- Clairvoyance/Clairaudience also called TeleSense, Remote Viewing, Remote Sensing, Extra-Sensory Perception or ESP. Seeing (and sometimes hearing, or using other senses, including ones that aren't part of the standard package) far-away places, localizing specific persons one concentrates on, usually involves a trance state; the amount of control over what is seen can vary wildly, depending on the talent and training of the psychic and how the power works in your 'verse.
- This can get broke down even further into Clairaudience, the psychic ability to hear things that are inaudible, Clairempathy, the ability to feel others' emotions at a distance; Claircognizance, having knowledge one has no normal way of knowing, Clairsentience refers to a psychic's ability to pick up sensations and relate messages from those sensations, Clairgustance, which is psychic supertaste, and Clairalienence, psychic supersmell. Clairvoyance is sometimes aided by hypnotic trances, a process called metagnomy, famously used by "real life" psychic Edgar Cayce.
- Variants of this include Aura Vision varying in power from just visible to reading someone like a book; it can encompass a wide variety of other sensing powers, usually tied to Pineal Weirdness and the Third Eye. Astral Projection and BiLocation (the ability to create a double of oneself, physical or otherwise, in another place and/or time). The latter may overlap with some forms of teleportation.
- In dream form, this is Dream Spying.
- Retrocognition/Postcognition seeing things that happened in the past (without watching recordings). Often happens at crime scenes and may be considered a subset of clairvoyance.
- Precognition seeing the future in prophetic visions, sometimes in allegorical pictures. Often leads to a Prophecy Twist or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Dreaming of Things to Come is a common form.
- Empathy the talent of The Empath, the ability to sense another person's emotional state. At times, even disturbances in the force and how strong the force is with someone. Sometimes includes the ability to send emotions the other way. Not to be confused with Emotional Powers.
- Telepathy mind reading, can sometimes also transmit thoughts or implant suggestions, etc. Telepathy is the psychic power most commonly attributed to aliens or "advanced" humans.
- Mindspeech is the ability to have conversations psychically. It usually requires a common language. Sometimes, though, as it is supposed to be direct thought-to-thought contact, any and all language barriers are completely overcome.
- A Psychic Link is an intense, (usually) permanent telepathic connections between two (usually) partners. Subtropes include Twin Telepathy, Mental Fusion, Mindlink Mates, and Bond Creatures.
- A variant is the suggestor, who can control or at least influence minds, but not read them. Often these suggestions are said to only affect the weak-minded.
- Some telepaths have the ability to enter the dreams of people, to implant pictures into the mind of sleepers, or merely talk, but can do this only when people are asleep.
- Then there are those who are able to harvest the target's dreams, and use them for their own purposes.
- Similarly, another breed of telepath is the Master of Illusion.
- Telepathy can often be stopped by Psychic Static and Psychic Block Defense.
- Telepaths are often shown to be able to detect the presence of others; sensing their thoughts or merely the presence of a mind in a sort of Psychic Radar.
- A "true telepath" is one who not only reads others' thoughts but can get into their heads and affect their thoughts, emotions, decisions and memories. Lessa in Dragonriders of Pern is a true telepath as were the Melkotians in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Spectre of the Gun" where they caused each member of the Enterprise crew to hear their warning message in his or her own language.
- Telekinesis/Psychokinesis moving physical objects by pure willpower. Can range from atoms to paperclips to cars or, in extreme cases, whole planets. Specialized expressions of it:
- Pyrokinesis setting things on fire. In slightly harder sci-fi, this will explicitly reference making the molecules in an object more agitated until it bursts into flames (essentially, that's the way a microwave oven works). Sometimes the fire itself can be controlled, changing size or even becoming a particular shape.
- Similarly, Cryokinesis freezing things. Slowing molecular motion until the object stops exuding heat, or just until it freezes solid. Often combined with condensing water from the air to form ice in thick coatings or free-standing shapes.
- Fulgurkinesis/Astrakinesis - the ability to create electrical discharges and lightning bolts, and/or to control the flow of electrons inside machines. Sometimes encompasses the control of magnetic fields, too, if the author had a passing grade in high school science. (This is sometimes confused with the word "electrokinesis
" which, incidentally, has nothing to do with psychic powers.) A variant of this is Machine Empathy or Technopathy the ability to mentally link to and control computer systems.
- Biopsychokinesis, or Bio-PK the ability to influence living tissue on the cellular or molecular level. Used for psychic healing, regeneration, Psychic Surgery or as a darker power the ability to kill people with your brain, traditionally by stopping their heart, but can also cause a massive stroke, simply shut the brain down, prevent the lungs from working...
- Teleportation, also known as Apportation the ability to transport objects or people from location A to B, including oneself. A bit like the transporter in Star Trek. Usually the psychic will either call things to them or has to touch them to send them away to someplace else. If they're really powerful, they can move objects from/to both target locations from afar remotely.
- Mediumship the ability to see, communicate with or channel spirits, sometimes with the side effect that they'll follow the medium around in attempts to resolve their Unfinished Business.
- Past Life Regression: A process of hypnosis or meditative visualization for reliving or discovering previous experiences of one's previous lives.
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Anime & Manga
- In Sci-Fi HARRY, the titular character, Harry MacQuinn, has telekinetic powers. Originally, his powers are fairly weak, only able to bend spoons and break glass. However, later on his powers become strong enough to take down TANKS.
- The Rynax in Kurau Phantom Memory can sense each other's presence. In the Distant Finale, the human Kurau can even still perceive the return of her lost Rynax as Christmas' pair.
- A number of characters in the Universal Century continuity of Gundam are a form of psychics called "Newtypes", which are supposed to be the next step in evolution. Newtypes have abilities ranging from limited telepathy, increased reflexes and (in the most extreme example) the ability to infuse their Humongous Mecha with the souls of the dead for a final attack. And yet Word Of God from Tomino clearly states they are not Espers.
- Newtypes also seem to have the ability to detect one another, though this varies depending on how strong they are. A weak Newtype like Char Aznable might go all but undetected, while a strong Newtype like Kamille Bidan has no hope of sneaking up on anybody, and the frighteningly powerful Scirocco more or less broadcasts his presence to everyone in the vicinity. There are also Artificial or Cyber-Newtypes, who are created in labs, are typically quite powerful, and almost inevitably unstable.
- Gundam 00 goes a bit easier on the Psychic Powers thing. Every Gundam Meister in Season 2 can communicate through means of Quantum Brainwaves, except for the second Lockon Stratos. This actually turns out to be an advantage for Lockon in the movie, because the ELS constantly try to communicate with anyone using Quantum Brainwaves, rendering them unable to fight due to the accidental mind rape. Lockon's inability to use Quantum Brainwaves is actually what also saves Setsuna.
- Gundam AGE has X-Rounders, who are basically identical to Newtypes as described above, except that their abilities seem to activate exclusively in combat. However, while Newtypes were hailed as the next step in evolution, X-Rounders are looked upon as a step backward, tapping into the more primal areas of the brain for their powers.
- Read or Die has an interesting variant: Paper Masters have the ability to telekinetically control paper. At one point Donny implies that all psychic powers are possible, and that the only thing stopping people from achieving them is their belief that it's impossible.
- The Contractors from Darker Than Black wield a wide variety of psychic powers. However, due to the nature of their Remunerations, there are no pure telepaths or telekinetics.
- Most of the witch powers in Witch Hunter Robin are standard Psychic Powers, and are sometimes referred to in this fashion. One character uses psychometry, while Robin herself is a pyrokinetic. Telekinesis, projective empathy and psychic healing were all demonstrated by various witches.
- While magecraft is something you can learn with the right requirements, psychic powers in Nasuverse are abnormalities that generally only last one generation. That being said, they have Empathy, Telepathic Suggestion, and Teleportation (well, close). One character has the double-whammy of Clairvoyance coupled with Telekinesis.
- The Diclonius in Elfen Lied can telekinetically lift objects, as well as rip people apart with a thought.
- Psychic powers are a normal part of the Alternate History of Zettai Karen Children, but the only ones who have it at a high enough level to be destructive/heroic are the eponymous heroes three ten-years-old girls. Kaoru has telekinesis, Aoi has teleportation and Shiho has psychometry.
- There's also the Big Bad, who's so powerful that no antipsychic countermeasures are effective against him. He's also not limited to one type of ability.
- 'Psychometrer Eiji'', where the hero is a Psychometrer.
- In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, psychic abilities are present in the form of Stands (usually) humanoid ethereal bodies whose powers range from the typical (clairvoyance, pyrokinesis) to the rare (time manipulation, age alteration, preventing truth-telling) to the utterly... well... bizarre (summoning rods as in the urban legend skyfish, creating deadly viruses, trapping people and objects in paper). Oh, and apparently anyone and everything can have Psychic Powers. A sword and plankton have formed their own stands.
- The eponymous Geass abilities in Code Geass are an assortment of all kinds of Psychic Powers: suggestion, mind reading, pseudo-"time stopping", memory manipulation, precognition (Nunnaly in an alternate manga)... take your pick. It apparently depends on each individual who is granted a Geass how exactly it'd work in their case.
- Cyborg 009, in which Cyborg 001 is a baby with psychic powers and Cyborg 005 is an empath. Also, a Quirky Miniboss Squad is composed of only espers who developed said powers as self-defense since they live in a Crapsack World born from a Bad Future where Black Ghost took over the world
- The espers in Haruhi Suzumiya supposedly have psychic powers, although it's really more in a Magical Girl-like way. As a matter of fact, Kyon asks Koizumi to lift a cup of coffee with telekinesis to which Koizumi replies "My powers aren't like that". What they can do is enter the Phantom Zone, fly around in cool energy bubbles and shoot fireballs. They also have a person-specific form of empathy, and are all able to feel Haruhi's mental state.
- The Esper 9 in Diamond Cut Diamond are an assortment of various types of psychic powers. Among them is Kurosu who has telepathy and sensory link (connect his five senses with that of another person within a certain radius) and Yami-nee who uses telekinesis and can use elecritcal discharges to attack people.
- Kotone Himekawa from the To Heart anime sports both prophetic and telekinetic powers, thus causing the general student body to shun her for them.
- Mahou Sensei Negima! has mind-reader Nodoka and a recent villain named Homura with pyrokinesis and possibly a type of psychokinesis (she's been seen moving objects apparently with her mind).
- Several characters in YuYu Hakusho. Kazuma Kuwabara has had postcognitive dreams, can perceive ghosts, and off-handedly mentions that the reason he's so popular in high school now is because he predicted an earthquake. His sister, Shizuru, is much more powerfully clairvoyant and can actually see ghosts. Hiei's also granted minor clairvoyance by his Jagan, and he's Pyrokinetic. The dub also refers to Genkai and the various residents of Mushiyori City affected by the Makai Tunnel as psychics.
- In School Rumble, the Tsukamoto sisters are psychics. Older sister Tenma is telekinetic and can bend spoons, younger sister Yakumo is an empath who can read the minds of any guys interested in her. Tenma's powers aren't used a lot, but Yakumo's empathy is vital in her Character Development since she's Blessed with Suck. Also, they can both see spirits.
- The Five Star Stories has "Divers", who are descended from genetically altered Super Soldiers from an ancient civilization. "Para Divers" have telepathy, clairvoyance & precognition, "Force Divers" have telekinesis & a precious few even have both. There are also "Bayias", people who possess both Diver powers & physically enhanced "Headdliner" abilities. The fact that psychic powers are just a futuristic-sounding kind of Functional Magic is fully acknowledged in the series, however & these people are often referred to simply as sorcerers.
- As the name may imply, this is the main tool of the characters of Psyren. They divide it into three types. The first, Burst, allows the user to create solid objects or manipulate objects with PSI (telekinesis, teleportation, pyrokinesis). Rise allows the user to manipulate and enhance their body (sense enhancement, super strength). Trance is manipulation of the mind or other people's PSI (telepathy, mind control, illusion, negation). Some abilities (Cure, Visions) involve mixing any of the three.
- A few people from Pokémon Special. Lance and Yellow both can read Pokémon's minds and Yellow has the added bonus of limited telekinetic powers. Sabrina can 'see' even if her physical eyes are blinded and can track things and people by putting her energy into her Alakazam's spoons. Morty has the ability to see with his mind whatever he's looking for. Though she initially has no control over her powers, Caitlin reaches the point where she can transmit messages between people, with her Gothitelle acting as a signal boost.
- Dynamis users in Gilgamesh are essentially psychics with a different name.
- This is apparently Aki Izayoi's Blessed with Suck in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. She is clearly a very powerful example, possibly a Reality Warper. Her Evil Mentor Divine was a psychic as well, but not nearly as powerful.
- The Kasuga clan of Kimagure Orange Road (Kysuke's mother's family) all have psychic powers of one sort or another.
- Katsuhiro Otomo seems to like this trope. His first manga was a rather forgettable one about cops investigating psychic crimes, next was Domu, a story of a heroic little girl with telekinesis who must save a city pitted against an equally-powered Psychopathic Manchild, finally culminating in AKIRA, which was about the government trying to replicate the powers they saw in Etsuko's story.
- Lily Strosek the Fourth from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Force has a limited kind of Psychic ability. She can send psychic thoughts, sometimes to the point of sending others reeling, but unlike telepaths, she can't read minds. It's also different from the telepathic ability that mages in the setting have. As a Cute Mute, she mostly uses this to talk to others, which can lead to some problems when the being she's trying to communicate with is immune to psychics.
