Satanic hands signs
The Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the Devil, Satan, The Goat. It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the occult. Although once used mostly at Heavy Metal and Rock 'N' Roll concerts, the Satan sign is now seen regularly at Country Music concerts and Christian Rock concerts as well.
The horned hand-sign shows allegiance to the music's message (usually immoral) and the worldly band members. It is similar to the sign for "I Love you," but Helen Keller, who developed sign language, was a devout follower of Theosophy (founded by Satanist Helena Blavatsky).
Harley Clarke (photo to left) is allegedly the guy who in 1955 began the University of Texas "hook 'em horns" hand sign. However, the sign itself has been around for millennia, a long beforeUniversity of Texas existed. Where did it come from?
In BOTH witchcraft and Satanism, the ram and goat are revered as a symbol of Satan. An obvious illustration of this is seen in Ozzy Osbourne's album cover for Ozzfest 2002 (photo to right). The beast is "Pan" (the god of sexual deviance, pedophilia, and rapewho represents Satan). Although Ozzy denies being a "Satanist," this photo clearly exposes him as a liar. Every witch and Satanist knows exact who pan is, and so does Ozzy! Notice the Horns on the head. This is what the Horned Hand sign representsTHE HORNS OF PAN. Pan is the personification of Satan.
The original 1973 album cover of the Rolling Stones album titled, Goat's Head Soup. The goat and ram head are greatly revered in Satanism and witchcraft.
Aleister Crowley's Profound Satanic Influence on Rock-n-Roll
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." Revelation 13:4
Oh, listen my friend, you need the righteousness of Jesus Christ! This sin-cursed world hates Jesus Christ with a passion and curses His very name. How many more signs of Satan do you need to see to realize that Satan is in control of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Consider that the publishing company for the United Nations was founded in 1922 as The Lucifer Trust, today known as The Lucis Trust. Considerthe occult connection between all of America's mainstream religions.
Consider theoccult symbols saturating Washington D.C. Consider empty seat # 666 in the European Union. Consider that a modern Tower of Babel has been built, and now their working on the city. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. Won't youreceive Jesus Christ now as your personal Savior to forgive your sins? John 1:12, But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.
Aleister Crowley's Profound Satanic Influence on Rock-n-Roll
The Woeful Luciferian Religion
Satanic Hand Signs...
Part One - Signs Of Satan
Part Two - Showing Allegiance To Satan
Part Three - The Beast Has Risen
Part Four - The God Of This World
Ye Must Be Born Again! |You Need HIS Righteousness!
Satanic hands signs
The Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the Devil, Satan, The Goat. It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the occult. Although once used mostly at Heavy Metal and Rock 'N' Roll concerts, the Satan sign is now seen regularly at Country Music concerts and Christian Rock concerts as well.
The horned hand-sign shows allegiance to the music's message (usually immoral) and the worldly band members. It is similar to the sign for "I Love you," but Helen Keller, who developed sign language, was a devout follower of Theosophy (founded by Satanist Helena Blavatsky).
Harley Clarke (photo to left) is allegedly the guy who in 1955 began the University of Texas "hook 'em horns" hand sign. However, the sign itself has been around for millennia, a long beforeUniversity of Texas existed. Where did it come from?
In BOTH witchcraft and Satanism, the ram and goat are revered as a symbol of Satan. An obvious illustration of this is seen in Ozzy Osbourne's album cover for Ozzfest 2002 (photo to right). The beast is "Pan" (the god of sexual deviance, pedophilia, and rapewho represents Satan). Although Ozzy denies being a "Satanist," this photo clearly exposes him as a liar. Every witch and Satanist knows exact who pan is, and so does Ozzy! Notice the Horns on the head. This is what the Horned Hand sign representsTHE HORNS OF PAN. Pan is the personification of Satan.
The original 1973 album cover of the Rolling Stones album titled, Goat's Head Soup. The goat and ram head are greatly revered in Satanism and witchcraft.
Aleister Crowley's Profound Satanic Influence on Rock-n-Roll
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." Revelation 13:4
Oh, listen my friend, you need the righteousness of Jesus Christ! This sin-cursed world hates Jesus Christ with a passion and curses His very name. How many more signs of Satan do you need to see to realize that Satan is in control of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Consider that the publishing company for the United Nations was founded in 1922 as The Lucifer Trust, today known as The Lucis Trust. Considerthe occult connection between all of America's mainstream religions.
Consider theoccult symbols saturating Washington D.C. Consider empty seat # 666 in the European Union. Consider that a modern Tower of Babel has been built, and now their working on the city. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. Won't youreceive Jesus Christ now as your personal Savior to forgive your sins? John 1:12, But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.
Aleister Crowley's Profound Satanic Influence on Rock-n-Roll
The Woeful Luciferian Religion
Satanic Hand Signs...
Part One - Signs Of Satan
Part Two - Showing Allegiance To Satan
Part Three - The Beast Has Risen
Part Four - The God Of This World
Ye Must Be Born Again! |You Need HIS Righteousness!
1 - 3 - 4. Satanic hands signs. The Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the Devil, Satan, The Goat. It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the occult.
Satan on Pinterest | Signs, Illuminati and Hands
Explore David Thomas's board "Satan" on Pinterest, HANDS SIGNS PART 2: SATANIC ALLEGIANCE More. Bono Illuminati, Devils Handsign, Favorite Things, Masonic
SIGNS OF SATAN! PART 3 - jesusisprecious.org
SIGNS OF SATAN. Satanic Hand Signs Part One - Signs Of Satan. Part Two - Showing Allegiance To Satan. Part Three - The Beast Has Risen. Part Four - The God Of This
SIGNS OF SATAN! PART 5 - jesusisprecious.org
signs of satan! part 5 signs of satan video. hand signs (backup source): satanic allegiance 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 . ye must be born again!
False Ministries (2): Occult Hand Signs - Part 1
Home / False Ministries (2): Occult Hand Signs Part 1. False Ministries (2): Occult Hand Signs Part 1. their allegiance is to the Illuminati and Satan.
Symbols And How The Occult Speaks To The Masses. Part 2 ...
The Horned Hand, or the Mano Cornuto, is described in the Satanic Bible as, This gesture is the satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance
1000+ images about Illuminati Hand Signs on Pinterest ...
See more about Illuminati, Hand Signals and Occult. HANDS SIGNS PART 2: SATANIC ALLEGIANCE Hand Satanic Salute, Illuminati Hand Signs,
False Ministries (2): Occult Hand Signs Part 2
Home / False Ministries (2): Occult Hand Signs Part 2. False Ministries (2): Occult Hand Signs Part 2. Olivet Journal apologizes for the delayed WARNING.
Joseph Prince shows Satanic/Masonic hand ... - Pinterest
Sheeps Clothing, Hand Signals, their allegiance is to the Illuminati and Satan. Occult Hand Signs - Part 2.
Satanic hand signal - Whale
a sign of recognition between and allegiance of Lucifer University of Texas "hook 'em horns" hand sign. symbol, and the Satanic horn hand sign