Dowsing for Divinity
What Does An Inclusive Coven Look Like?Inclusive Wicca is about being inclusive towards everyone, regardless of sexuality, ethnicity, disability, or other differences. It is not a new or separate tradition; it is a tendency within existing Wiccan traditions.
Voodoo Universe
Another Supreme Leader Of Voodoo Elected: Joseph Fritzner ComasSimilar to many things in Haitian Voodoo, or Vodou, the path to find a Supreme Leader, or Ati, has not been simple. Newly elected Comas is 61 years old and has over 30 years in the Voodoo religion. At his ceremony in February he said " The spirits have chosen me, I obeyed."
Through the Grapevine
Self Love and PolyamoryMy path to being polyamorous started before I knew it had. If I am honest with myself and all of my past relationships and lovers, polyamory is something I always needed yet never... [Read More]
Raise the Horns
Coven ChallengesA Witchcraft coven is by its very nature exclusionary. Thats not to say covens necessarily discriminate, but a good coven doesnt simply let everyone in who is interested... [Read More]
Beyond the Charge and Rede. Paganism today is constantly evolving and growing. Wicca has evolved into myriad strains, and the broader Pagan movement has built upon
Quaker Pagan Reflections - Facebook
Quaker Pagan Reflections is the online Paganism: Beliefs, Rituals, History, and Facts | Patheos. Paganism: Beliefs, Rituals, History, and Facts | Patheos
Patheos Pagan -
Patheos Pagan. 25,786 likes · 1,470 talking about this. Committed to diverse views & promoting understanding between Pagan religions
Paganism Holidays | Calendar Template 2016
Paganism: beliefs, rituals, history, facts | patheos, Beyond the charge and rede. paganism today is constantly evolving and growing. wicca has evolved into myriad
Pagan Origins, Pagan History, Pagan Beliefs - Patheos
Paganism represents a wide variety of traditions that emphasize reverence for nature and a revival of ancient polytheistic and animistic religious practices.
world's beliefs. Patheos is the website of choice for the millions of people looking for credible and balanced information about religion. Patheos Patheos Pagan
BBC - Religion: Paganism
including origins and history, rituals, Pagan beliefs; History. Britain's spiritual history; Merlin (from BBC Radio 4) Witchcraft trials (from BBC
Modern Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modern Paganism, also known as Contemporary Paganism and Neopaganism, is a group of new religious movements influenced by or claiming to be derived from the various
Earth Centered Spirituality on Pinterest | Pagan, Wiccan ...
Explore First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego's board "Earth Centered Spirituality" on Patheos Pagan: hosting the Paganism: Beliefs, Rituals
samhain on Pinterest | Samhain Ritual, Samhain Recipes and ... Samhain Sleep Protection Pouches Paganism: Beliefs, Rituals, History, and Facts | Patheos. Save. Like. Learn more at