- A Certain Magical Index has a city devoted to artificially inducing esper powers. The process has a success rate of about 40% and no side effects at all. A very rare phenomenon is to be born with esper powers; these people are called Gemstone espers. It's mentioned that magic was invented specifically to grant supernatural abilities to non-espers. One deadly side effect to the combination of esper and magic powers is that they counteract with one another, causing severe damage to the body when one person uses both abilities.
- Rei Hino/Sailor Mars of Sailor Moon possesses psychic abilities.
- Deadman Wonderland, a manga and short anime series, is based around Ganta Igarashi who's accused of massacring his classmates. Eventually Ganta finds out that the Red Man (Wretched Egg) gave him a red stone that makes him a "Deadman", a human with the power to manipulate their own blood for offensive/defensive purposes called "Branches of Sin".
- The eponymous character of Helen ESP possesses a variety of psychic powers, at the start mainly telepathy and being able to sense things that are Invisible to Normals, though she later gains the ability of flight. She's not the only one with such powers, but they get preyed upon by such things as a giant cloud spider...thing.
- AKIRA includes psychic characters such as the infamous Tetsuo, as well as the titular Akira, who levels all of Tokyo in a massive psychic explosion.
- Night Raid 1931 has a main cast of spies using a different psychic power each, using telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance and telekinesis together in missions in a great show of teamwork. Later, a character with the ability of seeing the future appears and the theme of knowing what may happen and how to act upon it features more prominently in the story.
- From the New World takes place in a world in which everyone possesses extreme telekinesis, being able to do everything from setting things on fire to uprooting trees, to shaping the world around them at the atomic level. The implications of such powerful telekinesis are explored thoroughly throughout the series, including what happens when it goes wrong.
- Saki Hanajima in Fruits Basket. She's mainly an Empath, but she's also capable of Mind Rape and killing with her "waves". Not that she does it too often.
- The Disaster Of Psi Kusuo Saiki is about an absurdly powerful high schooler who can't shut off and completely control his psychic abilities and the consequences that it brings to his life.
- Kagerou Project: All of the main cast possess powers linked to their eyes, which involve the manipulation of other peoples' minds, or the extension of their own consciousness. They're all the result of being possessed by Azami's snakes, due to entering the Daze (dying on August 15th) and receiving a snake compatible with the wish they held closest in their heart before death.
- Azami: The original Medusa, creator of the other characters' powers which manifest as snakes growing from her head. She created each one when she experienced new emotions during her interactions with humans and her family.
- Kido: Concealment; allows her (and people/objects within a 2 metre radius) to remain undetected by others. The effect is reduced if someone that knows her looks in her direction, or if she touches other people.
- Seto: Telepathy and Empathy. He hates using it though, as A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read.
- Kano: Deceit; he can make himself however he wants in the eyes of others.
- Marry: Contact; she can lock peoples' motion for several minutes. A diluted version of her mother and grandmother's power.
- Momo: Captivation; she draws the eyes of others to her, no matter their age, gender or preferences. This also extends to the things she does, like art and music.
- Ene: Opening; as a Cyber being, she is immortal. When she gets her human body back, she's able to jump back into the Cyber world whenever she wishes, as long as there's a device receiving a Wifi signal nearby.
- Hibiya: Clairvoyance; he can see/find distant objects/places by focusing on them in his mind.
- Konoha: Awakening; a form of Bio-PK that allows him to have his ideal body (i.e. with Super Strength and a Flash Step), but at the cost of his memories.
- Marry (again): Combine; the Queen Snake capable of brining all other snakes together and controlling the Daze. She received it when she was saved from the Daze by Azami.
- Shintaro: Recording; a form of Postcognition, he can remember all of the past routes the cast has gone through. Unlike the others, his power was given to him by Queen!Marry after the first route, so he could remember the tragedy and someday help her remember. This snake is sentient, and speaks directly to Shintaro with Ayano's voice to try and help him remember.
- Ayano: Favouring; a form of reverse-Empathy, she can project emotions and memories in her own heart onto someone else.
- Kenjirou: Wide-Open Eyes; his snake is the only sentient snake of Azami's snakes, and is immune to all aforementioned snakes' powers. He (the snake) is the Big Bad.
- People with the power of One-ness in Destroy and Revolution could do anything like teleporation at a distance, communicating with others who has the power, sense fellow users of One-ness and even go to different places if they are familiar enough with it.
- Witch powers in Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches always work by using and/or changing the mind, the slight exception being body-swap, though it still just makes the minds move around and doesn't alter the body or environment. This makes it easier to keep up the Masquerade since no one can see the powers being used, and except for with the body-swap, victims aren't completely aware that something has happened unless they knew about the witch powers beforehand. The following powers are known:
Comic Books
- In the Marvel and DC universes (and many other companies). Marvel has numerous mutants with telepathy, including Professor X, Jean Grey, Psylocke, and dozens of others. Some of these also have telekinesis or other related powers. Oddly enough, Marvel in particular differentiates between mutant and non-mutant psychics. Spider-Man has a minor form of this in his Spider-Sense. DC has a few alien races, including Martians and Titanians, who have native psychic powers of various kinds.
- The Flash's enemy Gorilla Grodd is a fully-sapient gorilla supervillain with Psychic Powers.
- Even the original "Superman" Siegel and Shuster created for their short story "Reign of the Superman" had psychic powers instead of physical ones (specifically Mind Control.)
- The actual Superman could have this at times during the Silver Age (at one point using "telepathic will-control", for example) as part of his whole New Powers as the Plot Demands deal. One would think that, with the kind of situations that he is usually in, those are the ones he would use more often.
- Nate Grey and, by default, Cable (since the two are genetically identical) has a good claim to be the most powerful psychic in comics. He's the 'ultimate telekinetic', and no slouch with telepathy, either, a cosmic level Living Weapon with immense Psychic Powers on par with the Dark Phoenix herself. Then he got an upgrade. He was designed to, among other things, kill Apocalypse in a straight fight and wipe out planets. In his hey-day, he treated the Multiverse as his personal step ladder. There's a reason this guy is the page image on the Superpower Wiki for Omnikinesis
- The Judges of Judge Dredd have a Psi-Division just for people with "special talents".
- The elven "magic" in ElfQuest is this. Telepathy is almost universal among them, and other powers crop up. It's implied early on that humans have the potential, too, and stories later in the timeline confirm this.
- Madman has a variety of psychic powers as well.
- Chew features characters with a variety of food-based psychic abilities. A list is available on the other wiki.
- Mind MGMT is this plus spies.
- A full list of comics characters with Psychic Powers would probably crash this server, so let's just conclude with "lots" and leave it at that.
- In Violine, Violine can read minds when staring at people. Kombo is also able to recognize this and mistakes it for an evil eye. Her father has the same powers. It also turns out that Marushka has hypnotic powers, which block the powers of Violine and her father.
Fan Works
- A Crown Of Stars: When Shinji and Asuka arrive on Avalon they find out that a lot of Avaloni folk are at the very least telepaths, empaths or mirage casters. Several divisions of the Army are formed exclusively by psychic soldiers.
- The Child of Love: Shinji and Asuka's daughter Teri was genetically altered before birth to develop them. She has limited telepathy, telekinesis and can travel into peoples dreams.
- In Kyon: Big Damn Hero, the key to Koizumi's use of his powers are stated to be linking to Haruhi's mind and acknowledging the differences between his own emotions and hers. Eventually he manages to form mind links with anybody else, possibly getting to read their surface thoughts. Through his limited experimentation, he learns that most of the SOS Brigade have some kind of Psychic Block Defense with varying strengths, ranging from feeling like a strong wind, to being completely undetectable.
- In Oh God Not Again!, Harry claims that his scar is psychic to explain how he knows so much (in actuality, he time traveled). He doesn't say he is psychic- just his scar is. Professor Trelawney calls him a Seer by proxy.
- In Fractured, a Mass Effect/Star Wars/Borderlands crossover and its sequel, there are the usual expected biotics (like Samantha Shepard or Jack). Then, Siren powers crop up and finally this culminates in a Force-sensitive super-Siren who is only missing mediumship/past life regression off the page list.
- Ringo in With Strings Attached is exceptionally psychic, with mindsight that lets him see everything from atoms to the surface of the sun, telekinesis with which he can feel stuff at least 100 miles away and move it around, a latent teleport escape clause, and the ability to sense (and, unfortunately, be affected by) other things operating on the psychic plane. Luckily, as an Actual Pacifist, he's a very peaceable soul; all he wants to do is lie around all day looking at things.
- John can link "water-strings" with people and communicate telepathically with them, usually by touch. He can also tap into and share Ringo's mindsight, though he does not experience it as fully as Ringo does. It is not known whether he can delve deeper into anyone's thoughts.
- My Immortal: "I hath telekinesis."
- In Child of the Storm, has a number of these.
- There's Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Psylocke, Loki (as part of his Functional Magic), Odin and Albus Dumbledore.
- The first Asgard arc introduces a young Diana of Themyscira, who is, among other things, a reasonably powerful empath. This backfires on her somewhat as it turns out that it makes fighting rather less fun and when Harry has a dose of Power Incontinence, it backlashes onto her empathic senses, causing a Psychic Nosebleed.
- Harry's latent powers, after chapter 60, seem to be latent no more and under his conscious control - to an extent, anyway. And the main reason that his mistreatment by the Dursleys wasn't reported was thanks to the manipulations of Sinister, a formidable psychic in his own right.
- In Thousand Shinji, all children born after Second Impact have the potential to develop psychic powers. Shinji is a high-level telepath, telekinetic and electrokinetic. Asuka and Rei have psychic powers as well, but their powers are weaker than Shinji's.
- Children of an Elder God: Asuka is a pyrokinetic: she's capable of generating and controlling fire and flames.
Films Animation
Films Live-Action
- Beneath the Planet of the Apes had telepathic mutants living under the ruins of New York.
- In The Black Hole, Yvette Mimieux's character had a telepathic link to a robot.
- The Force in Star Wars includes many of these, most notably telekinesis, empathy, precognition, and mind control. It also includes telepathy (as when Vader is able to talk to Luke telepathically, or when Luke is able to call for help to Leia on Bespin).
- The Star Wars Extended Universe (EU) takes these powers, and runs with them beyond ridiculous up to and including the "Force Storm," which creates a wormhole that can destroy entire fleets of ships.
- There are the Kiffar, a species of humanoids with a relatively high occurrence of psychometrics.
- The psychics in Scanners not only control thoughts, they can alter your biological functions (heartrate, etc.) and really powerful ones can make Your Head A Splode. They're also really good at controlling computers with their mind, as they also have "nervous system", and telekinesis is added later on. Spawned a series of films of increasingly lower quality.
- In Hellboy, Abe Sapien can determine the past and nature of people of people and objects, usually by touching them.
- In Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, Jason gets resurrected accidentally by a telekinetic girl. Naturally, they have a climactic showdown.
- In the '90s Godzilla movies, psychic Miki Saegusa features prominently, often using her powers to detect Godzilla's whereabouts or even try to slow down his advances on Japan. Godzilla vs. Biollante featured a direct showdown between the two, in which Godzilla apparently reversed her psychic power and caused her to collapse. Later, in Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, she shows off telekinetic abilities.
- The Stephen King adaptations Carrie and Firestarter; see below under Literature.
- In the film based on Starship Troopers, the telepath Carl plays a small but pivotal role. He shows up again in a much larger role in the vaguely related TV series and as noted in that section his powers are stronger and more varied.
- In Serenity, River Tam's psychic powers are finally confirmed.
- The telepath Kuato and various other mutants in the original Total Recall (1990).
- The lame superhero film Zoom has a hot red-headed telekinetic teen (hmm, where did they get that idea?) and the Invisible Man also develops "mindsight".
- Samara Morgan and her Japanese counterpart Sadako Yamamura, from The Ring films wield all these abilities, and then some, to tremendous effect. However, in contrast to the novel version (see below) their powers are more sedate.
- Push. The premise that people are born with different powers, and each are given a shorthand term for whatever power they are born with:
- Pushers are able to use Mind Control. Really, it's More Than Mind Control, since it works by implanting and overwriting memories and "pushing" thoughts into people's minds.
- Wipers are able to erase certain parts of a person's memory.
- Movers are telekinetic.
- Shifters are illusionists, allowing them to morph any object of their choice, though it seems the object does have to be of the same relative size of the object it's being shifted to, and it's temporary.
- Bleeders Make Me Wanna Shout.
- Stitchers have Healing Hands, albeit very painful, and capable of working in reverse.
- Sniffers can see where any object has every been and who's used it. They get their name as their ability works by sniffing the object, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
- Watchers predict the future.
- Shadows can cancel out Sniffers. Extremely powerful ones can cancel out Watchers.
- Rubber is a film about a tire that kills people with its psychic powers.
- The serial killer Ben O'Ryan in Suspect Zero has the ability of remote viewing, which he uses to see through the eyes of his future victims. These abilities seem to overlap with a bit of precognition as well.
- The movie Next starring Nicolas Cage had him as a precognitive who can always see two minutes into the future.
- The kid in the The Sixth Sense could see dead people.
- In the Clint Eastwood movie Hereafter, Matt Damon plays a man who can communicate with the dead through their relatives.
- The Fury, a 1978 Brian De Palma movie features psychics on the run from a government conspiracy.
- In Powder, introverted and put-upon small-town albino Jeremy Reed has a healthy variety of psychic talents.
