Holly Powers Matthews Int'l Psychic Oracle/Channel

Testimonial: This was truly the most amazing and accurate reading I have ever experienced.  There was no doubt whatsoever that the information contained was divinely inspired.  The information Holly delivered was known only to myself, or so I thought.  I guess spirit knows all and Holly is a very unique channel for delivering answers to life's most challenging questions. 

~PK of Glendale

What you can expect in a reading:  

  • Understanding who you are and why you are here
  • Where you came from, past and future lives before your entrance into earth and your specific life purpose
  • Peaceful healing energy will run through your body
  • Chakras will be balanced
  • Zero Point Tachyon energy will clear your body and aura field,
  • Frequencies from 2-12th Dimensions will inspire and channel to you
  • Angelic and spirit guides offer advice and support
  • Past/present/future insights brought forth
  • Fractal cycling recognized and higher understanding shared offering a new perception of your work, relationships, health, emotions
  • Relationships nourished or completed, contracts explained
  • Akashic records brought forth for past, future and concurrent lives
  • Important direction for the future with careful examination of life potential paths and how to navigate them for the best future.
  • Insights into family, friends, co workers lives

I respect all religious and spiritual beliefs, and hope you will trust that if you have

been lead here and feel comfortable, then we are meant to connect.

As an psychic oracle, I channel multi-dimensional teachers and guides to bring forth

divine communication for you.  This wisdom can guide you through your next steps to bringing forth peace, joy and an understanding of your life purpose here.      

   Hollys been Ph.D Certified Tested
   with the following psychic abilities:


     98% Clairvoyance (Clear seeing)

     94% Precognition (Seeing future events)

     93% Retrocognition (Seeing (past events)

     98% Telepathic Communication

     97% Remote Viewing (Connecting to places &

             people from distance, past present, future)

My desire is to help in your ascension process. I work with anyone from

non-believers, beginners, intermediates, advanced and Star Nation Visitors. 

Blessing you with love, light, joy and peace, 

~Holly Powers Matthews~

My greatest joy comes when helping others remember who they are, become their true authentic self, understand how to reach that higher order of unconditional love, and to prepare them how to step into the mode of being creators of their experience.

Psychic Oracle & Multidimensional Channel

I work as a Divine Multi-dimensional Oracle, a member of the Eloheimic Council, an 11th Dimensional Judiciary through the Galactic Council of Light, A Magdalene emissary and devotee, a Vast Frequency Specialist, an Akashic Record Decoder as well as a Psychic/Oracle/Channel/and Healer.

My specialty is in multi-dimensional awareness and telepathy, and I love to teach and share. As a medical intuitive, there is much clarity brought forth in information for healing the mind, body and soul. Being an avid connoisseur of energy training, I have trained in over 200 healing modalities. I am so deeply honored and humbled in the communication with loving light beings, Beloved Archangels and Ascended Masters, whose beautiful perspective shines light on the meaning of life, as well as the keys to understanding how to navigate this dense reality.

Holly Powers Matthews Int'l Psychic Oracle/Channel
Holly Powers Matthews Int'l Psychic Oracle/Channel; Radio show host, Meetup: Intuitive Living for Spiritual Enhancement, Psychic to the stars,

Holly Matthews | LinkedIn
Holly Matthews. Holly Powers Matthews - Int'l Psychic/Channel at Holly Powers Matthews. Location Phoenix, Arizona Area Int'l Psychic/Channel Holly Powers Matthews.

Credentials - Holly Powers Matthews Int'l Psychic Oracle ...
Credentials for Holly Powers Matthews, Int'l Psychic Oracle/Channel. Holly Powers Matthews. MOST RECENT TESTIMONIALS. Credentials. Holly. Matthews. Int'l. Psychic

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Holly Powers Matthews Int'l Psychic Oracle/Channel & Healer. .. of his psychic abilities and a commitment to honesty and integrity in all of his work.. .

Vendor list - March 6th - Phoenix Psychic Fair
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Robin J. Bloom, MEd, author of My Daze of Brain Injury ...
Learn all about Robin J. Bloom, MEd, My Daze of Brain Injury: The Dance of Destiny and Wake Up! We're Going Home. Holly Powers Matthews, Int'l Psychic Channel/Medium

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