However, witch trials are not a thing of the past. Indeed, charges of witchcraft and trials of suspected witches are increasing.
Why do some people believe in witchcraft? Using the example of the love spell, some people may believe that the spell is the thing that brought them happiness. However, some people who are unlucky in love may believe that someone is using witchcraft against them.
People try to come up with reasons for their own bad luck, or someone elses good luck. If someone is really lucky, some people believe they must have cast a spell or made a deal with the devil in order to be so fortunate.
Belief in Witches
Belief in witchcraft is widespread. A 2005 poll of Canadians and people from the United Kingdom found that 13 percent believed in witches. For Americans, that number was even higher: 21 percent.
Dozens of people have been killed in Papua New Guinea, the eastern half of the tropical island of New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean. In January 2009, a young girl was burned alive, accused of being a witch and infecting men with HIV/AIDS. A month later, a father and son were also burned to death after being accused of witchcraft.
In India, landowning women are sometimes accused of witchcraft. Neighbors of the suspected witch may begin collecting firewood on which the suspect will burn. The women, often older widows, are scared enough to leave their homes. Their neighbors then take their land.
Stopping Witch Hunts
People project their fears onto unfortunate victims. There has never been a proven case of witchcraft in all of human history. On the other hand, there are thousands of victims of witch hunts. People accused of witchcraft, if they survive their ordeal at all, often end up with ruined lives. In the end, it is the witch hunters who should be feared more than the people whom they accuse of witchcraft.
Quick action by respected authority figures is effective in stopping witch hunts. In 2005, an 8-year-old girl in London, England, was accused of being a witch by a family member. The girls family abused her and rubbed chili peppers in her eyes to beat the devil out of her. British authorities immediately acted to remove the girl from the home. Three family members were held accountable for treating the girl as a witch.
In 1997, the government of South Africa decided to do something about witchcraft fear in that country. They began an educational campaign in schools and workplaces about science, medicine, and HIV/AIDS. They also sent police to work with traditional healers and village chiefs. The police told them if they accuse a person of witchcraft and that person ends up being killed, the healers and village chiefs will be held responsible.
People who look different are often the victims of witch trials. In Tanzania, albino people are in danger of being killed for their skin and body parts.
Witch Trials in the 21st Century - National Geographic
Witch Trials in the 21st Century BY MARY © 19962015 National Geographic Society.
Salem Witch Trials - National Geographic Society
Salem Witch Trials Can you survive Salem's witchcraft hysteria? Peter Winkler, National Geographic Society Editors. Jennifer Kirkpatrick, National
Salem Witchcraft Hysteria: A National Geographic ...
Part of the National Geographic Society website, this is an interactive exercise in which the visitor follows a narrative compiled from several Salem witchcraft trial
Cultural depictions of the Salem witch trials - Wikipedia ...
Cultural depictions of the Salem witch trials is a fictional account of a woman in the 21st century The BBC and the National Geographic Channel
National Geographic: Salem Witch-Hunt--Interactive
Experience the 1692 Salem witch-hunt in a terrifying online trial: 'Are you a witch? How long have you been in the snare of the devil? Confess!'
Salem Witchcraft Trials - National Geographic Channel
Salem Witchcraft Trials. the couple conspicuously affluent in a society where petty resentments and envy often as part of National Geographic Channel's
Witch trials in the early modern period - Wikipedia, the ...
While the witch trials only really began in the 15th century, with the start of the early modern period, many of their causes [citation needed] had been developing
Salem Witch Trials by Haylee Pals on Prezi
Salem Witch Trials 1.What were some beliefs about witchcraft and witches people held in the past? "Witch Trials in the 21st Century - National Geographic