- In Chronicle, three teenagers discover a meteorite that grants them powerful telekinesis. After some amusing pranks, things get worse since one of the teens has serious issues.
- What Women Want revolves around a chauvenistic Jerk Ass gaining the ability to read the minds of women after an accident with an Electrified Bathtub.
- Plenty members of the cast in Bloodbeat have psychic powers, including the killer glowing ghost samurai.
- The little girl in the B-Horror movie version of Firestarter had pyrokinetic abilities but suffered from Power Incontinence, which proves unfortunate for the people who kept her and her father prisoner with the aim of trying to weaponise her abilities.
- In Split/Second, cop Harley Stone has a mysterious psychic connection to the killer; he can predict where he first strikes upon his return and sense his presence by hearing the killer's beating heart. His partner Dick Durkin thinks it's because he's a Scorpio.
- The protagonist of Dark Tower learns from a parapsychologist that the hunches he has experienced throughout his career as a security consultant has been a form of psychic clairvoyance. He taps into more powers with a help of an alcoholic psychic in the film's climax to solve the mystery of the ghostly killings in the UNICO building.
- X-Men:
- Although no one, outside of Jean and Emma (see below), has yet to shown this ability in the films, Charles Xavier is likely the most powerful telepath on Earth.
- Jean Grey possesses telepathy almost to Xavier's level, has Mind over Matter abilities that can get really destructive and can float as part of her powers.
- Emma Frost's in X-Men: First Class, which she uses for Master of Illusion purposes.
- The titular killer robot of R.O.T.O.R. has "sensor recall," meaning it can look at a scene and see events from the past.
- Lone Wolf and the other Kai Lords are essentially Psychic warrior monks, not unlike the Jedi. The various Kai skills are nearly all Psychic Powers, ranging from clairvoyance/danger sense, resistance to poison and hostile environment, psychic defense/attacks, animal empathy, and telekinesis.
- In Alterien, Oberon has telepathy, energy-based telekinesis, empathy, precognition, hypercognition and retrocognition through psychometry. He later learns these abilities are common to all of his species.
- The high spirits of Astral Dawn have an array of psychic abilities, including telepathy, empathy, psychokinesis, spatial shifting, energy projection and thought-based perception.
- Chasing Yesterday: J.D. discovers not far into the first book that she has telekinesis, and spends a good portion of the series trying to figure out exactly how to control it.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series is a sci-fi/fantasy hybrid wherein human colonists stranded on an alien world revert to a feudal culture and develop psionic powers into a form of Functional Magic and Magic from Technology. Some characters surround these abilities with various mystical trappings, while more pragmatic ones treat them scientifically, hence terms like "sorceress" and "matrix mechanic" co-existing in the society's lexicon.
- In Trudi Canavan's The Age of the Five series, the Gods' Chosen have the ability to read anyone's mind - including that of the other Chosen. Several situations with major squick potential show up, but the deeper implications are entirely ignored.
- Piers Anthony's Mute is about a society of mutants who occasionally (but very rarely) develop useful psychic powers; interestingly, it's not limited to humans. There are animal psis as well. It's eventually revealed that the computer that runs the galaxy-wide society intentionally allows a method of starship travel that causes increased mutation, despite the health risks and birth defects, because psychic navigators are necessary to allow Faster-Than-Light Travel, and psi mutations don't breed true.
- Mindspeech: The Animorphs equivalent is "thought-speak"; every Andalite uses it, seeing as they have no mouths, as do the Animorphs when they're morphed into animals that can't speak.
- Isaac Asimov's Foundation series has the Mule, who can manipulate minds, a radically altered human-offshoot species with a form of telekinesis, plus Gaia, the planetwide telepathic gestalt of another human subspecies. It also has the Second Foundation, who has a degree of mental reading and control ability out of training (from a very early age), sufficiently so that their First Speaker at the time was able to counter the Mule on a more-or-less equal basis.
- Perry Rhodan used to feature a Mutant Corps especially early on an elite unit composed solely of people with psionic powers, quite a few of them of Japanese descent. The spectrum originally ranged from classic telepaths, telekinetics, and teleporters to the more exotic "igniter" (capable of triggering nuclear reactions in anything containing carbon or calcium...like most forms of steel or organic lifeforms) and "wave-sprinter" (able to use basically any sort of carrier wave or power line to quasi-teleport from one place to the next). Despite the use of various immortality inducers, attrition took its toll, the Corps eventually ceased to exist as an organization, and there may be about two of its first-generation members still left alive today (Pooky the Ilt and Homer G. Adams, the latter generally better known for his financial genius than for the photographic memory that earned him quasi-honorary mutant status in the earliest days of the series).
- Additionally, of course, the series features plenty of more-or-less psionic alien species, especially among the less humanoid and/or more "advanced" kinds. Sufficiently advanced aliens of "super-intelligence" and higher rank always have immense psychic powers and the energy reserves to use them as well.
- Alfred Bester's The Demolished Man and The Stars My Destination revolve around telepathy and psychic teleportation, respectively.
- In Psy Changeling, this is the Psy race's defining trait; known designations include:
- Tk Telekinesis (some are teleportation-capable, others are not)
- Tk-Cell: A Tk-Cell has the ability to move things at the cellular level. Some are capable of doing this to their own bodies.
- Tk-V: Also known as Travelers these Psy are true teleporters and can go from location to location in the blink of an eye. Travelers are extremely, extremely rare.
- Tp Telepathy
- Telepaths are broken up into many sub-designations. Pure Tp-Psy exist at the top end of the spectrum they can literally send and receive across the world, with a clarity that makes it seem as if theyre standing in the next room. Pure telepaths of that level of power are rare and usually work for the Council.
- M Medical
- M-Psy have different specializations. The most well-known of their abilities is the power to see inside a body and diagnose illness. Some M-Psy at the far end of the scale have the capacity to see down to the DNA level.
- An unknown fraction of M-Psy can actually heal, but that healing appears to be limited to low-level injuries (broken bones, cuts etc).
- F Foresight
- A variation of Foresight, that still falls within the F-designation, is Backsight the ability to see the past.
- Ps Psychometry
- In basic terms, those born with Ps abilities can gain information by touching objects.
- X - Possibly from Exardesco (f. Latin, 'to blaze up'): X-Psy have the ability to produce cold-fire/X-fire, which can burn things to ash within microseconds.
- The power has the capacity to build until it reaches synergy. This is a very rare designation as most X-Psy do not survive into adulthood.
- E Empathy
- Not recognized as a designation with the rise of Silence, E-Psy have the ability to sense and heal emotional hurts.
- Tk Telekinesis (some are teleportation-capable, others are not)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs's John Carter of Mars and his fellow Barsoomians used telepathy to control their riding thoats. The first book justifies the universal language spoken throughout Mars as 'partially telepathic' and backs this up by indicating that written languages vary from area to area. One book introduces an isolated community with more advanced Psychic Powers, primarily in the creation of illusions.
- Peter David's Psi-Man series is about a powerful psychic sought by the Government as a human weapon.
- Minority Report by Philip K. Dick, and the Tom Cruise film loosely based on it, concern the problems of precognition.
- Alan Dean Foster examples:
- The Damned Series has the Amplitur, with some mind control abilities, humans and Lepar, who can resist them, in the case of humans with extremely bad results on the Amplitur, and as of the second book, The False Mirror there is a group of humans known as the Core that has the Amplitur mind control ability.
- Flinx from the Humanx Commonwealth series has empathic telepathy, as well as an instinctive psychic defense mechanism that shows up occasionally, and usually wreaks havoc when it does. Flinx is not the only person in the series with these capabilities; there is also Mahnami, a telepathic and telekinetic girl with a similar background to Flinx, an alien race of subterranean empaths, and a race of nearly omnipotent bear-like alien telepaths. Also, one of the series' Precursor races, the Tar-Aiym, were all powerful telepaths.
- Frank Herbert's Dune universe has the sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit, who through a genetic breeding program and the Spice drug have developed strong psychic powers, most notably pre- and post-cognition, bio-PK and telepathy. The end products of that program, Paul and Leto II, have precognition powerful enough to foresee the destiny of all humanity. The Navigators also use drug-induced psychic powers to make Faster-Than-Light Travel practical.
- Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time:
- Wolfbrothers can communicate mentally with wolves.
- A few of the Aes Sedai also have prophetic seizures (they are otherwise treated more as witches). There are also "Dark Prophecies", but these are not discussed in much detail.
- Alexander Key examples:
- Escape to Witch Mountain: Tony has clairvoyance and telekinesis. His sister Tia has a form of telekinesis that lets her open locks; she is also a Friend to All Living Things. They are not telepathic, however as in the film adaptations.
- The Forgotten Door: Little Jon is telepathic (which lets the author Hand Wave how quickly he learned English), an ability which carries over to reading the thoughts of animals. He is also telekinetic in that he can 'lighten his feet' to run and jump unusually fast.
- Many of Stephen King's novels (and the film adaptations) concern someone with Psychic Powers; the origin may be scientific or magical/occult depending on the novel.
- The Dead Zone: clairvoyance and precognition.
- The Shining gives Danny Torrance and Dick Halloran the whole package: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and postcognition.
- Firestarter features a couple who, as students, took part in what was secretly an MK-ULTRA-style government experiment and were subjected to drugs that gave them psychic powers (or activated latent powers): telepathic hypnosis (father) and minor telekinesis (mother). Years later, their daughter turns out to have strong pyrokinetic powers, along with minor clairvoyance and enough telekinesis to jimmy a pay phone. The film version features a lot of Psychic Nosebleeds from the father whenever he tries to "push" suggestions into the minds of others.
- Carrie gives its title character both telekinesis and a sort of "broadcast telepathy"; during her rampage, everyone in town has Carrie's thoughts beamed into their head, and she mind rapes Sue near the end. Powers are passed down genetically through the mother, and manifest around puberty; it's also strongly implied that they are a lot stronger when she's distressed or angry. The film version removes her telepathy and focuses on her telekinesis.
- The Heralds of Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar novels all have at least one Gift that fall into these categories. The most common include Mindspeech, which sometimes includes mind reading as well as mental conversations, Fetching (telekinesis and apportation), including the rather rare subcategory Firestarting (pyrokinesis), FarSight (clairvoyance), and ForeSight (precognition). Empathy is another possible, but rare, Gift powerful, projective empathy being particularly rare. Considered separate, but related, is the Mage-Gift, the ability to work the series' Functional Magic.
- Julian May's Galactic Milieu/Pliocene Exile series had a detailed scientific classification of these, and high end powers including intergalactic teleportation.
- The Tower and the Hive series by Anne McCaffrey revolves around the Talents, the world's first real, proven psychics who quickly become the cornerstone of the world's economy, and later the foundation of a galactic civilization. Their powers run the gamut of those listed here, and are inheritable.
- They're present as well, on a lower level, in McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern books at least as far as humans go. Lessa is never explicitly called telepathic, but her ability to "lean" on people and influence their behavior is a known quantity. The dragons themselves are telepathic, able to teleport, and, revealed in later books, telekinetic. Dragons can sense humans with high psychic potential this is how they aid their riders in Searches for suitable Impression candidates. People like Lessa who explicitly have actual telepathic abilities such as being able to hear all dragons' thought-speech are rare.
- Appears several times in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. The Kzin have a telepathic subspecies, the Grogs have powerful telepathy and Mind Control (which, being immobile, they use to draw prey into their mouths), and several psychic humans have shown up, particularly Gil the ARM, who has a telekinetic third limb he discovered after losing one of his physical arms in a mining accident. Teela Brown was originally implied to have "psychic luck", but this is deconstructed and left ambiguous in later stories. Matt Keller had Plateau Eyes which could either make you really not notice him, or completely fascinate you.
- Andre Norton stories that do not involve outright Functional Magic often involve this trope instead, particularly in Science Fiction settings.
- Catseye: The protagonist has mindspeech with his enhanced animal companions, without technological assistance (unlike the handlers from whom he rescues them).
- In the short story "The Gifts of Asti", the protagonist's people learned mindspeech from Lizard Folk; she acknowledges freely that her Lizard Folk companion is much more adept than she at the art.
- Forerunner Foray: The protagonist, Ziantha, was taken into the Guild as a child because her sponsor saw her playing guessing games while begging for money, and realized that she must have psychic ability to do so well. Ziantha has psychometry, which she uses in the first foray in the book to steal information from a target without physically touching his physically isolated storage devices. She later (with the help of an alien friend) uses teleportation to steal the story's MacGuffin. She can also use mindspeech, at least with other psychics.
- Moon of Three Rings: The Moon Singers have mindspeech, which they can also use with animals. As part of their training, at some point they swap minds with an animal, which can go badly wrong.
- The Warlock series in Storm Over Warlock and Ordeal in Otherwhere: The female Wyverns of Warlock are mistresses of illusion (a Gender-Restricted Ability) and have mindspeech.
- The Zero Stone and Uncharted Stars: Eet communicates through mindspeech and is a master of illusion, and teaches some of these skills to the human protagonist, who is effectively Eet's Human Sidekick once Eet enters the first book.
- Fred Saberhagen's Berserker universe has the Carmpans, with the Framing Story being narrated by the Third Historian who has the power to sense events throughout time and space. Then there are the Carmpan Prophets of Probability who can predict more immediate events.
- Coils (1980) by Roger Zelazny and Fred Saberhagen features a whole team of psychics selected by a Corrupt Corporate Executive because of their mental powers. These include a female telepath, a bio-PK (a former faith-healer who can heal or kill with his mind, a female telekinetic, and the protagonist, a machine empath who can control machines and "dive" into the global computer network.
