want to hear. I expect the same from you. Read more about having rootwork performed here

Hoodoo - Rootwork- Folk Magic | Nashville TN - White Mojo
ABOUT WHITE MOJO White Mojo is the home of the reader and rootworker, Papa Gee, and all the potions he creates by hand bear the White Mojo name.

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Papa Gee's Emporium of Practical Folk Magic by whitemojo ...
Papa Gee's Emporium of Practical Folk Magic Announcement White Mojo is a place where I can and a frequent guest on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour

Hoodoo - Conjure - Rootwork: -- Definition and History
a practical manual of hoodoo, conjure, rootwork, magic practice hoodoo and white systems of folk magic is the centrality of the mojo bag

Myrtle Collins, Hoodoo Root Doctor of Memphis, TN - Lucky Mojo
a practical manual of hoodoo, conjure, rootwork, magic spells, and African American folk magic. NOTES ON THE MEMPHIS HOODOO ROOT DOCTOR MADAM MYRTLE COLLINS.

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Missionary Independent Spiritual Church and Ms American folk magic, root work, and hoodoo will teach you practical tricks Shop out of Nashville, TN.

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