- Many of the Wild Cards characters have Psychic Powers in fact the case has been made in the books that nearly all of the super-powers displayed are actually psychic in origin or were caused by people having unconsciously bio-kinetically reshaped their bodies during their transformation. The Takisians are also ruled by a caste of telepaths.
- In the Sector General universe, all species with psi abilities receive the classification of V regardless of physical type.
- Sadako Yamamura from The Ring novels is an astonishingly powerful psychic who, at one point or another, exhibits all these powers. Not only can she manifest psychography (called "nensha" in the context) with such force as to create the Cursed Video, she can manipulate viruses and human beings to alter their genetic structure if she doesn't content herself with creating tumors or stopping hearts. By the third book, Loop, her power is so great she's breaking through to the real world and spreading her curse there. Her mother, on the other hand, merely manifested precognition, and clairvoyance.
- The Sharonans of David Weber's Hell's Gate series have examples of all the broad categories sprinkled through 25% of the population, which, layered on top of their 19th-century-level technology, makes them quite formidable.
- Robert Doherty's Psychic Warrior series concerns a group of soldiers who have various tech-amplified powers, primarily the ability to project psychic energy avatars anywhere in the world. And give them Arm Cannons.
- Though the Lord Darcy stories mostly use Functional Magic instead, precognition is one manifestation of the Talent that's poorly understood. Visions of the future arise spontaneously and without need of ritual implements, making it more like a psychic power.
- In Enchantress from the Stars, the very advanced members of the Federation, the most enlightened race of humans, are able to use telepathy, telekinesis, and put up a Shield to protect themselves both physically and psychically.
- In The Time Quartet, A Wind in the Door introduces the idea of 'kything,' a form of telepathy - telepathy to the next level, where, no matter what distance, you can be with another on an emotional level. It's motivated (naturally) by love. In A Swiftly Tilting Planet, kything is itself taken to the next level, of "Going Within" (benign, non-intrusive occupation of another's body.) Charles Wallace has a gift for all these powers.
- A very faint example of Clairvoyance in The Left Hand of Darkness - on the planet Winter, one of the unique religious elements is a council made up of specific people with specific aptitudes. They work their way into a collective trance, and then the speaker declares an answer to a given question after a certain period of time. The answer is nearly always correct; the narrator describes this as having "perfected the hunch." (One time someone asked such a council "What is the meaning of life?") At the end of it, some of the council was dead, others were insane, and someone started a new religion.
- The Clayr in the Old Kingdom series exhibit clairvoyance, but it's as much a magical phenomenon as anything else.
- In NISIOISIN's Zaregoto novels (at least the first one), Himena Maki is a world-renowned psychic. She's capable of precognition up to two years after her introduction, at which point she will be brutally murdered and mindreading, which she uses to insult the main character about his major personal problems every chance she gets.
- Jean Lorrah's Savage Empire books feature the vegetarian Readers (telepaths/remote viewers) and the meat-eating Adepts (physical psychic powers like pyrokinesis and telekinesis.)
- Ian Tregillis' Bitter Seeds features a team of Nazi child soldiers with psychic powers.
- In an interesting inversion, Anne Rice dispenses with Functional Magic in The Vampire Chronicles and Lives of the Mayfair Witches series. All preternatural phenomena and beings such as vampires, witches and spirits are explained in psychic, rather than magical, terms.
- In The Pale King, Claude Sylvanshine has Random Fact Intuition, which is ESP but with useless information.
- Shane Drinion can levitate if he concentrates on a single thing long enough. He gradually starts floating as he listens to Meredith's story. He also once gets caught floating upside down while examining a tax return.
- In Time Scout, a few people have various psychic powers.
- Ianira Cassondra, the living Goddess, with precognition, clairvoyance (both willing and unwilling), postcognition, and powerful empathy.
- Ianira states outright that Margo could learn the same.
- Jack the Ripper has mesmerism and an aura of evil so powerful it can send psychic sensitives into paralytic visions.
- A number of species in the Uplift 'verse have psi abilities as well as individuals of many other species (including humans). Most notably two Clients of the Tandu, the Acceptors, who are used as long-range metaphysical sensors, and the Episiarchs, Reality Warpers most often used for extremely fast but dangerous FTL travel. There are also several psi amplifiers used for long-range communications and psi-"bombs" that are not only weapons but distress beacons.
- Trapped on Draconica: Gothon has this provided to him by 'garmen tech'.
- In the Firebird Trilogy, this is the defining feature of the Sentinels and the Shuhr/Mikuhran. Their powers were gained through genetic modification. Specific abilities include Telepathy (with or without permission), sensing the emotions of everyone around them, moving objects remotely, Compelling Voice, Emotion Suppression, Psychic Block Defenses, pain suppression, and controlling what others perceive.
- In John C. Wright's The Hermetic Millennia, Menelaus reflects on how stories have people with superpowerful intellects also have cool mental powers. He, who does have superhuman intelligence, can perfectly calculate how the blow to his head will hit but can't do a thing about it.
- The Rings of Saturn, set in the future, has mutants who live in wildlife preserves, in stone-age conditions; their powers range from telepathy through future sight to teleportation. They rarely enter civilization and prefer to keep the outside world unaware of the full extent of their abilities.
- In Dorothy Gilman's The Clairvoyant Countess, Madame Karitska herself: Dreaming of Things to Come and reading the past, present, and future off of objects, including the personalities of people. There are also some other characters with similar powers.
- The Witling by Vernor Vinge introduces a whole planet of psychics, who have a language which assumes such powers exist including special words all ending with "-eng" to describe the powers and using them, e.g. "seng" = see remotely, "theng" = telekinesis and several others.
- In Robert A. Heinlein's works:
- The Mother Thing in Have Space Suit Will Travel communicates via telepathy.
- In Starship Troopers it is not focused upon, but present. Early in the novel, Rico refers in passing to the "talents" assigned to Logistics & Communications (including "telepaths," "sensers," and "lucky men"). Towards the end, a "sensitive" is brought in to draw a map of a tunnel network. It's the real deal, but Rico himself is skeptical. Even after the sensitive's skills are proven, Johnnie still doubts the guy is psychic. His theory is the guy might just have really good hearing, and several comments made by the sensitive and his "handlers" would seem to back this up, but it's still ambiguous.
- Voyants, short for clairvoyants, in Samantha Shannon's The Bone Season are split into many subtypes but most of them are a variant on clairvoyance (natch), pre- or retrocognition or mediumship.
- Aphrodite from The House of Night has horrific future visions. Neferet can read minds.
- Despoilers Of The Golden Empire:
Once indoctrinated into the teachings of the Universal Assembly, any man could tap that Power to a greater or lesser degree, depending on his mental control and ethical attitude. At the top level, a first-class adept could utilize that Power for telepathy, psychokinesis, levitation, teleportation, and other powers that the commander only vaguely understood.
- A subversion; while Commander Frank certainly believed that this was the case, the story was actually set in the real world; the powers ascribed to said first-class adepts were references to miracles by Christian saints and Jesus.
- In the Green-Sky Trilogy by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, the Kindar and Erdlings are descended from earth colonists brought to the planet as children by a group of scientists fleeing nuclear annihilation. Raised in an atmosphere of complete trust, without even the words for hatred, anger, etc., the first few generations developed "Spirit-skills" including pensing (telepathy), kiniporting (telekinesis) and grunspreking (influencing the growth of plants). These abilities, along with gifts like psychic healing, are considered manifestations of Spirit (God) in everyday life. Even more important is "uniforce", where two or more people join their powers together, letting them do things that would be impossible alone. But now, all these abilities are dying out, and this is where the story really starts.
- While most of The Dresden Files events are explained by magic, Harry has the ability to consciously sharpen his hearing to hear whispered conversations across the room, footsteps coming closer, and heartbeats twenty feet away. He's uncertain whether the clairaudience is magical or natural.
- Ia, protagonist of the Theirs Not To Reason Why series has massive precognitive powers, along with lesser talents in telepathy, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, telekinesis, and biokinesis.
- "Sixth Of The Dusk": Pretty much everything, including most predators, are psychic on the islands. The only defense are the Aviar, psychic birds that humans can tame. They grant a single talent, unique to each species, and are invaluable for shielding minds against psychic detection.
- In the Young Adult Jack Bishop novels by Steve Diamond, psychic powers are the end result of the Helix Corporation's research. They've succeeded in giving test subjects them by studying monsters but the drawbacks are severe.
- This Immortal:
- Conrad Nomikos exhibits the occasional bout of clairvoyance where he is able to see, hear and feel something as if he were there is he has he has enough information to make a good guess. He calls it pseudotelepathic wishfulfillment and claims he's occasionally guessed wrong, but it is proven to be real when he accidentally connects with Myshtigo who later identifies it as real.
- The Vegans have developed several systems of mental discipline able to produce extrasensory abilities, and since every Vegan comes in contact with such a system at some point in their lives most are able to at least identify such occurences.
Live-Action TV
- Angel: Lorne can read people's futures. Allegedly only when they sing, but there have been plenty of occasions when he's read people who aren't singing. Each time he brushes it off as them broadcasting unusually strongly because of their emotional state. It happens frequently. He can also mystically sense when Cordelia is about to receive a vision and has the ability to surf her connection to the Powers That Be and tap into her visions as a result. He needs to be touching Cordelia to do this latter but he's even able to tell when Cordelia's being sent fake visions from an earth-based psychic and indicates that it requires genuine skill to be able to work that out as the fakes were very convincing.
- Star Trek: The Betazoid race is entirely telepathic; Counselor Troi, a half-Betazoid, is an empath, implying that "empathy" is a "lesser" telepathy.
- The Vulcans also have limited telepathy the "mind meld". In "The Omega Glory," Spock uses telepathic suggestion on an unknown woman, to cause her to send a distress signal and save the crew.
- Kes's species, the Ocampa, on Star Trek: Voyager also had some telepathy, as did Species 8472. Kes later developed powerful telekinesis.
- At least one Vorta on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was telekinetic. The other Vorta never demonstrated any such ability.
- On Star Trek: The Next Generation, a genetically-altered species of children were also telekinetic even at the molecular level, to the point that their immune-systems would eradicate harmful germs at a distance.
- In ''Plato's Stepchildren," the crew not only encounters super-powerfully telekinetic race of enemy aliens, but Kirk learns how to become even more powerful than they are, and so defeats them using telekinesis. He also states that the Federation can acquire such powers any time "in a matter of hours."
- In "The Cage/The Menagerie," a race called "Talosians" were able to read minds and project illusions that were indistinguishable from if they were real.
- A couple episodes of the original series showed that a small fraction of humans have psychic powers. This idea was quietly dropped in The Next Generation and later series.
- Doctor Who:
- Time Lords have psychic powers that vary in strength and manifestation between individuals and incarnations of those individuals:
- The Doctor has telepathic powers. He can read minds, share thoughts with someone or even wipe someone's memory by just touching their head. The Doctor's telepathy is also used to enable him to change settings on the sonic screwdriver in the new series - hence he can just point it at a thing and make it do what he wants. The TARDIS is also able to telepathically translate for him and his companions, as well as doing it in such a way that companions don't even notice that's what it's doing, although some of the cleverer ones have pointed it out - this ability is linked to him and if he goes down for long enough, so does the translation. He apparently also has the gift to detect the presence of other Time Lords. While uncanny by most standards, it's implied that by Time Lord standards, his psychic abilities are at best barely average. The Fourth Doctor was the most powerful psychic incarnation thus far - his hypnosis bypassed Touch Telepathy entirely and he could entrance people mid-sentence just by making eye contact with them and perform feats of telekinesis, as well as very rarely experience visions of the future.
- The Master, at least in the original series, possessed uniquely powerful telepathy, able to "completely control a human mind". He also possessed the ability to steal and reshape bodies and to expel his ghost from his body upon death in the form of a snake-like apparition. The John Simm incarnation also had mind control abilities, but due to his new brain they now worked in a completely different way.
- Susan's sensitive to psychic phenomena and apparently a very gifted and powerful telepath, but unskilled. Nevertheless, she's able to communicate with the psychic aliens in "The Sensorites" even over great distances.
- Some other rogue Time Lords also have unique abilities, like Salvayin, who is capable of temporarily copying parts of his own mind (such as information) into other people's minds and manipulating perception filters.
- The "psychic paper" used in the new series, which shows someone looking at it whatever identification they think you need. Occasionally it breaks down - it doesn't work on psychics, it occasionally shows things that are rather unconvincing if the user would honestly rather it showed that (like when Jack accidentally gave Rose psychic paper saying he was single and works out) and it completely shorts out when the Eleventh Doctor tries to make it tell someone that he is 'universally recognised as a mature and responsible adult'.
- Humans are all very very slightly psychic in the verse, although rarely enough to matter. However, average humans can send out psychic distress waves that very sensitive beings - like Time Lords - can pick up on, large groups of humans thinking the same thing can have a powerful psychic effect, and the occasional human is shown to have significant powers, usually precognition.
- Many other aliens are psychic, like the Sensorites (telepathy), the Macra (emotion control, at least in the original series), Eldraad (mind control) and the Ood (telepathy) for just a few examples. The Expanded Universe contributes many more psychic beings, at least partially because psychic powers are more fun to do in prose or audio than on low-budgeted television.
- Time Lords have psychic powers that vary in strength and manifestation between individuals and incarnations of those individuals:
- Babylon 5: Telepathy, telekinesis, and in the case of the Centauri, a form of precognition.
- The Centauri took this Up to Eleven: Specially trained-from-birth in four woman teams of telepaths could communicate with each other across interstellar distances. Their purpose is to travel with the Emperor and give him up to the second information on what the court is doing as well as tell the court how the Emperor is doing.
- Firefly: River Tam demonstrates uncontrolled telepathy and empathy. It's theorized by some that her combat prowess may be partly attributable to low-level precognition seeing seconds into the future to determine an enemy's next move. She also has other abilities, such as an ability to discern health problems and locate dead bodies, find her way through strange environments with no guidance, and locate electronic devices or discern problems with machinery. Interestingly, the bonus feature on the Serenity DVD title "The R.Tam Sessions" implies that River already had some form of latent psychic ability before the Academy started working on her.
- Heroes has several characters with Psychic Powers, among them a mind-reader, a precognitive painter, and a man who can delete memories and "damper" other characters' powers by creating a psychic static. In fact, it's implied all the characters' powers are technically Psychic Powers, as the "seat of power" is universally in the brain.
- Medium: precognition, postcognition, psychometry, communicating with ghosts, empathy/telepathy, and the ability to be possessed by ghosts. The show is inspired by the real-life Allison Dubois, who claims to be a medium.
- Ghost Whisperer: Melinda plays with this by claiming she isn't a psychic, and honestly compared to Allison's powers she's quite limited: she can't see the future at all, psychic dreams and postcognition are directly caused by spirits, and psychometry only works on items related to the ghost-of-the-week. Her "partner" Eli James is even more limited: he can only hear spirits after a near-death experience and surprisingly her husband Jim has no powers at all despite actually dying, taking over a new body, and dying again, although it did bring his memory back.
- The Tomorrow People had these courtesy of being the next stage of evolution.
- The Dead Zone, based on the Stephen King story is entirely based on the premise of Psychic Powers.
- Daphne on Frasier claims to be "a little bit psychic" in the pilot. This is phased out after a few seasons.
- Corporal "Radar" O'Reilly from Mash gets his nickname from either some form of clairvoyance ("able to tell things before they happen") or telepathy (the ability to read other characters' minds), although the original movie-character simply had super-acute hearing.
- Power Rangers:
- Bridge from Power Rangers S.P.D. had many of these abilities (enough to constantly be a Deus ex Machina) in a highly technological society during the year 2025. The reason he and his five teammates have "genetic powers" in the first place is explained as a laboratory accident all their parents were involved in, making the kids technical Mutants. One of his teammates, Sam, gets both teleportation and apportation as a power as well. The other four get abilities far less supernatural in design.
- Trip from Power Rangers Time Force (and, like Bridge, a Green Ranger, but from much further in the future) is from a race of aliens called Xybrians. All Xybrians are empathetic and telepathic to the point where lying is completely impossible on their planet, and thus completely alien to Trip. He's also shown some precognitive abilities.
- Examples from Lost:
- Desmond, who can see the future after the implosion of the hatch, and later can travel in time by jumping into his past self, though involuntarily.
- Walt, whose powers were never quite explained, but there were several hints-most notably the time he was trying to get everyone to look at a picture of a bird in a book. When no one looked... a bird of that species promptly hit the window and died.
- Numerous smaller examples, such as the psychic from Claire's flashbacks who claimed in Eko's flashback to be a fraud. But his daughter had a prophetic dream of Eko's brother Yemi.
- And then there's Miles, who can hear dead people's thoughts, but only the last thoughts they had before death.
- Oddly enough, an episode of Gilligan's Island has our castaways discovering a plant whose seeds give them mind-reading powers. Hilarity Ensues.
- Although Buck, Caleb, and Merlyn are all shown to have varying examples of such powers (the latter never hinted at in life but justified by her new position), in the very first episode of American Gothic Gail Emory is also implied to have some form of a Psychic Link with her cousin. After he has vanished from the hospital to answer his sister's summons to their old house, Gail somehow 'feels' a connection to him, even seems to indulge in a bit of Psychometry when she touches the door, and then instantly 'knows' where Caleb has gone. Even the writers, when speaking in the commentary, noted that they didn't really know how she did it, that it was only introduced as a way to get all the characters together for the climax, and the ability is never shown again.
- That's So Raven is about a precognitive teen who can't quite master the interpretation of her visions, so Hilarity Ensues (though not a lot of it). In one episode she also meets a group of teens with other psychic powers.
- In "Leave it to Diva," she briefly becomes a telepath as well, when she goes through a strange illness dubbed as a "psychic cold."
- In the 1970's sci-fi series UFO (set in the year 1980) Extra-Sensory Perception is a mental condition being treated by mainstream psychiatrists. While most sufferers adjust to its effects, the subject of the episode "E.S.P" cannot cope with knowing everything that's going to happen before it occurs. He decides to murder two of the leaders of SHADO (blaming them for the death of his wife in a UFO incident) knowing they will be helpless as he can predict their every defensive move before they can make it. He is only stopped when he realises the aliens have been manipulating him, and so deliberately allows a third SHADO operative to shoot him.
- On My Favorite Martian, Martin the Martian had a telekinetic "levitating" ability, mind-reading and the ability to become invisible. This last ability depended on his antennae being raised but neither of the other two common powers did.
- Supernatural has generic clairvoyant psychics Pamela Barnes and Missouri Mosely as well as the Special Children, a gaggle of young adults with psychic abilities of varying usefulness.
- Poltergeist: The Legacy has main characters Derek and Alex possess "The Sight", a mix of clairvoyance and precognition.
- On Fringe, William Bell and Walter Bishop tested a drug on young children that was supposed to give them Psychic Powers in adulthood. Several have been encountered by the team so far, including Olivia. They seem to have both telekinetic and telepathic powers, and apparently have an easier time crossing to other universes.
- Olivia demonstrated pyrokinesis in an event during the drug testing in her childhood, in which she used her mind to char and incinerate most of the room she was in.
- In the season 2 finale, one of the now-adult children on whom Bell and Bishop performed experiments has a short-lived role and demonstrates strong pyrokinesis; she is able to create balls of fire with her mind and throw them.
- A running joke on The Mentalist is someone asking Patrick Jane if he has these, only for him to state that psychics don't exist. He "reads" people by observing details about their wardrobe, surroundings, and/or nonverbal tics. This doesn't stop anyone on either side of the fourth wall from asking questions.
- Shawn Spencer does the same thing on Psych, except he doesn't mind grabbing the Phony Psychic trope with both hands and giving it a big, warm, wet kiss in every episode. Even if doing so freaks everyone else out. Which only makes it even more hilarious.
- There are many real psychics on The X-Files}.
- Seeing Things is the cases of an Intrepid Reporter who has an uncontrolled power of postcognition, that only occurs around incidents of murder.
- JAG: The fifth season episode "Psychic Warrior", deals with a Navy Intelligence experiment on remote viewing in which one of the test subjects committed suicide.
- Believe revolves around this as a "next evolution of mankind" (as described by geneticist Roman Skouras). All of the psychics shown in the series have telekinesis; the most powerful ones can also read minds, see the future, start fires spontaneously, neutralize gaseous weapons, and cure diseases. (The first, second, and fifth are exhibited by Bo; the first, third, and fourth are exhibited by Dani.)
- Sliders had an episode where they landed on an Earth where 10 percent of the population have some kind of psychic ability. People are tested at a young age and then guided towards professions where their talents would do the most good (doctors, law enforcement, etc).
Tabletop Games
- Is a pseudoscience-flavored magic substitute in the Mortasheen setting, given that it's meant to be a setting of crazy mad science with not a single hint of magic in there. Almost all of the game's Mons can learn various forms of it.
- Several creatures across the various Dungeons & Dragons settings have psychic abilities such as telepathy, mind control, and telekinesis, even if they don't always use special psionic rules, including the relatively common mind flayer.
- D&D has rules for psionics, but the original game system had any number of magical spells and powers that mimicked the stock psychic powers and later retained spells with names like ESP and Telekinesis, so the relevant themes could be used without any separate mechanics. Most of the older versions of psionics had rules that were not fully integrated with the original system, so many monsters weren't equipped to defend against psionic attacks (which had separate defenses from magic), which meant that psionic classes could easily mop the floor with most non-psionic enemies. This was fixed in later editions.
- Eldritch Wizardry from the original setting gave us "psionic combat", which could be used as optional replacements for characters' and creatures' basic abilities.
- AD&D has a set of psionic powers (or at least supplementary talents for exceptional individuals) as a part of core rules (or at least Players' Handbook appendix). Monsters statistics got "Psionic ability" entry.
- AD&D 2nd ed. got psionics cleansed out of the core, in exchange for the much more developed and ordered system along with a dedicated class (the Psionicist) introduced in The Complete Psionic's Handbook as an option. The Dark Sun setting built upon it.
- The Dark Sun setting uses psionics more than any other. Practically everyone has it there. In fact, it's considered an aberration if a creature with even rudimentary intelligence does not have at least some skill with psionics.
- Late AD&D (Player's Options) got the Skills & Powers psionics system, which employed the Big Hit Points approach instead of skill checks and tricks. In its initial published form, the attacker in telepathic combat lost more than the target. It was used for the new Dark Sun as well.
- In the 3rd edition, psionics became an almost-core part. ...And essentially became one more strange sort of magic (up to sort-of-Familiars).
- 3.5 made a few changes to the psionics system, including the removal of psychic combat rules and "supernova".
- In Eberron, though psionics are very much a presence in the setting, they're mostly connected to the Kalashtar, Inspired, and Dreaming Dark. While there's a whole Myth Arc relating to these races and factions, it mostly takes place on a different continent from the main setting.
- D&D 4th Edition introduced the Psionic power source in the Player's Handbook 3, which includes the Psion, Battlemind, Ardent, and Monk classes. Plot-wise it is mentioned to have been produced by the world in the humanoid races as a defence against the many Eldritch Abominations coming from The Far Realm.
- "Psychic" is simply a damage type that describes attacks that damage the mind in 4th Edition, with no special rules. It is used by several spells usable by players as well as creatures such as aboleths, mind flayers, grells, etc.
- 5th Edition is planned to get psionic rules, but as of November 2015 only the first draft of parts of it have been seen.
- Pathfinder features several psionic using creatures such as the intellect devourer (a D&D monster), which have been used in place of mind flayers by many players, since they're not restricted by copyright issues. Several third party sourcebooks have been released which add rules for psionics.
- Pathfinder has now added Occult Adventures, finally giving players non-third party access to Psychic classes, including one that is pretty much a bender, like from Avatar.
- Later fantasy RPGs merged the powers (and naming conventions) from magic and psychic traditions and treated them as roughly equivalent uses of preternatural powers.
- Science Fiction role-playing games almost always include psionic powers of some sort. There is a difficulty in these games of trying to provide adventures for characters who are neither cops nor soldiers but are not obvious parallels to mundane activities such as street crime, computer hacking, smuggling, and cryptozoology. In other words, the easiest way for both TV series and role-playing games to lend an "unearthly" aspect to adventures is to give characters, machines, or creatures psychic abilities. Anything else tends to be very complicated or too subtle for a lot of the audience.
- Warhammer 40,000 features a lot of these, tied heavily into the hell-dimension full of daemons used for faster-than-light travel. Psychically sensitive humans ("psykers") can have their power amplified by various twisted procedures, and are used for long-range communication (Astropaths), steering ships through the aforementioned hell-dimension (Navigators), combat units (Sanctioned Psykers, Space Marine Librarians) or just plain sacrifices for various awful machines. The processes used generally leave them completely insane, but sanity is highly overrated when working for the Imperium anyway. Plus all the other really nasty things that could happen when attempting to use your psychic powers. Like your head asploding. And those psykers without such "treatments" can attract daemons of the Warp and wind up with even worse fates.
- Not just humans either. Eldar, Orks and Tyranids are all latently psychic, but use their powers in different ways:
- The Eldar are all latently psychic and draw their power from the Warp like humans, but unlike the other races, they have developed means to ensure safe use of their psychic powers. However, for the majority of them, their powers never develop past being able to share a Psychic Link with other Eldar, or manipulating Wraithbone, a kind of living metal which all Eldar technology is derived from. Eldar seeking to develop their powers further join the Path of the Seer and become Warlocks or even Farseers, able to perform such incredible feats as psychically guiding projectiles towards their targets, Mind Raping enemies, protecting allies with psychic shields, and conjuring up eldritch storms and flames capable of tearing through enemy squads.
- Orks use "Weirdboyz", Orks which act as sponges for the latent psychic energy Orks give off. Weirdboyz can build up a charge by being around other Orks, the more Orks and the more fun they're having, the more energy the Weirdboyz gets. Weirdboyz randomly discharge this power and they usually come in the form of highly destructive powers, including but not limited to psychic lightning, streams of boiling psychic vomit, and crushing enemies under a giant psychic foot, the "Foot of Gork". However, Weirdboyz lack the discipline of other, more civilized races, and there is always the chance the Weirdboy cannot contain or discharge the psychic energy in a controlled manner, resulting in...Even without Weirdboyz, the Orks' psychic gestalt field bends reality according to Ork belief. How powerful this effect actually is remains uncertain.
- The Tyranids use Zoanthropes, a subspecies which uses the latent psychic power of the Tyranid Hive Mind and functions as a form of artillery piece. Other large Tyranid creatures, called Synapse creatures, can produce a psychic network which binds lesser Tyranid beasts to the will of the Hive Mind; without the Synapse creature projecting the field, lesser Tyranid creatures are known to revert to a feral state or die outright. This makes Synapse creatures a prime target for enemy forces.
- The Dark Eldar's psychic potential has actually atrophied compared to the rest of their race. They deliberately allowed this to happen. The Dark Eldar live in the Webway, which is even easier for daemons to breach than the physical realm. Psykers are basically daemon bait. Even if they weren't the favorite prey of the Chaos God of Squick, letting psykers run loose in their city would be a very bad idea.
- Not just humans either. Eldar, Orks and Tyranids are all latently psychic, but use their powers in different ways:
- Cthulhu Tech has its parapsychics, who vary quite a lot in power. At the low end, they can keep their coffee hot. At the high end, they can crush a Humongous Mecha into a little tin can, set fire to buildings with a thought, and rebuild your personality from the ground up. For this reason, they're subject to mandatory registration with the OIS, and those with powers deemed Dangerous or Invasive have to wear public identity tags. On the plus side, both the government and corporations love their abilities, so they tend to migrate to high paying jobs.
- The Traveller universe has a human-variant subspecies, the Zhodani, whose ruling class has psychic abilities. The Zhodani consider other humans dishonest and criminal, since a society of mind-readers cannot lie or steal. Other humans consider the Zhodani to be raving fascists, since a society of mind-readers has no privacy or individual rights (there are no laws in Zhodani society at all to forbid higher classes from reading lower-class Zhodani's minds at will).
- GURPS has nine flavors of psi (astral projection, ergokinesis, ESP, probability alteration, psychic healing, psychic vampirism, psychokinesis, telepathy, and teleportation), along with anti-psi for players who'd rather mess up the psychics' day. Psi is treated completely different from magic spells in general, psis are less versatile than mages but their abilities are safer and more reliable.
- The Slann in Warhammer fantasy battles have a telepathy rule that allows them to cast spells through skinkpriests (for range and line of sight and such).
- In Paranoia, many mutations grant various psychic powers. This being Paranoia, they tend to be dangerous to all involved. Oh, and if they find out you have them, you can either register them (and be subject to the whims of R&D) or be executed.
- Every supernatural in the New World of Darkness has some variety of stereotypical psychic power, ranging from mind control to telepathy to psychometry to pre-/postcognition. However, the most "purely" psychic examples are psychic rules for mortals (ranging from medium powers to telepathy to pyrokinesis to biokinesis to mental assault). There's also the Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit from Hunter: The Vigil, a branch of the FBI that gains access to Teleinformatics, psychic powers dedicated towards interrogation, evidence gathering, and skill augmentation. Think Frank Black on steroids.
- White Wolf also has their Aeon/Trinity series, which focuses on this exclusively. All the players are different flavors of Psions with their splat specific Psychic Powers which cover every form of _____-kinesis there might be.
- Adventure!, set in the same universe, features mesmerists, the psions' predecessors.
- Psychic Monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, however they activate their effects, require you pay life points.
- Fading Suns has both psychic and theurgic powers.
- Eclipse Phase: Asyncs, as psychics are termed, result from exposure to the Watts-McLeod strain of the Exsurgent virus. Given that the Exsurgent virus is quite simply The Virus, most asyncs in the know worry that they might be slowly being corrupted by the TITANs.
- In Magic: The Gathering, a lot of Blue magic involves manipulating the minds of others. The Blue-aligned Planeswalker Jace Beleren Mind Sculptor, Memory Adept and Architect of Thought is particularly skilled in mental magic. Jace's magic consists of summoning illusions, countering the spells of others, stealing secrets from peoples' minds, and outright erasing them. In the opening of Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, even Nicol Bolas acknowledges Jace's prowess, and states that Jace has a "supremely powerful mind" whose only limitation is the inability to see how he could rule all.
- In RIFTS, many creatures and humans have psychic powers. This makes them second class citizens or enemies for the human supremacists, the Coalition.
- Unsurprisingly given all the precedent in comic book form alone, superhero RPGs in general have these, and "psychic" or "psionic" is typically treated as its own distinct "power source". (This holds true even in more effect-based systems; psychic telepathy will be considered to be at least a different "special effect" or the like from for example magical or technological versions, even if they then all end up using largely the same mechanics.)
- All sorts of psychic powers are available for purchase in Rocket Age. The greatest practitioners of the psychic arts are the Europans and the Venusian priest-hood, although nearly any intelligent person may have psychic abilities.
Video Games
- Alma from F.E.A.R. possesses incredibly powerful natural psychic abilities, ranging from simple telekinesis and pyrokinesis to the ability to boil the flesh off human bodies, reanimate the dead as either soldiers or hostile psychic ghosts, induce hallucinations, possess and control certain minds that have attained "synchronicity" with hers, and in a few cases actually rewrite reality around her. In fact, her psychic powers are so potent that they allowed her to survive drowning for six days without life support, and her psychic ghost retains all of her psychic powers. She also appears to be able to control the Replica soldiers and read minds.
- Paxton Fettel possesses the ability to control the Replica forces, and to perceive information from them. After the Point Man kills him, his psychic abilities also allow him to possess Foxtrot 813. However, we don't get a good understanding of what the man himself is truly capable of until the third game. He can generate blasts of telekinetic force, possess other bodies, seize enemies and hold them up in the air, generate defensive shields, and blow people to pieces with his mind. This is while he's a psychic ghost!
- Also, the Point Man, Michael Beckett, Harold Keegan and Foxtrot 813 all possess the ability to use Bullet Time due to their attunement with Alma and their psychic powers resulting from it. Int he non-canon Perseus Mandate expansion, the Nightcrawler Commander also has this ability. Most of the soldiers in Team Dark Signal (Beckett's squad) possess at least latent psychic powers, which is why Alma targets them.
- In F.E.A.R. 3, Armacham has created special soldiers called "Phase Casters" who utilize a combination of psychic abilities and technology to generate powerful defensive shields and to warp soldiers into the battlefield by creating gateways through solid objects. The more powerful Phase Commanders are able to do this as well as walk through walls, teleporting around the battlefield.
- The King of Fighters. Pyrokinesis is passed down genetically through the Kusanagi and Yagami clans, with the Kusanagi having regular red and orange flames and the Yagami having "cursed" purple flames. One character, Ash Crimson, possesses green flames, but how he got them is left unexplained. There's also Athena Asamiya and her Psycho Soldier Team; they seem to relay both in han-to-hand fighting and psychic skills that include telekinesis, teleportation, Battle Aura, energy balls created by said Battle Aura, Healing Hands (exclusive to Athena and not always in-game avaliable), etc.
- Street Fighter III has SNK Boss Gill and his dual pyrokinesis and cryokinesis (ice manipulation) abilities. His status as Messianic Archetype among the Illuminati is primarily because of his ability to balance these two powers. His Seraphic Wing Limit Break also hints at a third, unidentified power.
- Psychic powers seem to be the source of Street Fighter II's yoga master Dhalsim's abilitieslevitation, teleportation, limited shapeshifting (the whole rubber limbs thing), and fire-breathingthough he comes by them through a very spiritual path of meditation and introspection.
- Rose is the primary psychic among the cast of Street Fighter, being a Tarot-reading Fortune Teller with powerful psychic abilities, and relying most heavily on her supernatural power to fight.
- By extension, M. Bison, whose "Psycho Power" is the corrupted opposite of Rose's "Soul Power".
- Psychic powers are a staple in the MOTHER series. The powers known as PSI/PK were brought to Earth after being stolen from the alien race by the great-grandfather of the first game's protagonist. (This would lead into events in said game as well as act as footing for the other two) In the games themselves at least two or three members of your party will be able to use those powers with differences in who can use each. Most if not all the powers listed above (plus some not listed) are seen but not to every character and not in every game.
- The Golden Sun series has "Psynergy", which also includes all of these powers. However, unlike in most universes, any powers which seem to be psychic in nature originate from one of the four magical elementsexcept in rare cases, where they come from magical artifacts you must equip to use them.
- The physical manifestations of the powers are Invisible to Normals. Normal people will see an object move or be lifted, for example, while Adepts (who use the power) will see a large hand actually moving the object.
- The point of Psychonauts. Raz learns such powers as telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and levitation; various campers and staff have other specialties, and the local wildlife at Whispering Rock includes things like telekinetic bears and firestarting cougars. The levels are various people's minds-first your teachers in order to learn to use your powers, then later the patients of an insane asylum.
- The powers of Nick Scryer from Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy include telekinesis, mind control, and pyrokinesis.
- In the various Super Robot Wars games, some of the original characters are "Psychodrivers", which is a telekinetic ability that enables them to use attacks unavailable to normal people.
- The Pyschodrivers have the Telekinesis skill, which not only allows a pilot to use certain attacks (but it's a multi-level skill, so just having Telekinesis isn't enough; you might need L8 for some attacks, and only L4 for others, for example), but also passively increases their attack/defense ratings by a small amount. Not everyone is a Psychodriver though, and plenty of the Badasses do fine without it.
- After smacking around numerous bad guys in a Space Route Scenario in Shin Super Robot Wars, your people are impressed at the SRX's massive power. Too bad the pilots still need a lot more training before they can be called fully qualified. At least the base is toast and you can head off to the Angel Halo, though Amuro notes that Aya Kobayashi is looking a bit green in the gills from all the psychic power she has to expend to keep the SRX together. Hayato agrees to give them one day off. Aya confesses to Amuro later that she is in fact an Esper, apologizing for misleading him earlier. She's not entirely thrilled with her powers, which Amuro can relate to quite well...
- The einst also have this ability, but it seems a little different from the TK fields produced by Psycho drivers. They can communicate telepathically with each other, Kyosuke, and Excellen and since Excellen is an Einst, their connection is stronger, and Alfimi hijacks her mind a few times.
- Metal Gear Solid had Psycho Mantis. Interestingly enough, while he did have abilities like psychokinesis, precognition, and telepathy (telepathy being deconstructed painfully), his favourite (or at least creepiest) use of his powers is to peer beyond the fourth wall...
- Other entries in the Saga give us The Sorrow, able to speak with the dead, whose powers are so strong that he is even able to return from the dead in a sort of near death experience; The Sorrow's son, Revolver Ocelot inadvertently becomes possessed by his former boss's severed arm; Fortune, who throughout the second game is protected by a Sufficiently Advanced Technology shield until it turns out she doesn't need it; Ursula and Elisa who are so powerful they get a broken Metal Gear working and make a prediction about the future; and Gene, who...the screen flashes purple with his face superimposed and you start taking damage. He's also near impossible to hit; he cuts bullets with a bowie knife.
- Two examples in the Sonic the Hedgehog series: Blaze the Cat is (unsurprisingly) a pyrokinetic, while Silver the Hedgehog uses psychokinesis and levitation.
- Amy also has some psychic abilities, according to one of the manuals, though they don't come up much. This would explain her uncanny Sonic-finding abilities, and certain other plot-critical encounters with Shadow and Silver.
- StarCraft has the Protoss as a race and the Terran Ghosts as individuals with psychic powers. Even the Zerg have them to the degree of being able to communicate over great distances through the hive mind and the Overlords, Cerebrates, and Overmind (and later Kerrigan). This aspect is usually more accented in the novels than in the actual game, though.
- Fallout features several psychics called Psykers in each of its games. Some are outright stated to be psychic, while others' powers are implied.
- The Master in Fallout 1 gained psychic powers after being mutated by the Forced Evolutionary Virus, and unlocked similar abilities in a handful of his followers by injecting their brain with FEV (most either went insane or had their flesh used to line the Corridor of Revulsion). He and the Boss Corridor leading to him are able to Mind Rape the player unless they have a Psychic Block Defense prepared.
- Hakunin in Fallout 2 was able to use Telepathy to communicate with The Chosen One in their dreams (and somehow download the footage of those dreams to their Pip-Boy).
- Professor Calvert in Fallout 3's Point Lookout DLC is a Brain in a Jar capable of using Telepathy to communicate over long distances. He uses this to convince an army of tribals that he's a god and conquer what remains of Maryland for him.
- Some characters appear to have psychic links with Wasteland creatures, such as Melchior and The AntAgonizer.
- A few characters are gifted with precognition, such as The Forecaster, Mama Murphy, and possibly the Nightkin residing in Black Rock Cave.
- Lorenzo Cabot was given telekinesis and other abilities after finding an alien crown.
- Second Sight starred a man with every power on the list above except teleportation.
- In Metroid, the Chozo (and by extension, Samus Aran) are heavily implied to have some degree of Psychic Powers. In particular, Samus can usually summon her Power Suit just by thinking about it.
- The Flatheads in Zork are telepathic.
- In X-Com series, several aliens have psychic powers, and by interrogation and research, humans can learn them as well. In X-Com: Apocalypse "Mutants" have a greater potential, Androids have none (but are immune to alien telepathy in turn).
- There's a Pokémon type called Psychic. Moves with this type cover all the specific powers listed above, and many of them can be learned by Pokémon that aren't Psychic-types themselves. The typing, due to various reasons, was ridiculously overpowered in the first generation, but later generations of the franchise have balanced it out much more. Now, while Psychic-types are relatively common and useful in the game itself and in competitive play, they're not all the game-breaking powerhouses they were originally.
- A few characters are psychics too. Sabrina, Will, Tate and Liza, Lucian, Caitlin, Olympia, and a trainer class. They're all treated in a positive light, too, and generally use fellow Psychic-type Pokemon in battle. (Sabrina's powers appear to be procognative in nature. Every time you battle her, she makes claims of having predicted the battle, sometimes years ago.
- In X and Y the guy who battles you in Inverse Battles is one of the Psychic trainers, and he claims to create the effect with his own powers. This would likely be a very powerful Reality Warping effect, as the Inverse Battle turns the whole Type Chart backwards in regards to the resistances and weaknesses of Pokémon. (He claims that it's exhausting to him, the reason he can only do it once a day.)
- Everyone who plays The Reaper's Game in The World Ends with You is called an ESPer, and are given Psychic Powers (called Psyches) by their pins. Every Player has the power to "scan" (allowing them to read minds and see Noise Symbols), and each player usually has one additional psyche pin they can use. (Shiki uses "Groove Pawn", to animate her stuffed cat, Joshua uses his Composer powers to spam Jesus Beams, and Beat uses "Respect" to... um... hit things). Neku (by virtue of being the protagonist) can use any psych pin. Remember kids, fashion is magical! (If you're dead anyway...)
- Clive Barker's Jericho has a few psychic side-characters, most notably Hanne Lichthammer, an extremely powerful psychic/telepath, who leads a unit of soldiers trained in psychic warfare. After her death and subsequent revival thanks to the powers of the Firstborn, her powers increase to even greater levels than before. Not only is she able to telepathically control her entire army, she is also extremely fond of delving into the minds of others, exposing their deepest memories, demons, and fears, and using this information against them (she rather cruelly does this to Billie Church). As an extreme sadist, she also gains great pleasure from using her powers to break the minds of her victims, driving them completely insane and causing them to do dreadful things, such as devouring their own children or dissecting themselves.
- Another of the game's villains, Arnold Leach, is also shown to be a telepath, although less emphasis is put on his powers.
- The minor character of Patrick Buckland is also shown to be a psychic, although it is not made entirely clear on just how powerful he is.
- System Shock 2 features psionic abilities as one of the possible character paths. However, the game states that naturally, psionic abilities in humans are extremely weak, only detectable in a laboratory. Therefore, psi-users must make use of a psionic amplifier in order to access some of the nifty abilities - cryo/pyrokinesis, telekinesis, psycho-stimulated regeneration, and teleportation and matter manipulation at higher levels.
- The Halo series has this in minor doses in the form of Flood. The hivemind organize and communicate with the Gravemind via a form of telepathy. It also communicates telepathically with Master Chief in the third installment...for some reason. Also in the third installment, it can talk to Master Chief indirectly, by talking through one of the pure flood forms.
- Typically, it's Cortana going psycho contacting you, with cryptic clues as to what she's up to. Gravy more or less just taunts and threatens you, and he only does so in levels where the Flood show up.
- Stormrise has this in the form of "Sai energy", which the different Sai troops can use to, among other things, create blades or whips that come out of their arms, bend light around you at will, control enemy units for a limited time, teleportation, etc.
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 used this as one of its main gimmicks. In the vanilla game, the Soviet agent Yuri uses his psychic abilities, amplified with Psychic Beacons, to mind-control large parts of the USA. He performed a psychic possession via TELEPHONE. In the expansion pack Yuri's Revenge, he goes rogue and uses Psychic Dominators to take over the entire world (until a bit of Set Right What Once Went Wrong takes place) and commands pyrokinetic Initiate footsoldiers and mind-controlling clones of himself as well as giant mobile brains and towers with similar abilities.
- In Red Alert 3, the Japanese Empire has Emotionless Girl Yuriko Omega, who in the normal game can lift up ground objects like soldiers and tanks, destroy buildings by ripping them apart, pull aircraft out of the sky and send a shockwave to kill infantry around her. In the expansion in her own campaign, she learns psychic possession, how to throw enemies at each other and energy shielding. The Imperial superweapon is powered by six clones of her.
- Imperium Nova includes psionics as a sphere of operation. The nature of psionics varies from galaxy to galaxy, depending on the preference of the players, but the fact that it provides a mechanical benefit to covert operations provides a base from which to develop fluff.
- Zelda is famous for precognitive dreams, at least in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time era. For that matter, Link in Ocarina of Time could be included in this category for also having a precognitive dream at the very beginning of the game.
- Tetra, as well as Zelda in The Minish Cap are able to create a (mostly) one-sided connection to Link while being Taken for Granite, allowing them to follow his adventure. Not that this helps him in any kind or way...except for causing Nightmare Fuel sequences upon loading a saved game file in Phantom Hourglass.
- Noctis Lucis Caelum of Final Fantasy XV has is telekinesis and teleportation powers.
- Psychic powers are an integral part of the Nasuverse. The most notable examples are Mystic Eyes, the most powerful of which only happen as a genetic fluke. The Nanaya clan bred for psychic powers, removing the chance part of the equation. Nanaya Kiri had Aura Vision and Shiki has the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception on top of an unmentioned lesser type of eyes called 'pure eyes,' which are presumably what distinguishes humans from non humans. Rider's eyes are such an absurdly rare kind that not a single person in the modern age has them and are probably as rare as Shiki's, only better documented.
- In Star Control II it was mentioned that some humans have minor... abilities, though never used beyond the flavour text. Syreen excel at ittheir ships has a weak weapon but large telepathic amplifiers and can use them to devastating effect. We encounter an old species who used their power to dominate people on the star system scale and Power Nullifier others created to counter this.
- Mass Effect zigzags on this trope. Officially, there are no psychic powers; however, this 'verse does have Biotics, people exposed in utero to dust-form Element Zero, the exotic matter used to create the eponymous Mass Effect. If it doesn't cause miscarriage-inducing fetal cancer, the dust-form eezo collects in nodules throughout the nervous system. Through biofeedback, a Biotic can learn to create their own mass effect fields and manipulate things. However, for their powers to have any practical use, they have to undergo brain surgery to have an implant installed that syncs up all the nodules in their body to amplify the effects. A botched surgery can have unpleasant neurological side effects. These are purely Telekinetic in power in fact, one specific branch of biotics is called telekinesis. In-Universe, biotics actually face prejudice because of people assuming that they are psychic, with biotics often having to explain that their powers don't include telepathy or Mind Control.
- Meanwhile, the Protheans had Super Senses so developed they were practically psychic powers; they could sense information imprinted on a genetic level, so a mere touch could allow them to understand literally everything about an individual and even, by extent, their species. This ability was apparently common-place during their Cycle.
- Kamek of the Super Mario Bros. series has precognitive abilities; he kidnapped the baby Mario Bros. because he foresaw that they would become a thorn in his master Bowser's side. He didn't count on the Yoshis' interference, though...
- Touhou Project has vague psychic powers on some of its characters, but the Komeji sisters have the most obvious:
- Satori Komeji, being a... well, satori, a mind-reading species of youkai, has the power to read people's hearts and minds with her third eye. Satori uses her powers for copying superpowers from other people, making her a functional Call Back Mirror Boss. Her powers, combined with her species' compulsion to say people's thoughts out loud, has made her one of the most disliked beings amongst humans and youkai alike, which in turn eventually lead her to exile herself to the Underground where she lives with her animal pets; the only beings that appreciate her being able to understand them.
- Koishi Komeji gave herself a Poke in the Third Eye, which cut her off from reading the conscious mind, but gave her the ability to manipulate the subconscious of others. She uses this to turn herself functionally invisible by scrambling people's ability to recognize what they see when they see her (making them think It's Probably Nothing). Closing her third eye also gave her an unsettling side effect: she became an Empty Shell, never actually thinking or feeling at all and only performing actions subconsciously. She now wanders all over Gensokyo in a sort of daze, going wherever her subconscious wills her and sometimes becoming some lone child's (not so) Imaginary Friend.
- The heroine, Reimu Hakurei has a vague power of "intuition" that allows her to somehow just make lucky guesses at the plots and powers of the various youkai she goes out exterminating. This is generally explained as part of the package of Hard Work Hardly Works she gets for just being born a Hakurei.
- A key gameplay element of the third season of Sam & Max: Freelance Police. Max gains a small slew Psychic powers after coming into contact with Psychically imbued Toys from the Devil's Toybox. The true source of this power is the deadly tumor that he contracts, but he uses the toys as a Focus. These powers also tax his system with repeated (ab)use.
Sam: Are these powers dangerous for Max at all?
Dr. Momma Bosco: Well... probably not. If he's careful and uses them responsibly.
Sam: And what if it's Max?
Dr. Momma Bosco: Then he'll overwork his brain so much that it catches fire and explodes.
Max: Oh I have got to see that!
- The Psion class in Twilight Heroes fights with the power of their minds.
- "Psycho" is one of the five types of powers in Phantom Dust, and contains abilities like levitation, teleportation, and telekinesis.
- Otherspace features over seventy psionic powers, including telepathy, telekinesis, biokinesis, pre- and postcognition, ESP, and teleportation.
- Advent Rising, oh so much. The humans here are the psionic race, and as such are worshiped as gods by some of the alien races. By the end of the game, it is easy to see why: the protagonist, Gideon Wyeth, gets augmented strength and speed, healing factor, telekinesis, force fields, electromagnetic bolts (and tied to that devastating energy explosions), ice bolts, gravity control (and through it time control and what is essentially a teleport), and, oh yeah, that nifty ability to create microscopic black holes which you use against the epilogue boss.
- Aztec Wars: The Chinese "Yoga" unit apparently attacks enemies with magical lightning generated with their psychic powers. It's also possible to build a "yoga tower", a defense turret which blasts all enemies nearby with the same kind of lightning.
- Psychic Force, as you might expect from the name, uses this as the explanation of the Elemental Powers of the cast.
- Julia, one of the androids in the Visual Novel Bionic Heart, has the power of precognition and has a vision of the Big Bad creating a dystopian future. She's The Dragon to him up until this point.
- Galerians and its sequel Ash features lots and lots of these, including the player character.
- This is the primary arsenal of the Espers from WildStar. Psychic blades? Telekinetically launching psyblades? Delusions for your enemies and inspiring visions for your allies? Yes, please.
- The title character in the Cate West games receives impressions from certain objects and photographs.
- While you can't create a psychic character in any of the D&D games that aren't based on the Dark Sun setting, several creatures with psychic ability appear in some of the games, such as mind flayers in Baldur's Gate 2 and the Neverwinter Nights games, and the intellect devourer, also in the latter game.
- Joe Dever's Lone Wolf, being an adaptation of the gamebooks listed above, feature the same tropes.
- The Half-Life series has the Advisors, which appear to be the leaders of the trans-universal Combine empire. To make up for their physical weakness (as they're basically giant limbless grubs) they've developed tremendous psychic power, which they use to both direct Combine forces and protect themselves. They get around normally through levitation. An injured Advisor is shown to effortlessly immobilize multiple adult humans by crushing them against walls, crumple a metal barrel like a tin can, and completely shred the roof of the barn it was housed in to form a whirling shield of debris.
Visual Novels
- Virtue's Last Reward and Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors have bizarre psychic powers. From the first game, Akane can see into different futures (although she can't choose which one will happen, leading to her trying to set up the best future manually), and can connect to them to help her in the past. From the second game, Sigma and Phi can swap their consciousness with future or alternate reality versions of themselves, although this ability takes time to be mastered. Each ability, and the use of it, forms the purpose of each game's respective Nonary Game.
Web Comics
- Gunnerkrigg Court: Zimmy and Gamma communicate with each other telepathically. Anja Donlan has subtle clairvoyance or precognition (or both). The protagonist has powers too. Some characters got sort of "ether sight", mostly evident when someone see the protagonist's wound caused by a ghost.Zimmy thought such things are her hallucinations.
- Faith Abbot is Magick Chicks very own Jean "Grey" and, fittingly, she's introduced as the most powerful esper in Artemis Academy's history. Among her many abilities, she's shown she can sense and read auras
, commuicate telepathically
, move people and objects with her mind
, and project her consciousness outside her body.
But since her powers are still developing, she hasn't learned how to read minds... yet.
And that's only scratching the surface, as it's been said that no one knows just how many powers she posseses!
- Zap! is about a renegade psychic with amnesia.
- The Cyantian Chronicles contains a psychic race known as Siracs that can teleport, walk through dreams, read at least surface thoughts, walk through walls, and at least one was shown controlling other people.
- Dominic Deegan: The eponymous character and other powerful seers not only possess the ability to scry into the past, present, and future, but also have the ability to enter the mindscapes of others. One of the many issues that Fan Haters have with Dominic is his willingness to Mind Rape his enemies and treat his Second Sight as an Omniscient Morality License. Perhaps this is proof that using powers centered around peering into peoples' innermost thoughts and history requires, or leads to, a very gray morality.
- The Order of the Stick has shown us a Goblin Psionicist mind reading O-Chul. More extensively, Laurin is an adventuring psychic in the same party of Tarquin.
- Grace in El Goonish Shive is telekinetic, presumably because of her Alien Heritage. It only really shows up when she's seriously pissed.
- Karcharoth and Hati of Cry Havoc have a power known as psyching which seems to combine versions of telekinesis with electrokinesis and pyrokinesis. These powers are very limited, allowing one to only lift a few pounds at short range, but they are used creatively to great effect on the battlefield (taking out entire squads by setting off the bullets in a soldiers magazines that are still in his vest)
- Servants of the Imperium: One of the main characters, Lyle, is an Imperial Psyker with the powers of Electrokinesis, Illusion and PSIONIC BLAST!
- Jade Harley of Homestuck has precognitive dreams, although this is a borderline case, since this ability comes from watching the clouds on Skaia, which anyone can do, so the only special thing about it is that she's awake before the game starts.
- Some of the trolls have psychic powers of some sort. Aradia can hear the voices of the dead and summon ghosts, and after dying gains telekinesis, Tavros can commune with animals, Sollux has powerful telekinetic abilities and Eye Beams in certain unfortunate instances, as well as limited precognition (mostly of doom), which gets referred to as "vision twofold" due to having regular eyesight as well, Kanaya, like Jade, can view the clouds for pseudo-prescience, and Vriska can Mind Control people and used to have "vision eightfold" which seemed to involve X-Ray Vision. It's also been stated that the "lower" castes of Trolls happen to be more susceptible to psychic disturbances as well.
- Among the Beforus Trolls, Aranea is an empath while Kurloz has Mind Control. Mituna used to be a powerful psychic, too, before losing his abilities in some sort of accident prior to their introduction.
- The people with supernatural powers in Shadownova are described as Espers. While this implies psychic powers, only a few of them really fit the description of a psychic.
- Memoria These powers, they're known as psi.
- Brian in Think Before You Think can read minds.
- In Impure Blood, Dara can concentrate and get clairvoyance.
- The eponymous gang in FreakAngels are all psychic, with each having a different specialty but all being capable of basic telepathy with each other. It's later revealed that they can all teleport if they get an "upgrade", which involves dying.
- Last Res0rt has the thought-reading Jigsaw Forte. Qin Xu's Save Scumming power probably counts too.
- The spacefaring civilization in Among The Chosen treats psychic abilities as if they were just another field of science.
- Joseph & Yusra: The protagonists in the title have Psychic Link, Mind over Matter, Barrier Warrior, Super Toughness, and even got Healing Factor by Power of Love.
- Also, there are three more psychickers, Mary(weaker power than others), Yusuf, and Yael.
- In Marooned you get them if chosen by a Mindstone. In case of such event, seek mentorship of an experienced Hearing One.
- The Distillum get clairvoyance, Psychometry, may get precognition (but this is a bad, bad idea) and a little telepathy (so far, with each other).
- A result of some of Orville von Schtein's experiments in String Theory.
- In Rusty and Co., Zar the Psion in his cameo manifests leviatation, telepathy, and clairvoyance.
Web Original
- Heartwarming Orphan Shandala of Broken Saints has abilities of the empathic variety, which are later revealed to have been genetically engineered into her by her biological father, so that she may better serve the Evil Plan.
- There are too many people with Psychic Powers in the Global Guardians PBEM Universe to mention. Oracle and Delphi are mother-and-daughter telepaths who may well be the most powerful psychics on Earth. However, in an interesting subversion, not only are Psychic Powers the rarest of all super powers (only 10% of all superhumans have them), most psychics in the Global Guardians Universe are driven insane by their own powers. Because of this, most mentalists in the setting are villains.
- The Salvation War: demons and angels are able to use a form of telepathy based on quantum entanglement. Humans actually learn how to use it against them.
- Played for Laughs in the ShinyObjects video appropriately titled "Psychic Powers".
- In Dead West, almost all aristocrats have these in several flavors, and if they speak about it, they almost exclusively use Latin terms. Note that these are not referring to the abilities, but for the users themselves.
- Confessor is for someone with Mind Reading.
- Medice for those who are gifted with Healing Hands and Healing Factor (always together).
- Vindex and Propugnator seems to be for the wielder of two different abilities, although they mean mostly the same (protector). Both are for some kind of barrier.
- Actually, they seem to mean respectively the users of psychic shield and armor. One refers to an ability to stop any kind of offense (even gunfire, and can be extended for others nearby), the other is good for lessen the power of the attacks which reach the user.
- Postcognition or Psychometry users are called Exquisitor.
- A[[Mind over Matter Telekinesis-gifted}} aristocrat is a Levator, even when lifting objects and not themselves.
- Dominator for those who are giving power-filled orders.
- Incenditor is for who are Playing with Fire.
- Speculator seems to be reserved for the ones who are able to perform some kind of "scanning", to determine other aristocrats' abilities.
- Arcanus are those who can hide abilities from others.
- Tortor is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. But they don't have to use anything but their brain.
- Susurrator for Telepathy users.
- Excubitor for the ones with sharpened senses. Note that there seems to be some kind of Spider-Sense for supernatural threats (at one point every single aristocrat in Cedric's army at once), but it is most likely innate and never called this.
- Ariolus seems to be for Clairvoyance. Interestingly, they use French for this particular ability, several times.
- Mechanicus is another Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Aura is some kind of projection of an Aristocrat's personality. Most of the time, it is "Sharp", sending a message that the projector is very, very dangerous (and at least one of his powers is very useful for hurting people). Another common aura is "Soft", it is more calming and inspire happiness (common for Medices and Ariolus). The third is "Devil's Veil", and pojects innocence and inspires Big Brother Instinct in the onlookers. What is peculiar that is doesn't seems to respond to the user's main abilities. von Ransow, an aristocrat with only Soft abilities has this, and Niall's abilities are mostly good for killing everything.
- At the Superhero School Whateley Academy there are so many teenagers with psychic abilities of one kind or another that there is a Psychic Arts Department full of teachers who also have psychic abilities. In addition to every case mentioned above, there are also Package Deal Psychics who have multiple powers (which typically can only be used one at a time): most have ESP, Psionics, and some form of PK ability. Some can even use the PDP talent to simulate the Superman bit (the Flying Brick), levitating themselves for flight, using the PK to give themselves a super-strong field about their body, yada yada yada. Living near the academy is a sweet little old lady... who may be the most powerful precog on the planet.
- Precognition is noted as one of the most hazardous powers, ever. Most active precogs are functionally insane, and Mrs. Potter is unique because she can actually handle all the information she's getting. When an incredibly dangerous power mimic copied Mrs. Potter's ability, he was mentally paralyzed for long enough to be thrown into prison.
- "Legion of Nothing" has three generations of psychic heroes (Mindstryke, the Mentalist and the Mystic) who have the full range of Telekinetic, Telepathic, Empathic, Mind Control and Scrying abilities. Some others like Portal, Julie from Justice Fist, Justice Fiend and Psy-Kick have more limited powers.
- The Pintsized Powerhouse Mary Smith of "Super Powereds" possesses powerful telekinesis and telepathic ability, but had Power Incontinence issues prior to the start of the story. By the start of the story it's likely that she's now one of the most powerful telekinetics and telepaths in the world. It's been noted that in their world true psychics are limited in numbers, even less who can do anything with their abilities, and are superheroes.
- Many of the villains - and some of the allies - in Sapphire are Psychics, and demonstrate all manner of powers. Even ninjas are Psychics, in a sense. Alec makes the connection that "ninjutsu is probably some variation on the whole psychic philosophy".
- The aptly-named Psi-Experiments from Darwin's Soldiers are capable of using a multitude of psionic powers.
- The Academy of Superheroes Universe has many psychics. Telepaths in particular are regulated and trained by a government agency called MetaPsych. Telekinetics, precogs and the rest abound.
- Jonas from The Platoon Of Power Squadron has quite a handful. Some of the stuff we've seen so far: Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinesis, (including control over things on a molecular level) Biopsychokinesis (ranging from stuff like curing Donald's asthma to shutting off people's brains (and turning them back on)), Pyrokinesis, uh... sobering people up (while being drunk himself, might we add), and probably lots more. Getting control over his powers can be really difficult at times, and he's been known to accidentally use his powers in his sleep.
- In Worm, this is the Thinker classification, whose powers are mind-related. However, the various -kinesis powers belong to the Blaster class, the ranged attackers.
- In the Chakona Space universe nearly all Chakats are Empaths, while Skunktaurs are divided into three "houses" with different powers; telepathy, telekinesis or astral projection (very rarely accompanied by teleportation). The two species can interbreed, which sometimes results in Chakats with Skunktaur powers.
Western Animation
- Combustion Man seems to have a unique case of Psychic Powers in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Unlike other firebenders, he doesn't produce actual flames from his limbs or mouth, but rather creates what seems to be a focused beam of intense heat coming from his forehead, that causes everything in its path to be incinerated in a massive explosion. The fact that he doesn't speak at all, has a bald head, and an eye-shaped tattoo on his forehead enforces the image of a pyrokineticist. His only weakness are blows to the head which makes it hard for him to focus his heat beam which ultimately kills him.
- The Power of Heart on Captain Planet is a kind of empathy, natch.
- In Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers, Niko has inborn Psychic Powers which are amplified by her Series 5 implant.
- The five heroines in W.I.T.C.H., in addition to their Elemental Powers, have psychic abilities, most of them gained in the early part of season two. Will has technopathy, Irma has suggestion/persuasion, Taranee has telepathy, Cornelia has telekinesis, and Hay Lin has limited precognition via her dreams.
- Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles took the movie's wimpy Psychic Powers and turned them Up to Eleven.
- As mentioned in the page quote, Mentok, The Mind Taker from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. He possesses every type of psychic power there is, but always refers to it as "mind taking". He gets a rival in the form of Shado, The Brain Thief, who also refers to his powers strictly as "brain thieving".
- The original comics Brother Blood was a cult-leading sorcerer, but the one from the Teen Titans animated series has inborn psychic powers instead. He most notably uses this for mind control, but also has telekinesis, the ability to fire energy blasts, and can enhance his own strength enough to go toe-to-toe with Cyborg. And Raven has a considerable chunk of the list of psychic powers. She just rarely uses them.
- An episode of The Fairly OddParents involved Timmy wishing he could read minds, which leads to trouble when his Evil Teacher finds out. In the Superhero Episode where Timmy wishes the world was a comic book, AJ becomes a parody of Professor X.
- An episode of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron has The Ditz Sheen develop vast Psychic Powers and declare A God Am I when Jimmy boosts his brain to cheat on a test which is par for the course for Jimmy's experiments.
- Shirley from Tiny Toon Adventures has a variety of psychic powers, including fulgurkinesis, Aura Vision, and telepathy.
- In My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, all unicorns have telekinesis, and Twilight Sparkle has some limited telepathic abilities such as altering the minds of Parasprites to not eat food and forcing her good memories onto her friends. She also demonstrated limited pyrokinetic powers on occasion and also has the ability to teleport.
- Pinkie Pie, an earth pony, has Pinkie Sense, which is effectively a form of precognition by reading various twitches and aches along her body.
- Discussed in Equestria Games; Spike thinks he can set fires with these when the torch is seemingly lit on its own, until Twilight sets him straight.
- Of course, usually all those abilities (particularly those of unicorns) are simply considered straight-up "magic" in the first place, and it's not clear that the ponies even have a separate concept of "psychic" powers. (This hasn't kept some crossover fanfics with science fiction settings from using this explanation.)
- In the the oldschool My Little Pony TV series, some of the unicorns (like Ribbons, Galaxy and Buttons) had telekinesis and teleportation, with Galaxy also being The Empath. (The others had Elemental Powers instead)
- The Batman Beyond episode "Mind Games" had the Brain Trust, a secret society of psychics that uses a fake school-for-the-gifted to recruit suitably talented children.
- Willie Watt from "Golem" and "Revenant" exhibited a variety of psychic abilities.
- Dawn from Total Drama Revenge of the Island is best known for her Aura Vision, but she has several other psychic powers as well. She has hit or miss divination powers, correctly (if vaguely) predicting Dakota's downfall but explicitly failing to predict the chaos in the finale duel. Teleportation is strongly implied, and the first episode subtly suggests that she enough levitation ability to cross rough terrain easily if not especially quickly.
The Psychic Powers trope as used in popular culture. Telepathy, clairvoyance, pyrokinesis the powers are supernatural, but the names are scientific,
Psychic Children - TV Tropes
The Psychic Children trope as used in popular culture. Similar to Child Mage, where children are often adept in magic, kids often have telepathy,
Psychic Powers - All The Tropes Wiki - Wikia
Many of the Wild Cards characters have Psychic Powers-- in fact the case has been grabbing the Phony Psychic trope with both TV series and role
Psychic Powers TV Tropes - Movieon movies
Psychic Powers TV Tropes. The Psychic Powers trope as used in popular culture. Telepathy, clairvoyance, pyrokinesis the powers are supernatural, but the names are
Psychic Link - TV Tropes
The Psychic Link trope as used in popular culture. A Psychic Power that establishes a connection between minds. The effects on the linked individuals may
Psychic Powers | The Eldraeverse
Psychic Powers: Of course, there is absolutely no such thing as psychic powers. Dont exist. No place in a rationally organized universe, like any relatively firm-to
"Proof Psychic Powers Made Easy" » Proof | BECKYHOLMAN.INFO
Psychic Powers TV Tropes. The Psychic Powers trope as used in popular culture. Telepathy, clairvoyance, pyrokinesis the powers are supernatural,
Author Psychic Powers Made Easy - beckyholman.info
Psychic Powers TV Tropes. The Psychic Powers trope as used in popular culture. Telepathy, clairvoyance, pyrokinesis the powers are supernatural,
Disability Superpower - All The Tropes Wiki - Wikia
girl that displays a grab-bag of psychic powers and technology world to the Disability Superpower point Tropes. Index. Disability Superpower. Power.
Amplifier Artifact - TV Tropes
The Amplifier Artifact trope as used in popular culture. What's crystalline, covered in ancient glowing runes, looks great when set in a necklace or staff,